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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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5 hours ago, moonkeeper said:

Question 5: But she treats him like a mother takes care of a helpless son?!! 

Answer: Swoon-worthy actions go both ways. 
Frankly, I was disturbed by the latent sexism when people dismissed DS’ loving care for TK as nothing more than motherly.  I sensed a double standard going on there.  
People see JH waiting for DS with an umbrella at 1AM, and they collectively sigh, “Howwww romantic!” They see SW scrambling around the neighborhood to meet Bora at odd hours of the night, and they nod their heads saying “Yes, that’s true love, making time to meet her.” They see TK’s dad playing paper dolls with Jinjjo while sporting pigtails in his hair, and they scream, “SW’s umma! Marry him quickly!” They see TK carrying DS in a BRIDAL carry (side-eyeing people who called it princess carry) and they post a gazillion times about it.
Seriously, ladies: please don’t give our women-kind short shrift here. As a feminist, it annoys me that viewers see DS’ affections as "motherly". They see that DS --
- lugged excess luggage to China to prepare for TK’s comfort, 
- risked incurring the wrath of her sister [lol] by bringing the electric blanket they shared to China 
- COLOR-coordinated TK’s own clothes to wear, [when she didn’t even bother to choose the color of JH’s pink shirt],
- berated management for a better room for TK [note: while she remained in her freezing room], 
- stood out in the cold for an hour for his fusion Asian cuisine, 
- pestered the concierge for unburnt eggs for TS [when there was a perfectly buffet breakfast available], 
- waited for more than 10 hours for TK’s game to finish while sitting on an uncomfortable chair, 
yet they scoff at HER time, energy, and effort as nothing but maternal instincts.


Cut for space.

@moonkeeper Thanks for sharing this!

@packmule3 I'm guilty of calling it maternal instinct too, for lack of a better word, but what's wrong with that? "Motherly", "maternal instinct", "swoon-worthy", whatever terminology it may be, that was the way DS expressed love. She clearly cared for Taek in a way that went beyond and above how a normal friend would. And we didn't see that happening with JH because she didn't love him. 

Btw, I'm happy you agreed with my take on the shoelaces. Do you have any thoughts on spectacles? Why did Taek wear them only when he was competing, and why did Bora remove hers every time she wants to make a point?

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Can we all just agree to disagree? Look JH shippers will always see thing differently from Taek shippers. I'm starting to see a repeat of the same reasons from both sides. Let's all hold hand and sing that 1988 Olympic classic hand in hand.( sheep sound)

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1 hour ago, hushhh said:


Why are you calling them 'spoilt willful disobedient children' Disobedient is not correct. They have no one to obey. I stand firmly by the other adjectives.  or 'let them go sooth themselves with fanfic'Because I think if they don't like the ending, let them write their own since the writer seems unable to please them. If she is a generous person maybe she won't file for copyright infrigement for misused of her intellectual property (her characters).

Please voice it in mature way, in a way that you stand up for the production team, their hard work, the actors/actresses' effort put into fulfilling their characters' roles. and NOT in a way to satisfy your own opinion/feelings (whether biased or not) that you'd put down others. I have no idea who you are, I will have you know that I have been a legal adult for more than two decades. I am *expletive* mature. I put that information under a spoiler and you went an looked. I was specific in who I was discussing and why I thought they were PETTY, PETULANT, VINDICTIVE, ENTITLED, AND NASTY.   I stand my by adjectives and you can look then up if you want to check the accuracy. Surprisingly there are still sane reasonable JH-DS supporters in the world and on the forum. I am not talking about those people. I don't know who you are to be policing my maturity or to tell me how to express myself.  I actually have several degrees in self-expression.  I teach people how to express themselves. And while I don't always get it right, I don't let stranger I don't know police me. It makes me petty, petulant, and vindictive. So don't do it. If I have broken a rule, please notify the moderator. 

I can't even be bothered dealing with you. If I had noticed your attempt to suggest whatever you are suggesting before I wouldn't have bothered writing this post because I suspect responding to you wouldn't be worth my time. But I wrote it and I'm not going to change it.  NO matter who decided it isn't the right post or the right ending or that the period shouldn't be next to that letter.  They can go soothe themselves with fanfiction or corrective punctuation. 


