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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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@awsparkle - nice to see you on the thread.  Agree with you. Choi is now becoming desperate. He is hoping beyond hope that Eun-dong will not  leave him. I hate to disappoint him but I think that ship has now sailed.

Welcome aboard @awesparkle and @dimples21, Whom I also didn't notice was in this thread..

Dimples how could she even think to stay with him even if it's for RA II sake she can't because the lie effects him also it's no way they can say they did this for her sake.. So in my opinion that ship has sunk..  

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woah! i guess i need to file a leave to be able to catch-up with your interesting posts especially from @seungshinl @valsava and @jadecloud

watching episode 10, my assumption that ED and JH have never slept together have been proven right.  now, i'm interested to find out whether ED and JH did really get married. 'coz no matter how i think of it, chances are slim.  HS and ED were dating before the accident so it's not possible that they get married during that time.  it's not also possible after the accident because as far as i remember, in one of the episodes,  ED's adoptive mother told her that she and JH were so in love that they get married after high school. that is if my recollection is correct.  on a second thought, it's also possible that they got married after the accident since her adoptive parents made her to believe that JH is her first love and that they were planning already to get married before the accident happened.  hence, they have to push it through.  and on a third note (LOL), no marriage have really happened unless they (the adoptive parents and JH) produced a fake marriage contract just to show to ED that they're really husband and wife.  

hahahah! i'm getting crazy because this has been bugging me this past 2 weeks.


This is also something that is bugging me: the marriage - fake or not fake (without registration).

First things first: even if it isn't fake, it isn't morally or legally true, because surrelly it happeded under false pretenses, then in this case it isn't also legal.

There is only one possibility: the "marriage" took place after the accident.

As the scenes from the ep 10 clearly showed, the accident happened the very day that EH saw ED for the last time. And we know that then she wasn't JH girlfriend, let alone wife.

If the "marriage" happened after the accident, how could they peform that? For, as you remembered, her stepmom said they married soon after highschool graduation. If I'm not wrong, ED would be 19 yo (korean logic) by then, and as the accident happened when she was 23 yo, they would be married for 4 years already. Fact important: they would be married in US.

If they were married before the accident, how explain the need to marry again? To me the only way they could do it will be to say to her that JH wish register their marriage in Korea. If they were married in US, the marriage wouldn't be registered in Korea.

But, in any case, new marriage or registration in Korea, that would not be legal: false pretenses. Really easy to annul it, particularly because the marriage wasn't/isn't consumated.

One thing I would like to know: for ED, where the accident happened? Korea or US?


@ninaanin,  Another thing brings to mind about this marriage business when ED was flashing back to her memories and realizing she was Ed she even saw  flashes of someone dragging her away I don't know if she have put the face to that person and she even remembering the accident still hasn't put a face to the driver but in those flasbacks she never saw herself nor did we see her in a wedding dress or even a wedding picture nor any photos of her and JH which tells me they was never married and Choi and adopted dad will have to come up with another elaborate plan to get her to the registration office to signed or seal the deal.. Which old ED is back and hopefully she's mad as Hell and not signing jack..     

I do remember that in ep 3 or 4 ED asked her step mother why there weren't any pics/books/things from her college time, etc. If I'm not mistaken, mom said they had sent it to US and the company lost it. This is how they explain the fact she hasn't any pic or object from before the accident.

They are really mean, right?

@ninaanin,  I like to see ED ask her that question again and see if she gets the same answer and if she do I would like to ED to ask her which company did they use I betcha ya 10 to 1 she couldn't roll that company name off her tongue.. I find this beyond mean..


The biggest issue here is Ra Il. JH is a shitty husband but he is a great dad and Ra Il loves him. Eun Ho deserves to raise his son but is that worth Ra Il being torn away from the only dad he has known - a guy he clearly worships?

@dingax,  This isn't what I call being a great dad to RA II.. Ra II has always been a tool to hold them together so I don;t call that love when you uses a person and especially someone else's child Choi and adopted dad needs severe punishment for this because they are all wrong on so many different levels..



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@awsparkle - nice to see you on the thread.  Agree with you. Choi is now becoming desperate. He is hoping beyond hope that Eun-dong will not  leave him. I hate to disappoint him but I think that ship has now sailed.

Welcome aboard @awesparkle and @dimples21, Whom I also didn't notice was in this thread..

