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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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I honestly didn't expect myself to love this drama. Honestly, I didn't want to watch this drama at all. I don't even know anybody in this drama that well. They're familiar but they're not that famous. Then articles about them are always coming up. I honestly don't know anything about the Reply series. This is my first Reply drama. I only watched this because I need a drama to watch. All the dramas I'm watching ended or are ending. I just gave it a try.

At first, it was hard for me to watch it because I don't find Hyeri that pretty. I'm used to watching the very pretty ones. The only one who looked good is Park Bogum for me. Then I tried watching it and soon enough like most of you I got hooked.

Maybe one of the main reasons I loved this drama is because I'm just like Deoksun. I'm also a middle child. What the parents did to her is what had happened to me before too. My crush also had a crush with my older sister. My mom dotes on my younger brother just like how they took care of NE. I was able to sympathize with DS because it was my story too. The only difference between me and her is that my sister is very nice to me. We never fought like DS and BR. I too married my bestfriend. Another similarity.

This drama hits home. That's why I get sad when people say bad things about it. Hyeri was right. They would not be able to please everybody. As mature drama watchers, can't we just enjoy the drama as a whole? It's really good. One of the best drama's I've watched in my 6 years of watching korean dramas. It's one of the most thought off script so far. It's suppose to show the reality of life. The writer made it as how a normal human being react on situations in their lives. How a girl would always have special treatments to the one she likes, how a dad would react if one of his family members would have a very serious disease or when he thinks his son was involved with an accident, on how a mom would always nag their children to study, on how a widow would think really hard before she marries again, on how very opinionated students go to rallies to defend her beliefs, etc.

When you look at a picture, don't just focus on one part of it, look at the whole picture to really appreciate the true beauty of the picture.

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12 hours ago, scualquiercosa said:

I'm like Dong Ryong and my best friend is like Jung Hwan, and it's the best, I love him like a brother. 

If we talk about the actors, maybe I'm more like RJY and He is more similar to LDH.

As for me I'm more like JH and my best friend is like DR... As the actor I'm more similar to LDH and my best friend has the personality of RJY :)

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5 hours ago, fnkrm said:

The main thread is back and still no theory over Dong Ryong. 

My heart hurts for this guy. 

Always last to know, mum is always busy with work, dad is strict with him, no love line, etc. 

DR-ah, eodini? Can you hear me? *wipe foggy glasses* 


I reply :D Finally someone opens up a new topic.

DR's family is interesting, especially his mom. I feel sad for her when she told the ahjummas that she felt lost because she is always called someone's mom, not by her own name. It think in 1994 she has retired from work? That's why she stayed at home and watch over her grandchild. Imagine being active working mother for years and suddenly feels like losing purpose after retiring. It's sad. On the other hand DR's dad turns out to be very composed and understanding. Now I understand more why these two are a couple :) 

About DR. Last time we see him, he is running a restaurant, right? The one where Kim appa & omma had their wedding event. DR's dad says he came up with very creative ideas for the restaurant (result of watching western shows) so it is often booked for events. I'd like to believe in the future he becomes a successful businessman. But how successful? Is he married? How does he raise kids? Is he still Ssangmundong's Park Namjung? We don't even know where his family moved to. Dongryong ah, eodinni? Are you dead or are you alive? *waves handkerchief 

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1 hour ago, debieg said:

As for me I'm more like JH and my best friend is like DR... As the actor I'm more similar to LDH and my best friend has the personality of RJY :)


I think it depends of the situation, I even can see me like DS and He would be JH, bickering all the time, laughting it out, He always scold me because I'm a mess or tell me silly cause He is "more inelligent"(bull-richard simmons)...But don't worry girls we haven't romantic problems, and the painfully of that drama made me realism that It's complicated when you have feelings for your friends, thing that I knew. I have a question for all of you, what is your ideal type? Because I think that I like when my boyfriend is my best friend  but it can turn up like a mess, so what do you thing?