I guess I didn't see this the first time I replied.

The yellow highlighted lines.. I didn't say it to you directly, but to participants in this thread as well. Sorry that I put it in the way that you feel that I'm trying to police you. On a lot of the comments that I read about the ending, of some of those TK-DS supporters that just put down others' opinion just bc they don't agree with one another, calling JH-DS supporters immature, rude, biased, petty, whatever. And I don't think it was nice either. 

Of course I don't know who you are either. I don't know anyone in here as well. So just because you are an adult, you can call others petty, petulant, vindictive, entitled, and nasty? Just because they don't agree with the ending? But then of course you are also entitled to do whatever you want. though I also agreed that there are those petty, petulant, vindictive, entitled, and nasty fans, I just wanted to remind you that there are mature/sane fans as well. And a good number of them too. That's why when I mentioned the crazy fans part, I make sure to use the right word/term of endearment to not overgeneralize a group of people/fans/whoever since they're entitled to do whatever they want. Of course when things they do are out of control, that's where moderators/real life police come into actions in this forum/real life.

We all come to check on this thread, for news, for updates, for opinions, to read. Whether you put what you wrote under spoiler or not, it's still THERE. If you don't want people to read, don't even put it there. If there's a way for ppl to see what you read, ppl will read it. At the end of the day, obviously we all can agree to disagree. But I just hope everyone from either sides, or even the neutral side, to voice their opinion in a respecful way of each other's POVs.

Things that I posted about JH being the husband are just reasons/things of why I feel that the storyline would flow better that way, nut bc I think DS is a prize for him to win. I have never meant to offend/police/tell anyone what to do either. I am entitled to my own opinion and I respect others' as well. That's why I read both sides of interpretations of TK-DS and JH-DS.

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1 hour ago, sillyvivian_yo89 said:

I wholeheartedly agree with you and your comments on those 'crazy fans' of anything, and I also relate to how you feel about fandom as well. I, too, am not really a fan of any public figures. I like people, I like things, I like concepts. I also have thoughts like 'oh they look cute together'; and that's about it. But I don't call myself an official fan of anyone either, nor would I care about their life off-screen. But there all sort of people of everything. That's life. That's..people. Things that you detest about fandom make sense. But those are the kinds of crazy/unreasonable/delusional fandoms. There are many many proper/mature fandoms as well. Passionate fans that love their celebrities send them presents, fan letters, or even food/drinks, wait in line for meet-and-greet, fanmeetings, etc.. I can't ever relate to that kind of passion but I respect it. And I also respect that part of K-fandoms culture though I can't relate to it. In US, there are crazy fandoms too. Justin Bieber's or One Direction's fandoms are hella crazy and they do/say crazy/bad/delusional things as well. That's their own 'culture'. Like I said, everything has two sides. 

Anytime there is an art production, whether a painting, a movie, a drama, theatre musical, etc., there will be criticism about that product, whether good or bad. It is up to the creator to take it or leave it as well. They can take in the 'good kind of criticism' to better themselves or their product and ignore the ridiculous/rude comments. And Of course if they don't want to take in anything and to share their own vision about their own piece of art, that's up to them too. They can do whatever they want as well. But when it's in public, people will talk, good and bad. In this particular forum thread about R88 production, we are free to discuss and share what/how we feel about any part of R88, because we ARE the audience. We watch the R88 and R88 inflicts all sorts of feelings in us, so we voiced it. Lots of you support/agree; many will also disagree. Not just about R88, I have my own love/not-so-loves about R97 and R94 too. Mature fans will appreciate/agree to disagree with POVs of one another doesn't matter which side they're on. Immature fans will always do their.. immature things. My general point of quoting you is that I feel like you generalize all the JH-DS supporters as delusional/spoiled brats just because they feel like JH is a better fit. If I'm wrong, then I apologize. :)

Back to your new hidden comment and JH :lol: [I guess i'll put it hidden too to save space]


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That's your own POV and own opinion about JH and JH supporters. But that's not why all JH supporters really see.

A lot of JH-supporters watch this show and perceived it differently, from how the story was laid out for JH-DS.

