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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Cancelled/delayed flights are the worse! But I thought she had flew to London yesterday or was this a late post from her? Either way, I hope things will get better for Liu Wen and her team.

And I did look at #supercamp pictures on IG and this one just got my attention (thought I would share it!):


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oh our poor LW heart is tired... keep up girl you can do better!

In the video clip, she seemed exhausted but remained somewhat chirpy...

There was an accident this morning with LW's flight/ 

NEW YORK — A Virgin Atlantic flight  from JFK to London crashed into a blast fence Saturday morning.  According to Port Authority, a plane was being pushed back from the gate when its wing struck the blast fence 8:30 a.m. Saturday.A passenger on the plane, on his way home to London, told PIX11 "it looks like ground staff weren't paying attention."The passenger said the "plane shuddered as it hit the wall, but we're fine."  Supermodel Bella Hadid was apparently on the flight also. (CR: Pix)

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In the video clip, she seemed exhausted but remained somewhat chirpy...

There was an accident this morning with LW's flight/ 

NEW YORK — A Virgin Atlantic flight  from JFK to London crashed into a blast fence Saturday morning.  According to Port Authority, a plane was being pushed back from the gate when its wing struck the blast fence 8:30 a.m. Saturday.A passenger on the plane, on his way home to London, told PIX11 "it looks like ground staff weren't paying attention."The passenger said the "plane shuddered as it hit the wall, but we're fine."  Supermodel Bella Hadid was apparently on the flight also. (CR: Pix)

How do you know for sure that that was her flight? I imagine any number of airlines would've been flying to London at the time.

If LW was on that flight, I wonder if Siwon would've been made aware of the incident, as minor as it is. I remember some vague talk on here about him worrying about her because she flies so much, but of course that was when the show was still running and we thought they were for real.

Thank goodness she's safe if she was on that plane. I noticed she updated her IG with a lovely shot not too long ago, so she was probably still grounded at the airport at the time. I wonder if we'll get a hint on Siwon's SNSs with a religious-type post about being thankful to the Almighty or something to that effect...

And I do hope liddi can translate Liu Wen's latest mini-videos on Weibo. I couldn't understand a word of what she was saying, but it all appeared to be rather convoluted, and I wonder if the vids are of the type that one would later feel regretful about sharing to the world.  

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@Kculturefun Yes. Liu Wen is definitely exhausted by the time she posted the videos... and you can see her entire crew sitting on the airport floor, waiting to check in - guess shortage of seats are a common problem in all airports. Waking up at 5AM, boarding the plane, asked to alight, then back to waiting for another flight on a different airline apparently. Her videos were taken at 11:41AM in JFK.  She mentioned in the video that her face must be puffy and tired as well, though I love that even in the midst of all the inconvenience, she managed to remain wanly cheerful. Hope they managed to get much needed rest during the flight to London. 

Her videos while waiting to check in a second time:


I love how Siwon is so obviously showing his support for Song Seung Heun and Liu Yi Fei yesterday - 3 posts in total :) 

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv  I don't know for sure but all the evidence is pointing towards this was the flight she was on 1)  Her team said they woke up at 5:00 AM this morning, so that get-up time makes sense for a 8:30 AM international flight... (it takes 45min from Manhattan to JFK with no traffic.  2) what she described in her video matches above report...  She might regret oversharing later, but there is nothing but LW being LW in the video clip.  :-) - People get a glimpse of a supermodel who experiences life just like everyone else. Thank goodness that no one as hurt. 

Edited by Kculturefun
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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv  I don't know for sure but all the evidence is pointing towards this was the flight she was on 1)  Her team said they woke up at 5:00 AM this morning, so that get-up time makes sense for a 8:30 AM international flight... (it takes 45min from Manhattan to JFK with no traffic.  2) what she described in her video matches above report...  She might regret oversharing later, but there is nothing but LW being LW in the video clip.  :-) - People get a glimpse of a supermodel who experiences life just like everyone else. Thank goodness that no one as hurt. 

Thanks for clarifying. You're probably right, but I was reading the latest news articles on the incident, and mention was made only of Bella Hadid, her pal Bella Thorne (ooh, matching first names!), and Thorne's boyfriend being on the plane...ugh! Considering Hadid has yet to make Forbes' list, one would've thought Liu Wen warranted a mention in comparison, but I guess that's the way the North American media works. Bella being Gigi's sister probably helps, too.

I had a hunch that Liu Wen might've detailed the cause of her flight's cancellation in those vids, but I had no way of knowing for sure as she may just as well have been speaking Klingon.

And as a minor aside, Tory Burch herself just responded to Liu Wen's latest IG post by saying how beautiful she looks, so I guess that confirms my suspicion that Ms. Liu is in Ms. Burch's good books. ;) Werk those connections, gurl!

