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3 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:


Frankly I don't think Jung is any kind of "path". :P I am very leery of any kind of psycho-labelling of Jung because he doesn't seem to fit into any of the usual categories paraded by web commenters.

I'm inclined more and more to think that he's actually saner than the majority of people at Cheese University. Something in the air-conditioning perhaps. Or an experiment gone bad in the science labs. Stalker Boy is a real worry, and that girl who's trying to be Seol's doppelganger can't possibly have her head screwed on properly.

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.;)


@qwenli and @rhaps

I had already posted a link about the different traits for a psychopath and YJ really doesn't belong to it. I have to disagree with the comment, he has less empathy or he is not sensitive. Actually, I see quite the opposite: he is super sensitive! His oversensibility is what makes him hurt or gets him mad. To me, the two scenes with the ant and the snail reveal his delicacy and sensitivity. It shows, he is extra cautious and careful. He treats these little "animals" with great care, while people wouldn't even look at these. Because people kept saying, YJ is creepy in that scene, I was expecting something but his gaze really reveals that he does care for these "little animals". You feel his admiration for the ant and the snail as he is smiling and the smile is never fake. It has nothing to do, he wants to feel his power over these "animals".

He feels empathy because he is able to see that JW had been harassed or NJY had harassed HS and thought, if he showed NJY the cold shoulder, she would stop it.

But YJ made several mistakes. He never imagined that NJY would be so twisted and dangerous! Just like he never thought, Young Go had the potential of a stalker. But Young Go had already a terrible reputation at the college.

Therefore I came to the conclusion. First, he is bad at reading people. He didn't know about Do Hyun's bad reputation as rapist. Secondly these 3 examples point out that YJ doesn't know people very well because he isn't so interested in them. But his neglect for paying more attention to people is what hurts HS and him in the process.

As conclusion: he is surrounded by people and he doesn't notice their true bad personality because all he sees is if they have ulterior motives towards him or not. He doesn't look beyond the ulterior motives as he is not interested to get to know them. And that's his mistake!  

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In my comment i will mix episode 5 and 6, sorry ;) 

I like HS, she is really deabak xD When YJ said to her to avoid IH and she replied "Why I have to? Why i have to listen to you?" i was like "Yes girl, tell him" xD I like that she is believe but not so much what YJ tells her (for example when YJ said that between him and IH there is only a misunderstanding) and that she refuses his kiss.. When she was drunk and scold YJ and IH i laughed too hard ahah xD

I don't think YJ is strange, maybe the way he tries to resolve things is not so good, but he is one of the most normal person in the drama xD I mean, others were in wrong, he punished them but he never said to anyone what they have done.. When i said that the scene with the ant was creepy, i was wrong.. After the scene with the snail i supposed that he acts this way towards animals because he thinks they are innocents and don't cause any harm. I want to see the BTS of the scene where he bumps his head while lying down ahahahah 

I love IH, when he is with the kids he is too adorable :wub: I think that he doesn't resent YJ, it seems like he waits YJ for clarifing the misunderstanding.. 

I don't like IH's sister! She is too selfish.. I know she suffered during her childhood, but the same goes for IH.. Why can't she work and always ask for money?

I'm scared for the life of the stalker if he does something to HS and YJ finds out.. And I'm too curious to know why YJ sent the stalker to HS :huh:

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6 hours ago, julitapurba said:

Annyeong everyone,

I'm new here, but I always read all posts being a good reader :D

just finished watch ep 6 and I enjoyed the story.

But I wanna know more about Oh Young Gon. From the webtoon I just know that he used to like Hong Seol.

I also read that he was missunderstanding with Yoo Jung about Yoo Jung's  phone number.

We know that he made In Ho fired.

No, he never really liked her. It was more an obsession and he wanted to believe these lies and he never asked HS about her feelings. He is a real psycho!!


From the start, Young Go was a student who would run after girls! He wanted to date Bora, but Bora refused and YG wasn't going to give up. Eun Taek stopped YG from going after Bora at a basket ball game and YG got humiliated. After that event, YG became an outcast. Nevertheless, HS tried to console him and because of YJ's comment and NJY's lies, YG started stalking HS. Only thanks to ET who beats him she can get rid of him! That's why YG mentioned, HS seduced Eun taek as well!  