Yes JH bickered with DS at all times because they're in their circle of friends. You have friends like TK, and you also have friends like JH or SW or DR, or even DS. Because they grew up as friends, things like romantic feelings, if not handled well, would change/harm the friendships, no matter how close they are. Even in real life, many friendships are jeopardized because of romance as well. It was shown that both TK and JH had always liked DS, from way back when.

Yes his words are hard sometimes. But his actions are more than just 'feel'. When there are no other complication involved, JH, in his own way, showed his feelings to DS as well. He was very active in showing her his feelings up until he found out about TK's feelings. 

When he used shoe-tying excuse to wait for DS that she came out wearing a short dress, he did show his concern for her saying that she shouldn't wear something like that in the cold, perhaps in a unconventional way. He protected her on the crowded bus. He waited and brought her an umbrella in the rain. He ran to her to McDonald right after she called, even tho he didn't say it as nicely x[[. He even paid for her and her friends. He gave her the gloves bc he saw how much she wanted them without using Secret Santa as an excuse (nor he really had it anyways since he had TK), many times he noticed her troubled expression and asked 'what's wrong' right away and other things that I may have forgot. These are his own ways of showing his feelings for her, and from DS' expressions, it seemed to sway her heart as well.

Things that he said/did to/for DS AFTER finding out about TK's feelings may be cruel. But that is his way/personality of sacrificing/respecting his friend. [When it was SW that DS had a crush on, he was even gonna give her up to SW as well because he knew DS liked him so he respected her feelings] But since TK is precious to everyone and also to him, he hesitated and held his feelings/actions back. 

Indeed, TK is the atypical 'winner'. I don't mind that. But I don't think JH as a husband is a typical/cliche ending either. I just felt that as how the show progressed up to ep 16, JH being the husband seems more natural. And don't think what was shown for the progress of TK-DS was enough to convince me, or many other JH-supporters, so while things that JH did for her could highly potentially swayed her heart as well. Similarly with R94, I supported Oppaya but didn't feel right for the ending with Oppaya-NaJeong and ChilBong at all. I felt like they did rush the ending for both R94 and R88 (in regards of romance). But that's the way it is, then that's the way it is. You have your convictions and I have mine. I didn't like the ending not because I think TK is not a good husband contender, nor I blindly love JH. The way that DS 'fell for TK' was the same as how she 'fell for JH' as well, for all the nice/manly things that they do, she realized that (to both each time) 'oh he is a man too'. and TK had it easier/luckier than JH in winning heart (drugged up kiss).

In short (ironically -__-''), viewers that support JH have their mature way/reason why they think/predict that JH was the husband. So when the twist happened, they were surprised/mad/not happy. They feel that way because they were passionate about the show. You only voiced your opinion loudly because you're passionate enough about it. Yes I was mad at first too. But reading many posts in this thread and think twice or three times about this drama, I do think it made sense to end it that way, for the storyline reason or for the strong impact/impression that the writer wants to leave for her audience. Whatever the reason may be, the ending is understandable. But I just have my own disagreements and would leave it as just that.



I apologize for leaving that rude comment under the highlight.

I accept that you want to have a rational conversation about R88. I can't compare it to the other series because I haven't seen them.

I once went to see the play Prelude to a Kiss with my friends I usually go to the theatre with. Alec Baldwin, Milo O'Shea, Mary Louis Parker.  MV5BNjAyMjEzOTcwN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMjI4Mjg5._V1_UY1200_CR81,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg

It a strange body shifting play where Baldwin and Parker are married and for some reason Parker body shifted into O'Shea and "She" and her new husband Baldwin had to work it out.  When we left the theatre my three freinds were enraptured and I thought what a piece of crap. If Milo O'Shea had stay as the wife it would have been interesting but WTH. Waste of time. 

Love those friends. We almost always agree of the critical value of what we see, but not this time. I thought Milo O'Shea, he of the impressive eyebrows made the better wife.


I don't see what you see. But I believe you see it.  Perhaps I didn't see it because it didn't interest me. 

You see for me Taek isn't a twist, so much as it is a reveal.

