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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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16 hours ago, iloveenglishsubs said:

I reply :D Finally someone opens up a new topic.

DR's family is interesting, especially his mom. I feel sad for her when she told the ahjummas that she felt lost because she is always called someone's mom, not by her own name. It think in 1994 she has retired from work? That's why she stayed at home and watch over her grandchild. Imagine being active working mother for years and suddenly feels like losing purpose after retiring. It's sad. On the other hand DR's dad turns out to be very composed and understanding. Now I understand more why these two are a couple :) 

About DR. Last time we see him, he is running a restaurant, right? The one where Kim appa & omma had their wedding event. DR's dad says he came up with very creative ideas for the restaurant (result of watching western shows) so it is often booked for events. I'd like to believe in the future he becomes a successful businessman. But how successful? Is he married? How does he raise kids? Is he still Ssangmundong's Park Namjung? We don't even know where his family moved to. Dongryong ah, eodinni? Are you dead or are you alive? *waves handkerchief 


Woohoooo! Let the dancing machine gets his limelight for once!

He is definitely more on the creative side - very much art-inclined. 

But I am still sad for him. He is the most outgoing and cheerful person but very lonely on the inside.

I still shed tears when he "ran" away from home because his mum didn't cook seaweed soup for him for his birthday.

Childish but still very impactful! 


8 hours ago, Abim Syazili said:

So today I read someone's post that he/she wants a theory about Dong Ryong. Is it you? @fnkrmhaha I might help you but what I'm going to post is not about his theory but more into his personality and what he has done in this drama.

So let's start. It's gonna be a long post and I'm sorry I still don't know how to use 'reveal hidden content' in a post lol and I have to admit that I'm not a good writer or analyst like some nunas in our ship.



1. DR is a GOOD 'Michin Sekki.'

What I mean here DR is a good boy who is willing to help anybody but he tends to show it with his own way:Teasing/Joking.

Remember this. He said he doesn't want to carry DS because he said she is bigger than him. It implies DS is heavy, and mostly girls hate when boys say something about their weights. That ruined DS' mood even more that day.

But in the end, HE DID it anyway. It must be tiring lol

And also this one :

“You’re only like this in front of us, right? You’re not going to do this stuff around other people, right? People really respect you, you know. They call you a god.”©dramabeans. In EP 6, he does help TK with his walkman, put the battery, rising the volume but again he helps with his own way. It implies TK is a fool and can't rely on his own self. But here, to me he is more into concerned rather than teasing him. Concerned in disguise.

“I don’t understand how other people lose to you.” he was saying that while fixing his buttons. It was not wise words to say (because hell, a big competition with 5 matches is ahead) but his action clearly saying differently.


I will include this one too :

What a beautiful day in EP 2. DS is being flirty to the Baduk's player, patting his buns, asking him to grow fast and marry her. But then..

It looks painful and brutal lol. It really does. But the point is not how DR grabs her hair. It is how he reminds her to hurry, because lol there is only 1 minute left before the school's started. He could have dashed and hurry himself but no, his equal-brained-friend would be late too.

And I'm wondering, what would happen if he didn't grab her hair... She may have a little longer conversation with TK, after patting his buns, she could have pat his head too, or even cleaning his spilling MILK.



DR is a like a place where the others need his advice, he may be not as smart as JH or SW but somehow he can be really mature and wise when his friends need him.


EP 5 with JH


EP 14 with DS


EP 4 with TK. The gang put him in anger, saying that he shouldn't lose in his match. But only DR's words that make him laugh. “Yes. You’re not allowed to lose, or be jinxed, or fall into a slump, or poop. Okay, you can poop, but it can’t smell.”

EP 20 with SW. He was the last person who came to TK's room but he was the first person who made SW smile in relief.


And he almost never puts any joke when he gives his advice to others. This is him in mature and understanding stance. Probably there are some other moments but I can't point it out one by one.

