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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Liu Wen posted the latest instalment of Wen Li featuring her Tiffany photoshoot - again no sign of the continuation of the Seoul episode. Can't post her emojis, but isn't that rain on an umbrella and a falling star among them?

Having come all this way, if it is [doing] something you love, you will really enjoy it and not feel weary


A rough translation of the captions:

Gentle breeze / Monday

Non-stop footsteps
Just for the tiny details

Wen Li
captures every present moment

Happiness / Pride     Sharing all the trivial details

Rushing about / fighting   to encounter tomorrow

By not forgetting your original goals,
then will you be able to see it through from beginning to end

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Liu Wen posted the latest instalment of Wen Li featuring her Tiffany photoshoot - again no sign of the continuation of the Seoul episode. Can't post her emojis, but isn't that rain on an umbrella and a falling star among them?

Having come all this way, if it is [doing] something you love, you will really enjoy it and not feel weary


One could only hope this applies to both her professional and personal life. 

Every relationship, even the strongest one, has its ups and downs, and at times, ons and offs. It's never easy to be in a LDR, with the added burden of physical distance that contributes to emotional withdrawal and thus insecurities, let alone a LDR for the whole world to speculate and scrutinize. Hope they will realize how blessed they are to have found each other and they will work together to make things work for them. 

Just a thought, perhaps SW didn't spend enough time with her when she was in Seoul, which led to her feeling insecure, alone and lonely whilst being in a relationship? I don't know why I always have this feeling about LW -  despite of being a career minded, successful and strong woman, there is a certain part of her that feels cold, insecure and lonely..she really needs a certain someone to warm her heart up with care, love and tenderness. 

Edited by moonee
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Liu Wen posted the latest instalment of Wen Li featuring her Tiffany photoshoot - again no sign of the continuation of the Seoul episode. Can't post her emojis, but isn't that rain on an umbrella and a falling star among them?

Having come all this way, if it is [doing] something you love, you will really enjoy it and not feel weary


One could only hope this applies to both her professional and personal life. 

Every relationship, even the strongest one, has its ups and downs, and at times, ons and offs. It's never easy to be in a LDR, with the added burden of physical distance that contributes to emotional withdrawal and thus insecurities, let alone a LDR for the whole world to speculate and scrutinize. Hope they will realize how blessed they are to have found each other and they will work together to make things work for them. 

Just a thought, perhaps SW didn't spend enough time with her when she was in Seoul, which led to her feeling insecure, alone and lonely whilst being in a relationship? I don't know why I always have this feeling about LW -  despite of being a career minded, successful and strong woman, there is a certain part of her that feels cold, insecure and lonely..she really needs a certain someone to warm her heart up with care, love and tenderness. 

Shooting a drama in Korea is extremely hectic. They sometimes do shoots hours before the actual broadcast. i could only hope they will find time before he enlist. 

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Just a thought, perhaps SW didn't spend enough time with her when she was in Seoul, which led to her feeling insecure, alone and lonely whilst being in a relationship? I don't know why I always have this feeling about LW -  despite of being a career minded, successful and strong woman, there is a certain part of her that feels cold, insecure and lonely..she really needs a certain someone to warm her heart up with care, love and tenderness. 

I think she's very lonely. I'd been a fan of LW's for awhile, but I never realized this until watching the last episode of the show. A normal reaction to the show ending would've been a few sniffles, but the fact that she actually wept shocked me. That was no acting; she was truly heartbroken, and I don't think it's because she was madly in love with SW even. It's because she figured that a return to the lonely life awaited her, and the hope that this guy represented of a deliverance from such a life was just that, a hope and nothing more.

So, I know she's tough, but the dear heart needs to be taken care of, she needs that sense of security she's had to do without for ten years. There's tremendous potential for her to get hurt should this relationship go awry, which is why, like her friends, I worry. Thankfully, SW is a decent man who's fully aware of the role he's got to assume with LW ("Who will take care of you when I am gone?"). I just wonder if LW's slow and steady approach is starting to wear thin with SW, hence the "I'm single" remark. The last reunion in Seoul also struck me as perhaps not having gone too ideally.  


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@liddi Thank you for your translations.

The going is going to be difficult so I'd be concerned if she's constantly up on cloud 9 tralala-ing away. It's good to have a realistic view and grounded expectations of the relationship one is invested in. That should at least allow for ways in which the couple can honestly and practically talk through their challenges and work together moving forward. I've no doubt Liu Wen was a lonely soul. That she should meet Siwon possibly could have made her realise she can be alone, but not lonely. I'm going to remain optimistic and trust that they are mature enough to see things through if that's what they each desire. Meanwhile, I actually love her sky/cloud photos. A very refreshing change from selfies that seem to be the thing of now.


