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Hi guys! It's been already a long time since my last post here. :)

So, I just finished watching ep 7 and 8 and I really loved both episodes. I got to know and understand deeper each character in ep 7. I was just happy watching those awkward sweet moments of Seol and Jung in both episodes especially the second kiss!! wah! that was just so sweet, Jung sunbae!! (Someone please give me a sunbae like Jung :wub:)  I was also laughing the way In Ho reacted when Jung visited the restaurant of Seol. Hahahaha. The way he served the water, so first class! :grin: hahaha.

For the preview in the next ep, I just hope that our OTP would fix things fast and not prolong their fight cause I just can't stand seeing them apart from each other again. Huhuhu. 

Another thing, Young Gon, can you just get over it? jebal. leave our OTP alone jebal. 

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30 minutes ago, choadila said:

Hi , I've got a VERY IMPORTANT question to ask all of you and i hope one of you can respond to my question:D (This is the second forum I've joined since Master's Sun 2010, CITT made me to join this forum once again:lol:)

Why Yoo Jung said to the stalker he and Seol is alike? Maybe that is why he fall in love with Seol because they got some similarities BUT I cannot find any SIMILARITIES between them, IN FACT both of them are two totally opposites person, you know kind of perfect and complement for each other. So can someone explain this issue to me.


Looking forward for replies:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Thank you:blush:

They have their similarities. Although it may not seem like it (mostly for Jung) and is changing now, both are push overs. Did you watch the first eps? Did you see the many times Seol bowed to everyone in apology? How she allowed her co-worker to arrive late for work and in turn her arrive late for a class she very much needed to pass. Heck all the evidence you need of her push over status is in the grade of D group work. Jung is also a push over who is used a lot by others (though in many ways he allows it as it makes life easier on him). The whole school is always expecting him to pay for things, to do the group work, to be nice, calm, etc in almost every situation. Just look at San Chul in the first episode in the bar, he uses Jung for his money and orders expensive food because Yoo Jung is rich and he will pay. 

They both prefer to do things themselves and work alone.

They are both extremely hard workers

They both find that others "receive love easily" and that for them, they have to work at it and make real effort to receive it. For Seol it is with her little brother Joon. For Jung it is the Baek sibling especially Inho.

They both have these high expectations placed on them by family they feel that can't escape. For Seol she is expected to be the good daughter, who works hard, gets good grades, makes money, receives a scholarship, and doesn't bother her parents with worry, be the good daughter. The same is the case with Jung. His father has placed  high expectations of him of how he must behave with others, how he must allow others to perceive him. He must go to college, have friends, make good grades, be at the top (both he and Seol are usually atop their class and earn the scholarship, another similarity; good students) of his class. He's not to get angry, he is to give to others and by gods never let the see how strange you are. Jung mentions in episode 6 he's had to restrain a lot that he feels there is a weight on half his heart. If you look carefully the same is true of Seol. She restrains a lot and hold a lot in (I've only ever seen the girl get angry once when she blew up at Bora). 

Both hate being the center of attention/a fuss. Seol in the first episode mentions she hates situations like these when San Chul made her the center of attention by drinking that beer leaf thing. Jung also hates being the center of attention/fuss (though he often is) which is why he "accidentally" spilled the beer and said "it's noisy" in today's episode. Both were the center of attention and both wanted out. 

Both don't express themselves well. Seol is learning to now, and is getting much better at it. However homegirl thinks a lot. Half of what she says is to herself and she is just the most awkward duck otherwise (the kiss scene of yesterday's ep). She and Bora even get into a fight about how she never expresses what she really feels and Seol says it's a burden to talk about herself and express those feelings (another trait she shares with Jung. Both like to take the "easy" less hassle road of things). Jung is the master of not expressing himself well, if at all sometimes. Look at every episode LOL. Nah, look at how he childishly becomes cold to Seol again when she set up the blind date which made him feel he had been used. Look at the whole freaking Inho situation.

Both got daddy issues and are not as close with their fathers as others/as they would like. In this case both fathers are asshats who treat the bad but fawn over others. Jung's father only ever calls to talk about the Baek kids or asks his son over when they will be there. Seol's father is the worst just go watch ep 5? He values his son and treats Joon far better than Seol (ugh his comment about sending a woman to college being a waste and I hope the drama touches on their sending bad student who didn't really want to go, Joon to study aboard, when good student who wanted to go Seol could not because it's a waste of money on a woman and better invested in a useless son).

Both are experiencing a real relationship for the first time. 

