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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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Watching ep 8 again and yes, both EH and ED are honest to the core. They talk so openly and matter of factly you almost forget that humans are conditioned to lie a little in everyday situations all the time in order to maintain "appropriate" behavior.  ED flatly admits to her hairdresser that it's EH she wants to look good for (ok, she was a just a tad emotional haha, but she didn't shy away from the truth), confesses her attraction to EH to her mom, does not hide interactions with EH from hubby despite his warnings. Yes, the dialogue is great and natural, but these are not typically things a woman in her position would be quick to admit. 
More than honest, she is bold!  Ajumma she may be, but she asked a top star out on a date!  And while on the date oh so subtly confirmed that she intends to keep seeing him AND telling her husband that she is seeing him (again, honest!). So by the end of the night, EH can say, "Tonight...don't sleep with your husband" and mean it and be taken seriously because ED has already established that he can go there. 
Which leads me to the question of infidelity.  Whether or not we get "bang bang to death version 2.0" lllooolllll, ED is already Having an affair in my eyes. Trust me, absolutely no judgment here, but based on ep 8 make no mistake that she and EH are now in a romantic relationship.  Any pretense of a professional relationship is totally gone. So...I am dying (literally) to see where Writernim takes us (please, please be kind), but the development of their physical interactions is not Where they will cross the infidelity line for me. The morality of their relationship?  For another post...  Hah
So goooooooood.
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'My Love Eun-dong' Kim Sa-rang's long legs

[photo deleted]

On June 23rd, Kim Sa-rang's agency Brave said on their official Facebook, ....We'd like to present you her hot close-up paparazzi shots".

The photos show Kim Sa-rang, hard at work on the set. The unphotoshopped snaps show her straight long legs and her bright skin.

Source: http://tr.im/uNhg2

To mention 'the unphotoshopped' does that mean all other photos like this are assumed to be photoshopped?  Am I too naive to believe otherwise?

Unphotoshopped or not, these are the 'proportionally'  longest set of legs I've seen on any woman, Korean or otherwise. 

Sorry I could not resit mentioning it :rolleyes:


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What have I done - Why did i start this before it is over???? really - what have I done....

You've done the right thing chingu, just join us.  There are worse things to do in life than watch The Top Star Joo Jin Mo getting all worked up about a date with an ajumma, as beautiful as she is.

Seeing it like this - yes of course you are right - But I´m one of that Persons who really need a Happy End. Otherwise I could suffer for weeks. Watching a wonderful Story and in the End of is dying is Horror for me - (not that I guess one will die here - just an example!!!!). I still need to watch 4 - 8 - to catch up with all of you. Where are my Tissues...

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Guest adikkeluangman

He in two dramas at the same time. Hope he got some rest in between. At this rate, maybe I will do mistake and post wrong news on both dramas thread. Anyway, I want to see news article that talk about JH and his son.

#Kimtaehun [JTBC 'This is Love'] Jae-Ho's anxiety peaks at the thought of Jung-Eun recognizing Ji Eun-Ho! 


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Lurker for quite a while now but I just need to ask if some of you has the same though....is there a possibility that ED's child is not EH's? when a guy finds out that there is a child the first question is, is he my child? he never asked and in the last ep he said " she even had another man's child".  To me he sounded like he knows for sure and that maybe ED and EH we're using some protection the nite they almost "love to death".....Please don't hate me for putting this out there :tears:


Glad you delurked. Welcome aboard! And to other delurkers too. You gotta imagine the distraught and muddled mind of Eun Ho to be able to think straight, let alone connect the dots between the child and their BBTD some decade ago.

Also, if I'm not wrong, they were each other's first lover. And remember, 20s Hyeon Soo was nudged and prodded on to 'hasten the pace' 'to love more' by 20s Eun Dong when they were in that phone booth. It was a 'spur of moment' for both. So, I don't think neither 20s Hyeon Soo nor 20s Eun Dong was prepared for 'going all the way that night'. As for the 2D3N getaway, while they are prepared to be together on that trip, I also don't think they prepared for protection either. I doubt they even know what 'being protected' means. We know 20s Eun Dong wants to marry Hyeon Soo like she told her friend, while 20s Hyeon Soo was crazy for Eun Dong. It's getting clearer and clearer that Ra Il is Eun Ho's son. I guess we'll find out soon.

