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59 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@carolinedl I disagree with your comment that YJ lacks empathy. He took care of Bora at the hospital. He is genuinely concerned witht he people he trusts. I don't see it that way.

When you say that because of YJ's manipulation, he destroyed TA Seo's reputation, it isn't entirely correct. He deserved that reputation!!! First, TA Seo did commit more than just one wrongdoing and besides what happened first?

First TA Seo stole YJ's credit card/money. It is a crime. If YJ had reported it, he would have been charged and got a criminal record ! Seo would have definitely lost his reputation and even his job! 

- Secondly TA Seo is indeed a bad TA! For at least many reasons:

- The way he treats the students (he is considered as grumpy and unpolite!!). When Seol asked for his help with the changed schedule, he didn't really want to help her. He was rude!

- He allowed TK in the first episode to take the tests away from him. He had to chase after him!

- But the most important thing is that he did really lose a report (sure, it was after the thread with YJ), so that Seol suffered from it!! Remember, NJY could steal the report because they were lying on the desk. The door of the office was unlocked, the reports weren't put into a locked cupboard or locked drawer! He left the office unwatched and didn't suspect NJY!

Seo used victim's mentality to put the blame on YJ. Even later, Seol recognised that she had only heard the story from Seo's side and she had judged from his point of view!

Finally, Seo is a coward. His lover left his home since he came out of the closet, yet Seo wasn't brave enough to live with him together so that he made KYJ so unhappy. Koong Yoo Jong started drinking and never really studied to pass the test. To conclude, he was ruining KYJ's life as well. TA Seo is ashamed of his homosexuality. On the other hand, he didn't want KYoo Jong to go back to his family as it would mean that they would have to break up!! He was upset that KYJong would go back home. He clung to him, but yet he doesn't want to live with him! He is a coward. Because he saw his homosexuality as possible thread (which really reveals how ashamed he is about his homosexuality), he told Seol about the deal. He knew exactly that she was unaware of it. Why did he vent his anger on her all the time? Because he resented her but he knew from the way she acted that she didn't know about the deal! 

If Yoo Jung lacked empathy, why did he bother to warn MS about her misdeed? If she had really listened to his words, she would have realised that she was about to get exposed! Because he told her exactly what she was doing: he was direct and frank, MS got upset as she didn't want to hear the hard truth. She prefered the ostrich's attitude! Yoo Jung didn't do anything against SC about the timeschedule. He overlooked it as he saw that SC had been already punished, since he didn't get into that class. 

Why should he feel sorry for people who did something wrong? However, he is able to realise his own mistakes and apologise. He isn't blaming anyone else. He didn't put the blame on In Ha, although she had her part in YG's case! 


I am not sure you can consider his mistake for not putting the reports away (can he be blamed for NJY's action? Yes he left them there but could he have foreseen that someone would steal one?), the fact that TK took the tests away (he was on a mission) and above all NOT his cowardness in his love relation (yes, he is ashamed of his homosexuality, like a lot of Koreans are! It is still a touchy subject in Korea and I know a lot of gay men who do not advertise it at all there, and even hide it!! Plus that has nothing to do with his job!!!) into why he deserves it (can someone really deserve sthg like that? But that's another matter...).

So let's focus on the card incident. Yes, he made a mistake. It was a crime and he was lucky that Jung did not report him. We can agree on that.

However, I still think that it is really harsh. For Seol, the problem was that his reputation in his work place was harmed. Yes, he stole the card and that would have also impacted his reputation. But it is quite different ot be called a thief than called incompetent. They are both bad, but being seen as incompetent in Academia and being viewed as such by all the students.... I have been a TA and I cannot imagine that.

But anyway, that does not excuse TA Seo.

As for Min Soo, he did warn her at the end, but he had already messed up with her. He told her about the presentation! We see in teh flashback just after he warns her that he did it. He had already started his plan... Did he really care about how she felt? Did he try to see her perspective? I doubt it.

Even after what she did to her, Seol could understand her a bit better. She did not excuse her, but she could see her perspective and understand her feelings (= empathy). Jung has a hard time seeing the perspective of others! You say "why should he feel sorry for someone who did wrong?"... I dunno. But I can't help feeling unconfortable. I would feel sorry! Seol feels sorry! And isn't what relationships (as in regular and particular social interractions) are about? Nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes.... how scary would the world be if you had people like Jung waiting for you at every corner to make those mistakes and use them against you?

(Remember I am INFP ;) )

ETA: Ok I posted at the same time as @MrsSoJiSub so I need to get back and add stuff here! BRB!