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Have enjoyed being a lurker here and thanks to all who continue to feed this thread with their thoughts & ideas.  Forgive me as I haven't read the webtoon and only know what is shared here.  But after watching this last episode and not really knowing that much about whats ahead I feel like I may be the oddball on this thread.  When I look at Jung he is more complex than the eye can behold.  I understand the little bit of his past that we know and that he grew up with little or no love.  Seems like he was expected to be & act like an adult while skipping his childhood.  While others could make mistakes and receive understanding he could see it from his father but he couldn't receive it for himself.  These are my thoughts not the dramas I didn't understand why Jung didn't rush into the building to help Seol if he cared for her in the past episodes.  Seol got a cut but she could have been killed at that very moment yet all he could think of was to call someone?  Not to mention he didn't seem rushed, to calm for comfort for me.  I believe that's what In-ho  maybe didn't understand too!  Why didn't Jung rush in and help him why did he instead chose to do nothing himself.  Maybe that's the sorry In-ho is waiting for not that it happened but that Jung could have maybe made a difference in his hand.  Here is where I am going to really look messed up but when  I first saw the drawer with all the watches he owned him taking his old one off placing it among the others my first thought was because it was mentioned that he had a past with women.  Were these also gifts from other girls who no longer were a part of his life that were once trapped?  Was it a collection of watches or hearts.  I know it sounds creepy but he gives me that feel sometimes.  I am a Seol at heart and like her I just keep wondering where is this going and what does it mean?  I really want to like him and believe its just because he doesn't know how to love like others with sacrifice that somehow Seol will bring that out in him.  The episode and the moment she grabbed his hand after watching over him while he was sick was my favorite part although a flashback for him it made me feel sorry for him for the first time.  How does one know how to love if they have never really felt love?  How does one know of compassion or protection if they were given none?  It shed some light into my thinking there is a heart under there it's just not fully grown.  He is somewhat like a child how he is amazed by tiny creatures and gentle yet with people he comes off cold, maybe because as a child that's all he received & he doesn't know any other way.....  Hope you didn't mind my stopping by have a great day:)

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@USAFarmgirl I agree with you. I mentioned it myself many pages ago that YJ appears to me as someone who never had a real childhood at all. He was expected to behave like an adult early on which is definitely wrong. IT is really important to have a real childhood where you are allowed to make mistakes and you don't take responsabilities!  

First, his way of talking to his own father points out that he is not acting like a son towards his father, rather like a father himself. He gives his father advices and he is the one who deals with the Baek, as if he was their father or their guardian. That's definitely unhealthy! The father seems more concerned with the Baeks than his own son. His conversation with HS reveals that he was never treated like a son by his father, rather like an adult and the future CEO of his company! So from early on, he was burden with responsabilities and expectations. I can understand why he is so on guard all this time because his father always wanted him to be serious and responsible. Crying like a child would have been criticised by his father! He learnt to suppress his emotions, but like I mentioned above, he is very sensitive which means that he is hurt quite easily!


Moreover, being marked as "strange" by the Baek's grandfather - based on another post - must have been pretty bothersome for YJ. This feeling you can never escape that reputation is really horrible, especially at a young age! To be seen as strange by his own father is really upsetting!


Finally, with HS he is able to show his true self... the caring and genuine side!

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PwAHAHAHAHHAHA.......look at this trio..... had me bursting a gut there..... who else thinks that YJ and IH bicker like an old married couple and the only thing bothering a drunk Seol in midst of the argument is whether YJ dated the pretty In-ha....:lol: :lol:



