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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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4 hours ago, fnkrm said:

Is it okay if I request something from @packmule3

Since I've seen your past works with theories and everything, I am impressed with your diverse ideas.

Maybe when you have the time, can you help unpack the other characters like JB and DR? I am upset that not many people realise how these two characters actually help in the development in this series.

And also... why do you think JH chooses his friendship with Taek over his love for DS as we all know that JH likes DS like crazy? 


Sure thing. 

For me, JB is THE real competitor of TK here. THE archnemesis, if you will.  Lol. He did more to "challenge" TK in his pursuit of DS than JH ever did. But the thing is ... people ignored him as a side character. They thought he was just a plot device, just like what you said. You are right to be upset; I'm with you. 

They didn't realize that JB, as lovable as he was, OBSTRUCTED TK more effectively than JH. :) He actually blocked TK. He thwarted TK. And he was successful.

You see, even after 28 years, the adult TS didn't know that his chocolate ended up with him. 

Hahaha. THAT is the comedic irony of the show.

For me, JB > baduk genius TK

But since JB was totally oblivious to what he had set into motion, and the consequence of his action, he couldn't be deemed culpable. And since the two parties involved, TK and DS, are still both accusing each other of wrongdoing (TK: you didn't give me the chocolate! DS: I did so! You and your selective memory!!), they'll never get to the bottom of it.

JB committed the perfect crime. The statute of limitation for misdeamenour theft is about a year, anyway. Lol. 

DR was right in Episode 16 when he said that the two most competitive kids on the block, TK and JB, were inescapably linked together by the Galaga game. ;)

Furthermore, if you contrast JH's and JB's approach to love, you can see that the scriptwriter favored JB's approach. He got the girl, didn't he? :)

JB was constantly crossing that line with Mi-Ok. He was THE romantic figure here. Not JH. What did he do?

He was forthright with his emotions, straight-up told the girl he liked her. Girls appreciate that more than the confusing I'll-insult-you-but-I-really-really-like-you. Honestly here: if I had a daughter, and I saw her guy do mindgames like that on her, I'd warn her that her trust fund would have oversight till she was 26 years old. Lol. 

JB wrote a gazillion letters and had them delivered. I love his constancy. He didn't give up. He waited in the cold till she appeared; he didn't hide behind gates, peek behind curtains, stared from a distance. He stood there patiently. And didn't you just fall in love with him when he lied and said he hadn't been waiting long in the freezing temperature? Awww. He deserved that kiss! 

JB also gave her such a sweet and thoughtful present: the space travel card. He didn't rely on her to tell him what she wanted. Lol. He thought of it himself. He bugged DS about Mi-ok's likes and dislikes and made sure he remembered each one. And that space travel card was absolutely brilliant because Mi-ok was tied down to her bed. She couldn't move and she was getting restless. How did he know that?

Didn't you notice, too? All his gifts were handcrafted. They weren't bought from the store. And his big jar of paper crane was just as precious as that Baduk trophy TK gave DS. The gifts were simple-looking but they were both a result of countless hours of EFFORT. Girls like that. I tell my husband that diamonds are a girl's best friend precisely because if I want a diamond earring or ring, I can easily go and buy it myself. I don't need HIM to buy me diamonds. Lol. So I expect "more" than diamonds as anniversary and birthday gifts....

JB went all out. The phone calls, the flowers, the 1001 paper cranes. And when he realized that it could be Mi-ok on the Internet, he didn't dither. He asked her out. He immediately got to work. Thank the lord!! Hallelujah. A man of action, JB is. 

....Which again is supremely hilarious because he dithered with his exams for six, seven years. See? That tells us a lot about his personality. 

And the way, he talked to Mi-ok?!! Swoon-worthy points: + 100000. None of this stupid, push-pull, tedious, childish bickering. He didn't play confusing games to mess with Mi-ok. Thus, he won the girl. Plus I'm very old school so I found his respectful tone, language and address to everybody, not just Mi-ok, most admirable.

You remember how the gang got upset with Bora when she talked harshly to TK? Well, I liked the way NE reprimanded her for speaking about the exams to shut down JB. Did you notice too how TK and JB both simply ducked their heads down? These two guys didn't strike back at Bora with rude or foul words. 

