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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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The Scene where seoli pour a bucket of water w/ garbage on it.

i want to emphasize their dialogue;SEOLI SAY;let's go to the very end; to the edge of the cliff; 

HK response;I'm already standing at the edge of the cliff, that's right, I would rather go ahead and push me, so i can't go further,so i won't go further to end it here.

Exactly;this is what KANG SEOLI do before to HK;SHE PUSH HK to do alot of things that even hk cannot comprehend.The worst is she almost end her life.

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I am wondering, now that JE  found out the urna was empty, he doesn't conclude that YK2 is HG, does he?  Because he hasn't known the fact that HG has a twin sister.  He may still think she is the real YK, but HG might be still alive somewhere?  He thinks she is MIA (missing in action)?  

Even if he doesn't immediately conclude that  YK2 is HK, he knew the twins were together on the day of accident and because he didn't see any remains in the urna, at least now he has hope that HK might still be alive and so will continue investigating for the where about of her.

With further investigation, even without seeing YK, JE might come to the conclusion that YK2  is indeed HK and just a case of misidentification that caused HK to be labelled as YK2 since he knows that YK2 has no recollection of her past.

Some forum members say that BS is still in shock but he intends to keep what he knows a secret, BS is probably one of those people that they think if they ignore a problem, it will eventually go away,  if he has YK2 best interest at heart, even if he doesn't tell YK2 what he knows and doesn't want to tell JE because he in his delusion mind, JE is snatching away his "lover", he should have told HK mother to make YK2 who doesn't have memories to have her own biological family and stop the poor woman from grieving for someone that is still alive , he even spoke to her a few days before so has her contact details. 

I almost threw up when YK and BS we discussing and YK asked BS if he was married and since he wasn't married, does he have someone in mind who he wants to marry and he told her that he wants to marry the wife of another man, YK tells he that is just wrong but if only YK knows a quarter of what we the viewers know(this creep made a doll out of a human in your image and even knowing that this person is not you(YK) still doesn't want to let go of HK), she probably will swear at BS in Chinese language as she did to the doctor. 

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Guest my2centsworth

I am wondering, now that JE  found out the urna was empty, he doesn't conclude that YK2 is HG, does he?  Because he hasn't known the fact that HG has a twin sister.  He may still think she is the real YK, but HG might be still alive somewhere?  He thinks she is MIA (missing in action)?  

Even if he doesn't immediately conclude that  YK2 is HK, he knew the twins were together on the day of accident and because he didn't see any remains in the urna, at least now he has hope that HK might still be alive and so will continue investigating for the where about of her.

With further investigation, even without seeing YK, JE might come to the conclusion that YK2  is indeed HK and just a case of misidentification that caused HK to be labelled as YK2 since he knows that YK2 has no recollection of her past.

Some forum members say that BS is still in shock but he intends to keep what he knows a secret, BS is probably one of those people that they think if they ignore a problem, it will eventually go away,  if he has YK2 best interest at heart, even if he doesn't tell YK2 what he knows and doesn't want to tell JE because he in his delusion mind, JE is snatching away his "lover", he should have told HK mother to make YK2 who doesn't have memories to have her own biological family and stop the poor woman from grieving for someone that is still alive , he even spoke to her a few days before so has her contact details. 

I almost threw up when YK and BS we discussing and YK asked BS if he was married and since he wasn't married, does he have someone in mind who he wants to marry and he told her that he wants to marry the wife of another man, YK tells he that is just wrong but if only YK knows a quarter of what we the viewers know(this creep made a doll out of a human in your image and even knowing that this person is not you(YK) still doesn't want to let go of HK), she probably will swear at BS in Chinese language as she did to the doctor. 

I truly believe that BS will do the right thing. SR may be his sister, but BS is not made from the same cloth. He knows HK/YK2 real feelings towards JE and he knows that HK/YK2 is also hurting because she can't let BS into her heart. As far as the real YK and BS.....only time will tell if the two of them will be together, but BS has to resolve is feelings for HK/YK2.

Knowing BS and SR are not blood related, isn't is the same for the children in the family? All are adopted except BS? Right? Then why is SR the only one that doesn't have the same last name? SR is a Kang and BS and the kids are all Baeks. If incorrect, someone let me know.

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 Let me ask you what you guys think about Hyun Woo ---up to this point in the drama.

DISCLAIMER:---- This man gets on my last nerve!  Then makes it scream out in pain!

IMO he is the most useless character in the "inner circle" of family/friends.  OK....Say he's smart enough to hold a research Position at the School, and  later in CNP Corp. ?

