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1 hour ago, bjvipb2uty said:

Have any of you guys watched The Mentalist (crime show) before? Today I had an epiphany and realized that the main character in that show is similar to Jung in how they 'take care' of people. The main character in TM always orchestrates these complicated thought-out plans in order to catch the criminal. Everyone is literally like a chess piece in his 'game.' And yeah he's dealing with bad people but sometimes the way he goes about with his plans can be quite questionable. Sometimes he gets in trouble, but most of the time others (his superiors) are the ones who have to respond for his behavior aka deal with the consequences. I'm not saying their characters are the same but they do share that trait. Also, that guy was able to build and maintain his relationship with the girl. He didn't change his personality entirely nor did he get rid of his skill (let's call it that lol). He just had to learn that there were some limits he couldn't cross and that there were situations where he couldn't skirt situations. And it worked because the two of them ended up trusting each other.


I like the parallel you drew.

I have watched the mentalist in its entirety, and I have enjoyed Patrick Jane very much! He's very... different in how he handles and solves cases, and his superiors have learned to cope with his actions lmao. But don't get me started...about how he and lisbon get together in the end, while everyone was rooting for them, I wish they had stayed friends...

Also, I was very angry about who red john was. Also very angry about how season 6-7 were handled. They should have had brett partridge as red john, or they should have ended it in season 3. 

The dynamic is somewhat similar, in that Seol is setting limits for Jung, just like Lisbon did for Jane. The difference is that Jane is the main character, and we get to see his struggle. I really wished we got Jung's perspective instead of Seol, so that he can be less mysterious about why he is the way he is. I really enjoyed the small flashback where we saw from Jung's perspective, that he saw Seol smirking when he spilled the drink of JooYeon.

Him being the narrator would have been much more amazing. I even liked the part where he tells himself that he isn't the strange one, that the others are. 


And thank you everyone for being understanding with my opinion, cause I do admit, it can get very intimidating with the essay like discussions here. I didn't want to offend anyone!

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57 minutes ago, themarchioness said:

LOL, be careful, @Anabela Sampaio:)

Actually, what I really want is to go to an event where I get to witness Jung/Seol and Euntaek/Bora interacting and being all cute together.  I'd totally sacrifice the opportunity for a hug just to see all that adorableness live and in person.  Don't you think that would be fun?  Or am I just a crazy fan? 

Oh drama... what you do to me... :P

OMG NO you're not just a crzazy fan :) yes it would be so much fun, Watching all of their lovely and cute interaction

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39 minutes ago, colormejoyous said:


I was backtracking and saw your comment and the word "idealist" and wanted to reply. lol. I would like to think I'm an idealist because I do like to see the best in others and am pretty shaken when I come in contact with people who are actually malicious or do things that do not go by my principles or just general principles of being a good human. I'm just too sensitive in a way. lol. But, What I would like to say is that even with my whole idealistic expectations of the real world, I understand Jung. Is it because this is a drama and not the real world, I wonder? Maybe. And Maybe also because if someone could just observe Jung from a non biased prospective once, you can definitely see how much he is being used, for his money, for his hard work, etc. People like sang chul sunbae always trying to mooch of him for drinks and such and even other students who are always quite resentful to him in a away because he is rich, so he can't even show his frustrations in public, since people won't blame the other person who is doing him wrong and Jung himself for making a big deal out of it. most of the times he is being taken advantage of in small ways constantly, but those things eventually add up. Even if this was another person, they would start becoming insensitive and resentful towards others. Constantly telling him to pay for drinks because he has money? Expecting him to do more work because he is really smart (and again is rich so has less financial burden), TA stealing out of his wallet because he has again a lot of money so he can spare some, stealing his pen in high school to sale online (so basically his helpfulness for someone backfired on him), and other examples just like this. Despite all the anti-heroness and him not being that empathetic with people's pains, but seeing all this, how do you expect him to be normal when he is being taken advantage of by people he calls his colleagues, friends, and his superiors like the TA all the time. And I know that this being taken advantage of happens to everyone, it is a normal part of life, but it seems for Jung, it is a constant and never ending part of his life. 

And again, Despite saying all this, I definitely do not excuse his ways of dealing with such frustrating people. He has to know that his actions have ripple effects that could affect innocent people, he has learn how to forgive because as Ghandiji says, "an eye for an eye will make the world blind," He has also has learn to express his emotions in a healthy way instead of repressing them all the time, especially anger (not beating up people. lol. but at least learning to vent it out and then slowly letting it go). So, while I acknowledge all the things Jung still has to work on, I definitely understand why he is the way he is. I think putting him under one label of "evil" or "creepy" is doing his character and the drama itself the biggest disservice. 

