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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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Hi chingu! I agree with you.  That's what makes MLE so heart-wrenching to watch.  We, the viewers, know exactly how much was taken away from EH and ED.  Their love was deliberately sabotaged and destroyed, their child is being raised by the man who helped perpetrate it and ED is waiting hand and foot on this guy.

It makes you want to puke when you think about it.  They made her go back to college and get another degree when she finished her college education already.  Its mentioned that she had to slave and work extra hard to get her second degree.  I just can't imagine doing that to someone you love.  

ED is going to suffer so much when she realizes the exact extent of the deception of everyone she trusted.  I can't imagine how they are going to explain to a 10 year old boy that the man he thought was his father is actually a deceitful thief who stole his real Dad's life.  No matter how you look at it, Ra Il is going to hurt.

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Hi chingu! I agree with you.  That's what makes MLE so heart-wrenching to watch.  We, the viewers, know exactly how much was taken away from EH and ED.  Their love was deliberately sabotaged and destroyed, their child is being raised by the man who helped perpetrate it and ED is waiting hand and foot on this guy.

It makes you want to puke when you think about it.  They made her go back to college and get another degree when she finished her college education already.  Its mentioned that she had to slave and work extra hard to get her second degree.  I just can't imagine doing that to someone you love.  

ED is going to suffer so much when she realizes the exact extent of the deception of everyone she trusted.  I can't imagine how they are going to explain to a 10 year old boy that the man he thought was his father is actually a deceitful thief who stole his real Dad's life.  No matter how you look at it, Ra Il is going to hurt.

@klgirl,  Adopted dad and JH didn't care about the depth of hurt they will put on the three all they thought about was themselves it's no way JH can claim he did this because he loved RA II no that' not it I think he did it to get back at EH and ED because she flat out refused him so this is sort of his payback and keep RA II because EH slept with the woman he was so madly in love with while she was in love with someone else.. JH did this out of spite and this pres conference is out of spite..  Marrying a woman that didn't love you then and don;t love you now.. These people hurt the most important person and that's RA II    

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Hope that writernim makes her pregnant once again XD All we need now is an explotion of passion between them!!

From the written preview, there is no doubt there will be an explosion of passion. Manager DG warned EH "one photo would do you in." The text preview said EH left the set of the actual filming, with the female lead, PD, crew, everything, raining even (get it, rain), after hearing "HyunSoo oppa," (really, did she say oppa twice, wow, too much of a seduction) the only way to choreograph that is the Notebook style legendary kiss, in the rain, no less. I don't think EH's love affair would ruin him at all, and if it does, EH does not care. He wants a nagging wife. As a long-time husband, I can totally see that as a pleasure, a place you can call home. EH and ED are made for each other, HS recognized how pretty ED is when she was only 13, and his recent anguish expressed as, "why is she still so pretty?" Meaning if ED has changed too much he might be able to get over her easier.

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Hope that writernim makes her pregnant once again XD All we need now is an explotion of passion between them!!

From the written preview, there is no doubt there will be an explosion of passion. Manager DG warned EH "one photo would do you in." The text preview said EH left the set of the actual filming, with the female lead, PD, crew, everything, raining even (get it, rain), after hearing "HyunSoo oppa," (really, did she say oppa twice, wow, too much of a seduction) the only way to choreograph that is the Notebook style legendary kiss, in the rain, no less. I don't think EH's love affair would ruin him at all, and if it does, EH does not care. He wants a nagging wife. As a long-time husband, I can totally see that as a pleasure, a place you can call home. EH and ED are made for each other, HS recognized how pretty ED is when she was only 13, and his recent anguish expressed as, "why is she still so pretty?" Meaning if ED has changed too much he might be able to get over her easier.

Yeah and the first film they've watched together is The Notebook so if writernim takes THAT direction, i'll predict a passionate Kiss scene...as long as the actors agree to film one XD

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It looks like SR set up the press event so everyone could see ED is the wife of a man with paralysis so that if she releases the pictures ED and EH will look even worst in the eyes of the public.  JH went along with it.  I think they're both rotten people.

