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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Preview...SR is with YK and her girl...she knows......vay be...what a torture it will be to wait a week to continue...

Great...great ep again :)

@zagigirl, are you by chance from Turkey? :)

Guess 'vay be' signature says it all :)

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Wow This Drama Is Getting To good Evil BIL got To Get Rid Of HK SR Don't Have No Other Choice But To Team Up With Evil BIL To Try And Secure Her A Marriage I Wouldn't Be Surprised If She Try And Make Herself President

i agree w/ you; for her to try herself to be the president of the company;I WANT TO SEE HER REACTION; IF SHE FIND OUT THAT; THE HALF OF THE COMPANY BELONG TO THE TWIN!

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Still waiting to watch episode 20, but I have some thoughts and questions about 19. What is the deal with JE father? He went and told YG mom the he found her and she is doing OK, but yet still he is plotting with the SIL.Why does he look down on JE so much. Was it just me or did no one expect JE to grieve for HK.

Does SR have s mental illness? Because girlfriend is just hearing what she wants to hear. The man flat out told you in front of witnesses that it was just not going to happen for y'all and you still want to register a marriage. She as got to be f'ed in the head. 

Reading some of the comments on Viki had me shaking my head. Yes JE is a massive douchebag, but a douchebag that loved his wife. They grew apart but did not fall out of love. Some folks were saying he had no right to grieve, which to me is crap. They were married and had a child together. Of course he would ignore HK/YG2 as he believes that is former wife is deceased and he was put all his feelings on someone he believed was his wife. I did like that he sincerely apologized to her for his behavior.

Has forBS, I understand that you are hurt, but in some ways he should have known about her feelings, if after four years she still treated you like a friend and not a lover. Well those are my disjointed thoughts for noe

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Watching episode 20 conversation between BS and YK - Yes they were close in school and even dated, YK talked about the book he give her on their 100 day celebration.  Also, when they met in hospital she referred to them as each others first love.

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@andy78@zagigirl, @trust71,  @chubbychub1966,  (no worries about the photos. But if you need help with photos, please PM me)  @jadecloud,   @maplekist  Thank you for recapping

OMG...today's ep is awesome! Unbelievable at all! Not that it's implausible, just too much unfolding too fast. Gotta catch my breath! Still in a daze!

So agree with you :)...but that's why we love them right?

@jadecloud, @zagigirl, I just finished watching the subbed ep. and I had the same reaction. wow. This is sort of what I was hoping/expecting from this writer, and that is why I was so excited for this drama. Me too, I finished in a daze...


He won't...coz she is his wife...and his only truth is...he loves his wife...he still loves her...amen to love ;)

Don't mind me guys...i'm a romantic soul...still believe in true love only no matter how hurtfull might get

@zagigirl, I am right there with you on this one.  

But now JE knows that they lied to him. He heard SR and BIL talking about the lies. He will start to investigate in all earnest. He also still needs to find out about the twins.

When he visited HK's mom... I so much wanted him to mention YK2, and for her to remember she saw YK2 also. But I think neither of them want to cause more sadness for the other.

I also hope that when HK regains her memory she does not forget the last 4 years! I hope the writer does not do that to us.


@andy78, neither did I. She suffered so much - she needs to know that her other daughter is alive. I am still hoping that maybe BS is still under shock, and maybe he will re-think it.  I love that now he met YK1. Waiting for subs to watch next ep.

Now the drama starts to entangle but corners up JE once again unable him to see the truth. He truly believes HK's dead and starts mean towards YK2. I'm so sad for YK2 when she was crying painfully behind JE when he confessed his wrong and urged HK to call him "honey" in front of HK's mom's home. :( :(  :( 

I'm not that sorry...coz it was another one in a row of his proof how much he love HK don't you think?

I said i would go...why won't you let me guys ottokeeeeeeeeeeeee 

I think that JE's reactions is completely natural, and I would think it weird if he reacts in another way.

Right now, he is full of guilty and pain, not only because her assumed death, but because he is seeing hinself as a mosnter.

Furthermore, if we fallow JE"s heart path and the way JE's is looking back into his past, it becomes still more understandable:

1. He loves HE, but that love turns in hatred;

2. After rupture, his heart is in numbness state;

3. Back to Korea, he encouters that HK who shakes again his heart, and falls in love again (or wakes up his love);

4. The whole time that woman to him is HK: he sees HK in her, and projects all his love feelings and memories on her (I'm assuming here that he believes now she isn't HK);

5. That woman said she wasn't HK, said he was shaking her life, had begged to him to stay away; that woman "has" a man who many times said she is my wife. In this sense, he can be now be full of guilty towards YK2 and BS.

