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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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Guest code_name

Finally got the urge to post in this thread. 

I'm thinking of this for a while now, is JH and JE really married? (I dont know if I missed a part of the story). 

My hope is up that RI can be EH's son. I'm just too excited for the future episodes and the stories that will be reveal. 

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@lucy13880 @lolly84, I posted the ratings in the front page. Here for everyone.


As for the ratings being so-so, it might be due to the tough competition, on Fridays they have to compete against Producer (17.7% of ratings yesterday) and Three Meals A Day (8%). Even if it's not the same timeslot the three of them overlap each other, making difficult for people to watch both MLE and Prod or 3MAD, they have to make a choice. Same for Saturday with Producer again and Law of Jungle. In other words, MLE is in such unlucky timeslot as the Fri/Sat timeslot has the best ratings compared to Mon/Tue and Wed/Thurs timeslots.

MLE could have easily break the 2% if it wasn't for its timeslot. That said, SBS The Time We Were Not In Love (Ha Ji-won, Lee Jin-wook) premieres next Saturday, new MLE competitor, so I'm not really sure if they'll manage to make the ratings skyrocketing like k-netz want. Anyway, MLE fighting!

Even though there is hope, for the online ratings, MLE started with 3~4% for the younger counterparts climbed to 6% for the adults, climbing and climbing up to a high of 14.7% yesterday! Against Producer finale. Good sign.

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@alfalfa : Many knetz live in a parallel universe so we really can't know what they are actually thinking XD I really can't think of something that predictable at this very moment but i have a few scenarios in mind. The most positive one being that Jae Ho walks again and he gets into a relationship with Hyun Ah (if my eyes received these vibes correctly), Seo Ryeong will end up alone or with her sex toy or with Hyun Bal to live their utmost careerist anti-love and Eun Ho and Eun Dong will live their own love as a family with Ra Il as she will be able to write her own book after she has restored her memory and Eun Ho will probably be the protagonist of a movie based on her book or something xP A possible scenario is everyone ending solo after some emotionally "rewarding" event or something. And there's always the scenario of Eun Ho, Eun Dong and Ra Il becoming a family against all odds for fated love's sake after they have been through many waves of noble idiocy. These are some thought that passed by my mind.

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Guest Teryn15

I like this drama too. I find it light but intense at the same time. The story is quite good and unique. I love the way how it is being told.  

 - However I would just like to comment on @Teryn15 's comment regarding the adoptive father. I don;t think that there was sexual abuse, I believe it is more of using their adoptive daughter, Eun Dong  for career advancement .   The adoptive parents became selfish. Eun Dong since she is not blood related to them it was easier for them to make use of her. Sort of wanting a payback for the fact that they adopted her, gave her a family, shelter, food and cared for her ,sort of. 

 - the possibility of Ra il being Eun Ho/Park Hyun Soo's son is greater since a  lot of focus has been made on the fact that they slept together before the accident happened.                                                                                                          - I hope Eun Dong/Seo Jung Eun will get a DNA paternity test secretly for her son Ra il as this would also help her in her quest for the truth,  it  will prove/disprove  somehow the lies/claims of those around her. and proving who the real father is will in the end be the basis of her decision .If Eun Ho is the father she and her son goes to Eun Ho and divorces her husband. . If not, then she and her son  lives separately (divorces)  from the lying husband   Either way, she divorces the lying husband (by this time he has already fully recovered ). As it is now, he is hiding the fact that he is slowly recovering and is already able to use his right arm.  

It would be good to have a happily ever after ending for Eun Ho and Eun Dong.

I agree. I think it's more intimidation and selfishness on their part. This idea of being owed something because they took her in and raised her. 

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Guest michyell409

this drama is so good and of course jjm is very good in acting here and they deserve the chance to break the 2 percent ratings .hope the last 8 episode will break the current ratings.and jjm is so funny here ,cant stop watching the noodles selfie scence.their date is romantic ,she let him touch her hand.how can i wait for next week im so excited for their date to what happened next.

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This drama continues to be awesome for constantly doing new things to the old story line. And how new and refreshing is our newest K-Drama heroine Ji Eun Dong?  A strong and bold female character whom even in the midst of total chaos and turmoil in her life the write-nimr keeps her character consistent and grounded.

At the end of EP 8 she now knows she is Ji Eun Dong but she doesn't know what that really means. No one in her family is telling her the truth but thankfully she's not afraid to ask direct questions herself.  No reading between the lines or layers of convenient but unreasonable misunderstandings to move the plot for this writer-nim thank God !

