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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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On 12/22/2015 at 3:43 AM, jadecloud said:




@lenet The part of the dinner table convo pertaining to the gif is above it. The part where TS agreed with MH and later all were surprised by MH's offer of VP post to HK came later. I thought TS was squirmish and HK rolled her eyes because TS had not kept his part of the 'negotiation', to keep their(HK and TS) agreement in confidence. Because JR also knew about HK's intention to snatch JE's VP position from him, and relegate JE back to the research lab. No?

Anyway, I thought KHJ did a fab job in that scene. :) 

@jadecloud , your're right. I see where I was mixed up there, didn't pay too much attention coz was going to look more carefully when translating but you were a step ahead of me so I have actually skipped a second look there:). Upon reviewed, I saw HK rolling her eyes side ways and that is a response to JR so it is like you said she is surprised that the secret between her and MTS is out.  As for MTS's reply and squirmishness, I think apart from not keeping it secret, he had to renegade on his agreement with her after JE spoke and threatened him at end of ep31.  The last when MTS and HK met, it was agreed he will incriminate JE with embezzlement.  But JE later came with vital evidence that can fell MTS so he had to change plan.  That's why the underlying current between the two.  MTS later explained to HK about JE's frightening threat and character change.  That's how I read the events.

And SH is now joining force with JR and SR is recalling HK's scorn again.  I think SH may call her up again and she likely will go for broke since they are all thinking HK is serious about BS.

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EP32 (48.00 -  64.00) SPOILER


YK: (recall GS) Brother is not the one who has taken it.  The culprit is another person DKYK shi. 

YK:  You want me to believe that? Take me for an idiot?  If it’s not MTS, who else could it be in this house who could  have uncovered the secret code and steal that  away?  Should have given to Seok to keep it.  When he asked to keep it should have let him keep it.

WJ:  Mummy, granny asked you to eat.

YK:  Mummy is not eating, WJ ah, I’m not hungry.

WJ:  Why? You didn’t eat earlier on too!  Granny,  huff…. Huff….., she’s very worried.

YK:  Granny did that?

WJ:  She was at the front door pacing back and forth, keep on huffing…. like this.

YK:  Then why didn’t she say so?

WJ:  Say what?

YK:  Mother

WJ:  Hmm??

YK:  Mother is Hong Gil Dong

WJ:  Hmm??

YK:  Can’t address father as father, can’t address mother as mother, that’s Hong Gil DONG!! Poop, Dog’s Poop! Constipation! The constipation that’s blocked to death, that’s how Mother is now!

WJ:  Mummy you want to poop? Then you should go quickly so that you can then eat.

YK:  Can’t help it now WJ, we have to make a police report.  Tell the police uncle to arrest the thief who stole mummy’s things.

WJ:  Police uncle?  Arrest?  You can’t, you can’t, mummy.

YK:  This child? What happened?  What is it?  You know something right?  You knew the thief who stole mummy’s things right?  Who is it?  Who is that bad thief?

WJ:  Aunty.  That pretty aunty who looks like mummy.

YK:  God! That bad…!  She…! How could she…?? How could she do this to me?

GN:  It’s over 9 pm and you still don’t eat.  WJ ah, go call Prof to come over.  Prof still has not eaten because of his seminar.  Have dinner first and then go with me for a walk? I have something to say.

YK:  I speak first.  Let me say what I want to say first, ajumoni.

GN:  Ohh..!  Alright.  Say it with ease, speak first.

YK:   It’s jumoni’s daughter who stole it.  That great daughter of ajumoni opened up my luggage, opened it stealthily and stole away my things.

GN:  What?

YK:  You’ve brought up your daughter to be a highly educated thief, ajumoni!  The stuff your daughter stole is the stuff that was exchanged with WJ’s father’s life. To cover up what she do, to cover up her crime!  How could she do this to me?  And she says she is sister, how can she do this to me? What kind of sister is that?  What kind of sister can that be?

GN:  Whatt…..

YK:  I’m going to report ajumon’s daughter to the police now.

GN:  Yk ah! YK ah! You can’t.  It’s sister, your real sister. Let’s listen to what your sister have to say first.  Why your sister does that. Understand the reason first.  After that,  after that then….. YK ah,  please… mom beg you like this, mom plead with you. YK ah!