6. Making a confusion between HK and YK2 in this mourning moment can also arise a feeling in him that again he betrayed HK, who is dead, and who died because of him, because he is a monster in his own eyes.

So, I think completely understandable that he is ignoring YK2, or better saying avoinding her. The news of HK's death is too fresh to him to approach someone who likes exactly as the woman he loves and now is dead.

@ninaanin    Great insights. I totally agree with you.

@d0137   As I just finished watching the subbed ep. I have not liked BS lately, but I want to give BS the benefit of the doubt that he is still in shock. He only now found out that in fact the woman next to him is not YK but her twin (whom he did not know about). I want to give him time to collect his thoughts. Lets see what he does in the next episode...

You wrote: hopefully it will not come to being forced to marry SR..

I was shocked to hear SR and JE's mom plotting to have their marriage registered without a wedding and without JE's knowledge. SR - I would not put any bad deed past her, but JE's mom? Why is she doing such harm to her son :o. She knows he does not love SR and does not want to marry her. How can a mother do that to her son? Yes, @jadecloud, - I too, do not want to see JE marry SR. I don't think any of us do.!

Also: SR should be forbiden from coming to his parents place for once... SHAMELESS FACE TO THE END... i would not dare to go there but taken she dared to go to JE house when he was still not divorced she is capable or any shameless act that IDIOT!!!

Yep. Amen to that. Shameless and nasty at that. But unfortunately, but I don't think SR is an idiot. I think she knows how to manipulate things to her advantage.  What a pest she is.  cockroach killer pink mouse

@jadecloud, Thank you for conducting that fun pole!   And yes, you do rock!  YouRock.gif

@deandraluv  That scene, of JE in front of the old house, crying and asking for HK's forgiveness, and she was behind him, had me crying too. So sad.

@hnin wintnaing : I am sad because YK2 cried and felt the pain without realizing it she is HK. She cried without any memory of HK; she felt her heart pain without knowing there's her husband deeply mourning for her. Instead she saw JE in the eyes of YK2 but her heart couldn't pretend who she doesn't suppose to. 

Yes, and that is why I want her to remember everything when she regains her memory.

@chubbychub1966,   I too, am concerned about YK2 health. The doctor was quite alarmed when he checked her and rushed her to emergency


Today's episode is now 98% subbed. Smiley

I am going to watch and then continue to catch up on this wonderful thread.


‘애인있어요’이규한-지진희-김현주 / SBS ‘애인있어요’방송 화면 캡처


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Preview...SR is with YK and her girl...she knows......vay be...what a torture it will be to wait a week to continue...

Great...great ep again :)

@zagigirl, are you by chance from Turkey? :)

Guess 'vay be' signature says it all :)

It does :)

Its closest English equivalent would probably be "phew".

The phrase which is used to express surprise,  impatience, disgust, etc.:)

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Episode 20

JE gives SR her "walking paper" from their relationship

JE: Let us talk...no...let me say what I have to say...to have return from a long journey...after losing my wife...I have now come to an understanding what I really want...what is it that I will never able to relinquish (let go)...I had once wanted to "safeguard" you...also in that to safeguard myself...that I would have thought that if I let go of my wife...moreover that I had thought I could do so too....I had thought that without my wife....I will able to have a fresh start in my life...But then I...wish to remain steadfast at my wife side...remain steadfast at Hae Gang side...even consider...as it is now...that is the only form of method that I am left...I don't wish to relinquished her...there is no way that I will relinquished her...I am sorry....I am sorry...Kang Seol Ri

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Toward the end of EP 20 HW (JE friend) tells JE we must talk to HK/YK2 and ask her what happen, we must have her help to find out what happened to HK.

JE says no we can not if we do we must tell her about her past , HW agrees we can't do that.

I thought, yes, JE had same feelings that we can not tell HK/YK2 about her past.

This is the very decision that BS came to And has taken make major negative hits, questioning his character for.

Now we see both man associated with HK/YK2 having come to the same decision.  