Thanks for your post dear and for showing interest in mine. :)

My view on humans is that we are flawed creatures but redeemable. Change is possible even for someone like Sang Chul whom I detest heartily. While I think Jung's childhood plays a large part in who he has become, ultimately he is responsible for the choices that he has made, especially in the way he subtly encouraged OYG to believe that Seol liked him. You can blame dad and mum for only so much but once you're an adult, you need to move on and decide on your own path with the full knowledge that your parents' influence will never be far away.

The primary reason why I have so much time for Jung (if that makes me pro-Jung so be it) is because I see a lot of myself in Jung. I'm an introvert, I don't suffer fools gladly and I don't care for being taken advantage of (Fortunately that is a rare occurrence here). I didn't really have a comfortable relationship with my father throughout my teens because I don't think he and I really knew how to deal with each other. We are, as they say, chalk and cheese. ;) But I'm grateful for his influence in my life primarily because he taught me to think clearly and logically and not be swept along too easily by emotions. 

My attitude about Jung is very simple. He's a work-in-progress. I don't excuse his flaws but I understand them. People around the web say that he lacks empathy and I disagree with that entirely. He  doesn't lack empathy but what he does is weigh up the options and chooses what he sees to be the lesser of many evils. Sometimes he chooses not to act because it's not something he can legitimately get involved in or have any resources to do so. He certainly empathized with Jae Woo being bullied and with Seol's nightmare of having to put up with her deluded doppelganger wannabe. At the hospital he took charge of everything and everybody because he was the person with the coolest head in the room. I find that trait very attractive and that's why, if he chooses, he could be extremely good in business, law and politics.

The fact that he chooses to act unemotionally and logically doesn't make him less empathetic. It means that he has learnt to suppress his emotions. Whether or not that is always good is, of course, up for debate.

I don't think a lot of people today really understand the original intent of "an eye for an eye", not even Gandhi. :P The idea behind "an eye for an eye" was to prevent people from going overboard in retribution. It was about finding a punishment to fit the crime so as to prevent lawlessness and even outright killing for vengeance sake.

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The beginning... she was so scared of him. Even if the counter was there and she still thought he would jump on her hahaha! But he only wanted to say Hi! see her face, see her smile, give her a strawberry shake, walk her home, get to know her, help her, save her and then find the courage to ask her for a date.... :wub: 








Their dating ... Im feeling cheesy too. Slowly I'll catch up. I got 2 weeks right? I think Im the only one who's not as bothered by it mian mian. But I feel your pain chingues..



Because they miss each other too. 




Let me use Sunbae to send some hearts out to all :heart:  :heart:  :heart:


cr CITT gallery

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55 minutes ago, orangesmartie92 said:

I like the parallel you drew.

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The dynamic is somewhat similar, in that Seol is setting limits for Jung, just like Lisbon did for Jane. The difference is that Jane is the main character, and we get to see his struggle. I really wished we got Jung's perspective instead of Seol, so that he can be less mysterious about why he is the way he is. I really enjoyed the small flashback where we saw from Jung's perspective, that he saw Seol smirking when he spilled the drink of JooYeon.

Him being the narrator would have been much more amazing. I even liked the part where he tells himself that he isn't the strange one, that the others are. 

And thank you everyone for being understanding with my opinion, cause I do admit, it can get very intimidating with the essay like discussions here. I didn't want to offend anyone!

Ah greeting fellow TM fan! :D


Jane is one of my favorite tv characters! He's so smart. ^-^ RJ was a letdown (srsly bruno heller!?) but I shipped them! Lol just it was beautiful seeing such a broken man get a life back. Can we see the same for Jung-ie?

Yes yes yes! Looking into Jane's perspective helped the audience understand/empathize with him. Oh how I wish we got that from Jung! We've only gotten his perspective of things a few times but the few moments we get carry so much weight. 

However, even the webtoon only lets us in on Jung's perspective/thoughts a few times. :( Most of it is from Seol's perspective. I pout at that but I think that's one of the author's tactics (?) for her plot development & connecting with the audience. It creates more mystery and makes us biased viewers. OTL.

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41 minutes ago, GrandPoopBah said:

Oh oh... sushi subs vids of CitT BTS (the ones with ENG subs) have been taken down due to copyright infringement.  

Though I understand the legal issues behind all this, I have to say... ACK!  What now?!