With a resolute heart, I decide my own fortune
2015-10-12 Tiffany

translated from

"Perhaps it is because I am extremely stubborn. Once I have set my sights, I will go all out to do it without allowing myself to be sidetracked by anything else. Sometimes my parents would tell me to come home if life is too difficult. However, the more they say that, the more I am determined to persevere. I believe that when we persevere, we will definitely enjoy a good outcome."

This to me indicates not only a specific attitude to her profession, but also a general approach towards life. I do suspect though that there would've been times Liu Wen would have wished to go home but she would not have allowed herself to dwell on those feelings but would push ahead, looking to her goal. And sounds like the more naysayers persist, the more determined she will be to stay her course in any decision to do with her life ... or so I hope. ^_^

Edited by silvergrey
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If I interpreted it correctly, then perhaps his Psalm 126:5 post 4 days later "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.", was not a fluke, but one that is intended to comfort and encourage her (and himself), that while there is sadness and heartache today, they will see a happy future at the end of it. Anyway, just my 2 cents.

Yes, that was my take on his Psalm post too, @liddi :) 

EDIT: Just to add to your comment, liddi. I don't think anything he posts really is by fluke, so to speak. With him, he's a thinker. And thinkers generally process things, consciously and unconsciously, before they do it. There usually will be an intention behind his posts. It may or may not be related to his lovelife but if he's human like the rest of us, it is unlikely he won't be influenced by the state of his relationship, given that he's rather emotional too. So, whether or not we as readers are able to decipher the true or actual meaning of what he posts, it doesn't take away the fact that he's posting it for a reason. And of course, at times it's for laughs, fun or to pull a fast one on his readers. :lol:

Edited by silvergrey
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@moonee - Yes, I think part of LW is very lonely and insecure, she recognizes that herself.  I am not sure she is cold, I do think she has built a wall between herself and men who may be romantically interested her as a self defense mechanism to not get hurt.  It seems that Siwon was able to knock that wall down, at least to a great extent.   She needs a lot of love and care to make her feel secure, which is such a direct contrast to her as a strong, fierce career woman... which is why people love her. 

@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv - I suspected the same, the reunion in Seoul was probably less than perfect. There might be a couple of possibilities. One is like what you suggested, SW wanted to take it further, LW was not ready, hence "I am single" to express his disappointment,  then why would LW change her tone towards love when she has a guy so devoted to her? Was SW serious about leaving her alone due to her response?  or LW felt maybe the two of them might have some personality clashes (one is fast and one is slow...).  Another scenario could be SW is not ready to make a major commitment, so to be fair to LW or as an act of selflessness, he told LW that she could date if she meets someone she really likes... which could be a blow to LW who clearly is very into SW because it could signal he does not want her badly enough or is not completely confident he is the right guy for her. @moonee - maybe like you suggested, it was as simple as he could not spend enough time with her as she had traveled all the way accommodate his schedule during the height of fashion weeks (she sure made sacrifices...)  

Both LW and SW have grown on me tremendously because of their personalities.  I also remain optimistic and hope they could ignore the outside noises and figure out what they want. Rooting for our couple!

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@moonee - Yes, I think part of LW is very lonely and insecure, she recognizes that herself.  I am not sure she is cold, I do think she has built a wall between herself and men who may be romantically interested her as a self defense mechanism to not get hurt.  It seems that Siwon was able to knock that wall down, at least to a great extent.   She needs a lot of love and care to make her feel secure, which is such a direct contrast to her as a strong, fierce career woman... which is why people love her. 

@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv - I suspected the same, the reunion in Seoul was probably less than perfect. There might be a couple of possibilities. One is like what you suggested, SW wanted to take it further, LW was not ready, hence "I am single" to express his disappointment,  then why would LW change her tone towards love when she has a guy so devoted to her? Was SW serious about leaving her alone due to her response?  or LW felt maybe the two of them might have some personality clashes (one is fast and one is slow...).  Another scenario could be SW is not ready to make a major commitment, so to be fair to LW or as an act of selflessness, he told LW that she could date if she meets someone she really likes... which could be a blow to LW who clearly is very into SW because it could signal he does not want her badly enough or is not completely confident he is the right guy for her. @moonee - maybe like you suggested, it was as simple as he could not spend enough time with her as she had traveled all the way accommodate his schedule during the height of fashion weeks (she sure made sacrifices...)  