Plus, JB would make a good father. Just observe how he interacted with the children in this story. Jinjjoo had no fear of him. And he was very gentle with her. And NoEul idolized him. JB could have been annoyed getting NE as his manitto -- the oldest and the youngest, both penniless to buy the other person the manitto gift he wanted.  But he generously offered to give NE what he wanted. Lol. <porn> 

So there. That's my partial list [yes I've more but I'm limiting myself lol] why JB is the true second male lead in MY book. 

Gotta run. The other ones will have to wait... I hope you don't mind. 

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I know where JH-DS shippers come from, been there done that. Maybe some girls (including me) experienced those moments in their life.. when someone like JH (who doesn't really show his feelings) suddenly shows concern and care to us girls. Your heart will flutter. You'll feel the butterflies. And that's how they sympathize with JungHwan. But then what happens? Until these kinds of boys reach a point of maturity, we will never get the satisfaction and assurance that they love us. Because no matter how your friends say he likes you, no matter how he shows it by discretely being thoughtful.. most girls still want someone who is willing to cross the line-- someone willing to not be afraid to be judged by others regarding their love choices. Someone to do the leap of faith. We will forever get tired by waiting for someone who made us feel liked but did not really confirm it.  

At the same time, I also sympathize with Deok Sun. When I was 18, I couldn't understand love. I couldn't differentiate between love and admiration. But she eventually did. That is how she chose her husband.

Love needs no grand finale, grand explanation, grand gestures. We are all vulnerable when we are in love but we have to embrace the vulnerability which JH needs to learn from. 

Before bashing each other, why don't we stop, relax and breath. Appreciate that the writer actually gave out something different than the whole "tsundere guy gets the girl because it makes audiences heart flutter" or "let's make some grand gesture to narrate how they fell in love". When you remove all your expectations about love stories, TaekSun will become one of the most refreshing KDrama couple :) 




Also to add tho that...

6 hours ago, monsterlife said:

Why? Main thread = free for all. Be it JH/TK/DS/SW/BR/DR shipper. We all can agree to disagree. We all have different perspective. 

Besides, once upon a time jh-ds shippers called us delusional for our avid fascination with tk-ds. Isn't it fun now to read why it is tk-ds all along and how jh lost his chance and be the poster boy for failed first love?


TRUE. Main thread is the hub of all theories. When JH-TK shippers called TaekSun shippers delusional, stupid, jobless - TaekSun shippers didn't insist you stop posting JH-DS theories, right? I mean let's be sensible here. :)

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4 minutes ago, aixx said:

when someone like JH (who doesn't really show his feelings) suddenly shows concern and care to us girls. Your heart will flutter. You'll feel the butterflies. And that's how they sympathize with JungHwan. But then what happens? Until these kinds of boys reach a point of maturity, we will never get the satisfaction and assurance that they love us. Because no matter how your friends say he likes you, no matter how he shows it by discretely being thoughtful.. most girls still want someone who is willing to cross the line-- someone willing to not be afraid to be judged by others regarding their love choices. Someone to do the leap of faith. We will forever get tired by waiting for someone who made us feel liked but did not really confirm it.  

Seriously this is one of the most obvious reason out there but so many choose to ignore it :/

I guess we cant force people to understand what they dont want to.

When they turn a blind eye, nothing will make sense but their own words.

I hope there will be arguments that are against this one so that we can have a proper discussion about the drama.

But everyone on the other side (JH side) choose to ignore all of the analysis and arguments post in the MT, then try to stop us from posting them...

I'd love to have a discussion with both sides involved but JH shippers didnt have any legit argument whatsoever so its kinda boring up till now.

Over-analysing? Atleast we have stuff to analyse, and evidences to back up our analysis.

Stop your whining and just listen to others opinions for a change.

*Im sorry if this post might come out as offensive for some people but i just have a long day at work so i really dont care enough to be gentle*

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After much consideration, the Soompi Forum Staff will close temporarily the Answer Me 1998 thread including related shipping threads for 72 hours due to following violations:

Rudeness, hateful messages, member bashing, and trolling are forbidden.

Sexually explicit content, as well as content that endorses illegal activity, is forbidden.

You may post a general link to other resources/websites, but direct linking or sharing of any copyrighted material on Soompi.com is strictly prohibited. If you are in doubt about the content of your post/topic, please contact a moderator and/or admin to inquire.