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I think Dong Ryeong left for Vegas after SunBora's wedding and he is now a lounge singer at The Rivera. He crones Stevie Wonder's greatest hits to the Korean ahjumma's who fly down/up(?) specifically to see their "oppa" and for the legal gambling (just don't tell their government or their kids). When he is not  being The Rivera's very own Korean middle aged Justin. He's rommating with Junghwan when he's back in the country living life akin to their Gillette commercial sans the all too painful jokes about/regarding Deok Sun.

Both boys loved Deok Sun and imho she had feelings for both and loved and wanted to spend the rest of her life with one, which she did. Might things have been different if my Junghwan had made it known to her how much he loved her and for how long, I think so. However it stayed true to life that he never did do that, and now his fictional self (for a while until he eventually moves on never!!) and I are left with coulda, shoulda, woulda...*sniffles* but didn't. 

Why do all the people I know suck? No one will do the "so happy to see you" handshake with me :( 

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Questions and Answers

Re. the milk

Question #19 from @hafunohane: Hey, packmule3! What do you think of this glass of milk? Do you think that DS made it for Taec like @Phuong Tam Nguyen said? 

Short Answer: It enhances the script, but I don't think DS prepared it. :)



Long Answer:

Frankly, @hafunohane, I don't know how DS did it. She was rejected by Taec three times. And she took it calmly each time.

First, there was no response after she gave him chocolate. Of course, he denied receiving it because JB "intercepted" it. 

Second,  he snubbed her with the "Aaniya".  When asked by SW if he liked DS, Taec honest-to-goodness laughed and denied liking her. Grrr....And to think that they had just spent a memorable day at the beach.

Third, they shared the sweetest kiss an innocent girl could ever possibly dream of, yet the following day, he dissed her whole lovely experience. :crazy: How?

1) he couldn't even tell if it was real or imagined,   

2) he mumbled to himself that "it was a relief" that the whole kiss was only a dream,

3) then, he dismissed HER dreamy reality as mere "nonsense", and -- to top it all, 

4) he brushed HER away saying it was nothing for HER to be concerned about.

lol. See the irony?

A few minutes earlier, she was rehearsing how to act "unconcerned" and nonchalant and cool about the kiss TO COVER UP that she was ECSTATIC about the kiss.  And now here was Taec telling her that the kiss was indeed nothing for her to be "concerned" about. :blink:

Honestly, I don't know how DS could have walked away without her face revealing the whole thing. My 18 year old self would have teared up, my face would have crumpled, my bottom lip would have stuck out in a glorious pout, and the drama queen in me would have wailed, "What am I? ORANGE JUICE?!! Chopped liver?!! You soooo did kiss me last night, you Pabo!"

HEY! HEY! HEY! I could do "makjang" in 3 seconds flat. ;)

But DS simply walked away to go to school, pretending her heart wasn't broken. and TK just sat there, consoling himself with his milk.  Why? because friendship was their priority at this stage in time.

Unbeknownst to each other, they had sacrificed their first love for their Ssangmungdong friendships.  Noble idiocy-lite. 

And that's why I think @Phuong Tam Nguyen is brilliant. You caught the time loop, @Phuong Tam Nguyen!

I told you that the director/scriptwriter liked to play with timeloops to bring the past and the present together in ALL their Reply series. And this is one of them. Good job spotting it! :)



is connected to this:



But no, I don't think DS made the milk.

There wasn't time for her to do it unless she had some kind of magical timepiece like in Harry Potter, and stopped the time so she could run off to his house, warm the milk, leave it on the table and then, resumed time again.

There wasn't any OPPORTUNITY for her to do it. 

However, those two "highlighted" scenes -- DS laying out her things on the table and TK seeing the warm milk on the table -- looped back in time when they last had a meaningful encounter. WHERE THEY LEFT OFF.

That time, DS went off to school, TK sat and drank milk. Now, six years later, THEIR TIME together will resume. The clock will start ticking for them again. They will pick up their relationship from where it was temporarily suspended:  that moment she walked away. 

So, DS returns now. 

The passage of time is marked by the things she keeps in her pocket. She's grown up. She has a pack of freshmint bubblegum, a pager, and tickets for a concert. These are evidences that she's a young woman with an active dating life. 

Bubblegum = For fresh breath, critical for the dating scene. 
Pager = She has a social life; people contact her. 
Concert tickets = She has a date coming up.

