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On 1/31/2016 at 11:07 AM, stargazer187 said:

and I have read somewhere of these pages, that some of you might want to see more PHJ in his T-shirt... me too, like he is wearing here... love him soooo... kyaaa


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may be PHJ in T-shirt just simply a sin. and the stylist fully understand about it, so she/he rather dress him in coat so we can't commit bigger sin by drooling all over the table

although I'm willing to commit that great sin:D

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It's perfect....


I know i'm being kind of extra but the back hug is one of my favorite scenes in the webtoon and cemented for me "He likes her and you guys are wrong he's not a robot alien serial killer sent from the future to study humans and cunningly annihilate them all. HE FEELS AND HE LIKES HER!!!" 

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20 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

*gets so freaking excited when she reads North & South* MEEEEEEE!!!  I watch that about once a week on Netflix. I love it!!!!! I actually really enjoy Victorian Brit lit but the Bronte sisters anti-heroes just.....ah;jdhf;lhs'lhsl. I think for me I start to think too much in modern times because I start to wonder "how old is this little girl? where are your parents? how long you known him that marriage is being talked about already? girl, you can do much better than this stale milk abusive old enough to be your granddaddy." LOL things like that and then for some things I just chuck it all out the window. I'm more an Austen girl (Persuasion is one of my favorites). North & South turned me on to the BBC big time. Has anyone seen 'The Forsyte Saga'? Now I want to go watch movies with magnificent bastards and anti-heroes as the lead...*I'm coming Phantom* Man, when I was young I hated Christine for not staying with the Phantom (a part of me still does). When I got older I wondered "girl what was wrong with 12 year old self?" LOL.


haha! watched North & South when I had netflix as well - Thank you "recommended feeds".

Yess to Jane Austen!! I swear she is the queen writer of romantic novels, to the point where I watch dramas and refer to her novels and relating characters. Quite a number of dramas smell of "Pride and Prejudice":D I also adore persuasion it can tug you quite a bit if you are personally easily swayed/influenced by those close to you. 

On a side note I'm loving CITT, particularly Seol >< she's weirdly refreshing even though we've had countless numbers of female leads with similar roles.

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19 minutes ago, The_dia said:

i'm sorry to cut your post...

but can you give me link for streaming??

PMed you...

Will wait eagerly for tonight episode... with all spoilers from the webtoon, I guess we'll see the same scenes too... ^^

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aghhhh..i LOVe the back hug..just seeing the stills..my heart ,melt*****:)PHJ is a great hugger...i love all the hugging scenes in CITT..it's like he wanted to keep her like foreverrrrr:):wub:..and the way he almost kisses her neck..omomyyyyyy..i really cant wait for tonight:)

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9 minutes ago, NRGchick said:

Madness over the back hug! I have not read the we toon but it must every significant. 

Again the BTS is not helping my shipper heart!

isit me or is this the first time BTS released before the airing of the episode?

agree with that.

i know we should be fairly said that in the drama, jung and in ho got chances to close to Seol.

but i just keep on squee squee and squeeee only when Seol with Jung. and scenes with inho is so much, i kind of miss jung presence.

oh, and any of u eager for kiss BTS? i do, really do..

heiho for everyone who will share the story tonight... thank you guys... :)

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Thanks for the link @gothigh! Smiling like a fool while watching the BTS! I love how PHJ didn't let go of KGE and continued to hug her while the director is explaining something to them. hahaha my shipper heart is rejoicing!

P.S.: I so love the director for shipping PHJ and KGE! I believe she also gets crazy watching these two! Without a doubt she's the leader of PHJXKGE ship!


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3 hours ago, gothigh said:

Haiiii~ NEW BTS EP 9!!!!

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Hi its my first time to comment in this thread, my english is not that good, so i just enjoy reading the comment in here ^^

But thank U for the BTS

Its so cute when the director want to tease KGE pointing her face looks red but another staff tease her back by saying "I understand why Seol's face become red, but why your face looks more red?"


And I love how everyone in the filming set call KGE as Seol, its remind me about PHJ interview not long ago when he said he call KGE as Seol too

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58 minutes ago, NRGchick said:

Madness over the back hug! I have not read the we toon but it must every significant. 

Again the BTS is not helping my shipper heart!

isit me or is this the first time BTS released before the airing of the episode?

No it's not  the first time that the BTS is released before airing of the ep. C-netz are pretty fast so i usually see it floating around hours before the ep is aired. But usually it takes a day or two for c-subbed BTS to be out, and then i usually post about BTS after translating it which will again take a while depending on how busy i am.

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LOL with the respond on the back hug bts in this thread...i can't stop laughing reading all your comments drooling about the back hug..the bts totally janggg!! Thanks @gothigh for the link! 

I'm having PHJ fever due to his character in CITT and has re-watched ep.1-8 for XX times already! :sweatingbullets:

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