YK:  Mother!  Now then you’re mother.   When I’m about to call the police then only you’re mother.  What mother?  You’re not mother.  Your’re sister’s mother, not my mother! That you’re mother, that you’re my mother, please do not say so carelessly, ajumoni!

GS:  Can’t WJ shi  see that I am waiting? The person is right in front of your eyes and you are going to continue to ignore? You really are going to be like this?  How can you let one be so anxious?  My heart is burning and you still  keep your mouth shut so tightly?  What is it actually?  Please speak up WJ shi. Should have dinner at 7 pm.  It is already 9.27 and we’ve yet to eat.  If you’re not talking, let’s go out to eat, hurry.

WJ:  Police uncle will arrest aunty.

GS:  What?  Why would police uncle arrest aunty?

WJ:  mummy said she wants to report to the police about the stolen things.

GS:  What?

HK call GS on the phone.

GS: yes

HK: How are you.  I’m DHK, you know right?

GS:  Yes

HK: Can take some time out for me?  I’m now at the nearby café.

HK:  From whom did you hear that I took it away?

GS:  I thought my brother took it.  I heard it when I went to get it.

HK:  YK knew too?

GS:  Yes

HK:  You’re different from your brother.

GS:  You’re different from your sister too.

HK:  What is your relationship with my sister?  If because of my sister you went to look for  your brother …….

GS:  Doctor and protector of patient.  Other than this, no other relationship. I can look for my brother and what did my brother do, what you did with my brother, is none of my concern.  As long as I can continue to safely treat my patient will do. 

HK:  Is this illness difficult to treat in Korea? 

GS:  That’s why I am here in Korea. 

HK:  Which hospital do you come from? American hospital.

GS:  From John Hopkins chronic illness centre.  L A research Gaucher Disease and XXX illness research centre.

HK:  I want to send WJ and YK there.  Can you help me?

GS:  What?

HK:  It does not matter how much money is needed.  Rather than inadequate Korea, treatment under your research centre with its clinical system would be the best for WJ and YK.  The place you’ve been, only write a letter and it should be able to move along right?  What is it?

GS:  Nothing. If DGYK agrees, we’ll write the mail then. Discuss with your sister first.

HK:  That’s right

GS:  Why did you steal it?  For whom did you steal it?  For yourself or for your sister?

HK: Doesn’t matter for whom.  Holding it is dangerous.  Removing it is the right thing.

GS:  Why should DHK shi be the one to decide?

HK:  Because I’m the older sister.

GS:  Aren’t you the sister who endangered  your sister in the beginning?

HK:  At that time I didn’t know it’s my sister.  Now I know, I must  protect her.

GS:  With my brother……..  Never mind.  If you’re done, I’ll leave first.

ES Killer:  Hello, who is it?

JE:  ES’s father.

ESK: Haven’t seen you for a long time.  Met you at Seoul prison then.  It’s been 5 years since we met.

JE:  You’re out of jail.

ESK:  Yes, I’m out.  But how did you know my number?  Did the prison side told you?

JE:  Meet me

ESK: Why? Why should I meet ES’s father?  I’ve already atone for my sins.  The one who lives as though nothing has happened after committing a crime is not me but your wife.

JE: This words means you have seen my wife?  Answer me.

ESK:  Yes I’ve seen her.  Your wife couldn’t recognise me.

E:  Let’ meet then we talk.  Where are you?  Let’s meet immediately.

ESK:  Don’t worry.  I’m not a murderer.  I do not want to kill your wife.  I want to live, I’m doing this because I want to start my new life.  So don’t call me again.

JE:  Hello!  Hello!

The number you called is not available.

Shin IL Sang is out of jail.  Be careful.

MTS: What?  Pudoxin legal charges?  The plaintiff is dead, what there to press charges?

Sec:   It seems Moon Tae Joon’s mother is pressing charges again.  This time round have to give the court a defense reply document.

MTS:  They should know better!  Let the legal department get ready.

Sec:  Yes

MTS:  Where is it?  That feckless law firm.

Sec:  Heard  that it’s the same batch, Baek Seok law firm.