@thegoldbug,   Hi,  SR and JH trying to make EH seems like he's some obsess impulsive crazed man for a married woman and make him out to look morally wrong to the public will open Pandora's box in SR case this man never lead her on nor tried to seduce her always kept there meetings on a friendly bases only and her boy toy will prove she's the one who obsess with a man that don't or never had loved her..


In light of EP 9 the very first line of Cho Seo Ryung's character description (no photo) is chilling:  

It says, "If I can't have him I will rip him into pieces."

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I have to say EH keeps calling for fair play it was never fair to begin with after the accident and even now it's still not fair with these people got RA II and ED believing that he's the father of RA II.. Where is the fair play in that Robbing a man of 10yrs of his child life and his parents not knowing he had a child or giving the opportunity to be a dad to his child where is the fair play in that.. I know Eh had to call ED cell phone over more then 100 times it's no way they can lie and say they couldn't contact him adopted dad stop his contact from finding out what happen or she was pregnant EH has to realize these people are in this for they own selfish gains and they will not play fair never have and never will but him playing fair but I hope hi fair play win him what he want..

SR she pathetic I have to say even i she do get them separated what makes her think EH will be with her she has never thought of that.. 

I think 'fair play' has a different meaning in Korean here from what we 'the English speakers' think.  We think of it as what it means, a 'fair play' a positive and sympathetic meaning is suggested even.

In K-Drama, it's become a Konglish (English words having its own meaning among Koreans even if they say exact same words).

So here it's a word of declaring war.  It's 'game on'.  'I am going to fight'.  'I am going all out'.  I don't know how this Konglish meaning started* but that's how I read what Eun Ho said in EP 10 Preview.

Hyun Soo (in his 20s) said 'it's fair play' when he found out Eun Dong had a boy friend.  At first he said he would wait for her and he would match her timing.  Then he struggled over night in torture and went to see her in her class room the next day.  He said to her something like 'it's a fair play' from now on.  'I'm going to do what I want and you respond the way you feel.  We are going to a movie tonight.  Our first date.  Look pretty.'  He comes out of there a total wreck....so nervous he was to say this. 

So I feel 'it's a fair play' at the end of EP 9 Preview is exactly the same as what he meant in EP 2.  It's game on.  He will fight.  He will not wait anymore, according to the preview of EP 10.

* Just thinking about how this might have started, there is a Korean word 'gong-pyung' which would translate into 'equal measure' so it would mean more like 'equal fight' in this context.  'neck and neck' 'toe to toe' we are equal in this fight.

Someone (Korean) must have translated 'gong-pyung' with 'fair play' in English (they actually use the English words sometimes) which is not accurate but it stuck.  I'm guessing.  But this makes me better understand why Koreans' use 'fair play' in the way they do.  

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Here is EP 10. written preview trans
Eun Ho becomes furious due to Jae Ho's declaration of war.
While trying to clean up/ organize (forget) Eunho, Gayul grandma gives her a call

Does anyone remember/know who this grandma is?  Is this the granny from the Korean language school in Chunchon?  The one who got the letter from Hyun Soo and lost it?

Who is 'Gaul grandma'?

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Guest i.said.hi

Here is EP 10. written preview trans
Eun Ho becomes furious due to Jae Ho's declaration of war.
While trying to clean up/ organize (forget) Eunho, Gayul grandma gives her a call

Does anyone remember/know who this grandma is?  Is this the granny from the Korean language school in Chunchon?  The one who got the letter from Hyun Soo and lost it?

Who is 'Gaul grandma'?

Maybe it's her...maybe she'll give her the LETTER, THAT letter *____*

Yes it is her, and yes... 