Dimples how could she even think to stay with him even if it's for RA II sake she can't because the lie effects him also it's no way they can say they did this for her sake.. So in my opinion that ship has sunk..  

@valsava - thanks for the welcome. You are right she cannot stay with him but he is the only father her son knows and she will feel guilty about making him unhappy. Remember when she visited the school and they told her he was not adjusting well, can you  imagine how he is going to take  this. From a child perspective, he only sees his dad through rose color glass as a superhero, always there for him, loving and protecting him even though he was  a richard simmons bag to his mom (ED) .

We all  know that RA is going to be ED's  achilles, even when she realized that his real dad is her one and only love.  It will heart breaking. I don't even want to imagine how EH will react upon hearing this news. If we thought his epic speech was amazing , just picture in your minds what he is thinking of doing to Choi and ED's adoptive parents.

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@baloi,  No matter how you address this subject your cray is logic and has beauty in it but it all boils down to the fact that they aren't legally married.. If they married after the accident in her condition wouldn't hold up as being valid because she wasn't in her right frame of mind and if it was right out of high school that is the biggest lie they told because I have to think at some point ED was trying to remember and feel him at that time, and just couldn't pick that vibe up from Choi and started to question is he really her first love which leads me to believe this is another reason they was sent to the states because here we do recognize common law marriage.. But again I don't think the adoptive parents or JH really thought about it.. Here in the states we also do practice the sound body and mind law marriage still not valid even if it's common law.. JH wanted the to have that love ED had for PHS and wanted to think she could think of him as PHS and she would shower him with all that love but in the 10 yrs of marriage he just couldn't get that from her this was another reason he agreed to do this show was to spite EH because he knows EH don't know all the facts of what they did so add salt to his wound go public announce to the world that ED is his wife and if EH tried anything he would damage his reputation because it was made known for all to know because he's afraid that the marriage fraud will become uncovered so stop it now before that happens.. I like to think HA will question the validation of they marriage after she finds out about RA II parentage..            

thank you so much @valsava.  that was insightful.  it's my first time to hear that common law marriage that i have to google it. heheh!  so there's such a thing wherein marriage is considered legal without having it registered as a civil or religious marriage.  but i guess it's not being practice in Korea. hence, they're still not married under korean law.  

"JH wanted the to have that love ED had for PHS and wanted to think she could think of him as PHS and she would shower him with all that love but in the 10 yrs of marriage he just couldn't get that from her this was another reason he agreed to do this show was to spite EH because he knows EH don't know all the facts of what they did so add salt to his wound go public announce to the world that ED is his wife and if EH tried anything he would damage his reputation because it was made known for all to know because he's afraid that the marriage fraud will become uncovered so stop it now before that happens..."     YES, YOU ARE RIGHT.  THAT WAS JH's MOTIVE BUT  I'M GLAD HS/EH  COUNTER ATTACK HIM WITH AN AWESOME  SPEECH.  HE STILL A LOSER AFTER ALL. HAHAH! 

that was a wrong move from JH, to tell HA that he needs a child from ED to keep her.  that opens the pandora box. and so he still doesn't know that HA is EH's sister.   


@baloi,  Yes I had said once before that JH would open up Pandora's box.. Jh is and evil genius his plan is brilliant as of now Aunt has secretly done a DNA test on the boy without the parents knowledge and now just dug herself deep in evil JH plan because now she can't tell anyone not even her parents that the baby is her brothers JH planned all this perfect to keep hold of ED by using RA II some say he loves the boy I say that's BS.. Only way she could get away with doing the DNA test is that ED ask her to do it but it will still show conflict of interest knowing the relationship of all parties.. But this it what I figured out about Choi just from re-watching episode 2.. 