MTS:  Where?  Baek Seok?  Baek Seok.  This time the case hand over to Lawyer Do.  Right, Let’s see how DHK deal with it.

Sec:  What?

HWL:  Why look for Shin ll Sang’s family?

JE:   Investigate and see first.

HW:  S after investigation what do you want to do?  How are you?  I am the victim’s father, to say so?

MTS:  Pudoxin casere has re-started again.

JE:  What?

MTS:  The legal representative is Baek Seok lawyer.  Don’t you find it strange?  Regardless, this charge should be directing at b-i-l.  Baek Seok must really dislike you.  Otherwise why would he waste time to press charges against something that has no chance of winning?  Even the victim is no longer alive.  Bring along the widow for what?  It’s impossible!  It’s not for justice,  I feel it should be a charge that was pressed due to hate.  The case this time, I intend to hand it over to Laywer Do.  What do you think?  Should be interesting.

JE:  HW ah,  both of them are dating. Yet they want to press for the Pudoxin case,  Lawyer Baek Seok.  How is it possible?

HW:  That’s right.  Where are you going?  Hey! CJE jerk!


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@yunra89......  thank's for sharing that video......seem that KHJ is teasing JJH....it so funny that JJH is the one who feel blushed:lol:

@lenet.... thank's once again ....it good that YK say what doesn't GN cannot say .TO be a daughter only when she go against her sister.:angry:

Still waiting for the english sub . to be release..why it took them so long.....

again for the cancellation of ep. on sunday..if they keep cancelling like this ...Don't you think guy that the  drama will cut short?:confused:


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Just one ep this weekend???  :tears:...i'm busy till sunday and i was hoping at least then to watch in peace...don't like it..don't like it one bit

Was prepared for everything coming here but not this...now i'm devastated :tears:...it's cruel..just like subing at viki ;)

Wonder which scene is first...JE smirk or their walk...doesn't matter...no doubt both will be great :wub:

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4 minutes ago, trust71 said:

@yunra89......  thank's for sharing that video......seem that KHJ is teasing JJH....it so funny that JJH is the one who feel blushed:lol:

@lenet.... thank's once again ....it good that YK say what doesn't GN cannot say .TO be a daughter only when she go against her sister.:angry:

Still waiting for the english sub . to be release..why it took them so long.....

again for the cancellation of ep. on sunday..if they keep cancelling like this ...Don't you think guy that the  drama will cut short?:confused:


You now i adore this drama...but they may cut a few eps as i'm concerned...just want it to stay this good till the very end

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7 hours ago, iamtaken said:

Let's all write to SBS and ask them to show 2 episodes on Saturday. If we flood the website with requests, they may listen? or will they? @lenet, @jadecloud thank you for pointing out the hilarity in my trying out my rudimentary Korean to translate. Thank you for your clarifications. I tried to translate the SBS page into English so I could figure out how to complain but there does not seem to be a contact us button. Has anyone ever left a message on the SBS website?

@iamtaken Hmm...nah...not pointing out any hilarity. Jinja-yo! Just clarifying so we all won't get confused. TBH, I was initially. And didn't think much of it cos I'd thought the next ep will give us the answer to what 'dobian' is. Then @lenet jotted my 'brain cell' kkk and I had another look...then the conclusion in line with @lenet. Keep on chingu/chingudeul. This is the only way we can all learn :P 



About complaints...

From the recent cancellations over baseball, I read over at SBS and kmedia that the backlash was bad. Can you imagine over 5-figure, high side, of knetz have lashed out at SBS on kmedia and on SBS website? Also, when IHAL/KHJ/JJH were not on the end of year awards listing, same backlash, and surprise surprise, broadcaster changed it's 'policies' re ratings(low and not within certain range) and broadcast status (IHAL is still on air vs already completed broadcast) and viola, IHAL gets included, and both KHJ and JJH were nominated! As a IHAL-KHJ-JJH-supporter, I am happy and thankful for the knetz intervention! Not sure of the 'power' behind international viewers, but, no harm trying :P

IHAL may not have the traditional ratings to back it up, but non-traditional(PC,tablet,mobile,etc) and word of mouth are creating a buzz like never? not often done, before. That's why writer Bae was interviewed about it (and I've translated the article few pages back) and asked about this phenomenon that was created. IHAL FIGHTING!