Both are surrounded by many and even easily likable (Jung for his money and Seol for she is LOL) but both only really trust a few, let a few people in, and are loyal friends with a few. For Seol it is Bora and Euntaek. For Jung it was once the Baek siblings (which I hope it will be again one day) and that one dude who is always with him. 

I'll stop now LOL. But Jung isn't lying when he says and believes they are alike and we already know that they are both very different.

*please excuse spelling and grammar. 

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Sigh... It seems as if Jung is going out of his way to make it almost impossible to root for him. Ugh... I really understand everyone's sense of foreboding. I think my heart broke today when we saw that flashback where he handed In-ha the phone and made no effort to stop her.

But I do love me some angst and now that we're past the half way mark, I guess it's probably time for tears and tortured looks.

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Re-reading the portion of Min Shoo's showdown..

No wonder i get it..why YJ feels HS and him are the same..




- This chapter has so many observations to make..

- What Yj feels or can be with Siblings is not even close to what he will be with HS.. you know life partner is good and all..but life partner is never equal to best buddies/siblings .. the fun, the banter, letting lose.. because with others there is still some decorum to maintain.. 


For us too.. aren't we are carefree best when amongst best of the friends and do not bother being judged.. where you can just have a verbal diarrhea..


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Had no idea Younggon was such a crying baby before this show. I am sure stylist noona put him too much eyeliner for this show. He was such a lovely cute baby boy on his past projects.

He keeps changing his instagram username. That is a power of popularity? -_- I noticed he had 700 something followers when I was following him last week but now he has 2k!




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1 hour ago, cheesethatnotsocheesey said:



I really hope that does not indicate that the end story will have Seol-Inho as a couple :'( but I remember at an interview during CiTT press conference, PHJ said 

 "When we began filming, we had issues with the weather so principle filming didn't start with the first episode. We filmed the episodes in reverse order. Since we were shooting parts early on that were supposed to happen later on in the story, the director said due to everyone not really knowing one another, we gave off an awkward yet youthful vibe. But as we progressed with the filming, [Kim Go Eun and I] must give off the feeling that we just met but because we became more comfortable with each other, she said we seemed more like old lovers."

It is said that the scene filming is in reverse order so it might be that the ending scene for Jung-Seol already taken before the last scene of Seol with Inho. Hopefully Jung-Seol will make till the end. My heart cant bear another heartbreak after you-know-what drama :"(

 Dunt break my heart.....

Jung-Seol fighting!!!:wub:

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Saying HI to everyone here, been lurking here since Monday and after reading this thread I would like to come and join in on the fun! Logged in to my soompi account after a few years of hiatus! Usually I just watch a drama from start to finish and that's it, but after discovering CITT just this Sunday, I need to go to soompi forums and read about all that i'm missing out on.

Also heard that the CITT wrap up party was last night, I know we still have 8 episodes more of CITT but it breaks my heart that there's an ending to this wonderful drama!  help crazy rabbit Another thing to cry about is the following episode, the separation, I know it's part of every story but I hope they won't drag this until next next week since I don't think I have the courage to wait for another week for them to be make up. We need more lovey dovey scenes from YJ and HS! Cheers to more kissing scenes!  love you crazy rabbit

Anyways, its still Wednesday, what a bummer but looking at the bright side i've got this thread to make this waiting bearable. Hope they could release BTS scenes PLEASE. What should I do during Wednesday to Sunday? My head is screaming I NEED TO STUDY FOR MY EXAM but my heart and body's still focused on CITT.

BTW, Thanks to everyone here in this thread for giving their thoughts, comments, reviews and anything about CITT. Reading them gave me a deeper understanding of the characters and the drama itself specially since I just discovered CITT over the weekend and didn't know about the webtoon as well. I don't know if i'm going to read the webtoon though since based on the links that i've got its only available up to episode 2 or part of episode 3 something like that.

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2 hours ago, cheesethatnotsocheesey said:



I really hope that does not indicate that the end story will have Seol-Inho as a couple :'( but I remember at an interview during CiTT press conference, PHJ said 

 "When we began filming, we had issues with the weather so principle filming didn't start with the first episode. We filmed the episodes in reverse order. Since we were shooting parts early on that were supposed to happen later on in the story, the director said due to everyone not really knowing one another, we gave off an awkward yet youthful vibe. But as we progressed with the filming, [Kim Go Eun and I] must give off the feeling that we just met but because we became more comfortable with each other, she said we seemed more like old lovers."

It is said that the scene filming is in reverse order so it might be that the ending scene for Jung-Seol already taken before the last scene of Seol with Inho. Hopefully Jung-Seol will make till the end. My heart cant bear another heartbreak after you-know-what drama :"(

If Jung-Seol did not make it in the end I think I have to delete all TVN drama from my watching list. I still can not accept the ending of you-know-what drama.

