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Bae Yong Joon 배용준


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Guest liezle

A Must Read :)

You want to know how Yong Joon approached a fan to ask for an autograph inside a plane? You want to know how the fan reacted? Read below continuation of Satovic's wonderful experience when she happened to be on the same business class as Yong Joon was last year.

[Trans]Satovic meets BYJ Chapter Three

Japanese to English translation by flowerbossa

Chapter 3 Is it a Dream or Life and Death?

Maybe he’s just trying to be nice, I thought, but even when his meal was served, he held the translation in his left hand while holding a fork in the right, and kept on reading. It would be fine if it was because the story was too good to put down, but if he’s doing it out of obligation, it would mean that I had bothered him…. oh no, I should have given it to him after the meal….. many thoughts went through my mind, but he was turning the pages at a steady pace, and the meal seemed to have no effect on him. He just kept going. In the meantime, my tray was served too, but I was in no condition to digest anything, so I gave it up. As he was reading, once in a while he would talk to Sohn-san who was sitting next to him, but towards the end, he read it through without stopping. Just before he was finished, a Taiwanese reporter walked up to President Sohn and started talking with him, and waiting for Yong Joon to finish reading, he started to talk with him, too. So, when Yong Joon actually finished reading, he merely held the book over his head and signaled to me “I’ve finished ~!” and immediately turned to the reporter.

After awhile, I asked him,

“How did you like it?” and he answered, “Che missoyo” – it was enjoyable. Well, I guess that was a pretty stupid thing to ask. Here is the author herself asking for his comment, who would have the nerve to put it down? But I was still worried about the Korean fans’ opinion, so I asked him, “There may have been things in there that offended you – were you upset reading them?” Laughing, he said “Anieyo~” – no, I wasn’t. Here again, there’s no way he would say “yeah, I was furious” to my face, so it was actually no use asking. I really wanted to talk with him about so many things, but I knew I shouldn’t bother him, and to avoid saying anything more stupid, I said, “I will be praying for the success of your film”, and went back to my seat.

After that, he went back to the book he had brought with him, but soon later put the book down, and started to browse through the album of the exhibit and the translation of the suspense story I had given him. All the sudden, he made a gesture like “oh, I know what!” and taking my book “Yon-sama Gekijo (Theater)” out of the pocket in front of his seat, he said something to President Sohn in an amused way, and slowly stood up. He seemed so lively then, like a junior high school student who just came up with a mischievous thought.

What was he doing? I had no idea as to what was going on then. As he stood up from his seat, I could see the muscle of his chest from the opening of his black shirt which was open widely, and a few necklaces swaying on that chest. Then, he went by Sohn-san, crossed the aisle, and …… what ? Is he really walking towards me????

My mind was blank for a second not comprehending what was happening, but soon, two things came to mind. (“If I sat here like this, is he planning to come to my seat? NO, I can’t let that happen! I wouldn’t be able to escape if such a thing happened!”) and the other idea was, (“I can’t let Yong Joon walk to me! I must go to him”).

BUT, BUT….. I can’t get up…..!!! But the two thoughts I had were both telling me to walk towards HIM, so I somehow stood up dizzily, and saw him trying to tell me something. I was in such a daze, that I really don’t remember much about him.

But the friend who was sitting in back of me called out to me saying, “Satovic-san! Autograph! Joon wants your autograph!”

what! What ! WHAAAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!

I literally lurched.

With my arms spread out wide, I jumped back about a meter and flattened myself against the wall of the cabin. You’re probably thinking, “oh come on, don’t try to be funny!” but I discovered that humans really DO act like that when they are put in a spot.

ME? Ah.. are you sure you want MY autograph? I think I was looking at him when I was asking this, but I don’ remember anything. What, what shall I do?

As I was stammering, ヽ('Д`;≡;'Д`)丿, I realized that I was holding the book and the marker in my hand, so he must have handed it to me. But I DON’T remember. I know…what do you MEAN you don’t remember Bae Yong Joon handing you something, right? But my soul had flown away from my body…….