Both LW and SW have grown on me tremendously because of their personalities.  I also remain optimistic and hope they could ignore the outside noises and figure out what they want. Rooting for our couple!

All excellent points, but I doubt Siwon isn't ready for a major commitment. Remember the dinner with the father? No acting there, and when Siwon brought up the idea of getting engaged or something, I believed him. In fact, everything we saw on the show indicates Siwon is the type to move fast; Liu Wen is the exact opposite. I think he's trying to accommodate her now that he knows what sort of relationship suits her, but maybe he wants a major commitment from her before he enlists? I feel totally differently from you - he may want a very strong commitment from her before the enlistment, maybe even an engagement, so that he'll have a guarantee she won't look elsewhere while they're separated for two years.

Meanwhile, Liu Wen still wants to see how it goes and is testing the guy out with her slow and steady approach...Siwon gets a bit tired of that and hence we get the "I'm single" remark. Again, all these are completely uninformed reads by us, but mine would explain why I couldn't help feeling that Liu Wen had cooled off recently. If the reunion in Seoul was less than perfect, it could've been due simply to the fact that Siwon didn't have much time for the girlfriend because of his insane schedule.  

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@silvergrey I agree. Rather, I would be really concerned if she is unaffected by the looming enlistment date because regardless of how committed they are to the relationship, it is undeniable that they will have a lot less access to each other after he enlists. The terribly hollow feeling of missing each other should definitely be kicking in right now... and will only grow worse as the date draws nearer. 

Suddenly I am reminded of his question to her in Ep10 when they reunited in Guam:

S: 你想我吗?Do you miss me?
L: 每天都想 I miss you every day

This was at a time when they undoubtedly kept in touch regularly during the time they were apart. While there is a flirtatious tone in the banter, I believe that this is very much a true expression of how she felt... that she misses him, despite the fact that they are in regular contact. How much more after he enlists? Which is why I love how he comforts her through scripture... that the hardships and sadness will pass and they will see happiness at the end of it.

Looking at his recording studio post at 2AM KST this morning brings home to me once more just how insanely overworked he is... and I truly feel so sorry for him. Assuming the drama finishes Nov 5th, I hope that in the time after that before his enlistment, he gets to properly rest  and they are able to spend quality time with each other, reaffirm and strengthen their relationship. And that she manages to sneak in to Seoul over the 2-year period away from the public eye as often as they can meet up. Like her, I hope that their love will be 随缘, and that 缘分 destiny will bring these two beautiful people together despite the storms and hardships now, with the symbolical 姻缘红线 red string of fate.

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv:  I can totally go down with that line of thinking, as a matter of fact, all his IG posts supported this and we know the Siwon is more blunt and  expressive than Liu Wen. Between the above 2 scenarios, I think this is more likely. Then my only question about this scenario is that she had always expressed she would see things through, and go one-way all the way, then why would she have a change of tune... was she not sure, all of a sudden, because she was under pressure to make a commitment (some sort of cold feet?), so far as to say she would go accordance with fate?  

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@liddi - I admire your tolerance of uncertainty and positive thinking!  That is what we need right now. Sometimes, it is a fruitless exercise trying to make sense of things when we only have a small fraction of the info, available (like what I have been doing :-)) , Sometime just believing is probably the best course of action. 

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@Kculturefun Actually I don't quite see it as a change of tune from Liu Wen's perspective...

One-way is her mindset, that she would resolutely walk all the way to the end and see it through. I believe that is still true today.

随缘 is her hope that her love is not coerced... that her commitment and perseverance is not going against what is meant to be. In other words, she hopes that her love will bear fruit and see blessings and happiness for both of them. This mindset is likely because of all they have gone through, compounded by the dread of what is coming, the diminishing time with which they are able to spend together.

Which is why I love Siwon's response with scripture. Because, just as he is comforting her, it tells me too that they are telling each other, trusting each other with their innermost insecurities and fears instead of keeping it to themselves. And communication and trust is key to making any relationship work.

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv:  I can totally go down with that line of thinking, as a matter of fact, all his IG posts supported this and we know the Siwon is more blunt and  expressive than Liu Wen. Between the above 2 scenarios, I think this is more likely. Then my only question about this scenario is that she had always expressed she would see things through, and go one-way all the way, then why would she have a change of tune... was she not sure, all of a sudden, because she was under pressure to make a commitment (some sort of cold feet?), so far as to say she would go accordance with fate?  

