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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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19 minutes ago, melissala said:

Yes, I'm really happy about these interviews because many people unfortunately tend to overlook Deoksun's POV. Deoksun's character was actually the one I could relate to the most as I really related a lot to Deoksun's feeling of not receiving love (and I'm not even a middle child ha)

And I'm sorry if this is OT but Hyeri's short hair is giving me major hair-envy. Her hair looks so thick, healthy and shiny I wish mine was like that as well :lol:

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Separate thoughts, but I don't want to make separate posts. :) (I use bullets a lot, don't I?)

  • I've never really paid attention to or cared much about the script reading news or what goes on there when it comes to the shows I like. It's something that must be done... to practice, get the feel, etc. Watching the subbed "behind the scenes" episode really made me appreciate it, especially with all the criticism around casting Hye Ri. I still remember when she was announced as the lead, and there was a lot of "eh" sentiments and serious doubts about whether she would be able to deliver. While she may not have been the vision of 'perfection' to people, she delivered. Despite the fact that she was told flat out that she was Deok Sun, I think it still takes some doing. Watching them do their script reading together was a lot of fun and you can see them really warming up... and I can see that she takes this seriously. As a side note, Hye Ri really interviews well. I know she must have had some training on how to respond to interviews, being part of a girl group, but it's been great reading her responses.
  • Does anybody remember in which episode we got to see down the street of the neighborhood facing away from the stairs? Sometimes I think that their street is just on a T intersection... sometimes, I think they're actually in an I (blocked off on both ends). XD; We know that Jung Hwan's family lived on that street for an extremely long time, probably since before Jung Bong was born... the way that they talk about the past... and that they probably didn't move until they won the lottery. Jung Hwan was part of the gang before Taek, and Dong Ryong was still bringing over food from his family. It's rather fortunate that they were able to find a nicer house in the same street that happened to be available? XD;
  • I love the way people relate to Jin Joo. Of course, I love the whole Sun Woo - Jin Joo dynamic... I wish I could have seen her interact with Bora when she was more grown, lol. She's so sassy; would she have been cowed by Bora? XD; I also love the way she got along with Jung Bong, and made my heart warm all the more for him (along with the whole brotherly love, etc). I also love how she and Taek get along, and how sweet he is to her. I feel like she could be one of the people who can really bring Taek out from his shell. During that alley scene with the air hug, I almost forgot that they were now related, and loved how he said, "I'll tell you later"... and I LOVE how he was holding Jin Joo's hand in the big group photo during the wedding.
  • I canNOT WAIT for the AM88 YOF. I generally love Na PD's "_______ Over Flowers" series, although granted I've seen mostly just the Halbaes and the Noonas. (Slightly off-topic, I just found out Kim Ja Ok passed away a year and some ago... She was such a great lady... and I was hoping to still see a second Noonas Over Flowers with the same cast. On a related note, I'm glad Lee Mi Yeon was in AM88... Seeing her in the first ep really made me start thinking of NOF again... and how she noted that it's been hard finding work at her age.)
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1 hour ago, balladblue said:


Hi hushhh :)

I understand that you and many others would like to discuss and deconstruct theories that favor the Taek as husband endgame, and I admit that reading some of your guys' posts have helped me understand better what happened. 

By this point, however, I think it's clear that we (meaning both sides) need to just agree to disagree. The chance of either party proving to the other that Taek or Junghwan was the more suitable husband candidate are basically slim to none. We like who we like, and we are bound to interpret the same things different. Such is the richness of human diversity. :)

My other point is that whomever wants more discussion on Taek being the endgame is free to visit and participate in the Taek-Deoksun couple thread. At the end of the day, Deoksun chose Taek after all; what's done is done. I and my fellow Junghwan-Deoksun shippers comfort ourselves in our thread. I wish for the MT to just be a neutral center where all of us, fans of Reply 88 before being fans of either ship, can come together and discuss our favorite non-shipping aspects of the show, at least as far as Junghwan-Deoksun and Taek-Deoksun are concerned. There is so much rich stuff to discuss, the bonds between siblings, the father-daughter dynamics, the resilience of individuals and families through loss, the yearning for lost youth and bygone days, our search for dreams, and so on. 

