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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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But I must defend KDG, I really love EH's manager, he is too cool. You must not be mistaken about his conversation with EH. He was telling him how special he is and how he is the only one he knows who could love someone like that. @seungshinl would tell you EH is a fictional character who might not exist. So DG's role in that scene was to prove that without a doubt. Even faithful husbands would have temptations to impress an attractive female on occasions, but EH has absolutely no desire to even attempt that. DG was not showing off to EH about his 10 girlfriends, he was trying to emphasize he couldn't do what EH is doing. Wow, this post is really boring....

@docster6!  I am with you brother.

I feel the conversation between Dong Gyu and Eun Ho was really to deal with the unbelievability of Eun Ho's decades long devoted love for Eun Dong, more than a DG bragging about numbers.  I mean really, a 37 year old top star whose handsome and rich have remained untouched for 10 years for one woman? Especially between the age of 27 to 37?  Are we serious?  

If I were Ji Eun Dong, however beautiful she is and so wanted by EJH, I would be scared out of my wits going near the man whose been so deprived for that long.  But how clever of the writer-nim because this is what raises the tension in watching the couple.

I believe the writer-nim needed to deal with the unbelievability of this story line in some way and that's why DG had to says things the audience was thinking and wondering.

He may not represent all regular men.  I've heard men in real life who boasted bigger numbers in public like @mdj101 said.  But I agree with you men and women are both nervous about the other gender more often than not in dating.

Here are screen excerpts from EP 6:

Here are the excerpts from EP 6:totfqzl.pngfMasgsQ.png


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Lurker for quite a while now but I just need to ask if some of you has the same though....is there a possibility that ED's child is not EH's? when a guy finds out that there is a child the first question is, is he my child? he never asked and in the last ep he said " she even had another man's child".  To me he sounded like he knows for sure and that maybe ED and EH we're using some protection the nite they almost "love to death".....Please don't hate me for putting this out there :tears:

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Lurker for quite a while now but I just need to ask if some of you has the same though....is there a possibility that ED's child is not EH's? when a guy finds out that there is a child the first question is, is he my child? he never asked and in the last ep he said " she even had another man's child".  To me he sounded like he knows for sure and that maybe ED and EH we're using some protection the nite they almost "love to death".....Please don't hate me for putting this out there :tears:

By nature, I love all lurkers who "unlurk" themselves. I will address your question perhaps in a different way that someone else might. So my answer would be either "fresh" or "plain stupid." I really love sports and I remember in my youthful days I would go to a baseball stadium and watched batting practice in a minor league city (in USA). I would chase balls into the stands and my friends and I would talk baseball all day long (oh yeah? You think the Pirates are good? Well, the Reds are way better. @mdj101 likes the Phillies). One particular day we fetched about 8 really good quality balls and no one from the team asked for them back and that is still one of my best days ever. Knowing ED/SE's adopted father is so into baseball, it would be hard for him to accept a son-in-law who is not a baseball player. The drama actually had several scenes with the baseball stadium as a backdrop, I have actually never seen that in other romantic dramas. One scene when ED sat alone, thinking. Another scene when she asked her father for memory items. Finally, one scene when the father talked to the disabled JH about the family fence. The last scene actually had a red-colored team taking batting practice. When HS asked ED if she has a boyfriend, she didn't answer and that caused HS to go into the deep end. HS was and still is that kind of guy; he thinks ED cannot lie so she must have a boyfriend since she didn't answer. I don't think she has a boyfriend that she wants, but she does have a guy (JH) who likes her and that her father would like that guy to be her boyfriend. Yes, you can blame it on my bad English, but I think you know what I mean. ED really didn't have a boyfriend but she did have one, aish! When she talked to her girlfriend they only talked about HS and that she wants marriage as the goal, the marriage with HS. If she has that goal, it would be unlikely for her to have sex with JH before the accident, when she told him she loves someone else. If that is the case, then it is case closed because JH couldn't do it as a man after the accident. If HS was seduced by a 100-tail fox and buried deep underground, so much so he couldn't hear the music, I doubt he had the mental capacity to go to the local 7/11 (do they have those in Korea?).