However painful it might be for her I feel I can trust her to continue asking questions and put the full picture together herself.  When she has the full picture she will act accordingly.  This is what I look for in a good character and I love it.

We were moved by Ji Eun Ho's answer in this 'insider the car' scene in EP 8 but it took a lot of guts for Eun Dong to ask this Q.


She is an equal opportunity fact finder.  She's not afraid to confront her 'fake' husband directly either.


She's asked direct questions to her adoptive father and mother too.  



Cr. Viki.com

Writer-nim please keep our Eun Dong strong and bold and beautiful.  Thank you very much !

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@seungshinl, I absolutely love Eundong and how consistent and solidly written she is. What a breath of fresh air when most of female characters are badly and candy-girl like written, like Dongkyu mentionned she accepted the money without saying the cliche-ish phrases and cut to Eunho replying back "Are you writing a low-quality script?" That shade to some drama writers looool. I only have concerns for Seryung whom I'm finding a little to 1-D and hope there is something more for her because I like Kim Yoori, even Jaeho is well written.

And exactly how other mle-mates mentionned in this thread, they keep using cliche-ish events and use it in a fresh way. Amazing. 

@KwonSangSeung, let Hyunbal for Mrs Ta, they're fated! hah.

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And exactly how other mle-mates mentionned in this thread, they keep using cliche-ish events and use it in a fresh way. Amazing. 

Isn't it just?  Writer-nim is so deliciously subversive.  One could draw up a whole list (I'm restraining myself with all my mite) of things she's done already to debunk the K-drama-cliche in this drama.  I really believe that's one of main reasons we are all so hooked on this.  All of us having watched too many K-dramas while (virtually) throwing things at our computer screens or choking on our coffee, here comes the writer to heal and sooth our collective K-drama soul.

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Can someone help me remember if EH knows timing between accident and ED disappearance?  Does he know the accident was 10 years ago?   If not, I think right now he is hung up on RI photo because he is having hard time believing ED could have possibly conceived a child with another man right after they reconnected.  That's why he keeps saying he is waiting to hear it all from her...  

@Ohuihui  yes, it is confirmed that ED and Choi were dating when EH met her again in college. But it is also clear that she was going to break up with Choi to be with EH. Think ED as a little girl was serious because of situation with her grandmother, parents, poverty, etc. Also her maturity helps explain how EH could look at her as more than just a kid.  And I think ep 8 scene in the fitting room is about ED not just seeing images in her head but starting to understand the meaning and depth of their memories together, and starting to feel that way again. 

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@luv2skulz I don't think EH nor ED are sure of the timing of events.  This is something that ED is trying to find out.  She knows she's been lied to but not to what extent, that's why she was begging her mother and Choi to tell her the truth, something they selfishly refuse to do.  I think once they are sure of the timing other things will fall into place.

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Guest Teryn15

As a teacher, I really want to savor my summer break, but I seriously can't wait until Friday!! Aigoo, it looks like EH is so fired up in the preview and ED looks to be determined. Sigh...Friday? Friday? Bueller? Ferris?...:sweatingbullets:

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the story is going so good ,, but I find myself now pity their kid the most ! can you imagine what could be his feeling in either situation? either Eun ho kid or not ? though I am with the theory that he is Eun ho kid .. poor baby !

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Started on June 20,2015

@ninaanin:... Thank you for your comment with proofs that the child must be Eun Ho's son.                     

 Fantastic fact-finding to prove who is the biological father of Eun Dong's son:...actor Ji Eun Ho    (at that time known as Park Hyun Soo)           

(1)    Date of Auto Accident and Amnesia --- ______?

(2)    Virgin Status --- undocumented ---Hearsay Report only ---  (Most likely 2 virgins),

(2)    Window for Conception ---  Time available on typical 3day/2night vac. =  24 hrs   (check-in 9 am fri & check-out 9 am Sun)   VACATION DATES:  ______?        

The Korean custom  of ignoring  the individual 365 days when calculating one's age confuses me, a westerner.  Assigning the same Western age to all born in the same calendar years makes assumptions about "Who is that boy's Father?" difficult based only on hearing  "She has a 10 year old son.".

And your English is great.  Why don't you keep on sending us more.  Why not stay with us. Your comment was interesting.