Way worse than BS at picking up clues or seeing the "big picture".  Outside the lab, he hasn't a clue to what's really taking place---not even if you shove it in his face!  So he's JE's "best buddy".  How the heck did that happen?  What does he bring to their relationship?  Not much that I can see!  He moves with the winds of rumor and public opinion.  He's not offered a single bit of helpful advice to JE yet.  Just a teeny, wus-like whimper about how JE should be careful about his reputation, BEFORE SR went after JE and snagged him!

What do you think a real friend might have done so far?  What would you have said to JE  or done for him, as his best friend?

Can you tell I don't like him, so far?       :angry:        Show me where I'm wrong.


actually @mdj101 ~ am not sure HW can do much as a friend; had a friend in uni who was seeing this weirdo. we found their relationship strange and he hated us. we later found out that the reason he hated us was because she used us two girls as a reason to go and see her other male friends that he disapproved of. so she was supposedly hanging out with us and he resented us for using her time while we were sad that she never had the time to hang out with us. what was worse when we realized what was going on, we were forced to lie for her when he called up to ask where she was. how absurd was that right? told her that it didn't look good but she didn't listen to us. finally, before I left uni, told her that it looked emotionally abusive and she defended the relationship. so just left it to her and she didn't keep in touch. heard through another friend that she broke up with him months later...

anyway my point is as a friend, you can only gently tell if you still want to keep the friendship. if you push a too strong opinion, the relationship will fracture/break and both will keep a distance. there is no other way since ultimately, it is your friend's life and they may think of it as interfering... you can only tell but it is up to them to listen or not.

in the same way, HW could only disapprove and shake his head. he didn't blindly cheer their relationship just because JE is a friend. and he did voice his disapproval and being uncomfortable.  but beyond a certain point, he chose to not overstep his boundaries. also the writer has given much very limited screen time and not developed his character as much. so we don't know much about him other than that he is close to JE, brings out the humorous cheeky side to JE, is closer to JE than SR ever was and recognized HK when he saw her. (before he was told that it was YK2)

Edited by Lmangla
because my brain short circuits for grammar!
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Whattt??? 100000% don't understand the situation why a man who has been divorced for 4 years from his wife, still addresses his ex-wife as my wife? I read some of us discussed about whether the divorce paper was filed or not. They showed JE-HK divorce court ... means they filed their divorce. Since I've never been gone through divorce (and help me God I won't :vicx:), I don't know if there is another step to make a divorce final other than receiving final divorce paper from the court. But anyway it was clearly stated by JE's mother in the episode when JE came back from US that JE and HK were legally divorced. It's part of the deal for him to go to US to study and come back to work for his father's company. So they are not husband and wife anymore. So what the h*ck with "my wife" or "she is someone's wife" thing?

Another thing, I don't know ... something is amiss here. We have medical field people, researchers, lawyers, and pharmaceutical company as characters and setting in this drama. And the time setting is current year. But to prove the HK/YK2 identity, amazingly none of them even care to pursue a DNA test or go check the tooth/medical record. :huh:  It's HK's record that has been erased, but not YK. Since they assumed YK2 as YK, they can ID whether YK2 is really YK from YK's medical record. Especially YK was pregnant when she disappeared, she did regular maternity check up. I'm tired to see they are playing guessing game all of the time, and it starts to look st*pid. If this was a historical drama that happened on early 1900, I'd let them playing guessing game and Sherlock Holmes. But c'mon, people! The setting is 2015!

Edited by evea
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AS LONG AS OUR HEART BEAT....our pain,our happiness , heart will REACT.

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Guest my2centsworth

 Let me ask you what you guys think about Hyun Woo ---up to this point in the drama.

DISCLAIMER:---- This man gets on my last nerve!  Then makes it scream out in pain!

IMO he is the most useless character in the "inner circle" of family/friends.  OK....Say he's smart enough to hold a research Position at the School, and  later in CNP Corp. ?

Way worse than BS at picking up clues or seeing the "big picture".  Outside the lab, he hasn't a clue to what's really taking place---not even if you shove it in his face!  So he's JE's "best buddy".  How the heck did that happen?  What does he bring to their relationship?  Not much that I can see!  He moves with the winds of rumor and public opinion.  He's not offered a single bit of helpful advice to JE yet.  Just a teeny, wus-like whimper about how JE should be careful about his reputation, BEFORE SR went after JE and snagged him!

What do you think a real friend might have done so far?  What would you have said to JE  or done for him, as his best friend?

