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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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1 hour ago, liddi said:

I think the interactions speak louder than whatever stance they are taking now... be it between them or even with Siwon's staff. Certainly the H&M BTSes paint a very positive picture between both of them... both in their level of comfort with each other, as well as the very telling responses during the interview. And this cover story seems to be a combination of current PR stance (ala Miss Ren's announcement) and unwitting (perhaps?) hints as to whom she is referring to with regards to her ideal man, and what he is to her. Incidentally, she is exceedingly quiet on her birthday... no activity on SNS at all, not for the past two days. Wonder where she could be... perhaps committing traffic violations in Seoul? :phew:

Well, the H&M BTSes were shot back in, what, September? Matters could have transpired since then which caused them to rethink the parameters of their relationship...who knows? I've no proof, but I have a feeling (I know I'm not the only one) that the last trip to Seoul (that we know of) didn't go exactly as LW wanted. Just the tone of her messages at the time were somewhat downbeat...all I know is that recent media coverage makes it clear that she's single. Maybe I'm missing nuances which are lost in translation, but if I wasn't really single and just pretending to be, I wouldn't have articulated some things the way LW has (as translated).

One positive sign is that recent '16' post of LW's...let's hope that wasn't just PR for the H&M campaign.

And a birthday post...well, I was expecting that since we've always had one whether it was by LW herself or her management. So, she's back in China...and I did pick up on that "HBD again" from Mr. BG too...he did not wish her HBD previously online, so wishes must've been conveyed via some other avenue. I think there's a good chance that they did meet up in NYC, and if SW really is born in the Year of the Rabbit (someone confirm this, stat! :P), the sudden influx of toy rabbits makes perfect sense. I mean, why rabbits and not pandas or dogs or cats? :lol: I take it that SW's the Rabbit and LW's the Piglet (see SW's last IG post) - she can't very well be the Dragon because that's just not a very romantic way to think of one's girlfriend. ;)

Now that Mr. BG's tipped his hand, someone else has got to do it too...come on, Jiwon or Keenie or anybody...I see that Ming Xi has already added her wishes, but who cares about her! :P

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv There was a lot of ugliness during that period, in particular during her family vacation in Chengdu and leading up to and even past the H&M photoshoot. I think her departure after what was obviously such a wonderful time based on the BTSes, could not have been a happy one... perhaps even reminiscent of what we saw on the way to the airport during the program. I actually find it extremely encouraging as a shipper, seeing the BTSes and interview that H&M revealed, because I highly doubt that H&M would have gone all out with these goodies without the go-ahead from both of them, especially in light of the recent bombardment of their relationship status by the Chinese media, followed by her "single" announcement. And yes, like you, that 16 post of her is like the cherry on the cake, isn't it? And now her choice of emojis on her IG today, with the longevity noodles, cherry blossoms and a white bunny... all of which we associate with WonWen... :w00t: Incidentally, Keenie has already sent her birthday wishes too :) 

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I remember my daughter got a present and a birthday cake from the airline when she travelled on her birthday, but they cant be giving a toy rabbit to a 28yrs old right ? And she brought a toy rabbit on board ? That rabbit must be so special. :P

She did try to present herself as single as possible in the interview. And it made me sad just a tiny bit when i first read that she just want someone who can pick her from the airport and carry her luggage. Sounds that she really wants that someone to be close to her. Not the LDR type of a relationship. Good thing she change her tunes on her next sentences that ACTUALLY she just need someone with the description like someone we know.:D



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1 hour ago, alex_is_a_daydreamer said:

Liu Wen's singing partner for the Hunan TV event will be 蒋劲夫JIANG Jinfu, a young actor who is also from Hunan.

Oh... he's a 24 year old actor... good thing he can hold a tune too :P Wonder what is the choice of song?

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35 minutes ago, alex_is_a_daydreamer said:

Liu Wen returned to Beijing. According to a weibo user, she met Liu Wen on the plane and gave the rabbit to her as a present...She was so excited that Wen took a photo of it. 

Oooo lucky girl! So the longevity noodles and cherry blossom emojis came after the rabbit. Interesting connections.

Thank you for the information on her singing partner. Let's hope it'll be a lovely duet.

Though I'm still quite bemused by the odd mix of variety programs and sudden singing appearance. She was pretty fine and focused before all the random stints. Maybe it's the learn-and-experience new things mode that's been kicked into gear.