(I know how to use spoiler finally lol)



  Reveal hidden contents


DR is really nice to others. He listens and understand them well when they are in a complicated situation. The question is...

Do the rest understand him well?

I'm not really sure. He is the funniest and the brightest person among the rest, so they may think DR won't feel any pain or when he is in a difficult situation, he can back quickly to his own personality. But I think here, DR is the loneliest kid among the rest. He makes them laugh, he makes them happy but he himself probably is not that happy. Well who knows?

Remember when he ran away from house and then he called JH because he didn't have money to buy food? This is really sad for me. Why didn't he tell the others that he was in a difficult situation? That he was upset his mom couldn't fill her promise, and only gave him some money in his birthday, and there were no parents to celebrate with.

Their friends always come to him for help, why didn't he do the same? He wouldn't have ran away if there were friends to share the burden with. He felt lonely himself, his parents couldn't be there with him even in his birthday. 

After they back from the beach, JH and SW couldn't say happy birthday properly to him. Have they planned for DR's birthday that day? And they directly asked why he ran away from house, it might be not the right time to ask that question, they could have asked him later when he felt better mentally. They didnt understand him that time, but they listened to him carefully. By that, they may know that this silly person needs them so much.



DR is one of the MVP in this drama. His presence is important and has a big impact to others.

These scenes MIGHT not happen without DR's touch.



DR is the only one who got his own name. Actually the possibility to have their own names is small, so if DR got DS or BR, TK and SW wouldn't have given their gifts to the girls. SW might have given it to BR even if he weren't her manitto but BR only accepted his gift because he was her secret santa. And it is also prevails for NE and JB lol. As for TK, he may not give the mittens to DS if he got DR's paper, and JH would be the only one who had given the gloves to DS.


Thank you DR :D


JH might forget about the ring's existence until DR mentioned it and ask him to propose at least once in his life :) 



Basically, he must sacrifice himself first before he got these scenes :'D Thanks to him too, we got a chance to see Mrs. Jo's considerate side :D


The family may end up celebrating it in a random restaurant, but DR just called in the right time! :D and JH's brilliant idea healed his mom menopouse mood, and that is why this beautiful photo was created :)



sorry for the long post.


AIGOOOO CHINGU YAAAAA~~~ Yes, it was me who asked for theories for our lovely boy DR.

Bless you! *wave dance* 

He is second favourite character in this series. 

14 hours ago, debieg said:

The four boys from the squad... 

For me I want JH to be my boyfriend.

Teak to be my brother. He is cute and I want a cute brother.

Sun Woo to be my seatmate in school. Him being diligent in studying could be a good role model.

 Dong Ryong my best friend.. It would always be fun to have someone like him and I can tell him my problem. :)

If you could choose. What role you want the four boys be in your life?


As much as I love JH and he is like my ideal guy, I would want DR to be my husband/boyfriend. (DR for the win!)

He seems like the mood maker and will always treasure me. DR ah, eodini? 

I would like Taek to be my younger brother. He is cute in such a way that I wanna squeeze him and put him inside my pocket. (Stop with your cutie smirks, PBG!)

As for SW, he has a very strong personality (which I like) so he might be my best friend. I like honest and straight forward guys. 

JH ah~~ I like you. I said I like you. But you keeping everything to yourself frustrates me. You will be my soulmate. 

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14 hours ago, monsterlife said:

For me, Sunwoo is husband material. I like his gentle straightforwadness. He is also caring and responsible. 

Taek, my boyfriend :D.

DongRyeong and Junghwan - bestfriends


I have to bypass a relationship with any of them. I don't speak Korean and they don't seem to speak English. I don't believe relationships work well without an effective mode of communicatíon.

Additionally they are fictional, their lives have been set by the writer/god of their universe and their world don't include me.

I love them in their world but would not find them, except for DR interesting in my real world. Why? I'm glad I asked. Because as viewers we had access to their inner lives, as someone in their world I don't think we'd have that privilege.