(No worries. no one will hate you for speaking out. so, please continue to speak out and voice your queries. To all lurkers too. Feel free to delurk. In fact, come on out! Delurk! Thus far, I can vouch for the friendliness and helpfulness of this bunch in this thread :) 


Yeah, there was no way HS could have managed a trip to the local 7-11 or Mini-mart! He had to conserve his strength for more important matters. :D

I know from when my oldest son worked at a Mini-mart they only sell packs of 3 there, and that wouldn't have even lasted 1 night! He would have had to buy out the store! And no Costco in Korea either....


Thanks for your keen observation. :lol: And oh boy, Costco...that brings to mind the bulk of products they have on offer. And brings to mind a big box for uri OTP, not that they need any. vJzbhBO.gif

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He in two dramas at the same time. Hope he got some rest in between. At this rate, maybe I will do mistake and post wrong news on both dramas thread. Anyway, I want to see news article that talk about JH and his son.

#Kimtaehun [JTBC 'This is Love'] Jae-Ho's anxiety peaks at the thought of Jung-Eun recognizing Ji Eun-Ho! 


This story is discussing the episode that aired on June 12 when SJE is found out by JEH for remembering the song he sent her was played during their first kiss and Jae Ho is alarmed by SJE knowing this.  So nothing new here.


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What have I done - Why did i start this before it is over????

This will break my Heart! I just watched 1 - 3 and i have to take a Break now. I know all of you knows so much more than me  - so should I aks - The Child - is it from Hyun Soo - I can´t stop thinking about that possibility. Okay - I will find it out.

But - damn - I worry. How can that Story end happily - with the DreamCouple together???? Why did I start it to soon? In fact I can´t get away from it anymore - but I´m scared. They need to be together. But when a Child is involved my MotherHeart is with it too.

Good Night! I need to take a break....

really - what have I done....

You are most definitely not alone.  I watch my fair share of dramas, but anything this good should come with a warning label.  K-crack....  

No disrespect intended...

Actualy I should be warned - this is labeld as Melodrama - I have my reasons to be carful with this genre... But a Warning Label is a wonderful Idea!!!!

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Just playing the devil's advocate here...I don't think Choi did anything great by raising HS's son when HS would have been more than happy enough to take care of the woman he loved and raise his own son. He stole the opportunity from them to be a family unit.  If someone took someone's baby and raises it lovingly as their own they will still have stolen another persons child and deprived them of the opportunity to raise their own child.  It's actually a crime.  In the US and many other countries you could be charged with kidnapping. 

In raising HS's child as his own, no matter how lovingly and trying to force ED into believing that she loved him and only him , was intimate with him, and bore his child he committed a bigger wrong to both of them then can be made up by raising the son lovingly and being a good dad. It's like saying I kidnapped your kid but I loved him/her and was a good parent.

This is just my opinion and I'm glad that both I as well as those with different opinions have this platform in which to express them.

I think this issue has people on both sides of the fence and both sides have their points, I just can't find any redeeming qualities in Choi from what I've seen.In my mind, even if his does the right thing and comes clean he's just doing the right thing. I know he can't undo the past and can only move forward but if I was any of those three I would want to move on without that person in my life.

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Screenshot_2015_06_23_19_47_51.pngNot sure  this is what you guys were talking about but in the DF subs HS tells ED that they were gone for 2 days and slept together those two nights that they were gone and then 4 days later she disappeared. 

The other scene ED asked he friend to make her look pretty for EH.  She starts crying when her friend asks why.  ED asks her friend why she can't look at EH and find  him attractive when she's a woman too.

I tried to only read the comments with my Nick in it - to not be spoiled to much - but I could not avoid seeing this... so it is true???? Ohhhhhhhh.....