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So that's gone the bunny theory ;) hopefully no one on the plane ordered LW a bowl of noodles or gave her some flowers to wish her HB else I would be so heart broken :P

Today is also Ruby Lin's bday and her LFIL's bf wished her HB on weibo... If only Mr Choi could also do so :wub:

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5 minutes ago, moonee said:

So that's gone the bunny theory ;) hopefully no one on the plane ordered LW a bowl of noodles or gave her some flowers to wish her HB else I would be so heart broken :P

They could probably whip up some (cup) noodles in-flight but cherry blossoms might be hard to come by at this time of the year ;) Although one could always come up with artificial blossoms :D as easily. (thanks to ShiLiu couple I'm once again searching topics ... one could get some early blossoming cherry blossoms from DC :lol:)

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32 minutes ago, silvergrey said:

They could probably whip up some (cup) noodles in-flight but cherry blossoms might be hard to come by at this time of the year ;) Although one could always come up with artificial blossoms :D

Haha no artificial flowers for the bday girl please :P perhaps a cherry blossoms iPhone photo or a postcard? ;)

Anyway It's interesting that the cherry blossoms and the noodles only appeared on IG but not weibo...

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1 hour ago, jusrub said:

Does anyone know why she's not in Fashion Week ? 

Well, it could be that she's now a 'name' model and doesn't have to walk in every show her agency puts her up for. In the later portions of their careers, supermodels like Bundchen & Moss only walked in shows if specifically requested by a big brand or designer, so I'd imagine LW is now in a similar position. After all, she's been in the business for a long time now, and it would be a bit unseemly if she were walking in practically every show like she was when she first burst onto the scene. It may look very glamorous to be up there strutting your stuff, but waiting around for hours during fittings and such (sometimes into the wee hours of the night) is NOT fun especially if you've been doing it for years. It's too much of a sacrifice for just a few minutes in the spotlight, if you ask me.

So, perhaps LW is now choosing to focus on projects closer to home because they're more lucrative or mean more to her. Of course, this quote from the latest ELLE story: "To put it harshly, the new will push out the old..." is in reference to her modelling career, and it is true that fashion is a very fickle business that's ever ready to move on to the newest hot young thing. The upcoming singing gig could therefore have been taken out of necessity or having nothing else to do rather than by choice. LW is in the older age bracket for models so I doubt she'd be at it for many more years now which is why we all want Mr. Choi to marry her and rescue her from the cesspit that is the modelling world (and the limbo that looms afterwards) when the time is right. ;) 

As for the bunny and SW's no-show on Feb. 2nd...disappointing, I suppose, but not entirely unexpected. I actually don't mind that we've heard nothing from him on her birthday as I look at it this way: even if LW were just a friend or co-worker, SW is the type who would've wished her HBD online, so the fact that we've heard nothing from him at all likely indicates that there is perhaps more than just a friendship between the two and whatever wishes, greetings or gift-giving would've all been done in private.


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Liu Wen's final birthday post last night:

It was a very ordinary birthday, yet I received so many well wishes. Each message was moving, my heart is grateful! Please allow me not to respond to each comment, but I will always remember them in my heart. I hope that everyone will accompany me for the long haul with constant joy. I wish everyone a good night!

And she has asked fans to choose between the two ELLE covers on IG.

Meanwhile, more birthday wishes:

And Alexvi...




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LW's answer to the relationship question in the latest Elle interview is a bit self contradictory, on one hand, she wondered why no one pursues her (what? you sure?  both Mr. JiLiang and Denis Ten openly pursue you... but you don't give them the time of the day...) even Siwon, I don't think it was acting on Siwon's part in H&M BTS video and photos... his words in the video were sincere from what I can see.... . I really don't believe no one has pursued her...I guess she can't really say she is in a relationship post Ms Ren's formal claim of her  being single.... At the same time, she has never provided a more detailed explanation of her ideal type than what she did in the Elle interview... her description fits Siwon to a tee.  Conflicting messages are what I see here..... I am having a headache.  Honestly, I hope the magazines quit using her relationship has a focal point in editorials and covers. Leave that to social media and us fans :)  but again, gossip sells.


I am now more interested in her choice of recent stints... quite random shall we say.... She is the most popular model in China right now and her diehard fans back her up with purchasing power... the CNY H&M monkey sweaters, both women and men, were sold out in quite a few stores and online...I made my own contributions to EL and Tiffany's (no, not the key).  I am quite curious about how LW and her team  strategize her next career move... she is such a good role model and I definitely would like to see her have a long, fulfilling, and impactful career.


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Mr Chae has voted on the ELLE cover he likes best... now was that your opinion or on behalf of someone else? :P


cr. 玅謎 Weibo

Meanwhile... adorable animated gifs of Mr Choi from Vivo :w00t:


cr. vivo智能手机 Weibo

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Guest mywebfoot

so.... there's a bit of a firestorm over in the Teuk-Sora ship at the moment... Teuk just posted his WGM photo with WGM-wife Kang Sora, with a super-aegyo "Sora-ya..." at the end of it... and of course the ELF are exploding, and then....heehehehe... this:


She's just a fan, but it's funny how the fever is contagious :D


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