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I hope for a photoshoot too! It would be awesome for their promotions since Cheese is doing so well. A drama that airs at 11pm and gets the ratings it does shows how good the drama is.

Coming to the angsty part of the drama, when it comes to understanding YJ, I hope Seol remembers this.


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5 hours ago, bjvipb2uty said:

Shall we share love for Inho? Yes? Let's see.

For 7 episodes we saw a 'pitiful' version of Inho. He seems carefree and is always running his mouth (goodness sometimes im amazed at all the punchlines he throws out) but he has a lot of emotional baggage to carry. Much like Jung who uses a facade to shield/protect himself, this guy uses his spunky personality to hide his inner demons. Obviously, his losing his dream is one of the big ones. But there's so much more. His childhood and broken relationship with Jung are also weighing in on him. We've roomimated a lot on the idea that Jung pushed Inho away and treats him like he does because he felt betrayed by a person he sincerely cared about. It's the same for Inho. While I do agree that Inho was able (and still is) to receive love easily, I don't think Inho is one to give his love/affection easily. He's very independent, both in his youngin' days and now (his ego was quite something). Like I said before, he grew up thinking he could accomplish his goals if he worked towards it and 'because I was born such an amazing and talented guy.' Reading the webtoon and now watching the drama, I've never gotten the feeling that he easily thows his affection to others. Because getting along well with others and sincerely caring for them are two very different things. Inho has that ease of making people feel comfortable around him but that doesn't mean he holds a distinguished affection for them. There's nothing wrong with that. Yet, it does show that Inho also guards his feelings. My point here is that Inho also saw Jung as someone special, someone close to him. That's why the scars are so deep on both ends. Both of them held each other in such high esteem, a nice friendship, that now both carry the weight of that broken relationship, a broken brotherhood, broken trust, etc. Yeah Inho lived off Jung's father and I side-eye Jung's father all the time. And not everything was rainbows and flowers, since Jung did get hurt by living in an environment where his father took in the Baek kids. But at that moment in time I think that brotherhood was sincere on both ends. Not a perfect relationship (let's blame the father for now hehehe) but it was sincere.

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Also recall the high-school flashback where Inho considers how it would be if Inha married Jung. He thinks it'd be nice to become a real family, not just something like a family. Just the three of them. No one can dare tell me these kids didn't share a special bond or I'll flip Inho's piano.

Now let's think on how this ties into the present and the aforementioned burdens these two kiddos carry. We still don't know what the heck really happened with Inho's hand. All we know is that Inho strongly believes that Jung was the instigator. And Jung...well in the drama he's said nada as of now. So let's focus on Inho again. There's obviously been a huge lack of communication between them regarding the accident. Inho goes around telling people (Seol) that Jung broke his hand. And here we keep saying every week, 'why don't they just sit down and TALK it out for heaven's sake!?' Me thinks Inho is afraid of what he may discover if he has a heart-to-heart with Jung. Because although he yaps around on how it's Jung's fault, I don't think he believes that 100%. Or he's simply not sure. He doesn't know for certain. Inho is the only person who really got to know Yoo Jung. So how could my friend be capable of something like this? He was like my brother, he wouldn't right? But the circumstances...? Inho is scared of the truth. Because although Jung won his affection (bromance ya'll bromance) he has this doubt engrained in his brain on whether Jung wronged him or not. And I've focused on Inho here but I feel its the same situation with both guys. If they sit down and talk they may hear something they don't want to hear, something that'll be like the final blow to their already broken friendship. Ugh I love them both. Together.