Okay... my lovely peeps... now that I have watched Ep.6....  like an onion being peeled layer by layer to reveal the sweet bulbous core... the drama slowly peels the outer opaque layers of all the characters steadily exposing the inner core which at times may not be a sweet and can leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Precisely, as @bebebisous33 rightly elucidates how YJ is so gentle to the animals (the ant and the snail) in a way that it reflexively assert a bizarre power-play that YJ intrinsically participates in. YJ can have no power to control humans and their emotions and thus likes playing with the animals/insects. And that is exactly what creates difficulty when it comes to YJ's societal demeanor. The snail that he so gently picks from the leaf or the ant who crawls on his fingers... what YJ never realizes that no matter how happy it makes him to play with these insects/animals , he in turn has disturbed them from their natural environment/course and same applies to his behavior towards the people in his life. He wants to help the people around him but the path that he chooses at times falter and his actions turn towards malice. I'm not defending YJ , but,,, but.... I feel like this man who when just a child was never given the freedom to live the way he wanted and had to adhere to certain behavioral decorum, and I reckon , never stood a chance to explain his side of the story interprets certain actions in a calculative way. ....... Why do I feel this way, you may ask ?? Similar to YJ who must have never got a chance to elucidate his side of the story and was always blamed come what may.... touches a nerve within me...coz' as a child I , myself have been in the same situation for years. I may not harm other as YJ does at times, but I get it why he is vary about himself and the people around him. Just like Seol said how NO ONE ever told her " YOU DID GREAT" except YJ , when he spends the night at her home..... I wonder if YJ too, had never heard the same words of solidarity. It is true that Seol and YJ are similar in terms of them being taken for granted and misunderstood.

Once again , loved...loved this episode!! Two scenes that touched  me immensely.....


Baek In-ho watching the piano interview on the TV in pouring rain , his  hand(palm) now amassing the raindrops... the hand that could play heavenly tunes.....


YJ.....packing all his expensive watches back in the drawer and reveling in the simple watch gifted by Seol. With all that money he has , you come to know that YJ must have never got a gift that was beyond mere materialistic pomp.


Sorry for the long post and my ramblings.... :)



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Regarding the strange label in relation to YJ's father:


Well, he is labelled as "strange" by his own father beause of one specific incident. And that's also why his father took in the Baek kids, so that he could have kids around him. The problem with his father is that he never questioned this labelling nor did he try to understand. And I think this is how Seol is different.

@papulichan Yep, totally agree with you. I think the drama shows really well some disparity in YJ's character though those insect images. I loved those! However... however.... does he always want to help those around him?... Seol for sure but for teh rest I often feel he just wants to get them out of his way so that he can be alone.

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@ricenamja, Love your gifs.....   (pg. 112)

@drynase, thank you for stills

@melzz18, thank you for gifs (pg. 113)

@MrsSoJiSub, love your insights. Thank you much for them.   It is quite often when we find the "perpetrator turned victim" in Kdrama, I think, and sometime viewers forget that they started the chain of events... Thank you for the background on YJ's father!

13 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Jung has become the complex morass of mental conditions that he is due to a feeling of helplessness as a child. No doubt he's been overcompensating not just for a lack of love but for a lack of justice.

@40somethingahjumma, Thank you for your POV. I tend to agree with you, both about Jung and also In-Ha.That gal is so conceited and so full of a sense of entitlement because she suffered as a kid, it is truly pathetic. Jung on the other hand, is almost the opposite, and maybe that is another reason we love him. Despite the injustice he suffered, he tries to make the best of life, and at least be productive as best as he understand how.  He makes us want to celebrate with him the small/big moments, like when his girl was really paying attention to him, and got him a gift of a watch.






Read article on Kaede+jun


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Roughly translated Drunk Seol/piggyback scene BTS is here!


Link(k & c subs): 



I really don’t mean to look too much into things that don’t exist, but by the BTS vids alone I swear that my ship sails itself haha. Tell me im not imagining things xD


Again, please look upon me kindly for any inaccurate translations


Eng translations here:




[Captions] Dazed-looking Seol


[Captions] YJ sunbae who’s speedily moving somewhere


[Captions] The thoughtful YJ sunbae who’s personally getting water for HS


[Captions] Drunk acting performance that is successfully completed with just water


HS: thank you


[Captions] It’s obviously water...


*IH talking, HS downing a shot*


[Captions] yet HS already appears very drunk


[Captions] HS’s drunk acting explosion


*HS hitting the table and standing up*


*the 2 guys getting startled*


[arrows: irascible girlfriend, uneasy boyfriend, the one who looks out for me]


[Captions] Intimidating drunk Seol


IH: dog fur you’re drunk?