Creating multiple accounts will result in automatic ban of the additional account(s) and potential ban of the main account.

The threads will have their opening again on Friday, January 29, 2016 (10h20 AM Eastern Time)


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I want to share my opinion regarding the issues that had been heated in this thread. I was not joining the party last time. I'm sorry if I'm a bit bias, but that's a given when you're human. I'll try to keep it neutral and only see the personality of characters (in my perspective). 

First of all we don't write the drama. So we don't know the struggle of the writer when she wrote it. To bash the writer just because you didn't get what you want is disrespectful and makes you no fan of this wonderful drama. She tried to make it as close as real life, and to me she done her job very well. Did you recall what the ahjumas talking about? The ahjumas in my neighborhood actually talking like that and about that. So she must have been crafting every character with great skill and concentration, to make the story line intact.

Therefore, to me the end game has already been decided before hand. Sure she may have falling in love with a character and try to change it by giving that character a chance, but this is a master of writing we are talking about. She won't endangering the story line which she had patiently crafted if the character not fitted with the actions.
From the get go, I knew Taek is going to be one of the main rival because I thought his the main actor from the pictures I found in the net, although who's DS husband is a fair game. Anybody could be it, even DR. SW is out since his comment about jacket. TK is in since the milk thing. JH is in sice the drunk scene, actually since he's always tease and be mean to her. DR is still in the grey area. 
So here are my thoughts about the OT5. 

1. About Kim Junghwan. Although God knows how much I love him but his character didn't fit to be the end game in this story line. Like I said before, love is taking action and the writer in this story seems to agree with that. Say it, act it, live it. Don't beat around the bush and only care about her from the side. Crossed the line! It only going to make your potential partner sighing if you only taking care of her from behind. You won't get notice, you won't get credit. If he/she is aware of your love and is ok with you not saying 'I love you' and only act it, that's ok. You still have commitment from him/her. But if not, you only live in delusional land. 

Sadly, uri JH is still at elementary level regarding to love. The way he tease and be mean is what give me a feeling that he is the contender and the way they develop the story around him much too. But JH never grew out of his choding style in love. He is inexperience and because of his nature is not so out front with his love. Can't blame him though, with a sick brother that he love so much I can see why the writer made him that way. It's not just with DS. He didn't know what's up with his own parents until DR told him why and how to fix it. He live another man's life because of his love for JB. So it's natural if he backed off from DS because of TK. He love TK more than he love DS. As simple as that. Want to argue why? If you love someone enough that she became your life, it's not important anymore who you rival is. You just got to have the girl.

That's not the case for JH and not his mentality also. JH has this urge to make everybody he loves happy eventhough he will not because of it. Like I said, sometimes the character written its own story. The writer had given him so much chance but because of his personality it's not likely he would act on that (and in the end I have to bite my pillow because of it. I already know/suspected what would happen but it still pained me). And making TK, the person he clearly care the most out of all characters beside JB, just make me prepare for the even more greater heart ache. I'm not buying the ONamRyu thing.

To me, to have JH confess his feeling before the time jump is not fitting his character and the story line. If the writer wants the end game is JH, he should confess before the beach episode. That's when I begin to suspect that the husband is not JH but TK. Who in the right mind would leave a girl that you love with another guy no matter (actually because of) how undangerous and not behaving like a normal person he is. He should then offer to stay behind. Money? JH had a lot of pocket money or even he had not, he could've borrow. See, the writer make him behave like that to emphasise his behaviour. Not that because he's not threaten by TK (who wouldn't be threaten by TK if you're normal? That guy is handsome, rich, a star in a career he choose and kind). He got jelous over DR, do you think he won't be to TK? Of course he will, it's just that he treasure TK more than any of his friends. He is so sure that TK is a pure kid, no nothing about woman or love, whom he love so much. All of the hesitations is part of the emphasising as well.

But as a true JH's fan I keep hoping for a change in the writer's mind. I'm sort of giving up my hope when JH didn't make a move after TK canceled his date with DS and truely giving up when he saw DS' date bailing out on her and he had to think (OMG, I can still recall my feeling that day) before took off. I love you JH, but me too can't defend you in a real trial. So, there is no changing in the story line, I guess. 