By then, I realized that everyone in the business class area was looking at me. Because all I could do was stand there, a staff from BOF opened his table for me so I could sign the book. I remembered what my Indonesian friend Inekke had told me. how he had squatted down on the spot, and gave her his autograph…. And here I was squatting down myself, opening the book on the table before me. But then, I didn’t know what to write.

I really wanted to write in Hangul, Bae Yong Joon-ssi ege (translator: Youngsun, please help!) but of all times, I was getting the characters mixed up. The words of my Hangul teacher flashed in my mind – she had warned, “never put a dot on top of the “Joon” because that would make it “Yong Chun” which is most unfashionable…” The more I thought about it, the more confused I was – to dot, or not to dot? Oh, how should I know, I only had 5 lessons!

No, no, no…..I couldn’t do this in Hangul…. as I was panicking, I could sense the time going by.

I couldn’t waste Yong Joon’s time any longer! But since I have terrible handwriting, it never occurred to me to sign for him in Japanese.

When I later asked a person who witnessed this event, she told me that all during this time, Joon was squatting in front of me with his elbow on the table, and far from being irritated over the loss of time, he was enjoying himself like a mischievous boy smiling the whole time. BUT, I was beside myself, so I didn’t notice a thing.

I was just staring at the pink of the back cover of the book and the tip of the marker, panicking. I wish I had the nerve to turn to him naturally, and ask him “So, what would you like me to write?” with an elegant air!

I didn’t even know where he was. And he was in front of me the whole time…(T_T)

So, I finally gave up writing in Hangul, and started to write the horizontal line for “TO”, but, NO !!!!

NO, NO, NO!! I didn’t want to address him in a simple expression like “TO”! I wanted to tell him how much I cared about him, but how can I write it? I couldn’t come up with a good idea, and it felt like only time was drifting past me. It was probably only a second, but for it me, it seemed like forever.

Oh, I give up; “Dear” will have to do! But I’ve already written the horizontal line… so, I ended up reforming this horizontal line to write “Dear”. Out of desperation, I traced over the horizontal line and made it into a “D” and continued to write “Dear Mr. Bae Yong Joon Love forever satovic” in one breath. Oh, the “D” turned into an arrow like thing, and it was probably the most reckless autograph I ever wrote in my life. O~~~~~~H, how I had wanted to put my heart into it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! (tears)

Then it came to the point of writing the date, and after writing “2005. 8”, I couldn’t remember what date it was (I’m terrible with numbers to begin with). I thought it was the 21st, but I didn’t want to make a mistake, so I looked up from my book and looking around me, asked “21? 21? 21?” about 3 times. Everyone was laughing and would not tell me.

HEY GUYS!!!! Don’t stand around laughing, TELL MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

Just then, I came to a fuzzy realization for the first time, “oh, someone who seems like Yong Joon is sitting left of me”.

But I was too scared to look in that direction. At the same time, not any of the people around me like the BOF staff, and the faces of the people who were surrounding me like they were looking into what I was up to did not come into sight either. The only thing that I was able to see was Sohn-san’s face, which was right in front of me.

I was so confused that I thought the hand that held the marker was starting to shake.

I knew that if this continued any longer, I would have a heart attack. Right then, I felt something warm touch me twice.

“21, it must be 21.”

Because no one would answer me (maybe someone did, but I couldn’t hear a thing), I murmured this to myself, and finally wrote 21. At that moment, my “little alter ego satovic” said to me,

“Hey satovic! The warmth you felt on your back just now might be Joon’s hand, judging from the direction. May it was Joon who was patting you on your back”, he said.

Ohh, my god! After I wrote the date, I shut the book, and confirmed that true enough, it was Joon on my left side. Oh, this can’t be happening! Just at that moment, that Korean phrase popped out of my mouth. “Aigoo, ige kuminya senshinya?!” (help again Youngsun!) Seeing me drop to the floor, with my face turned up towards heaven, and hearing me say this as I banged my hands on the table, the audience who understood Korean burst into uproarious laughter, and those who didn’t laughed any way because they probably thought I was acting in a hilarious way. As I saw that Joon was laughing too, the whole thing was very “AIGOO!” but I was happy, and I was so overwhelmed that I cried again.