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I know exactly why Jung and the Baek kids, especially Inho had a falling out. Well why he fell out with them. That bench scene and high school confession is everything. Has no one ever wondered why it is Jung is always looking to be reassured that people are being genuine with him. They are sincere. They are not using him. They like him for him and don't see him as a bad guy. "Your feelings are real right?" "I'm not strange right?""You really like me right?" I need this drama to go back back and show us how the two came into Jung's life and why...it didn't start where they showed us it started. 

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3 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Oh Young Gun is quite the master manipulator. He is undoubtedly mentally unhinged but he sure played Min Soo like a fiddle. He played Eun Taek too just so he could get sympathy from everyone. Wow, I have to say, the way he's playing everyone is something to behold. And people think that Jung is bad. 


Sorry to cut the post short but I have to agree that Young Gun is quite a manipulator. In fact, I find most of the supposed victims (that think they're victim of Jung - like Sang Chu, Joo-yeon, TA, In-ha) themselves are manipulator much worse than Jung yet Jung is being look at as bad compare to the other. Maybe I am extremely blindsided by Jung (and my love for PHJ) to say this but what Jung say to others may sound as though he is manipulating them to do this and that for him but those are choices the other made themselves. They had the choice to refuse, to confess their wrongs but rather than doing so, they twist it around that they're victim of Jung manipulation.

I guess I am not seeing Jung as bad or manipulative in that he does not manipulate a person with ill-intention. I see what he say to them is with good intention as though it is for their own benefit, for them to learn from their wrongs in that if the person who had caught them wasn't Jung, the consequence could had been dire. Like him telling Sang-chul to apologize to Seol. Like him telling TA to lose his paper - rather be know as irresponsible over one lose paper than be known as a thief (which is much worse), telling Joo-Yeon to fix what she did which she didn't even bother to call the police to help Seol. But they took what he said as threats and twist it around to him being the bad guy because they were caught in their misdeed. And then go and manipulative others' emotion, behavior, putting questionable thoughts and suspicion in people. Like Joo-yeon, TA - when they tell Seol thing pertaining to Jung, it was their side of the story (hiding their shadiness) to paint a bad picture of Jung. 

I see him as misunderstood and get painted as a bad person by others because they were caught by him and he talk to them (without the friendliness and warm-ness). Literally, I probably talk coldly to them as well if I caught a guy stealing money. I won't be smiling nicely and say it's okay to do that, I'll turn a blind eye OR a girl sending a drunk (that could result in another person being rape) with understanding and warm smiling that you didn't do it on purpose. 

And out of all the character so far, the one person I find most manipulative and fear of more than others fearing Jung is In-Ha. The scene with asking In-ho for money show her to be much worse than Jung can, and is extremely manipulative. She literally manipulative In-ha, playing with his emotion and guilty to get what she wanted out of him and didn't even bat an eyelash to see the hurt that cause her brother. Now that is some cold manipulation, hurting another person. And seeing her behavior, she is definitely a lot worse than Jung. She is literally like a ticking time-bomb. I just find between her and Jung, I find her more scary at what she is capable of doing (to where I even feel like In-ho hand could be her doing which *shud* if it was true and she show no remorse or guilt on it)

Guess I really just don't see where the bad is from Jung for now (since so far it is from everyone perspective with half glass full where they're feel they been wrong by Jung without looking back at their own actions. And I have not see deeply into Jung perspective yet and the minimal that we see of Jung view and inner though, we only know he is one who doesn't explain himself unless he REALLY needs to; and overall he just want one simple thing. A person to love him sincerely for who he is, someone who genuinely see him for him, not for his wealth, not be near him under pretense). Maybe I too glue to Jung boat to see it or maybe I see him misunderstood like what my nephew quote from time to time about Godzilla. "Godzilla is just a misunderstood hero" because he does save people but people are more blindsided and judgmental to his scary self that they don't see the good he did (like saving them from destruction of other monster). LOL.

I really like this drama since the action he does and the action the other character does makes it being looked at with 2 different lens that in one aspect I find interesting. Like a comparison between In-ho threatening others; beating up YG with Jung coldly telling others and beating the thieves makes Jung look scary and bad. Like why is Jung scenario makes him look worse than In-ho scenario. It's an interesting view. I definitely need to get my psychology friend on this drama boat. It definitely make a very interesting analysis of characters. (This is what Cheese makes us all do - analyze like we're profiler of a cop show, LOL)

Now I shall go back to just lurking around until the next episode. Got to prepare my mental and emotionally state for next week ominous hints on the Jung-Seol relationship. Don't worry Jung. If you go down, I shall go down with you or as the famous Rose said to Jack, "I'll never let go!" I'll never let go of my faith in you Jung!  Bye Guys!

