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57 minutes ago, rhaps said:

Regarding PHJ, I found a news regarding him marrying his friend. If this really happens, that's gonna be interesting :P  . The comments from the women are funny :P 


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Park Hae Jin to be married next year?

With the past few years feeling like they’re flying by and it already being 2016, netizens quickly remembered that next year could be a big year for one of their favorite actors. 

Looking back to a previous interview with Park Hae Jin, who’s currently starring in the drama Cheese in the Trap, the actor could be getting engaged in the spring of 2017 if he’s still single by then. Upon reading about the situation, many netizens have expressed their jealousy toward the actor’s potential bride.

“I broke up with a friend of mine a while ago, and promises back then that if neither of us were dating anyone by the summer of 2017, we would get together and get married. I still remember that promise with her, and if she does show up at the promised location in 2017, I’ll propose to her on the spot. However, if she’s married with children by then, I hope that she will still come out to the spot so I can give her my blessing.”


I read about this in Baidu too. I think he said this on some interview long while back. 

Recently he denied trying to get married. But suffice to say he is a romantic person, to make that sort of agreement with a ex-gf.

My sunbae is awesome.:wub:

In korea, there is romantic connotation calling a guy oppa/sunbae. heehee.

I am going to call him Sunbae from now on.:P

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15 hours ago, coffeeboy said:

Thank you for sharing, those of us who can't read or speak Chinese can have access to new content that was translated to Chinese and not English.

You're welcome ^^

So I found the Chinese subbed SKJ V App Live Broadcast (feat CITT cast) and somehow thought it was a very good idea to translate it.. yep. 26:25 of footage. :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

i'm not sure what I got myself into but I told myself it's for the best, braced myself and got through the thing at one go. Somewhere after the halfway mark I may have skipped some parts though :phew:


Haha and now I must say that I have no idea how full time translators do their thing and I really respect them xD (Shoutout to @qwenli for so kindly volunteering to translate the vid, you go girl!) I apologize in advance for any translation mistakes.


Original video here(no subs yet) : http://www.vlive.tv/video/5111


C subs here: 



(note: the random colourful words that fly across the screen throughout the video are actually comments left by C-netizens haha)


WARNING: Wall of text ahead!!! Don't say I haven't warned you! Take a deep breath, grab some snacks and go:

Eng Trans Part 1 (SKJ solo V app time): 



SKJ: Jang! Annyeong~ Hello everyone~ I’m now at the last filming site of CITT. Currently, I have completed filming my scenes. I cried saying-- Actually I was joking. But the feeling is one of not wanting to part…


There are a few hardworking members of the CITT staff here, come say thanks to them~ Thank you~


1:24 Yes. Although the final shooting has ended, but having lived as Baek In Ho for 3 months, really… oh! *startled by off-screen sound* This is our staff member, *staff member cutely waving* you have worked hard~  *goes back to what he was saying* Although the final shooting has ended, but being able to live as Baek In Ho for 3 months… It was a really happy experience… Yes… Coming to the filming site was not just for acting or for shooting the drama… it really felt like I was coming over to play, so it was a happy time. It was a very fresh experience. Feels like I learnt many things from the director. *thinking* Very…. Yes… It’s like that. Living as inho, I was able to totally release a lot of the usually bottled up frustrations I’ve had toward my members, since I was able to go “This punk” “That punk”(lol). I relieved a lot of stress that way.


“Ah~ This person called SKJ really has a personality that’s really like In Ho. He is like that when he is rash or hot tempered.” This was also a period where I understood myself better. I worked hard trying to very realistically, very honestly express (my character).


2:31 Ah, and because today is the final shooting, the director and staff members sent me flowers as a farewell gift. Ja-jang! *flaunts his bouquet of flowers* Isn’t it pretty? *smells* They’re fresh flowers! Capture time, It’s suddenly capture time, capture time. Cha-ka! *selca* OK~ Also, the director wrote me a letter! It’s very short. It’s short, but it was succinct. I’m opening it up now. Jang! *shows the note*


Ah! Our stylist noona and hair stylist Joo hyun noona has appeared here. See the two of them? They worked really hard for me~ Not to mention manger hyung. These two worked really hard, it’s thanks to them that I get to have a nice hairstyle and cool clothes. They are the reason why Baek In Ho could look even cooler. *camera-shy staff hiding* Why are you hiding, don’t hide! You should proudly show yourself, hmm~ Chingus, look here~ Come look here~