I will tell your one thing that is bothering me, and thank goodness this is about JH and not DS, is the impression the deep mourning over JH lack of partner as if not having a first love by your side means your life is not satisfying, or worthwhile.  JH was given so much value, so much love, so many complicated relationship, he was a perfect brother, a wonderful son, a bright student, and seemingly competent officer and people are in deep mourning because he didn't get the girl.  


To avoid wars.

While we never see him have to work at being a great brother,

He was also an insensitive friend to SW, but he GREW to stand up for his friend when it counted. And if you notice it was one time he acted without deliberation. 

he started out as a ungiving and unsupportive son, but over the course of the series he GREW to be an exemplary son. Planning the wedding for his parents was another time he acted on impulse.  He does the right thing when he act spontaneously from the heart, but he rarely has the confidence to do go.

he was a lousy suitor. Hesitant, noncommunicating, and prickly, and cowardly in terms of emotion. JH never acted without deliberation towards DS except perhaps with his confession, but I can't be sure. By the end of the series he GREW to understand why he didn't succeed. It was too late for him, but he is prepared for his next chance.  In his words. He didn't want it enough. The one who wanted it more got it.


 To me it's the Jerry McGuire "you complete me" crapfest. JH is in no way incomplete, lesser, or under-developed.  He just didn't get the girl. The girl won't make him fully human. The dog Jungpal is already a human.


Another thing that occurs to me I see the mutiny against the ending as either

1) insulting to the person JH grew to be


2) unreasonably greedy, in that the JH fans got so much and because they were given so much they assumed they should have it all. 

I was alway teasing my friends in high school, to the point if I wasn't teasing them they would ask if I was mad at them. [I'm polite to strangers and treated my friends with rough affection] But I teased all my friends.

Now I never noticed JH being mean to any of the other boys with his teasing in DS presence. Without context how is she to know what all those insulte mean.


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45 minutes ago, sillyvivian_yo89 said:


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Yes it could be interpreted as her romantic feelings for TK had started awhile ago, but it could be interpreted as from ep1-15,16, things she did for him were because she cared for him, yes, but just as really good friends worrying about each other. She had taken care of him since little, so China scenes, with TK's bear dad asking her to take care of him as a favor, she just did her job. She's good at taking care of people, hence becoming the stewardess. I felt like she's only seen his as a precious friend until she sees his 'manly side' (the bridal style carry) and that's where it struck her heart, and that's when she started being more 'girly' in front of him. Similarly she only sees JH as a friend that always annoys her until he did those 'manly' things [umbrella scene, bus scene, McDonald scene] It struck her heart when he told her to not go to the blind date, and that's when she started being more 'girly' in front of him [more softspoken, dolling herself up]. It sucked for JH that he had to show his cold side after admitting his feelings to her. If TK had refused her feelings as well after she started liking him, their love story outcome would have been the same. I guess that's why some JH supporters were frustrated.

Actually no, their love story outcome wont be the same

Because from the very beginning, the nature of JH DS relationship is different from that of Tk and DS

Just like you said, she only sees JH as this annoying friend who always bicker and bashing her until she heard that he might like her, while from the start Tk has always been the most precious friend to her, her priority, so if Tk suddenly become cold toward her, she wont be able to just accept it like she did with JH.

And beside, like some have mentioned it before, Tk and JH both step back from chasing DS because of each others, but due to the different nature of their relationships with DS, they do it differently. JH gets all cold and avoid her , basically return their relationship like how it was before he like DS. Tk also does that, he try to return his relationship with DS to nomal, just like before, but because they are always so close to each other, always depends on and take care of each other, he ends up always be there for her when needed and vice versa.

As a result, you can see that  she continued to gravitate/attracted to him until the bridal carry scene and then the dream-kiss scene sealed the deal in her heart. She realised she liked him but she isnt sure about his feeling plus the fact that she affraid their relationship will become awkward so she doesnt want to take the risk (something that never bothered her in both SW and JH cases, which once again prove the fact that she values her relationship with Tk more than anything)

Then we all knew what happens, lies and timeskip blah blah blah,...