Tapping fingers = Thinking of her next move, waiting

TK returns home, too. 

His home is still a darkened place like in Episode 2. He's still alone. But he too has grown up. lol. He doesn't have a dad anymore to fuss over him; he's got a mom now, SW's mom. He drinks...a little. He takes sleeping pills...and he can lie about it now without looking guilty. He still doesn't like people to fuss over him so he tells SW's mom to go to bed. 

Then, he finds on the table milk as nightcap. lol.  SW’s mom is the one who prepared it for him. She waited for him. She worried that he would take sleeping aids again. In her quiet way, she encouraged him to drink milk as alternative to his pills.
These props, the bubblegum, pager, concert tickets and milk all serve as a bridge between past and the current time. They prompt the viewers to the next movement in the drama. 

And in a big way, they enhance the FORESHADOWING in the script.

You see, when DS taps her fingers while looking at the objects on the table, she is foreshadowing her wait at the concert hall. She has a date [bubblegum] who'll inform her that he can't go [pager] so she ends up at the concert hall [tickets] by herself.

Her tapping her fingers foreshadows her wait outside in the cold.  

Meanwhile, TK’s move to bring the milk to his room foreshadows his decision to choose DS above other things. Six years ago, he JUST sat there. This time, however, he goes up to her and brings her inside the concert hall with him

Do you see that? Time resumes and their relationship corrects itself.


As for the milk? lol. Didn't you know? kekeke.

Milk = DS.

Didn't she tell him at the very beginning to drink up his milk so he could marry her fast? :phew: Here, @rynn_peace was insightful. Milk is a substance for growth, children drink it to grow bigger and better. Similar to how his relationship with DS makes TK older and better.  

The milk in this Episode 18 foreshadows DS in his future life. The milk here is a nightcap. It’s a drink to help him go to sleep. It was a healthier substitute for his pills.

DS, as we all know, is the best nightcap EVER for him. :phew: She is the best substitute for the pills. :phew::phew: She helps him go to sleep. 

According to him, he stopped taking pills as soon as he dated DS.  ;)

There you go, @hafunohane.  I'm sorry, @shooastrid, there's no baduk report again. 

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Yay we finally get all threads back! Woohoo, feeling energized everyone?

I am inviting all of us to do rewatch, this time we are going to cover Episode 2. However, please feel free to connect it with whichever episode you want to cover in your analysis.

We are going to do it NOW, in the Taek x DS shippers thread. Come join us!!

As a side note, just in case you are wondering why we are so excited about rewatch session, it's because we always find new details every time. I was late for the rewatch for Episode 1, however, I did my homework, and I just want to share one bit of interesting finding from Episode 1 here:

It's amazing how elaborately built LWJ's Reply Universe is. If you don't believe me, TK's dad's brain hemorrhage in Ep 9, has been foretold as early as Episode 1. Take a look at screenshots below:




Here Kim Sajang tasted the curry, and commented: "Oh! Sun Woo's mother made this, right? It's so hard to make curry taste bad."

Ra Mi Ran asked back: "How did you know?"

Kim Sajang: "It's ... obvious." And then he mimicked the face of brain hemorrhage patient.

As we know, salty food is one of the main cause for high blood pressure which can trigger brain hemorrhage. Whose cooking is that curry again? It's no other but Sun Woo Mom's cooking. Who marries her in the end? It's Papabear, who happens to be the one suffering for brain hemorrhage in Episode 9.

@hafunohane was right. Everyone in this series are foreteller in some way, they just don't know it.

Now with this kind of details, when some people accuse the writer as being random, I just scratch my head. She has everything mapped out since the very beginning.

Brain hemorrhage was a plot device in Episode 9, serving multiple purpose. It happened, so that DS has to accompany TK in China. We all know how this trip ended. It awaken DS's senses of the other side of TK, her future husband. We also got to see her caring side which is the fundamental aspect of their relationship to her choice of career. The brain hemorrhage also serving the purpose of connecting the two adults, SW's mom and Papabear. In both cases, each couple started to see each other in a more romantic light (TK X DS & Papabear x SW Omma) after this incident.