... and yes, she does find and give ED the letter. Here is a photo of the scene which Kim Sarang was filming where she is reading the letter. a fan of the actress took the photo. They said that after the filming had ended, Kim Sarang was still crying because she was so immersed in the moment/ character that her stylist had to come over and comfort her


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OMG, thank you all and especially @i.said.hi and @seungshinl for your god's work! I've so many things to say, lol.

- Love how they ended this episode, it looked beautiful.

- That's funny how even Hyunbal is layered but Seryung was written so 1-D, she's the only problem here but like one eundongers in this thread said, good that they're indeed hateful, it makes easier our shipping process.

- Completely agree over the fact Hyunsoo is co-existing in two worlds, his dream and reality and when it strickes back to him, the results are the garden scene (cut to JJM's shaking while saying his lines, who would have put justice to hyunsoo like he's doing right now, truly admirable)

- I completely feel and understand Eundong on this one, she's the one who has all the burden not even HS, in fact at this moment of the show, the female characters start being annoying, but ED stays the same. Kudos to the writer not making her stupid! Finally putting justice to a female character *proud*

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Does anyone remember/know who this grandma is?  Is this the granny from the Korean language school in Chunchon?  The one who got the letter from Hyun Soo and lost it?

Who is 'Gaul grandma'?

Maybe it's her...maybe she'll give her the LETTER, THAT letter *____*

Yes it is her, and yes... 


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OMG I love this writer-nim, who treats us the viewers like intelligent thinking people.  She doesn't drag out any part of the plot line and milk it like other writer-nims.   The poetry book with the photos in it, the hair pin, the converse, in one box.  The ring, in one scene.  ED's best friend finds out about JE being ED in one scene. Voila!  All of this in one episode.

Now the granny's letter coming up.  I love that she doesn't play games with us (is that called trolling? and she doesn't do makjang).   She respects us.  She just tells the story in as beautiful a way possible.

She has to write more stuff.  I never thought I would find someone like her in K-Drama as much as I've built up the tolerance to put up with all the trolling and makjang making !  Thank you very gamsa-da jinjja.

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June 26,2015   Friday afternoon.

Well, I didn't hear my alarm. But thanks to all of you in the forum for pictures, videos, etc., & @seungshinl's mostly "word-for-word" dialogue  copy, I'm caught up and prepared to watch the subbed video ASAP.

One question, besides any record of the marriage   (& lacking any wedding pictures at all  ---how do they explain that?), what is the child's full name? Did I ever hear it in the drama?    He must have his birth registered someplace in order to start school.  

EDIT:... @seungshinl, you are so right about the image of @vvpal on the train in Taiwan watching MLED, irritated by the "choppy"  reception, while drinking that awful tasting goat milk.       :rolleyes:     Perfect subject for Fan Artists --- I've seen such beautiful examples online in different places!

 Really a faithful picture of the lengths and depths of devotion of MLED fans around the world.  Wish I were an artist!  I can see that scene illustrated in B& W pencil drawings, maybe a strip /story-board thing --- same scene, different countries?  One large, more detailed study of a single fan, same situation?  Could have serious or humorous  look at the same subject, each would work! I could go on and on --- but I can not draw!   :(

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June 26,2015   Friday afternoon.

One question, besides any record of the marriage   (& lacking any wedding pictures at all  ---how do they explain that?), what is the child's full name? Did I ever hear it in the drama?    He must have his birth registered someplace in order to start school.  

Dear @mdj101 - you are such an intellectual and wanted all the facts. I have decided not to worry about all the details that is possibly missing from this drama, especially the USA information. I want to think of this drama as being perfect and I want to live in HS and ED's perfect world, like those dogs in heaven of the story book. There were times I must admit I wanted to explore things, like when ED's mom told her how ED loves rice cakes from her youth (to make her think she was born to her family, instead of being adopted at 13). SE asked her, "did I really like that? Do they have those in the United States?"  Aish, I was dumbfounded, I live in a suburb of Los Angeles in which the mayor is Korean, Stephen A. Choi, everyone in Korea knows there is a Korean mayor in a large Southern California city because Samsung and all the chaebols supported his candidacy and the other candidates didn't have a chance. Yes, there are rice cakes everywhere and there are 4 Korean supermarkets in that same USA city. In Los Angeles and Garden Grove, there are actually Korean Towns which extend 50 square city blocks. I was surprised how little ED knew about USA when she stayed there so long. But quickly. I eliminated my thoughts and enjoyed the love story.