That's my view only though :)


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First important hints for me

ep 7. About manito games, 

Ds talk with no eul "i guess no one picked my name, i dont even have a secret santa, i guess im someone who doesnt deserve to be loved" no eul said "isnt taek is your secret santa?" After the conversation TK came, and said sorry to her. And promise to give her present for christmas.

the same things happen twice !

ep 14. Ds talk with DR 

"Why no one like her? I guess im someone who doesnt deserve to be loved"

but this time DR told her "whats important is who she like the most?" (Remember ds said Choi taek two times. And choi taek came infront of her and dr.)

after that, TK came buy pizza. And ask ds to come with him.

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8 hours ago, luluponyazn said:

@otomame @FayeChang @PiggyKid  I saw a comment on DB for ep 20 regarding the 13 hour baduk game, and when I went back to watch that scene again, I couldn't help but laugh at the genius and dry wit of Shin-Lee team. The whole conversation felt like their own commentary on the main love storyline. 

It took 13 episodes for Taek to finally enter into a relationship with Deoksun, from the end of 6th when he was officially introduced as husband contender until the 19th episode. And at the end of the series, Taek, though tired and worn out, won an insane 13-hour long baduk game. 

Here is their conversation.


Shall we discuss another meta? :w00t:

Epi. 12, TK purposely lost a 10-hour baduk match just to be done with the game. Yet, he won a 13-hour baduk match???  So... TK was introduced on ep.6? At the end of ep. 16, TK decided to cancel his movie date.

Hah! Gotta love the writer's wit..

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I know how it feel when your ship sunk … It took me a few years to finally accept it .. Happen to me with DS .. I deleted it forever from my HD and my memory … and I put down the drama to anyone that ask me about the DS .. don’t waste your breathe .. Sooo I kinda Sympathized JH-DS shipper …


The thing with 1988 – I don’t see the writer trolling only certain shipper .. I see them trolled both … it’s a 50-50 kind of thing. DS can fall for any one of them and it would still go with the story flow …


It’s just that the 2016 Husband’s character is more like JH (the bickering, the hair style, the attitude) totally not TK’s trait … BUT … TK can change over the years to be more open, confident … so yeah .. ppl change . I witness it my self ..


We have to be careful with the reply series – The more confident we are the higher the chances we gonna get trolled – because I believe writer trying to be UNPREDICTABLE … I am a TK-DS shipper… I like JH though … I was afraid that TK-DS would not be the end game (because of the 2016 husband character) …


I was dead set that TK was no ‘IT’ … but I can’t help rooting for him ..


His puppy eyes … the way he looked at her … the way he was not afraid of his feeling and admitted to everyone (except DS) … I love that kind of guy that know what he wants and go for it …


All the hint starting from eps 6 onwards were bias toward TK except one big hint – the husband’s character (2016)… and that big hint that made me guard my heart and accepted defeat wayyy before it happen …


If they didn’t reveal the husband character – I will definitely think it is TK-DS the end game .. WHY?


Because he was always there at the crucial time


1.      The flasher.


2.      When she was dump (concert)


He is her knight in shining amour … that came to her rescue, he was the first one to be there every time. Too bad that the timing was not on JH side .. or we can say that DramaGod did not help JH at all and he is always a few minutes late … (or never there at all ). The bride-style carry scene – Again DramaGod was on TK side … and TK’s confession again JH was too late …


These are the hints … that DramaGod chose TK …


Except for the 2016 husband’s character which was more to JH character.


JH did not confess even though he was SURE that, DS liked him…. He was sure.. he knew it .. but he chose TK over her … So why blame DS? …. How long should she wait?????????


1 year? 2? .. 3??? … How long? … till death??????


I believe the writer already had in mind who she wants DS to end up with or she would not have let TK be there and appear like a knight in shining amour to protect DS ….


And she had been making JH to miss his chances too many times …. Right from the first few episodes and till the end … there was no trolling at all … it was just in our mind, we set it, we want it,  we choose not to see the obvious … She has been writing the story all bias towards TK … TK is everyone baby … he is the center of the attention ….