Can you tell I don't like him, so far?       :angry:        Show me where I'm wrong.


actually @mdj101 ~ am not sure HW can do much as a friend; had a friend in uni who was seeing this weirdo. we found their relationship strange and he hated us. we later found out that the reason he hated us was because she used us two girls as a reason to go and see her other male friends that he disapproved of. so she was supposedly hanging out with us and he resented us for using her time while we were sad that she never had the time to hang out with us. what was worse when we realized what was going on, we were forced to lie for her when he called up to ask where she was. how absurd was that right? told her that it didn't look good but she didn't listen to us. finally, before I left uni, told her that it looked emotionally abusive and she defended the relationship. so just left it to her and she didn't keep in touch. heard through another friend that she broke up with him months later...

anyway my point is as a friend, you can only gently tell if you still want to keep the friendship. if you push a too strong opinion, the relationship will fracture/break and both will keep a distance. there is no other way since ultimately, it is your friend's life and they may think of it as interfering... you can only tell but it is up to them to listen or not.

in the same way, HW could only disapprove and shake his head. he didn't blindly cheer their relationship just because JE is a friend. and he did voice his disapproval and being uncomfortable.  but beyond a certain point, he chose to not overstep his boundaries. also the writer has given much very limited screen time and not developed his character as much. so we don't know much about him other than that he is close to JE, brings out the humorous cheeky side to JE, is closer to JE than SR ever was and recognized HK when he saw her. (before he was told that it was YK2)

I like Hyun Woo. He shows up when JE needs. He does a lot of the legwork for JE. He truthful with JE. He's funny and in his own way he kinda cute. A drama is like your favorite recipe. You need all the right ingredients for it to have the right flavor and presentation. Hyun Woo is one of those ingredients.

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I am getting equally irritated too. JE is a researcher. He was firm YK2 is HK then. So many instances being together he cld have had some samples and tested for her DNA.

Now he realises aft 4yrs he was not able to let go of HK. WHAT? Knowing YK2 been wth SR for 4yrs, just butting in trying to reclaim his "WIFE"?

And his exMIL. Stupid lady. JE asked direct about twins yet trying to hide? And revealing to BS?

And BS keeping YK2 a secret from his mum? Not logic. How can one hide a 'dead' alive daughter from a grieving mother? And even to YK2/HK and YK he kept silent about them being twins?

All psycho cases.. 

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I am getting equally irritated too. JE is a researcher. He was firm YK2 is HK then. So many instances being together he cld have had some samples and tested for her DNA.

Now he realises aft 4yrs he was not able to let go of HK. WHAT? Knowing YK2 been wth SR for 4yrs, just butting in trying to reclaim his "WIFE"?

And his exMIL. Stupid lady. JE asked direct about twins yet trying to hide? And revealing to BS?

And BS keeping YK2 a secret from his mum? Not logic. How can one hide a 'dead' alive daughter from a grieving mother? And even to YK2/HK and YK he kept silent about them being twins?

All psycho cases.. 


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Some very random thoughts:

1)     How common is it to take your ex-wife's urn out of the columbarium?Just curious!  Do you take them out for special occasions only?  Sign out a visitor slip?  But more seriously, I wonder if JE intends to replace the urn --- setting a trap for TS to fall into?

2)      Noticed the twins each have a talent for using very colorful, explicit profanities.   Hae Gang seems more talented & has the more colorful list of curses, IMO --- once she has too much to drink!  And JW isn't the least bit surprised or shocked!  Another little similarity to his ex-wife.

3)      Wonder how SR tricked Dokgo Yong Gi into telling her who she really was?

4)       Did Baek father back out of kicking HK/YK2 out?  SR wasn't able to get over on him ?

5)     Wonder if SR will pick up the phone when JE calls the real YK1?  


OK.....Enough for today.  This last episode was so over- stimulating  that I took a break. tried to find the accident site via Korea Expressway Corp. info.  Searched for dams around Incheon Airport.  Then gave up --- only temporarily!  I've found places this way before --- just stumble onto stuff while looking around!

Good Night, All.    ^_^

Edited by mdj101
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Thats why BS is really in shock...he realized he's in love with HK...did you noticed how he looked at YK?...as he wondered hows possible i did think i'm in love with YK ...:(

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3)      Wonder how SR tricked Dokgo Yong Gi into telling her who she really was?


Well..it is a bit funny...YK did run 4 years ago from murderers...and i know she's back for her girl sake now...but shouldn't she be more quite and less noticable???

