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Regarding  whether Seol ends up with In Ho or Jung here's my two cents....

In the web toon no one could dispute the fact that Seol would end up with Jung , since there is absolutely no chemistry between Seol and Inho there...

But in my honest opinion, in the Show ,the chemistry between In Ho and Seol  completely overshadows Seol and Jung equation.

I disagree that Seol behaves with In Ho in some sort of sibling manner, actually its funny that almost every time there is a toss up between two men, people use this sibling like argument to discredit one side.

Though Seol in the drama is not conscious of any feelings from her side towards In Ho and also the changes in his feelings towards her, the way their relationship is right now is  how many people fall in love , first they become comfortable with each other , know each other, become friends and finally fall for each other.Especially seeing Seol's care for In Ho whether to prevent him being charged by Young Gon , or his pain regarding his Music, or buying medicine for him.... it all points to Seol subconsciously thinking about him and caring for him.

Seol right now is in a relationship with Joon in the show , so of-course she wont look at In Ho as a potential romance, therefore she might not consciously feel for him so soon.... but the way things are.....  no girl will ever be so comfortable , enjoy a boy's company so much, spend so much time with him , care for him without actually  in some tiny corner of her heart falling for him.Though she is unaware of it now and is innocent, once she is aware of it , definitely she will be aware of his presence and proximity , the way In Ho is right now and stop being so close, because then she would feel that she is sort of cheating on Jung.

Having said that,in my opinion in the drama Seol is fascinated with Jung very much, he has a sort of magnetic personality and not to mention his dashing looks and charisma, the air of mystery around his intentions too fascinates her. I believe that somewhere what began as fascination and curiosity, has turned into genuine affection and care about him.

For me  Seol and Jung have the first crush sort of relationship and i dont see that they would be able to maintain it in the long run.  Not just because Jung is  a complex person or because his nature is different from Seol, but because the relationships that usually stick , long last is where you can be friends with the one you love and that I see with Seol and Inho.

AN argument can be made that Seol and In Ho relationship wont be the same if romance comes in to it, but the thing is the bond of friendship once formed stays with you no matter what shape the relationship takes further. Even when Seol realizes her feelings for In Ho and vice versa they will still be able to have the comfortable relationship that she has now with him.

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7 hours ago, lclarakl said:


@namyo, after your post, I had to rematch this episode. Unfortunately, just as it was with episode 10, I found several things I didn't like about it--things that are hitting me hard the second time around.  In Ho has done several things that I don't like especially since Seol is another man's girlfriend.  I also didn't like a lot of things that Seol did in this episode. Sorry, but I didn't like how when they were all eating on Seol's moving day, In Ho was getting on to her about the crazy stalker and In Ho was telling Jung that he wasn't taking care of his girlfriend that other men have to do it for him. Seol was trying to send In Ho a silent message to keep it quite and not tell Jung, her boyfriend.  I can only imagine how Jung feels knowing that his girlfriend is not sharing important information with him and he has to hear about it from his rival; as if Seol and In Ho are sharing secrets.  Also the way that Seol always looks uncomfortable at Jung while in the presences of In Ho speaks volumes.

Later Joon, Jung and In Ho (have no idea why he's tagging along) walk Seol home. She then tell all 3 guys that they have to wait as she tidy up. Maybe I'm picky, but I didn't like the way she lumped Jung in the mix with In Ho. After she leaves, Jung decides that he's going to follow her because she is his girlfriend and he tells Joon to stay.  He finds Seol being attacked by underwear stalker.  Naturally after being told by In Ho that he doesn't take care of his girlfriend, Jung beats up the underwear stalker who I felt deserved it.  When Jung came back to Seol she recoils from him.  She remembers what In Ho said bout Jung hurting his hand and rejects Jung when he tired to help her, but she accepts In Ho's touch in front of Jung.  What a low blow from Seol. I was just happy the writer didn't show her letting In Ho into her hospital room while Jung was waiting outside not being allowed entrance.  I was even more happy when Seol was giggling like a little girl in her bed wondering if she would marry Jung. Although she tries to keep a distance from him in public, this showed that she really liked him.