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Hello everybody :) 

I was reading your wonderful posts, really enjoying and learning a lot with them :)  Most of the time I feel myself really satisfied reading them. I mean, the ideas are so good that I don't have the urge to write anything, because you guys just write things that, conscious or unconsciously, I would like to wrote myself. :)

But I think that there is an issue that, maybe, will be on fire next times: the moral and/or ethical issue. Is it right for EH and ED to have an affair??? I saw already some of you talking about that question. And in fact I think that it will be an important issue during the nexts episodes, along with RI problematic.

For me, maybe I'm simplifying the thing, but I don't have any problem with EH and ED consumating their love. That because the writer paved the things in a way that gives me a not guilty feeling. I will point to the reasons why I feel that way:

1. ED can't lie. This is not an impresion that only EH has: we could see in each episode how 30 ED is honest with everybody - she can't lie (which makes what her "family" did even worst!);

2. The above means that ED won't have an affair in her 20's if she was married. So, my conclusion: she wasn't married before the accident;

3. The problem is that she (and the others) was told by her family that she married her husband years before the accident, and that it hapened in the USA. That lie was important because it will be impossible to ED marry JH after the accident: whose girl would marry someone who she doesn't remember? Even if she was pregnant?

4. To me there are only three possibilities: or ED isn't in fact married, that is the marriage is fake; or she was forced to marry (soon before the accident); or she married after the accident under false pretences.

5. In any case, that marriage isn't moraly valid; and in two of the three cases it wouldn't be legaly valid.

6. Finally, I think that if ED will date EH, she will tell the whole truth to her supposed husband.

Given the above points, I don't feel myself at all torn between love or moral. The problem is that as ED doens't know yet the actual conditions/circunstances under which she is "married" - and that is true also to their social environment - she will feel herself torn between love and duty.

Bye :) 


@ninaanin, I'm one that hates the idea of spouses cheating It just don't fly with me no matter what but in ED case I think I can grant and approval is it really cheating I don't see a sense of a platonic relationship here..   Where do the for better or worst fits in here at this marriage is,, It's morally and ethically out of context to the words I do,  Do ED really have a sense of obligation her just what is her duty to JH even if he claims to RA II father that still don't count as she have to take car of him out of this so called duty,, I agree she will be torn between love and duty by if she finds out her life is built on a lie I think deceit and rage will take precedence over love and duty..  Ed got some serious thinking to do she will require alone time to weigh her option.. I somehow think ED will choose to stay alone with just her and RA II     

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@docster6 wrote: If HS was seduced by a 100-tail fox and buried deep underground, so much so he couldn't hear the music, I doubt he had the mental capacity to go to the local 7/11 (do they have those in Korea?).


Yeah, there was no way HS could have managed a trip to the local 7-11 or Mini-mart! He had to conserve his strength for more important matters. :D

I know from when my oldest son worked at a Mini-mart they only sell packs of 3 there, and that wouldn't have even lasted 1 night! He would have had to buy out the store! And no Costco in Korea either....

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@docster6 wrote: If HS was seduced by a 100-tail fox and buried deep underground, so much so he couldn't hear the music, I doubt he had the mental capacity to go to the local 7/11 (do they have those in Korea?).

Yup, they have 7/11's in Korea (exact same name and logo) and Costco!

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Seungshinl, since you are fast becoming our resident Korean expert perhaps you could clarify the translated subs in two scenes. Viki and DramaFever approach the subject of translating subtitles a bit differently. With the Viki subs, I was a bit confused with the scene between ED and her hairdresser friend when she asked to "make her sexy." The DF subs seemed to be a bit more clear in intent. Which do you think is more accurate?

Could @lorac or anyone else in this room be so kind as to post DF screen caps of the questions here:  ED at the beauty shop and and EH and EDs in the car about when they 'loved each other to death" from EP 8?  They don't have to be 

I discontinued my DF subscription (nothing against DF it just used up too much bandwidth).  I just tried to renew to take the screen caps and their payment process is not working for me.  I'm not sure I want to renew just for this anyway.