ETA 2: I am not sure I really see your point I am afraid. Jung is showing empathy to the ones he likes... but who does he like? Seol, he has shown empathy towards her, though he did not at the beginning. It is when she showed another side of her (taken care of him when he was sick) that he changed his vision. His empathic feelings have all sprung from Seol. But the problem for Seol is that in order to help her when she has problems, he overlooks the feelings of other people... If you start adding layers of remoteness (did MinSoo do anything wrong to him? I know sounds like a dumb question because she did wrong to someone he loved, etc...) and not caring about the people affected...

I won't go into the whole "treat the way you want to be treated" or "I'll treat you the way you treat me" debate. I guess we have all have different visions of life. My question is how one determines how wrongful an act is and how one should be punished?... Is someone stealing my chicken for fun and someone stealing my chicken to feed his kids different? They both stole a chicken, same act.



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Maybe if we were all a bit more like Jung we would all behave and be better people and think twice before screwing over others because yo, this dude in the back may pop out and actually have me deal with some kind of consequence for what I have done. I may have to spend 20 years of suffering for one misdeed (our current judicial system). I am a fellow INFP and if we can feel for these people (and to an extent I can) I can definitely feel and understand where Jung is coming from. I agree with you that he needs to learn to take a step back but I think he does do this and does have some type of control. Again he is not out manipulating any and everybody that he meets. He does unto those who have done unto him and or others. I don't see it that different from anonymous calling out and spreading all over the web people who have committed crimes and live life as if they have gotten away with it. Also I think being branded a thief (especially considering where the crime was committed AT his work place AT a time where he was still holding his title of TA Heo!) is worse than being branded incompetent. If Seol lost her job for the noise in the library, what would have happened to TA Heo? I could even imagine him being kicked out of the program for that (it's happened to someone I know because they said he broke codes of ethics).

ETA: I actually think Seol is sometimes too nice and understanding to a self deterring fault. I already looked at our signs (Pisces and Sagittarius and we do not match up specifically because of her niceness LOL. Like you understand and feel for Minsoo. If you had only been nicer to her, gurl what? That chick had mental issues (self-esteem, self-worth, self identity, self loathing, self hate, visibility) and it wasn't about how nice you were or not. Heck I think being nice and friends with her would have made the whole thing worse. She was looking for something in you that you would have never been able to fulfill because it wasn't about you (it could have been Bora or Da Young that she mimicked). Next thing you know Seol gets raped and she tells me it was her fault because she wore a short skirt. Someone throws acid in her face and it's her fault because she shouldn't have looked at the girls boyfriend like that! Sometimes this chick be killing, I swear...

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@carolinedl Yes, it is a huge mistake from Seo to leave the reports unwatched! Imagine, these are kind of tests... As a teacher myself, if I were to lose a test, a report, I would definitely get some scolding and my reputation would suffer! I prefer being seen as incompetent than being called a thief! YJ covered for him the second time. He took the blame for Seo's mistake! Stealing is a crime, working badly is morally wrong but no crime!

I don't feel sorry for MS. I can explain her behaviour but that's it! YJ and MS wanted to get close to HS at the same time! MS was unnoticed, but did she make the effort to get noticed? Did she make the effort to get good grades? Did she make the effort to get a boyfriend? No...  

YJ was determined to get noticed by her and to approach her. He had more obstacles, since Seol was so prejudiced about him and he knew it! He invited her so many times for a meal (8 times) and interesting is that the 9th time he was about to treat her for a meal, he stopped in the middle of his sentence believing she would refuse again. However, this time she would have accepted it. From that moment, it was Seol who invited him! She invited him twice!! 

No, she never put any effort. She lied to Seol, when she introduced herself to Seol. She tried to make YJ to be the bad guy by saying he had been the one who did change her time schedule! MS put one more obstacle for YJ!!

As for the group presentation, she used her so called helplessness to bombard Seol with so many questions that Seol gave it up! I have a colleague of mine who behaved exactly like that (this is no joke!!) and the result is that she is not allowed to take any class any longer, but she get paid like all the other teachers! She has no tests to grade, no parents meeting, no preparation for the lesson aso... but she has the same income!! And this is a true story. The only difference here is that this person has no lack of self-confidence. And just like MS, she is playing the victim saying that the school is punishing her!! As you can see, this has become personal! AND THIS IS A TRUE STORY!!! 

