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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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9 hours ago, carolinedl said:

As some of you know, one of the things I like the best about the Reply series is the music.

My question:

If you had to choose one song that Reply 1988 made you discover and which you adore, which one would it be?


(Lee Moon Sae - Under The Shade of Tree)


Just one! (I know it's hard, I had a hard time choosing only one....)

Lets rally! :) Lee Moonsae's songs are on the roll in this drama (Girl, Sunset Glow, Flying Deep into The Night, Under The Shade of Tree). But my favorite would be Don't Worry, Dear. Original by Deulgukhwa, remake for Reply 1988 OST by Lee Juck. I even found one lyrics video with engsub, yeaay!



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10 hours ago, carolinedl said:

As some of you know, one of the things I like the best about the Reply series is the music.

My question:

If you had to choose one song that Reply 1988 made you discover and which you adore, which one would it be?


Just one! (I know it's hard, I had a hard time choosing only one....)


it's hard!!!! but if I have to choose one, then it's After the Play by Sharp. The lyric is kind of sad but I really like it :)


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Replay Reply 1988. #5 Trading food between neighbours

"If this is the case, let's eat together" - Junghwan.

This scene is funny. Eating at their own houses but it feels like a potluck :D It looks like the quintuplets just knew that once one of them delivers food, food-delivering rally will start. I remember errands like this when I was a kid. Every time a family hosted a gathering or harvested fruits (in which a lot of food were made), the kids had to deliver them to neighbours. This Ssangmundong neighourhood was indeed warm and lovely.

BGM: Lee Moonsae (이문세 ) - Flying into The Deep Night (깊은 밤을 날아서)

Live ver and cover with engsub:


Live ver by Lee Moonsae

Cover by Mamamoo *I love them!* on Immortal Songs (with engsub)




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9 hours ago, hafunohane said:
  • Space Travel - This space corresponds with the "Go to Jail" space in Monopoly, but rather than going to Jail as in Monopoly, the player may on his next turn go to any space on the board (including the Space Travel space or the deserted island). However, they must pay a fee to the owner of the Columbia Space shuttle, if it is owned. If the player is the owner of the Space Shuttle Columbia, then space travel is free.

OMG .... your CSI level is so Awesomeee...... :w00t:

14 hours ago, packmule3 said:

Then, we should remember Episode 13: Return of Superman. The Blue Marble game wasn’t his. It belonged to Taekkie.  

i dont think the blue marble game belonged to Taek. because Taek dont know to play it, and he just read the instruction when they want to play it together. Its belong to DR. before the game started, DR said to DS with confident that he can beat Taek. and he is the one who have the idea to play together before Taek go to competition. in the ep 13, DR came to Taek's house with his new toy .... 

dnezow.jpg   1z3nkok.jpg

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First of all, let me admit that despite being a huge fan of this series, I’m usually a silent lurker in this forum. Having been burnt badly in Answer Me 1994 for being on the Chilbong ship, I approached 1988 very cautiously. I intentionally didn’t pick any ship, ignored all the so called clues, and just watched the series for it is, without trying to analyse a single thing myself.


In 1994, I was firmly on CB’s side and just plain hated T throughout the drama. I felt so betrayed by the writer when NJ picked T in the end. I remembered being so broken-hearted for CB, I was crying when the finale aired. But then that painful experience became a precious lesson when I started to watch 1988. I went in with an open mind. And I found myself delighted that I like all the boys and it doesn’t matter which one ends up being DS’s husband. However, I must admit that I’m very partial to Taek; he’s the one I secretly root for, to the extent that my first instinct when I found out at the end of episode 6 that he may have liked DS, I was actually upset. I didn’t want him to be the other leg of the love triangle. Because I was convinced that JH is the husband and Taek is going to end up broken-hearted, like CB, and I don’t think I can take it the second time. I just don’t want him to get hurt; more than anything I want him to be safe, healthy and happy. Thinking about it now, it’s crazy how much I love this fictional character.


While this show was airing, there were so many “analysis” posts. At first, I read them because it was fun to compare perspectives. However, the more I read them, the more I found that I disagree with them so much so that I could feel my blood pressure slowly rising every time I read one. The contents were not even 100% right and the tone of the posts themselves was just so condescending. But because everyone is entitled to their opinion, and rather than fueling an already heated shipping war, I just let it go and remained silent.  Now that the series has ended and we all knew what happened, I just can’t take it anymore and I feel like I have to say something here.


