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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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@liddi - Calling him a liar because the show could not be aired due to circumstances he can't control? and he apologized?  hmmm, what I can say? He does read the comments and he treats them seriously, probably too seriously... if I were him, I probably would not have apologized and.. and everyone would have understood.  The real point is that fans should really watch what they say, because they don't realize the impact their words have on Siwon, who seems to be carefree but really, he cares a lot!  

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Her manager is trying to stop the question.... hmmm... are they in the midst of belated To the Fore promotions right now? :P However, it then stands to reason why the interviewer earlier does not even ask about Siwon... they may have been given instructions by her manager what questions are off-limits. And I now wonder whether such instructions were also given during her past interviews as well, hence all the questions that touch on love and the show, but not on him. If so, I guess it is indicative how they have agreed to handle the public scrutiny - no specific questions pertaining to the other party permitted, so they need not be in a position to confirm or deny.

Great minds think alike. :P I've always thought this to be the case; the obvious question is never asked when they happen to touch upon the subject of love or their love lives anyway, and the omission is conspicuous which is why I think it is deliberate. With Siwon, it is perfectly believable that warnings would be given beforehand as to which questions are off-limits because he is so managed, and now that we've observed Liu Wen always has her manager on hand as well, we can believe that it's the same with her, too.

If one watches Liu Wen's reaction closely whenever she is (rarely) asked a direct question relating to Siwon, it is pretty easy to read between the lines and conclude that her immediate bashfulness indicates that they do have something going on. ;)


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@liddi - Calling him a liar because the show could not be aired due to circumstances he can't control? and he apologized?  hmmm, what I can say? He does read the comments and he treats them seriously, probably too seriously... if I were him, I probably would not have apologized and.. and everyone would have understood.  The real point is that fans should really watch what they say, because they don't realize the impact their words have on Siwon, who seems to be carefree but really, he cares a lot!  

My thinking is that he made a promise and although he could not deliver it due to circumstances beyond his control, his decision to apologize may not have even been prompted by those ridiculous accusations at all, but rather as a matter of principle - that a promise made and unable to be kept, warrants an apology. Whatever the reasons are, his act simply amplifies my respect for the man. 

Funny isn't it... that tonight, both of them gave me even more reasons to love them - her concern for the videographer, and him not too proud to apologise for a promise not kept through no fault of his own :) 

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A slightly longer interview where the male reporter asked LW if she would consider having a foreign boyfriend, this is from a different angle and you can see LW's reaction a lot better.

The video is very difficult to understand due to noises. But from I could make out of it

- LW said she is still a model (the question is hard to understand, probably along the lines if she would venture into movies, etc.)

- Type of wedding she expects: every girl wants a special, unique wedding, however, it needs to reflect your individuality 

- Liddi and deepblue_1 have translated her answers to the variety show and foreign boyfriend

Here, we have a much better, clearer view of her reaction to the "foreign boyfriend" question, she seemed nervous, bashful... definitely something "fishy" going on :wub: .  Yeah, she has a foreign boyfriend is what I see. :)

Edited by Kculturefun
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A slightly longer interview where the male reporter asked LW if she would consider having a foreign boyfriend, this is from a different angle and you can see LW's reaction a lot better.

The video is very difficult to understand due to noises. But from I could make out of it

- LW said she is still a model (the question is hard to understand, probably along the lines if she would venture into movies, etc.)

- Type of wedding she expects: every girl wants a special, unique wedding, however, it needs to reflect your individuality 

- Liddi and deepblue_1 have translated her answers to the variety show and foreign boyfriend

Here, we have a much better, clearer view of her reaction to the "foreign boyfriend" question, she seemed nervous, bashful... definitely something "fishy" going on :wub: .  Yeah, she has a foreign boyfriend is what I see. :)

Thanks for this. See what I mean - questions about a wedding, about a foreign boyfriend...we know exactly who they have in mind when they're asking those questions, and yet they refuse to name him directly! In the U.S., reporters would never be so coy; they'd flatly ask, "So, are you dating [insert name here]?".

Can you translate exactly what it is the manager said? Perhaps the press chose to be discreet in their questioning because of her request.

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A slightly longer interview where the male reporter asked LW if she would consider having a foreign boyfriend, this is from a different angle and you can see LW's reaction a lot better.

The video is very difficult to understand due to noises. But from I could make out of it

- LW said she is still a model (the question is hard to understand, probably along the lines if she would venture into movies, etc.)

- Type of wedding she expects: every girl wants a special, unique wedding, however, it needs to reflect your individuality 

- Liddi and deepblue_1 have translated her answers to the variety show and foreign boyfriend

Here, we have a much better, clearer view of her reaction to the "foreign boyfriend" question, she seemed nervous, bashful... definitely something "fishy" going on :wub: .  Yeah, she has a foreign boyfriend is what I see. :)

Thanks for this. See what I mean - questions about a wedding, about a foreign boyfriend...we know exactly who they have in mind when they're asking those questions, and yet they refuse to name him directly! In the U.S., reporters would never be so coy; they'd flatly ask, "So, are you dating [insert name here]?".