This what I wrote about Choi knowing all about PHS and PHA.. (The highlighted red is all you need to read)

@jadecloud,  Hi,  I have come to the conclusion after re-watching episode 2.. The accident happen the same day JH dragged ED away from the park.. You could see him watching them and he saw PHS showering ED with kisses all over her face and she wasn't stopping him and allowing him to show his emotion for her in public set him over the edge because EH showed the expression of love for this man also in public ad wasn't hiding there love from no one..  Which brings me to this point JH had been watching them for quit a while I think he may even followed PHS home and seen he had a sister and may have thought to hurt his sister because of PHS and ED and check up on her to see just what was her life like was PHS two timing on ED and found out she works at at a hospital and what she do there and they have the same last name and she has and older brother and she likes a patient in the hospital.. Now this changes his mind about her because he knew he couldn't get any where with her..  Back to the 1995 the time of the accident JH and ED was in the same hospital as PHS sister works in, was in and to hurry to keep PHS from or any other of her classmates from finding out about ED condition that could possibly tell PHS of ED whereabouts he cook up this elaborate plan I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't change hospitals because with her memory loss I bet she didn't even know her name or adoptive name this why it was so easy to give her this new life with him playing the role of PHS but using his real name CJH and she will take care of CJH all in the love for PHS.. (these dirty suckers makes me want to shoot them the more I think on this stuff)  Now to the current tie 2015.. They back in Korea Choi picks EH sister to be his doctor because of the conflict of interest his sister could fall into unbeknownst to her is the perfect trap but he didn't factor one par in this whole equation is that PHS is filthy rich and can take care of his whole family including ED and his son..  I have to ask what patient openly tell his DR about his marital problems with his wife she's not a shrink just look at how he got dress up to go and confide in her about her brother yes he knew they were brother and sister so just with this factor alone we could rule this out that he didn't know because he did  Choi is a manipulative coward and a jerk that knows when it comes to ED he's a loser with or without her I bet you he try to sue EH or HA..   


This is the mind of a sick twisted person in which I think he's capable of fully walking and riding around in that wheelchair to cover it up and try and kill PHS because of his obsession for having what don't belongs to him..  But even we do have common law marriage here in the states they marriage still would be valid because she not in her frame of mind when they were living together.. They took her out of her surrounding and put her with him the only person she knows trying to create a life for them based on her memory loss and a lie.. If I was ED I would find out if I could sue them SMH   

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@seungshinl,  The 4th still from the top is ED dress giving us a suggestion.. LOL  I just love how it's raised up is that the green light for PHS ..  The sly fox she's had the poor man on hold all these years don't tease don't tease..

Can I reiterate how impressed I am that my fellow Soompiers are so observant and watch in slow motion? Thank god the show is on a cable channel because we might see less of that dress next week!

@valsava, @seungshinl and @jadecloud, you all really inspire this forum newbie. - Deep bow -

Honestly I did not notice that either until it was pointed out, so busy was I concentrating on what their heads are doing !  Ha !

LOL. Me too. I really gotta hand it to chingu @valsava Now that I take another closer look at it, it really is raised! Is that the simple attention to detail this production team is so good at? Banging (pardon the pun here) home the reference of Eun Dong as a '900 tail fox'? LOL. Bravo!


I  have just finished doing a marathon of the series and I still can't find the scene where 20s ED and HS are eating dinner together and playing footsies underneath the table. SOMEONE HELP.   :phew:

I don't know if this has been answered already, but it's at 49:28 to 49:30 of EP 10 (The letter reading flashback).  It's so brief if you blink you will miss it:

I remember that scene was shown earlier...finally found it!:P

It was also shown in one of the teasers. Hmm...thus far, don't you think 20s Eun Dong was the most foxy, while 10s and 30s are seemingly pure and innocent? I really want to be surprised by 30s Eun Dong. Let's see if that kiss scene will bring us more surprises. Also, most of us are thinking (thanks or no thanks to inferences by writernim) that Eun Dong was the fox. I hope to be surprised with some scenes showing Hyeon Soo as the predator wolf.:blink:



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IF EH finds out that RI is his son, there is NO way the kid stays with crazy Choi hubby unless EH goes to jail for the attempted murder of a disabled defensless person.  Now that would be a celeb scandal. 

Now if he does not find out...  Writernim... Writernim...

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If he truly loves the boy he would come clean and tell the child he is not his father but that he loved him. That he still wants to be a part of his life, more importantly tell the boy he needs to be apart of his real fathers life. Ask for forgiveness. That would be real love.

What I have seen from him is not love. I see guilt whenever Eun Dong says he'll grow up to be like his father. I see Choi Jae Ho using the boy as chains to hold Eun Dong. I see him playing the role of father, like Eun Dong's adoptive father played. 