It's amazing to know that it was planned out as early as Episode 1! 

So, let's do rewatch guys, who knows what we are going to discover this time? :D 

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The four boys from the squad... 


For me I want JH to be my boyfriend.

Teak to be my brother. He is cute and I want a cute brother.

Sun Woo to be my seatmate in school. Him being diligent in studying could be a good role model.

 Dong Ryong my best friend.. It would always be fun to have someone like him and I can tell him my problem. :)

If you could choose. What role you want the four boys be in your life?

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Hi Chingu! Let spazz about the awesomeness of the Madam Cheetah! She just had an interview and here's the translation. 

Lol, hope I channel our Cheetah-yeosa alright through my translation. 

RMR was very proud of playing her R88 character Cheetah-yeosa. Not only has her R88 reached the height of popularity with 20% viewership, her movie Himalaya also hit the record of 7.69 million tickets sold. Since her debut 12 years ago, 2015 was the height of the veteran actress’ acting life.

Reporter: As R88 has ended, it was well loved by the public.
RMR: When we first started the shoot, the team including the director and the actors wanted to do well this time around. I did watch ep 0, and I wanted to think that we’re dead this time around or that the reaction was just so-so. But when the ep was released, there were many good responses received. I was wondering if a slice of life drama would make it.  I had fun shooting the drama.

R: Do you think your popularity has soared?
RMR: I always go to places around my home. Like when I went to the supermarket or the market without washing my face, there was always someone calling out to me: JB’s mum, Cheetah-yeosa. A lot of the elderly recognised me too. I didn’t know where to put my face when that happened. I didn’t know I would get that embarrassed till recently. Now that my movie and the drama are showing around the same time, it feels like hails were falling all at the same time. It was puzzling but I think I’m enjoying it at the same time, because I don’t know when the same thing would happen again.

R: I heard Ssangmun-dong TaeTiSeo (LIH, RMR, KSY) has generated many interest.
RMR: We were told that we managed to secure about 120 tour performances, but we haven’t heard anything yet. After the last shooting, I thought of Il Hwa-eonni, who is terribly lonely. But this time, there will be the three of us, so it should be more interesting than before. Since the three of us met, we haven’t been able to separate from each other, till a point, we just can’t stop chatting when we happened to be in the same car. The chemistry between the three of us is more important than anything else. Whenever we get together, we are always sharing through our chats.

R: Who do you have the best partnership with? Liked the chemistry with LIH and KSY
RMR: Sunyoung always have a soft heart, like soft tofu. She really has great reactions to everything. Whenever I had a crying scene, she would be sobbing on the side, leading her not able to do her line if she was next up. There were many of such incidents. Il Hwa-eonni, though she’s the eonni, she’s really beautiful. Though she’s older than me, she looks younger than me. In the drama, my character was the oldest. On TV, it did look like I’m the oldest among the three. I think I need to fix these wrinkles. (laugh)

R:In the drama, who is the most family-like to you?
RMR: The family is always eating, that’s what I remember the most from the first shooting. Kim Sung Gyun’s gag of popular phrases always left unreceived and unappreciated. I was always angry, JH was always chic and JB was always missing somewhere. But at some stage, KSG (real life) started to enjoy himself. Even though it’s not that funny, he kept going at it and that was really annoying. There was once in the drama, Miran (the character) almost felt his gag, but she didn’t yield and let him carried on by himself.

R:Cheetah-yeosa, whose idea was it?
RMR: It was already there to begin with.  The script has already indicated that she’ll be wearing cheetah patterns and the costume department was struggling with it. There isn’t a lot of leopard patterns these days, but heard that there were plenty in the traditional market. I remember having to wear those thin leopard patterns even on cold days.

R:Till now, you’ve played 14 ajumma roles.
RMR: Firstly, I act faithfully according to the script and it was no different to R88.  And I think I did almost everything that was written on the script. The only ad-lib I did was when I beat up Kim Sung Gyun-sshi. And I beat him well (laugh). I didn’t prepare anything special or different when I play my ajumma role. I’m already walking down the path of being an ajumma. I’ve tried hard to play a surprisingly different sort of ajumma role, contrary to just the normal chattering ajumma. I try to make each of my ajumma role with a bit of difference everytime.

