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6 hours ago, themarchioness said:

OMG... I just watched the old episode of Happy Together where PHJ guested with his castmates from "My Daughter Seo Young."  [Which, I highly recommend watching if only to hear him talk about what he finds attractive in a woman and how he'd react in certain situations.  The entire time I was watching, I kept picturing him with KGE, heh heh heh.]  Anyway, during the episode it was mentioned that he'd also recently guested on Gag Concert.  Apparently he'd made a promise to appear on Gag Concert if his drama did well, and it did!  They asked him to reenact part of the Gag Concert segment on Happy Together, and *dies*.  You won't believe the dancing!  After I finished the Happy Together episode, I immediately tracked down the snippet of his appearance on Gag Concert so that I could watch it in full.  I'll link it below.  This is Yoo Jung like you have never seen before!!! 


OMG thank you so much... I've laughed so hard! So entertaining :D

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So while I was in the shower I put on my 'future psychologist thinking cap' (can't believe another drama has me taking that out so soon again already LOL) and the whole "love triangle" and the response to it (including some of my own) got me laughing and applauding the writer.

!. Can we stop accusing Seol doing things she has yet to do, please and thank you. Seol has yet to prioritize her friendship with Inho over her relationship with Jung. Never once has Jung called or wanted to see Seol and Seol had responded that "No Jung I can't see you today because I have to study with Inho which is more important than seeing and spending time with you my boyfriend which we have been able to do much -spend time that is- because life. Even if such a thing were to occur it wouldn't mean Seol is putting Inho above Jung. And it's so damn easy to solve Jung: Seolie can we meet for a movie today. Seol: Sorry Sunbae I promised Inho I would tutor him and I had already out of it twice this week for things, Jung: Okay then I'll join you guys at the library and we can study together. Boom problem solved. Understanding happens. Compromise made and consideration for one over the other. A consideration Seol will return when needed.

2. What is this "all this time together" stuff. It's not like Seol is going on intimate dates with Inho, sitting at some café sharing secrets and laughing. When she helped him study that was all she did. Her eyes were on her computer doing her studies and he was making moonie eyes at her. The train rides, Seol is always lost in a book or her studies and makes side conversations but is not really focused on him. The restaurant both are working so I doubt they are sitting laughing over drinks and even if they were and....? Seol doesn't invite Inho to pick her up from home work her from school, but why should she reject it? That's nothing. Also with a crazy stalker on her butt, she better accept that extra protection.

3. Don't we see that there is no "love triangle" (oh look at the all so convents time when Inho's feeling were made known LOL). It's not about Inho or Inha or the amount of time spent or not spent with either one of them? It's not even about the traps laid out by the student body that surround them like Jung would say. It is all about Jung and Seol and all comes back to the reasons why Seol and Jung took a break in the first place. It's about the lack of trust, lack of communication, lack of understanding, lack of assured feelings, lack of security and knowledge of standing in ones life, lack of knowing the other person, lack of honesty. It's these things, these things that they are working on that is the challenge here. It's not Inho or Inha because if the two had these things Inho and Inha wouldn't matter. There would be communication so that they would already know of the time spent together. There would be assurance and trust and understanding so they wouldn't fret over pictures. There would be no fear of losing the other. There would be knowing that their partner is devoted to them, committed to them, has chosen them, and that no time with Inho, Inha or anyone that comes at them with something on campus is going to change that. Again there is no love triangle and it is solely about Jung and Seol and the many things they still need to work on to keep coming together and forming the type of relationship they both desire to have with one another. I love this couple and relationship so much. It's their own demons within themselves and each other that they must overcome, compromise, accept, work together, to overcome and be together.

This is the last I am going to say about this whole "love triangle" mess because we are all being repetitive and redundant and going in circles with one another LOL. I am assured in Jung and Seol and their feeling for one another. I am assured that things they have to work on is about one another and not outside "traps". With this assurance I'm over this lead on and manipulation from the writers (which is their jobs LOL). I'm going to enjoy reading everyone's thoughts on it all but I for one am done trying to defend both Seol and Jung in this situation. Over it and respect and accept others opinions and points of views on it all. But shall remain forever pressed about lack of gif LOL.

@honeywell I'm just mad about gifs LOL. I agree with everything that you said and the writers of this drama said they had blessing to end the drama however they wanted. The drama writer said that ending events would be different, not necessarily that they would change the ending ship or nonship (Seol can end up alone).