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You know the preview for ep 11/12. ED dress-shirt when she was kissing HS in the rain was white. AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA it would be epic if the camera has a shot of HS face who is glancing at her dress clinging to her body and the rain droplets slowly gliding down her alabaster skin. After that he scoops ED into his arms and ED wraps her arms around his neck and snuggles into the spot between the neck and the shoulder. Then he goes to the room and lies her down in the middle of the bed and gives her the look ;) and then hovers over her and slowly undo the buttons and then the camera would pan slowly to his face, his eyes filled with desire and his lips parted with desire. And then the camera would pan to ED whose also has a similar expression. Then HS would slowly part her dress and kiss her gently from her shoulder giving  her a trail of kisses from there to her neck to her cheeks to the corner of her lips and finally her lips. BLESS they can just black out there and show us the morning scene with those two snuggling together and HS waking up with a smile to his lips and snuggling closer to ED. AHAHAHHAA just give us some LURRRVEE SCENES!


OMG you are the best chingu-ahhhhhhhhh! Can I add one more line or two...just like in The Notebook...hehe

Eun Dong is awake first. She looks at Hyeon Soo, with loving eyes and a lump in her throat. Her heart trembles again, and she goes....

"Oppa, you are so good! What have I been missing? Let's go for round 2!"

And Eun Dong pounced on Hyeon Soo, whose desire likewise, could not be contained. And they, once again, surrendered to their lustful passion, and are lost in a world of their own. One that's a decade late! :phew:

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@luv2skulz - Agree with you 100%. I am also laughing:D:D and yes I know it's evil but I can just picture EH going totally postal and not think about the consequences until after. EH will be thinking and saying not until did you steal my one and only love ED, you also had the audacity to keep my son as yours, oh no you must suffer or  die a very excruciating way. Whatever you can imagine, just add tenfolds to it.:):D

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@seungshinl,  The 4th still from the top is ED dress giving us a suggestion.. LOL  I just love how it's raised up is that the green light for PHS ..  The sly fox she's had the poor man on hold all these years don't tease don't tease..

Can I reiterate how impressed I am that my fellow Soompiers are so observant and watch in slow motion? Thank god the show is on a cable channel because we might see less of that dress next week!

@valsava, @seungshinl and @jadecloud, you all really inspire this forum newbie. - Deep bow -

Honestly I did not notice that either until it was pointed out, so busy was I concentrating on what their heads are doing !  Ha !


LOL. Me too. I really gotta hand it to chingu @valsava Now that I take another closer look at it, it really is raised! Is that the simple attention to detail this production team is so good at? Banging (pardon the pun here) home the reference of Eun Dong as a '900 tail fox'? LOL. Bravo!


I  have just finished doing a marathon of the series and I still can't find the scene where 20s ED and HS are eating dinner together and playing footsies underneath the table. SOMEONE HELP.   :phew:

I don't know if this has been answered already, but it's at 49:28 to 49:30 of EP 10 (The letter reading flashback).  It's so brief if you blink you will miss it:


I remember that scene was shown earlier...finally found it!:P

It was also shown in one of the teasers. Hmm...thus far, don't you think 20s Eun Dong was the most foxy, while 10s and 30s are seemingly pure and innocent? I really want to be surprised by 30s Eun Dong. Let's see if that kiss scene will bring us more surprises. Also, most of us are thinking (thanks or no thanks to inferences by writernim) that Eun Dong was the fox. I hope to be surprised with some scenes showing Hyeon Soo as the predator wolf.:blink:


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@Jadecloud, Yes the sly fox got that look on her face.. LOL


That shot have to be the best shot for the camera man I can only imagining him grinning from ear to ear taking that scene. You know he had to be praying please don't stop a little higher as her thigh is showing and he's capturing all the right angles.. LOL      



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@vvpal,   LMAO If this would have been a non paid channel the whole scene would have been deleted and to seductive for regular TV so yes we should thank gawd this is cable and we may see a little more action.. I don't think cable TV has went hardcore like american cable TV do if so we would have seem ED and EH undressing in the pouring ran right in the yard as they tearing each others clothes off trying to find the nearest bed    

OMG...chingu-ahhh you ought to start writing your FF. you always crack me up....cos it's so raw and good!:P

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Eundong's adoptive father had no interest in her or her well being. That's very different from JH as a father.