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@luv2skulz - great post about their honesty. Yes, it is very amazing between our OTP, in any of the age groups. ED has enough money to take care of the last dinner so she offered to pay for the wine. Man, oh man, EH's decisiveness was amazing, "no, let's not have wine. I want to drive you home; I don't want to call a replacement driver." That was explained as clearly as it can be explained, that to him it is way more important after dinner than the nice wine during dinner. As you might recall, he was able to tell ED why he couldn't forget "that woman." If he had the wine, then it would have been a different story. For the first dinner, I would guess they started the dinner at about 7pm and they basically talked for 3 hours straight or more (assuming the restaurant closed at 10pm). They had to be kicked out of the place, they can really talked to each other and time just flew. I wonder how EH made her laughed so much. At the beginning, when he implied how pretty she is, she put her hand on her face as if to measure the face's temperature. Later on, when the sound was overwhelmed by the music, you see her fanning herself with both hands (and laughing of course). Wow, the scene depicted how great they are together.

At times in their 30s, ED had a hard time staring straight into EH's eyes, perhaps a little bit intimidate by him and by her own feelings. But the opposite was true in the 20s when HS saw ED for the first time after 10 years and ED has grown into a woman. When she was drying her hair from the rain with a towel, HS was afraid to look at her, perhaps worried that he might faint from her sexiness. Those scenes are so well done, showing the overflowing of emotion between them. I read here several times about how we might not be able to handle serious skinship when just their plain words are already killing us. ED as a 13-year old was honest too, talking about her heart cramps when she sees HS and HS was speechless and his voice over showed that he accepted that description. This show is too good.

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Just playing the devil's advocate here...I don't think Choi did anything great by raising HS's son when HS would have been more than happy enough to take care of the woman he loved and raise his own son. He stole the opportunity from them to be a family unit.  If someone took someone's baby and raises it lovingly as their own they will still have stolen another persons child and deprived them of the opportunity to raise their own child.  It's actually a crime.  In the US and many other countries you could be charged with kidnapping. 

In raising HS's child as his own, no matter how lovingly and trying to force ED into believing that she loved him and only him , was intimate with him, and bore his child he committed a bigger wrong to both of them then can be made up by raising the son lovingly and being a good dad. It's like saying I kidnapped your kid but I loved him/her and was a good parent.

This is just my opinion and I'm glad that both I as well as those with different opinions have this platform in which to express them.

I think this issue has people on both sides of the fence and both sides have their points, I just can't find any redeeming qualities in Choi from what I've seen.In my mind, even if his does the right thing and comes clean he's just doing the right thing. I know he can't undo the past and can only move forward but if I was any of those three I would want to move on without that person in my life.

Yep, IMO he doesn't deserve praise just because he "could have" been even more awful than he already is. It's actually a little odd (to me, of course, feel free to disagree) that unstable CEO seems to be hated more than JaeHo, because while unstable CEO is obviously the resident "evil second lead", at least she didn't steal a child and a decade of someone's life. HS/EH & ED would have gladly raised their own child with their own person by their side if they were given the opportunity, which they weren't. Who Ra Il's father is was NOT JH's choice to make, but he made it, taking away a child from his father and a father from his child.

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Here is the transcript of the salon scene with Eun Dong and Mi Soo. In comparing it to the Viki translation, the DF translator has a better grasp of the English language.



Ouch! that hurts! Even as a volunteer, a very new and occasional one at that. MI3uGfQ.gif

But I begged to differ. I am a paid subscriber to both and I flit between these two sites for dramas that I really love, just to have a feel of the translation. I won't put any site down, or conversely, up. Just remember that one is done on a total volunteer basis while the other is done on a paid, i.e. professional basis. But volunteer doesn't mean 'no good' either cos many volunteers I know hail from good/professional backgrounds. Also, one is done mostly (as far as I know) with the goal of literal kor-eng translation, rather than giving the gist of the dialogue, which I find more often in one of them. 