But to say he will have a failed relationship because of that, it's a little too far though. Like I said (sorry, I say that a lot now), he only an elementary kid in love standard. He likes to tease and be harsh at DS because that's the simplest way to get her attention without rising everybody suspicion. Just like an elementary boy, right? He'll grow out of it if we got the chance to see it because JH is a great person. He is a great son, a great friend, a great student, and a great fly boy (OMG to him and his damn sexy uniform). I won't mind to date the mature JH, because I know eventhough his words are harsh, he got a good heart, mean well, and actually love me for who I am. Call me a masochist, I don't mind. 

Why didn't he end up with DS? Because DS didn't love him that way. Just that. 
Will he behave differently if his rival is not his childhood best friend forever? I'll say he will, judging by his character. 

2. Taek. I go for Taek for a long life acompanion. Why? Because a guy like Taeki is hard to find, if not rare. Sire he has some antics, but even his antics, beside the over workaholic and pils thing, are endearing one. I don't know why so many people against him being DS end game. Wouldn't you want a guy who love you, says you're beautiful in every way and every day (even when you wearing lipstick that make you look like a sick person), gives you his time and undevided attention (that guy lingered around your front gate just after arriving from China in the cold of Korean winter), both of your parents approve, capable to make your ends meet and beyond (I wouldn't mind a golden turtle or two), can't get enough of you and seems can't get his hand or lips off you also, you can slay him with one sentence, kind, generous, and handsome? See, I list his goodness longer than JH.

Taek is a man of action. All his life he was trained and behave that way (because of baduk). A lot of people think he was slow. I don't see it that way. That's what he wants everybody thinks. He wants DS to think he need help, because he craves her attention and love. To his friends, he can be sloppy or have flaws because he knew they will understand and love him no matter what. Taeki is a quick witty man but he also willing to put his pride aside for his love ones, not just DS. He put aside his pride for JH when Kim Sajang hospitalised. That's why JH love him so much more than all his friends. 
I swear if they make TK as a girl, JH will jump her in no time and they'll make a greater couple than SW and Bora.

To Taeki DS is his sun along with baduk. To giving up DS means he has to giving up his air to breath, but he did that for JH (but my fool didn't take that chance). He too is a great friend to his friends. 
He is perfect for DS along with every flaw he has. Because to TK that's not a flaw, that's advantages. 

3. Deokseon. What can I say about this girl? I can't get into her head properly but I'll try. Her struggle is the real struggle of a middle child that's why she always question love and feel there's nobody love her. But DS is not a rock headed girl. She knows what she wants, in the end. I think subconsciously she already love TK in a woman to man's way long time a go. She won't let her friends met TK, but she's willing to call JH to McD, she color coordinated his outfit just like wifey, she wore his sweater, she's willing to go trough hardship to make him feel comfortable and always lingering around him (and he let her stay although he really need to concentrate). If that's not love, I don't know what is. As teenager it is normal to got sway by your friend's word isn't it? She had crush with JH, but we all know crush didn't last long.

I saw a post saying that it seems like she/he had been watching two different DS (I'm sorry I don't remember who and too lazy to fet back a few pages). Well my dear, you're not alone. Me too. It seems like Hyeri had difficulty in acting as mature DS because she kind of backed off a little bit when the scene turned in pink daze (kiss, hug). But who am I to judge one's acting skill? 

4. Dongryong. He is one of my fave although I feel he is underdeveloped, the major problem of his life is his parents' affection. Evem in that section, I feel they didn't dig deep enough. It's pity he didn't have a love life in R88. DR will make a good but goofy boyfriend and will make the drama pop up a little more. DR definitely had insecurities of his own but it's not his character to spill it to his hommies. Everybody is asking his opinion, not the other way around. But he managed to have a good life and still held his head high eventhough he knew his friends has more fancy careers than him. That itself is admirable. He gives his love equal to his friends and the lack of love from his fam don't make him sulk for long and became a bad person because of it.

I think DR potrayed a common friend that we all know. His character is one of the most easy to know and easy to be with character I know. He's easy to love, even if it's not that kind of love but it's a love nevertheless. I found his similarity with a lot people I know in the real world. I guess I know a lot of good people. His dream is being an entertainer, but realised that he's not so good at it and quit (cmiiw). But his easy to approach self is come handy when he handle there restaurant. I think he can be successful in that, in his own way and in his own term he is still an entertainer. 
I'm sad R88 didn't give him a closure. I love to know how they end him. 