Happy to see the MT open again. 

Hello there blue.I do understand the disappointment/hurt feelings from your side.But I/we/us the other side also get hurt when you guys are telling us to 'bow out' from this thread,because it hurts.Is not that being a bit too hard on us? Yeah we have another thread,and we share there a lot of more TK-DS centric news/bts/interviews,but this being as you said 'the general thread/in a vast scale'..the main thread is the place where we can connect/communicate on a greater basis.

Also,I do want you to know that the analyses/posts made by us are not in any way done because we want to prove anything to anyone.We just want to share the observations,thinking the greater audience might want to know it too.Also the reason we come on soompi first and foremost is because we enjoy writing here right? 

End of the day,if you tell us to exit from this thread in short,I don't know how to take it really.Is not this thread as much our place as yours? And the verdict is out,right? As much as it hurts,would it be too much to ask from you,if you kindly skip our posts and continue your discussions going,on all the other aspect of the drama? I mean despite being tagged as the sole cheerleaders of the couple,we love discussing everything from this drama,too.So many drama have happened based on the ending,but can we fold the cards and call it a truce? Have a good day.

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@enigmatic_zephy This is one of my first Reply series too, so I cant compare but all I can say this show is on my top 3 fave shows and this tops the list. There's more to this show than the lovelines, also look out for Easter eggs they're fun to discover. But I think you should finish the show first before you get in here on the MT.

If you're really curious to know more, there are wonderfully laid-out and intelligent analyses of the canon pairing over at TK/DS thread. Drop in and say hi, it's cozy and warm ♥


 Happy watching!

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16 hours ago, pi2tni4ng said:

I hope people will be updating more about the family aspect of the show ?

I think I have forget all of the beautiful stories that was shown in the drama because of the love line (which is not really the main focus).

I relate most to the relation between bora with her dad (I'm also a first child).  The scene where his dad was saying goodbye to her when she goes to the dorm to prepare for that law exam (don't remember the name) made me cry really bad.

It remind me of my late father. He was also saying goodbye to me in that manner. The different was, I was going to another city by bus for my college education. He kisses my forehead (he never done that before, typical asian father not good with hugs and kisses) and that was the last time I was seeing him. He died not long after because of heart attack

Much love to you my old man. You were and still are the best man in my life :heart:

(And here I am crying again)

Agree! I love Bora-SungDong Il relation. They are just like me and my late father: loving each other, but can't really say it. The first time I gave a present to him was also with mom's help. I guess, Bora, You and I are just the same. I am also the first daughter btw. So, hello soulmate!

Btw, I really like the family aspect in this drama. Like in 17th, I believe? Junghwan and Jungbong's relationship. It's a big revealing for Junghwan's characteristic. We've seen him supporting his hyung in many ways, from telling Doksun not to eat Jungbong's sausage (still eateb by Jinjoo, LOL), supporting his weird hobbies, and saying he liked his brother out loud. But, I've never knew that his love towards his hyung is deeper than that.

It felt odd when I watched Jungbong's expression in previous episode after Junghwan telling him he wanted to be combat pilot. But I brushed it off thinking that Jungbong was just feeling sad, that he didn't know his little brother's dream. Then there is other scene, when the gang teasing Junghwan who always change his dream. It doesn't seems like Junghwan at all to kept changing his dreams, but again I brushed it off thinking that the writer just want to give a little cute details about Junghwan that he wasn't merely a prickly person.

Then, revelation was coming in a form of journal book. Little Junghwan knew that his sickly brother can't really be an athlete, or a combat pilot, so he would be anything for him instead. We knew from beginning that Jungbong's obsession kept changing, while Junghwan hasn't really shown having any obsession except for Doksun (liked her since childhood until being a fine combat pilot). I guess that episode highlighted Junghwan as selfless person. So it makes sense that he stepped back for Sunwoo (Yeah, he did nothing but staring at them from afar until DS slapped him with a gate door) and Taek. He cared so much for people around him. I am glad he is not the Doksun's husband, because there might be open recruitment to be his wife. And....


