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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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1 minute ago, bluesteyes said:


The drama is already end. The only one that has childhood flashback is Taek ever since ep 2. And they already hinted us the flashback in ep 20 in earlier episode. Taek got his head injured already mentioned in ep 10 and by ep 20 we get to see it for real. Idk when the production team say they will make the husband obvious, people keep ignoring the obvious hint toward Taek. Smoking, coffee, scene with Noeul, left handed, selective memory, dont like interview, read manhwa, borrowing manhwa, there are so many that keep ignored by people. And the best confirming about this is the scene of the parents of ssangmun dong saying "We already know they are close right" and taek said something like "there is nothing change in their relationship after all this time" hinted us that they already soulmate from the very beginning they met. And seems like writer throw the "IN YOUR FACE!!" to viewers. Lol just accept it or go ask doeksun about her real feeling or even the writer. Annyeong:wub:

Exactly! We all love JH or we can sympathize with him because they made his character relatable and for sure in all of us we are all JH and we are all rooting for him because possibly things we were not able to fulfill in our past we want him to fulfill those things for us, like getting his 1st love (this is just my opinion). And, isn't the purpose of the writer make the 2nd lead likable so we will all fall for him and make conflict to the story? I dunno if u think PBGxHyeri has no chemistry or if JH acting is just so good that he outshined all of them you may think like that but I would say EVERYTHING WAS PLANNED FROM THE START some people are just too blind to see (many hints/clues) because their hearts are already beating for JH. Possibly, most people are not used to the kind of LOVE that DeoksunxTaek share, in life there are different kinds of love u know it's all in our preferences to choose our TYPE and we cannot do anything if Deoksun choose or prefer that kind of man -Taek, like we cannot impose what we like to her. We all know that we should root for Deoksun, her feelings because it can guide us on who will she choose but, I agree that they didn't show clearly Deoksun POV in terms of love or we just failed to catch the hints/clues that were given but for me when Taek became husband contender at episode 6 that's when she started having feelings for him and the turning point is when she went to China with Taek that's when she saw Taek as a man, but maybe she hasn't realized it yet or even before that like what we see in their childhood flashback (this soulmate thing). I dunno, it's open for all interpretations.:)

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so this drama has ended beautifully painful for JH DS shipper like me. i was always watching this drama from JH POV, and i dont regret it. this drama is still beautiful.

i rewatched almost all of DS TK moments and i was like ah... this is it. at the end, we will choose the one we are most comfortable with. and it was always TK for DS vice versa. i hope JH will find someone to whom he can tell everything he feels, and i know he will. maybe after sometime i will try to watch all of the episode from the beginning. 

overall this drama gave me a very good POV about family and friendship. it makes me re-think about my relationship with people in my life. 

i wont blame the writer or pd or all crew(like i did yesterday sorry:sweatingbullets:) they did a very good job in this reply 1988. i also very happy to get to read the comments here and in JH DS thread. i learned a lot from you guys :wub:

if people ask me whether or not to watch this series, i will tell them they should watch it. and if they fall in the same ship as me, i will tell them to learn from it. we can learn from JH that love needs to be expressed, the other person that you love wont know how you feel if you dont tell them!!

so i have to go back to reality, see you in another thread(maybe ^_^)


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1 hour ago, alleverything said:


Lol stop. I'm sorry but this is not true. Do you know why the JH/DS thread has way more comments than this main one? Because we felt chased away. Everytime we were confident about something (BECAUSE THE WRITERS MADE IT THAT OBVIOUS), Taek people got offended. So we quietly went to our own thread where we had the BEST time. No one bothered to go into this one anymore because we felt it was better to discuss our stuff amonst ourselves.

Those posts were deleted because that person was downright offensive using slurs and what not to try to make her point. You must have missed that because you were drooling while reading her nonsensical theories.

i really don't mean to be rude but I'm tired of being painted as the bad guy for supporting JH/DS when we never even wanted to interfere with anyone here. 

