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8 hours ago, mgicc said:

Omo, who is this? It's Sang Chul aka actor Moon Ji Yoon who we all loved to hate in the drama. Found an interesting tidbit about him which I thought I would share. 

These pictures apparently show him before and after his CITT casting.

Eng Translation from (x):


Wow I'm really impressed with the lengths he went to in order to present a more accurate Sang Chul. It's a shame that the efforts of supporting actors like him often go unnoticed so I'm really happy for him that someone took the trouble to highlight his efforts! Kudos to anon and the actor! 


Wow.. finally I'm relieved to read that he actually gained more of his weight in order to get into the character.... I was seriously shocked at first to see him 'bigger' than the last time I saw him in a drama few years back~~ and the 1st I saw him was in Delightful Girl Choon Hyang here...

Doesn't he gives a bit of YJ's vibe here??

Although in the drama he played somewhat similar character as Eun Taek in CITT.. the one who loves the female lead's friend but she only treat him like a friend until she realized that he's important~~ hahaha (sorry for the LQ.. just screencap from hosting site)




And now he's like this~~





cr @mgicc and as tagged

I hope he successfully losing weight and get more important characters in the future~~ ^^

And today's broadcast for live recap, can someone PM me a link that'll work?? coz I was really disappointed with last week's lagging and making me giving up recapping... perhaps @NRGchick or @plappi can PM me the link??? Thanks in advance chingus!!

I hope we'll be having so much fun for tonight episode!! although it looks like there will be some breakup??? I hope not :bawling:

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HI! I will attempt recaps tonight. @emme85 I am at work so the streaming link is not on my work laptop. Will try to PM you later tonight.

Seeing the preview, I hope I will not be tearing my hair out tonight and whatever happens with YG and MS gets resolved by tomorrow or we will have two torturous weeks before Ep 11.


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@emme85 @mgicc wow what you guys posted about Sangchul really shocked me, so I went to google




how did he went from a dreamboat idol to Sangchul?!:crazy:

Most amazing. kudos to him for putting on weight. Its easy to put on weight but really difficult to lose it! I have to praise Park Hae Jin here again, I thought he look better now vs his younger days.


I like all the literary discussions too. Its such a lost art and hobby to read. I was read most of Austen's books when I was younger and I fear with internet being ubiquitous everywhere that in 20 years time, nobody will read classics anymore. :oWill go check out North and South. heehee. Isnt Anne of green gables a childen's book? But I guess, doesnt means it is about a child = child read. :P. I got a friend who is such a P & P fan that she named her daughter lizzie :D, fortunately her son is not Darcy. :D


congrats to @mgicc and @coffeeboy for collaborating on your first subbed vid!

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5 minutes ago, NRGchick said:

HI! I will attempt recaps tonight. @emme85 I am at work so the streaming link is not on my work laptop. Will try to PM you later tonight.

Seeing the preview, I hope I will not be tearing my hair out tonight and whatever happens with YG and MS gets resolved by tomorrow or we will have two torturous weeks before Ep 11.



Thanks chingu! will wait for the link tonight!

YG really needs to be sent to mental institute! :rolleyes: and actually I'm quite pity MS because she's lacking friends?? but after being brainwashed by the psycho YG, she really gets on my nerve~~ still haven't finished reading the webtoon, so I don't know what will happen to MS..

So, we'll have to wait for 2 weeks after this, huh?? :cry: 

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Guest mywebfoot

Wow, I've read about Kim Go Eun's acting ability, but I had my reservations until I saw this clip. She's unrecognizable. Kim Go Eun is surely a rising star. 

In spoilers, because it's a clip from Coin Locker Girl, her recent movie.





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19 minutes ago, mywebfoot said:

Wow, I've read about Kim Go Eun's acting ability, but I had my reservations until I saw this clip. She's unrecognizable. Kim Go Eun is surely a rising star. 

In spoilers, because it's a clip from Coin Locker Girl, her recent movie.

  Reveal hidden contents




She's such a good actress!

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Minsoo girl RUN!!! This poor girl. It got so bad so quick and man it doesn't help the way she tangled up Seol. You should have given back the lion keychain!! Why did you lie and keep it for so long. Jung take pity on Single Korean Female: MinSeol okay, Younggon has gotten into her head (but not really cause girl lost her mind the moment she decided she wanted to wear Seol like a costume)....