I have nothing against you personally @packmule3, like yourself I’m also a huge fan of this series, but the difference is I see the script as it is and don’t try to add my own interpretations to it. Of course, you’re allowed to have your own analysis, and even extend some of your imaginations. However, I think it is not fair that you do that and then try to present them as if they’re actually what the writer intended to do, and then easily dismiss others who don’t see eye to eye to your interpretations. In my humble opinion, LWJ is a great writer, but I think you’re giving her a lot more credit than she deserves. Of course, Taek-DS shippers will be so happy you’re giving them all these snippets of “the writer’s mind” but there are so many things that are just wrong. I feel like you’re basing your analysis on DramaFever’s translated subs whereas DF’s subs are simply the worst. Korean to English translation is always difficult, especially for a drama with a script as rich as this one, but the people at DF are hopeless at it. I have a rebuttal for every single Q&A posts of yours but I don’t have the time to look for every single one, so I’ll just do one for your most recent post. Two reasons why JB is not a chocolate thief:


1. BR found out about DS giving someone she liked a chocolate from reading her diary. At this particular point in time, DS had a “first crush” on SW. She meant to give it to SW so she put the chocolate in his bag. That much is crystal clear, and not implied. DS had absolutely no reason to give Taek a chocolate; she hasn’t had a special awareness to him yet. Yes, we now know that perhaps she has always loved him, but not in “girl likes boy and wants to date him” way. At least not at that point in time. Taek did not bring a bag into the house and he wore his jacket into JH’s room. I’m just confused as to how DS could possibly secretly try to give it to him. JB had absolutely no reason to steal the chocolate, be it from SW or Taek. Adult DS (almost 30 years later) was simply mistaken and thought that she gave it to Taek. She didn’t. Her memory was murky. As for SW, he chose to ignore it, just like how he ignored the candy and the post-it note. He likely received gifts from secret admirers all the time that he didn’t try to find out who they were from.


2. The Blue Marble game was DR’s, not Taek’s. Taek didn’t even know how to play the game. He was introduced to it by SW and he had to read the manual first. DR brought the board game into Taek’s house at first, wanting to play with Taek when DS shooed him out (because Taek was busy preparing for the Fujitsu tournament). When DS, NE, JB and DR played together at Taek’s room for the first time, and they all went out without bringing the game home, it was because they intentionally left it there. Blue Marble, like Monopoly, can be a very long game. When DR came out of the house, he told Taek’s dad not to clear away the board (I think this line was not even translated in the subs) because they intended to continue playing the same game next time, as in picked up where they left off. Yes JB stole that Space Adventure card, but he stole it from DR, not from Taek.


I know I’ll probably be attacked after this post, but the reason I try to be brave and come out of lurking is because I just want to give the other forum users a fair go. I don’t want them to think that they’re ignorant for not being able to see what you see, when your analysis posts are logically flawed in the first place. I was honestly over the moon when Taek was revealed to be the husband (because they seemed to have a happy marriage, and he stopped taking his sleeping pills) but I could not even celebrate because I was also broken-hearted for JH. I especially felt so much sympathy for JH-DS shippers (because I was in their place back in 1994 with CB). But more analysis posts that came out were like “SEE?!! I TOLD YOU! WHY CAN’T YOU SEE THIS?!” It pains me, really.


I’m sorry if I offended anyone, but I believe I’ve stated my opinions in a clear, non-hostile way.

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@m3lon4 this is your first post on Soompi, I am afraid that people will judge you, attack you and call you names, but I hope you don't let it get to you. Congrats on the first post, I hope you enjoy it here.  :).

I skip so many post here on MT for the last several pages, so apologize for sounding ignorant, but you are the first taek shipper whose word are kind, warm and emphatic. Honestly, I am thankful for having read your opinion above. 

As a viewer who don't get to see the husband that I expected him to be, the pain of the heartbreak alone would be enough to last me months or years. It’s like a giant hole was pummeled into your chest, with no hope of repair. It is the most painfull feeling that someone can have.