5. SW. He is the mirror image of JH. He is a kind squishy boy on the outside but a firm guy who knew what he wants, how to get it and act accordingly. JH on the other hand, is prickly on the outside but squishy in the inside. He's a good smart boy who deserves to be happy. He's a dotted son to his mother. Which kid ate undelicious meal till finish? Some of us will make a quick stop to the rubbish bin. He makes a good father too. Just look at his interaction with JJ. I love his interaction with TK. It's like they are destined to be brother. He is a loyal and royal lover. He waited a long time for BR. He gave her a pendant eventhough he's not economically well off. The difficult thing about SW is that he can be too stubborn sometimes. In R88 they potrayed it as a good thing (he waited BR for 6 long years) but in real life it can be difficult. At least for me, but BR will handle him finely. 

SW is lucky to have BR and vice versa. They completed each other but still manage to get each of foot down in a matter in their own way. At first, I'm surprised SW love BR. He is too young to have a certainty at that kind of feeling. But I guess he matured quickly because he had to be a father figured. He's too nice sometimes because of it. Only to BR he is able to express whatever he store deep in inside. Maybe that's he's in love with her. Because she is matured enough to handle SW who matured too quick from his age wise. 

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This thread is for R88 and not for any shippers either TK&DS or JH&DS...

I believe each shippers have their own thread...

I'm #TeamJungHwan and will always be...but I'am and I will only post regarding my ship in JH&DS thread...why?

that place is my safe haven...where everyone on those thread believed and still believe that JH was the husband even the series ended...we share our thoughts and sentiments there...and I also believe that is the same with #TeamTaek shippers

we love the characters as much as we love the real actors and actresses behind them...let us make peace not war people....

iT is natural for the other shippers to defend their ship when others are saying something against to their thread..so for world peace sake..


This thread is for R88

Keep calm and love R88 as a heartwarming not  a fans war drama

Can we make this thread a peaceful place? r88 was not all about the husband hunt game...there are more parts of the story worth to be talking about also...It is a shame that the MT was down for several days because off the violations of the forum rules..



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Source: http://www.soompi.com/2016/01/27/hyeri-explains-why-taek-was-the-husband-in-reply-1988/

Hyeri Explains Duk Sun’s Choice of Husband in “Reply 1988″


It’s been a couple of weeks since the hit tvN drama “Reply 1988″ ended. Depending on who you rooted for, you were either on cloud nine or in the depths of despair when the series wrapped up. If you rooted for Choi Taek (played by Park Bo Gum), Duk Sun’s choice was destiny. If you rooted for Kim Jung Hwan (played by Ryu Jun Yeol), nothing made sense anymore.

Amidst the commotion over the ending, many viewers looked for clues in the drama that could explain the ending. In a recent interview with the press, Girl’s Day‘s Hyeri, who played the lead character of Duk Sun, offered some insight.

“I found out that the husband was ‘Choi Taek’ around the second half of the drama. Although I found out before the viewers, I, too, wondered why Duk Sun acted in a certain way when I studied the script,” divulged Hyeri.

Hyeri elaborated, “I asked the director, ‘Why can’t Hyeri sleep when her date with Taek falls through?’ He answered, ‘Because Taek is the husband.’”


“Because it was before the broadcast [of that scene], I worried over how I should act out episode 15 and 16. I tried to act in a way that would help the viewers understand,” revealed Hyeri.

To Hyeri, this is why Taek was the one who was supposed to be her husband from the beginning. “Taek’s start was different from Sun Woo’s and Jung Hwan’s. Duk Sun did not know Taek liked her. Still, Taek was on her mind. ‘Why isn’t he dressed properly for the cold weather?’ ‘Why can’t he sleep?’ She worried about him. I think they were feelings Duk Sun was not conscious off. She wanted to take care of him and he kept on appearing in her thoughts and bothering her. Because she had never experienced love, she didn’t know that she liked Taek,” explained Hyeri.

“Duk Sun begins to think when Dong Ryong (played by Lee Dong Hwi) asks her ‘who do you love?’ She starts to think, ‘I could be liking that person.’” Hyeri continued, “There is some regret that we couldn’t show that process a little bit more but it’s something one could understand if they think about their age. That’s why the beginning point is different for Sun Woo, Jung Hwan, and Taek.”