Well I was actually gonna write about Inho's development in episode 8 but obviously I got sidetracked. :D

I love your analysis of Inho and the broken relationship between the two boys. You're right that we saw a lot of growth and maturity in Inho in ep 8. What I like about is that it's ultimately Jung and his achievement that drove him (those boys are so a bromance waiting to happen again) to strive again. Even in the comics I felt bad for him in the scene that Jung came to eat. It must have really sucked and been hard to hear the guys you have so many mixed feelings about being praised and hearing their achievements and all that they have accomplished while you have really amounted to not much after 5 years of wallowing and letting your dreams fester. It says much about what Inho and Jung once shared, that after hearing all that, Inho decides to really try and pick his life up again.

i agree with every word you had to say about the boys broken relationship. Again they are so LJS and KWB from School 2013 (best bromance, broken bromance, and back to bromance story ever!). I think another reason neither wants to talk to the other is not only the fear of having been right, but also the fear of having been wrong. It would be hard to hear or have to accept that in all honesty you have no one to blame but yourself (it's so easy and convent to nlame others and so human as well) for where your life and relationship is. For Inho after ep 8 I think he is one step closer to hearing and being able to accept "it's not Jung who did this. I did this to myself and wasted years of my life looking to blame and lash out at others. I lost a friend/brother when it was me not them but me" Jung however is he ready to say "I am the bad guy and I lost this friendship through my own actions/way of being and not that of others. I have been blaming and feeling righteously hurt and used for years when in reality I did this to myself. I lost a friend/brother when it was me and not them." Until both boys are ready to hear harsh truths and accept responsibility, sadly I won't get the epic "the thing I'm letting go of is not school but you, you bastard" and "so what I'm saying is, didn't you miss me you bastard" :tears::tears::tears: *goes to watch School 2013' and feel the love and pain and angst of a true love story disguised as a bromance....HeungSoon I'm coming....

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@MrsSoJiSub and @bjvipb2uty I really loved your great comments about In Ho and his relationship with YJ. raccoon

Although In Ho seems to be more care free, he doesn't allow people to come too close to him. IT took him a while, before he really warmed up to HS. First, he was more intrigued why HS would be friend with YJ. Besides, he wanted to get on YJ's nerves. So he wasn't entirely honest with her. But now, we see that he is listening to HS' advices which proves that she has already entered his heart. Sure, from her point of view, In Ho has just become a friend. We all know that HS is innocent and naive in the love department therefore I doubt, she is suspecting that In Ho might start falling for her! Besides, since she has always been neglected by her family, she has the idea that she isn't cute and lovable! But she is quite the opposite. Her genuine concerns for others, her warmth, her dedication, her honesty are definitely high qualities. 

By the way, I have been wondering if YJ isn't behind that 2 classes from Witch's Kang have been cancelled? The assistent told her about the grading and the students' complaints and I am really suspecting, he might have used his influence in order to punish Kang, when she gave HS a D for the presentation. Because of her, HS lost her scholarship that YJ sacrificed for her. Moreover, I agree that the D wasn't deserved because myself as teacher, I give for each student a separate grad for group presentation! Besides, parasits like SC and MS will always use group work in order to take advantage of the others therefore it is really important to differentiate.That kind of people are really terrible and you meet them often unfortunately!

If he has done that, then I wouldn't get upset, but I am sure, HS would get upset!

What do you think?

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Photos from Park Hae Jin's recent advertisement shoot unleashed


Photos from Park Hae Jin's recent advertisement shoot have been unleashed.

Park Hae Jin is playing in channel tvN's new TV series, 'Cheese In The Trap,' as a male lead role named Yoo Jung these days, and photos from his recent advertisement shoot have been unleashed.

'Cheese In The Trap' is getting a great number of high compliments for the drama's quality and beautiful scenes, and Park Hae Jin recently had a new advertisement shoot with a few staffs of 'Cheese In The Trap.' The photos show Park Hae Jin participating in the shoot with full focus, and a great number of fans and netizens are showing explosive reactions for his professionalism.

Park Hae Jin spent last four months with the staffs, and he showed a fabulous teamwork during the advertisement shoot. It is said that Park Hae Jin smoothly led everyone through the entire shoot without any trouble.