So I don't get it when some people say harsh words here in MT, deliberately try to inflict more pain to an already broken heart/soul. Can we be a little bit kinder in our words ? :).

It's a fact that taek is the husband, It's a fact that after so many years being together, deoksun is happy with him. We saw it in the drama itself.

As for the JH shipper, I think most of them have accept the ending as it is, but Yes, we still talk about what could have been for JH and DS.

We love them both, we love their dynamic together, we think that they are well matched, we still hope seeing them being husband and wife and grow old together overcoming all the problem that might occured. We would like to see how they handle it. We just like seeing them together.

Is it a crime ?

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@m3lon4 You won't be attacked, but it's unnecessary to call out a specific person. I'm not sure why you think your behavior should be allowed, while hers should be reprimanded. She pains you AND raises your blood pressure, but that's fine to say, but she can't analysis a kdrama in well thought out posts? If you don't agree with her, ignore her. Or here's a wild thought, debate her without being personal about it.  

She also happened to be (mostly) right about Taek being the husband while other people were disagreeing with her (myself included) and reporting her.  The chocolate theory is not one I actually agree with, but I'm not offended by her having a different opinion and being sure in her own analysis.  And everyone adds their own interpretation to scripts.  People who shipped JH/DS interpreted it differently than how TK/DS shippers did. That's why things were so sharply divided among the fandom. People saw different things and had their own opinion on how it would end. 

Analysis posts are here to stay and are allowed by soompi rules and the mods. I'd much rather read a deep analysis about the drama or characters, than drive by posts about your favorite (insert something here).  Those are fine too, but both should be welcome here.  And as for sympathy, well it's been weeks since the drama ended.  We are all adults. Time to move on and get over it. A kdrama shouldn't ruin your day. 

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On 2/9/2016 at 1:37 AM, m3lon4 said:

First of all, let me admit that despite being a huge fan of this series, I’m usually a silent lurker in this forum. Having been burnt badly in Answer Me 1994 for being on the Chilbong ship, I approached 1988 very cautiously. I intentionally didn’t pick any ship, ignored all the so called clues, and just watched the series for it is, without trying to analyse a single thing myself.


In 1994, I was firmly on CB’s side and just plain hated T throughout the drama. I felt so betrayed by the writer when NJ picked T in the end. I remembered being so broken-hearted for CB, I was crying when the finale aired. But then that painful experience became a precious lesson when I started to watch 1988. I went in with an open mind. And I found myself delighted that I like all the boys and it doesn’t matter which one ends up being DS’s husband. However, I must admit that I’m very partial to Taek; he’s the one I secretly root for, to the extent that my first instinct when I found out at the end of episode 6 that he may have liked DS, I was actually upset. I didn’t want him to be the other leg of the love triangle. Because I was convinced that JH is the husband and Taek is going to end up broken-hearted, like CB, and I don’t think I can take it the second time. I just don’t want him to get hurt; more than anything I want him to be safe, healthy and happy. Thinking about it now, it’s crazy how much I love this fictional character.


While this show was airing, there were so many “analysis” posts. At first, I read them because it was fun to compare perspectives. However, the more I read them, the more I found that I disagree with them so much so that I could feel my blood pressure slowly rising every time I read one. The contents were not even 100% right and the tone of the posts themselves was just so condescending. But because everyone is entitled to their opinion, and rather than fueling an already heated shipping war, I just let it go and remained silent.  Now that the series has ended and we all knew what happened, I just can’t take it anymore and I feel like I have to say something here.


I have nothing against you personally @packmule3, like yourself I’m also a huge fan of this series, but the difference is I see the script as it is and don’t try to add my own interpretations to it. Of course, you’re allowed to have your own analysis, and even extend some of your imaginations. However, I think it is not fair that you do that and then try to present them as if they’re actually what the writer intended to do, and then easily dismiss others who don’t see eye to eye to your interpretations. In my humble opinion, LWJ is a great writer, but I think you’re giving her a lot more credit than she deserves. Of course, Taek-DS shippers will be so happy you’re giving them all these snippets of “the writer’s mind” but there are so many things that are just wrong. I feel like you’re basing your analysis on DramaFever’s translated subs whereas DF’s subs are simply the worst. Korean to English translation is always difficult, especially for a drama with a script as rich as this one, but the people at DF are hopeless at it. I have a rebuttal for every single Q&A posts of yours but I don’t have the time to look for every single one, so I’ll just do one for your most recent post. Two reasons why JB is not a chocolate thief:


1. BR found out about DS giving someone she liked a chocolate from reading her diary. At this particular point in time, DS had a “first crush” on SW. She meant to give it to SW so she put the chocolate in his bag. That much is crystal clear, and not implied. DS had absolutely no reason to give Taek a chocolate; she hasn’t had a special awareness to him yet. Yes, we now know that perhaps she has always loved him, but not in “girl likes boy and wants to date him” way. At least not at that point in time. Taek did not bring a bag into the house and he wore his jacket into JH’s room. I’m just confused as to how DS could possibly secretly try to give it to him. JB had absolutely no reason to steal the chocolate, be it from SW or Taek. Adult DS (almost 30 years later) was simply mistaken and thought that she gave it to Taek. She didn’t. Her memory was murky. As for SW, he chose to ignore it, just like how he ignored the candy and the post-it note. He likely received gifts from secret admirers all the time that he didn’t try to find out who they were from.


2. The Blue Marble game was DR’s, not Taek’s. Taek didn’t even know how to play the game. He was introduced to it by SW and he had to read the manual first. DR brought the board game into Taek’s house at first, wanting to play with Taek when DS shooed him out (because Taek was busy preparing for the Fujitsu tournament). When DS, NE, JB and DR played together at Taek’s room for the first time, and they all went out without bringing the game home, it was because they intentionally left it there. Blue Marble, like Monopoly, can be a very long game. When DR came out of the house, he told Taek’s dad not to clear away the board (I think this line was not even translated in the subs) because they intended to continue playing the same game next time, as in picked up where they left off. Yes JB stole that Space Adventure card, but he stole it from DR, not from Taek.


I know I’ll probably be attacked after this post, but the reason I try to be brave and come out of lurking is because I just want to give the other forum users a fair go. I don’t want them to think that they’re ignorant for not being able to see what you see, when your analysis posts are logically flawed in the first place. I was honestly over the moon when Taek was revealed to be the husband (because they seemed to have a happy marriage, and he stopped taking his sleeping pills) but I could not even celebrate because I was also broken-hearted for JH. I especially felt so much sympathy for JH-DS shippers (because I was in their place back in 1994 with CB). But more analysis posts that came out were like “SEE?!! I TOLD YOU! WHY CAN’T YOU SEE THIS?!” It pains me, really.


I’m sorry if I offended anyone, but I believe I’ve stated my opinions in a clear, non-hostile way.

Hello, I see you are newbie here. That was your first post. Well, although I am also a newbie, I really want to say welcome to you. I was a silent lurker here before I finally braved myself to actually post something in Reply thread. I guess it's a Reply power is too strong for both of us to resist. Hehe.

Your post is really good. And I don't think that it would offend anyone. The only thing you do is just stating your interpretation of the drama. I saw a lot of people doing that here. So no worries. People here are nice. We love discussion here.

And about the theory....I might have to watch the scene again, but I don't remember seeing Jungbong in it. It sure is JB's house, but I don't think JB was present at that particular scene, the Chocolate Scene. There are 3 places used for that scene. The first one is Junghwan' room, five persons were there, the Ssangmundong five. And the second is the Kim's living room where the parent (minus Dongryong's) were found gossiping and dancing. The last is Kim's hallway where Jinjoo's seen to be eating JB's sausage. I cannot locate JB in that scene. The only thing I recall about him is when Junghwan telling Doksun not to eat the sausage because it was his hyung's. I am confuse, if the theory was in fact the truth, DS actually intended to give it to Taek but JB intercepted it, then why wouldn't they put JB in that Chocolate Scene? I mean if Doksun really intended to give the chocolate to Taek, which later turned into her husband, then Isn't it mean that the Chocolate scene is an important scene? Well, I'm sorry no matter who was the husband or who received the chocolate that scene is actually important. But I just hope they would do better job doing it, again if infact the theory of Doksun-intented-to-give-the-chocolate-but-it-was-stolen-by-Jungbong were right. The thief a.k.a Jungbongvely needs to be seen in it. They gave us two Chocolate scenes (the other scene was captured in Kim Sajang's camera), but still no Jungbong? What is this? Of course, we can always guess and assume that JB was in his room and later go out to steal something from the baduk genius. But what if JB never leaves his room? What if JB never saw the chocolate? What if JB went to the arcade earlier and never in his room the whole time? Then, are we just deframing Jungbongvely by making this theory? Andwaeeeeeeee!!! I hope the PD nim would answer this. His drama was Answer Me 1988 anyway.