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29 minutes ago, otomame said:

Yes, I'm really happy about these interviews because many people unfortunately tend to overlook Deoksun's POV. Deoksun's character was actually the one I could relate to the most as I really related a lot to Deoksun's feeling of not receiving love (and I'm not even a middle child ha)

And I'm sorry if this is OT but Hyeri's short hair is giving me major hair-envy. Her hair looks so thick, healthy and shiny I wish mine was like that as well :lol:

ME TOO!  I've always been #TeamDeoksun.  I'm also a middle child.  So I really loved that Hyeri wanted her happiness above all else.  Like seriously, forget the two guys and what they want, I wanted what she wanted. That is what was important to me, that she was happy and loved. I'm glad she can articulate her character so well.  She really did calm down some people too. Just some people tho... 

She was born for short hair. It's so pretty. 


This post is fun. You are doing what we did for months, but at warp speed. My only advice is to keep an open mind!  I fell into the trap of being "sure" for awhile, but changed my mind midstream lol  But uh, I'd say out of this thread

I think all Reply's are worth watching.  I like 88 the best so far though. 1997 is much shorter and is an easy and fun watch. You should try that next!  The husband hunt in both of these shows is also much more obvious than this one. 

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48 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

this is my first of the rep;y series..


Is R88 the best of the three? - are others worth watching? - which one you recommend - 94 or 97?

oh and i LOOOOOVE that little grl


You could watch both, but I would recommend AM97. It was zippy and it was fun, and the story may be more accessible for people.

They start out as 30-minute episodes... although the last episode or two reached about an hour. 

The 'present day' scenes get a little frustrating with the heavy-handed "but, wait, there's MOAR [red herring husband clues]" exposition in EVERY episode.... on the flip side, it's still fun to watch them all interact together in the present day. The 'past' scenes felt more to the point for me.


If you do go on to AM94 afterwards, just as a warning... DON'T COMMIT TO ANYTHING/ANYONE. 


And, as a friendly advice... I would recommend you only read the posts on this thread that quote you or tag you... XD;; Out of curiosity, how far are you into the series?

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If you feel like you might need therapy to get over Reply 1988 being over... You're not alone. :tears:

The K-drama podcast K-drama Addiction Therapy did a special episode all on the drama, the romance, the ending and all the things that made us LOVE this Reply to bits.


Listen via http://kdramapod.com/episode-24-reply-1988/ or iTunes.

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taike is lucky.. 


all of them love and protect him so much..


Why is the rich guy not cofessing .. aaarggh..


Sorry, but not reading all posts here.. to avoid any accendental ending disclosure.. lol.. will reply once i am done watching this


But Taike is soooo cute

17 minutes ago, beldaran said:


And, as a friendly advice... I would recommend you only read the posts on this thread that quote you or tag you... XD;; Out of curiosity, how far are you into the series?

He he,,, that is exactly what i am doing... not reading through or seeing anything.. :P 


Starting ep 15 now...

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1 hour ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

The women seem to talk in different accent ? - why?

Some of the parents (or all of them? I'm actually not sure) weren't born and raised in Seoul, they lived in other towns before coming to Ssangmundong so some of them still talk in their hometown dialect. I think it's really cute when the moms (especially Deoksun's mom) start talking in their dialect :lol:

Can we also talk about the amazing music used in Reply 1988? Thank you Reply 1988 team for introducing me to so many Korean songs from the 80s and endless blessings to the person who made the playlist

I've been listening non-stop to Lee Sun Hee's 나 항상 그대를 for weeks now :lol:

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5 hours ago, hushhh said:

removed because it was a self quote and i am trying my best to comply with the known rules . .  can't do much about the unknown ones . . . so that i am not exiled or banish'ed from this little turbulent corner of the internet.



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There are a handful of reports coming from Reply 1988 since its re-opening.

After reviewing the reports, I want to remind the members here that abusing & misusing the REPORT feature is against the forum rules.