[Captions] IH who can’t do anything in front of the formidable drunk Seol


*Drunk HS lecturing the two about her natural curls*


[Captions] Everyone, this is HS who can be totally intoxicated with just water




[Captions] Was what I gave her really just water…?


*HS does her thing and passes out on the table*


Director: Cut! OK~


[Captions] Hair raising performance that gets an OK on the first take


*director laughing*


[Captions] Shy HS who bursts into laughter immediately when filming ends


*HS walking toward YJ while laughing*


[Captions]Atmosphere that becomes hot due to HS


Director: The filming for today is settled… Like this?


[Captions] The playful atmosphere that hasn't dissipated


Director: Quick, talk back to the director (while you're "drunk")


S: It's not right to say this, Director~


[Captions] Cute HS who’s joking


*everyone smiling/laughing amicably*




[Captions] Neighbourhood where HS is found


*IH rehearsing lines*

[Captions] Nothing to say to the drunk


*YJ and HS passing each other*


[Captions] Scene where YJ sunbae and IH escorts drunk HS home


HS: Does it mean I can vomit on YJ sunbae? :D


Director: No~~


HS: No? *laughs*


[Captions] YJ sunbae who loves everything about HS (im not making up the captions ok hahha)


Director: I love you~~ I love you~~


HS: Oof~~ Oof~


*HS fooling around*


*HS heading towards YJ as she pretends to vomit*


*HEARTS!* *YJ sunbae playing along and stopping HS’s advance with a touch*




[Captions] Practising- Ah- YJ sunbae is giving HS a piggyback ride


*HS slides off YJ’s back*


[Captions] Looks like something happened


*YJ laughing and walking away from HS*


[Captions] The 2 who keep laughing


*YJ coming back towards laughing HS*


[Captions] (Explanation) YJ: While walking here with her on my back, her arm slid down like this. What to do? What to do about this? *demonstrating*


[Captions] Not supposed to fall yet keeps slipping down


*Mischievous YJ sunbae who mimics HS*




[Captions] About time to resume filming


YJ: I’m not mentally prepared yet *laughs*


[Captions] Preparing to climb up with a smile


[Captions] Nervous even while breathing


YJ: 1 2 3!


*HS jumps onto YJ’s back successfully*


[Captions] CITT where natural acting can be seen




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12 hours ago, MiAmour said:

1st of all sorry for cut your post, as im also curious bout why he deleted those messages,

Is he perhaps dont like those useless messages? or something?hmm.. :confused:

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I thought he was deleting messages because (as Bora helpfully explained) Seol hadn't contacted him for several days after the argument in the park.  He probably figured that Seol wasn't going to contact him again.  And then once she did (did this timeline seem a little weird to anyone else??) message him, he started rushing out the door like a puppy excited to see it's owner again.  :D

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24 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

Regarding the strange label in relation to YJ's father:

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Well, he is labelled as "strange" by his own father beause of one specific incident. And that's also why his father took in the Baek kids, so that he could have kids around him. The problem with his father is that he never questioned this labelling nor did he try to understand. And I think this is how Seol is different.

@papulichan Yep, totally agree with you. I think the drama shows really well some disparity in YJ's character though those insect images. I loved those! However... however.... does he always want to help those around him?... Seol for sure but for teh rest I often feel he just wants to get them out of his way so that he can be alone.


 You make an excellent point there. sweetie  ! Until now... when it comes to Seol , YJ has helped her without any ulterior motive. The others ..YES !! not so altruistic. IMO, this what I infer  , ah... say the whole TA thing... YJ saw the the TA stealing money at the restaurant , he could have ratted the TA out at that moment. But, he chooses to use that "incident" as a "pawn" when needed in future. And that is exactly what YJ does when he asks for his report to be dismissed so that Seol can get the scholarship. YJ's actions certainly not noble , but yes in his own bizzare way he thought it was a genuine effort of help. Also, I don't exactly remember the names but that Sunbae who gives Seol a hard time during the presentation....YJ did use that dinner party incident of that Sunbae stealing money from the student fund and giving the reciept to his junior who was always the target of bullying. Well, although at the end, YJ ended up hurting both the guys as well as Seol , for him that was the somehow the right path of "justice". The analogy again applying to the snail and the ant.

