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[Drama 2015] Masked Prosecutor 복면검사 - Thank You For Watching!!!


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강현웅 cast 엄기준30세. 서울 중앙지검 검사
검사들 중에서도 실세들의 모임인 정검회의 핵심 멤버. 

그리고 대철의 아버지를 배신했던 강중호, 임지숙의 아들이자, 

대철의 반쪽 동생이다. 단 한 번의 꺾임 없이 세상의 중심에 서고, 

어려움 없이 출세의 고속가도를 달려온 탓에 강한 자의 논리 뼈 속 깊이 심어져 있다. 

그런 그를 잠시나마 녹여주는 여자가 바로 민희다. 

And for Prosecutor Gang. 

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I cringe everytime I see JSW wearing the mask because it's so cheesy looking. I wish the mask was less cheesy looking and used darker colors. I'd love to see how JSW and KSA will pair together though. I think they'll make a great pairing.

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Mercenary prosecutor by day, masked avenger by night

by girlfriday



I’m split on the new posters for Masked Prosecutor — one of them is cute and sassy, while the other is generic and boring and makes Joo Sang-wook look like a doctor. Since you’re embracing the silly comedy, you could put him in his crazy vigilante Nacho Libre mask, but instead you choose that?

At least the one where Kim Sun-ah has him in a headlock is cute. The tagline reads, “You’re the Mask, aren’t you?” while the group poster says: “Let’s not go by the law because it makes me angry!” And the stills feature young actors Noh Young-hak(Jingbirok), Joo Da-young (Age of Feeling), and Choi Sang-min (Superdaddy Yeol) playing the leads in their youth.

In the latest teaser, Joo Sang-wook reveals his shamelessly mercenary cover persona by day: a prosecutor whose only concern when encountering a murder is how high-profile it’ll be and how it’ll further his career. He even sucks up to corrupt prosecutor Eom Ki-joonto get ahead.

More here: http://www.dramabeans.com/2015/05/mercenary-prosecutor-by-day-masked-avenger-by-night/

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Kim Sun Ah comically strangles Joo Sang Wook in posters for upcoming drama 'Masked Prosecutor'


Two promotional posters for the upcoming KBS drama 'Masked Prosecutor' have been released! 


One poster shows the five main characters, Joo Sang Wook, Kim Sun Ah, Jeon Kwang Ryul, Uhm Ki Joon, and Hwang Sun Hee chicly posing. The tagline reads, "Let's not go by the law. Because that makes me furious." The other poster takes a 180 degree turn as Kim Sun Ah strangles Joo Sang Wook's neck with the tagline, "You're the mask, aren't you?"


In the drama, Joo Sang Wook's character is a prosecutor by day and a masked man by night who punishes the people who managed to evade the law. Kim Sun Ah's character is a detective for the violent crime division.


SEE ALSO: [Drama Review] 'The Girl Who Can See Smells' - Episode 14


The drama airs on May 20.

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Kim Sun Ah And Joo Sang Wook Are Finally Back


[by Sora Ghim] Upcoming KBS 2TV drama ‘The Man in the Mask‘ has released its teaser.

Waiting for its first episode to air on May 20, the new Wednesday-Thursday drama will star Kim Sun Ah and Joo Sang Wook as the leads.

First, Joo Sang Wook captivates with his unexpected charm. Full of charisma as a prosecutor, Joo Sang Wook has a hidden side. Taking out his prosecutor badge to a café employee, he foreshadows a dangerous situation. However, he gives a bright smile and says, “Police employee discount,” displaying a sly, refreshing side to him.

Kim Sun Ah shows a confident walk and coolly pulls out a gun, depicting the charm of a female detective. She says the line, “A tough detective is not the only one who catches criminals” and shows a delicate investigation as emotional detective, Yoo Min Hee.

Lastly, a masked man appears, leaving a strong impact on viewers. “Justice is dead. Now is the time for me to get involved,” is narrated in Joo Sang Wook’s voice. The back of the masked man is seen, raising anticipation for ‘The Man in the Mask.’

The teaser shows the charms of the characters which are enhanced with the refreshing music and amusing clips. Joo Sang Wook and Kim Sun Ah captivated viewers in the preview and is becoming a hot topic.

Meanwhile, ‘The Man in the Mask’ will start airing on May 20 after ‘Unkind Ladies’ ends. (photo by KBS 2TV ‘The Man in the Mask‘ teaser capture)

Contact: news@bntnews.co.uk


** Nice article ..love how they put so much interest in this two lead actors JOO SANG WOOK n KIM SUN AH :lol: ...   4 days to goooooooo!! Craziness overload!! ha ha

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Guest Yurichin

So many things happen in the k-drama world right now...I hope everything's okay.....(I've got goosebumps now)

Thank you so much chingus for the updates...all makes my day...counting days now...so excited 1000x...press-con held in monday...can't wait to see it (can we see it at the time? will it broadcast at the time, have no clue)

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Masked Prosecutor Unveils Serviceable Drama Posters Along with Joo Sang Wook in and Out of the Mask

Posted on May 16, 2015 by ockoala


The promotions for upcoming KBS Wed-Thurs drama Masked Prosecutor feel so lackadaisical, like the person doing the job goes home everyday at noon. The drama is premiering next week but the network hasn’t really packaged it that well, with a sense of building flow and rolling energy. Instead there are random stills and two perfunctory trailers about a cop, a prosecutor, and a glimpse at the mask. With that said, maybe the mask will bring in the viewers curious to see how male lead Joo Sang Wook pulls it off without busting a gut.