All of the products that Park Hae Jin advertises are becoming bestsellers these days, and many fans and netizens are showing huge anticipation for the new advertisement as well.

Meanwhile, 'Cheese In The Trap' airs on every Monday and Tuesday at 11 PM.


Reporting by Kim Dong-Joo en@starnnews.com


Park Hae Jin's popularity skyrocketing in China once again


Park Hae Jin's popularity is skyrocketing in China once again.

Actor Park Hae Jin is playing in tvN drama 'Cheese In The Trap' as a male lead role named Yoo Jung, and his popularity is skyrocketing once again not only in Korea, but also in China as well.

On January 27th, 'Cheese In The Trap' peaked at #1, 2, and 3 on Weibo Foreign Drama Search Chart. In addition, the drama peaked at #3 on Weibo Hourly Issue Chart and #2 on 24-Hour Issue Chart, and the total number of searches increased by 4577.88% between January 26th and 27th.

In addition, 'Yoo Jung' and 'Hong Sul' peaked at #2 on Weibo Realtime Search Chart, and five Park Hae Jin-related keywords were ranked within the top 50 of Weibo Keywords Chart. Such a situation was never seen in the past, and Park Hae Jin's colossal popularity and influence is becoming a hot issue once again.

'Cheese In The Trap' had been talked about as one of the most anticipated dramas in China for a very long time. The drama topped Weibo Korea-Japan Drama Popularity Chart a month before the drama's official premiere, and the drama peaked at #2 on Weibo Combined Drama Chart directly after its premiere. The drama also peaked at #1 on Weibo Korea-Japan Drama Popularity Chart, and the drama is still maintaining the #1 ranking.

In addition, all of the outfits that Park Hae Jin wore in the drama are becoming bestsellers at various shopping malls in China, and many fans and viewers are now inquiring about where they can purchase the lion doll that Yoo Jung gifted to Hong Sul.

Fans and officials are claiming that Park Hae Jin's colossal popularity and influence were the biggest factors of the drama's success in China. Park Hae Jin has done a great number of different activities in China over the years, and 'Cheese In The Trap' is showing absolute domination in China just by the fact that Park Hae Jin is playing in it.

Now, many fans and netizens are focusing their attention to new records that Park Hae Jin will achieve through 'Cheese In The Trap.'

Meanwhile, 'Cheese In The Trap' airs on every Monday and Tuesday at 11 PM.


Reporting by Kim Dong-Joo en@starnnews.com

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23 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

By the way, I have been wondering if YJ isn't behind that 2 classes from Witch's Kang have been cancelled? The assistent told her about the grading and the students' complaints and I am really suspecting, he might have used his influence in order to punish Kang, when she gave HS a D for the presentation. Because of her, HS lost her scholarship that YJ sacrificed for her. Moreover, I agree that the D wasn't deserved because myself as teacher, I give for each student a separate grad for group presentation! Besides, parasits like SC and MS will always use group work in order to take advantage of the others therefore it is really important to differentiate.That kind of people are really terrible and you meet them often unfortunately!


I like this theory and I can definitely see Jung doing something like this behind the scenes. I understand [and appreciate!] when teachers give each group member a separate grade for group presentations but I also think that Professor Kang had a point. In the major that Seol is going into, you have to be ready to deal with all types of personalities, including leeches. It's better to learn how to deal with them in school, before you jump into the work force. I can't decide whether I agree more with the separate grade per student method [as I've been in Seol's situation during group projects many times] or with Kang's method of "sink or swim together" for that particular major. 

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2 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Interesting is that people consider controlling emotions as dangerous, nevertheless we see so many examples in this drama that it's the exact opposite.

- YG is unable to control his emotions (hurt pride, aso) therefore he feels the need to hurt YJ by calling him fake and hypocrite! YG did the exact thing than MS: make one bad so that he will look good in front of the others! And unluckily HS fell for that trick in YG's case because she was so prejudiced against YJ!