Then we have Seol remembering confronting Jung while he was with the lazy senior a year ago in a flashback scene.  She told Jung, "Thanks to you, he's been bothering me for a while and I've had to suffer."  Interestingly, Lazy senior said, "......And he was saying you're the only one in class who actually cares about him. We were just agreeing with him to be polite."  Jung said, "Whatever the case. I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it that way." Then Seol wants them to clarify that it's all crazy stalker fault (IMO of course it's all his fault!!!).  So I was confused when Seol becomes extremely upset with Jung this time around after hearing about the text message; I guess it had to do with the extra stuff that In Ha had texted.

Later after Jung drives Seol home to her parents, he gives her one of those beautiful hugs and tries to kiss her, but she pulls aways from him. He in turn pulls away from her. She then realizes she shouldn't send him off like this. She grabs his face and after much prolonging squeezing of his face, she kisses him on the cheek and jumps out of the car.  Here is where I had a problem with Seol. She then runs into her brother and they see In Ho looking at cords.  It's the look she gives In Ho that gave me pause.  However, she and her brother gets under the umbrella with In Ho, he wraps his arm around both Seol and Joon's neck and they head home---Jung is looking on. Again, I can only imagine how he feels when the woman you like pull away from his touch, which she did many times in this episode, and easily let In Ho hug her---she and In Ho are not that close and she has a boyfriend.  As the threesome walks away, In Ho waves his hands which Jung sees.  You don't really see In Ho's intent until Jung while lying in bed is thinking back to that moment--then it becomes clear that's what In Ho was doing.

We then find out that Seol has taken a lot of interest in In Ho and she later goes to her uncle's storage to bring the cord for the piano and books for In Ho to practice piano.  

Then we have a scene when In Ho and Joon come to Seol's college. He brother sent her a text saying she and In Ho wanted to eat lunch with her. She panics. Runs out the room and drop her little lion. She finds out In Ho is at the music department and heads that way during her 10 minute break.  In Ho is running from the professor. The professor gives Seol his card to give to In Ho. It's at this point Seol realizes she has lost her lion.  Later Jung is helping her look for it. She empty her purse and Jung sees the professor of music business card. He tells Seol he'll give it to In Ho. Seol says she can just give it to him Jung tells her that he doesn't like it. Seol thinks it's no big deal. She doesn't realize that Jung saw her walking with In Ho under the umbrella or the wave to Jung from In Ho. Instead of letting Jung handles it, she tells him they should go together; that she doesn't like it when he fights with In Ho. 

When Jung and Seol arrive at the storage where In Ho is, Jung asks if he wants to play piano.  In Ho looks like Seol has betrayed him and she looks like she has too. 

All I have to say is Seol pay a lot of attention to her friend and not enough to her boyfriend.  I really want Jung to dump her so that she can appreciate him more.  She only see Jung as the issue, not others as the problem. 


@lclarakl I totally agree with you that Seol's attention on In Ho is depicted more than what is betwen a guy and girl who are not in a relationship. It totally comes off as somewhere in her heart she cares for him in a way that is above the level of casual acquaintance or casual friend. When his feelings are hurt , it affects her a lot. In fact lot more than it affects her when Jung's feelings are hurt.

Jung and Seol looks more sort of the first attempt / first crush which eventually lead to end game Seol and In ho.

Atleast from the show i get that feel. Whereas in web toon, writer clearly didnt let any sort of chemistryt build up between Seol and In Ho.

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As I've said numerous times, I would be extremely disappointed if the show made In-ho and Seol the endgame and it's not about who is more deserving (an argument I refuse to buy into). It would completely undermine what the storyline is about -- a bait and switch. In short, I would feel completely cheated having invested all this time on this show (a la Marry Him if You Dare).  It wouldn't be the first time a K drama has done this but it would still sting.

While In-ho and Seol are friends, they're not lifelong friends or even long time friends. Not enough for me to agree that they've got a strong enough foundation for a friends-becoming-lovers ending. If In-ho had been friends with Seol before she got involved with Jung... maybe. That's a very big "Maybe". Despite all its shortcomings, The Time We Were Not in Love was at least consistent in showing that progression.