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As Bora Euntaek shipper from the very beginning my reaction to this still is beyond words.



There will be 2 songs that will be released tonight. The first one is Go by Saltnpaper and the second is  그냥 좋은데 ('I just like you' temporary title) by Tete. Go by Saltnpaper is actually the BGM during propose scene in episode 3.

Note: Its written February 2 midnight so it must be tonight right?



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Shall I voice a frustration I have? I too, like many of you, wanna flip the table every time someone immediately labels Jung as bad, evil, violent, unpardonable. Oh gosh the unpardonable thing makes me go bonkers.

Why? Because so many kdramas have main leads that are just straight up jerks! It drives me crazy how the girl seems to get her memory wiped because she never goes back and thinks 'hmm this is the same guy who insulted me and treated me like trash.' But no! The leading ladies are all head over heels for the guy. Now I'm not saying I don't get entertained by these tropes because here I am, 6 years later and I'm still hooked on kdramas. But I want to focus on the audience. Let's compare the typical kdrama male leads vs Jung and how the audience in general has responded to their actions. 

Saying kdrama guys are jerks is an understatement really because they can be so annoying. They insult the girl. And not just any insult; they find the words to cut through the girl's pride. Then to top it off they step all over the girl's pride by either saying or demonstrating how much more superior they are to her. How quaint.

Now I'm gonna use an example (She Was Pretty) and I don't intend to offend anyone who is a fan of this drama. I can definitely see why some people loved it. Also this isn't the only kdrama otp to have really irked me but its one of the most recent ones I've watched so its fresh in my memory. Okay, he wronged Haejin so horribly. His insults. His actions. I hated how he caught her from hitting the cement ground and then let her fall! Like what the heck dude?! But how did the audience respond? Did they criticise him? Yes, a select few voiced their outrage at his actions but the general audience just brushed it off as 'oh its just the typical main lead.' So when Mr. Lonely Puppy decided he liked Haejin he began to warm up to her and...uh i da know act like a decent human being. Again I ask, how did the audience react? He was forgiven. All his sweetness now was enough to forgive him for treating the lady like trash. Did the audience find it difficult to forgive and forget? No. 

Now let us look at Jung, shall we? Did he ever insult Seol? No. Did he flaunt his status? Nope. (He doesn't flaunt his money nor status to anyone actually...well maybe Inho some but that's not the point here.) Now did/does he do questionable things? Yes. Definitely. Has he been an adorable puppy to Seol now that they're dating? YES he's FREAKING CUTE when he's with Seol. 

But how does the audience respond to Jung? Psychopath, sociopath, manipulator, evil, etc. He's gonna hurt Seol one day. Unpardonable. I don't care how sweet you are. You're a weirdo. 

Why is there a difference? Why are there different standards in regards to judging Jung vs every other main lead? I love Jung. I think he's an incredibly brilliant character but I know he's done questionable things. I know he's flawed. I know when other main leads mess up and sometimes I do forgive them. So why WHY don't people do the same for Jung!? You guys forgive those jerky dudes and can't even give Jung the benefit of the doubt. At least give him that for heaven's sake. Stop with the double standards! 

You know why I like CITT and Jung so much? A few pages back someone linked a tumblr post (scila) that in part said this about CITT:

" [...] behaviors like Jung’s have consequences in a real relationship."

This is what I love about the otp. Jung has messed up in the past. Although he never insulted Seol, he stepped on her papers, he put her in uncomfortable situations, he got her tangled up with YG. But did those incidents just stay there in the past while our otp walked off in the sunset? No, like scila said, Jung as well as us are seeing the consequences of his 'wrongdoings' in the past. They're being dug up and brought front and center. Our otp is sorting it out.

If Jung and Seol are endgame for the drama, I will genuinely feel happy at seeing them together. Because based on what we've seen so far, these two will try to sort it out. If anything, Hong Seol bless your memory! lol Keep eating those almonds, dear.