Same, I'm #Taekteam but it's the same thing with us we didn't dare to post on MT because of the backlash and hate that some of us may get, most of us r afraid to encounter a war freak here on MT and in case "some" of JH shipper get offended and decide to report us. That's why we remained in our own thread. All of us want peace, but probably we just misunderstood each other but the thing here is we should not generalize & hate the whole fandom JH or Taek shipper. Cheers:)

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Reading PBG saying that he didn't go through audition and get a love call from Shin PD for the role (and to be Taek eventually). And RJY went through audition against around 100 other male actors. I'm now convinced Kim JungHwan is an important character to carry out this so called 'twist' :) They all have it planned in the beginning guys. I don't blame the JHxDS's anger because I myself feel the burn too (like @blue_angel_1004 said, it's mostly because we didn't ask to be put through this) but the production has paid attention to choose the perfect actor for Junghwan in the beginning for this heart broken effect. 

I understand everyone's rage right now, and once it calms down, please rewatch the series again, you will see that Tk/DS love story is so obvious and no hindrance at all from start to finish -> DS's late realization to her feeling is the only hindrance. This was confirmed by the reactions of the parents in the end when there were newspaper writing about Taek and DS as a couple. No one is surprise because TK/DS has always been that close, holding hands, going to bath house together. And this pain me to say but JH would be considered a hindrance between TK/DS if he has not withdrew himself. Now you will see how brilliant (and cunning) it is for the writer to make a twist to something that suppose to be so obvious. Yes we blame the execution for not seeing TK's pov or more obvious TK/DS loveline but THAT IS EXACTLY THE POINT. It hurts, but I agree it was all worth it. I love JH as an individual character, and I'm so glad RJY got the role, he killed it. 

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An alternate ending

(i put lots of thoughts in this. sorry guys for the super long post and bad grammars. but i hope this will cheer some of you guys up. writing this alone makes me feel better. Cheer up #teamjunghwan. i posted this in another thread too but here's my 2 cents. No hate for Taek team or the series okay :) 

Jung Hwan came back to get the ring on the table, to realize the ring was already taken away.

The story still went on with Kim’s family problem, Duk Sun’s dad last day of work, Bora-Sun Woo story and 3 girl friends reunited, all these beautiful parts.

Taek went to see Jung Hwan in SaCheon and told him about the wallet and him liking Duk Sun. Jung Hwan told him to go get Duk Sun. Taek told him that he’ll be competing in Beijing.

At his house, Jung Hwan remembered Duk Sun bragged about going to Beijing at that same time. He knew something would happen. Jung Hwan sat in his room for a long time, and took out a package of cigarettes to smoke because he didn’t want to think.

Taek went to Beijing for the baduk competition. Duk Sun stayed at the same hotel as well. They went out for dinner. Taek planned to ask Duk Sun out during the dinner. Then Duk Sun had to go to the bathroom. While waiting, Taek got a phone call from Sun Woo saying that there was an accident in the SaCheon air force, it was confirmed that two people with Kim as last names died among the 4 people who was on the plane. Taek was left with utter shock. Duk Sun while changing her make up, overheard a conversation between the reporters (who were there for Taek’s competition) about the accident. She fell on the ground and grasped for air. Duk Sun tried to call Jung Hwan’s office number but no one answers. At home, everyone was worried, Jung Hwan’s mom almost fainted.

Duk Sun rushed to the dinner table and apologized to Taek. Taek said what matters know was they both know Jung Hwan is safe. Duk Sun was bawling with tears in Taek’s hotel room after frantically called for a hundred times but no one answered.

At home, while everyone gathered at Jung Hwan’s house to comfort his mom, Jung Hwan rang the bell and walked in. Everyone hugged him and he didn’t know why. He told everyone that because it was his mom’s birthday weekend, he thought he should take the weekend off early and go home. He then received a call from his unit saying four of his friends died during the accident, one went in place for him when he was absent.

