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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Guest liuwensiwon

Watching again the video he answered. I thought that maybe some fans are so sensitive with word"single". I saw he was so funny. Let's think it easily. He said he would like to some nice girl appear RIGHT NOW. Haha. He want to see Liuwen right now? Actually im dont mind abt his answer. We are outsiders, we just respect both of them nd they deserved like that.

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Liddi - here is video where he said he is single... maybe you can help... 

He seems like he meant it... 

Transcript from the video:

[Reading] Do you have a girlfriend?
I'm single
It'll be good if someone not bad appears in front of me... RIGHT NOW
[Reading] Cannot believe you are single
Then what can I do to make you believe I am single?
I have taken off my jacket, what else should I do, everyone

Hmm... to me, he seems almost too flippant in the way he answered those questions, and the taking of the jacket seems to have totally no bearing in convincing anyone he was serious about being single. He certainly looks tired, and perhaps I am reading too much into it, he appears almost pained about having to deny her and answer the questions in that manner. Just my conjecture, of course.

Either way, after watching the video, I still think this is more his way of protecting her... and when I think about it, the timing is almost perfect or too imperfect. Imperfect from a career POV - just after his final bows at Super Camp, and while his drama is still airing. Perfect because with all the backlash and uproar, he is giving a 2 month duration for all the outrage and ugliness to die down before he enlists. Which I think is far better than him saying anything just before he enlists, and leaving her to fend for herself against the backlash.

Anyway... just waiting for Liu Wen's response...

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Guest diorucci

I think the reason why a lot of people are angry (they shouldn’t be btw) is because it came bluntly after a high (Siwon’s latest post). People also might be a little disappointed with how he chose to answer that question instead of strictly just saying "I'm not dating." His "It's good if someone is in front of me RIGHT NOW" and "let me take off my jacket to prove it" is an ehhh way to deal with that question. But it doesn’t make any sense to hate him or Liu Wen. We chose to ship them. And for the more extreme fans, they chose to make them gifts, buy N407 stuff, etc. 

I guess we’ll wait til what Liu Wen or her team has to say or if Siwon says anything more. Right now, everything just feels chaotic and unorganized. I don’t know what their situation is. I can’t tell if it’s Siwon who is protecting Liu Wen or if it is a timing issue or it they just aren’t dating. It feels all blahhh… even after watching the video of him saying it. I feel that we need more direct substance and confirmation from both parties – like how Taylor Swift proved all her Twitter feuds are false by bringing the other party up on stage with her haha 


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Another thing to consider is that Siwon may have been telling the truth. Liu Wen is Asia's first supermodel, she's someone who's made a name for herself based on her beauty, and she is also wealthy, has a darling personality, and it is asking A LOT to have such a woman wait for you and be exclusive to you for TWO years which is really an awfully long time when you think about it. After all, she's in the prime of her life and has never had a boyfriend before, so it is asking her to give up A LOT by waiting for you and not see anyone else. Certainly on the show, Siwon always struck me as affording Liu Wen every consideration and everything he could give her, so perhaps he's continuing to do that by allowing her that out and not putting any pressure on her.

So yes, maybe they are "single", maybe it's now a matter of "If you still have feelings for me after two years, let's see where this goes". I mean, Siwon won't be dating anyone unless he goes gay in the army :lol:, so he's going to be "single" for a long time - the onus thus lies on Liu Wen. I think Siwon knew it would be like this even on the show which is why he told Liu Wen as he was comforting her in the last episode, "Who knows what will happen? Nobody knows...".

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Another thing to consider is that Siwon may have been telling the truth. Liu Wen is Asia's first supermodel, she's someone who's made a name for herself based on her beauty, and she is also wealthy, has a darling personality, and it is asking A LOT to have such a woman wait for you and be exclusive to you for TWO years which is really an awfully long time when you think about it. After all, she's in the prime of her life and has never had a boyfriend before, so it is asking her to give up A LOT by waiting for you and not see anyone else. Certainly on the show, Siwon always struck me as affording Liu Wen every consideration and everything he could give her, so perhaps he's continuing to do that by allowing her that out and not putting any pressure on her.

So yes, maybe they are "single", maybe it's now a matter of "If you still have feelings for me after two years, let's see where this goes". I mean, Siwon won't be dating anyone unless he goes gay in the army :lol:, so he's going to be "single" for a long time - the onus thus lies on Liu Wen. I think Siwon knew it would be like this even on the show which is why he told Liu Wen as he was comforting her in the last episode, "Who knows what will happen? Nobody knows...".

@allnaturalcrunchtime high five :) You said what I wanted to say in my previous post. He chose to be the bad guy probably due to the 2 years separation. 

It's actually not a bad thing when he said he is single now. If they ain't really together or not together anymore, she could do whatever she wants and dates whomever she likes when he isn't around. If they are together or really want to be together, this will hopefully give them some space to be together under the radar away from public scrutiny.  