Can you translate exactly what it is the manager said? Perhaps the press chose to be discreet in their questioning because of her request.

Ms. Ren said " Could you please keep your questions pertinent to the brand/products, otherwise...."  You can fill in the blank after otherwise, could be 1) we might have to stop the interviews  2) it is defeating the purpose of this promotional event, we need to be respectful to the retailer  

Then Ms. Ren stopped and LW took over by saying "leave it to fate..."  

Edited by Kculturefun
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Ms. Ren said " Could you please keep your questions pertinent to the brand/products, otherwise...."  then she stopped and LW took over by saying "leave it to fate..." 

Thanks. They shouldn't even have been asking her those questions, not at an event like that and considering why she's there. The questions are so bizarrely irrelevant, and yet they can't help being salacious because everyone wants to know about her and Siwon! :lol: The same thing happened with Siwon on his recent press tour in Greater China except that Liu Wen was mentioned by name. It's almost as if the press thinks that they're together; it's sort of taken for granted, so it's like, "We won't ask you that question, we'll keep your secret, but that won't stop us from talking about it without actually talking about it!". :lol:

I notice other top models are also in China at the moment for the various Fashion Weeks held there; names like Kendall Jenner (ugh), even Paris Hilton (double ugh)...I hope Liu Wen will be able to catch up with old friends like Joan Smalls. It'd be lovely if the two Estee Lauder spokespersons shoot something for the brand in Liu's native land. Speaking of EL, Liu looks just gorgeous in their 2015 F/W:


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Thank you for sharing and translating what was said in the clearer video @Kculturefun! From her reactions - shy, a little tongue-tied yet unable to hide her happiness, it would appear whatever concerns she had during the StyleTV interview has probably been put to rest by a certain someone :) Trust her manager to jump in when she was lost for words, giving her time to regroup with her "其实我觉得这个东西都是缘份啦 (Actually I feel that all this is fate/predestined)" ;) 

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Another Weibo post from her... looking very radiant :)
Not quite sure whether I translated "after the sunshine" accurately though... what does that mean anyway? :sweatingbullets:

秋后 午后 阳光后[太阳][微风]
After autumn   afternoon   after the sunshine


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Another Weibo post from her... looking very radiant :)
Not quite sure whether I translated "after the sunshine" accurately though... what does that mean anyway? :sweatingbullets:

秋后 午后 阳光后[太阳][微风]
After autumn   afternoon   after the sunshine


ahem, that shirt seems to be a personal fav of hers. 'Guam shirt' :wub:

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Closeup video snippets of Liu Wen during the impromptu Q&A from last night - too bad they did not show her reaction when first posed with the "foreign boyfriend" question... tsk!


Weibo users are posting cleverly funny play on the words 随缘 suí yuán "in accordance with fate", by calling it 随原 "accompany Yuan (Siwon's name in Chinese)" :D

Ooooh! So apparently what she really said in the StyleTV interview was "I hope my love will accompany Siwon" :w00t: Guess we can throw our concerns about the "in accordance with fate" statement out the window... heh! :phew: :D :P 

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Im quite sure siwon will work hard to be dispatched in the airport, and since liu wen always say she lives in the airport, she might as well stay in any of the two airport in korea. :Phttps://twitter.com/teukables/status/654506705187835904

@sj08_stv Sounds like a plan! Poor her... always disoriented and lost flying in or out of Incheon, thus having to ask for assistance from a certain policeman on duty there, who would then do his duty to personally guide her to the check-in counter/luggage claim/gate etc etc. All very above board of course :phew:

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Im quite sure siwon will work hard to be dispatched in the airport, and since liu wen always say she lives in the airport, she might as well stay in any of the two airport in korea. :Phttps://twitter.com/teukables/status/654506705187835904


@sj08_stv Sounds like a plan! Poor her... always disoriented and lost flying in or out of Incheon, thus having to ask for assistance from a certain policeman on duty there, who would then do his duty to personally guide her to the check-in counter/luggage claim/gate etc etc. All very above board of course :phew:

and i'd gladly take her place once she hopped on the plane. Will save me a lot of money instead of booking a hotel when I visit korea. :P

Edited by sj08_stv
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and i'd gladly take her place once she hopped on the plane. Will save me a lot of money instead of booking a hotel when I visit korea. :P

Yes, please make good use of that time to find out as much information as you can to share on the thread with us :P Oh... and you could also help us take photos of him escorting her to the trolley section, then the luggage claim area... you know... so that we know he is really working hard during his enlistment :rolleyes:

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Guest deepblue_1


Cr: @刘雯/weibo 


 Cr: @导演_陈宏一/weibo


Cr: @时尚芭莎/weibo 

Warning: 3 gifs. These are behind-the-scenes for "Looking for Lost Chinese Aesthetics", Late December issue of Bazaar China.


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Interesting...a Korean poster on Liu Wen's IG reported that her name was mentioned on Siwon's drama. For those of us who are loath to watch it, it'd be much appreciated if viewers could let us know who said it and under what context.

This must have been Siwon's idea - the man just can't contain himself, can he? :lol:

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