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New behind cuts of Park Hae Jin from 'Cheese In The Trap' unleashed

On January 25th, the production team of tvN drama 'Cheese In The Trap' released new behind cuts of Park Hae Jin, who is playing in the drama as Yoo Jung.

The photos were taken from flashback scenes that will be included in upcoming episode, and the photos show Yoo Jung showing a sharp look in high school uniforms. He is showing a phenomenal look in the uniforms, and a great number of fans and viewers are showing explosive reactions for the photos.

The photos almost look like scenes from a school uniforms commercial, and fans and viewers' anticipation for the upcoming episode is now reaching the peak.

The photos also show Park Hae Jin reading through his scripts during his break time, and many people are showing huge anticipation for future plot developments as well.

Meanwhile, 'Cheese In The Trap' airs on every Monday and Tuesday at 11 PM, and the upcoming episode is going to show Yoo Jung (played by Park Hae Jin) publicizing his romantic relationship with Hong Sul (played by Kim Go Eun).

New behind cuts of Park Hae Jin from 'Cheese In The Trap' unleashed

Credit : starnnews.com

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12 minutes ago, drynase said:


There will be 2 songs that will be released tonight. The first one is Go by Saltnpaper and the second is  그냥 좋은데 ('I just like you' temporary title) by Tete. Go by Saltnpaper is actually the BGM during propose scene in episode 3.

omg thanks for the updates on ost! 

@rhaps the song that we are waiting for are finally released! yayyyy :wub::wub:

@bjvipb2uty well said. that was what i thought too. when other male leads seems to be almost physically hurting the lady, being a total asshat, the audience tend to forgive him once he falls head over heels towards the lady. but for our Jung, he didnt do all that yet people label him all the bad things in the world (i know i'm being a dramatic but Jung just makes me protective of him).

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I'm almost complete with my marathon of this drama--episode 8 is next.  I'm a little confused about something. I don't know why everyone in the drama keeps saying that something is wrong with Yoo Jung. I think he's misunderstood. Even with the girl he 'poured' beer on; it was her fault. He told her no and she kept trying to push it on him. I have a feeling that In Ho was beaten up in high school at the request of his crazy sister. When he had the flashback of her threatening to break his fingers while he was playing the piano and the she tried to stomp on his hand---the girl is CRAZY.  I wonder if that's why Yoo Jung won't go into details.  This is all speculation on my part, but I have to wonder.

Okay, I'm going to say it---Seol is beginning to get on my nerves in the way she doesn't have much trust in Yoo Jung. She has a boyfriend, but doesn't act like it. She keeps him at arms length and only let him in when she's apologetic for her actions or lack of trust in him.  He touches her and she pushes him away, In No can touch her and he reaction is different. It could be because she likes Yoo Jung so she's nervous around him. However, I think he's given such a bad deal.

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7 hours ago, lclarakl said:

I've noticed with Yoo Jung, he's too easy to let people misunderstand him and he doesn't rat on the offender. I happen to think that's very stupid when you're in a relationship with someone, it only leads to confusion and mistrust.  However, the problem isn't just Yoo Jung, it's also Seol. She doesn't stand up for herself as often as she should. She is still too quick to think and believe the worse about Yoo Jung. She doesn't really know In Ho, but she gives him trust immediately. Not just him, she's quick to believe what others say about Yoo Jung. 

I have a feeling that we're going to learn a lot more about Yoo Jung and why he's the way he is. He internalizes his emotions. Although he's popular, he's also lonely.  In ep 5, after his conversation with the gay couple, I felt bad for him when he was questioning himself and wonder if he's strange.  Hate to say it, but, Yes he's strange.  However, I'm on ep 7 now, he also tries to be honest and give people a chance.  I think he's right to ask his dad to stop supporting In Ho and his sister. His father spoiled them way too much.  In Ho is truly manipulated by his sister.  His sister is just lazy and a leech who uses other people. She plays the sympathy card to gain from others.

I'm still waiting to know what makes Yoo Jung tick. 

I agree and I think it's because he compartmentalizes things in a way most people don't. It's generally not personal unless the other person makes it personal. And I see him as someone who tends to be reactive. Because he doesn't rat on others, he doesn't gossip or badmouth anyone unless he really has to.