He has always been the One


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@hushhh it seemed like we missed the timing of each other's reply sometimes.. :lol: Someone had laid it out in this thread before on the JH's growth at the end of series already, similar to yours too. And it did open my eye. My feelings for R88 changed from initially mad to slowly accepting. Perhaps one day I might marathon it again. I felt strongly about JH because while waiting for new eps each week, I rewatched the current eps like crazy. I loved the family scenes, friends scenes, SW-BR scenes, baduk scenes, and of course the love triangle scenes. I've watched it following DS's expression/feelings. And I kept doing it up to 19/20. That's where I stopped. Because at that time it didn't make sense to me. It felt like a twist (again, just my own opinion). I couldn't even sleep that night bc of how frustrated I felt, that's how emotionally invested I was for this show. The writers did such a great job in that aspect :lol: Hence my first post on this thread (of course you don't have to follow my train of posts). It was of frustration/angst that it was flowing in JH's direction then it happened otherwise. Then I read ya'll's posts, opened my eyes to other interpretations of why it happened that way. I was no longer mad/frustrated. I thought to myself 'oh I see I guess it made sense that way too'. But I still feel the DS-TK development at the end was a bit rushed. I wish the writer could have spent more time with them. While appreciating those posts, some posts of people that call JH supporters all kinds of names do bother me. Because I know not all of JH supporters are like that, and definitely not the majority of them either. I quoted ppl's back and forth to share my own interpretations/perspectives on those scenes as well. I know you didn't watch/follow R94, but when the ending happened, the shipping wars were very crazy in Soompi because they supported CB very very much that moderators had to close the thread. I found those opinions of bashing the production very immature. While following this thread silently in the beginning, it seemed like the fans/viewers are more mature this time.. but when the ending happened, there are still badmouthed comments coming from both sides. It's disheartening to see. ><

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1 hour ago, sillyvivian_yo89 said:

I guess I didn't see this the first time I replied.

The yellow highlighted lines.. I didn't say it to you directly, but to participants in this thread as well. Because it came in response to my post, it felt like a personal attack.  Having engaged with you directly, it seems less so and I address it in my previous response to you.Sorry that I put it in the way that you feel that I'm trying to police you. On a lot of the comments that I read about the ending, of some of those TK-DS supporters that just put down others' opinion just bc they don't agree with one another, calling JH-DS supporters immature, rude, biased, petty, whatever. And I don't think it was nice either. I take NO RESPONSIBILILTY for anyone's behavior but my own.  I can get me in enough trouble I don't need to take responsiblity for anyone's behavior just because we were rooting for the same team.  I don't hold  your responsible for any behavior but your own.  I don't even have the capacity to hold you responsible for that. LOL

Of course I don't know who you are either. I don't know anyone in here as well. So just because you are an adult, you can call others petty, petulant, vindictive, entitled, and nasty? No I don't call them that because I am an adult.  I call them that because their behavior signifies that. Just because they don't agree with the ending? No that isn't why.  It is because they are whining, demanding an extension as if something would get together as easily as making a cup of tea.  It is like they have no idea what goes into creating a series.  The actor, the writers, the directors, the staff, costumes, make up, continuity people, food services, laundry, script girl, etc. But then of course you are also entitled to do whatever you want. Within the law and my conscience though I also agreed that there are those petty, petulant, vindictive, entitled, and nasty fans, Those are the fan I am talking about. That is why I used the adjectives as identifiers. I just wanted to remind you that there are mature/sane fans as well. And a good number of them too. There are some very smart, funny, rational fan who are passionate about JH-DS relationship and they manage to share their passion, intellect, humor and heartbreak in a way that increase the sense of community amoung viewers of the series.  I enjoy reading their post and I wouldn't use those adjectives for them because those adjectives would not be appropriate. .That's why when I mentioned the crazy fans part, I make sure to use the right word/term of endearment to not overgeneralize a group of people/fans/whoever since they're entitled to do whatever they want. Of course when things they do are out of control, that's where moderators/real life police come into actions in this forum/real life.

We all come to check on this thread, for news, for updates, for opinions, to read. Whether you put what you wrote under spoiler or not, it's still THERE. If you don't want people to read, don't even put it there. I don't mind people reading it, but out of courtsey I wanted them to have the option of ignoring the information. Not only did I put in under a spoiler i indicated the nature of the material.  I do think that I was being considerate. If there's a way for ppl to see what you read, ppl will read it. At the end of the day, obviously we all can agree to disagree. But I just hope everyone from either sides, or even the neutral side, to voice their opinion in a respecful way of each other's POVs.