2015 SBS Awards Festival website is at:


2015 SBS Drama Awards (note its gold color logo gXo3FUM.jpg ) website, which is within the main Festival website, is at:


2015 SBS Drama Awards Nomination listing (full list in spoilers), which IHAL and JJH's other TV Movie 'Snow Lotus' made the cut: 


For IHAL info, go to http://asianwiki.com/I_Have_a_Lover


For SL info, go to http://asianwiki.com/Snow_Lotus




SBS' viewers forum where viewers can leave comments(in hangul, but I guess no harm commenting in english, but I haven't tried before) is at:


You can see some knetz has started complaining about the upcoming cancellation...GOOD!

Netizen Popularity Award...vote at:


Just click on the blue wordings below the photos, which means 'click to vote'


For Best Couple... vote at:


Just click on the blue wordings below the photos, which means 'click to vote'


NB: To comment on SBS website and to vote, you need to register for an SBS account. It's Free but tedious. I'll try to figure it out again(done that long ago) if LOVERS are interested to vote or comment.

3 hours ago, Kehinde said:

Well...at least we were notified 5 days before the planned air date instead of 5 mins this time (Just trying to be optimistic :sweatingbullets:)

@Kehinde Hehe...that's the spirit;) I like optimism :P but... aish, can't help lamenting that it's also just when I'm having a long christmas break too :tears:

@yunra89 Those BTS on the kissing scene in JE's office...slayers! I'm speechless:blush: Thanks chingu. 

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13 minutes ago, zagigirl said:

Just one ep this weekend???  :tears:...i'm busy till sunday and i was hoping at least then to watch in peace...don't like it..don't like it one bit

Was prepared for everything coming here but not this...now i'm devastated :tears:...it's cruel..just like subing at viki ;)

Wonder which scene is first...JE smirk or their walk...doesn't matter...no doubt both will be great :wub:

I think the walk comes first. I think JE bumping into HK at that beautiful! trees-lined walkway just confirmed his suspicion that HK has been 'pretending'. Hence, later at HK's new officetel, JE will say what he will say "I'm exhausted...." and begin his 'pretense' of not loving, not caring, not keeping his promise... ;)

I can't help but think 'like father like son'. Really! MH and his sudden change in offering HK the VP position was also made after his 'bluff' of abandoning HK.  So now, it's JE's turn to 'bluff'... can't imagine to what extent JE will 'bluff'. I hope not to the extent of 'pretending to be pushed by dementia-onslaught SH into marriage with SR'. 

Can't wait! (but only one ep? :tears::tears::tears::tears:)

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11 hours ago, lclarakl said:

One last thought, before I move on. I also don't like how HK is using BS. When she told JE about BS and how much he loves her, proposing to her 1000th times, that was such a betrayal. She doesn't care how he feels.  BS, because of the writer, is allowing himself to be used this was too. Any other man would have told HK to kiss his Richard Simmons and moved on.  The writer is not depicting real or true love. She's depicting romantic fantasy love. Nor is she depicting a remorse JE. She is showing a sad JE, jealous JE.

I think I will have to give this drama a break for now. I think I'll join the rank of others in S Korea that are tuning out of this drama for now. The writer built this drama to a climax and it just plateaued into a bunch of craziness, that have me waiting for the appearance of Peter Pan and Tinker Bell.


BS agreed to be used and tells everyone about his 999 proposal.    I think she did it, one to push JE away and  second to keep BS in check.  Though BS agreed he has to have a reality check

What does JE have to do to be remorseful?  

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2 minutes ago, jadecloud said:

I think the walk comes first. I think JE bumping into HK at that beautiful! trees-lined walkway just confirmed his suspicion that HK has been 'pretending'. Hence, later at HK's new officetel, JE will say what he will say "I'm exhausted...." and begin his 'pretense' of not loving, not caring, not keeping his promise... ;)

I can't help but think 'like father like son'. Really! MH and his sudden change in offering HK the VP position was also made after his 'bluff' of abandoning HK.  So now, it's JE's turn to 'bluff'... can't imagine to what extent JE will 'bluff'. I hope not to the extent of 'pretending to be pushed by dementia-onslaught SH into marriage with SR'. 