If I saw JH interact with DS and didn't know either, I'd think he was a gorgeous sexist richard simmons.

If I saw SW with his Mom, JinJoo or his friends I'd think he embodied decency and I would find that attractive, but we wouldn't have anything in common.

JB requires too much insight to get him. I would find his traditional' lack of drive hard to get.

Taek I would swoon over his Baduk expertise because I find competency sexy, but i'd never know him because he wouldn't be willing to share himself outside of his inner circle.

DR might be interesting because I'd be dazzled by his psychological insights, but his abandonment issues might be tough.

So no. None.

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41 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

Ep 2: 7:58.. 

She is walking out of the door with Sun woo to eat ramyun..

the piano/instrumental piece being played - Does anyone know? I know I have heard this tune in some other show..rom genre..just can't place it..



Epp 1:

Opening credits.. less than 0.58 sec..

A model in jeans, flashes a smile, boy cut hair, comes on tv wearing sneakers..and voiceover says it was the year we wore sneakers..

Who is the model? Again, I have a feeling that its quite a famous face but not able to place it




Also, now i get JH's thing.. i thought his romance started after the trip..but no.. he has been in love forever just like T

didn't notice this before..


Of what we see in the early episodes (not from the flashback where he shared stuff we couldn't know) Izn ep3 when he paid for the ramen and insulted DS about how much she ate his crush was already in place.


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Got a question that has been bugging me for quite sometimes.. Duk Seon said she lied about the kiss because she was scared and didn't want thing to get awkward between her and Taek. However, why was she looking forward for JH to confess to her? Isn't it the same thing.. things will get awkward between her and JH if they're dating since they are friends? Did I misunderstand something? what did I miss here? Either way, glad it was Taek...lols.. I thought it's gonna be JH due to his increase in popularity. So, I was preparing myself for JH meanwhile I was rooting for Taek. 

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@fnkrm DR ran away but his parents didn't even notice he was missing for a day. Lol *insert goat sound* Mom: why are you so late? Dad: stop sleeping at your friends' house *goat sound again*

@Abim Syazili  thank you so much for your sincere post about DR :tears:

Now everyone, I am proud to announce that "DR in 2016 version" has been found. Check this out:



Title: Literally Reply 1988's Dongryong ~ "Don't Worry Dear"

This show is I Can See Your Voice. One singer guest and panelists have to identify tone deaf contestants and contestants who are good vocalists only by their appearance. If the guest chooses the contestant as a tone-deaf, he/she will be eliminated.

This contestant is like a crazy R88 plot twist in real life, haha. A Dongryong cosplay in real life? I was baffled :w00t:

They thought this DR-lookalike-and-cosplaying is a tone-deaf. When he started to sing I can't help squeal~ing "dongryongaaah fighting!" XD (and enjoying the shocked face of the audience. Lol)

But as he continued to sing, emotions hit me hard. And it's the freaking beloved Reply 1988 OST, one that was often played during family scenes. At the end of his singing, I teared up. Dongryong-ah, there you are. We finally found you. This is a pleasant surprise :D 


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24 minutes ago, saguer said:

Got a question that has been bugging me for quite sometimes.. Duk Seon said she lied about the kiss because she was scared and didn't want thing to get awkward between her and Taek. However, why was she looking forward for JH to confess to her? Isn't it the same thing.. things will get awkward between her and JH if they're dating since they are friends? Did I misunderstand something? what did I miss here? 

It will be harder for her to lose Taek than JH. The lost of Taek's presence in her life will be more devastating than losing JH. She loves Taek more than JH.

If anyone disagree, feel free to correct me. 

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1 hour ago, saguer said:

Got a question that has been bugging me for quite sometimes.. Duk Seon said she lied about the kiss because she was scared and didn't want thing to get awkward between her and Taek. However, why was she looking forward for JH to confess to her? Isn't it the same thing.. things will get awkward between her and JH if they're dating since they are friends? Did I misunderstand something? what did I miss here? Either way, glad it was Taek...lols.. I thought it's gonna be JH due to his increase in popularity. So, I was preparing myself for JH meanwhile I was rooting for Taek. 