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Thank you @m3lon4 for your post. I am happy to see that a real debate has started here because frankly I am upset. Unfortunately, only someone that has no posted a lot here could say those things because everyone else as an etiquette here and as soon as you post anything that could go against the current movement of the thread, you are often ridiculed...

I am not upset about the ending of R1988 (even though I was rooting for JH and DS) but because I want to be able to state the problems I have with the finale, with the way DR and JH were developped at the end, by the lack of cute TK and DS moments (yes, we had some, but not enough to get me on board), by what I perceive as an emotional imbalance between the way JH/DS and TK/DS were developped, etc. All these are my personal opinions as a regular viewer, and as someone who loved the show. And frankly, I have been unable to say all I wanted here.

A forum is about stating your opinion, saying what you want to say, engaging into debates where your opinion is respected as such. When you are not being called 'ignorant' nor a 'vapid shipper' because you view things differently. It is not a place where when you ask a question, you are either ignored or answered as if you are a fool. This is a free space where each should be able to express what one feels, even if you view those things as silly. Everyone has the right to say what they want, but each answer should be respected as such. Of course, you can choose not to answer, but you also don't have to say you don't answer because the post does not deserve an answer... That is not respect.

A lot of people have said that if you don't like a post, you can just pass over it and just read the posts that interest you. I agree. At the same time, if you feel unconfortable, if you don't dare posting what you want because you are scared that you will be judged, then the purpose of soompi as a forum has been lost. And I actually believe that it has.

I know there has been a lot of problems with this thread, it has been closed, people have been suspended, posts have been erased. But I feel it has not gotten better at all. It's like things do not change. It pains me, because God knows I tried. I really wanted for it to be a happy place where all R1988 related things could be talked about, where each characters could be analysed fairly and with love.

I know my post will upset a lot of people, or maybe not. But at this point I don't care anymore. I have decided not to post in this thread anymore because I don't feel confortable doing so. I have always treated people with respect here, tried to state my opinion without hurting anyone. Yet, I feel that I was not treated the same way. So enough is enough for me.

This is my last goodbye to this thread.

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@m3lon4 I really thank you for your post :) Coming from a trash-oppa-stan-but-wants-CB-to-be-happy-too, I understand how unexpectedly reply series can affect us. It is indeed a fictional drama, but potrayed in such a way that we can relate to our own experience, connect to the characters, cherish them, and wish for their happiness. It can also unexpectedly take time (in fact, unknown amount of time) to let go of the lingering feelings for the character that we cherish. May it be weeks or even more than a year like Reply94 case. So far only Reply series have done that to me as well. You (and perhaps many others) being cautious to watch Reply88 after being chilbong-ed makes me realize that may be Reply's after effect can't be compared to other kdramas after all. On the other side, knowing that you also cherish JH even though you stan TK is comforting for me. Thank you again :) 

I'm sad and sorry that you think you'll be attacked for posting your thoughts. MT is supposed to be for everyone. You can ignore a post, but you can also choose to post anything that speaks your mind when you disagree with another post. How can we say "we can agree to disagree" when one is held back from disagreeing. You have every right to post as a soompi user and to feel safe for doing so, as long as you adhere to soompi rules. And you do. Please do stay brave. Hwaiting!

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On favourite song ;)

First of all, I'd like to apologize if I offend anyone by posting about my favourite song

Since I prefer lighter posts like this

And I endured post after post about theories and analysis

I think I have a right to post about this

If I have to choose a song

It would be A Little Girl

I love it and 

I hate it at the same time

I'm a hyukoh fans and I was overjoyed to find out Oh Hyuk recorded the song for R88's soundtrack. I fell in love with the song the first time I listened to it. Of course, I loved it even more because it's JH&DS' song and it was the bgm of many of their iconic scenes. But ever since the drama ended, it broke my heart each time I listened to it. It's like my own break up song LOL. I still love it though and Goddamn Oh Hyuk's voice was so on point, I can't.