In the webtoon they are very much still together and have worked out many of their issues (though some new ones are always popping up) and are really supportive and help each other. Seol even knows how to help Jung to calm down and not instinctively retaliate. The have been adorably cute and happy with a lot more kissing and such than the beginning (which makes sense since their relationship has grown a lot and such). Webtoon is well known that it's most likely a Jung/Seol ending or the smaller but still possible Seol alone ending.


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How can anyone think that seol will end up with anyone else other than jung!! I mean then what's the point of showing  all that build up of their relationship since ep1??  plus why would they cast phj as the lead and then make seol end up witu seo kang joon(no offence but come on, skj is not on phj's level)!! #jungxseol #OTP 

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2 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Honest to goodness question and I want some honest to goodness unbiased opinions and responses. Should Seol dump Jung and go be with Inho because she is obviously secretly in like with him and she just doesn't know/is not aware of it yet?

I feel like the above is what people are waiting for. That is what all of it boils down to and I want to know why? If you really think this is going to happen. Please tell me why and with examples of scenes etc that support this so I can jump off now and save myself R88 levels of pain. Because I'm not seeing it but I have learned from the last time, that maybe it's there and I'm just choosing not to see it!

I had almost gotten over my trust issues and ya'll are bringing it back 10 fold LOL. Am I watching it all wrong again? Am I reading Seol's clear feelings for Jung wrong again? Aww ashi another Jung...another 2 weeks :o...is it a sign...I SHIP NOTHING!! I SHIP ME AND MY SANITY AGAIN!! ! Even when I got it, I don't got it....

*reminds self it is just a tv show. it's just a tv show. it's just a tv show. I need a time out LOL*


I don't want Seol dumping Jung, I want them together!!!!!  However, I feel that she's quick to "take breaks" from Jung whenever she misunderstands him. Part of this is his fault in that he doesn't explain himself. I think Seol would have understood him a lot better if he had explained the context around the text messages, instead he always let people misunderstand him.

I hope the both Jung and Seol realize that there are people trying to manipulate them to break up.  In this regard, Seol has been the easiest to manipulate. That's why I like when she told In Ho that she now can understand Min Soo better and also Jung; that maybe she was seeing what she wanted to see in regards to Jung.

I am hoping Jung in Seol in the next few episodes are on the road to becoming a couple. I'm hoping that this drama doesn't take the path where the two call it quits and the second leads step into the relationship for an episode or two before the leads find their way back to each other.  And I hope in the next few episodes In Ho and Jung rekindle their friendship and In Ho realizes that Seol has only ever saw him as a friend.  That's why I like him seeing the two run towards each other and embrace.  I hope In Ho realizes a relationship with Seol won't happen and he takes steps to keep the relationship on a level of friendship and not be combative or in competition with Jung over his girlfriend.   


@bebebisous33, I absolutely LOVE your post located above on this page. You have stated everything that I have observed and expressed them perfectly.  When I first started this drama, I was only watching it from Seol's perspective, then I begin to see it from Jung's and how he must also feel. They are both flawed and they have to work together to combat the 'manipulators' trying to break them up.

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It's only episode 10. Too early to judge Seol's actions. Let's give all the characters a chance to grow some more before we judge Seol's behaviour towards In Ho, Yoo Jung's and Seol's relationship at the moment. Perhaps in the next two episode, they will be honest with each other during the reunion where YJ explicitly tells Seol that he doesn;t like Seol to be with In Ho and WHY. Remember how in the beginning in the rain, he just told her not to hang out with In Ho without a reason and it blew up into a big fight. Later when he explain why, Seol did mention to him (at their coupon date that she was not seeing In Ho as much). This is Seol we are talking about, a girl/woman who is in her FIRST relationship, who never thought about having a boyfriend, imagine her sunbae (who disliked her and she disliked him in the beginning) to ask her out. How could she realise that In Ho sees her more than a friend? She has already put him in the category of ET. 

Love triangle or not, people come into our lives every moment and it doesn't mean we can't be friends with someone of the opposite gender just because we are attached. And it is typical of K-drama to have love triangles (please don't get me started on the OTHER drama). Which K-drama had no love rival but only the blissful OTP? 

*keeping the peace*

Sorry - I am a bit defensive over Seol. I promise to move on to lighter stuff. ^^

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6 hours ago, pinkpopink said:

Entourage Korea releases cast with Hallyu Stars!

Entourage Korea releases cast with Hallyu Stars!

Korea is ready to go with their version of the US hit show "Entourage"!