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I don’t quite understand how Seol and Jung’s relationship can be labeled as abusive as it stands right now. Sure when they first met and Jung was manipulating everyone around her to make her life miserable, that was an abusive relationship, in a way. I don’t personally count that phase of their interactions though because they weren’t actually dating. As far as I can tell, they stayed as far away from each other as possible. As their relationship stands right now, I don’t believe that it’s abusive. You have Seol going into this knowing that Jung can be manipulative. She’s seen it firsthand and has had plenty of chances to back out of the relationship at this point. As someone above pointed out, she hasn’t necessarily crossed any of her personal moral lines in order to forgive him yet. Even as she forgave him, she said that she didn’t want him to do it again, establishing a firm line there that he shouldn’t cross. So far, Jung has not crossed any lines that Seol has established for him. Considering that both of them are used to holding back all their thoughts and true emotions, they are working on learning to talk out their problems like the rational adults they are. I will admit that Jung trying to control the people around Seol [not wanting In Ho around, telling Seol’s old roommate to go back home, trying to keep the TA away from Seol] is not a good thing for the relationship but I firmly believe that when Seol finds out that he’s been doing that, she’ll read him the riot act or at least give him a reason to reflect on how wrong those actions were.


YG has definitely learned the art of manipulation in the time that he was out of school. Whoever said he was spinning his web hit the nail on the head. Seol seems like the bait to me. The trap is set but I have no doubt the master will win. YG may have gotten good with manipulating those around him but Jung is the master. Can’t wait to see where this goes. Also, it appears I may have to eat my words about Jung not being involved in the stalking incident. I’m reserving my final judgment until I see more though.


I’m still debating my life jacket order. I guess if the ship goes down, I’ll be swimming!

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14 minutes ago, Lyna said:


Sorry to cut the post short but I have to agree that Young Gun is quite a manipulator. In fact, I find most of the supposed victims (that think they're victim of Jung - like Sang Chu, Joo-yeon, TA, In-ha) themselves are manipulator much worse than Jung yet Jung is being look at as bad compare to the other. Maybe I am extremely blindsided by Jung (and my love for PHJ) to say this but what Jung say to others may sound as though he is manipulating them to do this and that for him but those are choices the other made themselves. They had the choice to refuse, to confess their wrongs but rather than doing so, they twist it around that they're victim of Jung manipulation.

I guess I am not seeing Jung as bad or manipulative in that he does not manipulate a person with ill-intention. I see what he say to them is with good intention as though it is for their own benefit, for them to learn from their wrongs in that if the person who had caught them wasn't Jung, the consequence could had been dire. Like him telling Sang-chul to apologize to Seol. Like him telling TA to lose his paper - rather be know as irresponsible over one lose paper than be known as a thief (which is much worse), telling Joo-Yeon to fix what she did which she didn't even bother to call the police to help Seol. But they took what he said as threats and twist it around to him being the bad guy because they were caught in their misdeed. And then go and manipulative others' emotion, behavior, putting questionable thoughts and suspicion in people. Like Joo-yeon, TA - when they tell Seol thing pertaining to Jung, it was their side of the story (hiding their shadiness) to paint a bad picture of Jung. 

Maybe I am way too blindsided on Jung boat that I just don't see Jung as bad or scary. I see him as misunderstood and get painted as a bad person by others because they were caught by him and he talk to them (without the friendliness and warm-ness). Literally, I probably talk coldly to them as well if I caught a guy stealing money. I won't be smiling nicely and say it's okay to do that, I'll turn a blind eye OR a girl sending a drunk (that could result in another person being rape) with understanding and warm smiling that you didn't do it on purpose.

A great post dear and I'm completely sympathetic. But let me offer an explanation. It's just my opinion, by the way, for whatever it's worth.

In short, it's because he is the male lead and he's in a relationship with the female lead that he's not "allowed to" have these sorts of issues.  I think we've been programmed to watch rom coms in a certain way. People complain all the time that rom coms are, you know, very formulaic... well, they are. They follow certain trajectories that usually begin with some obligatory bickering, followed by cute encounters that show off tension that leads to confession and then consummation. Sometimes there's a bit of harmless misunderstanding thrown in to shake things up but it's all very good natured.