I was able to make Joon laugh! Oh, I was happy beyond words! When I stood up to hand him the book, I still couldn’t look in his direction.

But it bothered me that I had lost the cap to the marker, and I kept thinking things like I can’t lose Joon’s cap, I can’t… I guess that was a pretty trivial thing to be thinking about at a time like that ….

(to be continued)


You want reading the other parts prior to the above? Here are the links to them ~~

Satovic Meets BYJ Part 1 of Chapter 1

Supplement photos from happiebb

Satovic Meets BYJ Part 2 of Chapter 1

Satovic meets BYJ Chapter Two – Part 2

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Love that 2nd pic with the pinkie ring...thanks TY_KSW

Did YJ wear any ring in the recent pics to Japan

Hi Liezle..wanna watch Untold Scandal again

Hi frances ... when was it...he look a little chubby here... but handsome as always...was it from Jeju drama opening ceremony months before

pics from various sources 'googling'





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Guest baesama

Love that 2nd pic with the pinkie ring...thanks TY_KSW

Did YJ wear any ring in the recent pics to Japan

Hi Liezle..wanna watch Untold Scandal again

Hi frances ... when was it...he look a little chubby here... but handsome as always...was it from Jeju drama opening ceremony months before

pics from various sources 'googling'





I'm officially missing Yong Joon with short hair n fresh face. :blush:

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Guest liezle

A Must Read :D

[Trans]Satovic meets BYJ Chapter Four

Japanese to English translation by flowerbossa

Chapter 4 Miracles Do Happen!

After I handed the book to Yong Joon, everyone in the business class area applauded for us warmly. The passengers on the other side of the curtain must have wondered what was going on. This was inside a plane, you know….

Then, I was able to shake hands with him, and we both went back to our seats. His hands were warm, fleshy and very soft.

I could not feel blisters or anything like that from his training at all. If possible, I had hoped to see the difference between the rough and bruised right hand and the smooth left hand up close, but the thought did not brush my mind. When I sign things for people, I always write “Glory of the Lord” for people who are Christian, and since Joon is also Christian, I should have done so, but such thoughts were totally blown away.


But at the time, such things did not matter, I was just so overwhelmed that I pressed my face against the back of my seat and cried. Because I study Indian medicine called Ayurveda, I wore an Indian outfit with a bindi on my forehead for the hot weather in Taiwan, but when I finally looked up, the friend in back of me burst into laughter. Having pressed my face on the seat so hard from joy, the bindi that was supposed to be on my forehead had moved to my chin….

I think that for Joon, it was quite a normal thing to ask for someone’s autograph. In Masako Mukoyama ‘s book “The Smiling Prince” (translator’s note: Ms. Mukoyama is a Bae family who happens to be a writer, and also happens to be satovic’s friend!), she wrote that when she presented her book to him, Yong Joon asked her to sign it and they ended up exchanging autographs. So, it could be that he was not particularly impressed with “Yon-sama Gekijo”, but just asked me out of courtesy.

But when I recall the mischievous expression he had on his face when he stood up like he had an idea (right after browsing through the file and the translation)、I feel that he may have given me this kind of present to surprise me. We’ve heard that he enjoys making people happy or surprised by giving gifts. He would give his autograph to those who want autographs, hugs to those who want to be hugged….. but since I didn’t ask for his autograph when almost everyone who was there did, I think he realized that what I wanted was something different.

I enjoy doing things for people. I can’t help thinking that he saw through me, and he gave me the opportunity to do something for him. He gave me the best present in the whole world. And I think it is not because I have done something special.

When I introduced myself, he didn’t seem to know my name. and when I handed him the album, I didn’t mention that I was the owner of the site. So, I don’t think he treated me like someone special.

What I received from him was an act that was full of his kind feelings, something I will not be able to forget for the rest of my life. I thank you Yong Joon-ssi, from the bottom of my heart.