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4 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:


No, she never put any effort. She lied to Seol, when she introduced herself to Seol. She tried to make YJ to be the bad guy by saying he had been the one who did change her time schedule! MS put one more obstacle for YJ!!


She lied? Are we sure about that? She had seen YJ by the computer and she was right, YJ did look at the computer. It was after that the other came and changed her schedule. She did try to give back the dool at first, but Seol ran off everytime. I am being too understanding of MinSoo? I probably am but i can't help see how desperate she was adn that despite trying, the doors were shut in her face. That's no excuse for what she did after, but a lot came from YG. Would MS have gone that far without his suggestions? I think she could have crumbled down sooner if it was not for him.

Now would have Jung tried to approach Seol if it was not for what she did when he was sick?... I think she did the foirst step, unaware that she was.


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@carolinedl His showing empathy after liking Seol shows me that he is not devoid of the trait which you said he was in your first comment. This also gives me a small spark of hope that he can be taught..conditoned..whatever fancy words we learned in our psychology classes to do the same towards other wither he likes them or not.

The chicken thing, I asked this same thing but I made it about a homeless dude and stealing bread. However I still must ask, what about the person who got their chicken stolen or the person who got their bread taken. I should starve so you and your family can eat. I completely agree that Jung must learn to let somethings go, at the same time at what point and in what situation must one let things go?

The chicken thief. Let's say you steal the chicken from a seemingly rich house and go eat your full. But maybe the house you stole from was not as rich as they looked. Maybe this chicken was the last chicken that had and they been saving off killing the chicken because of the eggs that it provides for them to take to the market and to sell and earn money to buy food and medicine for their sick and dying mother. Now you have taken that chicken and away goes their income to buy the medicine. Two weeks later their mother dies. You got your chicken. You and your family ate this person has lost their mother. So if this chicken thief is ever confronted, they say sorry they didn't know. They didn't mean to. They stole the chicken to make chicken soup for someone in their house who was sick. I should.....

ETA: I want to feel for everyone and I do. Even though TA Heo and them I feel for them and yes it probably sucks to have your reputation tarnished like that at the same time I just can't help but say, well if you had have stolen the wallet... Okay let's say Jung empathizes with TA Heo and forgives doesn't' report it or nothing. TA Heo just got away with thievery. What's to stop him from stealing from another student, telling a sob story about needing the money because he's poor and has people to support (San Chul anyone and Seol's response that we all have our problems and issues) should that student too empathize then and let him go? What stops "Just this once..." from becoming another once and another once and another once?

This is why I am glad Seol went on a break with Jung and told him to meet her half way and I have confidence that if he doesn't try and continue to try until he meets the changes she needs, she'll dump him. Why because she told him after TA Heo incident (to Jung's surprise) that she'll let it go just this once. Then followed through with that. Now Jung is being forced to think on his actions and try to empathize but then again I can be empathetic to you and your plight and still believe you deserve/have a certain sort of retribution.

ETA 2: I am really enjoying the discussion on moral codes and ethic and crime and punishment that is going on. And so in this case I ask with TA Seo what should Jung have done? Should he have let TA Heo stealing from him go? I also ask, why didn't TA Heo simply refuse to lose the paper and allow Jung to do what he will because they at least I keep my reputation.

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Can we stop with the victim blaming ?

Just because Minsoo was forgettable and was forgotten by seol and other does not give her a right to "impersonate" Seol.

Her victim mentality was the reason why she justified her actions:

  • Seol didn't eat lunch with her so she's allowed to keep the lion doll,
  • Seol called her out for stealing her presentation so she's allowed to fake apologize and then make a scene for not gorgiving her.
  • ...etc


So let's not use the same logic to justify her actions.

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I know we are all passionate here but you are preaching to a preacher. I LOVE Jung!!! Despite my gloomy vision of him. I like that even more: that I still like him despite all, and that his character is constructed in such a way that you know he is going too far, but you can't help liking him.

So please don't eat me alive!


(I still understand MS. Sorry but I just do. And god knows I have met some MS in my life as well! And who did similar things to me as well. Have I forgiven them? No. But I moved on because I could understand them. I still don't understand why me but that's their problem.)

@MrsSoJiSub If you add so many things to the chicken theory, then we can go on for hours and hours. My point was simply related to my vision of things. There are so many gray areas!

@coffeeboyVictim blaming? Justify her actions? I was not implying this. I am talking about forgiveness or justifiation, but just seeing people's perspectives. Despite it all, and despite not feeling sorry and regretting how far she went with MS, she did understand her a bit. That is ALL I was talking about.