This romance overturns a lot of that. Cheese in the Trap is a freak show of sorts. It's overrun by a whole lot of not very nice people that try to buck the system. Two kiddies start off not liking each other much but boy falls for girl when he discovers that she's a good kid after all. That she's the real deal. So he asks her to have meals with him until she discovers actually he's not that bad. They fall in like... it's all very awkward but they decide to try dating. However, his past catches up to him because all the dodgy stuff he did before they became a couple is coming to bite him on the rear end. Some it he may not technically be guilty of, some of it, we haven't got the full story of it yet, and some of it he did for her.

He may be misunderstood to a large part and I think we're okay with that but it's the gray areas that worry people because Prince Charming isn't supposed to be The Dark Knight or Darth Vader's apprentice. But I don't really think he's Darth Vader's apprentice either. Like you say the scheming he does usually has a reason behind it.

This whole anti-hero thing is probably what's messing around with people's heads. He has too many dark spots, according this school of thought, to be paired off with the nice girl-next-door female lead. I suspect that if he had been the 2LM, it would be a different story. 

Just my 2 cents.

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My webtoon folks, help me out please


How did Jung and Seol get back together? I remember Seol asks for time and Jung respects that. We get them both missing each other. We get the coffee back hug. We get him coming to visit her around the time she argued with her parents and that's all I remember. I ams starting to confuse when thing happened and what things happened. I could have sworn Jung encourages Seol about her group project mates and does an adorable smile face....Aren't the back together by the time Minsoo has her epic melt down? I could have sworn Jung bandages Seol's face...how do they get back together? Isn't he there for something when she needs him and she misses him so she kind of lets it go or did Jung explain himself they had a talk? Ugh I forget how the back together happens and it's killing me. If you remember please let me know.


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Thank you so much for answering my question:lol:.

I just watched ep 8 and I want to know why Yoo Jung was smiling after meeting with Young Goon?? Whyyy? :huh::huh:

Does he really have bad intention towards Seol or what? I cannot brain his motives and attitude BUT that is what make this drama SOOOOO INTERESTING, not cliche at all!:wub:

Annd you know what, to fill my time WAITING for next week , I have decided to watch Bad Guys (Gosh that drama is BRILLIANT!) Our Yoo Jung's character is really complicated in that drama and somehow when he is showing his 'dark side' in CITT, the character is quite the same as in Bad Guys (especially the way he deals with that crazy stalker). Give it a try for those who like to see the darker side of Yoo Jung Sunbae:D

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14 minutes ago, choadila said:

Thank you so much for answering my question:lol:.

I just watched ep 8 and I want to know why Yoo Jung was smiling after meeting with Young Goon?? Whyyy? :huh::huh:

Does he really have bad intention towards Seol or what? I cannot brain his motives and attitude BUT that is what make this drama SOOOOO INTERESTING, not cliche at all!:wub:

Annd you know what, to fill my time WAITING for next week , I have decided to watch Bad Guys (Gosh that drama is BRILLIANT!) Our Yoo Jung's character is really complicated in that drama and somehow when he is showing his 'dark side' in CITT, the character is quite the same as in Bad Guys (especially the way he deals with that crazy stalker). Give it a try for those who like to see the darker side of Yoo Jung Sunbae:D

Jung smiled because he bested and schooled Younggon on what the later thought was a winning hand at manipulating Jung and "beating Jung at his own game". Younggon purposely called Jung there and his plan was to provoke Jung, rile him up, and get him to confess to having sent him the text that sent him stalking Seoll (that little boy needs to sit down with that mess cause his crazy richard simmons knows he was coming for Seol the moment she showed him some kindness and left him the drink). He wanted to record Jung saying that Jung doesn't really care about Seol and is just using her etc etc (that's what the recorder pen was for) and then go play it back to Seol to hurt her, have her break up with Jung, and then proceed to run into his (Younggon's) arms. The boy is delusional as richard simmons and truly unhinged. He is in desperate need of psychological help. 

As for Jung. My dude really needs to learn to communicate. I really wish he would sit down with Seol and tell her everything about the past so that she is not so blinded sided by everything. It's obvious Seol likes him, wants to be with him, and wants to trust him, but man does he make it hard. Their starting was not the best and her past judgements of him and who he was to her then, are in such conflicts with who he is now; it's hard for her to reconcile the two. We see that she succeeds in doing this, but then right after something pops up that sends it all spinning for her. 

As for the whole sent a stalker after me incident, Jung is not innocent, however I believe that he did think Seol liked Younggon, he was not aware of how crazy Younggon was nor know that he would stalk and harass Seol the way that he did. It doesn't change him giving Inha the phone and basically sitting back and watching her set things in motion, but I'm willing to believe he did not know nor plan for Younggon to be a stalker nor did he purposely set him out after Seol. If he really repents and sees what he did was wrong and apologizes.....we'll see...,

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