The lineup will include Asian prince Lee Kwang Soo, heartthrob Seo Kang Jun, , sexy brain Siwan, and tough guy Cho Jin Woong.

The original American version circled around an actor and his four friends as they chased success in Hollywood. The Korean version will mirror its American counterpart and follow the quartet on their journey through Korea's entertainment industry.

The show has begun filming and is slated to air in June on tvN.

Are you excited to see these hilarious guys in action?


New series of SKJ, also take note that this is under tvN also! 

OMG Siwan and Cho jin Woong.... GODNESS GRACIOUS i'm gonna die! I'm droolling right now

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@bebebisous33 I agree with your take on this.. She needs to put herself on YJ's shoes...to understand his insecurities, especially. Just like how she is jealous about In Ha, YJ feels the same about InHo.


I hope drama doesn't skip the part where she confronted YG (if I remember correctly. Webtoon readers please correct me if I'm wrong) and she told him the reasons why she dates Yoo Jung, it's not for his look or money. But because he's always be there for her, etc (that's the gist of it..since my Korean isn't good lol). And Jung watches the video (Euntaek recorded it and sent it to him) :wub:

Also the scene where Inho and Seol were talking about something excitedly while neglecting Jung who was beside them unintentionally.. Jung was really mad (it's on the preview for ep 11-12 'you've become so close with Inho') and ignored Seol for days...Seol herself finally thought about it and came to look for him in his apartment, where they talk, Jung finally confides about (some of) his insecurities and Seol accepts it. Around the same time, Inho also realizes Jung was mad and distances himself from Seol. 


@honeywell I think R88's ending influences people's worry so much, because it's tvn and just recently ended. THE PAIN IS STILL FRESH IN PEOPLE'S MEMORY lol :sweatingbullets:

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2 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Honest to goodness question and I want some honest to goodness unbiased opinions and responses. Should Seol dump Jung and go be with Inho because she is obviously secretly in like with him and she just doesn't know/is not aware of it yet?

I feel like the above is what people are waiting for. That is what all of it boils down to and I want to know why? If you really think this is going to happen. Please tell me why and with examples of scenes etc that support this so I can jump off now and save myself R88 levels of pain. Because I'm not seeing it but I have learned from the last time, that maybe it's there and I'm just choosing not to see it!

I had almost gotten over my trust issues and ya'll are bringing it back 10 fold LOL. Am I watching it all wrong again? Am I reading Seol's clear feelings for Jung wrong again? Aww ashi another Jung...another 2 weeks :o...is it a sign...I SHIP NOTHING!! I SHIP ME AND MY SANITY AGAIN!! ! Even when I got it, I don't got it....

*reminds self it is just a tv show. it's just a tv show. it's just a tv show. I need a time out LOL*

We are at the same ship even though we see things a little differently:).I guess the thought of Jung dumping Seol is not a popular one but it crossed my mind.I think they will be ok they just have to spend more time together without 3rd parties interfiring........I noticed something else,I think Jung and Eun Taek could become good friends in the future,I noticed that they kind of like and respect each other(Bromance no romance OK?)

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6 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@limericks thank you for the information. Holy Molly Soonnki is brilliant. Seol is sooo a Pisces.

"Pisces needs a dominant partner of role model in their life or they will very easily fall into a pat of self-pity and self-undoing. When they are independent and inspired by their life's events, their creativity comes shinning through but they are unable to be on their own for long before thy start dreaming in their imaginary world of happy people and happy ending [LOL]. they need other people to keep them grounded and on the right track. Pisces will go out their way to help a friend. They are extremely sensitive and loyal. they will take a friend's problem and make it their own and suffer with them...they are attracted to people with severe problems who desperately need help [LMFAO]. Even though Pisces will offer to make everything right, do not allow them to take on all your problems...A Pisces friend is very fulfilling, long lasting, friendship...Pisces do not take well to a position of leadership or high business person, they are too sensitive and lacking self-confidence. Pisces are excellent at anything that tugs at the heart strings and mystical/spiritual. they have to stop self-doubting themselves because they are cable of being good role models and leaders to others, people look up to them.  Pisces are molded by their suroundings, they incorporate their experiences and surrounding into themselves. They have extreme compassion and they feel the pain of others.  If something is wrong in the world it affects them deeply, they take it to heart. Pisces are intuitive..they trust their gut feelings and if they do not, they quickly learn because they realize that their hunches are usually correct. Pisces downfall is their sensitivity and inability to reject another person. They do not like rejection and they try to treat others the way they want to be treated. Pisces are very good at understanding people for they have the ability to delve into the psyche and see behind a person's motivations. Pisces is the most senesitve of all zodiac signs. Pisces woman are very captivating and fascinating. She makes a man feel a man because of her need for a protect and leader. She is charming, soft, and femine. The ultimate enchantress [no wonder Seol got all them boys shook]. She can see right through a man and she is not easy to fool, so any man better be straight with her and not lead her on. She needs to nurture and will give the man orders, but only for his own good. She needs is a man to protect and cherish her, make her feel like she is needed and loved [duh we all want that LOL]. Her partner will become her better half. She needs patience and sympathy and you have to be gentle with her."