Have just made an edit --- to add following to be make clear I am referring to BS decision not to tell HK/YK2 Back in episode 11 -- has nothing to do with knowledge BS now has about twins.

that is BS decision made in I think EP 11 and JE decision made in EP 20 are the same

Edited by Kfan7172
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Guest my2centsworth

HK and YK FIGHTING! Don't any one of you die! (though it seems YK may already be suffering from side-effects of Pudoxin or something else...)


Must have missed the part where YK took Pudoxin. Do you remember what esp? Need to go back and watch some back esps again.

As far as I remember, Yong-gi has never taken Pudoxin. 

That must be @jadecloud's assumption, which I made too...

That good to know. So we can hope that her illness is something temporary. Maybe brought on from the stress of being back in Korea. I really don't want to see YK with a serious illness.

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Guest my2centsworth

Here are my two pennies: I still have faith in BS to do what is right for HG.  He redeemed himself when he allowed YK2 to choose between JE and him.  That made me see him in a different light and his actions clearly contrasted between SR and him.  I believe he is a simple man like his Father.  So far his reactions to JE have been justifiable as he believes JE is a player and he is targeting YK2 only because she looks like his ex-wife.

I know I've been annoyed by BS's consistent marriage proposal but I do not believe BS deliberately hid YK's past from HG for his own selfish reasons.  He may think YK2/HG was all bloody because she tried to kill herself and her amnesia is a result of her not wanting to face the past.  I give him kudos for changing HG into YK2.  HG while she lived as YK2 was a happy and giving person. 

This drama is getting to be a tangled web.  Who knows what and who think they know the truth but are actually lies, who is lying about what they know and what they don’t know???  Hope this does not expose loopholes in the story line later on.  I sympathize with BS and his father.  Both are acting with good intentions towards YK2. 



I'll give you a whole nickel!   lol


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Guest my2centsworth

Viki subbers are doing an excellent job today :D

Three cheers for the subbers. I really want to thank you for all your hard work.

Trying to follow along with the story and whats happening without subs is like my own personal hell lol. But, I can't stop so I must like to torture myself lol. 

I've seen a lot of people complain and hate that its 50 episodes but, with this tangled story and so much to be discovered i'm thankful their moving along fast, we have had a revelation or new information and surprises in every episode. I've watched a lot of 50+ episode dramas and they always manage to disappoint me and drag and even leave some stuff unresolved. This drama is different, and really allows the characters to use their brains and think and not live a life of noble ignorance. 

Must thing about episode 20 is.. JE finally and officially dumping SR, making his feelings for his wife dead or alive known. And JE discovering the urn was empty.

Worst thing about episode 20 is BS I understand he is in shock but its unethical and very wrong of him not to reveal what he knows and is ultimately putting YK/HS in danger. 

Hopefully both episodes will be subbed by tomorrow!

What you wanna bet that SR pretends JE never told her that he wants to be by his wife's side.

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Toward the end of EP 20 HW (JE friend) tells JE we must talk to HK/YK2 and ask her what happen, we must have her help to find out what happened to HK.

JE says no we can not if we do we must tell her about her past , HW agrees we can't do that.

I thought, yes, JE had same feelings that we can not tell HK/YK2 about her past.

This is the very decision that BS came to And has taken make major negative hits, questioning his character for.

Now we see both man associated with HK/YK2 having come to the same decision.  

I think the only difference is that Baek-seok is aware of the existence of the twins and is now sure that Yong-gi2 is actually Hae-gang, while Jin-eon neither knows about the twins nor is he certain of Yong-gi2's true identity

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Guest my2centsworth

I see that BS has decided to keep it a secret that he knows that HK is alive and she and YK are different people plus them been twin. The lunatic still wants to hold onto HK despite knowing that she is not YK and what makes the matter worse now is that because he knows she is HK, he is now looking at HK with guilt and sadness which is making HK more uncomfortable as she is looking for ways to console and cheer BS up, BS was looking at her with so much sadness when she is not at fault, if he wants to be greedy instead of revealing the truth, then he should throws his conscience away and just enjoy been with HK.

Now that SR knows that YK is different person from HK in the preview after meeting YK, HK is in danger of getting hurt by SR plans as the lady is not taking no for an answer even as JE reminded her that he has no interest in pursuing a romantic relationship again with her in today's episode.


When BS and JE were sitting on the bench outside BS's office and heard JE tell him that he has to help HK/YK2. JE has put HK/YK2 in the care of BS. JE has let HK/YK2 go and that is what real love is all about. Letting that person go and be happy. When BS heard this , then heard HK/YK2 calling JE, I think BS realized that it was him (BS) that had to let HK/YK2 go and that was why he left. BS's heart is breaking but I think we will see him doing the right thing when it comes to HK/YK2.  