Also, there's nothing to suggest to me that Jung and Seol's journey as a couple is over yet. If they had broken up in Ep. 8... yeah, okay... there might be something to that. But the previews suggest that there are a lot more of Jung and Seol to come.

I've not read the webtoon and I base all my conclusions purely on watching the drama.

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I ain't even worried about endgame because endgame is endgame and well I know what I have seen on my screen developed all so naturally and realistically little by little with each episode and each scene in a way that was filled with so much chemistry and growth and learning. I'm just going to sit back and keep enjoying it all. Two people do not run into each other's arms like...like...this was my destiny and in it was my voyage of my longing, and in it my longing fell, in you everything sank! -Pablo Neruda, A Song of Despair

They came together and ran and merged with each running half way. They met in the freaking middle! I'll come to you and you'll come to me. It all goes back to that waterfront they meet at. Such gorgeous scenery which in itself is symbolic. That scenery looks like a bridge which draws to my mind a journey, a passage, a crossing between these two same but different individuals. When you go on a journey you leave home and comfort and the familiar to go into the unknowna, and different. A new world, a new reality. It also serves as a link between the two. When two people are on a bridge together they're going to cross paths. Your side and mine will meet at some point. We either pass by and continue going our individual ways or we stop in the middle -the two are always in the middle of that area- and merge. Just look at the posted pictures of ep 10 meeting. There relationship and it's progress occurs there. The beginning coin vending machine after Seol calls his name, they go there and she not him finally really invites him for a meal, and thus we begin.

Now they are at a hurdle in their relationship and Jung literally passes Seol by and leaves her waiting -the pink shirt mi gusta PHJ look so good and he is webtoon Jung come out the pages- cause she is waiting on him to come to her as she literally ran and came to him and his "I'm trying." If the two ever do part for good and or we have some moment of confirmation that they will go on beyond the 16 episodes we will get to be with them, I imagine it'll take place there. I been assured in how all events come back to the two and their progress as individuals and as a couple so I'm done with the pessimism and what I think is looking too deep and reading too much into a friendship in which yeah being Seol there is care there, and trying to convince. We'll all know in 4 more weeks. 

@bjvipb2uty it was objectively wrong because it was not what Seol desired and not how she would have handle the situation if she had a choice or say. Jung knows this. That is specifically why he did not tell her, ask her, or include her in the discussion. It is objectively wrong because through these manipulations (let's forget if the end justified the means) Jung continues to make decisions about and control Seol's life which she does not like nor want. He keeps controlling her life (who is he to decide when, where, and how she confronts Minsoo. He forced the situation upon her. Yes other people like Minsoo and Seol herself have a choice but let's just focus on Jung and his role) and she has told him she doesn't like that and he keeps ignoring or forgetting that because he thinks he knows best or his way is best and that needs to stop or he's going lose her cause I would walk away too.

TALK TO ME, LET US DISCUSS THIS. LET ME HAVE A SAY. SHARE MY OPINIONS, MY VIEWS. HAVE A SAY IN MY LIFE AND MY PROBLEMS AND WHAT WE'LL DO ABOUT IT TOGETHER!! Seol wants to be included in the decision making, plan making process, basically share the control and decision making, and he keeps not doing that (and before anyone comes for me, I know Seol doesn't do it neither because she hasn't shared in Yonunggon and her plans for him. But for once let's stay on Jung and his problematic behavior without doing away with it because "other people do it too" I know this but let's keep it Jung) Seol specifically told Jung in episode 6 when it comes to matters of her life (she's kind of giving him a pass on other peoples lives LOL) she wants him to talk with her first! Even though he's trying...he's even now scheming about what to do about Younggon without communicating that with her (I know she's doing the same that's not the point right now).

Jung is yet again controlling and making decisions about Seol's life without Seol's knowledge or input (I get it from my daddy says Jung lol) and it needs to stop. Seol surprisingly never told Jung to stop his cunning or manipulating or background maneuvering (which tells me she is dark and can be willing to accept some of these things where she may find it fitting or "well if you hadn't....") she just wants him to pause and think of the other person and all possible outcomes and hurts and if he still believes his way of things the right solution, I guess okay (?) then deal with the consequences that befalls as it befalls. Importantly she wants him to include her.