For Duk Sun, she only realized that Jung Hwan has always been there for her. She remembered how happy she was when she saw Jung Hwan in the morning and on the bus. She remembered how Jung Hwan held her tight on the bus, how her heart fluttered when he told her “hajima,” how she was genuinely surprised when he showed up at McDonalds. On her hand she held tightly Jung Hwan’s army ring.

Flashback to the dinner at the end of last episode. After everyone left, Duk Sun found out that she forgot her hat and went back for it. At the table the cleaning lady gave the ring to her and said your chingu forgot his precious present. Duk Sun asked why the cleaning lady knew it was precious. The lady said because a while back she saw him hold on to the ring for a long time in the back of the restaurant, having a smoke and unconsciously walking back and forth. She then knew it wasn't a joke

Back to Taek’s hotel room, the phone rang and Duk Sun immediately grabbed the phone, screaming “why are you only calling now!!” and sobbed vigorously. Jung Hwan said don’t worry I’m okay. Duk Sun told him he was the biggest jerk and Jung Hwan gently smiled and said she has always been pabo. He told her to rest and told Taek not to worry and stay focused for the next competition. Duk Sun hung up the phone and smiled and cried at the same time. Looking at Duk Sun, Taek somewhat realized her feelings for Jung Hwan. Taek hugged her and told her to sleep. (Then the narration went on with Taek’s voice saying something really deep about faith.) Faith is afterall, timing. Even when one can’t control their hesitation, faith comes in at the right time.

At home, after a chaotic night, Jung Hwan’s mother slept next to him as if he was a kid. The next day, the surprise birthday “present” for Mi Ran madam still happen, this time 1000x time more meaningful when her son was still here for her. 

The story went on with the troubling story of Sun Woo and Bora. But like what they screened they both won their parents’ heart and got accepted.

After the match Taek went home and asked Duk Sun if they could talk. Siting on the infamous stairs of the neighborhood, Taek asked Duk Sun if the kiss in his room was real. Duk Sun nodded. He asked why she lied the first time. Duk Sun said she was afraid that it would ruin her relationship with Taek, that it would make it awkward to see him. Duk Sun confessed and said her heart fluttered for Taek many times, like when he kissed her she couldn’t sleep, and when he showed up at the movie she was moved. But it wasn’t enough. She felt what Jung Hwan and Taek did, but in 1989, she didn’t know her heart, she was more focused on finding her dream and getting in a college. Now that she thought of it, she can’t shake the feeling that someone else is on her mind, not Taek. Duk Sun hugged Taek and both cried.

We then got to Sun Woo and Bora’s wedding. Everyone showed up early and wa happy. Dong Ryong introduced to everyone his hot model girlfriend. DR told everyone they met at his restaurant when she didn’t have enough money to pay for food, and they fell in love. Duk Sun looked for Jung Hwan but she couldn’t find him. Jung Hwan had to come back after the birthday to his unit to hold a ceremony for his friends. He came rushing back but made it to the wedding. We see a smile on Duk Sun’s face when he entered, and No Eul noticed it. The wedding went on. Bora tossed the bouquet and Mi Ok caught it, after wresting with Ja Hyun.

            Duk Sun hadn’t gathered up enough courage to meet Jung Hwan yet. At home, No Eul told his mother that he thinks Duk Sun is dating someone, just like when he suspected Bora. His mom said “who is it this time?.” No Eul told her Duk Sun has been coming home and waking up really early in the morning, just like one period back in 1988 when No Eul found it was weird too but couldn’t figure out why. And he told mom that he saw Duk Sun looking at Jung Hwan at Bora’s wedding. His mom said no way she would like Jungpal because they didn’t talk much over the years.