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Toward the end of EP 20 HW (JE friend) tells JE we must talk to HK/YK2 and ask her what happen, we must have her help to find out what happened to HK.

JE says no we can not if we do we must tell her about her past , HW agrees we can't do that.

I thought, yes, JE had same feelings that we can not tell HK/YK2 about her past.

This is the very decision that BS came to And has taken make major negative hits, questioning his character for.

Now we see both man associated with HK/YK2 having come to the same decision.  

I think the only difference is that Baek-seok is aware of the existence of the twins and is now sure that Yong-gi2 is actually Hae-gang, while Jin-eon neither knows about the twins nor is he certain of Yong-gi2's true identity

Plus, JE wants to help YK2 to regain her memory (at least it is what he said), while BS had shown no effort all this time to do so.  (i know it is to protect her and all, but her family has right to find her)

Edited by deandraluv
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Toward the end of EP 20 HW (JE friend) tells JE we must talk to HK/YK2 and ask her what happen, we must have her help to find out what happened to HK.

JE says no we can not if we do we must tell her about her past , HW agrees we can't do that.

I thought, yes, JE had same feelings that we can not tell HK/YK2 about her past.

This is the very decision that BS came to And has taken make major negative hits, questioning his character for.

Now we see both man associated with HK/YK2 having come to the same decision.  

I think the only difference is that Baek-seok is aware of the existence of the twins and is now sure that Yong-gi2 is actually Hae-gang, while Jin-eon neither knows about the twins nor is he certain of Yong-gi2's true identity

Plus, JE wants to help YK2 to regain her memory (at least it is what he said), while BS had shown no effort all this time to do so.  (i know it is to protect her and all, but her family has right to find her)

I just made an edit to my posting to make clear I was referring to past episode I think EP11  decision BS made.  

That is BS decision in EP 11 and JE decision in EP 20 are the same

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@ayselluna Sorry I should have made posting clear -- I was referring to BS decision he made back in episode 11 I think -- not now based on his current knowledge.

@Kfan7172, personally, I didn't resent Baek-seok for making that decision back in episode 11.

If I were him, I would also keep silent until I found the whole truth, in order not to confuse Yong-gi2 more.

However what I disliked was the fact that he hadn't made any effort to resolve the doubts until his middle school teacher contacted him. 

As for now, I want to believe he is still in shock and hope that it doesn't take him long to reveal what he knows.

Edited by ayselluna
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Just watched Episode 20 with more than 95% subs  --- still a few details not done.  

Even better than I imagined with the scanty amt of subs when I first viewed it.  How amazing is this Writer?  So happy I decided to watch this 50 episode drama   - Thank you, JJH, for being the magnet that pulled me into this story!

A few things that caught my attention on first viewing"

1)       So MH, JE's father, really did put Dokgo Yong Gi's pink wallet into the box of Hae Gang's belongings!  Just as someone here said!   Why ever did he do that, I wonder?

2)       WOW..... Seol Ri has a ready answer to cover any questions that pop up.  "Yes, I interviewed Seung Mi. To see if Yong Gi was suitable for my brother"   Much wiser JE asks, "What do you think of her?"  And SR launches a very believable argument that HK/YK@ is dangerous for "Oppa" and for you, "Sunbae".   Still with the "Sunbae!!!"

3)       Seol Ri is about to do the first good deed we have seen.:--Quietly taking JE's mother to hospital for to be examined and to get early treatment for Alzheimer's.  Even this is in her own best interest.  Mother is her only ally.

4)        Now both BS and JE know that HK/YK2 is in danger.  BS knows YK1 has already been chased by a person trying to kill her. Plus only he knows about the twins for certain.  BS has more definitive knowledge that there is a killer after the twins, while JE is still only working from a suspicion that an attempt may have been made on someone's life ---was it Yong Gi or Hae Gang ---since they were together that day!.

5)        JE still has no idea of the extent of Seol Ri's involvement in his divorce nor any idea of how deceitful a person she really is. Once she risked her life to save his, he believed she was a saint! And he felt forever in her debt, IMO.

Looking forward to all your impressions once we all have seen the 100% subbed version. My brain is dizzy trying to grasp the full implications of this episode.  Where will the Writer take us next week?   She has given us so darned much to think about between now and then!


Edited by mdj101
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