And because I obviously have a lot of time on my hands I checked how compatible Capricorns and Pisces are LOL I know I need a life (which I do have).

"When Capricorn and Pisces join together in a love match, on the surface, it may appear to be opposites attracting. Capricorn is down to earth and regimented with a strong work ethic, while Pisces tends to be more emotion and dreamy, and takes on the needs of those around them. This couple is honest, and can be devoted to one another. they admire one another. Capricorn appreciates Pisces kind nature, and Pisces is drawn in by Capricorn's quick wit and tenacity. This relationship develops slowly, the two not necessarily recognizing it's progression. But it will get stronger over time [ho richard simmons on of ya'll said that LOL]. The duo can put their heads together and can be fulfilled by their partner. Their unique blend of temperaments. Both partners enjoy sharing their lives with someone else, and both like to help the other achieve their goals.Their difference in temperaments makes theirs a highly compatible relationship. Capricorn and Pisces are a great match, with an harmonious match of Capricorn's practical approach to life and Pisces imagination and romantic nature. Both bring balance in each other's lives. As in so many aspects of this relationship both can learn a lot from compromise and meeting in the middle [LOL...freaking brilliant]. Both provide emotional support and security which makes more [Pisces] self confident, while they [Pisces] inspire you [Capricorn] to expresses your feelings more than most other partners will. Both can be insecure at times. [Capricorn] be aware that you are likely to have the more dominant personality, and this is partnership which works best if you don't take control of everything, even if it will be tempting to at times [hear that Jung]. The potential area for conflict is that of finances and money. Pisces are spiritual while Capricorns are materialistic, and you need to recognize that they [Pisces] are not inspired by possessions of wealth [dinner scene anyone]. Often Pisces want to help others (no matter if they're balantly being taken advantage of) and this may confound Capricorns [I legit laughed out loud so hard]. [Capricorn and Pisces] on the same page and intrinsically trust and understand one another. Capricorns ground and provide practicality to the relationship while Pisces bring an idealistic and more emotional outlook, both find greater fulfillment in life thanks to the other. When it comes to sex, a great match with no shortage of chemistry. Pisces romantic nature compliments the more fun and lusty Capricorn style [Jung is a beast. How has he been holding back? Boy, take out your frustrations sexually. Do some role playing LOL]. Both are very loyal and enjoy harmony over drama or friction. Each are very different but meet the others needs well. Overall this match has very solid long term potential."

Do we know Inho's birthday? and I got to know what Inha is...

ETA: Stupid me, they're twins LOL..

«Pisces romantic nature compliments the more fun and lusty Capricorn style [Jung is a beast. How has he been holding back? Boy, take out your frustrations sexually. Do some role playing LOL].» i was reading all of the post with seriousness... however at this point i burst out laughing! So damn good :D

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5 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:


@qwenli can you do your astrology thing on me. I am a Sagittarius and I specifically want to know: Will Byun Yo Han ever be mine, stretches out palms...you don't do that...okay do your thing however you do it. His birthday is April 29th.

Now what is a sagittarius girl like you doing with Taurus men like Byun Yo Han and Park Hae Jin? LOL. They want to stay at home, watch tv and cozy up at the warm fire place but you are looking out for the next party to attend or the next flight to get to explore the antarctica. haha.

Will PM you.

@coffeeboy thanks for the sub. good job!

@bebebisous33 thanks for sharing on your parents, so now we have another case studies in point. heehee.


Feel free to pm me your astro questions, am always up for discussions to learn together.:)

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7 hours ago, blvnt said:


wait, who is Mona? I really forgot about her..