Can't wait! (but only one ep? :tears::tears::tears::tears:)

Don't know if he'll be able to pretend much...you see that he's impulsive and always honest with his feelings...that's why i like him :)...yeah its selfish but i like it more then lies

SR and marriage? Hope not...only by force maybe...but really hope not...i think writer passed that chance...marriage of JE and SR just as she passed in last eps for HK to go to BS...

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17 hours ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

:w00t:badly hurt and unconscious or semi coma..HK will nurse him 24/7 and in his state he hears her calling "yeobo..I love you" :w00t:

@jadecloud@lenet .. Why do you think that BS filed a lawsuit against pudoxin and BS & HG dating gave a hint to JE that HG is pretending? Does not make sense to me. Also, I think SR role will be important in the future such as the writer has to make her sick and become a witness for pudoxin and help BS to win the case and defeat HG on purpose in the court if HG is in charge for pudoxin side effects to win for CNP.  

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This highlighted part was so hilarious. I love it! Good job chingu @lenet Thanks :P 

Ep 32 - Woo Joo and mom Yong Ki - Hong Gil DONG! LOL moment :grin:

I wanna pinch WJ's cheeks...hehe

Animated Photo

CR: SBS (convo part in gif is listed below)

5 hours ago, lenet said:



WJ:  Mummy, granny asked you to eat.

YK:  Mummy is not eating, WJ ah, I’m not hungry.

WJ:  Why? You didn’t eat earlier on too!  Granny,  huff…. Huff….., she’s very worried.

YK:  Granny did that?

WJ:  She was at the front door pacing back and forth, keep on huffing…. like this.

YK:  Then why didn’t she say so?

WJ:  Say what?

YK:  Mother

WJ:  Hmm??

YK:  Mother is Hong Gil Dong

WJ:  Hmm??

YK:  Can’t address father as father, can’t address mother as mother, that’s Hong Gil DONG!! Poop, Dog’s Poop! Constipation! The constipation that’s blocked to death, that’s how Mother is now!

WJ:  Mummy you want to poop? Then you should go quickly so that you can then eat.


CR: translation by @lenet

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2 hours ago, koreanczazzy said:

@jadecloud@lenet .. Why do you think that BS filed a lawsuit against pudoxin and BS & HG dating gave a hint to JE that HG is pretending? Does not make sense to me. Also, I think SR role will be important in the future such as the writer has to make her sick and become a witness for pudoxin and help BS to win the case and defeat HG on purpose in the court if HG is in charge for pudoxin side effects to win for CNP.  


@koreanczazzy Hmm...  I think you're referring to the almost ending scene in ep 32...

Animated Photo

IMO... Looks like 'conflict of interest'(and more?) is giving Jin Eon a lightbulb moment in realizing HK and BS are not really dating, and HK is not really on a revenge streak.

I think (and I could be wrong) ...HK is VP of CNP and naturally will be defendant lawyer for Pudoxin's lawsuit. BS being the plaintiff's lawyer, will be at odds with HK being the defendant's lawyer. There is definite 'conflict of interest' - both professionally and personally. Moreover, JE saw HK crying in his study while looking at his camera's content of herself/her past, and in upcoming ep 33's preview, where JE bumped into HK at the beautiful trees-lined walkway where they went while in love, and where she told JE 'never to get exhausted again. And no matter what happens, never to give up on her'... all these signs added together will make JE realize there's more behind HK's 'revenge' and 'hating him' facade. And so, JE will 'play along' and start his own masquerade.

Just like MH had 'pushed' HK away in order to reel her in, now JE will do likewise. JE 'will push' HK away, will prob even get SR in the loop, like HK got BS in the loop... and we shall see what will happen....exciting for sure!

About SR, yes, I agree she will be a 'prop' for either JE or BS, or perhaps both. SR will probably be showing signs of 'harmful effects' after the upcoming body checkup. I don't think writernim will make SR die though. Prob 'weak-boned' or 'infertile'.

That brings me to HK and her headache just before she went up to JE's home study, I hope it's just headache and nothing more. Also, if HK is VP of CNP, and its defendant lawyer for Pudoxin, how could she 'collude' behind-the-scene with BS, the opposing lawyer? That calls for a suspension or termination of both their law licenses. No? 