Although it is important to get the right meaning behind each dialogue/scrpt, there really isn't any possible way to attain that  100% accuracy in every translation, not currently, and I don't know if at all possible. Mainly because there's no human translation that can fully understand and differentiate between the tones and moods of the creator/writer, that can harness the relevance of different background/culture/etc in the process of translation. Let alone any machine translation service that can be as sophisticated as to replace any human, even in this absolutely breakneck tech-advanced age.

In the context of watching a kdrama, without them, I know I'd be left wondering again and again, 'WTH did they say?' rather than 'who said(translated) it better'. In any case, I am simply thankful for all subbers and translators, whether kor-chi or kor-eng or whatever, and whether paid pros or amateur or not kind of volunteers

To all subbers and translators, volunteers or paid, pro or not - thank you, YOU are a godsend.  

@seungshinl I know you may disagree. But I hope you find no offence with what I've commented. You are doing a fab job and I/we appreciate you! I believe you are 100% accurate in a literal way, but perhaps 99% accurate some of the time... That 1% reservation will be quashed if you personally know the writer or has access to her. Biyane, don't mean to split hair here, just trying to be clearer. But tripping all over :( 

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I am one of those who does not approve of OTPs engaging in extra-marital affairs. However, in the case of Eun Dong and Eun Ho, I do not see their 30's romance and coming soon affair as morally wrong because to me, the marriage between Choi and JE/ED is a fake. Either she signs the legal marriage document while still unconscious (forced and forged) or there is no legal document. Her 10 years' marriage to Choi is based on lies, deception and tying her down with guilt and obligations to fulfil her duties to Choi. She really is to be pitied and most deserving of happiness with EH henceforth. Eun Dong, you go, girl, and love EH to death! 

Husband Choi - there was a brief moment when I pitied him especially seeing him tied to a wheel chair and the anguish and fear in his face at the thought of losing ED and her son RA II (I put it as her son and not their son). However, he has done a very great wrong toward ED and robbed her of her life with the one she truly loved. He has not redeemed himself when given a chance by ED to tell her the truth. Instead he lashed out at her that she has made him like that - I take it to mean she was responsible for the accident and causing him to be seriously injured. Whether Choi or adopted father is the greater villain, we will wait for further development to make that judgement. I must commend the actor portraying Choi for putting on such a fine performance.

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but I think there might be another scene with him, Eundong and grandma pulling/pushing a cart because the pics are very recent (I could still be wrong).

I was right! http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=109&aid=0003097550


Translation:  This is indeed a very interesting new development !

[OSEN=Kang Seo Jung Reporter]  A plan is in the works for a surprise broadcast wherein the Group 'Got 7's' Junior will reappear in a Eun Dong's secret 'reversal' episode that Joo Jin Mo's character is not even aware of.

On the 24th of June the JTBC 'MYED' production team revealed a set photos of Junior that anticipates his reappearance in the drama.  He captured the full attention of the viewers with his perfect execution of the 17 year old Hyun Soo and his fated meeting and separation at the beginning of the drama.

In the photos Junior is helping Eun Dong and her granny push the 'handcart' up a steep hill.  In other photos we see him caressing Lee Ja In's hair with a friendly smile.

The photos show filming of a new episode between young Hyun Soo and Eun Dong which has yet to air.  It is expected it will be young Eun Dong's memory that even Ji Eun Ho is unaware of that once made her heart tremble for 'Hyun Soo oppa' and it will be a 'surprise reversal' gift to the viewers.

The filming on June 2nd took place in Ilsan, Gyunggi-do.  Seeing each other after a long period of time Junior and Lee Ja Yin's naturally affection ways warmed the set atmosphere.  Their friendly 'v' pose toward the camera makes you smile.  One feels the warmth and we are reminded of the 17 year old Hyun Soo in seeing Junior treat Lee Ja Yin like a real brother with kindness and consideration in an effort to lessen her nervousness.  