Just communicate so she's not blind sided and felling lost and off balance. If I already know what you have done because you told me and why, I know you. You've shown me you. You let me in to see you. You allowed me to get closer to you to understand you because you explained. I won't be lost when someone says something and wondering at the real you. You would have shown me all your sides so I know. "Oh Jung did that? I know." I know you! The world maybe surprised but I know you, you've shown me all sides. 

So again it's not all the "traps" as Jung put it. It's him (and her I know) and this barrier where they both haven't open up enough and let each other in enough (and there is plenty of reasons why on both sides) to know each other. Neither one of them can really answer the question of "who are you" because they have yet to get vulnerable and open enough to allows each other to get to the nitty gritty of each other which would allow for understanding (see how it worked wonders when drunk Jung shared about being a pushover in high school. When Minsoo happened Seol was able to draw on that and try to understand Jung -but not necessarily accept what he do. good- and why he did this well intended but not how she would wanted it thing).

More of drunk Jung opening up needs to happen while sober. Seol also needs to do the same. So, objectively speaking, yet again it's not all those other things (Inho, Inha, Minsoo, Younggon, etc) it's Jung and Seol and the growing and learning and communicating and developing and building they are still doing on solidifying the type of relationship they both crave to have with each other. 

@40somethingahjumma to this day I still rage when I think of the bs, the complete destruction of its narrative, build up, character development, relationship development and growth. The damn purpose of the show that the writers threw out the window to please some idol singers fans in the end by not giving an ending. Not having Mi Rae make a choice which was the richard simmons title of your drama 'Mi Rae's Choice' Not Mi Rae's Indecision *beats chest like they do in dramas* I CAN'T!!! richard simmons richard simmons richard simmons richard simmons sloppy joe!! Thankfully this drama was preproduction and just about done when it started airing so I'll just continue to trust the team and what they have been doing so well so far. If it all fails (which it won't, it can't because, why do writers keep failing themselves...the kdrama gods aren't that cruel :P) at least I can keep enjoying all the ongoing development in the webtoon. 




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19 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:


As I've said numerous times, I would be extremely disappointed if the show made In-ho and Seol the endgame and it's not about who is more deserving (an argument I refuse to buy into). It would completely undermine what the storyline is about -- a bait and switch. In short, I would feel completely cheated having invested all this time on this show (a la Marry Him if You Dare).  It wouldn't be the first time a K drama has done this but it would still sting.

While In-ho and Seol are friends, they're not lifelong friends or even long time friends. Not enough for me to agree that they've got a strong enough foundation for a friends-becoming-lovers ending. If In-ho was friends with Seol before she got involved with Jung... maybe. That's a very big "Maybe". Despite all its shortcomings, The Time We Were Not in Love was at least consistent in showing that progression.

Also, there's nothing to suggest to me that Jung and Seol's journey as a couple is over yet. If they had broken up in Ep. 8... yeah, okay... there might be something to that. But the previews suggest that there are a lot more of Jung and Seol to come.

I've not read the webtoon and I base all my conclusions purely on watching the drama.

@40somethingahjumma I feel ya frustration regarding the bait and switch tactic , but worry not , even though in my opinion  Seol and In Ho should be end game, as per my understanding of show writer, i dont think he will pull the old bait and switch tactic on you.... so rest assured watch without any reservation.... your OTP will last....

As for me,  Jung and Seol's equation just doesnt give the vibe that its for the keeps or say the End Game feel.

Somehow feel that the relationship lacks soul just like In Ho's playing of piano after the accident lacks soul, you just feel it and know it.And friendship doesnt need years , even a day can solidify friendship very much, it depends on the kind of moments you spend, the experiences you share... in short amount of time you can come to deeply care about someone, it just happens. 


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This is random, but one of the things I like about Jung is how he always compliments Seol's looks. Maybe he's blinded by love or whatever but that episode when Seol was dolled up for her blind date, Jung's reaction was priceless. I mean she didn't look that great with that get up (I actually think she looked prettier during her first date with Jung), but Jung complimented her. Jung strikes me as someone that isn't shallow when it comes to looks. Except for that one "bigger-eyes-when younger" comment during the overnight stay. But I'm sure he didn't mean it in a bad way.