Things that I posted about JH being the husband are just reasons/things of why I feel that the storyline would flow better that way, nut bc I think DS is a prize for him to win. I have never meant to offend/police/tell anyone what to do either. I am entitled to my own opinion and I respect others' as well. That's why I read both sides of interpretations of TK-DS and JH-DS. At this point I will say honestly I believe in your good will.  

I also believe your great disappointment is real. And I think you are trying to conduct yourself as civilly as you can. While I am not heartbroken, I have no interest in gloating. Why would i gloat.  I didn't do anything but sit in front of a computer. I come here for the analysis. However I get triggered when I read the attacks on the creative team and worry about the vindictiveness of the inter-fans and get upset when I see crap being thrown at good artist who have done great work. If you should read my post later you will find that I have never attacked JH or his fitness to be "the husband" all I have done is advocate for Taek and the storytelling.



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1 hour ago, unkyung said:

Can we all just agree to disagree? Look JH shippers will always see thing differently from Taek shippers. I'm starting to see a repeat of the same reasons from both sides. Let's all hold hand and sing that 1988 Olympic classic hand in hand.( sheep sound)

Lol except maybe that people don't have enough time to read what the other side is trying to make points about.Amen.

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10 minutes ago, nearsea said:

Lol except maybe that people don't have enough time to read what the other one is trying to make points about.Amen.


Like me - I am 'new' to this thread ... just read the last few pages ... just got the rough idea of what went on the thread ... it's normal .. I believe the production team is waiting for the discussions .. no matter how they end it ppl will talk .. ppl will complain .if TK not the end game. I for one will complain why they troll me .. hehheehe .. Why let TK be the first one everytime but in the end let him down .. why JH when TK also love DS .. may be he loves her more than JH ... 

yeah it's still the same .. same argument .. just change JH to TK or TK to JH .. same argument ..

The writer create the drama such a way that there's no right or wrong answer .. both have equal right ... base on who you like more ... which character you are comfortable with ...

Just hate seeing ppl condemning DS (and the writer) ... when DS not the one that rejected him ..

There was no confession at all from him ... She never reject him outright ... it was his decision .. why blame DS? (referring to those that blame DS)


*Looking at mirror telling myself .. Bambiina .. this is not real .. DS is not real .. she is a fictional character she has no feeling .. she doesn't eat ... so no need to pity DS ... she is not human .. she doesn't exist ..


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We have a very mature discussion in the last couple of page (I skip some not nice one, not worth the time B)). I love it.

Both side not afraid to admit mistakes and apologize.

Holding on gloating because you understand how heartbroken are the other side,

And try to understand and see the other perspective (eventhough it's hard for you),  so that you can see where they are coming from.

I'm giving you all :heart::heart::heart: 

Hopefully we can mantain this kind of tone ^_________________________________^ 

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How things just never change


1. Morning Greetings & Night Meetings



2. Lean on Me



3. "You're Pretty"



4. Lesson of Life



No wonder why they said something like this right? :blush:



Just few things from many of their adorable moment. :heart:

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4 hours ago, Bambiina said:
2 hours ago, Raphelancia said:

How things just never change


4. Lesson of Life




Just few things from many of their adorable moment. :heart:

Thank you.

The determined scolding was kind of hard to take until you remember how much her family suffered because her Dad made a bad loan.

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again, i don't think you should be generalizing that all the fans think the romance is sucks, and the response their getting is all bad. The ratings were soaring high and if only you see the comments on dc and naver tv cast there are lots of good response too. Eonamtaek is also trending on twitter the day the final episode airs. Sorry for keep clarifying, it just ticked my conscience hehehe. Glad you enjoyed the family parts! There are lots of people that were blinded by the way romance goes, and forget all the good things happened in this drama

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Welcome Home, Taekkie

I'm not here for the shipping war. I don't care about that because the drama has ended; the war is over. But I can't rest until I'm done sorting out my thoughts on this brilliant drama and what the writer hoped to communicate. This character analysis of Taek has become far too long for one post. So, here’s the first part.