            They continued with their lives. Jung Hwan went back to SaCheon. Taek and Duk Sun became best friend and hung out a lot. They even got a photo taken and there was a rumor that they were dating. Duk Sun’s mom laughed at No Eul and told him “I told you.” In Sacheon unit, some soldiers were talking about Choi Taek and his mysterious girl friend. Jung Hwan saw the newspaper article and he looked sad. He took the photo of him and her out of his wallet, now aged and wrinkling, and smile sadly. He turned to another page, and realized his house and all his childhood friends’ houses were going to be torn down. He stood up and left. Then the narration came up with his voice in the background. He can no longer exchange food, he can no longer see Duk Sun’s dad destroy the coal, Dong Ryong’s dad sweeping leaves, Taek’s dad in his store, the gossip three talking about sex. He can no longer see his childhood. This is his last chance, to be in the neighborhood, to be with his friends, and maybe the last chance to see Duk Sun.

            He rushed back to Ssangmun-dong. On the day Duk Sun family moved out, he saw Duk Sun and his ring on her neck. They both look at each other. This time he didn’t hesitate, but went and hugged her. And they both cried.

            At present time, after they finished the interview, (because Jung Hwan was honored for something heroic he did in the air force so he got super famou), Duk Sun and Jung Hwan drove home. They were arguing in the car because Jung Hwan still only listens to Lee Moon Se and Duk Sun was fed up with his songs. The gang was gathering for a 30th year anniversary special TV screening of the movie “A better tomorrow II” at Duk Sun parents’ house (the movie in ep 1). Dong Ryong has separated from her model wife. However, he now owns 15 restaurants in Seoul. Sun Woo and Bora have 2 beautiful kids. Jin Joo grew up and is as sassy as her sister in law (Bora.) Taek met one of his fans who always follows him everywhere and gives him hot soup and takes away his medicines in secret. She became Taek’s personal manager and boss him around everywhere. Dong Ryong family only lives down the street in one of his first original restaurant in Seoul. Dong Ryong still tells his mom to make him seaweed soup and still gets scolded by his Dad, who is now school principal. Taek’s Dad and Sun Woo’s mom live with each other in a house that Taek bought for them only 3 blocks away from Kim family’s house. Jung Hwan’s father. Who is now old but still as crazy and annoying, is whistling and carrying a jar of Ginseng wine to the Sung family. He arrived at their door and say “Sung sa jang.” Jung Hwan’s mother, unfortunately died 2 years ago. The camera pans around the (Sung) house with photos of Bora-Sun Woo wedding and of course Jung Hwan-Duk Sun’s wedding. Taek and Jung Hwan are having a smoke at the front of the house when Duk Sun ran out and slapped hard on Jung Hwan’s head saying “can’t you both see there are kids?” and demanded them both to go inside. All four guys, now all grew up sat in the room and watch “A better tomorrow.” They turned their head and see young Duk Sun walk in (like the last scene of ep 20). And the five of Ssangmundong was there and always will be there 

Annyeong Reply 1988.

(I know there are many things not resolved, but I can’t go to bed without finding a closure for myself. As for Jung Hwan and Duk Sun’s kisses. I didn’t feel the need because lovey dovey kisses don’t prove true love. But hey, this is my story and in your story, let them kiss the heck out of each other.)

Cheer up #teamjunghwan

We just KNOW that as writers, the script writers of R88 are feeling REAL bad because just because. We normal people can see the faults in their plot, they themselves can just go home and feel really bad because they broke our hearts and broke their supposed-to-be legendary story. But all in all, the series was PERFECT (up to ep 18 and some parts in the last eps of course haha.) But hey, don't we all learn so much about family and friendship and all the other beautiful things in life through R88 :) so don't diss it just because of the ending. 



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What I realized was that by the main male lead not getting the girl, it really shows that everyone is the main lead in their own life.  We could have really had more Taek scenes in the conventional story telling sense but there wasn't really that much to show except that it was a slow and steady relationship.

I found it interesting but sad that we didn't get to see many interesting stories from the Sung parents.  The Kim parents had more interesting stories.  Then the SunWoo's mom and Taek's dad story got more interesting too.  In the end, it's about storytelling.  

