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[OFFICIAL] Oh Yeah Couple || Oh Min Suk && Kang Ye Won ||

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I think both the backhug and the counseling helped them in different ways. Backhug for Minsuk made him feel wanted and special as well as it meant he could take another step forward in skinship. For Yewon, she did full body contact when before holding hands was a big thing so it helped to make her feel more comfortable with more skinship. Counseling session exposed what was important to each one and over came the trust issue. . . . . This episode had Yewon now understanding how Minsuk reasons. When she questioned him about likening Joy (for a moment) he pulled out a "what if" scenario. This is Minsuk's way of justifying his attraction to Joy, by making Yewon agree that she would do the same thing. Yewon has figured this out and so wasn't distracted but made the point that even if she was, she'd not dwell on it because she is married. Hahaha now that he imagines Yewon doing what he did, he gets jealous! But she knows how to sooth him and says he's the best. : ) . ... . .. Also once again, Yewon does some major skinship but the MC's are silent. When she promises not to force him to dance if he doesn't want to, she rubs his face several times on one side, then on the other. Actually, she's rubbing his ears. Yewon knows he gets calm when he gets to touch ears, why not reverse it and see what happens? She's done this once before in the car. Touching his ear. (he looked a little surprised at that) Such a look on his face when she is stroking his ears. Amused, happy and thinking.........

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8 hours ago, t4ol33 said:

Finished ohye couple cut english sub for ep 305.


Thank you for the subs that you put up so quickly.  What ever becomes of this couple I can't get over how Minsuk continues to wear the first couple ring that Yewon designed for them.  Even when Yewon presented the second ring and he mentioned that he really liked the first one, she said they could place the originals in their home in special spot.  

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@colourgrae I agree with your analysis.  It was interesting when Yewon asked how did he like Joy and he said he didn't. However, Yewon could tell that he was lying and said she  she would understand. Then, like you said he made the comparison what if you met your dream guy on set what would you do. When he brought this up I was like is he referring to himself but than I think like you said it was his way of trying to explain his attraction to joy. Hahhahahah but I found it hilarious how when he asked her what would you do. Yewon if she had sense would have known to not tell the truth and be like "There is no one who could compare to you or that would not happen because I only have eyes for you" (which is extremely cheesy). Hahhahah but she said so honestly, "I would be like,thats to bad" Hahahhahaha but that is the truth. I love how honest Yewon is. It was really telling that Minsuk is a person who would get jealous if his wife liked/admired someone else but if it was him he would expect his wife to understand. Ohhh the irony. I could tell he was getting jealous because he was looking into her eyes really wanting to know would you still like him? and after she said she would  find him intriguing and charming. Than Minsuk was like that is what annoys me?Why do you have to be like that? Aww minsuk you want your wife to only see you and only like you thats so cute hahhahahah...

The way Yewon talks to Minsuk is really smooth too.  She knows what he likes to hear. Hahhaha you wouldn't think she is so clueless about dating. The way she said but of course I usually look at their flaws which makes me compare them to you and I realize that you are the best. She than assured him that he does not have to worry because he is the best. He really looked happy to hear it. 

I notice to how Yewon was petting Minsuk like a dog and it was cute. Hahahhaha although it seems that Minsuk is tired with the children he would be a good dad with his affection and Yewon would be a good mom with her strict discipline. I don't think the honeymoon phase is over, I think its beginning in a sense that they now  know how they would take care of their children. I love seeing this episode because you really see them as a unit helping each other with the dogs.

I really wish that our couple before their stint ends really get a vacation to Hawaii because I really want to see how they act without their pets and in a romantic scenario. It could be really romantic or really comic. I wonder?

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On 1/23/2016 at 7:57 AM, xxPeepsxx said:

EEEEEEEEEEE! How are they so cute?

I mean, I ain't no delulu shippper who'll slit my wrist and offer chicken blood to the gods and froth at the mouth and fly to Korea for a rampage if they don't get married and have four children but they are too cute, lol. I mean, this IS a show after all and they could be pretending for all I know and behind the scenes they could be stabbing each other with toothpicks, what do I know and I don't really care, but THEY! ARE! SO! CUTE! That preview is everything. To practice my Korean and because I have nothing else better to do, I translated the captions and some of the dialogues.

'Huuk!' Incoming – YeWon’s Temptation

The hidden grand opening/release [T/N: Showing off the hidden talent!]

Daebak         (I) thought (you) were a fish!

The first Belly Dancing challenge [T/N: attempt] – Husband’s 봇물 [T/N: ???]-exploding aegyo [T/N: cuteness]


He who liked (?) skin ship with women a lot – MinSeok

MinSeok: “Me? Wait a while please.”

Covering wife’s ears

Presently, virtual married couple

Fortune Teller [T/N:?]: “Are the both of you a virtual married couple?”