4:12 *SKJ stops teasing them and moves the cam* (the camera’s) turned, (the camera’s turned), It has been turned over! Really~ So- Here- Let’s reveal the note that the director gave me. That, there’s nothing written in the contents that has to be kept private. The director put in a lot of good words, so I definitely have to share them. *opens, reads note* “Kang Jun oppa, what kind of words should I use to describe you? You are an actor. “ How do I say this, they’re very moving words. *keeps note* When I’m on set, the staff members tend to call me oppa. This has nothing to do with age, I suppose I have the feel of an oppa. Mm, maybe I look more mature. So if I have the chance, I hope I’ll have the opportunity to talk to the director freely (without caring about the age difference) at the wrap up party… As an oppa. *laughs at the thought of it*


5:27 You guys are watching right, everyone? CITT. Everyone please choose your iconic/classic BIH scenes in CITT. *reading netz comments* The rain scene… Heart fluttering scene…. Scene where IH lay on the long bench… scene with Seol-ie… car-kicking scene….Tearful rain scene… Heard from many people that (an iconic was) the scene where I cried in the rain.. That scene was kind of sorrowful… IH’s first… It was a scene where we first witnessed In Ho in pain.. Actually to me… Although it wasn’t intentional foreshadowing, but it was really sorrowful. Not just that scene, but also for the future In Ho…. In the webtoon too, Isn’t Inho’s life really tragic? The kind of sorrow that In Ho harboured in his life after (his accident)… There were many scenes like that.


Come, don’t know if you can see from the window of the door… Can’t really see it huh.. That’s my manager, Jung Sub(?) hyung, could see him just now… For these 3 months, toward Jung Sub hyung who worked very hard for me, I’m very thankful. Oh there’s the staff over there. The recording team and the producing team. OS: Please talk about an iconic scene. KJ: Ok… Hmm? Oh iconic scene. Iconic scene? The scene where IH tried to extort money from me. Why is that an iconic scene? It was a heartbreaking scene. Baek In Ha you bad person… *reads netz comments* Scene where IH attacked OYG. Thug Baek In Ha? That’s right, Baek In Ha is a little… very formidable. But she does have a lot of charm. While shooting, honestly the feeling that I get is that the character in CITT that has the most charm is the character of Baek In Ha. That’s a personal opinion.  


Ah yes! The scene where I beat up YG. Of course this is not self-praise. Everyone saw the scene where YG got beat up right. At that time, there was the scene where I had to hit the wall. I didn’t think too much into it and just really smashed against the wall like that. And so the shooting had to be stopped and I had to go to the hospital afterward. Got an X-ray in the hospital. Thankfully the bone was not affected. So for a while I had to slap on some cream and then resume shooting. A hand had to be bandaged. There was a scene where my hand was bandaged. It didn’t look very swollen there. Originally I thought that if the swelling could be seen it would feel particularly realistic.


*reading comments* *Singing lyrics of Zion T’s Yanghwa Bridge: Don’t be in pain~ Don’t be in pain~*


9:08 Omo omo~ *reading netz request for him to call dog fur* KJ: YAH Dog Fur! Yah Dog Fur, you eaten? I’m asking you, you eaten? Dog Fur, not gonna answer me? Remember to eat, understand? Natural curls. Natural curls. *smiles**probably netz asking him if hes eaten* Eaten, I’ve eaten.


*reading aloud comments* (You) match well with the webtoon IH. Thank you. Feels like a lot of people enjoy watching this drama… That makes me very happy. (The positive feedback) gives us a lot of strength while filming… This is all thanks to everybody. To begin with we filmed very happily, but because of everyone we filmed even more energetically. Feels like flying. In the sky. With everyone. Thank you.


The topic of discussion is, aspects of SKJ’s BIH that you’re attracted by. What I’m trying to say is, if everyone has aspects of SKJ-wait not SKJ, BIH that you’re attracted to, or things you’d like to say, please write them down. Parts that moved my heart. I sincerely wish for IH to be able to live well. (his) wasted life. How can it be like that. Hope that he can continue with his education. Having endured 6 years of heartache, I wish that he will take up piano again. Don’t know whether he will play piano again, but it’s my personal wish that he would start afresh with piano again, so that he can live up to his potential, and live a better life. And achieve happiness.