JH isn't a perfect dad and I expect him to use Ra Il to try and keep ED close. I can't guarantee JH would want to keep Ra Il around if Eundong left him. But from what I have seen on the show till now, I think he would still want Ra Il. He seems to love the kid as a separate entity. He spends time with the kid, takes care of him, the kid feels safe around him. Never have I felt he hangs around the kid because he has to. He plays Dad to the kid because he loves to and wants to. To me, that is a good father, imperfect human being as he is.

That doesn't make up for literally stealing someone else's kid and JH deserves to lose Ra Il, however good a father he is. But I can see why when it comes to that point, it is not going to be easy. The kid is only 10 and he is already having a difficult time adjusting to Korean society after being raised in the US. I can see why people around him would be cautious.

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I will choose both choices of  `fated to stay together' as offered by @xXMzSmilesXx - LOL. I will accept nothing less and my love for writer-nim will turn to hate if ED and HS and RA II do not stay together as a family in the end!

Love DG - always on our OTP`s side. Bless him!

EH/HS's Speech - Epic! A forerunner to a happy ending hinted by writer-nim? He will reclaim his place beside ED and to do so, he and ED will fight the world together. CJH will recover, give up what are not his (ED ad RA II), and pursue a career in Base ball. There will be no more waiting.

The most heart-wrenching in episode 10 must be the scene of ED reading HS oppa's love letter and her recovered memories of how much she loved him and pursued (seduced, wink wink) him. When she collapsed from the emotional turbulence - I am sure her heart cramped (as she would say at age 13 to HS), I was with her in tears!

Love, love, love episode 10. And thank you writer-nim/PD-nim for the `rain kiss` in episode 11 preview.

I'm with you chingu. Nothing less than a happy reunion, after all the pain and suffering EH and ED has gone through, and what poor lil RI has been deprived of - a dad so great, who's a Top Star, an aunt who's a Top Notch doc, a cute cousin, and best of all, doting and kind g/parents.

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The writer is painting a word picture with the team name CJH coaches for.

ECLIPSE- one of the meanings is, a loss of power, success, popularity, etc. To make something less important. (Isn't this a description of CJH to ED and HS)

Also can mean, to do or be much better than someone or something. (HS vs  JH)

Meaning EH/HS eclipses JH in every sense of the word.


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Four clips from EP 10 of 'My Love Eun Dong' made it to top 10 most popular clips today on JTBC website though it's changed now.

1. Eun Dong calling 'Hyun Soo' oppa at the end

2. Eun Ho screaming 'Eun Dong-ah'

5. Eun Dong reading the Letter

9. Eun Ho calling Eun Dong to say 'let's take this to the end...until one of us dies.'



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Eundong's adoptive father had no interest in her or her well being. That's very different from JH as a father.

JH isn't a perfect dad and I expect him to use Ra Il to try and keep ED close. I can't guarantee JH would want to keep Ra Il around if Eundong left him. But from what I have seen on the show till now, I think he would still want Ra Il. He seems to love the kid as a separate entity. He spends time with the kid, takes care of him, the kid feels safe around him. Never have I felt he hangs around the kid because he has to. He plays Dad to the kid because he loves to and wants to. To me, that is a good father, imperfect human being as he is.

That doesn't make up for literally stealing someone else's kid and JH deserves to lose Ra Il, however good a father he is. But I can see why when it comes to that point, it is not going to be easy. The kid is only 10 and he is already having a difficult time adjusting to Korean society after being raised in the US. I can see why people around him would be cautious.

@dingax,  First off it is no way EH is going to allow his son to stay around these people even if it supposed to be god for him even if ED decides to stay with JH EH is going to take his son away and I can't blame the man RA II is only 10 he will adjust but this is where the Aunt and her kid will come in and can help also with a child shrink that could help him adjust.. 

Listen up people no matter how good of a dad JH supposed to be Korean are big on the males carrying on they bio dad bloodline family culture and by Ra II being the first make child to the Park family which the Choi family has stolen his family identity no court and any powers that be will keep RA II in the home with JH especially after they found out how all these events took place they may order ED to stay far away from Choi for her own good..     

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The writer is painting a word picture with the team name CJH coaches for.

ECLIPSE- one of the meanings is, a loss of power, success, popularity, etc. To make something less important. (Isn't this a description of CJH to ED and HS)

Also can mean, to do or be much better than someone or something. (HS vs  JH)

Meaning EH/HS eclipses JH in every sense of the word.


Great catch--I thought that too. And Seo Ryeong--doesn't her name sort of sound like "So Wrong" in English? 

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