- In Ho hurting himself because he is so mad at YG for calling HS as "easy woman!" Or he destroyed things because he is upset!


I think it depends on the situation and perspective. I think people find someone with so much mastery and self-control dangerous because they're hard to read. Hard to read means hard to predict. Hard to predict means hard to stay ahead of the game. It's also hard to know where you stand with someone like that.

Jung is very hard to predict which is great if he intends to be a military strategist or a business mogul but less fun when you're his girlfriend. And the fact that he is not emotionally driven makes him less likely to be swayed by the pleas of the people who are caught in his trap. Also it probabaly means that he's less likely to be manipulated himself.

And I imagine to some people he appears uncaring what others have to go through. Some think he lacks empathy. I don't think I can tell just from various interactions he has with a handful of people. All I've seen so far is him dealing with scumbags and losers so it's hard for to say he lacks empathy for everyone. He doesn't seem to have problems reading Seol, that's for sure. :lol:

For the most part it's good to keep a lid on your emotions. It's certainly a sign of maturity and professionalism. Not to mention, sanity. ;) Besides once you say things in the heat of the moment, it can't be taken back.

But everyone needs to have an appropriate and safe way to release their emotions too so I think it's about finding some kind of balance.

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@bebebisous33 Jung is not that powerful LOL. University politics are way too complicated for just one student to make such a thing happen. I believe her class getting cancelled is something that happens in real life everyday to professors who receive a lot of complaints from a large number of students. I know I my university at the end of the semester, we students must anonymously evaluate our professors. We must grade their lecturing, class content, book selection, grading system, communication, availability to meet, etc. The departments read these things and use it to determine contracts, promotions, pay, amount of classes you teach, your course syllabus, etc. Witch Kang (how is she surprised with that nickname?) wasn't only bad to Seol. She ridiculed just about every group and presenter expect for Jung's. I am sure for years students had been sending complaints the department's way and she has probably been given warnings to make changes where changes are needed. Obviously she did not listen. Last semesters evaluation must have again been full of students complaints so finally after years of warning the department had had enough and reduced her work load. It had the effect they wanted because it forced her to change her ways least they drop all and fire her. This is why she rants in the beginning of class and makes the changes in her system that she should have done years ago. Also talk about pride and ego. Did you guys hear her talk about how it's her own fault for thinking little lazy brainless shits like them would understand her wonderful superior teaching methods. It cracks me up when she's all "I'm the fool for having high expectations of you mere mortals" LOL. So yeah it wasn't Jung but just a consequence of years of happily being "Witch Kang". 

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How rented rooms look like in cable and public broadcast dramas

Sports Kyung Hyang - Naver: 'Cheese in the Trap', there's a reason why public broadcast can't win over cable just by looking at Hong Seol's rented room 

1. [+16,072, -161] Young people avoid public channels because they don't find their shows realistic at all

3. [+9,474, -355] At first, it's the casting controversies that got me watching CITT but now, the cast is  doing such a great job with acting. Although I didn't read the webtoon, they're 100% in sync with the original charactersㅋㅋKim Go Eun's acting is realistic

4. [+5,605, -122] I'm just so jealous of Hong Seol

5. [+3,745, -263] I'm jealous of Hong Seol's room too

11 . [+379, -21] But did you guys know that the watch that Hong Seol gifted to Yoo Jung costs about $2,000?

*omitted non-related to Cheese In The Trap

src: kkuljaem



does any of you have any idea what is that watch? i wanna know Jung's watch (the one that he always wear before wearing the one that Seol's gave him)

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36 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:


By the way, I have been wondering if YJ isn't behind that 2 classes from Witch's Kang have been cancelled? The assistent told her about the grading and the students' complaints and I am really suspecting, he might have used his influence in order to punish Kang, when she gave HS a D for the presentation. Because of her, HS lost her scholarship that YJ sacrificed for her. Moreover, I agree that the D wasn't deserved because myself as teacher, I give for each student a separate grad for group presentation! Besides, parasits like SC and MS will always use group work in order to take advantage of the others therefore it is really important to differentiate.That kind of people are really terrible and you meet them often unfortunately!