11:35 *reading netz comments* Get married with Seol-ie?- I want to too~ But how the ending is going to be like. No one knows. [personal comment: LUL please… Don’t think that we didn’t see your sly lil smirk there, you defo know everything, stop lying =v=] And… If I had to say more wishes… mmm…


I would wish for IH to reconcile with YJ. Although (we) don’t know if it’s just a misunderstanding or it’s the fault of one party. The period of 6 years where the two were apart… toward a person whose existence was like that of a family member, it’s such a pity that the two had to part. So, the scenes with YJ felt especially sorrowful. Somehow had those kind of hard-to-bear feelings.


12:26 *reads aloud comments* Please lecture In Ha. Lecture In Ha? Of course In Ha committed a lot of mistakes, but her situation is pretty heartbreaking, it’s pitiful. (She’s) a child who needs a lot of love. In Ha is my only blood related kin. Don’t dislike Baek In Ha okay~ Baek In Ha is my sister.


13:01 *reads aloud comments* Where’s everyone else? (ref to the cast) The rest of them are filming. We’re already about to finish filming for ep 16. I finished filming about 30 mins ago. Seol-ie is currently filming. *suddenly gets excited cos the staff are crowding ard the door. Introducing staff members*


14:25 Hope that In Ho gets out of his currently unemployed state. Ohhh, that’s right. But In ho… He also…because of pain… gave up on himself for 6 years. He’s not a thoughtless person. After you understand him, he’s a thoughtful, warm person. Everyone also knows that right, so everyone doesn’t need to worry too much. What does everyone hope for in ho to do? Only 6 episodes has been aired. *looks OS* what day is it today? Sunday? Episode 7 and 8 will be aired tomorrow and the day after. Hope that you’ll tell me what you wish for In Ho to be like or what he does in the future.


15:16 *reading netz reaction* Becoming a pianist? Piano, piano, piano. *just a lot of netz wanting ih to take up piano again*


[sorry this is taking way longer than I expected so im skipping this part]



Part 2 (Candid camera attack- other cast members start appearing here):



16:38 Come, everyone, I’ve prepared a special event. Right now it’s candid camera attack. Let’s go let’s go! *sneaks out* Over here’s Dog Fur. Yah Dog Fur, come over here. *Dog Fur complies*


KJ: It’s Dog Fur~ Come over here and do a greeting. Annyeong~ Pretty~ What day is it today? Today?


GE: It’s the final day of shooting *laughs*


KJ: Final day of shooting. How do you feel about it?


GE: *does a cute action*


KJ: Dog Fur, how do you feel?


GE: Good~


KJ: Do you have anything that you’ve always wanted to say to In Ho?


GE: Oppa


KJ: Oppa, you see that. (She) called Oppa. That’s right. Seol-ah


GE: That’s fascinating. Oh is this continually updating?


KJ: It’s broadcasting in real time. Come, let’s do a cheer for the success of Dog Fur’s final shooting. Fighting!~ *both holding up adorable fighting poses* Thank you~




KJ: We’re moving to the filming site. This is CITT filming site. *moving* This is the most beloved director Lee Yoon Jung-nim. Please do a greeting~


LYJ: I love you In Ho oppa~ *hahahahah*


*KJ on the move again*


KJ: It’s Bora and Eun Taek couple!


ET: What’s this?


B: Hello everyone~ You all have worked hard~


KJ: This is the final day of shooting


B: Yes~


KJ: How is it?


B: It doesn’t feel like the last day…


KJ: Fighting for the last day of shooting


ET: It has ended (for you)?


KJ: I’ve finished filming.. Please say something you wish to say to In Ho


ET: (You’re) too pitiful…


KJ: too pitiful?


B: (IH) is really popular among the people around me, among the viewers as well… It’s a shame that we don’t really get to meet during shooting. (You’ve) worked hard… it’d be nice if we can meet next time~


KJ: Thank you. Wish that your last shooting will be successful. This way this way this way.


*discovers ahyoung n joon* Annyeong haseyo~


KJ: *introducing* This is Joon and Ah Young *both greeting shyly* Today’s the last day of shooting right?


J+AY: yes


KJ: So do you perhaps have anything you would like to say to in ho?


AY: He’s very handsome. *J agreeing*


KJ: Ah Young’s words… It’s a pity there’s no scenes with Ah Young. She’s a very charming character. I’ll stop bothering you all since you’re still in the middle of filming… Thank you for today. You’ve worked hard.