Thank you.  

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From what we've seen thus far, I really think that the only way Ra Il's father ISN'T Hyunsoo/Eunho is if she were sexually assaulted, and I'm pretty sure writernim wouldn't go that far because it's just uselessly torturous. And I find it easy to dislike JaeHo, personally? On an objective level, I understand his motivation, but there's no excuse for brainwashing a woman, taking away her choice to live as she wanted, and not letting a child have his own father. It doesn't matter if he wasn't the one to "make up the plan", he went along with it and continues to go along with it, knowing full-well what he took away from her. I know love isn't always selfless, but it shouldn't be this one-sided, obsessive and detrimental. And if he was the one responsible for the accident (which I still suspect he was, as he seemed to drive into oncoming traffic), then....Not sure what to say. I'd really hate if we got a fully redemptive character arc. A stolen decade of deceit and guilt can't be made up for with some tears, at least for me. :vicx:

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I know we keep on going in circles with this paternity issue, and I will not go there again with my two lines...I'm writing this under the supposition Ra Il is in fact  Hyun Soo's child. I know it has been mentioned before, but  I also do respect how Husband Choi, in full knowledge of the kid not being his, and what is worst, is the child of the man that stole "his girl's heart"; he still showed real love and devotion to this boy. He could have easily used his disability as a way to excuse rude behaviour towards the child; but he chose to love the boy. And even though he's lied to ED, he's built a fake family and yada, yada, yada; I have to respect this from him; disabled and everything that comes with it; but he has loved and given himself to that boy; even though he knows what this boy represents.

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@docster6 wrote: If HS was seduced by a 100-tail fox and buried deep underground, so much so he couldn't hear the music, I doubt he had the mental capacity to go to the local 7/11 (do they have those in Korea?).


Yeah, there was no way HS could have managed a trip to the local 7-11 or Mini-mart! He had to conserve his strength for more important matters. :D

I know from when my oldest son worked at a Mini-mart they only sell packs of 3 there, and that wouldn't have even lasted 1 night! He would have had to buy out the store! And no Costco in Korea either....

They DO have 7-11 in SK!

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I know we keep on going in circles with this paternity issue, and I will not go there again with my two lines...I'm writing this under the supposition Ra Il is in fact  Hyun Soo's child. I know it has been mentioned before, but  I also do respect how Husband Choi, in full knowledge of the kid not being his, and what is worst, is the child of the man that stole "his girl's heart"; he still showed real love and devotion to this boy. He could have easily used his disability as a way to excuse rude behaviour towards the child; but he chose to love the boy. And even though he's lied to ED, he's built a fake family and yada, yada, yada; I have to respect this from him; disabled and everything that comes with it; but he has loved and given himself to that boy; even though he knows what this boy represents.

Hate to sound like I'm praising hubby Choi, but all of this plus more is what he meant when he said, "You did this to me."  He was not just talking about accident...

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Just me processing my thoughts. Do correct me if I'm wrong. Y'all are such great writers that made me "hi 5 virtually" when I read your posts. I'm not a writer, just rambling what I remembered.  :) 

Seo Jung Eun: Name given by her adopted parents. She lives Jung Eun's life based on what they want from Jung Eun. Her adopted dad wants her to have a relationship with a famous baseball player. She's registered in college (isn't it a major that she doesn't want?) After losing her memory, she's married to the man whom supposedly tried to save her life. Her parents made her feel as if she owe her husband big time. Mother in law resents her. No one wants or tries to help her regain her memory. They allow her to work odd jobs to make ends meet. And at the same time caring for a disabled husband and a son without any help except for occasional emergency help from her mother-in-law. She lives in a life full of deceit, a puppet for everyone around her to play with. 