R: In R88, you’ve shown different charms in every episode. What was her financial concerns?
RMR: In every episode, Miran (the character) struggled and was burned out. Shin PD even said that: “There was no other place she could go”. She had financial struggles in Gohan. And so she knew better and worked part time jobs. But that was what R88 stood out for. The details. As I was acting, I’ve seen the other side of myself that I was never confident about. Sometimes, the scene was fun, sometimes it was sad, and there was even laughing out loud funny ones. There was a sort of freshness in the script.

R: Was there any memorable episode from the National Singing Competition scene?
RMR:I certainly remember shooting an episode where the presence of Cheetah-yeosa’s force was undeniable. But before shooting, I didn’t think that scene was that funny. In the drama, Miran (character) had an intense desire to compete in the National Singing Competition. To compete after 5 years, she would’ve been very nervous. Hence, it’s probably why she even sang the accompaniment (to the song that she was supposed to perform). I didn’t think the scene was that funny but the viewers thought it was.

R: Kim Sunyong-sshi said that the real Ra Miran is quite close to the R88’s Ra Miran. How true is that?
RMR: To be honest, the portrayal of the character resembles me a lot in real life. It felt like a lot of the crew in the production team said so too. I usually don’t laugh. Even if something is really funny, I deliberately not smile or laugh at all. Though, unlike Miran, I couldn’t give as much as I would like to.

R: So your on-screen son JH couldn’t become DS’s husband.
RMR: In the last episode, he was seen to leave for Sacheon often. When I saw that sight, I do tear up some. It was really such a pity, as he kept his unrequited love hidden and it just ended. I wonder what would happen if the joking confession was actually real. Honestly, Taek only knew baduk and took medicine every day. He wouldn’t have made a good husband. Marrying someone like JH would have led to an interesting life. Well, he’s my painful finger (Korean idiom for the worrisome child), so I was a bit upset.

R: In R88, if there was a son and a daughter that you would like to have, who would to that be?
RMR: I like DS’s character. I want her as my daughter. She’s kind, friendly and bright. I only have a son, so I envy those who have daughters. For son, I like JB. He’s a child who made an effort to make his hand-croissant. He’s also the one who won the lottery, and I was thinking how much money he would earn for all of his collections (in the drama). Good son like Sunwoo would seem quite boring. And it would seem very hard and difficult to look after a son like Taek.

R:There are only 9-year age different between you and your on-screen son, JH.
RMR: During our first family meeting, the director told us that they’re not handsome, so don’t expect too much. If they’re not handsome and young, I won’t do it, I jokingly said. It was very funny. When I first saw them, they took after me. They’re not handsome because they take after me. But those kinds of actors are more charming in their own way, the more you look at them. When you fall for a not-so handsome man, you’ve got nothing to say. It’ll be hard for you to move on from them.


R:I heard that you gave some advice to RJY to comfort him.
RMR: In the confession scene, there was once the cast were wondering whether there would be a reversal for JH, so we were hopeful. But JH looked like he’s about to fold though, and he told me (while being upset) that that scene would be the end of his journey. At the time, I gave him the advice that R88 was about the end really soon, so you should come out of your character bubble soon. In reality, I did feel upset and my heart did hurt. Hyeri felt the same way, as the confession scene was filmed, she couldn’t stop crying. I gave such advice because I’ve seen a lot of my juniors immersed into their character for a long time and not know how to get out of it. I’ve also advised them that it would be better not to pick roles that are too obscure in the future, and also diversify your project roles.

R: How did the Kim family story end?
RMR:All I know is we moved to Pangyo. Kim Sung Gyun has very good foresight. He see more ahead than Dongil. We might be living quite grandly. It was a pity that there was no resolution about JH. JB and MO would have had lived well, but I am really curious about how JH would have lived in the future. If we lived in Pangyo with DS’ family, if Miran (the character) knew about JH’s feeling, she would have gone to DS to ask why did she refuse her son.

cr: Ilgan Sports News.

