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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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@mywebfoot So far the comments appear to be very good natured, and certainly doubled over in mirth, so fingers crossed this remains the status quo. Methinks half the entertainment came from her while the other half from the reactions :D More nuggets include "Even Bugsy sang better than her", "Older Cousin, can you not sing during the CNY event? Please?", "High in pitch, lacking in tone" :lol: Incidentally, ELLE deleted the video from their Weibo, after which the comments include "When I saw [the video] has been deleted, I was actually relieved", "Guess ELLE was being chased by Older Cousin, hence it got deleted". And some observed that Liu Wen appears exceedingly high in the video, and wondered what could be the reason ;) 

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It's unfair that Elle uploaded the video when I was slepping and deleted it when I was still sleeping .. lol

As for her singing partner .. I guess it's her parents. Siwon is just way too good to be true. As other male guest, I dont think she wants to take the chance creating new backlash or new ship :P

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@liddi it is still available ! Yay ! But OMG ! I dont know what to say. And my mom said if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything. :D

That Elle topic .. Liu Wen, ready to be in love .. ? With who ? Her fake dating drama was over 7 months ago :P

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What do you think when this is the baby of this cp? So funny, it is even not worthy imaging. If this cp marry, this baby is an angel-the combination of elegance,fierce,sincere,warmth of mother and appearance,politeness, attractiveness of father. OMG! this is absolutely the most luckiest baby in the world. Liuwen and Siwon,They also are lucky together when they belong to each other.:wub:

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Wishing the adorably funny, amazing, sweet, gorgeous and genuine Miss Liu a very marvellous 28th birthday!!

May this day and the year ahead be filled with blessings and joy, making this the best year yet...

May all your wishes come true...

and may all the wishes you granted to Mr Choi come true too! :phew::rolleyes:

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ELLE's March issue cover story, translated from here.

So her phobia of single, straight men is still pretty much there... hmm... what does that say about the H&M interactions? :phew: And the description of her ideal man sounds suspiciously like someone we know... :rolleyes: 

In the new year, Older Cousin Liu Wen's Love Wi-fi gets ready to be switched on!
2016-01-27 Haiqing Tang

During the New Year, ELLE's (not sure how to translate this) group brought Older Cousin Liu Wen to beautiful and extremely hot Bali island, for a 6 days 5 nights' enjoyable journey, at the same time having an early celebration of the Spring Festival.

As usual, the main propose of this tour group is still work - doing photoshoots, and in two groups!

First group: Writing calligraphy, pasting window art, hanging lanterns, playing mahjong under the 30+ C heat of the sun


Second group: Chasing the waves on what the locals describe as the hottest ever beach....


I feel that I am in this industry, yet like an outsider

Thanks to the reality show "Let Us Fall In Love", Liu Wen transformed from a cold supermodel on the billboard to a hearty, shy "Older Cousin", and became familiar to those outside the fashion industry. Her fans often greet her on Weibo, encourage her to date, keeping her warm...

"When I'm physically and mentally worn out, I am comforted to see their encouragement from afar, even across the other side of the world, and feel that there are actually rewards for my sacrifices. Since not everyone would be rewarded for all their sacrifices, I feel extremely grateful."


The massive increase in attention has not changed her life significantly. Having worked hard for many years in the bright, dazzling modeling industry, Liu Wen has her own way of co-existing in the industry.

Sometimes I feel that I am in the industry, yet I am also like an outsider. It looks brilliant and colourful, and being a part of it, you need to know how to enjoy what you are wearing, and also how to take them off. I have always felt that being clean and happy is what every person should retain..."


Of course with fame comes rumours.

"Didn't I once post on Weibo that I humbly accept [the comments] but am determined not to change? However, everyone has their own outlook on life. You have no way to restrict what others think. There are really only 24 hours in a day. If one is always embroiled in war of words, then should life no longer continue? However, in whatever situation, as long as I am able to have a clear conscience, then it does not really matter. Even if you are a perfect apple, it doesn't mean that everyone would wish to eat this apple."


I am someone who fears yet loves challenges

There are a lot of things that Liu Wen fears, such as "chatting with people", and another example, "single, straight men". (Two years ago, Liu Wen reviewed her "phobia of single, straight men" in ELLE's cover story). "I am still phobic!" Liu Wen said, "Should we grab a stranger and test it out?"

Actually as an Aquarius, she would scream in fright in a seaside elevator, yet when faced with paragliding which has a far greater risk factor, she was excited enough to want to give it a try. "I was frightened, but even if I was terrified, I still love the challenge. I am a person who is easily frightened yet loves challenges." Becoming a model enabled her to satisfy her somewhat contradictory predilection.

"To put it harshly, the new will push out the old..." And it is exactly this cruel reality, the unpredictability of the future, which instead gives her passion and motivation. "Even if I embark on different jobs in future, modelling will always be my job. I am a model, I love the fashion industry. If there is a suitable movie role for me one day, I am also willing to try it, take on the challenge of communicating with others fluently in Mandarin or in English..."