I think it's simply because she actually loved Taek and it scared her. She obviously didn't want to lose the friendship of SW or JH either, but it wasn't something she even thought about.  She just wanted to be loved. Hyeri mentioned this in an interview, that there was a gap in emotions that DS felt for SW, JH and Taek. She liked the other two because her friends said so, so she wanted to hear their confession to affirm she was worthy of love. Her "love" of both was not about either one of them, but about how she felt unloved. With Taek, he was the most precious to her (always), and the thought of losing his friendship was not something she could risk. When she lied about the kiss it confirmed to me that he was the one she loved.  For someone like DS, who was so desperate for love to actually run away from what happened meant he was the most important person to her.  He was more important for her than desire for love.  

You also have to consider is Taek and DS are always together. They gravitate toward each other, even in the midst of her crush on JH she stayed with Taek on the beach in their own little world. They are BFFS before any of the romance stuff came up.

I would say she also wasn't mature enough to realize the consequences of going after a friend, but she only liked Junghwan for a very short time (timeline wise, less than a month really) before she moved on and realized her feelings for Taek.  She didn't magically mature, but more she realized something about her feelings. After DR's talk she started to seriously think about her feelings and who she loved, more than the desire to be love. So yeah, I think it just comes down to her feelings. 


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45 minutes ago, melissala said:

I think it's simply because she actually loved Taek and it scared her. She obviously didn't want to lose the friendship of SW or JH either, but it wasn't something she even thought about.  She just wanted to be loved. Hyeri mentioned this in an interview, that there was a gap in emotions that DS felt for SW, JH and Taek. She liked the other two because her friends said so, so she wanted to hear their confession to affirm she was worthy of love. Her "love" of both was not about either one of them, but about how she felt unloved. With Taek, he was the most precious to her (always), and the thought of losing his friendship was not something she could risk. When she lied about the kiss it confirmed to me that he was the one she loved.  For someone like DS, who was so desperate for love to actually run away from what happened meant he was the most important person to her.  He was more important for her desire for love.  

You also have to consider is Taek and DS are always together. They gravitate toward each other, even in the midst of her crush on JH she stayed with Taek on the beach in their own little world. They are BFFS before any of the romance stuff came up.

I would say she also wasn't mature enough to realize the consequences of going after a friend, but she only liked Junghwan for a very short time (timeline wise, less than a month really) before she moved on and realized her feelings for Taek.  She didn't magically mature, but more she realized something about her feelings. After DR's talk she started to seriously think about her feelings and who she loved, more than the desire to be love. So yeah, I think it just comes down to her feelings. 



I agree. I made this observation in another thread after we saw the "dream kiss," and there was a debate about whether it was real or just a dream.

In short, I think with Taek, DS knew that it was basically a lifetime commitment with him, that he was definitely all in. She knew it would throw the whole neighborhood into chaos with both the adults and the kids. And she was struggling with major decisions about her future at the time as well.

It's not for nothing that this was the same episode in which Bora broke up with SunWoo - so that she can concentrate on her studies. It wasn't because she didn't love SW, but she had this amazing discipline that not everyone is capable of, and she was able to put love aside so that she can work towards her career. And even though it was sad, it was probably for the best. And SunBora ended up together after all.

It was also in this episode that Wang-Bong broke up as well. It wasn't their choice, but it was also probably for the best. At the time, Jung-Bong was 25 years old, and Mi-Ok was 18 and still in high school. It was probably better for them in the long run that they waited a few years. And they ended up back together, too.

Duk-Sun was shown to have emotional intelligence and a lot of empathy for a reason. And she is, after all, Bora's sister. She had the wisdom to postpone getting together with Taek, and later postponing their wedding - out of consideration for her family, and everyone else in the neighborhood.