In the end, Hyeri showed her deep understanding of how the audience felt. “Honestly, because so many people loved the drama, there isn’t an ending that could have satisfied everyone. It would have been difficult problem whichever side Duk Sun chose.”


Well said and well-thought responses from Hyeri. You worked hard, bb girl  

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5 minutes ago, uricouplefan said:

This thread is for R88 and not for any shippers either TK&DS or JH&DS...

I believe each shippers have their own thread...

I'm #TeamJungHwan and will always be...but I'am and I will only post regarding my ship in JH&DS thread...why?

that place is my safe haven...where everyone on those thread believed and still believe that JH was the husband even the series ended...we share our thoughts and sentiments there...and I also believe that is the same with #TeamTaek shippers

we love the characters as much as we love the real actors and actresses behind them...let us make peace not war people....

iT is natural for the other shippers to defend their ship when others are saying something against to their thread..so for world peace sake..

This thread is for R88

Keep calm and love R88 as a heartwarming not  a fans war drama

Can we make this thread a peaceful place? r88 was not all about the husband hunt game...there are more parts of the story worth to be talking about also...It is a shame that the MT was down for several days because off the violations of the forum rules..


I am fully in agreement with your about having a calm safe thread to deconstruct the series and consider how the various elements came together to make it a satisfying experience (for some).

I am not sure about the "shipping" thing. I thought questions about the ultimate couples (shipping) were only valid until the writer announced her/his choice for the story. Once that has been done, does it not mean the "shipping" has been official decided.

Since the series ended with CT+DS as the couple, is it not fair and important to examine how the writer went about construting the foundation of that relationship to make it the end game, and perhaps to see why the other relationships were false starts.

I'm not trying to be problematic but I"m curious exactly what is allowed.

Are all elements of the story opened for examination, but not DS romantic outcome?

@Hanyeoun closed the thread and I'm not sure why.

I think insulting poster's intelligence because they did not recognize the outcome early in the series, is not helpful to a safe sharing environment, but forbidding discussion about an important element of the story makes not fun on the surface.

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Can we focus on the best (as in funny) moments of Repy 1988? Change the mood of the "this is why he isn't and this is why he is husband talk" it's getting repetitive and just a bit much don't you think.

Go to the shipper thread and make your comments there, I'm team Junghwan but I keep my comments with the shipper crew. Lets stick to this thread about the joy and highlights of Reply 1988 :)

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13 minutes ago, hushhh said:

I am fully in agreement with your about having a calm safe thread to deconstruct the series and consider how the various elements came together to make it a satisfying experience (for some).

I am not sure about the "shipping" thing. I thought questions about the ultimate couples (shipping) were only valid until the writer announced her/his choice for the story. Once that has been done, does it not mean the "shipping" has been official decided.

Since the series ended with CT+DS as the couple, is it not fair and important to examine how the writer went about construting the foundation of that relationship to make it the end game, and perhaps to see why the other relationships were false starts.

I'm not trying to be problematic but I"m curious exactly what is allowed.

Are all elements of the story opened for examination, but not DS romantic outcome?

@Hanyeoun closed the thread and I'm not sure why.

I think insulting poster's intelligence because they did not recognize the outcome early in the series, is not helpful to a safe sharing environment, but forbidding discussion about an important element of the story makes not fun on the surface.


Hi hushhh :)

I understand that you and many others would like to discuss and deconstruct theories that favor the Taek as husband endgame, and I admit that reading some of your guys' posts have helped me understand better what happened. 

By this point, however, I think it's clear that we (meaning both sides) need to just agree to disagree. The chance of either party proving to the other that Taek or Junghwan was the more suitable husband candidate are basically slim to none. We like who we like, and we are bound to interpret the same things different. Such is the richness of human diversity. :)

My other point is that whomever wants more discussion on Taek being the endgame is free to visit and participate in the Taek-Deoksun couple thread. At the end of the day, Deoksun chose Taek after all; what's done is done. I and my fellow Junghwan-Deoksun shippers comfort ourselves in our thread. I wish for the MT to just be a neutral center where all of us, fans of Reply 88 before being fans of either ship, can come together and discuss our favorite non-shipping aspects of the show, at least as far as Junghwan-Deoksun and Taek-Deoksun are concerned. There is so much rich stuff to discuss, the bonds between siblings, the father-daughter dynamics, the resilience of individuals and families through loss, the yearning for lost youth and bygone days, our search for dreams, and so on. 