Another reason I was surprised is how little English was spoken in this drama. I found it very interesting how the characters of other dramas threw out a lot of English words in random. They were not the Konglish words @sungshinl taught us about. I LOL when people kept saying, "Jackpot, unbelievable, okay, etc." In fact, they say "interview" in English pretty much every time and I actually thought for a long time there is not a word in Korean for "interview." But I heard Ra Il say three precise English words, without Korean accent, one time. But I have not heard ED/SE slipped and said an English word. That is strange for someone who could write translations into English (DG said SE did translations for Min Soo in America) to not have any tendency to speak English. I know Asians in general in the USA have a hard time saying a sentence in their native language without using an English word, here and there. But this is the reason I don't want to think about the USA years, it would give me headaches. I am just loving this "unbelievable" (I wrote it like a Korean here) story and I am personally in love because of it.

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June 26,2015   Friday afternoon.

One question, besides any record of the marriage   (& lacking any wedding pictures at all  ---how do they explain that?), what is the child's full name? Did I ever hear it in the drama?    He must have his birth registered someplace in order to start school.  

like when ED's mom told her how ED loves rice cakes from her youth (to make her think she was born to her family, instead of being adopted at 13). SE asked her, "did I really like that? Do they have those in the United States?"  Aish, I was dumbfounded,

I don't mean to be picky and I don't know why I remember the little things when I get really into a drama but what ED said in that rice cake conversation with her mom is 'is rice cake that common in the US?' though the translation I see is 'is there rice cake in the US?'  I hope this lessens ED's ignorance of the US a tad.

@docster6 I agree with you about so little English spoken in this drama but I can't tell you how glad I am because usually they are written and spoken very badly :)

 So far there has bee no 'cringe' moment in this drama for me whatsoever, no English spoken may be one of the reasons !

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Today is Hug Hyun Soo Day! Seeing him cry breaks my heart, all this fame means nothing to him. It's just a vehicle to find his Eun Dong. My heart hurts seeing Hyun Soo cry. For me, today's episode, he's not Eun Ho. He's Hyun Soo. That raw emotion and pain are just so heartbreaking. When Eun Dong opened the box and went through it, I was feeling just like her. That surprise look on her face and just like the brave Eun Dong, she went through the box. So painful to see her realizing that everything she saw in her flashbacks are all true. Well acted for all the crying scenes for both main leads. 

I'm so glad Writernim make EH freakin rich cos he will be able to afford the best services needed to bring down these ppl that try to bring them apart. All he needs is Eun Dong on his side. He will fight to hell for her. Now that she remembers him, let's get this fighting started! Fighting!! Himnae chingus! 

I think we will go through angst tomorrow before super lovey scenes next week. That "Hyun Soo oppa" made my day! 

Love seeing Eun Dong all over Hyun Soo's house. 

THANKS for the recaps!! I was out all morning but my mind can't stop thinking of MLED. Dunno how I made it home. Guess I was on Auto mode...lol. 

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In that little girl's voice, Eun Dong said her wish is to marry Hyun Soo oppa. 

I was a mess throughout that scene and JJM hangover scene. 

YES, this drama team deserve awards. Lots. Recognitions too. Especially JJM and KSR. 

And Docster6, ouhhh my heart is beating so fast when you mentioned that memorable rain kiss in The Notebook. 

3D2N, Yes Yes Yes!!

Gawd, my ovaries sing whenever JJM wears a suit and has his hair neatly styled. *squeals till half dead*

As of now, I give mad props to the writer for keeping it tight and stays-away-from-let's-drag-this-drama-till-an-alien-reach-his-wormhole. :P 



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