And why now! The timing is to awkward? Is it because we've started a thread for PHJ and KGE? LOL! I'm delisuonal i know

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26 minutes ago, Anabela Sampaio said:

And why now! The timing is to awkward? Is it because we've started a thread for PHJ and KGE? LOL! I'm delisuonal i know


There's a what?!  (I'm not subtle)  I have loved shows (Healer!) but have never shipped any acting couple.  Not sure if I necessarily want romance, but PHJ/KGE with long lasting friendship?  That I can dig.  Ahh... so many places to stalk (not YG stalk), so little time.

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I just read the latest S4 chapter 22 of the webtoon and I literally screamed (and scared my flat mate because *runs out the bathroom* "who are you talking to" LOL) Me: *clapping happily* SEE richard simmons that's how and why they'll work and do work and continue to work!!!


Jung comes upon Seol and San Chul arguing. San Chul pushed Seol and she would have fallen and hurt herself on the side walk but Jung was there in the nick of time and got behind her and took the burnt of the fall. He injured his hand and got scratched up. Jung and Seol are both on the sidewalk still and Jung is looking up at San Chul pissed as heck and has this glint in his eyes. San Chuo is frozen scared and I'm thinking, you shouldn't have pushed Seol like that. OMG everything you have done and did do you shouldn't have done, but run LOL.

Seol recognizes the look in Jung's eyes and covers his eyes. She recognizes that he's kind of loosing it and she's trying to defuse the situation. Seol tells San Chul to leave. The whole thing draws the attention of Bora and Euntaek and Seol continue worry over Jung. With the eye covering and breathing. Jung calms himself down and he becomes the one to assure Seol that he is really okay and that he fine (she was fretting over his anger and his injury) and that they can simply go to the hospital for his hand. Inho had seen the whole thing and his hot headed self was going to come beat San Chul with a stick (he was literally holding a stick/branch to beat San Chul LOL) and happened upon the Jung Seol moment. Jung and him share a mind and those two boy really need to work this richard simmons out already and ugh someone needs to someone else about a piece in all of it that is missing but I ain't gonna spoil that. It's too good to spoil.

The point is Seol handled the situation Jung too learned to calm himself down (he didn't go after San Chul and I hope he doesn't cause he's made some strides in that area). They work. They've built a way of working and handling these situations together. See we don't need to lock people up in the attic (yes I'll forever detest Rochester for that) or dismiss them as bad or unredeemable or unable to learn and grow. It may be a slow process. They will have as many success as they do failures but no one is helpless or hopeless. I think it's the one day hopeful future psychologist in me, but I can't give up on people. It hurts me some of the comments about Jung because I work with young children (elementary-middle school) who are Jungs or have their own share of deep issues. It breaks me to know that they live in a world that's never going to really give them a chance and just label them as something and not really allow them to grow or become better and more than just that label :tears:.

One of the 8th graders I'm working with is really, he has a lot of issues. He threw a chair at a teacher's head and exposed himself in class once. Which is wrong and I know and we are working on this. People fear him and avoid him and to some extent its reasonable and needed to be cautious around him. However, they don't know that in the dorm he is the one who looks out for this kid who has mental and physical disabilities and is bullied a lot. The boy always eats with that kids and tries to make the kid feel include and "normal" while almost everyone else ignore that child's existence. They also don't know that he comes from a violent home and has been sexually abused by a male family friend. Knowing all this some of his behavior are due to the trama of all of that and although wrong it's just his misguided way of trying to cope and let his feelings be known (and we are working on ways for him to recognize these feelings and healthier forms of expressing it). People are so much more than just moments we see of them. Bad moment because they also have their good ones. I've already said we shouldn't go out making friends with the Charles Masons of the world. However when we only fixate on the bad and ignore the good when they do it (no matter how small) we're just killing any potential they have of becoming and doing more.

Ugh Cheese in the Trap was not supposed to give me all these irl feels and connection.

@40somethingahjumma I feel you on everything said. However I'm more partial to Jung because I got a thing for those complicated one. The ones who challenge me to look deeper and think and question things...LET ME LOVE YOU though please don't kill me while I do so LOL. As Jack Kerouac said:

"the only people for me are the mad ones, the one who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved.."- On the Road.

Someone earlier said something about Joon (Seol's little brother) that I found to be hella harsh. I think the little boy is behaving as bratty little brothers do (trust, I have one). He gets along with Inho because Inho is readily more open and approachable in getting to know and become friends with "he receives love easily". Also the two of them are alike in their lack of responsibility and pressure and carefree look on life. However Joon does have his own worries and concerns and is not as carefree and thoughtless as he may seem. Just as it's not easy being the older sister to a younger brother who receives more love and is easily loveable such as Joon. It's not easy to grow up with such a hard working and able sister. Who gets good grades, is responsible, and your parents actually believe in (as they know they will succeed) and have expectations of. I am sure he may have also felt burned by his father's expectations and being sent aboard when he knows Seol is the smarter one and the one who would benefit from it and should have it and would have it if only she were a boy like him. I'm also sure he may have tried in his own ways growing up, but it was never good enough and was always getting compared to his much better and "be like her" older sister.