Ahhh...just only Wed? 

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2 hours ago, jadecloud said:


@iamtaken Hmm...nah...not pointing out any hilarity. Jinja-yo! Just clarifying so we all won't get confused. TBH, I was initially. And didn't think much of it cos I'd thought the next ep will give us the answer to what 'dobian' is. Then @lenet jotted my 'brain cell' kkk and I had another look...then the conclusion in line with @lenet. Keep on chingu/chingudeul. This is the only way we can all learn :P 

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About complaints...

From the recent cancellations over baseball, I read over at SBS and kmedia that the backlash was bad. Can you imagine over 5-figure, high side, of knetz have lashed out at SBS on kmedia and on SBS website? Also, when IHAL/KHJ/JJH were not on the end of year awards listing, same backlash, and surprise surprise, broadcaster changed it's 'policies' re ratings(low and not within certain range) and broadcast status (IHAL is still on air vs already completed broadcast) and viola, IHAL gets included, and both KHJ and JJH were nominated! As a IHAL-KHJ-JJH-supporter, I am happy and thankful for the knetz intervention! Not sure of the 'power' behind international viewers, but, no harm trying :P

IHAL may not have the traditional ratings to back it up, but non-traditional(PC,tablet,mobile,etc) and word of mouth are creating a buzz like never? not often done, before. That's why writer Bae was interviewed about it (and I've translated the article few pages back) and asked about this phenomenon that was created. IHAL FIGHTING!



TBH, I did chuckled but then I am easily tickled:D.   I couldn't stop chortling even an hour after I have read @chubbychub1966 's jjjjiffsxt (jajiangmyeon), it was so hilarious to me and @DelroyB 's candidness and no holds bar- comments always leaves me chorting and  sniggering too.  I made many guffaws as well but it's all good fun :D Don't need to be so serious about myself or on this forum at all:)

And please all, don't need to thank me for the translation.  I do what I can now but when work committment comes along, won't be able to do as much. 

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1 hour ago, kikotaichou said:

Why aren't Kim Hyun Joo or Ji Jin Hee here?


Ohhhh NOOOOOO :angry: It's SOOOOOO DISAPPOINTING! Is soompi an idol worshipping site? forum? Who made the nomination listing? Why is there only one element of IHAL in the list? Some other elements I've seen in the running, aren't even close to the goodness of IHAL and team IHAL! Why is there ...No IHAL the drama! No JJH! No Best Couple for HK and JE, when they are SOOO GOOD! No LGH? :expressionless:

I'm so disappointed I'm in two minds over checking out of soompi right now. FOR GOOD! Geez:confounded::angry::frown:

MEKc5ub.gif SOOMPI! This is not right! Very disappointed in your nomination, to say the least! MEKc5ub.gif

NB: @soomp 

To all LOVERS and IHAL supporters/posters/lurkers/etc, I suggest you guys drop soompi a note or drop a 'My Status' note on the disappointment felt. I just did... :tears:


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3 hours ago, koreanczazzy said:

@jadecloud@lenet .. Why do you think that BS filed a lawsuit against pudoxin and BS & HG dating gave a hint to JE that HG is pretending? Does not make sense to me. Also, I think SR role will be important in the future such as the writer has to make her sick and become a witness for pudoxin and help BS to win the case and defeat HG on purpose in the court if HG is in charge for pudoxin side effects to win for CNP.  

I can only think of this reason and that is if Pudoxin case is ever brought up, HK will be the first person to be implicated.  And not only simply that, it may land her in jail.  So JE put 2 and 2 together.  How can BS presses for a case that could have such awful repercussions on his lover if they were truly dating?

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16 hours ago, lenet said:

I can only think of this reason and that is if Pudoxin case is ever brought up, HK will be the first person to be implicated.  And not only simply that, it may land her in jail.  So JE put 2 and 2 together.  How can BS presses for a case that could have such awful repercussions on his lover if they were truly dating?

i agree w/ your reasoning.

that's  why! JE fully understood DHK  in and outside...He can even read DHK mind ..HE can also finish DHK sentence.

BS for DHK is just a friend that she can confide on...

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