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Guest wizengamot

Hyeri conflicted about 'Reply 1988' ending


SEOUL, Jan. 28 (Yonhap) -- Singer Hyeri, who played the very lovely Deokson on the tvN hit drama "Reply 1988," has spoken up about the show's controversial ending.

Spoiler alert: She turns down her childhood crush Kim Jeong-hwan to marry what had been a peripheral character, Choi Taek.

Just like "Reply 1988" fans, Hyeri says she was baffled by the unexpected turn of events.


"Well ... you know Deokseon's history. I didn't 'change' the course of the story per se, but I was really conflicted as to how I'd deliver that to viewers," she told Yonhap News Agency in an interview earlier this week.

The member of the girl group Girl's Day says she first learned about Deokseon's future husband when she read the script for the 16th episode "The Irony Called Life - Part 1," when Choi cancels a meeting with Deokseon at the last minute. Hyeri didn't understand why that upset Deokseon so much.

"When producer Shin Won-ho told me, 'It's cuz he's her future husband,' I got really concerned actually," she said. "Mr. Shin said it was natural for me to feel confused. He said Deokseon is, too."

   Hyeri's explanation was that such ambivalence was to be expected from a 16-year-old.

"I guess Deokseon didn't know what she was feeling herself, and viewers got really immersed in the tumultuous emotions a girl experiences at that age," she said.

When asked who she would have chosen if she really were Deokseon, Hyeri, like Deokseon, was equivocal.

"I want a person who is half like Kim and half like Choi," she said, laughing. "Both are great people. They're such good friends. But they both have flaws, too. Jeong-hwan doesn't like to express his feelings, which would be annoying to a woman. But with Taek, I'd have to be very sensitive with everything. So I want someone who has a little bit of both."





cr: english.yohapnews.co.kr


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25 minutes ago, misshoggy said:

Hi Chingu! Let spazz about the awesomeness of the Madam Cheetah! She just had an interview and here's the translation. 

Lol, hope I channel our Cheetah-yeosa alright through my translation. 


Thanks a lot for this @misshoggy

Cheetah Omma was so good in R88, I love that Ra miram is really frank and direct like her in real life too.

I'll always remember this

cr: tvN DRAMA

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i learnt from my experienced watching previous reply series. i almost die waiting next week to see next episode and figure out the husband. and now i am waiting until the drama finish.... and here i am now, just finish the series... 

overall compare to previous reply series, this reply is more about family and friend and not focus only to 2 people, and i thought that they are all main lead... i know every body already write their thinking, but i also want to express my feeling about this film...

first, i want to know (hope somebody can give me answer), is the life of senior high school really hard in korea? i see they must attend night class until 11 PM, even they study in study room until 1 AM and have to go back to school tomorrow morning. in my country, i have class from 7.00 - 15.00 AM and i already feel s*ck about it, i can't imagine if i must study until midnight, and it is safe if they go home at midnight? 

i also want to comment about the neighborhood and the parents. i really like how they act, they always gathering every day, and i know for sure they might closer than family.. i never see the neighborhood like that recently, every body is busy with their work until night and they prefer to meet at club or cafe, and just come home at late for sleep... frankly speaking, i only knew some of my neighbor and even i only knew their name... so sad =(

the next is for those 5 younger people...just like their parents, these 5 people are closer more than family... i really love their friendship..

i like SW and BR couple. SW is so brave and he can see the inside of BR, she might look cold outside but have warm heart inside, she just don't know how to act cute and friendly. he also didn't hesitate to confess although every people scare with BR. even though SW is younger, he can protect BW and act like gentleman... i am happy they end as married couple. btw i am speechless in wedding ceremony when BR see his father's shoes and he smile and say don't cry... they know they are love each other without word,.. aaarrrggghhh i hope i will not cry like that in my wedding day

finally i want to say something about the love triangle JH-DS-TK. if i don't know the ending, i will guess that JH is the husband because he have long love story with DS from the start but from inside my hear i root for TK, cos i love him very much....i really like when he smile at DS at his father and i think he is more mature than his friend actually. every body threat him like children (because he is world champion), so at first i think he is so childish, but when he say for sure that he like DS, and then he say that he want his father happy (when his father asking his permission to marry), when he call the doctor to help JH father, and also when SW hesitate to talk about their parents but TK know his thought.. i agree that he is mature man and quite man.so i am happ the husband is TK...