Endings - What they became

Junghwan-18 first love ended...pilot.  Did he really enjoy being a pilot?  I'm not sure (no subs yet).  At least we saw a glimpse of him at the base.

Taek - still plays baduk - episode 19/20

DS - Figured out who she loved and figured out a job that helped her care for people. I think she knew the joke confession was like a bittersweet confession that was actually true.  But she had moved on.

DR- episode 19 - he's a successful manager of restaurants! 

SunWoo- doctor! Fights with Bora! Episode 20

Bora - still feisty when she pushed to it! 

JungBong - Chef? (episode 20), married ManOk, Free to explore what he wanted to be (episode 19), reunited back with first love and got back on with his life (episode 19) - I like his ending

The mystery of DR's mom, she's a working lady and not just someone who is a mom!  That says a lot too and validates working women as there's a lot of conservative people who think mom's should only stay at home.  It explained how everyone can choose a different identity / life style and that it's all valid.  I really liked this minor point.


(I kind of didn't like the adults versions as they seemed to be different than the younger counterparts with how they sat / their eyes/gazes and mannerisms.)

So in effect, it's like a 3 episode conclusion.  


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1 hour ago, melissala said:

@MrsSoJiSub  I'm glad you have a sense of humor about it.  I tried to venture back into the JH/DS thread this last week, but man... that place is burning up.  Used to be the MT was the contentious thread in the fandom.  I guess everyone needs their place to vent their anger though. 

And seriously it is great for him he's not the husband.  He's getting all that sympathy.  It's hilarious people think RYJ was personally victimized by JH not being the husband...... I mean really. And people are already hating on Hyeri and Bogum.  Not a lot, but it's def. there already.  I guess they got tired of saying vile and sexist comments about Deok-Sun so they moved on to the actors. Amazing the girl was perfect for Junghwan last week and now she's the worst woman in the world.   Salty shippers are funny. 

I'm still waiting for the anger stage to pass.  

One thing I know, the writer, tvn and PD are laughing their richard simmons off today.  Don't even tell me people won't be back for the next Reply next year.  People love being tortured. 

Just let it be LOL. We are going through the stages of kdrama heart break okay. We were the idiotic female lead who is in the middle of the road. The kdrama van of death is coming to kill her richard simmons. Instead of moving, getting out the way so "do you want to die???? You ducking idiot move! Unless you superman with laser vision, what the richard simmons starring bug eyed gonna do!?!?!?" (Yes I have raged like this to characters who never seem to hear me? How come some dude always saves them at the right moment. Every once in a while I wish a truck would kill a lead so others would learn to MOVE!!) the writers hit us with a truck we seen or shoulda seen coming. Instead of blaming our dumb selves for not moving we vent and rage KILLL IT WITH FYAH KDRAMA GODS KILLLLL!! BUUUUURRRRNNNNN!!! Yes I know I got issues LOL. It will pass in a day or so. Not gonna lie. I was throwing African vodoo curses the team's way (don't worry y'all I prayed it away) just last night. But it's past, boo boo for me for going all in with the wrong ship. There is egg on my face then my face on the floor for how sure and completely wrong I was (y'all who were right can laugh and mock if y'all want). But it's fine with a margaritas and beer (that a lie many margaritas and too many beers gosh my head is still loudly "thanking me" with a kicking foot on my skull for that) I'm over it and so they shall be too. I don't agree with bashing Deok Sun (and in reality it's not her who's not good enough for my cold pit bull marshmallow. The truth is SHE DON'T WANT HIM! SHE AIN'T CHOOSE HIM. HIS RUBY RING IS STILL SITTING ON SOME BAR TABLE *wails like a baby that got their pacifier taken* Writers how could you do this to me *cries dramatically in Korean that she don't speak. Speaks in tongues. Beats chest*  I'm good now) so all that is just pointless noise to me. Also f u c k anybody and everybody sending Hyeri or PBG hate. Lets not be that far gone in all of this. They are real people who played fictional characters. Take a stadium full of seats them exit at you left with that richard simmons. But the rage the writers are receiving, ha!I would be lying if i said that I don't find it all entertaining and evil devil on the left shoulder makes me happy (yes I'm petty but this feeling and their rage too shall pass). I just like knowing others out there feel the hurt too. It's childish but I don't care. They took my lollipop so they can't sit with me :P. Continue to laugh and be entertained by it. Ignore us, pity us, and wonder if some of us need a hug or professional help LOL. And to some of y'all (I know y'all are secretly doing this LOL) continue to mock us and be smug in your knowing and "I told you so" LOL. We had it all coming just let us be. If in 2-3 days people still salty *rolls eyes so hard* they can stay mad. 