I've always imagined that Jung has got these compartments in his brain. A large one that is labelled "Seol", where all his endorphins are given full flight. Another that is labelled "Baek Siblings" and one that has "Scumbags and losers" flashing in neon lights over it. I daresay there's one that says "Work and study" too. He's very neat and tidy that way and tries to not to allow one compartment to seep into the other. When the pervert attacked Seol, he had to switch gears and move into "scumbag" compartment. 

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Omgeee, it's Sunday at 9pm on my side of the world...

one more day and dunno if my heart can contain it if they break them apart...! 

I hate it when YJ is misunderstood too... I am sure he always had the good intention... Hope TvN doesn't prolong our agony... Chaebal...! :);):P 

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i woke up in the morning feeling blue thinking there will be no new eps for tonight. but then while am work just realize CNY is next week and there will be new ep tonight..YEAY!! #exchangemoodinaverydrascticalway #learnitfromcoldhotjung




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9 minutes ago, KymberleeD said:

Omgeee, it's Sunday at 9pm on my side of the world...

one more day and dunno if my heart can contain it if they break them apart...! 

I hate it when YJ is misunderstood too... I am sure he always had the good intention... Hope TvN doesn't prolong our agony... Chaebal...! :);):P 


Yepp, agree with your KymberleeD. I hope their conflict would not prolonged, hhuhuuu...

Waiting for tonight eps...

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Ok I just found this article about the leads fashion in this drama - the article makes little to no sense to me so Im just going to have fun with their fashion myself..hahaha just some random thoughts feel free to jump in too. Here's the article source: http://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2016012911421862654

Starting with 

1. Seol


The typical casual college campus look dont you think??.. so appropriate for school. 

2. Sunbae... squeee!! so handsome


Very smart, neat and handsome...wait I said that already hahaha and I just love him in that trench coat. Fitted shirts topped with jeans and sneakers makes it look more casual. Love his dress sense it shows that his a rich guy hahaha and I love that back pack too... what's NOT to love about sunbae right?? :P

3.  Baek In Ha


Oh my she rocks the colours so well.. even her clothes esp the colours screams out Im a rich spoilt ...beeep! hahaha! 

4.  Baek In Ho


Wahhh so rebel like dont you think?? khaki, grey and black colours with ripped jeans and a earring yeppp very punk like. But still so hot and not scary looking too. Maybe its that second pic but to me it shows that yeah Im a rebel but deep down Im a softie awwww. :wub:

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@Kasmic I think lee sung kyung got the best deal in clothes, because she is always decked up in some designer stuff! :D

1 hour ago, bjvipb2uty said:

Shall I voice a frustration I have? I too, like many of you, wanna flip the table every time someone immediately labels Jung as bad, evil, violent, unpardonable. Oh gosh the unpardonable thing makes me go bonkers.

Why? Because so many kdramas have main leads that are just straight up jerks! It drives me crazy how the girl seems to get her memory wiped because she never goes back and thinks 'hmm this is the same guy who insulted me and treated me like trash.' But no! The leading ladies are all head over heels for the guy. Now I'm not saying I don't get entertained by these tropes because here I am, 6 years later and I'm still hooked on kdramas. But I want to focus on the audience. Let's compare the typical kdrama male leads vs Jung and how the audience in general has responded to their actions. 

@bjvipb2uty oh you just triggered something I have kept inside myself but didnt want to bring it out. Agree to all that you said and my main issue with inho is that he always call Seol "Dog fur", its kind of derogatory and come on, you guys just know each other, its not like you are childhood friends or something. 

I am not a misfit in school and work, but I did have an Inha like colleague who gave me a silly nickname. It was rather harmless, so I never told her off but when I think back, its really rather rude. If a guy that i just got to know keep making fun of my hair, I will definetly side-eye him and tell him off like what Seol did when she was drunk. "Its natural curls!"B) 

So many dramas uses this "call her a silly name" ploy between the romantic leads, I dont know what to say.

I think we need more Jungs in this world when it comes to "how to treat a girl until she falls for you" which includes having enuf change in your pocket to chip in a coin for her at the vending machine.:P

ok, see u guys tonight. Got to go earn my bread and butter.

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