MinSeok: “Yes”

In the future, (it will be) a fate that will explode with ties that bear a relationship with each other.


YeWon: “We, for real, after WGM ends, let’s properly meet (date) once.”

Let’s, for real, properly, meet.

MinSeok: “Then, if (you) drink that, (it’ll mean) that you’re dating me.”

YeWon: “Aaah! Husband, how/what to do?!”

Love is coming, huh.


The sentences are weird because I tried translating literally so I didn't change the order of the words too much. And those in rounded brackets are not actually written/said but inferred "translation" because that's how Korean rolls.

I think regulars here must think I'm nuts since I just drop by to squee without any form of introduction then leave as fast as a fart. But that's me! hehe!

Also, I'll just leave this here since the subs will come out tomorrow.


Today's Episode:

MinSeok: "YoMi is no joke though"


MinSeok: "To YeWon, she (kind of) listens and her tail goes down... but with me, my words don't go through her and she doesn't hear like she's ignoring me!

*gangster YoMi's cartoon comes out*

MinSeok: "Am I easy? Me?"

*MinSeok scratches his head*


[T/N: YES.]

Edit: MiSun called him Yomi's pet! PWAHAHAHHAHAHHAAAAA!!!

LOL loved your first paragraph.  Stay with this thread please....BTW  where have you been all this time!!!!

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I am curious if anyone can tell me if the gifts that are exchanged between Yewon and Minsuk are from their own pocketbooks or is it funded by WGM?  I am not familiar with the dating habits in Korea but do couples normally exchange or give each other extravagant gifts commemorating 100,200,300 days like an anniversary of when they first met?

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Somethings are paid for by WGM. Like if they go to a dinner and the restaurant is empty except for the couple - WGM arranged/paid for the empty seats and food. I'm pretty sure that Minsuk has bought stuff by himself for Yewon. Surprise visit to her shoot - rice cakes are on him. Her bag? He ran out and bought it. She paid for all the materials to make his christmas wall. Yomy is Yewon's gift to Minsuk - she paid for it. Yewon bought both rings. Never have seen so many personal gifts in WGM. . . . . . One way to tell if WGM has sponsored, if the cameras are there shooting, it is a good indicator that it's them buying the item. It's not always true but most of the time it is. . . . . . . . Other husbands have bought guitars for their wives and shoes out of their own pocket. JinYoung bought her husband a necklace. Global WGM, Hongki bought Mina a special necklace. I'm sure there is more. Lately it seems that WGM has moved away from letting couples get expensive wedding rings etc which are allowed to be used by the store for promotional purposes. If a couple gets something more personal or makes it, it would add to the couple bonding. KSY husband likes bracelets and had a steel one made for his wife and inscribed it. Yewon chose to get specialized rings for them and now has switched that out to a better quality one. Maybe she didn't think her marriage would last longer than the first ring lol. . . . . .. . . .. Did anyone else get the feeling that Minsuk told Yewon the girl should look like him, the boy like her, not only to joke around but to make sure he was going to get two boys in the future? Like ok, one will look like me and one will look like you. I guess the daughter is in there somewhere....

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@marnny not really sure, i think it was mixed where some items are funded by wgm while others are personally bought by the couple. I guess wgm funded the bigger spendings like houses, trips, or expensive rings, while small things might be bought by the couple themselves.

As far as i know from shows, theres a lot of important dates in korean dating culture, 100th 200th 300th, and theres also other dates i thinks. While wether they give each other presents or not on those dates depends on the couple i guess.

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i dont know what happened to my old soompi id and i cannot login in this forum

anyways i really cant wait to see the next episode, i would also like to know why the conversation led to dating after wgm ends or if mbc is trolling us again

this episode shows us how they will become parents in the future, yewon being the disciplinarian, and minsuk who will spoil their children lol:D

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I think Yewon is smart to say we will see after WGM. Did you ever see the confession of Yoo in ya's costar? It was all romantic and he did it after their filming but she had asked that he wait till some time had gone by. And she did that because your feelings can get carried away being with someone filming romantic scenes. But in reality, you may just be friends. And they didn't stay together long. Happens a lot to actors. . . .. . . It is sort of like the film Yewon and Minsuk filmed in. She needed someone that would love her enough to sacrifice a liver for her, but when it came down to it, he ran away. Will Minsuk still find Yewon as attractive as a single lady or will he say, "hmmm now that I find marriage sweet, I'll find my angel lady" . . . .This is not saying that he will, but Yewon must be concerned and doesn't want to take advantage of Minsuk thru WGM. Hahaha it's like being stuck on a cruise ship (the Love Boat) and you find an attractive person. Life is just about fun on a cruise ship. But when you get into home port, real life hits. Real life can be inconvenient and challenging. I'm not trying to be a pessimist but these kind of thoughts could be going thru Yewon's mind. I don't think there would be too much of a difference between what they experience now and real life. Maybe less belly dancing trips but on the whole, still an interesting and varied life due to Yewon's love of new things.