All in all, he knows darn well she's a good girl and she deserves all the happiness in the world, with or without him. if he isnt protecting her, I don't think he would do anything to hurt her purposely. 

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@allnaturalcrunchtime high five :) You said what I wanted to say in my previous post. He chose to be the bad guy probably due to the 2 years separation. 

It's actually not a bad thing when he said he is single now. If they ain't really together or not together anymore, she could do whatever she wants and dates whomever she likes when he isn't around. If they are together or really want to be together, this will hopefully give them some space to be together under the radar away from public scrutiny.  

All in all, he knows darn well she's a good girl and she deserves all the happiness in the world, with or without him. if he isnt protecting her, I don't think he would do anything to hurt her purposely

He'd be a monster if he did; after all, he himself said that everyone loves Liu Wen! :lol:

You know, I wouldn't be feeling so good about the ship if not for that poem. I hope the translations are accurate, because c'mon, there's no way Siwon would've posted that with references to rain and holding hands unless he wanted to convey a very specific message. He's just too crafty not to have known how that poem would be perceived. I mean, they couldn't stop harping on the rain on the show! And as for holding hands, remember that episode in which they cooked together? They did a close-up of their hands as they arrived at the hanbok place, and they weren't just lightly clasping paws, their fingers were tightly interlocked! Just an acting choice? Nuh uh - I doubt it!

In fact, I don't think it's delulu at all to think that Siwon made that post to mitigate the effects of what he might say the day after. Is he trying to tell us (and perhaps even Liu Wen) something with that poem? I think it's likely. And no, I don't believe he posted it just to suck up to fans in China, and he's not so clueless as to imagine that the first thing we'd think about after reading that poem is ELFs.

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I don't think it was mentioned but Liu Wen was part of that Business of Fashion's 500 list. :) You can read more here.

And just my two cents about Siwon coming forward (apologies if I had offended anyone!) about their status:
I think I had expected him to say something directly/indirectly sometime during this month or sometime before his enlistment. This turnout really reminded me of a former WGM couple who I had shipped before. In that couple pairing who I had shipped, it was the male who acknowledged that they lost contact, felt pressure from the media, felt stressed when being asked if they were dating and that there was zero possibility to develop into a romantic relationship. This was also the time when the male had his drama airing. I'm not saying Siwon and Liu Wen is following in their footsteps but I do believe that Liu Wen and Siwon knows what they are doing and what's best for them.

And of course, Liu Wen could have addressed this news herself as well but perhaps Liu Wen felt that it would be better if Siwon took the lead and explained their relationship status (some female celebrities allowed the male to be the "dominant" figure and explained their relationship status to show respect/acknowledgment and whatnot). We don't really know but I think there was consensus between the two of them in regards to the timing of when to say it. I do agree with @liddi that it may be his way of protecting her from public scrutiny/attention during these two years as well as a way to see if their feelings will stay the same or change during this time apart. But I also agree with @Kculturefun that Liu Wen may have second thoughts now that she has cooled off as well.

And if 16 fans are already harassing both LW and Siwon because of this, well that's sad to hear :(.
And if I had offended anyone, my apologies.

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Weibo is a mess right now, ELFs have been bashing Liu Wen big time, calling her all kinds of names, etc and Liu Wen fans were bashing Si Won.

There are a few things I thought I share from reading weibo:

1) After the fan interaction, LW manager's husband published a weibo post with one word (Mian) and 9 pictures of Chinese dishes(now it has been deleted), the word can be interpreted as: noodles, superficial, or sleep.  He posts food dishes all the time.. so some fans are speculating he is implying that what Siwon said was just for show (superficial)... but this weibo has been deleted 

2) We did not quite get why he took off his jacket when explaining he was single - Some people think he could be playing with words, look, I am here alone, there is no one with me right now...  (but I think we can also interpret that he is saying, look, I really don't have a girlfriend by taking his jacket off as a metaphor)

@moonee and @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv, you both have really good points about him trying to protect him and I really want to believe it... but if they are together 2 years from now, how can he explain today's remark

He came across as thoughtful (evidenced by his early arrival in Guam and tried out skydiving first ...), so today's denial just seemed so uncharacteristic of him... the way he did it seemed so casual... I have always believed that they are really tight even they are not a couple... her attendance to his show, joint valentine''s day message... what he came across today was just odd to me. unless it was somewhat pre-planned and he has given LW a heads up (I really hope so, like allculturalcrunchtime_STV said).. his behavior was almost self-destructive from a business perspective in my opinion, especially for someone who has been working so hard in Greater China... 