 OK to Skip -  Ruminations" on Forum comments  R/T to Episode 7.  (Stuff  talked about before Episode 8  aired on TV in Korea).  I'm playing "catch-up"  with  opinions  R/T  Episode 8 .       :)                   


(1)       Some new writers have said they felt they should only write if they have something terribly enlightening to say. Some contributors really are very smart,  but they seem easy to talk to in these forums. I  don't join sites that tolerate mean comments, arguing, and cursing or foul language, all in the name of Free Speech.  Of course that's their right.  And I'm free to go someplace I like more. I will confess I sometime  enjoy "lurking" , got to see what all the fuss is about sometimes!

(2)      Another "newbie" said,  "Maybe I'm just looking into it too much" --- Great!  That's what we do here!   We put everything under a magnifying glass and try to figure out what exactly is going on. Every angle gets looked over by us "kdrama lovers".  One person's idea inspires another person.  We try to second  guess what the writer is planning.  No actor's performance is overlooked. We critique them all. Writers have something to say about each and every aspect of the production! And if our forum members are uninspired by a comment or by our long ramblings on a topic, they politely "say nothing", skip along , and comment when we do come up with something interesting.  Friendly and encouraging --- the group expects we all have something good to contribute!  That's how I feel it is.

(3)      One of our "newbies" said, "I have no one I can talk to about kdramas " (paraphrasing).    :(    I CAN REALLY  UNDERSTAND THIS ONE!    Before I retired, I had a few work friends who indulged me and became my "captive audience".  My family tolerated my addiction, but wouldn't join me in it. With "outsiders", I didn't have much luck at all.  "Lurking". I'll try to make a "link" to the song, "One is the Loneliest Number" by Three Dog Night, hope it works!:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5ab8BOu4LE                             

(4)       I've noticed the atmosphere in Soompi forums can vary, depending on the TOPIC of the FORUM.  Some can get a little "high spirited" and writers will defend their strongly favored viewpoints.  But these are not Debates and don't turn into  nasty Battles. Informal "sides" may form, but it's not  WIN or LOSE, RIGHT or WRONG, WE vs THEM..   Forum  members self-regulating  their behavior and keep things civil, while .about keeping things civil. Soompi Moderators do a fine job applying the Rules as needed.   

(5)      ACTIVE,  OCCASIONAL WRITER,  LURKER ( +/- "clicks")  --- "It's all good!"  It is such a pleasure to share  and enjoy the k-drama experience with others, isn't it?    :rolleyes:

PS:...  I have no idea what is causing my excessive  writing tangents these last two days. Because I had the time wrong for the live, onair & "raw"  Episode 7, I skipped getting any sleep that night.  I've often done that & never have a problem, since I've been a "night owl" kind of person since childhood.   I decided not to try for the  7:40 AM  EDT live  Saturday  morning  Episode 8.  "i'll wake up later and get it subbed on Viki. No Problem.  

Maybe that was the problem. By missing the raw version of Episode 8, then not checking out the "raw" version usually on sites soon after the live, onair program  is over, I broke the pattern I've maintained faithfully for years now.   First watch the "raw" drama, then read the forum comments, and then, late in the evening, finally see the 100% English subbed episode!  

 This is the only reason I can come up with for the way I've been acting today.  I guess I'm OK!     :huh:    I  saw Episode 8  this afternoon, on Viki, and only once!

 Peeped into the forum very briefly. Husband Choi and Kim Tae Hoon were both on my mind. Found endless number of more immediately interesting things to read about online.  And it was all related to the drama! Kim Tae Hoon's career, and  his brother's, the meaning of "switchback in mountain Bike riding, and in A.Huxley's famous book, BRAVE NEW WORLD, the uses of "irony" as a technique in story telling,  that all took a long time.  Then I had to read those comments in the Chinese sources @jadecloud and  @valsava showed us about the raves for the 6 MLE actors, followed that site to a long  story about the trial of an elderly Chinese woman  in a remote countryside town who killed the severely disabled husband she'd cared for over 15 years and the failed in her own suicide attempt (her daughter was called from her low-paying job in the city). So tragic. 