Unlike Inho's earlier comments about her eyes/hair and how she's not Jung's type of girls which sounded pretty rude to me, but I guess that's just his personality.

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@lclarakl @SukBin agree. Not helping when Inho's characters in the drama is pretty much 'white-washed' (it is debatable to what extent people felt he is 'white-washed' in the drama though) to suit second male lead tropes in kdramaland (protective, loveable, good friend, warm to the female lead, nice, etc). I don't remember Inho is being this nice in the webtoon, I wanna slap his head and skip his scenes all the time lmao. While on the other hand, Jung is depicted much darker than the webtoon one. He laughs and being cute so damn much with Seol in the webtoon..while in the drama, we rarely saw him laugh out loud U_U Also, his relationship with Seol is pretty much out of the blue...while in the webtoon, it's building for some time, until we're convinced that he does like her and being sincere when he confessed (kinda see it coming).

That is why people on various forums and articles are having second male lead syndrome and lean on Inho. While in webtoon, Inho-Seol r/s is pretty much non-existent (saw it clearly, much clearer, they are just friends/family-kinda-vibe).

I still think the drama is a good adaptation, though... It's rare for drama/movie adaptation to be /this/ close to the original version, with satisfying casts (real acting!!), plot, and script.

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39 minutes ago, SukBin said:

@40somethingahjumma I feel ya frustration regarding the bait and switch tactic , but worry not , even though in my opinion  Seol and In Ho should be end game, as per my understanding of show writer, i dont think he will pull the old bait and switch tactic on you.... so rest assured watch without any reservation.... your OTP will last....

As for me,  Jung and Seol's equation just doesnt give the vibe that its for the keeps or say the End Game feel.

Somehow feel that the relationship lacks soul just like In Ho's playing of piano after the accident lacks soul, you just feel it and know it.And friendship doesnt need years , even a day can solidify friendship very much, it depends on the kind of moments you spend, the experiences you share... in short amount of time you can come to deeply care about someone, it just happens. 


What I want or think is largely irrelevant, to be frank. ;) To me it's about what the storyline is doing. When I started watching this show it never occurred to me that I was watching some kind of Hana Yori Dango redux. There was no sign of a faux love triangle in sight.  I thought this was an unconventional rom com about a manipulative male lead and a hardworking, high achieving female lead with lots of personal baggage trying to become a couple despite the odds stacked against them. 

So really, this isn't about me. ;)

If Seol does end up with In-ho, it means that all of that storyline ends up in the garbage bin. The very thing that makes this story unique has become a rather uninteresting love triangle. In effect it feels like the rug that's been pulled from under us.

The show has spent so much effort showing the growing pains of this relationship building and to suddenly say at the end that well, you know, she's changed her mind... will completely undermine Seol's integrity. It already has for a lot of people. Because they're putting In-ho and Seol in the same room a lot and giving them opportunities to do things together, people are already saying that she's not doing the right thing by Jung.

So I think the baiting and switching has already started I suspect.

You won't get any arguments from me that people can form fast and deep relationships. But those fast and deep relationships don't necessarily translate to romance either. 

Well, I don't think the romance lacks soul, to me at least. Right now it may lack trust but they've only just begun to deal with all the issues that are in front of them.

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11 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

What I want or think is largely irrelevant, to be frank. ;) To me it's about what the storyline is doing. When I started watching this show it never occurred to me that I was watching some kind of Hana Yori Dango redux. There was no sign of a faux love triangle in sight.  I thought this was an unconventional rom com about a manipulative male lead and a hardworking, high achieving female lead with lots of personal baggage trying to become a couple despite the odds stacked against them. 

So really, this isn't about me. ;)

If Seol does end up with In-ho, it means that all of that storyline ends up in the garbage bin. The very thing that makes this story unique has become a rather uninteresting love triangle. In effect it feels like the rug that's been pulled from under us.