So at the moment, I am inclined to side with 2 scenarios mentioned above 1) After some serious thoughts, he is trying to protect LW and the relationship at the expense of loss of some fans and possibly his reputation (that is how some fans see it, they think he has been lying and monetizing on LW connections) 2) they have drifted apart due to  intense scrutiny and lack of meet-ups...  (someone on weibo tried to share some inside info  (when someone says this, we should take it with a bucket of salt) - that Siwon wants to make the relationship public, but LW wants to go low-key, and SW was not very pleased with it... more importantly, some fans sent letters to SM threatening with suicide... what is why he has to say he is single... a reasonable explanation... but like I said, take it with a bucket of salt).

Edited by Kculturefun
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Weibo is a mess right now, ELFs have been bashing Liu Wen big time, calling her all kinds of names, etc and Liu Wen fans were bashing Si Won.

There are a few things I thought I share from reading weibo:

1) After the fan interaction, LW manager's husband published a weibo post with one word (Mian) and 9 pictures of Chinese dishes(now it has been deleted), the word can be interpreted as: noodles, superficial, or sleep.  He posts food dishes all the time.. so some fans are speculating he is implying that what Siwon said was just for show (superficial)... but this weibo has been deleted 

2) We did not quite get why he took off his jacket when explaining he was single - Some people think he could be playing with words, look, I am here alone, there is no one with me right now...  (but I think we can also interpret that he is saying, look, I really don't have a girlfriend by taking his jacket off as a metaphor)

@moonee and @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv, you both have really good points about him trying to protect him and I really want to believe it... but if they are together 2 years from now, how can he explain today's remark

He came across as thoughtful (evidenced by his early arrival in Guam and tried out skydiving first ...), so today's denial just seemed so uncharacteristic of him... the way he did it seemed so casual... I have always believed that they are really tight even they are not a couple... her attendance to his show, joint valentine''s day message... what he came across today was just odd to me. unless it was somewhat pre-planned and he has given LW a heads up (I really hope so, like allculturalcrunchtime_STV said).. his behavior was almost self-destructive from a business perspective in my opinion, especially for someone who has been working so hard in Greater China... 

So at the moment, I am inclined to side with 2 scenarios mentioned above 1) After some serious thoughts, he is trying to protect LW and the relationship at the expense of loss of some fans and possibly his reputation (that is how some fans see it, they think he has been lying and monetizing on LW connections) 2) they have drifted apart due to  intense scrutiny and lack of meet-ups...  (someone on weibo tried to share some inside info  (when someone says this, we should take it with a bucket of salt) - that Siwon wants to make the relationship public, but LW wants to go low-key, and SW was not very pleased with it... more importantly, some fans sent letters to SM threatening with suicide... what is why he has to say he is single... a reasonable explanation... but like I said, take it with a bucket of salt).

Stupid ELFs...why on earth should they bash Liu Wen? You'd think they'd be thrilled that their idol has confirmed he isn't with that witch and perhaps never was, and now they can have him all to themselves. Dumb bints. Fans of Liu Wen bashing Siwon are being unreasonable, too, but that I can sort of understand.

And Kculturefun, as I said earlier, Siwon can explain today's remark by the fact that he's speaking the truth. I think in all likelihood they are taking it easy and slowly; that is clearly how Liu Wen likes it, and anything can happen in the 2 years that they can't see each other. Feelings may change especially on Liu Wen's side as she may not want to be tied down for that length of time whereas Siwon will be off the social scene anyways. So, there's probably no firm commitment to one another at the moment, they're seeing how it goes, and in that sense they're "single"; after all, it's hard to make the argument that they're taken when they're never together.

As for your last paragraph, I wouldn't take it with a bucket of salt at all as I find those scenarios totally believable. I've read that Siwon's idol, Jackie Chan, actually inspired at least two Japanese ladies to commit suicide when they learned he was married; K-Pop fandoms are far crazier in this modern day and age, so in fact I sort of expect fans to send such letters to SM. If they did, that's as good a reason as any for Siwon to have made the remark he did today.

All I can say is - bear in mind that poem. If today's remark was pre-planned, it follows that that poem was calculatedly posted for desired effect as well. Now, what does everyone think that effect could be? That it was meant for ELFs or SUJU is totally nonsensical - it's so romantic, it's solely addressed to one person, and it contains references to Siwon's time with Liu Wen. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, from all appearances Liu Wen currently looks very happy - does that jive with a woman who's had some grievous wrong perpetrated upon her?

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Maybe some things importants were discussed beteen them and they didnot reach the same aim .What I fear about their relationship is their strong personality.Do you remember lw posted one -way street whlie sw quote   a sentence by Linconh that never comes back .Neither of them give way ?.Both of them are considered stubborn. I still think te poem is for lw.

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I thought LW gonna be in Milan now! Fashion week more important for her right? 

Ok, ladies sit back relax and let the game begin.....

Right??? I know!!!  I am telling myself she is there for a photoshoot. 

I thought LW gonna be in Milan now! Fashion week more important for her right? 

Ok, ladies sit back relax and let the game begin.....

Right??? I know!!!  I am telling myself she is there for a photoshoot.  Didn't Siwon say "right now!" but how can you explain this... 

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