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Regarding the videos LW made, I don't feel that Liu Wen is "oversharing" and I also agree that she seems exhausted in the videos.
And I just read now that Bella Thorne, Thorne's boyfriend and Hadid's flight to London was delayed to 12hrs (source).

And I also agree with @Kculturefun that Liu Wen was on the same flight as Hadid. According to what I have searched through JFK airport and flightdata, LW's flight (number 26 not flight 276) was cancelled and that flight left at 8:15 (and crashed at 8:30am). This matches up with Thorne, Thorne's boyfriend and Hadid's cancelled flight as well as LW's IG picture regarding a cancelled flight. And if the news about their flight delaying to 12hrs is accurate and assuming that she's on the same flight as the other supermodels, it means that she should be boarded in one hour or now.. I just hope that things will go well for the supermodels and Liu Wen.

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A quick translation of Liu Wen's videos. I'm guessing the one who's prompting her is 雯疯而动 admin, since he is the one who posted a detailed explanation regarding her "weary heart" post.

Video 1:
LW: It is now NY time 11:41AM. We are now at JFK Kennedy airport, preparing to switch planes to Par.. I mean London. And after.. how many hours?
Admin: 5AM
LW: After...
Admin: 6 hours
LW: 5...o'clock... oh right. After more than 5 hours, we are still at Kennedy airport. From boarding the plane, to alighting the plane. From taking the shuttle bus, to returning to the check-in area. Let's have a look at everyone who is sitting on the floor. 
[presses the camera]
LW: Eh, how do I switch?

Video 2:
LW: Yeah... technical issues, technical issues... sorry sorry. Just now...
Admin: Like the plane
LW: [laughs] Yes, like the plane having technical issues. So now let's see what Sis Lin is doing. Say hi, Sis Lin.
Mgr: Hello!
LW: Sis Lin is very cool sitting on the floor, playing with her phone. Now let us see what Teacher He is doing.
[pan to Mgr's husband]
LW: Oh.. sorry! Just now that was Bald Pig (the Weibo nick for her manager's husband). Teacher He?
HL: Queueing
Admin: You didn't manage to film him
HL: I am queuing. I am sitting down while queuing
LW: Ahhh... my heart is very weary. In addition, someone's waist is tired, and someone's hand is tired, and someone's legs are tired. My face looks puffy (?) My face should also look tired, so I can only film myself from afar. Um... that's it... Wen Li.
Ground staff: You are still in line?
LW: Yes [to ground staff]. We're going to queue up now. Bye bye.

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Vogue China's interview with Liu Wen (photos cr. 模特刘雯吧 Weibo):


Where there is a will,
there is the energy to improve

2012 Among the top 99 most beautiful women worldwide
2013 Ranked 3rd among the world's supermodels
2014 Raked in earnings in fashion of over 7 million
2015 Appeared in reality show and is wildly popular in China...
She is supermodel Liu Wen,
the "Older cousin" [Liu Wen's nickname] everyone loves,
and also our heart-shaped faced beauty.



"A self-confident woman is the most beautiful"

Q: Normally in terms of matching clothes and make-up, do you have any secret tips, which would allow you to exude great self-confidence?
A: I rarely put on make up in my day to day life, but prefer to use nail polish to represent my moods. Due to my career, I often fly to many different countries and cities. My handbag would always have a lipstick, so that I can apply it when I alight from the plane, to feel fresher. I think the most important is that women need to understand themselves more, and know which features are the most beautiful, which parts do you wish to enhance.

Q: Do you have any part of yourself that you are satisfied with and is the most beautiful?
A: I always feel that a relatively full Albinus muscle, firm chin, a face with a more delicate jawline [not sure if this is correctly translated] is one that is more perfect for photos. When I first started modelling, I would try to find different angles to fulfil the requirements of the photoshoot. However, later on, I discovered there are many techniques to make up for the imperfections. For example the make-up artist will use facial repair products or firming serums to make the facial outline firmer. During the photoshoots, I can also work with the photographer, to use variations in lighting to create the perfect look. Actually, I feel that a self-confident woman is the most beautiful, so one should always keep smiling, as this will allow oneself to appear more vibrant, more confident.



"I love to share beautiful things with everyone"

Q: Do you often take selfies, or help your friends to take photographs? How does one look more photogenic in selfies or while taking photos for others?
A: I am really not good in taking selfies, but I excel in taking photographs of scenery because I love nature, and love to share what I feel is beautiful with everyone. I really love to help friends take photos. The secret to being photogenic is to smile, and be confident. Of course you can always use a prop such as hand gestures or using a building as the background. I feel that one is most beautiful when one is relaxed, which would allow you to express yourself. I think everything else is not a problem.