Seol's cool friend who gives good advice and told her to live like a fox, not a bear. I think she first appears in the webtoon here: http://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/cheese-in-the-trap/ep-39-dinner-show-act-1-2/viewer?title_no=99&episode_no=44


@qwenli May i post the article(s) you've translated about PHJ/KGE on the JungSeol thread please? ( I would like to put it in the master post)  

And since I'm on the topic...To everyone else, if you ever feel daring enough to tempt the OTP gods or just need something to tide you over till the next episode,  you could check out the first page of the JungSeol thread. There I've compiled a JungSeol Master Post and you'll be able to find PHJ/KGE trivia/gifs/vids/articles/links arranged in chronological order starting from pre-CITT to post-CITT. Even if you're not into the whole shipping business, I think that there just might be some links that may be of interest to you :) Cheers~

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One good thing about this drama is that it is based on a webtoon where the plot and setting has already been set. If and a big IF, the ending is not what is as expected (following the plot from the webtoon , I give up on ALL TVN dramas - YOU HEAR ME TVN!!!)

Seol and YJ to me is like Tsukushi and Doumyoji (Hana Yori Dango reference). In Ho doesn't even reach the level of Rui (LOL - if you want to talk about shipping wars). Whatever happens to the couple, they persevere to the end. Tsukushi also didn't like Doumyoji (I know Doumyoji is vastly different from YJ) but they encountered so many challenges along the way and Tsukushi DID like Rui first. The couple worked through fiancees, an brutal mother, Rui falling for Tsukushi (sort of) , amnesia etc. And they came through at the end. We only have 16 episodes of Cheese but I am easgerly anticipating how the PD will flesh out the rest of their story. 

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13 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

So while I was in the shower I put on my 'future psychologist thinking cap' (can't believe another drama has me taking that out so soon again already LOL) and the whole "love triangle" and the response to it (including some of my own) got me laughing and applauding the writer.

!. Can we stop accusing Seol doing things she has yet to do, please and thank you. Seol has yet to prioritize her friendship with Inho over her relationship with Jung. Never once has Jung called or wanted to see Seol and Seol had be no I can't have to do this or that with Inho. And even if such a thing were to occur it wouldn't mean she is putting Inho above Jung. And it's so damn easy to solve Jung: Seolie can we meet for a movie today. Seol: Sorry Sunbae I promised Inho I would tutor him and I had already out of it twice this week for things, Jung: Okay then I'll join you guys at the library and we can study together. Boom problem solved. Understanding had. Compromise made and consideration for one over the other. A consideration Seol will return when nee3ded.


I disagree with this comment. Seol asked for some time off which YJ respected, although he didn't want to! He sent her a SMS the next morning (test day) proving that he was trying to stay connected to her! He even hugged her, despise she was mad at him, when he ignored her first, yet he was just acting like she had behaved before in the room!

 I understand why YJ couldn't send any SMS because after their conversation in the episode 10, she pushed him away again! What else could he do? He told her, he would wait meaning that she was the one who had to give him a sign when she was ready!

Seol needs to reflect about her actions as well! She says, she wants to get close to him, but she doesn't try to put herself into his shoes!

Like @lclarakl mentioned it before, YJ should have told her the whole circumstances with YG. He took the whole blame!

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2 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Honest to goodness question and I want some honest to goodness unbiased opinions and responses. Should Seol dump Jung and go be with Inho because she is obviously secretly in like with him and she just doesn't know/is not aware of it yet?

I feel like the above is what people are waiting for. That is what all of it boils down to and I want to know why? If you really think this is going to happen. Please tell me why and with examples of scenes etc that support this so I can jump off now and save myself R88 levels of pain. Because I'm not seeing it but I have learned from the last time, that maybe it's there and I'm just choosing not to see it!

I had almost gotten over my trust issues and ya'll are bringing it back 10 fold LOL. Am I watching it all wrong again? Am I reading Seol's clear feelings for Jung wrong again? Aww ashi another Jung...another 2 weeks :o...is it a sign...I SHIP NOTHING!! I SHIP ME AND MY SANITY AGAIN!! ! Even when I got it, I don't got it....