Junior and Lee Ja Yin's acting as Hyun Soo and Eun Dong in their teen-age years gave the viewers a gift of 'youthful trembling' and 'longing memory.'  Their time of total happiness and innocence makes one's heart ache even more in looking at the adult Seo Jung Eun who has not fully recovered her memory and Ji Eun Ho's frustration in having to watch her this way.

So far each new episode moved their relationship forward in leaps and bounds.  One can only wonder how this new memory will change their relationship.  What is the 'surprise reversal' that will be brought about by this memory only Eun Dong possesses?  This is heightening the viewer's anticipation and curiosity.

In the latest episode we saw that Eun Dong's memory is slowing coming back.  The preview showed Joo Jin Mo and Kim Sa Rang up against the high wall of reality and the struggle of the individuals around the couple which intensified the interest of the viewers.  'My Love Eun Dong' airs Friday and Saturday at 8:40 pm.


PS:  Well folks does 'surprise reversal' mean things will be put back any where close to what it before the memory loss for Eun Ho and Eun Dong??????

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LOL, a 'surprise reversal' to me means that Eun Dong had a side that Hyun Soo doesn't even know, and that usually means a bad thing. So I'm not sure if the use of the phrase is correct here. Does that mean Eun Dong killed someone? HAHAHA.

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Here is the transcript of the salon scene with Eun Dong and Mi Soo. In comparing it to the Viki translation, the DF translator has a better grasp of the English language.

@seungshinl I know you may disagree. But I hope you find no offence with what I've commented. You are doing a fab job and I/we appreciate you! I believe you are 100% accurate in a literal way, but perhaps 99% accurate some of the time... That 1% reservation will be quashed if you personally know the writer or has access to her. Biyane, don't mean to split hair here, just trying to be clearer. But tripping all over :( 

I am not offended in anyway and honestly, I am not sure what this discussion is about. I will have to catch up on it tomorrow.  

I've collected the screen caps from all sources I can get my hands on for those conversations at the hair shop and 'love to death' (you will not ever hear me use the B word or BBTD word).  I will post a comment on that tomorrow.  I have an obligation for my Team EngGuk Blog which has seen less of me lately because I've been spending way too much time on EunDong !

That said, I don't believe I'm 100% or 99% right about anything.  I've translated fair bit for for about a year when SLA got me started on this adventure and it is a constant challenge and that's what keeps me at it.  I love playing with English and Korean both of which I am woefully inadequate in.

I wish every day for more fluently bilingual people to pop up and help us all out and I've just been minding my corner of the store on a voluntary basis until that happens.  I do it for pure fun.  And I will do it until it's pure fun. As long as everyone is talking about it the fun continues !  For me anyway.

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Guest i.said.hi

basically the surprise "reversal" is in reference to Eun Dong's POV.

Throughout the drama we've seen Hyun Soo's perspective on how he met and felt about Eun Dong. However, there's going to be an episode in which we see Eun Dong' POV of Hyunsoo, which that photo refers to. Many K-netizens are speculating that...


Eun Dong had known Hyun soo way before the motorcycle accident and had good thoughts of him, possible when he helped her grandma like in the above photo. Also, many k-netizens are speculating that Eun Dong had found Hyun Soo long before he found her in their 20's. It seems that eun dong had been keeping up with hyun soo's progress and life, and that the rain bike crash meeting seemed to be planned by Eun Dong. Note, this is all speculations by k-netizens and might not occur this way.

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LOL, a 'surprise reversal' to me means that Eun Dong had a side that Hyun Soo doesn't even know, and that usually means a bad thing. So I'm not sure if the use of the phrase is correct here. Does that mean Eun Dong killed someone? HAHAHA.

I am thinking it means she will get full memory back by remembering something Eun Ho is not aware of.  That would be in keeping with her character since she was such a strong courageous and kind hearted little soul as a 13 year old who was able to make adult decisions (protesting for HS).   Even as a little girl and knew what she wanted and like (aka Hyun Soo).  She will remember 'falling in love' with him the first time and everything will be put into order 'reversed' from what it is now.  There I've said it.  Come what may !

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