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On 2/5/2016 at 7:46 PM, carolinedl said:

She lied? Are we sure about that? She had seen YJ by the computer and she was right, YJ did look at the computer. It was after that the other came and changed her schedule. She did try to give back the dool at first, but Seol ran off everytime. I am being too understanding of MinSoo? I probably am but i can't help see how desperate she was adn that despite trying, the doors were shut in her face. That's no excuse for what she did after, but a lot came from YG. Would MS have gone that far without his suggestions? I think she could have crumbled down sooner if it was not for him.

Now would have Jung tried to approach Seol if it was not for what she did when he was sick?... I think she did the foirst step, unaware that she was.


No, she lied... but this is based on the translation I watched! 

In my point of view, YJ kept looking at her from afar since their first meeting... This is the reason why the first picture from the episode 1 was chosen. Although this scene is taken from the episode 3, it was used to resume their relationship in the start. He was interested in her from the start that's why he looked at her after spilling the bear on NJY's skirt! He was interested in her [picture 2]! But Seol was already prejudiced because of his first gaze he gave [picture 3], when he saw her for the first time. She misunderstood his disgust in my opinion! She was hurt and from that moment, she was prejudiced! She told him, they disliked each other and YJ never contradicted her. But I do think, he never disliked her that much. He was bothered by her behaviour and treated her the same! His rudeness ("you should have been more careful!") was because she avoided him at the elevator as if he was a disease! He was bothered by her behaviour because she had a prejudice! But his change came because of the remarks from his friend KH who said twice that Seol and YJ would be similar in their personality! 




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14 minutes ago, carolinedl said:


@coffeeboyVictim blaming? Justify her actions? I was not implying this. I am talking about forgiveness or justifiation, but just seeing people's perspectives. Despite it all, and despite not feeling sorry and regretting how far she went with MS, she did understand her a bit. That is ALL I was talking about


My comment was directed to you. sorry if you felt that :cry:

I just observed the general trend here and at other places, some people were feeling sorry for Minsoo and the only way they found to express this sympathy was by blaming Seol.

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5 hours ago, carolinedl said:

I know we are all passionate here but you are preaching to a preacher. I LOVE Jung!!! Despite my gloomy vision of him. I like that even more: that I still like him despite all, and that his character is constructed in such a way that you know he is going too far, but you can't help liking him.

So please don't eat me alive!


(I still understand MS. Sorry but I just do. And god knows I have met some MS in my life as well! And who did similar things to me as well. Have I forgiven them? No. But I moved on because I could understand them. I still don't understand why me but that's their problem.)


I feel you girl. I see some of your points and I agree with them then I think in other points too and I agree on that as well. Jung is just a ball of conflict because I don't necessarily agree with all his actions but I can't say I find them any worse than the stuff others on campus have done. To me it seems like he is better at playing the game everyone else on the campus especially those he goes after are playing. I get him (wouldn't want to be his enemy though) and honestly if I could get away with some of the things he does, I would do it too....

You and I think so differently and feel differently about Minsoo...I thought she was a day away from pulling a Kathy Bates 'Misery' on Seol. The clinic I formerly interned at had some Minsoo's getting the help they needed after doing some pretty dangerous things to self and others so I view her very differently. Maybe I have too dark a views on the world and people in it and that is why Jung and his ish doesn't phase me as much as those seemingly "normal" ones actions do. The ones you overlook imho...

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26 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:


ETA: I want to feel for everyone and I do. Even though TA Heo and them I feel for them and yes it probably sucks to have your reputation tarnished like that at the same time I just can't help but say, well if you had have stolen the wallet... Okay let's say Jung empathizes with TA Heo and forgives doesn't' report it or nothing. TA Heo just got away with thievery. What's to stop him from stealing from another student, telling a sob story about needing the money because he's poor and has people to support (San Chul anyone and Seol's response that we all have our problems and issues) should that student too empathize then and let him go? What stops "Just this once..." from becoming another once and another once and another once?



True. But my question is: the wouldn't it have been better to just report it? Why did Jung had to seek justice by himself? Who has given him the right to do so? Yes, it was his wallet. Therefore you can be the judge? Isn't your vision clouded since you are too involved since the wrong was done to you? He went as far as thinking that he could use him later, which he did. Frankly, that's a bit scary.

Again, I LOVE Jung. It feels like I am judging him but I am not. Perhaps because I wish I was more like him?... I dunno...