The REPORT feature is for reporting spamming and/or questionable content that require immediate review and intervention by moderators. Please do NOT report content that you disagree with.

Those that continue to abuse & misuse the REPORT feature in light of this reminder will receive a warning.

Feel free to discuss the drama Reply 1988 in a respectful manner. It is acceptable to mourn but insulting either Taek (Park Bo Gum) or Kim Jung Hwan (Ryu Jun Yeol) while doing so is not.

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11 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

ost and all background songs.korean, english..all r freaking awesome.. 


is there a collection of all korean/eng songs used here?

Someone made a playlist with Youtube links to all the songs used in Reply 1988


7 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

Another Q: How much do they make kids study in korea? - morning school, noon school, night school, the study centers..


anyone can throow light on overall education system plz?

Education is a HUGE topic in South Korea. The first few paragraphs on Wikipedia explain the importance of it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_South_Korea

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14 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

Another Q: How much do they make kids study in korea? - morning school, noon school, night school, the study centers..


anyone can throow light on overall education system plz?


From the articles that I read, Korean is the worst place for students. They have to study most of the time. They even have to be in school until 10 pm everyday, and they still got homework to be done at home after that.

The suicide rates is quite  high if we compare it with other country...they easily get depressed if they got bad result.

(there were some discussion about this in the old netizenbuzz articles).

I found the articles :


The OST and backround songs :



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29 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

Another Q: How much do they make kids study in korea? - morning school, noon school, night school, the study centers..


anyone can throow light on overall education system plz?


Hi dear this is not a question relevant to this drama.

Please ensure that at least part of your posts relate specifically to the drama in topic. 

Anyway to answer you, they have school from morning to late afternoon/evening mostly, after which they go to cram schools till late at night or they just stay in school till late night. This can be different for different schools i think.

Almost 2 weeks since the drama ended!!! I miss Bora unnie ~~~ i loved her wise advice to people around her, always given at appropriate junctures and well thought out. 

Cheetah omma too, where can i get more of her awkward singing/dancing hahahahhh!!!! ( She rocked it though.)

RE shipping, i dont know about all of you but all i know is Taek loves JH and JH loves Taek. Ryu Jun Yeol loves Park Bo Gum and Park Bo Gum loves Ryu Jun Yeol. Let's all love and act lovingly. Im sure these two lovable men would want that too :) 

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YAASSSS I'm going to see the ahjumma trio on 'Taxi' especially my queen mama Kim :D  Aww at the epic hug between her and RJY. I guess he really does treat her as a "noona". One of my favorite acres from the drama is Junghwan apologizing with the chestnuts, or his "ommma" after doing things like burn fingers just so she feels loved and needed :wub::wub: Junghwan was so good to his family and showed them his love. I grin like a fool just thinking about the awkward "happy to see you" greet he did with his dad. Can the Kim family please be the center of Reply 2002 please and thank you. 

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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

YAASSSS I'm going to see the ahjumma trio on 'Taxi' especially my queen mama Kim :D  Aww at the epic hug between her and RJY. I guess he really does treat her as a "noona". One of my favorite acres from the drama is Junghwan apologizing with the chestnuts, or his "ommma" after doing things like burn fingers just so she feels loved and needed :wub::wub: Junghwan was so good to his family and showed them his love. I grin like a fool just thinking about the awkward "happy to see you" greet he did with his dad. Can the Kim family please be the center of Reply 2002 please and thank you. 


If it's 2002 then The Kims need to be shown again. Find  Junghwan's wife please...:D

I love their family dynamic the most, cheetah oma and kim sajang, hyung and donsaeng-ah, JH and his omma and appa, it was beautifully portrayed.  

Remember when kim sajang talk to cheetah omma about both their son attitude when he was still selling things door to door. He though both their kids will be ashamed of their father's job, but no, they saw their father and run  to him with a proud face. That was kim sajang happiest moment in his life. :heart:

I believe that the girl who can crack JH out of his shell will be the luckiest girl alive. If you become his family (by being his wife), he'll put you as the center of his universe just the way his oma does to her appa and her 2 sons. He is his mom's son afterall


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