My Love Wi-Fi has not been switched on yet

Last year, after experiencing "first love" in a reality show, has Liu Wen's outlook on love changed? "Love... actually every woman hopes to have a man who would pamper you, right?" As such, why is Liu Wen still not in a relationship?

"That's right! I too wish to know the answer to this question - Bali, please tell me!" Liu Wen also does not understand why there is no one nearby pursuing her. And we firmly believe: This-is-not-possible! "I really feel that there isn't," she said. "Friends helped me analyse [the situation], and said it is because my Love Wi-Fi has not been switched on, and I never sent out the signal that I needed a boyfriend. I don't know whether this is because I was working too hard in the past, treating my work as my whole world, so never had the frame of mind to be in a relationship."


As such, what kind of men does Older Cousin like?

"Since I always need to cart my luggage around when I travel for work, in future if there is a man who can drive me home and help me carry my luggage, that would be enough, haha... Actually, I like the type who is well versed in all topics (encyclopedia), who knows everything, good looking, and has some sense of humour. Since I am relatively quiet in private, I hope the guy will be more humorous and can joke often, which would help with communication. Finally, I also hope that both of us can exchange ideas, learn from each other..."


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54 minutes ago, liddi said:

ELLE's March issue cover story, translated from here.

So her phobia of single, straight men is still pretty much there... hmm... what does that say about the H&M interactions? :phew: And the description of her ideal man sounds suspiciously like someone we know... :rolleyes: 

Cos HE is obviously not just any random single, straight man. Whether she claims it or not, her mind (and body :w00t:) obviously regards him as her man :P

"Friends helped me analyse [the situation], and said it is because my Love Wi-Fi has not been switched on, and I never sent out the signal that I needed a boyfriend. I don't know whether this is because I was working too hard in the past, treating my work as my whole world, so never had the frame of mind to be in a relationship."

And so she made up her mind at the beginning of LFIL filming, to break out of that workaholic mindset, like her like-minded partner :phew:

"Since I always need to cart my luggage around when I travel for work, in future if there is a man who can drive me home and help me carry my luggage, that would be enough, haha... Actually, I like the type who is well versed in all topics (encyclopedia), who knows everything, good looking, and has some sense of humour. Since I am relatively quiet in private, I hope the guy will be more humorous and can joke often, which would help with communication. Finally, I also hope that both of us can exchange ideas, learn from each other..."

Oh, Liu Wen, you seem to be describing a certain Seoul policeman; the ever obliging and attentive oppa who can and will do anything and everything (for you)!

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Well, happy birthday to a true sweetheart...definitely the nicest and most personable supermodel out there. I don't use the term lightly, but she really does seem to fit the very definition of a 'good girl', and how refreshing it is to have a real role model young girls can look up to instead of the trash that we're surrounded with these days. I can't help but remember that interview Siwon did immediately after filming on LFIL had ended in which he harped on how genuinely good-hearted Liu Wen is, and if they truly are a couple, I bet he knows how lucky he is.

As for the translation of the latest ELLE cover story (thanks, liddi!), well, it doesn't sound very hopeful on the shipper front, does it? Taken at face value, the article does present Liu Wen as being unequivocally single - I notice in earlier translations that the subject of Siwon or her love life would often be skirted around, but now the articles are much more upfront about her singlehood. Maybe the relationship really is on hold until Siwon finishes his service...Jiwon, Siwon, Keenie...post something today to prove me wrong, dammit! :P

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@silvergrey That was what struck me too... the specific mentioning of phobia for single, straight men, which is most certainly contradicted by what we have seen of the BTSes and interview during the photoshoot. And her description of ideal man certainly fits someone to a T. Not to mention her saying 身边并没有人追她 (literally "no one next to her who is pursuing her"). Of course no one beside you is courting you, Miss Liu, since he is restrained in proximity by his duties as a police officer... though you didn't say anything about someone across the miles courting you, did you? :P 

@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv I think the interactions speak louder than whatever stance they are taking now... be it between them or even with Siwon's staff. Certainly the H&M BTSes paint a very positive picture between both of them... both in their level of comfort with each other, as well as the very telling responses during the interview. And this cover story seems to be a combination of current PR stance (ala Miss Ren's announcement) and unwitting (perhaps?) hints as to whom she is referring to with regards to her ideal man, and what he is to her. Incidentally, she is exceedingly quiet on her birthday... no activity on SNS at all, not for the past two days. Wonder where she could be... perhaps committing traffic violations in Seoul? :phew:

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I stand corrected... she just posted! Another toy rabbit? From whom? :rolleyes:

以为是一个孤独的飞行中的生日。下了飞机却看见满屏祝福!小女子叩谢大家的厚爱啦 ee9098.pngee809d.pngee8d8b.pngee848e.pngee8083.pngee8cae.pngee8c92.png
I thought it would be a lonely birthday flight. However I was met by countless well wishes when I alighted from the plane! Thank you to everyone for your abundant love


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