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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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4 hours ago, liddi said:

Videos please?

Trust me - check H&M's YouTube page. :) They always release vids related to their holiday-themed campaigns as the date draws near, maybe even on the day itself, maybe after - look at what they did recently with Katy Perry's Christmas campaign. Considering that the Asian market probably comprises a bulk of their sales, H&M won't be stupid enough to ignore that cash cow. I counted at least three vids featuring Mr. and Mrs. Kao for the previous Lunar New Year campaign.

Anyway, I like the new BTS photos. Liu Wen looks lovely and every inch the professional model; Siwon still looks a bit off somehow and I detest some of the clothes they made him wear, but he looks better here than in the awfully airbrushed finished product. I may be reading too much into their expressions, but to me they look a bit awkward; not an awkwardness borne out of a lack of chemistry, but the sort that familiarity breeds. ;) They look so easy with one another, maybe even a bit shy, especially in the fifth and sixth photos; it's like those couples who've reached such a level of understanding with each other that whenever they're forced to pose for staged lovey-dovey pictures, they get all bashful and a tad uneasy. :D 



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I like the new BTS H&M photos, Nice.

As for the "single" statement from LW's manager, she did leave the door open, she did say something to the effect that things may change in the future, but she is single for now...  They can totally change their tune again, just not in the near future, like the coming 3-6 mos (i.e. LW can't been seen visiting SW).  All of us have seen celebs deny things that were proven to be true a few months later all the time  I just think that Ms Ren's statement was inconsistent with what we observed LW in "Day Day Up" and Elle awards show, so there might have been some sort of compelling reasons for Ms. Ren to make that statement especially when her statement may put LW's reputation at risk (at least in China) and impact H&M campaign negatively.  They might have weighed the pros and cons and decided declaring single outweighs remaining mum.  

Like I said, Ms Ren's statement has not changed my views towards LW/SW at all.

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27 minutes ago, Jo Bro said:


She's so lucky she doesn't need to wear a bra

....and yet as Siwon says so many guys would be interested in her as he is  : P 

evidently you don't share his good taste or ours!



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8 hours ago, Kculturefun said:

I like the new BTS H&M photos, Nice.

As for the "single" statement from LW's manager, she did leave the door open, she did say something to the effect that things may change in the future, but she is single for now...  They can totally change their tune again, just not in the near future, like the coming 3-6 mos (i.e. LW can't been seen visiting SW).  All of us have seen celebs deny things that were proven to be true a few months later all the time  I just think that Ms Ren's statement was inconsistent with what we observed LW in "Day Day Up" and Elle awards show, so there might have been some sort of compelling reasons for Ms. Ren to make that statement especially when her statement may put LW's reputation at risk (at least in China) and impact H&M campaign negatively.  They might have weighed the pros and cons and decided declaring single outweighs remaining mum.  

Like I said, Ms Ren's statement has not changed my views towards LW/SW at all.

I don't know how it's like in the East, but over here if a celeb's publicist issues a statement claiming that he/she is single and specifically not dating him/her, that's usually the case in reality. If there really was a relationship between the parties involved and they didn't want to confirm it, they'd just keep mum. Maybe in the East a celeb's PR team can say one thing while the celeb publicly intimates the opposite, but I doubt Liu Wen will go down that route. With the "single" statement now out, that's the way Liu Wen will play it at least until the two years are up, and most likely she won't even reference the relationship publicly if she can help it.

Oh, and a denial probably wouldn't have been issued if not for the fallout which ensued after Liu Wen's appearances on those shows, so we have the frustrated fraus to thank for that. And who knows, maybe Liu Wen and Siwon are really very relaxed about the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing while we're so het up over it - they're probably like, okay, we do dig each other, that spark has been recognized, but we've got an uncertain two years ahead of us so in the meantime there's no commitment, and let's see whether we'll still feel the same way after all that time. 

And look at that hopped up bint who has yet to be banned (moderators, step on it!) - I guess someone ain't buying Ms. Ren's statement, is she? :P Should shippers take that as a good sign? :lol: You silly little thing...Liu Wen may not have the biggest bosom, but that hasn't stopped her from making good money fronting a lingerie company and becoming the first Asian VS model, and besides, Audrey Hepburn was probably the most beautiful creature on earth and she was flatter than an airport runway, so Liu Wen needn't feel too bad. You, on the other hand, could get those triple D implants tomorrow and Siwon still wouldn't give a shite that you exist! :lol:

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3 hours ago, allnaturalcrunchtime_stv said:

I don't know how it's like in the East, but over here if a celeb's publicist issues a statement claiming that he/she is single and specifically not dating him/her, that's usually the case in reality. If there really was a relationship between the parties involved and they didn't want to confirm it, they'd just keep mum. Maybe in the East a celeb's PR team can say one thing while the celeb publicly intimates the opposite, but I doubt Liu Wen will go down that route. With the "single" statement now out, that's the way Liu Wen will play it at least until the two years are up, and most likely she won't even reference the relationship publicly if she can help it.