Eun Dong: A sweet, innocent, brave, playful and beautiful girl who is mature even at such a young age. She didn't ask for much and wants nothing much. Her dream is to be a famous actress and go on Love In The Air show to find her birth mother. She became a part of Hyun Soo's life by "accident". He brought out the smiles, laughters, hope, dreams in her. Even though she left town, I believe she left traces of Eun Dong for Hyun Soo to find. She taught at the City Hall under her real name. She wants to achieve and accomplished something with her real name. Eun Dong is not a nobody. Eun Dong exists. Eun Dong is looking for Hyun Soo too. Whenever she sees someone that looks like Hyun Soo, her heart goes dugun dugun and thus we saw her turning her head, wondering if the man could be her Park Hyun Soo. In Hyun Soo's arms, she's a somebody. She made her own decisions. She made a big one by spending 3D2N with him. She may have lost her memory but she can't erase his footprints in her heart and soul. 

Sigh...today I told my friends, if this drama is a book, I will buy it and read it again and again on a rainy day. Once in a while you'll find a book that you don't want to part with.This drama is like that. I want Friday to come soon but at the same time, I want to savor it by rewatching the last 8 eps over and over again and take my time to "end" it. 


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What have I done - Why did i start this before it is over????

This will break my Heart! I just watched 1 - 3 and i have to take a Break now. I know all of you knows so much more than me  - so should I aks - The Child - is it from Hyun Soo - I can´t stop thinking about that possibility. Okay - I will find it out.

But - damn - I worry. How can that Story end happily - with the DreamCouple together???? Why did I start it to soon? In fact I can´t get away from it anymore - but I´m scared. They need to be together. But when a Child is involved my MotherHeart is with it too.

Good Night! I need to take a break....

really - what have I done....

You are most definitely not alone.  I watch my fair share of dramas, but anything this good should come with a warning label.  K-crack....  

No disrespect intended...

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Screenshot_2015_06_23_19_47_51.pngNot sure  this is what you guys were talking about but in the DF subs HS tells ED that they were gone for 2 days and slept together those two nights that they were gone and then 4 days later she disappeared. 

The other scene ED asked he friend to make her look pretty for EH.  She starts crying when her friend asks why.  ED asks her friend why she can't look at EH and find  him attractive when she's a woman too.

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Guest lorac

Seungshinl, it's easier to post a transcript of the dialogue that screen caps. This is the conversation in the car taken from the DramaFever translation. I'm interested in how a native Korean speaker would translate it from the actual audio file.

Episode 8 - scene starts at 28:00

ED: Can I ask you why you can't forget about her?

EH: I slept with her. And I just can't forget about it.

ED: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked.

EH: I told you that in my voice files. That night, Eun Dong and I didn't go home. One week later, she told her family she's going on a trip with her friends and we went on a two-day vacation by ourselves.

EH: Do You Remember? What's wrong? You even knew about things I didn't tell you. Does this confuse you? We went to South Sea that day.

EH: And that night we...
ED: Stop!

EH: Let me finish. That night we loved each other passionately. And the day after. Then four days later... four days later... she disappeared without a word. Do you know how crazy I went? Please find Eun Dong for me.

ED: If you wait for her... I told you if you wait for her, she'll be back.

EH: What's the use in that. She's already living with another man and his kid! And she doesn't even remember me.

Scene ends...

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Guest lorac

Here is the transcript of the salon scene with Eun Dong and Mi Soo. In comparing it to the Viki translation, the DF translator has a better grasp of the English language.

DramaFever translation - Hairdresser scene - starts at 15:00 

ED: Eun Dong (Jung Eun)
MS: Mi Soo

ED: I want to try out a sexy hairstyle
MS: What has gotten into you?
ED: I have money. So please treat me like a real customer today. I'm going to try everything and pay for them. Please paint my nails too. I want to get them done as well.
MS: What's wrong with you?
ED: What do you mean? I said I have money.
MS: From what?
ED: Money that I can spend.
MS: Since it seems like you want to be provocative today do everything you want to do.
ED: Please make me look pretty.
MS: Who are you trying to impress?
ED: Ji Eun Ho.
MS: What?
ED: He's attractive. What's wrong? I can't look at him and think he's attractive?
MS: No, it's not that. But...
ED: I'm a woman too. Why can't I look at a man like him and find him attractive?
MS: Jung Eun! What's wrong?
ED: Don't ask me any questions. Just help me look pretty. Like the girl from that picture. Style my hair the same way. (she begins to cry)
MS: Put this down (the magazine).
ED: I said don't ask me anything.
MS: Jung Eun! What is wrong?

end of scene

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Right now - I´m confused...