*makes his escape*


20:31 YJ sunbae completed filming before us. He finished his portion about, a week before the rest of us. Because of his other schedules, he had to finish earlier. It’s such a shame that YJ sunbae isn’t here.


In Ha! In Ha finished her portion yesterday. She finished filming her part with me yesterday.


21:15 What do I say? Ah, right. About today’s candid camera attack, we couldn’t film for long so as to not disrupt the final shooting. It’s usually like this, how do I say it, the atmosphere is really great. We are on very good terms with each other.


21:37 Eun Taek-ie. Eun Taek-ie is very handsome. Very, very cute.


21:56 Say it after me! (Lol random Natural Curl reference) Natural curls! Hehehe, isn’t it really cute, this scene?


22:11 It’s time to greet viewers. *starts greeting viewers*


22:38 Please let u s see YJ sunbae. Because YJ’s sunbae’s filming portions have been completed, we wont be able to see him today. I would like to see him too. Probably at the wrap up party, hopefully (we’ll) get to see him then. *continues greeting viewers*


23:34 *makes finger hearts* Capture time, cha-ka, cha-ka


24:50 The 3 months spent shooting CITT has been a really happy time. Particularly toward director Lee Yoon Jung who created such a fun filming environment for us, I would like to express our gratitude. Also to our sunbae-nim and colleagues, thank you so much. To the staff, it’s all thanks to the hard work of everyone that a drama like CITT can be produced. I will definitely meet everyone again next time in the next V app broadcast. Please give a lot of love to CITT. We may have ended the filming, but the broadcast is only beginning. So you definitely have to tune in to the drama. Tomorrow onwards you have to watch the broadcast with us at home. If you are unable to watch the broadcast, then let’s watch the re-run together. Oh- hello sunbae-nim. Aigoo, Seol’s dad and mum are here. Now, yes, it’s like that.


Please watch the broadcast, the re-run, and the re-re-run. Let’s meet again in the next V app broadcast~ Annyeong~





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@mgicc I enjoy translating so its no issue:) especially for print its ok, but for video, have to watch the timing and sometimes two person talk at the same time then it can take a long time like 5 mins of dialogue can take 15mins.:blink: . kudos to you for translating too!


ok folks, I got bad news, I went to search, CITT will indeed be preempted for lunar new year on 8th and 9th :tears:


news link http://sports.chosun.com/news/ntype.htm?id=201601300100318450021288&servicedate=20160129

Tvn will be screening some special movies during those two days. I am like, are you serious? People want to watch their cheese!

So we still got ep 9 and 10 this week but ep 11 will only resume Feb 15 onwards.:cold_sweat:


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New fan here! I decided to marathon through the 8 aired episodes and #%*~%#$ I regret it so much :/ the last time I was so addicted to a drama was when IOIL was out. Now I have to wait for another 8 episodes and I just read that it will be cancelled during Lunar New year too... boo! I guess I'll lurk in this thread to quench my thirst for more cheese.

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@rhaps this is a long list! almost the same as mine (we have same taste for our fav scenes) and can i say i love that ost at the end of ep3 too? i noticed that song at the very early minute of ep1 (where Seol was drunk, and fell off the chair) and immediately my ears perked up.

i was hoping they released it with ost part 1 that time but until now my wish is not yet granted :bawling: let me cry (btw the song is by MYK/saltnpaper, and i read somewhere the title is "Go")

my other fav scenes:

1) ep1- where seol was drunk and start to look for Jung - she was cutely drunk, and when she fell off the chair Jung rushed immediately to help her

2) ep1 - where Jung came to the cafe where she workes an bought two drinks (americano and strawberry shake) and ended up giving the strawberry shake to her. her face that time hahaha

3) ep3 - when Jung helped inserting a coin into the vending machine. when he turned away, i knew that he wanted her to call him back, and she did! he was so surprised with that

4) ep3 - after the scene at vending machine where Seol apologize and offer him a meal. 'something expensive'. then he asked , 'how much expensive?' while hiding his smile

5) ep5 - when they both on the phone. the way Seol said - i'm a woman who just got paid - is totally adorbs. she is full aegyo, no wonder Jung is smitten

6) ep 6 - when Jung picked her up at the academy and she just runs happily towards him. 


these are what i remembered... i have lots more but im typing using my phone :P

22 minutes ago, qwenli said:

@mgicc I enjoy translating so its no issue:) especially for print its ok, but for video, have to watch the timing and sometimes two person talk at the same time then it can take a long time like 5 mins of dialogue can take 15mins.:blink: . kudos to you for translating too!