I know the writers and tvN are laughing all the way to the bank and sleep on the piles of money viewers sent their way. I ain't even mad and wished I was on the team so I could be laughing at my own genius and money too. I swear RJY probably asked not to be the husband LOL. He saw what that did for YYS/ Chilbong and said "I'll have the same writer-nim" LOL. Everyone including me gonna come back if there is another installment but man the trust issues I got now LOL. If the OTP is too much like OTPs of past I won't trust them because is this another '88? It's the quiet ones S, the quiet little richard simmons you never see coming gonna get the girl LOL. The the OTPs is too much like the second lead otp of past I won't trust them because is this '97 and '94 will he not get the girl...I'm scared just thinking of it all LOL. I trust no one and ship nothing from now on. I'll put my heart into the secondary OTP and just save myself another round of these feels. SunBora are the real MVPs of this whole thing. Their ship was blessed LOL. Also I really do want those gifs. It's all just too perfectly funny not to mock the pain. At the end of the day they are just fictional characters.

*shakes head at self* I was aboard the Taek-tanic and I didn't even know that was the iceberg and not the name of the ship *plays violin for self* I'll never let go Junghwan, I'll never let go....

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@Shorti Inji I'm used to Kim Joo Hyuk - Taek adult version because I know him from 2D1N. Every time he appears on screen, to me he just acts exactly like Kim Joo Hyuk like what I see from 2D1N (I guess that's the downside of actors appearing on variety shows u cannot see them as actors anymore even if I try lols). Maybe that's what made us all confused, but I didn't really see him as Taek or even JH. :)

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could someone enlighten me? if it was planned to be taek since the beginning, why did kim joo hyuk act and dress like jung hwan? i don't understand. nothing could convince me choi taek developed into tsundere by his 40s and decided to copy jung hwan's wardrobe.

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2 hours ago, lala85 said:

Hi everyone, long time lurker posting since this lovely series is over and I need to vent. After watching the last episode with your helpful live recaps, I can't help but feel so melancholy but satisfied at the same time.

The last scene of Deoksun joining the four boys in Taek's room, and crying because she misses those times in 88' really got to me. Adult Deoksun's nostalgia for her childhood left a deep impression, making me wish that she could go back in time and have fun with her friends again like old times :') I thought it was a beautiful way to end this touching series.

I've watched all the Reply series', and this is by far my favorite. I loved how all the characters were developed, and honestly the family moments were those that inevitably made me cry. In the last episode alone I cried several times during Bora and Sunwoo's wedding, both because of Bora's quiet love for her father and vice versa, and seeing Sunwoo and Bora grow up over these past episodes, then walking down the aisle, made me feel like they were my friends who were getting married ;____; Argh this show.