Sorry for beeing late here... I thought this Drama is just not my cup of Tea - so I put it far behind on my list or maybe I would not even watch it... Than I saw here a Report about it - and it feels like - what I read in the Synopsis was not right... or not enough...

I decided to give it a try - and I admit I was prepared to skip a few scenes...

Ähm - I did not skip even one Second!!! And I guess - the next 7 hours - I have something to do... 8 hours - I´m waiting for the Subs for I remember you too.

I will not comment anything about the Drama - because - how can I do that? I just watched one Episode. But I have to say - I was so wrong about this Show - it is a brilliant Start - and I expect a lot now. So give me a little time - and I will join the discussion. I´m happy to see that so many people here loves this Show. And I´m just greatfull to find out about it now - I would really miss a Gem. I should trust JTBC. After FfI - I love this now.

@Mau_Cherry Welcome aboard! Glad you are loving this drama as many, more like all, of us here are loving it to death! :P

About synopsis (and character descriptions, etc), those are never enough and never completely true, whether intentionally or not as writernims' creativity go. But they serve to give us viewers a little peek into the drama-proper.

Yes, it seems JTBC being a cable channel, has a little more room for boldness in their broadcasts. I really hope the general broadcasting standard would be improved/increased. With this drama, I see so many knetz commenting 'if only MLE were shown on a public channel, more people will get to enjoy it's quality'. I couldn't agree more.

Gosh it's only Tuesday and I've rewatched episode 8 five times and I'm going end to end again for the third time. I canceled a dinner appointment so I can watch the show stream live, and when I realized I won't be able to make it home in time I stayed at the office to watch.  MLD has sucked me in big time and I know I'm not alone.

Some random thoughts from the frenzy watching:

1. Regarding the banner, is it a charity event? It's the same charity that gave ED food right?

2. @jadecloud , our oppa looks good in ALL moods and regardless of clothing although happily drenched in unbuttoned white cotton shirt is good, and we can also go for the minimalist look for a birthday suit.

3. I'm not Korean and my knowledge of Korean culture is via dramas/Soompi/Dramabeans so can someone help me understand why a 33 year old married woman would insists she's an ajumma? So matronly!

@vvpal Birthday suit for Joo Jin Mo? Ji Eun Ho? ooohhh, that's... *fainting*. But really, I'd not want that or where can I put my imagination to work? :D ... Also brings to mind what Ms Nicole Kidman once said: "You don't have to be naked to be sexy" and I totally agree with that.

About that ajumma term (thanks @seungshinl for your clarification and lil story, love it), I cannot understand why a term like that is created in the first place. I find it quite 'degrading' for a woman, whatever her age or marital or social status. In some kdramas, you'd also see the younger actresses squirming at that term when they're called it. Exactly because it sounds degrading. Why can't I find an equivalent for a man? It's also not equivalent to being called 'Mrs. or Madam' either. Just IMO.:sweatingbullets:







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ED: He's attractive. What's wrong? I can't look at him and think he's attractive?
ED: I'm a woman too. Why can't I look at a man like him and find him attractive?

These dialogues sound so natural. Something I've said before, many times too. :P  Doesn't mean you're married, you can't appreciate god-given-beauty. Male or female. (Eg: I find Kim Sarang simply gorgeous. Dayum, now I know why she's Ms Korea.) I would usually spazz with my girlfriends and we'll go home to our husbands. Which brought to my mind EH's dialogue with his stylist, asking her after she sees someone as attractive as him, doesn't she go home and find her husband looking like a squid? Hahahahaa...I LOL at that scene. I was like, "How could you say that, EH sshi?! My squid husband is my one true love even though he's not as attractive as you. I still love him." Bahahaha. The stylists answer was kinda like mine. That shows how natural the dialogues in this drama is. Pretty relatable.

Thanks @lorac for the dialogues. 




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