---------------ok folks, I got bad news, I went to search, CITT will indeed be preempted for lunar new year on 8th and 9th

link http://sports.chosun.com/news/ntype.htm?id=201601300100318450021288&servicedate=20160129

Tvn will be screening some special movies during those two days. Like are you serious? People want to watch their cheese!

So we still got ep 9 and 10 this week but ep 11 will only resume Feb 15 onwards.:cold_sweat:


 oh nooooooooo this will be nightmare 

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Oh thank lords this drama had been pre-produced and done filming. I get nauseous and shiver when I hear dramas say "we are going on a two week break" LOL. But what shall I do those 2 days of no new episode...I know rewatch everything :D It really is a treat to go back and watch things with better understanding once something new from the past has been revealed in an episode. 

@enigmatic_zephy the reason why people say Jung is both good and bad at reading people and he both knows or likes to think he knows what will happen but can't predict human nature is because he's human LOL. He's like the rest of us we make assumptions, we make predictions, we set up everything to go our way. However richard simmons happens and unless you a psychic you can't predict every single thing and people tend to surprise you. Jung makes mistakes like the rest of us and for me I think the audience gives him too much credit on just how brilliant and manipulative and cunning puppet master he is. I legit don't think Jung thinks too far into the future on things. If he did he never would have treated Seol like richard simmons in year one because he would have been wise to take a moments pause and think "hey what if this girl one day starts to like me or I get the courage to ask her out and she actually says yes? She would be mad about all these things I'm doing right? Wait she may never say yes because of the things I'm doing?" Jung is, well he is egomaniac and selfish. He only really thinks about himself and his point of view on/in things. He thinks about the consequences for himself and what actions mean to him, but not really the other party (well that is until he starts to care about you, ie Seol).

Like Seol said, he never once thought of the consequences of his and TA Heo's actions on TA Heo. For him the paper was gone and Seol got the scholarship. That's as far as he though. That's as far as he cared about so he didn't bother to think or worry after TA Heo. Because he didn't do this, that is why he was surprised and pissed that TA Heo went to Seol with everything. To him it was between the two of them and it was over and done with once he didn't report TA Heo to the police and TA Heo in turn "lost" a paper for him. The same is true of glasses dude and the San Chul receipt incident. Jung had some ideas but no idea of what glasses boy was going to do with the receipt and a part of him really didn't care. He gave it to the dude to do with it what he would and got involved when it was an opportunity to make himself look good and through that, one day "bend them to your will" as his father taught him (calming the class and paying back the money so San Chul wouldn't get in trouble) and also because it was affecting Seol whom he liked and cared about. It's evident that Jung doesn't think any further than his own gratification because if he had he maybe would have known that Inha would not end it after one text, and that Younggon would do something serious and cause some kind of harm. 

Again to me Jung is a toddler in how he thinks and reacts to things. Granted a very intelligent toddler who knows how to use and be used to get his way. However a toddler none the less (and PHJ agrees with me :P). Again I believe the audience gives him too much credit and builds him up to be more predictive, master mind, evil and cunning than he really is. For Jung it's all pretty simple. Someone hurts me, I hurt them back (everyone on campus LOL but SC, TA Heo, pervert dude, Baek sibs, etc. Dude got a long list of enemies LOL). If you make me feel good and happy, I make you feel the same (Seol, that one friend Kyung Kwan that has his number, anyone who is not on his bad list). I think Jung lives by this life motto "do onto others as they do onto me." Generally we all live by this motto. In Jung's case it's a problem because his "punishments" sometimes exceeds the "crimes" and his definition of "crimes" done onto him can be the most pettiest and smallest of things that most of us would just let go of but he for many a reason can't/won't.  Like knetziens said, Jung is fine when you stay on his good side, and you would never want to get on his bad side or become his enemy. 

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I have this feeling Jung may have known about In Ho's attackers but didn't say anything about it bc he may have thought it was a good opportunity to get rid of the Baek siblings but didn't anticipate for In Ho to hurt his hand that badly. I do not believe he wanted to hurt In Ho. But sometimes I'm not too sure bc Jung feels very little remorse for pl he doesn't care about. Such a refreshing character bc sometimes you think he is devoid of empathy but other times you feel bad bc of how he was treated when he was younger.  