Oh, and a denial probably wouldn't have been issued if not for the fallout which ensued after Liu Wen's appearances on those shows, so we have the frustrated fraus to thank for that. And who knows, maybe Liu Wen and Siwon are really very relaxed about the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing while we're so het up over it - they're probably like, okay, we do dig each other, that spark has been recognized, but we've got an uncertain two years ahead of us so in the meantime there's no commitment, and let's see whether we'll still feel the same way after all that time. 

And look at that hopped up bint who has yet to be banned (moderators, step on it!) - I guess someone ain't buying Ms. Ren's statement, is she? :P Should shippers take that as a good sign? :lol: You silly little thing...Liu Wen may not have the biggest bosom, but that hasn't stopped her from making good money fronting a lingerie company and becoming the first Asian VS model, and besides, Audrey Hepburn was probably the most beautiful creature on earth and she was flatter than an airport runway, so Liu Wen needn't feel too bad. You, on the other hand, could get those triple D implants tomorrow and Siwon still wouldn't give a shite that you exist! :lol:

U must be blind coz audrey hepburn's boobs is twice the size of liu wen. I'm not saying that liu wen isn't hot but she has the body of a guy.

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1 hour ago, Jo Bro said:

U must be blind coz audrey hepburn's boobs is twice the size of liu wen. I'm not saying that liu wen isn't hot but she has the body of a guy.


She does have boobs, even though smaller size... and that doesn't matter at all. I'm not sure if you watched the show but Siwon looked to be more of a leg man anyway when he was checking Liu Wen in a high school uniform she put on in one of the episodes. So no problem for our ship :D

As you said Liu Wen is hot AND (what some fail to notice) she has great curves thanks to her small waist. And her smile is contagious and adorable.

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I concur with the general concensus regarding the latest H&M BTS photos... love the easy familiarity that is very evident between them, one that could only have come from knowing each other extremely well, to be so comfortable with each other. And one of the photos is a hot topic in Weibo... specifically regarding the placement of the legs :P 

"You Look Really Delicious" released yet another teaser today, leading up to its airing. Unfortunately, the video is no longer viewable, but according to mun+won, in it, Siwon said he is willing to sacrifice everything for the one he loves :) 

Liu Wen on holiday....


And more stunning photos from H&M Lookbook:




cr. 模特刘雯吧 Weibo

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@sj08_stv it wasn't the pic which LW was strolling on the beach that liddi was talking about. She was taking about the H&M photo she reposted in her most recent post in which (may be due to the angle?) it looks like SW's leg was comfortably placed between LW's legs.



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5 hours ago, Jo Bro said:

U must be blind coz audrey hepburn's boobs is twice the size of liu wen. I'm not saying that liu wen isn't hot but she has the body of a guy.

Oh, put a Siwon-flavoured sock in it, bint. Hepburn was an A cup, Liu's a B, so you do the math. Perhaps the concept of bra sizes is totally foreign to you because you haven't grown them yet (if you ever will) or maybe they simply failed to sprout in your case, but that's how it works. In her earliest films, Hepburn would wear falsies as was common back then, but in her later films she didn't and you can clearly see she isn't busty at all. Hepburn herself admitted how flat-chested she was and was very insecure about her looks, and yet her loveliness lives on till today because real beauty isn't reflected in boob size but comes from someplace deeper. That must be an alien concept to you, too, seeing as you would body shame Liu Wen just because you're seething with frustration over her supposed romantic status with Siwon, who couldn't give a shite about your existence.

Don't bother to respond as I'll now take others' sage advice to discontinue feeding trolls who display such disgusting behaviour - it's off to the ignore list with you!

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2 hours ago, moonee said:

@sj08_stv it wasn't the pic which LW was strolling on the beach that liddi was talking about. She was taking about the H&M photo she reposted in her most recent post in which (may be due to the angle?) it looks like SW's leg was comfortably placed between LW's legs.



It IS between her legs lol .. look at their shoes hihihi

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