but i know the feeling of team junghwan,... when the writer decide to jh confess such a joke...wowwww it makes me heartbreaking... just like this? his crush for 6 years end only like this? at least i want to know how DS reaction, is she also knew or take it as joke also? but i know if not like that, DS will awkward and their friendship will end. at least jh learn something from his first love. he is very good son and friend, even thoguh he looks like cold man... actually i don't feel DS like SW and JH also, she just want to date like her friends, so she know that there is man who like her, so she persuade them so they can say that he love her.. she just want to dating (it's common for teenage girl)...but in time when she already doesn't care about love, suddenly she realize that she like TK. true, it just come naturally, start from she care and gradually become love... love is about caring for someone, we can't care to someon but don't love him. i think it start from beijing when she look the other side of TK (he is not just kid that she take care of again). 

Overall i am satisfied about this reply series (although 1997 is the first one for me - cos i love romantic movie)... but 1 thing that i disapointed is the ending... actually i want to see when their parents and friend know about DS-TK relationship - she say double in law is more serious than surname, i imagine their parents will be very shocked.. hahahah

i heard that next reply series is 1974? r u serious??? i haven't born at that time,,. and i am sure most fans of reply series also haven't born yet in 1974... please please don't 1974... i am not excited and i can't imagine how old the film...

i am glad i can sahre my thought in this forum.. i always be fans of reply series.. good job all....


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1 hour ago, debieg said:

The four boys from the squad... 


For me I want JH to be my boyfriend.

Teak to be my brother. He is cute and I want a cute brother.

Sun Woo to be my seatmate in school. Him being diligent in studying could be a good role model.

 Dong Ryong my best friend.. It would always be fun to have someone like him and I can tell him my problem. :)

If you could choose. What role you want the four boys be in your life?

Junghwan: My husband.

Taek: My brother. I want him to be my big brother, he's so handsome and he's rich! He can treat me anywhere I want to and drive me from one place to another. Having him as my big bro is heaven ♡ and i will love him so much of course

Sunwoo: I want him as my bestfriend's husband. I want my bestfriend to be treated so well by a guy like SW. He's so sweet! Actually I also want him to be my husband at some point, but seeing him calling BR several times just to check on her in the future makes me think twice, but still, he's sooo cute and nice!

Dongryong: same as you, I also want him to be my guy best friend! It's so fun to have a best friend like him cause he can make me laugh all the time, also in times when I quarrel with my husband (JH) of something hahaah.

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1 hour ago, debieg said:

The four boys from the squad... 

If you could choose. What role you want the four boys be in your life?

For me, Sunwoo is husband material. I like his gentle straightforwadness. He is also caring and responsible. 

Taek, my boyfriend :D.

DongRyeong and Junghwan - bestfriends

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1 hour ago, emy_rose said:

Cheetah Omma was so good in R88, I love that Ra miram is really frank and direct like her in real life too

I'll always remember this

(Video: Ra Miran performance at national singing contest)


OMG the legendary Ra Miran's stage :w00t: the first time I saw this scene I laughed until my side hurt. Lol

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2 hours ago, debieg said:


If you could choose. What role you want the four boys be in your life?

I want to participate in this :D

Tk: as my older brother or best friend. He is so nice and cute, and hilarious when he copies DS and learns cuss words. Well my male bf is a lot like Tk and i wish i had older brother like him since i am oldest child its pretty boring. 

DR: oh this is though one. I want him as best friend but as boyfriend too. I like DR too much i would want to have boyfriend as him but only if we could stay friends forever. Lol i dont know.

SW: i dont know maybe as my sisters husband he is good guy. But i would want GKP as friend for sure i like his real personality a lot :D

And JH at last: for husband definitely with no doubts. He is so loving to his family and i am sure he would be great husband and father.

P.S. i have to add JB coz he is one big bubble of happiness and i want him as little brother.i would love to if one of my dongsaeng's were like him but i ended up with annoying version of DR xD

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