It was great following this thread, in particular those who analyzed the shortest scenes or smallest clues to reveal why they thought Taek would be endgame. I, like many of you, didn't think much of Taek for the first 6 episodes. Unlike the Junhwan shippers, however, I was not invested in his character or his love for Doeksun. After ep 6, I fell for Taek and the 1000-watt smiles he and Deoksun shared. Seeing them together never failed to make me happy, but at the same time I was prepared for them not being endgame since he was an unconventional male otp. Nevertheless, their beach scene gave me hope early on, since in another drama I absolutely adore, the apparent '2nd lead' also shared a beautiful scene at the beach with the female lead, and ended up becoming the male otp. (Empress Ki)

Overall, I am really happy with how the writer and director ended this amazing show, and I am so impressed with all the details they managed to cram in throughout its run. It really brings drama watching to a higher level and really demands more than just disengaged viewing from the audience.

Can't wait for the next reply series, because we all know it's definitely coming after those ratings!

JCW is not really the male lead..in the last part (the flashback of the horse scene), it signifies that though the female lead chose the emperor, her heart beats only for the king.

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3 minutes ago, aqueous said:

could someone enlighten me? if it was planned to be taek since the beginning, why did kim joo hyuk act and dress like jung hwan? i don't understand. nothing could convince me choi taek developed into tsundere by his 40s and decided to copy jung hwan's wardrobe.

To troll us hahaha. But for me honestly! he is just being his real self! He is Kim Joo Hyuk to me! I know him after watching him for almost 3 years in 2D1N. JH or Taek shipper doesn't matter at the end we've all been trolled! LMAO:D

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4 minutes ago, ShinRaeMi said:

JCW is not really the male lead..in the last part (the flashback of the horse scene), it signifies that though the female lead chose the emperor, her heart beats only for the king.

But, she did love JCW right? :)

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Sorry For The  Delay

Here's Songs In Episode 20

More I Love -- BooHwal(Resurrection) >> Song While JB Calling MO




Why Do You? -- Chuli & Miae >>Song When Moms Caught SW-BR Almost Kiss



(Please) Wait For Me -- Kim GwangSeok (RIP) >>  Song While TK-BR's Dads Were Talking



Someone Who Gives(Brings) Happiness -- HaeBaRagi(Sunflower) >> Song While BR Explaining To Her Parents



Life Goes On / It Happens -- Kwon JinWon >> Song While Moms and Dads Were Talking



Miracle -- Kim DongRyul & Lee SoEun >> Song After DS Said "ILY" To TK



Round and Round -- NaMi >> Song That DS Sang in Noraebang (JB Danced This Song In Kim Family Olleh CF)



Holding On To The End Of The Night -- Solid (Live) >> What NE Sang and Watched on TV



Only The Longing Grows/Only The Longing Grows Piles On  -- Noh YeongShim >> Song While JJ Talking With Her Mom



-->Original Vers: By Yeo Jin



Now I Wish It Was So -- Cho YongPil  >> Song While SW Talking With TKDad



Place Where Wind Blows From -- Kim GwangSeok (RIP) >> Song In DS's Final Narration




















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The one who is being interviewed is DS (and TK, BR was there too so SW and BR's story are also included), but the first half of the story is on JH's POV. How could they know how JH felt exactly? Even TK, even if he knows how JH felt about DS, he wouldn't know the details. They should have made it on TK's or DS's POV at least.

What we, DS-JH shippers are most upset about is how the writer handled JH's character towards the end. AFter the fake confession, nothing happened. No proper closure. A fake confession is not considered a proper closure. JH and DS didn't even talked about it. In the previous Reply installments, there was a proper closure and it was shown that the second lead met someone else. Why can't they do it to JH? The writer doesn't even bother to give him someone he can share about his unrequited love with. A confidante..the writer made JH to keep everything by himself. That was TOO CRUEL!!! She made a wonderfully-written character - a good son and brother, a great lover and a loyal friend, but without a proper closure.

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oh please...

Just because JH's character is written wonderfully and portrayed just as wonderfully by RJY doesn't make JH's character the male lead.  SW has just about as much screen time as he had. 