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@zagigirl:---- You made a good point there!  And he must be thinking the same thing when HK/YK2 sang that silly song, reminding him how "we won the prize" back in school.

:huh:  He is befuddled, for sure.  "What have I done?" ---- Didn't he really think something like that? .... according to the English subs I remember.   Good catch!

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And my opinion on SR.

Knowing well JE's father n aunty r not favouring her. Plus JE keeping away from her. How can a single unmarried girl roam freely in their house and in JE's bedroom!!

Even after JE announced openly for all to witness he had no intention of getting married to SR.. that he is still in love with his 'dead' wife/exwife.

Very daring indeed even family meeting JE left yet now discussing on Registering their marriage? Can they register without the consent/knowledge of 'potential' groom? Are they going to fake his signature and stamp?

.....I noticed in YongPal, marriage formalities wr filed by YP without the 'bride' being present? 


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And my opinion on SR.

Knowing well JE's father n aunty r not favouring her. Plus JE keeping away from her. How can a single unmarried girl roam freely in their house and in JE's bedroom!!

Even after JE announced openly for all to witness he had no intention of getting married to SR.. that he is still in love with his 'dead' wife/exwife.

Very daring indeed even family meeting JE left yet now discussing on Registering their marriage? Can they register without the consent/knowledge of 'potential' groom? Are they going to fake his signature and stamp?

.....I noticed in YongPal, marriage formalities wr filed by YP without the 'bride' being present? 


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Guest my2centsworth

Some very random thoughts:

1)     How common is it to take your ex-wife's urn out of the columbarium?Just curious!  Do you take them out for special occasions only?  Sign out a visitor slip?  But more seriously, I wonder if JE intends to replace the urn --- setting a trap for TS to fall into?

2)      Noticed the twins each have a talent for using very colorful, explicit profanities.   Hae Gang seems more talented & has the more colorful list of curses, IMO --- once she has too much to drink!  And JW isn't the least bit surprised or shocked!  Another little similarity to his ex-wife.

3)      Wonder how SR tricked Dokgo Yong Gi into telling her who she really was?

4)       Did Baek father back out of kicking HK/YK2 out?  SR wasn't able to get over on him ?

5)     Wonder if SR will pick up the phone when JE calls the real YK1?  


OK.....Enough for today.  This last episode was so over- stimulating  that I took a break. tried to find the accident site via Korea Expressway Corp. info.  Searched for dams around Incheon Airport.  Then gave up --- only temporarily!  I've found places this way before --- just stumble onto stuff while looking around!

Good Night, All.    ^_^

I like your random thoughts.....

1) JE was following his gut plus the conversation he overheard between SR and his brother-in-law.

2) I have always heard that twins have a special connection and/or similar traits.

3) I wondering that too and what evil deed is she planning.

4) I think he wants to see his son happy more that having SR back. After all he turned his back on her when he found out about her affair with JE, plus the deal of having her leave home when she reached the age of 20. Never have understood that.  

5) Nothing surprises me when it comes to SR. She is more that capable of doing the worst of the worst, even helping the Brother-in-law with his dirty deeds.

Curious about your search for the Korea Expressway. Is there some sort of tale about a stretch of road where people have claimed to see ghosts along the roadside? When BS was driving before he found HK/YK2 there were ghosts appearing. One even looked to be in a Joseon era costume. Growing up I use to hear all types of ghost stories. One of those was a girl that looks for a ride to her senior prom. She was supposed to have gotten hit by a car while walking along the roadside in her prom dress. There are actual accounts of people who have seen her. So I was just wondering is there could something similar in Korea.  I love a good ghost story....lol

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Guest my2centsworth


The Scene where seoli pour a bucket of water w/ garbage on it.

i want to emphasize their dialogue;SEOLI SAY;let's go to the very end; to the edge of the cliff; 

HK response;I'm already standing at the edge of the cliff, that's right, I would rather go ahead and push me, so i can't go further,so i won't go further to end it here.

Exactly;this is what KANG SEOLI do before to HK;SHE PUSH HK to do alot of things that even hk cannot comprehend.The worst is she almost end her life.

Speaking of SR pouring the water on HK/YK2.......did I miss something? What happened to the fact that SR went into HK/YK2's room and tore it to shreds and no one said or did anything. At least SR's dad should have said something. Then you see HK/YK2 in clean, dry clothes.....did SR miss those clothes in the laundry room?  LOL...guess it's one of those necessary scenes to keep our comments coming....as if we really needed it. LOL  I really wanted to see SR get scolded....LOL

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