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@MrsSoJiSub I get the shivers too when I hear the word 'break' ...HAHAHA...

Well, if the news is true, it means I will be having a Cheese free New Year - HAVE to go and spend it with my family but I can guarantee you that I will be thinking about our Seol and YJ.

Since many people who have read the webtoon say that the drama is progressing quickly, could you share what possible arcs may be coming up?

  • We have met YG and MS - so it means these two will be wrapped out within 2 episodes (?)
  • For In Ha - she appears on the scene saying Seol needs permission to date YJ (?) or did I hear wrongly
  • YJ's father - will he be an obstacle?
  • Increasing skinship between YJ and Seol?
  • issues with regards to what happens to them after University?
  • In Ho and his dream of playing piano again?


Just trying to figure out what will happen in the next half of the drama.


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@NRGchick basically everything you listed is what we still got to cover but I hope the Minsoo Younggon "cancers" as knetizens like to call them takes more than an ep because once you get rid of one, it wasn't so easy to get rid of the other. Jung's childhood. Jung's childhood. Jung's childhood. Those flashbacks are so important and informs not only on Jung (little boy was...), but also his father, the Baek sibs, and the Baek's grandpa. Also remember Seol's classmates are asylum escapees and not your regular college students so we still got some crazy classmates and the richard simmons they pull to deal with. Oh right also Jung's internship and working for his dad. 

@trashoppaya how come much of the audience hasn't thought that perhaps Inho brought the hand incident onto himself. I thought the flashback of him being cruel to Inha and her pursuits which he felt she had no talent for and boosting and showing how highly he thought of himself and his talents/natural born gifts were telling. If Inha his own sister gets this pissed and even threatens to break those precious hands of his, what's to say if he messes with a stranger or classmate in that same manner they won't do as she said? Yeah we saw Jung walking by but for all we know Inho could have blacked out and missed the part where Jung threatened those guys to leave before he went ape richard simmons on them, or his rolling his eyes and waling off to pick up a pipe or something (yeah I doubt it LOL). All I'm saying is that thus far we've only seen the incident from Inho's POV. I'm not saying Jung is not involved, I'm just saying there is more to it and more leading up to it than the drama wants us to know about right now...

ETA: One thing that is annoying me abut the drama is that it seems they are going out their way to make Jung more...mysterious and anti-hero than he was in the webtoon. Like in the webtoon they show us the misunderstanding that Jung and Seol had that had Jung finiding her bothersome. Seol wasn't without fault in year one and there were many misunderstanding incidents that had Jung judge her and find her bothersome. 


Seol once accidentally gave him the middle finger, he always catches her watching him then she acts really spazzy and weird when caught. He once caught Seol badmouthing him and laughing at/about him

Also there were a lot of cute interactions between the two before they officially started dating. I could have sworn that in the webtoon the arcade and lion buying came before "let's date" asking. I know there was a cute incident in the bushes where Seol is hiding from something then Jung not knowing what just hides with her without her knowing and when she turns around she almost has a heart attack as does he at her reaction LOL. Also Jung's feelings of liking Seol was evident from the get go. The selfie he took with her. There was a scene before they started dating, where Jung is walking in the school hall looking at the picture and smiling to himself. Then he bumps into Seol and once again asks for a meal together or something. The two also made each other laugh and you could really see that Jung worked at Seol warming up to him and asking her to date. Drama had it come much quicker and easier than it was in the webtoon. Are we sure Soonki is writing the drama? I don't see her credited. I thought the writer of 'Tree of Heaven' drama was writing it? 

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15 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@NRGchick basically everything you listed is what we still got to cover but I hope the Minsoo Younggon "cancers" as knetizens like to call them takes more than an ep because once you get rid of one, it wasn't so easy to get rid of the other. Also remember Seol's classmates are asylum escapees and not your regular college students so we still got some crazy classmates and the richard simmons they pull to deal with.

@trashoppaya how come much of the audience hasn't thought that perhaps Inho brought the hand incident onto himself. I thought the flashback of him being cruel to Inha and her pursuits which he felt she had no talent for and boosting and showing how highly he thought of himself and his talents/natural born gifts were telling. If Inha his own sister gets this pissed and even threatens to break those precious hands of his, what's to say if he messes with a stranger or classmate in that same manner they won't do as she said? Yeah we saw Jung walking by but for all we know Inho could have blacked out and missed the part where Jung threatened those guys to leave before he went ape richard simmons on them, or his rolling his eyes and waling off to pick up a pipe or something (yeah I doubt it LOL). All I'm saying is that thus far we've only seen the incident from Inho's POV. I'm not saying Jung is not involved, I'm just saying there is more to it and more leading up to it than the drama wants us to know about right now...