The show has spent so much effort showing the growing pains of this relationship building and to suddenly say at the end that well, you know, she's changed her mind... will completely undermine Seol's integrity. It already has for a lot of people. Because they're putting In-ho and Seol in the same room a lot and giving them opportunities to do things together, people are already saying that she's not doing the right thing by Jung.

So I think the baiting and switching has already started I suspect.

You won't get any arguments from me that people can form fast and deep relationships. But those fast and deep relationships don't necessarily translate to romance either. 

Well, I don't think the romance lacks soul, to me at least. Right now it may lack trust but they've only just begun to deal with all the issues that are in front of them.

I agree that at the start the show gave of the feel that itrs gonna be about the complex relationship between Jung and Seol, that was the first impression even i got.But if you rewatch you see subtle signs every episode that it was not going to be just that.All of us didnt pick it up in first watch but writers right from the very first episode have indicated that In Ho and Seol relationship is very much focus of the story line in parallel to the obvious OTP Jung and Seol. I think it might be that they are showing some sort of comparision like Normal vs Complex relationship through these parallel lines, though i really dont think that they will do away with Seol - Jung OTP at any point.

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42 minutes ago, luvcrabbieshinhwa said:

@lclarakl @SukBin agree. Not helping when Inho's characters in the drama is pretty much 'white-washed' (it is debatable to what extent people felt he is 'white-washed' in the drama though) to suit second male lead tropes in kdramaland (protective, loveable, good friend, warm to the female lead, nice, etc). I don't remember Inho is being this nice in the webtoon, I wanna slap his head and skip his scenes all the time lmao. While on the other hand, Jung is depicted much darker than the webtoon one. He laughs and being cute so damn much with Seol in the webtoon..while in the drama, we rarely saw him laugh out loud U_U Also, his relationship with Seol is pretty much out of the blue...while in the webtoon, it's building for some time, until we're convinced that he does like her and being sincere when he confessed (kinda see it coming).

That is why people on various forums and articles are having second male lead syndrome and lean on Inho. While in webtoon, Inho-Seol r/s is pretty much non-existent (saw it clearly, much clearer, they are just friends/family-kinda-vibe).

I still think the drama is a good adaptation, though... It's rare for drama/movie adaptation to be /this/ close to the original version, with satisfying casts (real acting!!), plot, and script.


@luvcrabbieshinhwa, I haven't read the webtoon, but one of the things that I began to see more clearer is the time the writer is giving to In Ho. For me, in this drama, I find him irritating because I see clearly the man that Jung is and I also see Seol. After episode 7, I'm truly afraid to re-watch episode 8 because with each passing episode it seems there is more Seol/In Ho time together than Seol/Jung time together. Even when they are dating.  I'm hoping that in eps 11 and 12 there will be more Jung/Seol time and them coming together as a couple. He has her guard up with Jung and not trying to get closer to him and has it down with In Ho and trying to develop a friendship with him.  I hope that In Ho is without a doubt is placed firmly in the friend category.  

For me seeing Seol buy In Ho medicine when he's sick and the electrical cord for the piano along with her music books just doesn't sit well for me. We talk about how long she and Jung were dating, at least she knew him a lot longer. In the case of In Ho, she's known him an even shorter period of time and the writer of this drama has made her protective of him, buying meals for him, buying medicine for him, wanting to be his tutor, taking sides with him against Jung, letting him walk down the streets with his arms around her neck, etc. I don't like the way the writer is painting Seol in this drama in connection with In Ho. I like this drama, but I would love to see Seol being this way towards her boyfriend to a greater degree, not her "new friend".  My frustration is not with the character Seol, but with the way the writer is depicting her and Jung. 

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40 minutes ago, luvcrabbieshinhwa said:

@lclarakl @SukBin agree. Not helping when Inho's characters in the drama is pretty much 'white-washed' (it is debatable to what extent people felt he is 'white-washed' in the drama though) to suit second male lead tropes in kdramaland (protective, loveable, good friend, warm to the female lead, nice, etc). I don't remember Inho is being this nice in the webtoon, I wanna slap his head and skip his scenes all the time lmao. While on the other hand, Jung is depicted much darker than the webtoon one. He laughs and being cute so damn much with Seol in the webtoon..while in the drama, we rarely saw him laugh out loud U_U Also, his relationship with Seol is pretty much out of the blue...while in the webtoon, it's building for some time, until we're convinced that he does like her and being sincere when he confessed (kinda see it coming).