Some of the scenes with A Little Girl as BGM, CMIIW 




credit : dramabeans, beautifulsolitude, contentsreview


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20 hours ago, melissala said:

She also happened to be (mostly) right about Taek being the husband while other people were disagreeing with her (myself included) and reporting her.

Sorry to cut your post.

Forgive me, but I thought, like everyone else @packmule3 was the one people who said that Kim Junghwan would be the husband early in the series. I vaguely remember but I think some of packmule3's main's arguments were :

  1. The actor who plays JH receives top biling
  2. The writer is a professional and has shown her style throughout the franchise : Bickering couple, hero's trait, appealing 2nd lead male (we don't know the husband that time).
  3. Hints to future husband leads to Junghwan

I hope I was wrong though. BTW, Sorry, I just want clear statement and explanation since reply made me confuse about many things. I hope you dont mind. Thank you and have a nice day.

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Inasmuch as we would like to be rational about things, BOTH SIDES  will NEVER AGREE (yes I said NEVER) on why and what is right.

This Thread has gone through a lot( even shipper' threads) But has it changed? NO! Will it change? NO! MAYBE?

We all have insulted each other, Reported each other, Banned each other, Called each other delusional, Defended ourselves, "TAKEN OVER MT" (yes, both ships did and you can try to deny it all you want but deep down inside of you, you know its the truth). 

What did we gain from all of this? HATRED AND DISLIKE FOR EACH OTHER. 

While all this Nonsense is going on, The actors are ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY. Moving on to other projects. Keeping R'88 as a happy memory. Why can't we learn learn from them?

Would we continue to call each other delusional? *scoffs*,do you really need an answer for that?

*sigh* I just wish/hope we can all come together as one without the backstabbing, reporting and banning of each other. *scratches head* will that ever happen? One can only Hope. 


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I went through my R88 file and found this memorable scene I really can't forget :lol:

Episode 11: #throwbackR88



I remember I literally LOLed when this scene was aired hahaha, I really don't know what I'd do if I was DS, maybe what I'd do is to wait for JH to finish showering and then go inside and take my things. 

Side note: I always wonder how we can wrap our hair with towel the DS way? Is there like a specific way to do it? cause it's my first time seeing towel being wrapped that way to dry the hair hehehe.

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17 minutes ago, namunamuyeppeo said:

I went through my R88 file and found this memorable scene I really can't forget :lol:

Episode 11:


I remember I literally LOLed when this scene was aired hahaha, I really don't know what I'd do if I was DS, maybe what I'd do is to wait for JH to finish showering and then go inside and take my things. 

Side note: I always wonder how we can wrap our hair with towel the DS way? Is there like a specific way to do it? cause it's my first time seeing towel being wrapped that way to dry the hair hehehe.


ahhh this scene thooo!!!! How i wish we could see a glimpse of junghwan's body but, NADA!!!! 

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thanks a lot for your words :)

I confess that I'm not reading all the things posted here anymore since the end of the drama because I don't have much free time, but I came here at times and everytime I came I read some offensive posts.

It doesn't matter if one person is openly rude or if he implys an insult while calling someone ignorant or something else... the rudeness is present all the same and belittling words are insulting either way.

Luckily I found your post this time...

I read it with interest and I agree with your POV, because it doesn't matter that I liked JH and you liked Taek you respect people that saw things in a different way of how you saw them and you're open to understand the feelings of everyone.

The only think that I regret while reading your post it's that you were a silent reader until now, your openhearted opinion would have been liked a lot while the drama was airing but... better late than never, right?

To welcome you and since I wanted to post one last time something good here let's talk/see about more funny and nostalgic stuff...

I wanted to share my favourite song from the drama today but someone, yes... I talking with you @hailaft :tears::P:D,already posted it so I'll share a video that I like a lot.

It's not about a couple, it's about the drama so I hope you'll enjoy it like I do:

Credit: youtube channel
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