I need to go grocery shopping so I will answer @bebebisous33 when I get back! :)

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@coffeeboy @carolinedl MS wanted to be Seol's only friend because as her friend, Seol would have to help her! A friend in need is a friend indeed! She would have taken advantage from Seol's kindness! Therefore she always asked Seol for a meal, when Seol was alone! Why didn't she ask for a meal, when Bora and ET were there? She would have felt excluded as she wanted Seol to focus on her! By getting the help from Seol, she thought, she could get what Seol had! But she failed, hence she changed her appearance in order to attract attention from Seol. 

Her motivation was greed in the first place and not loneliness! That's why she didn't regret copying Seol! She got attention, she got friends aso! However, the good grades were the only shortcoming! That's why she always wanted to get close to Seol over and over again!

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5 minutes ago, carolinedl said:


True. But my question is: the wouldn't it have been better to just report it? Why did Jung had to seek justice by himself? Who has given him the right to do so? Yes, it was his wallet. Therefore you can be the judge? Isn't your vision clouded since you are too involved since the wrong was done to you? He went as far as thinking that he could use him later, which he did. Frankly, that's a bit scary.

Again, I LOVE Jung. It feels like I am judging him but I am not. Perhaps because I wish I was more like him?... I dunno...

I need to go grocery shopping so I will answer @bebebisous33 when I get back! :)

I am looking forward for your answer!! Don't hurry up too much so that you get involved in an accident!

Sure, if I had been seen someone stealing, I would have reported it!

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1 minute ago, bebebisous33 said:

@coffeeboy MS wanted to be Seol's only friend because as her friend, Seol would have to help her! A friend in need is a friend indeed! She would have taken advantage from Seol's kindness! Therefore she always asked Seol for a meal, when Seol was alone! Why didn't she ask for a meal, when Bora and ET were there? She would have felt excluded as she wanted Seol to focus on her! By getting the help from Seol, she thought, she could get what Seol had! But she failed, hence she changed her appearance in order to attract attention from Seol. 

Her motivation was greed in the first place and not loneliness! That's why she didn't regret copying Seol! She got attention, she got friends aso! However, the good grades were the only shortcoming! That's why she always wanted to get close to Seol over and over again!

And that greed caused her downfall. At least before the whole fiasco she was not know as the "fake Seol". 

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Now I am curious if Jung has ever received from others the things we are asking him to give? Was he ever taught to genuinely do these things? Has he been mimicking the world of users, liars, manipulator, back stabbers, betrayers, etc that surrounded and have been surrounding him? (The way he questions people's honesty and genuine true feelings gives some type of hints to the characteristics and environment he was raised in no?) is change possible or not with Jung? How much is it many things and how much of it is simply him? Is he capable of change and how much must he change? 

Man, I live for the complicated ones. 

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Jung isn't out of the box, he is just not ordinary (like most). But he has one scary side, normally he is too sweet to mingle with but if he gets upset with someone, they get to see that side of him which they din't even expect in their wildest dreams... they suddenly wonder whether he is the same person whom they know upto now... Jung is mysterious, unpredictable and its gonna hard to be with someone like him... we humans tend to feel closer to someone only when we understand them and here Seol gets to reveal many new phases of Jung as each day passes, its very natural for any girl to worry about the status of her relationship... she is just facing detached kind of feelings with Jung which she doesn't like but unable to do something about it... I think they are still in the initial phase of relationship (I have no idea on dating), so they are right now very insecure which just shows that they don't wanna lose each other...

I think these stages are very crucial to deal with, after which there won't be much differences again...

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2 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:


- Secondly TA Seo is indeed a bad TA! For at least many reasons:

- The way he treats the students (he is considered as grumpy and unpolite!!). When Seol asked for his help with the changed schedule, he didn't really want to help her. He was rude!

- He allowed TK in the first episode to take the tests away from him. He had to chase after him!

- But the most important thing is that he did really lose a report (sure, it was after the thread with YJ), so that Seol suffered from it!! Remember, NJY could steal the report because they were lying on the desk. The door of the office was unlocked, the reports weren't put into a locked cupboard or locked drawer! He left the office unwatched and didn't suspect NJY!

Finally, Seo is a coward. His lover left his home since he came out of the closet, yet Seo wasn't brave enough to live with him together so that he made KYJ so unhappy. Koong Yoo Jong started drinking and never really studied to pass the test. To conclude, he was ruining KYJ's life as well. TA Seo is ashamed of his homosexuality. 


ok, chingu, i know that you're talking about TA Seo as a way of suggesting YJ has empathy (and i totally agree with that--he does for the people he cares about--aren't we all that way? its the next step he takes with the people who cross him is how most of us are different). i don't think TA Seo is that bad but that is because i know a bit about his TA world.