*reminds self it is just a tv show. it's just a tv show. it's just a tv show. I need a time out LOL*

NO.. she isnt in love with In Ho.. she's in love with Jung.. deeply In love... but still doesn't Know! She can't understand the signs.. it's my understanding,,, and i can relate to that. Gosh how i understand this too well

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@lclarakl and @bebebisous33 She didn't acknowledge Jung as her boyfriend in that moment because I honestly believe that in that moment she was questioning if she still wanted him for a boyfriend and if the "on a break" should become a break up. Seol was very upset with Jung in that moment. As soon as Joon walked into the room she knew Jung had set this whole thing up. She looked at Jung and would not take her eyes off him. She knew and he knew she knew and to Seol it's like "what is wrong with you? Do you ever listen to me? Are you ever going to let me in or even change or meet me half way?" I mean just last night they had talked about how he manipulates and uses his cunning to get at people/get people and she doesn't like that. She asked for honesty that night and he didn't give it. If we remember that TA Heo situation, Seol didn't get as mad as even Jung was anticipating and she says she's "letting it go this one time" and she meant it because the second time it happened and he used the same excuse of "it's them not me. let's not talk about the past" she stuck with that. So after all of that last night, he does this/that the very next day.

They had just gone on a break because of one of his scheming, and the very next day he does the same/similar. Seol was probably wondering, "will I ever know sunbae? Will he ever be able to meet me half way?" So yes she doesn't call him her boyfriend and I understand why. In the heat of the moment knowing what he did (and he used her little brother too, which is a hell no cause she fights Minsoo/gets trigged to shout and fight because of that -using little brother- and the Jung does the same. I looked at Jung and was just like "you in trouble". However once cooler head prevailed Seol tried/did think of things in Jung's POV (in the gorgeous pink shirt and head brush off she does that in her head) but it still doesn't mean she accepts his actions or use understanding of why to justify what she thinks is wrong and shouldn't happen in that way. However she obviously doesn't want to end things with him seeing as she confirms with Inha that yes Jung is her boyfriend. So I think Seol is still working on her half of meeting him half way. I think she is trying to get to a point of understand and accepting some of who he is to an extent and hopefully getting communication (which both need to work on) so they can make these decision together (something she told him she wanted to happen in ep 5 or 6 talks).

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37 minutes ago, honeywell said:

Just curious those that are doubting Jung/Sol ending, is it because of R88?  I don't really read the webtoons other than what's posted here but it seems like Jung and Sol stay together and work out their issues.  I know that the webtoon is not done yet and the finale is pretty much fair game but I don't see Sol and IH ending up together.  Yes episode 9 and ESPECIALLY 10 was heavily focused on IH but I never saw Sol look at him in the same way as she does with Jung.  There's no awkwardness because she's comfortable with him the same way she's comfortable with Bora and Euntaek.  With Jung, there's always that tension and happiness when she sees him.  When Sol saw that picture of Jung with In Ha, she was so bothered by it that she didn't even pay attention to In Ho.  I'm not worried.

Amen to all of the above :)

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7 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

I disagree with this comment. Seol asked for some time off which YJ respected, although he didn't want to! He sent her a SMS the next morning (test day) proving that he was trying to stay connected to her! He even hugged her, despise she was mad at him, when he ignored her first, yet he was just acting like she had behaved before in the room!

 I understand why YJ couldn't send any SMS because after their conversation in the episode 10, she pushed him away again! What else could he do? He told her, he would wait meaning that she was the one who had to give him a sign when she was ready!

Seol needs to reflect about her actions as well! She says, she wants to get close to him, but she doesn't try to put herself into his shoes!

Like @lclarakl mentioned it before, YJ should have told her the whole circumstances with YG. He took the whole blame!

I need to go fix my spelling error on that but what I meant is not that Jung doesn't communicate with Seol or anything like that. What I mean was Seol hasn't prioritized Inho over Jung. Jung has yet to call and request a date or meet up with Seol and have Seol respond with a "no I cannot meet you today because I have to study with Inho or meet up with Inho to do something more important than seeing you the too far in between our busy lives that we can meet." Again, people had said Seol prioritized time with Inho over time with Jung and I was saying she had yet to do that, because she really had yet to do that. In episode 9 we witness both trying to make time to see each other twice and it would have continued happening if it were not for the "on a break". I wasn't implying lack of communication on Jung's part (that is something I think they both do -lack of communication- tbh).

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Jung and Sol do need to work on a lot of issues.  They started dating really fast so they never got to know each other.  They barely got to the getting to know each other period and then Jung surprises Sol with "let's date".  Fastest thing ever (for me) in a drama series.  But I do love that we saw how their awkwardness became to fondness overtime.  Before we saw Sol being uncomfortable when Jung would give her a hug, stare at her and even touch it.  Motorcycle incident, anyone?

Anyways, Jung doesn't have to completely change but he really just needs to Sol more and respect her wishes.  Instead of going behind her back, just tell her your plans so that she won't get some kind of whiplash from it.  I like that Sol is also trying to understand Jung more. 

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