Happy to see the MT open again. 


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20 minutes ago, hushhh said:

I am not sure about the "shipping" thing. I thought questions about the ultimate couples (shipping) were only valid until the writer announced her/his choice for the story. Once that has been done, does it not mean the "shipping" has been official decided


Ahm Isn't shipping is you pair up the one who you like and not just the one who end up? Shipping is you pair this person to that person. 

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Someone hack their "R88" chat room,  we all want to be in on the gang's fun ! :w00t:




D'aww, at Hyeri's term of endearment "Husband" for PBG and his phone call. Stahp it you two :wub:

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On January 28, 2016 at 11:55 AM, balladblue said:


Hi hushhh :)

I understand that you and many others would like to discuss and deconstruct theories that favor the Taek as husband endgame, and I admit that reading some of your guys' posts have helped me understand better what happened. 

By this point, however, I think it's clear that we (meaning both sides) need to just agree to disagree. The chance of either party proving to the other that Taek or Junghwan was the more suitable husband candidate are basically slim to none. We like who we like, and we are bound to interpret the same things different. Such is the richness of human diversity. :)

My other point is that whomever wants more discussion on Taek being the endgame is free to visit and participate in the Taek-Deoksun couple thread. At the end of the day, Deoksun chose Taek after all; what's done is done. I and my fellow Junghwan-Deoksun shippers comfort ourselves in our thread. I wish for the MT to just be a neutral center where all of us, fans of Reply 88 before being fans of either ship, can come together and discuss our favorite non-shipping aspects of the show, at least as far as Junghwan-Deoksun and Taek-Deoksun are concerned. There is so much rich stuff to discuss, the bonds between siblings, the father-daughter dynamics, the resilience of individuals and families through loss, the yearning for lost youth and bygone days, our search for dreams, and so on. 

Happy to see the MT open again. 




I am afraid you misunderstand me.

I am not interested in proving anything to anyone about anything.  

The moment I began positng on this thread I declared my bias and labled almost all early post as being about "confirmation bias."

What I am saying it that CT-DS as end game is a part of the story the writer told, as is JH growth into a caring "second" daughter, and the SW-BR's relationship achieved a semblance of equality. It is the writer's story, not about shipping. 

I am not suggesting that this thread be flooded with fanfic or anything not justified by the writing as it exists.  

I am currently teaching script analysis and i find the deconstruction interesting to see what viewers are taking away from the story on both sides. 

I am intrigued by the depth of some analysis that is deeply supported by the script. I am also aware that some analysis are flight of "fancy— too weak for boys, too green and idle for girls of nine" WT III,ii.  I am not only intrested in what was done, but the community idea of how what was done was achieved. 

I as a viewer was not particularlly interested in the parents' storyline, but reading post on this thread increased my understanding of its significance.

As much as I wanted the ST-DS alignment, I was mostly responding from the heart not from the construction of the story.  

Therefore I appreciate hearing of how specific element of Korean cultural touch stone factored into the structure.  I have no understand of Baduk, so reading of how the structure of that game might have functioned as a framing device of the story. 

I read an well-constructed convincing analysis (it might have been yours, i can't be sure) that explained why JH had to be the husband because that the most prominent point of view was his and therefore, since he is telling the story.  I didn't like the outcome of the critical analytical thinking but I respected it and it swayed my thinking. It was proven wrong, but it didn't diminish the value, but it makes me realize the the creative team was working in an unusual way. 

Are you suggesting the main thread become the "all but CT-DS" thread?


"My fellow shipmates and I are still hurting from the ending (grieving takes time, please bear with us), but many of us still like to come to the MT to discuss other aspects of the show"  And also busy plotting.

In retrospect I really love the duplicitous nature all this talk of peace and consideration for the Jh fan's feeling while they were/are busy working behind the scene to kick folks off soompi with continous fake reporting of "offensive" post that got the threads closed by the moderators and adminstrator tho didn't have the time to deal with their narcissistic petulant tantrums.

Peace and consideration indeed. 


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