Q: We had an online survey and everyone acknowledged that the heart-shaped face you mentioned is the most beautiful facial shape. In addition, everyone feels that you have the perfect heart-shaped face. We would like to ask what your secrets are to maintaining it?
A: Really? Thank you! I have dimples, so I will always smile. Moreover, people always say that a woman who loves to smile will not have poor luck. However I am also a little concerned about having laughter lines. Besides in our line of work as a model, we constantly fly long-distance, put on make-up, remove make-up, all of which would easily result in premature aging skin. I will always emphasise on using firming serums and [facial] massage to help with anti-aging.

Q: What is your opinion of the texture and smell of the new product that you are using during the photoshoot today?
A: I feel that its texture is very light, with extremely good absorption. Before applying make-up, the make-up artist used it to do some facial massage. The absorption is extremely good, and the skin feels very firm. Its light texture is suitable for different seasons.



"I am very willing to try new things"

Q: Which part of yourself do you like the most? Which side of yourself would you display to your family and friends?
A: I think that at work I am haughtier and cool, more sexy, more dynamic in a variety of ways. However, privately I am still the simplest. I feel that work and life are totally different from each other. At work, I need to be perfect, to be the most beautiful, to do my best. However, in my personal life, I want to learn to be happy and enjoy life, and to share my happiness with everyone.

Q: Recently you brought us a lot of joy, which to a large extent is from the program "Let Us Fall in Love". Previously we always felt that a supermodel would be haughty and cold, but now everyone feels that you are really adorable, would laugh and cry like an ordinary girl. Is there any scene or story from the program which left you with a deep impression, that you can share with us?
A: This program really allowed me to experience tremendous growth. I used to have a fear of programs that require me to talk, because I really do not know what to say. This program is different from previous studio filming. There is a large crew, with at least 5-6 cameras all around, and they follow you the entire day to capture all the details. Through this program, I find that I have become more outgoing. In addition, this is the first time in my life that I challenged myself with skydiving. As a model, while in an aircraft cabin, I have thought of wanting to touch the clouds. This time, skydiving allowed me to fulfil this wish, making me feel there is nothing I cannot do. Courage is very very important.

Q: Okay, last question, which is also what the fans are most concerned about. Going forward, what new direction will you be taking? Are you considering being in movies or something similar?
A: I am very willing to try new things. I have been in the modelling industry for almost 10 years, and I have learnt a lot. However, I am also willing to challenge myself, such as participating in entertainment shows like this. If there are any suitable roles in movies that I can play, I am very willing [to try it]. Of course, my main career is of a model, and in future, I will also continue to be a part of the fashion industry. I have thought of becoming a sylist, or an amateur landscape photographer, to be able to capture even more beautiful things, so that when I am old, these will become a memory scrapbook, enabling me to slowly remember everything that I have ever done.



"Up close and personal with
the heart-shaped faced goddess"

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As ever, thanks for the translations, liddi. How conspicuous that Vogue chose not to ask her the obvious question, that is, whether they've gone from reel to real. I mean, this is Vogue we're talking about, so one doesn't expect sloppy reporting from them. Perhaps the omission was intentional - either they're operating on the assumption that it's all acting because of the way the show is set up, or they were told beforehand that the question was off-limits.

I notice she's gone on and on about how the show has made her a braver person - you know, it's not just activities like skydiving which can do that for you. Falling in love or acquiring a boyfriend for the first time can also inspire one to ever greater levels of confidence. ;)

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As ever, thanks for the translations, liddi. How conspicuous that Vogue chose not to ask her the obvious question, that is, whether they've gone from reel to real. I mean, this is Vogue we're talking about, so one doesn't expect sloppy reporting from them. Perhaps the omission was intentional - either they're operating on the assumption that it's all acting because of the way the show is set up, or they were told beforehand that the question was off-limits.

I notice she's gone on and on about how the show has made her a braver person - you know, it's not just activities like skydiving which can do that for you. Falling in love or acquiring a boyfriend for the first time can also inspire one to ever greater levels of confidence. ;)

I have a feeling Vogue was told not to ask the question, her good friend is the editor of the magazine so I believe they don't want to put her in an awkward situation.... can you imagine how quickly they can sell the magazine if they can put that on the cover... "Liu Wen on Love..."  Also like you said, Vogue is a reputable magazine so they probably don't want to sensationalize a personal matter... 

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Just my thoughts regarding the Vogue china interview (again, not trying to create any conflict):

Regarding the Vogue China interview, won't there be a possibility that assuming this is for September issue, the interview was done in advance or in conjunction with the photoshoot with the other Chinese actresses/women? And because the interview was done in advance (back in May or during MET Gala as I thought that the photoshoot with the other models was done during MET Gala as that was the only time when all of them were in New York), Vogue China weren't able to ask LW that question as that show was still on back then and in the very early stages.


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