That is why people on various forums and articles are having second male lead syndrome and lean on Inho. While in webtoon, Inho-Seol r/s is pretty much non-existent (saw it clearly, much clearer, they are just friends/family-kinda-vibe).

I still think the drama is a good adaptation, though... It's rare for drama/movie adaptation to be /this/ close to the original version, with satisfying casts (real acting!!), plot, and script.

Absolutely agree that and evn mentioned in prev posts, web toon made it clear , crystal clear that Seol - In Ho not gonna happen, will be in friends/family zone.Jung - seol in web toon had kinda Seol - Inho vibe that we have in drama. The playfulness, the comfort, the letting down guard was apparent in web toon, in drama it is scarcely there and whatever little is there looks forced.

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Regardless of the webtoon... if there is any switch at the end *knockswood*, I'll just think all of the efforts in 10 episodes to show JungxSeol r/s building and growth [individually and as a couple] will go to waste :sweatingbullets: Ends up in garbage bin like what @40somethingahjumma said :phew:

This isn't Reply series..and though I wasn't particularly invested on shipping in any of the series, I dropped R88 in a heartbeat after knowing the ending for the same reason (I was following until ep 10 when it ended).


@lclarakl yeah agree.. Inho-Seol is depicted to have a very easy and normal r/s..esp with him acting so nice and her being so comfortable with him (regardless she saw him as friend or family or being in r/s w/ Jung currently), as a contrast to JungxSeol's.. That's why many drama viewers lean toward Inho, without even bothering to try to 'comprehend' Jung and his personalities/actions or even see that the main plot is the drama is actually how Jung and Seol grow together as a couple/individually. I wish the writer will touch on his past and the cause of his current personality for ep 11-12..

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11 minutes ago, madlena said:

What is up with this discussion about whether seol will end up with jung after all? Who would she end up with?? THIS ISN'T THE REPLY SERIES YOU GUYS!!!

Yup..love this comment..THIS ISN'T THE REPLY SERIES, this is CHEESE IN THE TRAP..it's all about jung and seol and their relationship just like the drama poster and the webtoon..:wub::wub::wub:

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I don't want people to think that I don't think of In-ho as an important character because he so obviously is. Or that the goings on at the university aren't important. But what I'm saying is that I didn't sign up for a love triangle. And if they do go down that road, (Seol starts wavering between two guys) I will drop the show like a hot potato. 

Personally I don't think they will take it too far but I'm just saying. ;)

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We must all be experiencing a different drama because I really don't see the build up to Inho/Seol endgame that others do and don't see more into their relationship than the friends that it is. I honestly think it is because the two have the basic normal rom-com first lead ship we would get if this were any other drama *thinks* nah they are basic as any second lead that people project imho too much of their desires ontp. This feels like the audience wanting Yoonjae for school 2015 when the story made it very clear throughout its whole run that it was and would always be Nam Joo Hyuk. Everything was one sided and because the audience found Yoonjae soo cute and fell for him, they failed to see the lead girl did not feel the same and only ever saw him as a friend. What the audience felt for Yoonjae is what she was feeling for Nam Joo Hyuk, The audience wanted a look. a touch, a smile, shared fun, concern, care, to mean more than it really did and I honestly see the same happening here.

This sometimes makes me wonder if dramas and general media has skewed our minds so well and the concept of "friends". Real caring friends and two guys in your life can happen and feelings and things aren't so black and white as love or hate. Date a boy or they can't be in your life...I don't mean to offend, but all feelings for something more is coming from Inho. He's the one who smiled in glee when given medicine and Seol is just reading. She brought medicine for a friend, big whoop. Jung has never gotten sick while they are dating so we don't know what she would do if he had. And guess what? Even when they weren't dating she took care of him when sick and unconsciously reaches out to him and continued to do that and only freaks when she realizes she's doing that because feelings which she doesn't have for Inho! 