I do agree that this isn't a lot of fun for us viewers, because we want to see them jump each other bones immediately, followed by marriage and the baby carriage. We want to see it, and we want it now! But the writers decided to depict a romance that's more slow-burning and thoughtful. And ultimately, I think that is very true to the characters, and true to the story and the world that they created. Ultimately the message seems to be is that something that's really precious is worth waiting for.

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My understanding was:


JH: People told her that he liked her and she started crushing on him... so it was mutual in her head and hence wanted the confession so that they openly come out... there was no fear in her head that it would get awkward for anyone simply because both like each other


T: Now look for DS's perspective - he is an innocent childlike personality - as far as she knows - she actually doesn't know what T feels for her or for any girl, he mentioned he likes someone.. is she the one? she doesn't know... also at this point in time, she has just started realizing that she felt bad being stood up, that she anticipates his presence more... (mind you still unconsciously) she wants his attention..

And T was drugged sleeping.. and kissed her.. but she has no clue what T kissed in his dream and why?.. correct..


You don't want to ask someone why did you kiss for him to say.. did i? sorry.. i don't know why?.. which is exactly what T did.. when he sighed "Its a relief".. that reconfirmed her thing..that it wasn't a real kiss

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Lee Hyeri on onscreen mother (Lee Il-hwa) and father (Seong Dong-il)

 "I was Deok-seon so they are my mother and father. They helped me make great memories and I was so happy with them. I might continue calling them mother and father. I am grateful to them. 'Father' told me a lot of good things. He gave me advice saying that "Answer Me 1988" will not last forever. It came from experience so I trust him".



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Hyeri read the script for the 16th episode "The Irony Called Life - Part 1," when Choi Taek cancels a meeting with Deokseon at the last minute. Hyeri didn't understand why that upset Deokseon so much.

"When producer Shin Won-ho told me, 'It's cuz he's her future husband,' I got really concerned actually," she said. "Mr. Shin said it was natural for me to feel confused. He said Deokseon is, too."

Hyeri's explanation was that such ambivalence was to be expected from a 16-year-old.

"I guess Deokseon didn't know what she was feeling herself, and viewers got really immersed in the tumultuous emotions a girl experiences at that age," she said.




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“When Dong Ryong asked, ‘Who is it that you like?’, it seems that Deok Seon was enlightened. When she calmly thought about it, Deok Seon had been conscious about Taek from the very beginning. If you see how she keeps thinking, ‘Why isn’t this kid dressing warmly enough, has he eaten, did he take pills to sleep again’, it seems that Deok Seon couldn’t be conscious about her feelings towards Taek. The viewers were much the same. I regret that I couldn’t completely persuade the audience about the flow of Deok Seon’s feelings.”



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Interviewer: People say it's a shame Deok-seon didn't express her emotions more in the romance bit

"Deok-seon is a loveable child but it upset me to think she was being criticized. I wish the gap of emotion she felt for Seon-woo (Ko Kyeong-pyo), Jeong-hwan (Ryu Jun-yeol) and Taek (Park Bo-geom) was slightly more obvious. It's my fault really for not being able to do that. It hurts me to think that people say 'Deok-seon is wrong' more than 'Hyeri did a bad job'. Deok-seon always wanted to be good to Taek. If only she'd expressed that more in the beginning..."


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I love Reply serie, I'm writer and that inspire me,and I learn a lot of from the writers. Create a character is too dificult, and make this feel real is something that the actors made well in that reply serie. I can't be Mad with the writers because they made DS and TK the final couple, now, when some weeks have passed allready, I' m fine. That was painfully for me because I got too deep in the drama, and in JH personality and in RJY person too, but I never would say anything bad to that persons who were rooting for Taek, it doesn't make sense for me to be mean with anyone in this world, I think in life we should share love, and if we receive hate, it's ok,  but we always should share love to everyone, even the persons who hate us, so c'mon to be nice with everybody, the hate is useless and just make damage to ourselves, and I don't think Reply writer, PDnim and actors wanted from us. 

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