The production released an official still of Joo Sang Wook in his masked prosecutor incarnation, looking exactly the same suited look from the neck down but blindingly distracting with one very red wrestling mask covering his entire face. I think the lack of hair is my biggest gripe, it’s such a waste of smexy Joo Sang Wook to give him a red egg for a noggin every time he’s undercover as the vigilante. I’m trying to stare at the mask often from now until the drama premiere so that I can get used to it, maybe in a week I’ll be so immune to the look I can just concentrate on the story line.



Do you guys like the two official drama posters? The OTP one with Kim Sun Ah putting Joo Sang Wook in a headlock is the more interesting of the two, especially with his shadow being the masked prosecutor. But overall it’s pretty perfunctory with so much untapped potential to really think outside the box in showcasing this drama. Oh wells, onward to waiting for the long preview.




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Guest atiyam

Here is the deal guys. I am ready to support my favorite actress Kim Star 100%. I am also here to support the Handsome  Joo SAng Wook. Is the mask they decided on unusual??? Yes it is, but will it stop us from watching???NO!! we have to believe that our favorite actors know how to pick a decent script and that the writers won't let this phenomenal cast down. I am wondering how many times Koala's blog will talk about the hatred of the mask chosen.I get it but what can WE do about it at this point??? We can hope that they made a thoughtful decision and we can hold out judgement until the first few episodes run. The promotions might have also been set back considering they lost a major player (OJW) after all promotions had been done....Money down the drain for the production team. I think as fans of the actors we should keep the atmosphere positive.  If we don't believe i the drama than who will. I am ready to go down with the ship!!! What about you guys??? ALL ABOARD:w00t:

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Guest Yurichin

So...it's really like zorro...^_^ from the pictures (thank you @kbleon  more please, can we??? :D)

can I make a short assumption from the pictures, maybe some chingus here has guessing already, this is for sure isn't even 20% accurate ^_^ no wonder PHG only make a small appearance here...believe me he's got new project in following this drama :lol::lol: what a marathon job:lol::lol::lol:

HDC just graduate from an elite university, unfortunately in a certain accident his father loses his life in action and HDC in charge for the investigation and later he found out his father little secret, he believes that his father has been murdered, he promise he'll find the murderer till the end of the world,  he thinks that to lured the murderer out is to convinced that the mask man is back to life...practically unofficially HDC become his father successor after his death? though maybe he needs process and time for that...

As a prosecutor he handled case by case that somehow led a slight hint of his father death, also led him to encounter and works together with his source of inspiration to be a prosecutor the now female chief at Gangnam police station YMH, but he has certain reason to not act as his real self, instead he shows  a sly, snobbish and sugar coating persona, which is even in the courts issue they were in the same boat to solve and investigate, but somehow they never had a good deal in a light talking on how a prosecutor handle the case, then the bickering game just begun...met new bad guys, murder cases and cases when the law can be manipulated and money talks and on and on...let's put our fantasies together here...... ^_^^_^

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Guest Yurichin

[HanCinema's Drama Preview] "Masked Prosecutor"




It is no secret that Korean drama favors the melodramatic over the cheerful and that stories outside a certain premise pool do not often end up well. However, hope is a strong emotion and whenever a show comes along that looks fun and upbeat, many begin the same circle of excitement and trepidation. "Masked Prosecutor" could go very wrong in many ways, but it might also inject some much needed lightness into the medium.


Ha Dae-cheol (Joo Sang-wook) is a seemingly self-centered prosecutor whose only concern is how he can advance his career. Yoo Min-hee (Kim Seon-ah) is a righteous homicide detective whose values for rules and order clash with Dae-cheol's easy-going exterior. However, Dae-cheol has a secret. At nights, he uses a mask to hide his identity and pursue criminals outside the confines of the law.

The Worrying

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Campy or Embarrassing

The teasers and especially the luchador (Mexican wrestler) mask have taken many by surprise and for good reason. Dramas are usually about presenting a cool and handsome male lead and things which might harm that appeal are minimized. Putting an attractive man and his fine suit in a sparkly wrestling mask does cause some cognitive dissonance, but it also shows a work which is not afraid to be silly. However, not taking oneself seriously is when something becomes fun. If the series crosses that line, it will just feel ridiculous.


The cast for this show is well liked and Kim Seon-ah is probably very missed by drama fans, but at the same time, "Warm and Cozy" and "Mask" have their creators and genre going for them. The former is a more straightforward romantic comedy by beloved writers, the latter a dark work that audiences would probably like domestically. "Masked Prosecutor" appears to offer crime and romantic comedy at the moment, but is more of a hard sell in premise.

The Reassuring

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Upbeat Promos

Dramas have a habit, especially in the last few years, to stifle any comedy or light fun with dramatic turns and a dark shift in tone. This is a big worry for such a show, especially given it is a crime one where revenge will play a big part. However, assuming it will manage to maintain its current style, it looks like something which might take a less dreary approach to its topics. If a team is bold enough to create a funny superhero, it might just manage to resist the norm.

Cast and Crew

The cast is solid and they can handle both comedy and drama, which is good for any show and given the unpredictability in the outcome of such lighter efforts. At the same time, writer Choi Jin-won has shown skill in revenge and crime stories, both more serious and comedic. With works like "Big Man" and 'The Apprehenders' in his filmography, it is safe to be at least a little bit hopeful. Kim Yong-soo-I, the second production director has also worked in some impressive shows.

Final Thoughts

The more something differs from the usual, the harder it is to predict how it will turn out. "Masked Prosecutor" has the opportunity to bring some laughter and an uplifting story of justice to viewers. At the same time, the past has shown that most shows which try to be quirky and fun do not do well and/or are thrown back into the melodramatic pit of drama standards. Hopefully, the production can handle or is prepared for both possibilities and can still create an entertaining show regardless.

"Masked Prosecutor" begins its run on May 20th and will air every Wednesday and Thursday at 22:00, on KBS2.

Written by: Orion from 'Orion's Ramblings'

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