Chingu, If I'm wrong please feel free to correct me..arasso...kekeke

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1 hour ago, USAFarmgirl said:

These are my thoughts not the dramas I didn't understand why Jung didn't rush into the building to help Seol if he cared for her in the past episodes.  Seol got a cut but she could have been killed at that very moment yet all he could think of was to call someone?  Not to mention he didn't seem rushed, to calm for comfort for me.  I believe that's what In-ho  maybe didn't understand too!  Why didn't Jung rush in and help him why did he instead chose to do nothing himself.  Maybe that's the sorry In-ho is waiting for not that it happened but that Jung could have maybe made a difference in his hand. 

Here is where I am going to really look messed up but when I first saw the drawer with all the watches he owned him taking his old one off placing it among the others my first thought was because it was mentioned that he had a past with women.  Were these also gifts from other girls who no longer were a part of his life that were once trapped?  Was it a collection of watches or hearts.  I know it sounds creepy but he gives me that feel sometimes.  I am a Seol at heart and like her I just keep wondering where is this going and what does it mean?  

hi my thoughts about the first incident, was that he was very brilliant, he called the campus security. Because we have no idea where that evil girl informed him about the drunk man. Yes it does seems cold that he didnt just run there but they could jolly well be already very faraway from the site. So the fastest way to get Seol some help is to call security who can deploy the nearest guards there. Also maybe he doubt what the girl said, she being known to him as a liar who makes up stories, cant be trusted. He wont know if she is tricking him to do something. So by calling security, he manage to balance two objectives 1) getting seol effective help 2) avoid implicating himself incase it is a bluff.

2nd point about the watch, I dont think with his background he needs to resort to women buying him watches. Also he doesnt seems like a playboy to me. Perhaps he had some relationships in the past, but I think his character is the sort that when he doesnt like something he will sever all ties, even if he did receive gifts of watches, I am quite certain he would have thrown them away. You can see his apartment is super neat and devoid of any decorations. So my point is, those watches were his own and they were there as a comparison that he treasured Seol's gift vs those expensive ones.

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1 minute ago, qwenli said:

hi my thoughts about the first incident, was that he was very brilliant, he called the campus security. Because we have no idea where that evil girl inform him about the drunk men. They could jolly well be already very faraway from the site. So the fastest way to get Seol some help is to call security who can deploy the nearest guards there. Also maybe he doubt what the girl said, she being known to him as a liar who makes up stories, cant be trusted. He wont know if she is tricking him to do something. So by calling security, he manage to balance two objectives 1) getting seol effective help 2) avoid implicating himself incase it is a bluff.

2nd point about the watch, I dont think with his background he needs to resort to women buying him watches. Also he doesnt seems like a playboy to me. Perhaps he had some relationships in the past, but I think his character is the sort that when he doesnt like something he will sever all ties, even if he did receive gifts of watches, I am quite certain he would have thrown them away. You can see his apartment is super neat and devoid of any decorations. 

In case no one already has I wanted to answer this question.  I don't think this will be too much of a spoiler, but I'll put the spoiler tag just in case...


Jung says in the webtoon that he likes collecting watches.  However, he only has one that he wears all the time, which is from his mother.  When Seol gives him the cheap watch as a gift, he's super happy and I think he gives Seol the watch from his mother, while he wears the new one.

Someone else who's read the webtoon can confirm or correct me, but I think that's about right. :D 

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waaa~ Already page 122..

actually i want to read all the comments, but it must be need a lot of time (but i want too read people's point of view too. #dilemma). its so many, because i'm a bit late to check it out the drama update.hhe. next time i will check it soon, so i can read it.

i juat wanna say, Park hae jin is so goodlooking, charming and sometimes cute.. uwaa~. it just make me smiling whenever there's a lovey dovey scene.wkwkwk

goodnight all.

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@bebebisous33yes I saw the video you posted, I dig up an article because someone brought up labels again.


ok I just finished ep 6 with subs and just want to share some scenes that I feel were special.