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@colourgrae Exactly, I love how Yewon is so realistic and honest. It so easy to fall for someone in the environment that they are in because you are doing all these romantic things. However, in real life it is not like that. First, the schedule as an actor/actress is rigorous so they may not have time to see each other. Secondly, feelings can eventually dwindle and one of the parties might want to experience dating some more. Thridly, sometimes people may not be in the same page in life while one wants to get married and have children, the other might want to continue to date and is not ready for commitment.
Fourth, being a public couple can have negative effects and people are constantly pressuring you or couples might feel pressured. Fifth, you have to see if the person is their authentic self  and they need to see if it is love or just attraction

 That is why I am worried for the Ohyeah couple and the KSY couple. I think both have a chance of turning reel to real. However, the problem that I have with KSY is that they are so lovely and they have chemistry but I think what could possibly affect them  is their careers especially kwak si yang who is gaining popularity and also their are always the anti who might not like them being together.'

 The only problem that I have with Ohyeah is that their is a chance like you have pointed that Minsuk might decide to find the type of girl his "ideal type" that he always wanted and he may end up marrying her. That is why I think Yewon is guarded in a sense is that she does not want to let herself fall completely in love because if she does she know she might get her heart broken. I love how Yewon is so honest and realistic it really makes me admire her bravery to say things that we are thinking and be honest with her feelings. No matter what happens I hope all couples find happiness. 

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I didn’t like when MS ask her What if you meet your ideal type at the set.  OMG that question might have many connotations. I immediately thought he was referring about himself.   From my point of view it was a suspicious question, but her answer was the best. I don’t know if he is unsecured or jealous about her partners or he has already met the girl of his dreams.  I’m sorry for my words but these are my deep thoughts. My heart was beating me at that moment.


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@camichi I understand your feelings at first that is what I thought he was referring to but I think he was just trying to explain his attraction to joy by giving her a what if scenario. Also, he was curious to know how she would react. We have to remember this is a variety show and sometimes we don't get to see the full conversations that goes on so it is heavily edited. However, if he has met his dream girl on set that is okay because we got married is a variety show but honestly, don't think that is what he means. I think of course when you are an actor/actress you will be partnered with attracted people who might even fit your ideal type but you know other actors might be dating someone else and that person might fit your ideal type but they may not be the right person for you. Now, when Minsuk asked her I think he was being a tad bit insecure and really wanting to know how she would react in that  situation. If you paid close attention Minsuk seem to want to hear a specific answer  and he was paying close attention to what she said. When she said the opposite of what he wanted to heart, he got a little upset like he said how that is what annoys him. Minsuk already admitted to being a jealous person which has been seen several times.  The first time was when he was with his friend playing drums and Yewon showed him affection,  the second time was when he went to  her movie set, the second time was when he was at the music studio(verbal jint), the other time was with kwak si yang talk  and now this is another occurrence. What I get is that he is insecure about if the other person truly cares for him or likes him because in the past his gf may have been surronded by other men, or either left him for another person, or he just is afraid to lose the other person to someone else. I think that is why maybe he is apprehensive when dating an actress because their will be several men who flock to her and it takes a strong person to deal with that.

Also, I notice that Yewon is always surrounded by tall and attractive men. He might feel insecure about his appearance and maybe he has a complex about being short. However, for me Yewon does not seem that type of person who  would intentionally flirt or do anything like that with other guys. She seems like a loyal person. What I like was her honest answer which was that of course, she would like that person but she would find flaws in that person and than realize that her husband is the best. I think that is important and it shows how Yewon is so loyal and considerate. 

 Minsuk should stop having any doubts Yewon is such an honest person and she does not seem to lie. Also, with the whole thing with Yewon getting hurt did you ever consider that Minsuk might be the one who gets hurt. It is pretty evident that Minsuk really cares for Yewon. Everything that he has done for her has been his doing on his own will which he does not have to do. He maybe the one who is falling and falling fast and those questions that he maybe asking maybe to reassure that Yewon is still interested in him.

I don't know how they feel but I know both parties are considerate. I also, think Minsuk does like Yewon and for me its all in the eyes and last week episode when they were going to the doctor was truly telling that the first person Minsuk wanted to see was Yewon and he kept thinking where she was. I think well my delusional mind thinks that maybe Minsuk is afraid to lose Yewon however, I don't think that is what would happen its just it takes her a longer time to open her heart. Also, I think it was bold for Yewon to tell him that they should sincerely talk after we got married is done. So, we will see next week what that conversation was really about. 

Note: Yewon is a big girl and if she does get hurt she is strong and I know she will be fine. 

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