All these characters including Inha, San Chul, etc have scars and wounds and a story they have yet to tell. I'm like richard simmons some of them,  but also can sort of kind of feel for them and want better for them.

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Two weeks without my JungxSeol crack is going to make me crazy nuts...

And now they are going to give free hugs? I really need one right now...!

3 hours ago, Anabela Sampaio said:

OMO! I almost chocked while eating! I want one toooooo!


I'm SOOOO HAPPY to see a fellow portuguese here!!!!! :w00t:

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I am pro Jung but I hope others don't feel that they can't discuss any other characters especially In Ho. I like In Ho in my own way but don't see him with Seol. 

All of the actors are doing an awesome job even the one playing Young Gon. Oh how I detest him. But it's sad that some people can't separate reel life from real life and left bad comments for the actress playing Min Soo. (I can imagine the hate for Young Gon!)

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1 minute ago, Lissabonni said:

Two weeks without my JungxSeol crack is going to make me crazy nuts...

And now they are going to give free hugs? I really need one right now...!


I'm SOOOO HAPPY to see a fellow portuguese here!!!!! :w00t:

wow the world is surely small! I thought i was the only portuguese in K drama Life! ;)

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This might be odd but instead of looking forward a hug from PHJ, I would love to get a hug from KGE. I don't know :lol:

Maybe is becoming a girl crush it's just that she looks someone that would have a nice conversation. 

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9 minutes ago, Anabela Sampaio said:
11 minutes ago, Lissabonni said:

Two weeks without my JungxSeol crack is going to make me crazy nuts...

And now they are going to give free hugs? I really need one right now...!


I'm SOOOO HAPPY to see a fellow portuguese here!!!!! :w00t:



11 minutes ago, Lissabonni said:

Two weeks without my JungxSeol crack is going to make me crazy nuts...

And now they are going to give free hugs? I really need one right now...!


I'm SOOOO HAPPY to see a fellow portuguese here!!!!! :w00t:

photo cheese05-00158.jpg


By the way: A hug just for you :)



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I think the main reason behind YJ manipulating "problematic elements" is that he can't call them out publicly. Why ? I think it's because he was taught by his father that he needs to be the bigger person and also because (him being the heir) he needs to "save face". 

It's a bit OT bt i can't help but think back to a korean short book we studied in class regarding this topic of "saving face" called "the misty village". The story is about a middle aged woman, the narrator, who hear her husband complain about how people have changed. Living in bigger cities, people have no shame, they can do whatever they want (in the story dance in public) because they know they won't be seen by their acquaintances. 

The narrator thinks back to her younger days, when she was muted to a seculated village as a teacher. In this village, everyone was related to each other. There was also a village idiot, who everyone mocked but also fed. She observed something odd, the village idiot was close to the village women. Some men can't stand him but do nothing to throw him out of the village. It's later in the story, when she takes shelter from a storm in a seculated part of the village and is raped/has a sexual encounter with the village idiot, that she understands. The village idiot had relationships with all those women (who were dissatisfied by their me)n, everybody in the village knew (the husbands included) but no one said it aloud because he was the village idiot = below them and they would be one to lose face if it became public.

The same way, being from wealthy and notable family, YJ's father want him to save the face of the family in every circumstances. And think YJ has a found a way around this rule by manipulating people so that he can punish the offenders whitout losing face in the process.

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8 minutes ago, Anabela Sampaio said:


By the way: A hug just for you :)





Awwww thank you!!! :wub: love Seol and Bora's friendship so this is a great hug!

And thanks to you, I found out that there's a paradise called JungxSeol theard!!! How could I missed it?! 

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Gosh how i wish it was the 15th

These lyrics make so much sense... Its a mirror of their relationship.

Oh and wow do they echoe in my heart

credit to the owner and thank you for the english subs :)



11 minutes ago, Raquel Pombo said:

I m from lisbon too!


wow! Já somos três :D

Mas eu estou no Porto ;)

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I adore Bora. I like her fiesty nature that always talks back and doesn't allow her upper class men & women run all over her. She's a nice foil to Seol like Inho is to Jung. But I do wish they would get into her loss of her mother and that had affected her (they touched on that in the webtoon when her dad was in the hospital and there is an arc related to it) and also GIVE EUNTAEK A CHANCE ALREADY!!!!

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