  • TA Seo's one crime is that he stole in order to keep his lover near by him.  oops and that he couldn't keep the secret that he agreed to keep. the rest of his TA behavior is pretty standard.  i know because i've been one and i've worked with them.  granted, i've been in the American system so that is different. universally, teaching assistants are overworked and underpaid--they are a stressed out lot.  they are treated by faculty as servants and sometimes disrespected by students.  TA Seo is also a little older than the normal TA and he is sensitve to that issue as well.  his grumpiness is a personality issue or his tricky position might make him like that.  
  • he is not supposed to let students look at the records he has access to on the computer so him shooing Seol away is understandable.  when Eun Taek runs away with his roll, well, that is just weird.  we can't fault him for that.  i've been in the classroom for many years and i've never seen that happen.  TA hitting him well i take that as a Korean culture thing or a dramatic trope--just like all of that slapping and water throwing that goes on in public spaces in k-dramas lol.
  • for the papers and the locked office--the office is not supposed to be locked while he is gone.  faculty, staff and students would be going in and out for coffee, paperwork, making copies, etc.  further TA Seo is not responsible for those reports, the professor is.  she gives that responsibility to YJ (or he volunteers for it) and he drops them off at the office.  the chance that someone might steal a report is usually nil--probably because there is rarely a black heart like NJY around.  students will turn in papers to a professor's box in an unlocked office and the papers could sit there for a week and no one would touch them.  now if the professor or anyone else in the dept is concerned about the security of students work, then they should be submitting papers online so no one can eff with them.
  • as for the homosexuality and secrecy issue, in a country where divorce looks like a stain on a person's character, it makes sense to keep same sex orientation to oneself. i'm assuming JY lives separately from TA Seo because he is supposed to be studying for his exam in that tiny haksaeng room. i'm actually impressed that YJ and HS (and the script in general) don't use their relationship as a comedic subplot (i'm looking at you, Hogu's Love!) and that their generation does not seem prejudiced against SS relationships.  gives me hope for the future. (and JY running around calling everyone "chagiya" cracked me up.)

ok, i'm done being empathetic about TA Seo's back story that unfortunately--at least in terms of TA-ship and the workings of a university department--i know too much about.

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@MrsSoJiSub what can you tell us about "victim mentality". That's the label grandfather Baek put on YJ.


Professor Baek says "It's his victim mentality" and continues "Your son is behaving like that because of his excessive level of victim mentality. He's trying to manipulate and change his surroundings because his surroundings(people) have been giving him too much trouble." Jung's father tries to argue back (and deny Prof's claim but gets interrupted). Baek continues "It's a kind of delusion. He has a false illusion that everybody's taking his things from him." Jung's father says "But I don't understand. My son grew up affluent and why would he be obsessive about his possession?" Baek asks, "Do you really think so?" Yu replies "Sure. He caused no trouble at home or in school and everybody he knows adores and loves him." Baek refutes this statement "No parents think their children didn't receive enough or get loved enough. and everybody loved him? Who is that everybody? Your housekeeper, car driver, His nanny, all of whom you give paychecks? Your business colleagues you make contracts with? Their kids?" Baek continues "It's very basic. Small kids are very quick and sensitive in sensing things. They sense well what people's motives are because the kids are young. Your particular kid is even quicker because he is intelligent." Baek continues "Look around. Different genders, classes, ages.. every person has some kind of victim mentality with varying degrees. But your son has it at an excessive degree. A powerful one. He can't constrain himself from retaliating on people for everything."
Jung's father finally gives up defending his son and asks Baek "Then what should I do?" Baek gives an answer "All problems starts from family and healed by the family. Family bond is the key." But Yu says "But his mom travels a lot for business trips and I have a lot of work too. I try my best to spend time with him but.." Baek suggests "But you should try anything. Pets. Siblings. Or sibling-like friends. Anything that will make Jung feel there can be a relationship in which people can love each other without seeking personal gains" Yu murmurs "Pets. Siblings. Siblings...?"

Summary taken from here

Des that mean Baek siblings were supposed to create the "bond" that would have enabled YJ to see that no everyone is after his wealth/favors. YJ's father messed things up because he's a control freak and used Baek siblings to spy on YJ's school activities (or at least that's what YJ's mother implied), YJ learned that and felt betrayed. It gave him more reason to justify his "victim mentality".


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