Later, as I fell so far behind the comments on Episode 8,  I came upon @ninaanin's comment regarding the 10 year old son Eun Ho does not know exists. If he was emotional in Epi.8, how will he even survive learning he's been a father for the past decade? That scenario is so hot the very thought of it SIZZLES!    :w00t:    But back to my online escapes ___ calculate the # of hours in a 3day/2night vacation in Nahmae, usual check in/out hours, many sites about Jesus's Crucifixion  & time in tomb prior  to His Resurrection, ,research on shift work schedules, definitions of virgin medically, through the ages, and in major religions, conception in human female, viability of sperm in a woman's reproductive tract (3 to 5 days), conception in female most likely about 5 days a month when ovulation occurs, Conception Calculator:...Calculate date you were conceived. of your conception.,   :crazy:

"Conception Calculator"? ---- That's when I started to become seriously UNHINGED, I think!      :w00t:         

:(    But  also built-in  "self-diagnostics & auto-generated repair system". ( NEED TO REBOOT &  RESTART.)

First thing I did calculated was the most likely time I, myself, was conceived: Nov. 8, 19XX   Didn't really think I'd give the exact year? Did you really?   I did say "unhinged".  



PROBLEM -  A child, born and raised in S.Korea, is 10 years old now,in the year  2015,  Can we calculate the earliest &  latest likely dates he was conceived?  You betcha!  & Can do!


                 EXAMPLE  #1. --- If the 10th year since his birth falls on  January 1, 2015 :                                            EXAMPLE  #2 ---- If the 10th year since his birth falls on  December 31, 2015:       

                                   (a) Then,he was most likely conceived on/around Thursday, April 10, 2008                                                         (a)   Then, he was most likely conceived on/around  Thursday, April 9, 2009  

                                   (b)   Implantation between Wed., Apr.16 and Tues., Apr. 22, 2008                                                                      (b)   Implantation between  Wed., April 15  and  Tues., April 21, 2009

                                   (c)  Sex most likely occurred  between  Fri., Apr.4  &  Thurs. Apr. 10, 2008                                                         (c)    Sex most likely between  Fri., April 3 & Thursday, April 9, 2009        


DATES OF "THAT" VACATION:_________________      :wub:                             CASE CLOSED!      THANK YOU, @ninaanin!        YOU COLLECTED ALL THE CLUES!Please complete this section--    NOTE: Can not process or provide legal l NOTARIZED/SEALED copies  without the dates)       M

Link to automatic Conception Date calculator:  ....  www.babymeds.com/tools/retro-conception-birthday-calculator?due-date=1/01/2015&weeks=40    Hopr it works.


June 21,2015   REPLY SUBMITTED.   Think I'm Back To Normal,  aka  "my baseline"!       B)



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Here are some more thoughts as I posted that EH needs to get it together and start doing more into figuring out what happened to ED. Having watched over a decades worth of kdramas, my spidey sense tells me that the first person to undercover the true lies btw JH and the adopted parents toward ED is going to be Chaebol heiress SR. Then it's quite possible that she will join forces with them and throw her weight in money around in order to keep up the deception and keep EH apart from ED. There are so many forces around keeping EH and ED apart. EH needs to start smarting up in order to win against these forces. He has to get out ahead of them cause he's always two steps behind it feels. 

I say this as well because love in our 20s is different from love in our 30s. The older we get, the more that is at stake. 

After twenty years, it's going to take a lot more for them to be together than ever! I hope we can see soon, how ED and EH can join forces together to prove those wrong who want to separate them. I hope it's not a lot of the two of them "fighting" each other like most dramas do. 

While life may have been super unfair to JH with his disability, I still believe in the you reap what you sow. What did he expect when he came between them? Why do they owe him something? The only way he can redeem himself in my eyes is that he makes things right and let's go of what was not his to begin with. Seriously, ED is not the only women out there. I think he hurt himself the most. Since he didn't let ED go back then, he cheated himself out of a truly happy life with a wife that would have truly loved him. That's the true travesty for him. 

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What's interesting for me is when ED call Choi, "Ra Il Appa". To me there's no doubt EH is Ra Il's biological father since ED and EH practically bang bang each other till death for two days! Choi was there when Ra Il was born and till now so he is the only dad the boy knows. You can't break that bond. 

I try to hate Choi but I can't. He may be infatuated with ED before the accident and since ppl in the drama think he was "protecting her" during the accident, I think he was up to no good when it happened. When he woke up paralyze, his mom may be distraught and ED's dad knowing ED has amnesia, he got them married. 

One fact though, ED, Choi and Ra Il did go to America. That's where EH's manager's cousin met her. And Ra Il's teacher did asked ED to send him to an International school. 

Me trying to piece the puzzles together...hehe :crazy:

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