Oh, but to think that Joon’s face was only 50 cm away from me! And all I was staring at was the pink on the back of my book, the tip of the marker and Sohn-san’s face(ToT)

AIGOOOOO! What a waste! Oh! Uh, no, nothing against Sohn-san’s face, you see. (^_^;)


When we arrived in Seoul, he put the book and album in his Louis Vuitton carefully, and stood up. Wearing his jacket with white embroidered angels again, he got off at Incheon Airport. The minute he got off, he was again surrounded by the media and fans. I followed him maintaining some distance. There were some photographers who had the nerve to stick a camera in front of his nose one handed and taking photos with a flash. You wouldn’t think of doing such a terrible thing even to an animal… But, he continued to smile all along. Now there’s a pro…

As if trying to tease these people from the press, he walked faster and faster.

Because I am pretty impetuous by nature and tend to walk fast all the time, I was able to keep up with him, but there was a fan that came from behind and she was huffing and puffing.

She had a baby strapped to her back, and holding her luggage in one hand, she was trying to film him on the video she was holding in her other hand.

Sensing something serious behind him, Yong Joon stopped for a moment and turned around. Seeing this mother breathing really hard, he laughed amusedly, and dropped his pace a little.

And then he left us, disappearing through immigration……

The black shirt that wrapped the strong muscles beneath the bright white jacket with angels… An extraordinary existence that held so many wonderful qualities; beauty, strength, warmth, mischievousness, sexiness, gorgeousness, coolness and passion, sense of humor and kindness, intelligence and loneliness….. Bae Yong Joon….I feel so lucky to be born in the same age as you…. thank you so much God!

(now, I wish I could have been born about 10 years later…. no, I know that’s too much to ask, ha ha ha. (^_^;)

When I read a report like this on JOB two years ago, I had thought something like this would never happen to me. I ‘m the type of person who usually has so little luck people would laugh at me. So, if it happened to me, it could very well happen to YOU, reading this report right now. I pray for all of you from the bottom of my heart that you would encounter a miracle of running into Joon somewhere. And if this does happen, please share with us how beautiful our Yong Joon was, OK?

BUT….. who ever said every silver lining has a cloud is absolutely right. When such a fabulous thing occurs, the troubles came in bundles immediately after. When I got to the airport, my luggage was missing; the paper bag I had in my hand was torn, and I was spilling things like pens and such all over the airport; my shoes had gotten bigger by 2 cm from standing at the hotel for such a long time, and the blister on my foot hurt so badly I could not walk any longer …… Though I started working straightaway after going back to Japan, I fell down the stairway and my back turned purple Really, my feet were not on the ground. But even with all these unlucky incidents, the joy I received was far greater

And everything started from this official board (translator’s note: satovic posted this report on JOB). Because so many of you enjoyed my postings and encouraged me with your comments, I was able to write the book and the book lead me to meet Joon. I could not write this last year because it would sound like I am advertising my book, but because it has been a year since then, I took the opportunity to talk about my book just this once on the board. Although many of the participants of the board have left, and I see very few familiar names, I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart.

Now, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could see Yong Joon in his new image really soon?!

He is probably fast asleep now, being all tired out from rooting for his national team last night!

Or, could he be dashing through the vast green fields of Kyrgyz?

Love forever, satovic

You want reading the other parts prior to the above? Here are the links to them ~~

Satovic Meets BYJ Part 1 of Chapter 1

Supplement photos from happiebb

Satovic Meets BYJ Part 2 of Chapter 1

Satovic meets BYJ Chapter Two – Part 2

Satovic meets BYJ Chapter Three

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Guest liezle

Memories of 2005 in Saitama

created by nanacoco and posted in BYJ's Quilt

It has been almost a year now since April Snow Reunion at Saitama Super Arena. It's been a very wonderful experience especially to all our Japanese baesisters.

I hope that you guys will take the time to view the flash that nanacoco created. Beautiful, beautiful memories :)


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