But before that, firstly I was also very moved when Inho stared at the tv program in the rain, thinking about his lost dreams. I have a soft spot for pianists and people who lost their dreams. And he happens to be both. However I feel that perhaps the writer should have chosen another career since pianists even if they gave up half way are usually not loud and direct people. They have to be very focus and discipline during practice which I have to assume Inho had already done for a number of keys since he became the trainee of the famous teacher. So he should be quite a sensitive and artistic person.

And the snail playing scene of Jung, well, I have a soft spot for animal lovers too. haha. Awww and he seems like such a warm and kind guy caring about little creatures like bugs and snails. It shows he is into details. Again then why is he so good at bashing people (later in the next ep) when he wants to? ok fine, this is a webtoon, not a shakespearean classic.

These are the scenes that I find interesting


when seol's brother asked is her boyfriend the thug or the model student?:D


Seol's full face is not shown, but I swear she smiled in his embrace. Her eyes were smiling.:wub:



A girl in love, wishing everyday is spent happily with her boyfriend.:)



When Seol complained about her brother getting away with things. He made this casual remark which I think sounded rather wistful on his part. His father had expectations of him, he has to be always polite and not get angry. So alot of love he got was conditional. Sadly, he knows that there are people who get love easily and those that dont. For him, perhaps everything has to be work for, that's why he admire and respect Seol who works hard for everything. 

These two are a good match. They are earnest in everything.:wub:

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@bebebisous33  & @qwenli thank you for your insight and I agree I now believe that too but at first I have to be honest I wondered about him.  After going back and rewatching the last episodes again I can better understand what your saying.  A fault of mine that while watching any drama I think outside the box not always right but it's how I am.  I think when Seol grabbed his hand & stayed with him that night his heart melted.  I also think he is changing and will continue to change because of love & being loved.  Something else that stands out to me is that Jung & Seol really do have things in common.  They both grew up having to be the responsible ones it was expected while they both watched while like Seol her brother was treated different.  I admire the writer, for this is a problem in the real world as well when you think about it.  How creative the writing is and honest at the same time. On the flip side they are also so different even their relationship is so complex.  Anyways you both made me think and that's why threads are so amazing.  The fact is that any drama, movie or show is much more interesting & fun when your sharing & learning with & from others.  I always think that every drama is a story but within that story there is always something that touches you or moves you and makes you think.  Sometimes it even challenges you to do better or be better I guess that's the gift of watching them......

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4 hours ago, ricenamja said:

My heart BROKE when InHo called out to Seol but she didn't hear him and went running towards Jung </3 his face was so..... T^T

and the scene where he was with the kids omg so cute!!!! oh god guys the second lead syndrome is real. I love Jung a lot as well but InHo just gives me these feels UGHHHH does anyone feel me?? HAHA i've never been like this before CRIES. Most of the times my bias-ness would be towards the main male lead but for some reason my eyes are drawn to InHo this time. Perhaps i'm just more into playful guys :tears:



Yes! Me too. I have this second lead syndrome.

In ho in this drama isbetter than in webtoon

I really love the kids scene. I think he will be a good brother for seol and yj also. 


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@qwenli I never posted a video. :blink: I always write long essays and analysis!

About your last comment: The episode 6 gave such great scenes that it is difficult for me to choose only three. I would say, I really enjoyed at 5 scenes:

- I love the scene at the bar HS - In Ho and YJ and when the boys were bringing her home later. They moved towards each other at least. 

- I was also moved by In Ho's reaction when he witnessed the piano concert: I was really moved by his tears. While YJ is hiding his anger and mistrust behind his fake smile and his calm demeanor, IH is the exact opposite. He will be louder, speak a lot and be quite rough in his gesture, but he is also hiding his real emotions behind all this "actions"!

- The gift and YJ's reaction! We can see that YJ isn't materialistic at all. He can treasure little gestures and gifts!

- The scene in HS' flat: they are getting closer! YJ is opening up...

- Finally, we got to see what YJ saw in HS and what touched his heart: someone took care of him for the first time without asking anything in return. The fact she touched his hand in her sleep... I consider that YJ has never got closer to any of his former girlfriends. I can understand why he really fell for her. But here again: YJ stays true to himself. He won't reveal it because he is still afraid. His secret is not in his advantage because she will always wonder. HS is still lacking self-confidence that's why YG's words got to her (she had doubts about YJ again!).



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