If he has done that, then I wouldn't get upset, but I am sure, HS would get upset!

What do you think?

I wouldn't think so but nobody seems sure about Jung, are they? :lol:

i think universities have to take student evaluations seriously because they can't afford to lose money. No bums on seats means no money. Witch Kang is already notorious for her rather tyrannical approach to education so it's not surprising students have nothing good to say. But it also sounds to me that she sets her students up to fail at times.

I'm a teacher too and I say, it depends entirely on the criteria. Students should be given a marking guide or rubric when the assignments are handed out. They should know exactly what they are to be assessed on. So if the assignment is about demonstrating team work then they should fail because they haven't been able to demonstrate teamwork in any way. But it's up to the lecturer/tutor to make that clear at the start. If teamwork is only one of six different criteria, for example, then it should be assessed accordingly. I don't know how these things work in SK but here whether it's high school or university, every task sheet has to be accompanied by a marking guide and/rubric so everyone is on the same page.

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@bebebisous33 @40somethingahjumma

it seems that we are suspecting Jung whenever who has caused Seol to be sad gets their own taste of medicine :P

i did suspected that initially but remembering my days in uni where we will be given a score sheet (sort of) to evaluate each subject at the end of the semester, perhaps it's just most of the students' voice of reason. Prof Kang surely has many students that dont like her ways of teaching so maybe just that :glasses:

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4 minutes ago, chasingdaisy said:

@bebebisous33 @40somethingahjumma

it seems that we are suspecting Jung whenever who has caused Seol to be sad gets their own taste of medicine :P

i did suspected that initially but remembering my days in uni where we will be given a score sheet (sort of) to evaluate each subject at the end of the semester, perhaps it's just most of the students' voice of reason. Prof Kang surely has many students that dont like her ways of teaching so maybe just that :glasses:

Well, in Germany and in France it wasn't like that back then, when I studied!

So you might be right that YJ might not be involved. However, the timing is quite odd to me. MAybe, YJ complaining about the class might have be the final straw to put Kang under pressure!

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3 hours ago, madlena said:

Now that they are done with shootings kim goeun amd park hae jin should do a magazine photoshoot together...!! That would be a treat for the eyes 

photoshoot will be delightful. let's pray that our voices are heard, hahaha!


@bebebisous33 from where i come from, i guess it's based on university/college... some have that and some don't. few my friends that attended different college/uni didnt have this :) 

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Some pages back, I see some friends here hoping that Sunbae wears more t-shirts to show his biceps and buff body. But I think its cold now in Seoul, so not likely for him to do so. They dont even have a token bathing scene.:D

So here are some candy for you guys




Modeling for Calvin Klein Jeans in sep 2014.

Girl is Go Joon Hee, the 2nd female lead in She was pretty.

Smoking hot pix.:P


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I have been thinking about the comment from HS' father: "We are from two different worlds!" 

When he mentioned it, he was expressing his frustration that he never succeeded like he had hoped. There was some jealousy and envy here! But these words reveal something else too: he only sees the difference from a social point of view! The situation of YJ's family is financially far superior to his. Nevertheless, we witnessed that YJ wasn't uncomfortable, when he visited Hs' flat for the first time, just like he wasn't upset to eat cheap food with HS. He actually enjoyed it. He never looked down on her situation and on her, he wasn't disgusted by the dirt or the insalubrity of the house where HS was actually living. He felt at ease all the time which proves to me that YJ doesn't belong to a different world, like the father is thinking. YJ isn't acting like a spoiled brat. He remained humble and he proved many times, he can adapt himself to the different situations. Actually, based on HS and YJ's experiences, they have more in common than the eye can see!

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