If you follow the casting news from way back, PBG was one of the first approached by the production to be cast as MALE LEAD and he was one of the first to be confirmed as the lead, if not one of the leads. Several new outlets carried this news. In fact it was widely reported that PBG, along with Han Groo were the first to be approached, except Han Groo didn't work out and in came Hyeri. 

Just because Taek's story and POV is not written in typical male lead style does not make him a second lead. If anything, I think the writer has given SW, JH and Taek story arcs that made them shine in their own way. But only 1 gets the girl and it is Taek RIGHT FROM BEGINNING, the clues and the storyline aside, PBG was approached by PD directly to play Taek and they had him in mind from the start as the male lead. 


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38 minutes ago, aqueous said:

could someone enlighten me? if it was planned to be taek since the beginning, why did kim joo hyuk act and dress like jung hwan? i don't understand. nothing could convince me choi taek developed into tsundere by his 40s and decided to copy jung hwan's wardrobe.

He wasn't really acting like anyone.  They didn't tell him who he was supposed to be.  I don't think anything was very Junghwan like about his clothes though.. In hindsight, I also don't think he was really acting like Junghwan either.  It was just that we knew little to nothing about Taek other than he was a cute puppy, and DS mothered him,  so of course nobody thought he could act like that.  

So from what we've seen of DS/JH at the time, the husband pointed towards JH obviously. I get that.  I fell for it too. But later on we saw the same actions from DS and TK (hitting for example, and TK being sarcastic at times) that could point towards him being Taek too.  So doubts can be raised about who the husband is, then add in stuff that DOES NOT fit JH (smoking, left handed) and the future husband is not really like JH anymore is he?   

It was seriously just trolling and there to confuse.  AM1994 did the same stuff with the future scenes.  People fell for it too easily again. 

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10 minutes ago, ShinRaeMi said:

The one who is being interviewed is DS (and TK, BR was there too so SW and BR's story are also included), but the first half of the story is on JH's POV. How could they know how JH felt exactly? Even TK, even if he knows how JH felt about DS, he wouldn't know the details. They should have made it on TK's or DS's POV at least.

What we, DS-JH shippers are most upset about is how the writer handled JH's character towards the end. AFter the fake confession, nothing happened. No proper closure. A fake confession is not considered a proper closure. JH and DS didn't even talked about it. In the previous Reply installments, there was a proper closure and it was shown that the second lead met someone else. Why can't they do it to JH? The writer doesn't even bother to give him someone he can share about his unrequited love with. A confidante..the writer made JH to keep everything by himself. That was TOO CRUEL!!! She made a wonderfully-written character - a good son and brother, a great lover and a loyal friend, but without a proper closure.


Yesterday i complained about the ending. Now that i think about it, it's a realistic ending. 

On "proper closure" of JH, try thinking from DS's pov. Her 19 yo already think that JH never liked her that much. But, at the same time, her 19 yo actually didn't even know what her heart wanted. She didn't even realised that she has actually been liking TK for so long. Whether the confession she received is a joke or real, she has moved on. It's clear when she keeps on glancing to the door. For JH, the fact that he's letting go is deemed closure by itself. 


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37 minutes ago, Fadzlina Fiaj said:


Yesterday i complained about the ending. Now that i think about it, it's a realistic ending. 

On "proper closure" of JH, try thinking from DS's pov. Her 19 yo already think that JH never liked her that much. But, at the same time, her 19 yo actually didn't even know what her heart wanted. She didn't even realised that she has actually been liking TK for so long. Whether the confession she received is a joke or real, she has moved on. It's clear when she keeps on glancing to the door. For JH, the fact that he's letting go is deemed closure by itself. 


But the writer could have just made the confession not a joke. Or the writer shouldn't have done the fake confession at all. That could have been better.  They did it right (the closure) in the previous Reply series, but not on this one. It's a cruel way to end JH's first love.

She made JH's character so pathetic. And, it was not JH's fault that he has done nothing to confess his love. It's the writer's fault. He made JH that way.

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