Well, I can only be oblique about it because I was sent an article via PM and it is kind of tabloid-y, but suffice to say that Liu Wen's parents may have more input into how she handles the relationship than we would've thought. Remember that long vacation she had with them in some mountains in China while Siwon was also in the country at the time on his press tour? What do you suppose would've been the number one topic of discussion amongst the Lius? I'd imagine that, flush from the romantic high of finishing the show, Liu Wen would've been cautioned by her parents to be realistic and take it slow to test the seriousness of Siwon's commitment to her. I hear that good Confucian daughters always listen to their parents' instruction, and anyway, this has always been Liu Wen's main issue of contention with Siwon: his seriousness on important matters. He knows it too, which is why he just had to ask that question on the basketball court.

So, now we know why Liu Wen is being very realistic, very mature about the whole affair whereas I feel that Siwon is perhaps more Hollywood-like in his approach which makes perfect sense considering his background and career. You know, this girl is a real doll, she checks all the boxes, my whole family loves her...why not tell the whole world...why not get engaged...heck, why not get married right now?! Well, if Liu Wen is approaching the relationship from a totally different standpoint, what do you suppose will happen when it comes into conflict with Siwon's? "I'M SINGLE", that's what! :P 

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Guest deepblue_1

Cr: @包公子姐儿/weibo 


LW was seen doing a photoshoot in Shanghai (around the Bund) this morning. The air quality here has been pretty poor the past few days (PM2.5 130-200) and I've been coughing cos of it:angry:. Temp difference between day and night's about 10degC. Unfortunately my working hours do not permit me to go LW-spotting.:tears:

You know, regarding SW's enlistment, I don't think it will make much difference in their relationship. Unlike the typical couple residing in the same area where entering the army can break a relationship (cos someone finds the "distance" unbearable, lack of physical assurance, etc), their's has been a LDR from the very beginning (if they truly are together that is), after enlisting, it still remains a LDR. As a conscripted policeman, his working hours are pretty standard, has to stay in dorm, has scheduled off-days, has daily access to mobile phones and internet. He just won't be able to leave the country for 2 years, meaning that LW will have to find time to visit him during his off-days. So, what difference does it make between now and the next 2 years? Not like they communicate with each other through us or the media. Fans will miss him much more terribly because we won't see him on-screen for that period of time, or will he be using his SNS often. For them, there's always wechat & facetime. Any difference? No. 

As a member of the LDR community (mine's almost 2 years already), yes there'll be a lot of insecurities, a lot of fear about the unknown future, but as long as the hearts are connected, you'll survive. Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. If a LDR cannot succeed, it's because there is a lack of faith, trust, determination, and love.

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@deepblue_1 Well said. The crux of any relationship, especially one that's LDR, is commitment and trust. I've mentioned this before, but it''s pretty interesting how so many of us on the thread, myself included, have been or are in a LDR, so in that sense, we know what it's like, what it takes, and how it can work despite lack of physical proximity. However, I don't think that the question now is whether these two can survive the separation, but more her expression of dread about the future, and missing each other even more. It is one thing to be able to just adjust one's time and contact each other, regardless of timezone but it's another altogether when there is a period of total blackout during the training, followed by specific times that they can contact/see each other. It is a challenge... not insurmountable but definitely a challenge nonetheless. Still, I am hopeful that with commitment and faith, they can and will weather the storms.

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Guest deepblue_1


简单遇见,如果不能在上海派对遇见,一定可以在网店遇见 @stradivarius #theeventpaper

A simple meeting, if we can't meet at the party in Shanghai, we can always meet at the online shop @stradivarius #theeventpaper


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简单遇见,如果不能在上海派对遇见,一定可以在网店遇见 @stradivarius #theeventpaper

A simple meeting, if we can't meet at the party in Shanghai, we can always meet at the online shop @stradivarius #theeventpaper

A simple compromise, if we can't meet in person in Seoul, Beijing, NY, Shanghai, London, Paris, Hong Kong  .... we can always meet online @wechat @skype @facetime  #theldrgameplan  :D

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A simple compromise, if we can't meet in person in Seoul, Beijing, NY, Shanghai, London, Paris, Hong Kong  .... we can always meet online @wechat @skype @facetime  #theldrgameplan  :D

Awesome @silvergrey! You just decoded her secret message using the WonWen cryptex :w00t: :phew: Now, does anyone know what their Skype/Wechat/Facetime accounts are? :D 

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