Oh I'm not saying he didn't bring onto himself by acting cocky but what I'm saying is Jung may have known but did nothing about that information. Sorry lol I'm also just speculating according to the comic. I don't know how closely this drama will adapt to the webtoons.

i think ep 9 we might get to see how Sul feels about In Ho. I never knew I would like the piano scene that much :) It makes me sad that dispite what happened to In Ho's hand he still wants that closeness with Jung again. I think he just wants Jung to acknowledge what happened so they can move on and be close again. In Ho strikes me as the kind of person who really wants stability deep down inside. The actor is doing I really good job portraying In Ho ::sigh:: can't say the same for his sister that girl needs to check herself bc her acting is so over the top!!!!!!

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A one week break?   So glad this drama is pre-produced.  I just hope Sol and Jung get back together by episode 10.

Wasn't In Ha suppose to go on campus and go crazy to Sol in episode 8?  Maybe they cut it since there were too many crazies in this episode.

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Even YJ would not have been able to predict that he and Seol would become involved. All the wheels were set into motion beforehand and the moment she held his hand in the bar scene, he was a goner.

I see his anxiety in asking Seol to tell him if anything happens when he is away from her (while interning) and he does realise that YG is a danger (just not how deviously manipulative YG is). I think if Eun Taek told YJ about YG and his threat, YJ would start devising a snare for YG.


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@trashoppaya sorry I get you now. I really enjoy drama Inho so much more than webtoon one and ship him and his piano dreams so hard. I want him to succeed and have so grand bit concert in Korea and perform in front of Inha, Jung, and Jung's father simply to show all of the that he made it. He didn't allow the hand incident and everything after keep him down. Both Jung and Inho care about each other more than they let on and the three (because it applies to Inha too) were really close and like sibling once upon a time. There is this scene in the webtoon that shows how much Jung did care about Inho and his dreams but I don't want to spoil incase the drama does show it.

I think and have always thought that Seol's feelings for Inho were/are pretty clear in the drama and the webtoon. Actually in the last chapter of the current season of the webtoon she vocalizes those feelings to Inho. However a recent drama has taught me a valuable lesson so I'll agree with you that their piano scene was cute as was the rain scene, especially when she just stands there and holds the umbrella over him :D 

@honeywell I think the Inha on campus scene will be in ep 9. I noticed that the previews sometimes shows the next two episodes worth of things. I remember one of their previews after ep 3 showed something that happened ep 5. 


@qwenli thanks for the info. I knew there was a separate writer. It's just that I had read someone say that the webtoon writers and the drama writes were the same and I got confused because I know they are not. I believe they said they talked to Soonki was like a consultant ont he drama and it's adaption but she has already given the okay for things to differ from the webtoon since she doesn't have the ending for it yet and seeing how she goes, how the story is going, and how we still know nothing of the hand incident that every reader wants to know about, we may get a season 5 (we weren't even supposed to get a s4).

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to me... ALL of their scene is favorite.. but I also have one dislike scene of Jung to Seol. 

That was when he thrown his phone to the sofa after he replied Seol text.. he just casually continue playing his nintendo or sumthin'. That made him looks like he's not purely like Seol.. I was swayed big time and what the fff him at that time.. only that.

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23 minutes ago, SeGafanlady said:

to me... ALL of their scene is favorite.. but I also have one dislike scene of Jung to Seol. 

That was when he thrown his phone to the sofa after he replied Seol text.. he just casually continue playing his nintendo or sumthin'. That made him looks like he's not purely like Seol.. I was swayed big time and what the fff him at that time.. only that.

Well but if you look at the scene again, right after Seol sent her message, sunbae stopped his game and replied all within 6 seconds(Seol was counting haha)... So that must mean something too. We've seen how he reacts when someone he doesn't care for texts/calls him (I'm looking at you In Ha) He could be both into Seol and into his game, I don't think that it's mutually exclusive.  

Also, I'm not sure he would stop whatever game he's into to check his phone so quickly unless it's a text that he's been expecting from someone he at least cares about. If it were me i think i would have just carried on gaming or doing whatever i was doing and check my phone only at a later time heh.

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