I just don't get it. What Seol and Jung have fits them both so well and is what both desire in a relationship (that emotional chicken soup for the soul ep 6 bedroom talk stuff) so why feel threatened or worried about something she doesn't want (and unlike others I feel Seol is aware of how she feels for the two boys. No secrets unknown longing or like for Inho even she isn't aware of). She is unable to go to Inho for the emotional part which is what Seol desires in a relationship. Just look at the preview. After the fight with her parents she could have easily called Inho and vented to him but that's not who she seeks or desires in those moments of need and want. He looks for her and in their friendship and sans Seol going to the piano room, that's how it always is. Even in the webtoon she doesn't open up to Bora. Seol misses and wants for Jung. She wanders the streets thinking on everything and him and how she wished he was there to talk to and be with and find some sort of solace in and I don't know how he always does it, but there Jung was. Seol chooses Jung. Seol wants Jung (she would not be putting herself through all this if it weren't the case). Jung is the person Seol wants to call, see, and talk to when things go bad. To borrow from some who said it better:

I have completely fallen for you. You're my first thought in the morning, [Jung texting Seol while laying out clothes for his day] you're my last thought before I fall asleep, [the countless times we've seen Seol thinking of Jung and giggling to sleep or put out he can sleep while she's still shook from kissing. Jung who can't sleep because he's thinking of Seol and the idea of losing her] and you're almost every thought in between [Seol skipping happily to the academy smiling and fanning her self thinking of Jung. Jung having the cutest smile when he shares with a family friend that Seol is his girlfriend. Jung calling Seol at work to confirm a date. The many times the two have met at the waterfront/bridge. Their dates, hand holding. Eating at school. Sitting at school. Back hugging at school. Hugging and smiling and showing missed faces].

Again, why the doubt? Anything you doubt they are working on...

My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;

And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare 
   As any she belied with false compare.

ETA: Perhaps it's because I have read the webtoon and things are pretty much the same in the drama as it was there including the amount of time Seol spends with/around Inho (including piano scenes) in comparison to Jung who is busy with internship. Yes, I agree things have been upped for dramatic purposes but I feel the same here as I do there. It's friendship on Seol's part and her feels and not Inho's are what's important because she is the one in a relationship with my Jung. It was always clear to me how much she really really likes Jung (even finding Inho attractive, she ain't blind he a good looking dude. or feeling comfortable with him, even that one scene where they look at each other) and Inho is just a friend. She wants to be with Jung and continues to be with him, even with Inho there. Even when it seems like Jung is out the picture and "aww richard simmons really Soonkki you gonna kill my ship.

Jung comes back right when we readers have missed him the most and he and Seol share moments that reassure me "ahhh this is the difference between what she has with Inho and what she has and desires with Jung" The same is true of the drama. And just like with the webtoon, I feel some viewers are worrying for much of nothing and reading too much into things because again, the personality of the individuals are different so the dynamics and interactions would off course be different. I don't want Seol and Jung to become like Seol and Inho. I like Seol and Jung's relationship as is and like watching them grow ever closer and share that emotional bond that keeps them drawn to each other and solidifying things more and more. I don't need her buying him band aids or studying together or things like that. Once on the break is over, I will get the cutesome moments and comfort that are uniquely their own to take joy in. I do not want them to become like or develop dynamic of a ship that I don't ship. 

I am trying to understand and see the concern when I watch Inho and Seol scenes, and it doesn't come. Maybe I have watched a lot of dramas and have seen this basic same step up of second leads so I am numb to it, but I don't see it as any different from Siwon's character in She Was Pretty or Ji Soo in Sassy Go Go of Yoonjae in School 2015 or Chilbong in Reply 1994 or any basic SL and their SLS basicness. Look the writer can do what she want. But until I see Seol respond in a way of "omo I have the wrong boyfriend!" ain't a thing to worry about. We already know from the preview any type of jealousy or insecurity (which I think if you feel or have isn't really about the other person as it is about the state of your relationship which makes sense given these two are on a break) is going to be brought up and dealt with. I'll reserve worrying until I see what comes out of that and if worrying is needed. 

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