If Taek was meant to be the husband all along, why did he have such little screen time in the earlier episodes?

As @luluponyazn pointed out earlier, this drama was like a long game of Go. According to Wiki, a handicap is given to offset the strength difference between players of different ranks. The rank difference is a guide to how many handicap stones should be given. As a general rule, each rank represents the value of one stone.

Since Choi Taek was 6-dan, he was given a handicap of 6 episodes. This explains why he only made his first official move as a husband candidate at the end of ep 6.

But why did the writer consider Taek a strong player?

Since young, Taek was special to DS. We all know how important flashbacks are in any Reply series. Why was the childhood flashback in ep 2 centred on Taek? He was quiet and expressionless, tagging along wherever the gang went. Certainly that didn’t make an interesting story angle, especially compared to those of DR, SW and JH.

This only made sense if Taek and DS were the ones being interviewed in 2015/16. But more importantly, this showed that DS had always paid close attention to Taek, and that she held these memories dearly. Which brings me to my next point, that Taek was family.

Remember, the theme is family. When the writer said AM1988 would focus on the theme of “family”, we thought it just meant that the families’ screen time would increase. But that’s not all. It revealed an important insight into the type of romantic relationship depicted here – one that developed from family into love.

Taek is Home

In hanja, Taek’s name is written as 沢.
But in hangul, Taek (택) also means “home” in formal Korean.
Doesn’t it make perfect sense that the destination for our family drama is home?

Taek had always considered himself as part of DS’ family. When DS’ granny passed on, only Taek sent his regards to DS’ dad and even apologised for not visiting. Meanwhile, JH, DR and SW tried to sneak into the cinema to watch an adult movie. This revealed a fundamental difference in Taek's relationship with DS' family, compared to the other boys.


The same thing happened later, when DS’ dad retired from Hanil bank, Taek wanted so badly to go for the retirement ceremony too, which was reserved for family members only.

DS: Tomorrow is Dad’s retirement. I’m already about to get tears in my eyes.
Taek: Can’t I go too?
DS: Forget it, don’t come. If you come, it will get noisy. And only family is supposed to come.
Taek: Alright. But, can’t I just stop by for a bit?
DS: No, if you come, you’ll be the main attraction. Tomorrow, my dad has to be the star.
Taek: Okay. Then I’ll just stay in the back and… Ah!

Hand in Hand

The first episode appeared to have nothing to do with the husband hunt. But in fact, it laid the foundation by providing a very important lead: family is someone who’ll take your hand and won’t let you go.


DS: (narrates) In the end, what helps you overcome obstacles isn’t brains but someone who’ll take your hand and won’t let you go. In the end, that’s family.

DS and Taek were always seen holding hands from as early as ep 2. This was something DS never did to any of the other boys. In fact, they hold hands so often that their parents dismissed the dating scandal with a laugh.



This is what makes TK-DS’ relationship so unique and precious. It developed gradually and naturally over time without DS even realising it. Often, when watching kdramas, we’d look out for a dramatic series of life-changing moments that miraculously coincide to form what we consider fate. But in real life, we don’t have to meet an alien, lose our memory, develop schizophrenia or fall in love with a chaebol who happens to be a long-lost half brother. We just have to cherish the people around us, hold their hands and not let them go.


Taek: Who asked to date first? Well, it was…
DS: Just natural. It happened slowly without either of us realizing it.
Taek: Do we really have to tell you that?
DS: Yes, that’s how it is. Even if you kiss and hold hands it’s considered a fling until you state you’re a couple.
Taek: Even with kissing?
DS: Yes, apparently.

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I know that people can have a different interpretation and give different meaning toward a same scene, and I can accept that. But we are in a public space, so we can share our thoughts and interpretation, and argue with others civilly, while trying to accept different perspective, or just agree to disagree.

The things that bother me are when a person missed some facts that were laid bare in the drama, and wrong accusations with no base to my favorite people, everyone who create this drama. Therefore, I do lots of reminding and and share my thoughts here too. Especially enjoying the color theory and had fun discussing that. With this post I just want to say sorry if I do offend anyone. This is just how much I'm loving this drama ♡♡♡

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