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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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5 minutes ago, luffypyon said:


Man Ok's hat and blonde hair is kinda funny too. She's kinda like coming out from Japanese manga instead of coming from USA. She reminds me of Giant sister in Doraemon


Oh cute, she does look like a anime character, now that I think of it. She looks adorable, doesn't she? ♥ I personally loved her look, it gave me Clueless vibes. Cher would have approved :lol: The 90's were all about hats... hats off (haha pun intended) to the wardrobe crew for their lovely 90's sartorial choices.

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Here are some theories I found on the internet

source: http://www.insight.co.kr/newsRead.php?ArtNo=46482


Parallels between DS +TK & SW + BR :


DS and SW share the same birthday. (Not too sure if this is true. I dont recall this from the series)


Both BR and TK regularly smoke and come home late.


Both couples begin their "relationship" on the first day of snow 


DS and SW both injure their leg/foot


a. SW orders BR fried eggs on one of their dates

b.DS requests fried eggs during TK's trip to China



a. SW warms BR's feet with a blanket in Ep. 05

b.TK warms DS's feet in Ep. 08


Both BR and TK rush to a concert at the very last minute



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Wow this thread surely move fast. 

One day to go. I hope whom ever DS end up with she love him just as much as he loves her (and we know both JH and TK loves her A LOT). 

Oh heaven help me! I think I'm gonna cry a bucket just to think about that. Can you imagine how Seong Appa feels?

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@Naila Taher Oh dear god, now even there's a suspicion that of the taek is the husband, then it means the writer change the husband because of swayed by public opinion. Seriously? 

I think every one has the right to support their ship. By saying this you imply that TK does not deserve to get DS because actually it's always been JH from the start. 


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1 hour ago, sweetcream said:

I like that they kept the guess the husband detail throughout because it's been their popular staple that even now is entertaining. I hope they feature everyone in the finale though. I'd like to see the ending show the family aspect again because that was essentially what this series was driven on, more compared to the previous ones. I respect the characters of the parents especially the mothers in this drama. They're the quiet heroes to me in the series. Even with the obstacles for each member of the family, they continued to show meals and accommodation. They always did well in representing home life.

This cast also portrayed such a tight knit group. For me, the Kim family was my favorite one to watch especially JB. DS was a likable lead too. I'm glad whenever she got the chance to show she wanted to get better at her studies because I knew at some point they were going to have to show she got past her trials in school. They touch on it briefly, but I guess cram school really helped her get a stable career.

Also this is a long drama in terms of episode length. Worth watching, but to anyone starting it, this Reply version in particular is the longest, almost 2 hours each. Maybe that contributed to the ratings.


I feel what contributed to the ratings was the nostalgia of the 80's.  It was a huge transitional period in korea.  It definetlyis the reason im so hooked.

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50 minutes ago, Raphelancia said:


I think it's this kind of attitude that we should avoid altogether. It's okay if you strongly believe one guy to be the husband, but it's not okay if you start saying the writer is swayed by public opinion just because the other guy ends up to be the husband.

Ship all you want, but i think every drama already has their script overview (the beginning and the end) completed even before the drama begin shooting. It's pretty obvious from the start that the husband is whoever the writer choose when she start writing. There is the correct statement. 

You should consider all possibility instead of accusing the writer/production team of 'changing their script middleway'.

Just enjoy the process that leads to it instead of throwing conspiracy theories. :)


I don't care personally care who Deoksun ends up with JungHwan or Taek. I won't lose sleep over it. It's just a drama at the end of the day.

But in my honest opinion I really do think the writer meant for JungHwan to be the husband. I have watched hundreds of dramas and I do mean hundreds of drama so most stories don't phase me. Everything from plot progression or character development has pointed towards JungHwan. I also do believe that if Taek is the husband that's a last minute script change. Starting from the fact that Kim Joohyuk suddenly changes the way he behaves in episode 18. Like the poster I replied too in the first place mentions how all the reply series have been pretty obvious with who the husband was from the beginning. And likewise in this drama she was very obvious with JungHwan until recently when Taek's popularity started trending. Idk I haven't seen the end obviously can't further comment buts that's the way I feel. 

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How can the writers be affected by public opinion to make taek the husband if the one who is more famous is JH? it just does not make sense.

Please just stop with this "script change" argument. Maybe for JH-DS shipper this argument is okay (well obviously, because it's favorable for them) but not for me, the TK-DS shipper. It's kind of offending to be honest. As if the only thing that makes TK the end game is writer's inconsistency

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39 minutes ago, Naila Taher said:


Im talking about 1988. It's pretty obvious from the start that the husband is JungHwan

If JungHwan is the husband than the writer just threw us in for a loop with episode 18.

if it's Taek the writer definitely was swayed by public opinion. With JungHwan being a mere extra the last like 5-6 episodes before 18 and Taek's character growing I can see why the writer would want to make Taek the husband. 

again, obvious is objective. Obvious for you is not obvious for me. 


Junghwan is not being an extra in episodes before 18. His character arc hinges on the love triangle. That is why he's screentime is focused on the brooding and pining. Episode 18 resolved it and he grew as a character. JH is characterized as someone kind but gruff. He cares but he does not show it. He overthinks stuff that leads to inaction. So when he discovered in episode 2 that he was in love with his friend, that was the problem for his character to solve. How would he approach that friend and make his intentions known. We've seen him run to MCDO when he was called. We've seen seen him protect her in the bus. We've seen him laugh like crazy when she was dumped by Sunwoo but he did nothing after that. We saw how heartbroken he was when Taek told the group he was love with the girl so he retreated. Obviously he gave hints but it was not enough. He was gruff to a girl that needs confirmation of love. DS is the neglected middle child. The sister of the intelligent Bora. She needed the assurance she is love. He cannot give it to her. He cannot even be someone she can lean on. In the beginning it is not timing that hindered him. He lives near her house. He can always go to her and have small talks. It is his inaction that made him lost his opportunity. It was a hard lesson but he needed to learn it in order for him to grow. And when he did, he is back front and center in episode 18. 

Taek is always there since the beginning. We saw how he developed as a character. We were introduced to a busy baduk master. He was often mentioned in passing by the squad. We know he was away in a game. We know he was in the baduk center practicing. It is his birthday that they especially celebrated. We saw how he was such a special snowflake to the entire neighbourhood. Then we were slowly introduced to the character itself. We saw that the baduk master is an idiot to everything else. It's DR who helped him with his chopsticks, with his clothes for the competition, how to used the walkman. He needed someone to hold his hand in order for him to not get lost :lol:. So overall he was seen as a child in the adult world. But along the way, we started seeing him differently the same time as Dukseon. We saw him in his element. He was a cool, polite, capable man. In order to take the pressure off he smokes and he takes pills and other drugs. He would not eat, he would not sleep when there is a competition. Even when he asked Dukseon to a date, he slept throughout the movie because he was practicing his game before it. So as a viewer we thought that he lives and breathes baduk. But consecutive episodes showed us that he is trying to make time. He finished his game quickly in order to catch dinner with his friends. He attended JH birthday even if he had a competition that day. And recently we were shown that the gang's baby, the guy they especially take care off, takes care of them back in his own way. We also saw that he was more mature than the gang in grasping things. 

Taek's character arc, despite him not there from the beginning was carefully crafted. His story did not just start in the latest episodes. Even if he was shown as a contender very late in the game, it was his friendship with Dukseon that was the most visible in their story. While Jungpal is brooding in the library, his room or somewhere else, it was Dukseon and Taek's friendship that blossomed. They forged a special bond outside the squad. He tells her things the gang does not know. They have their own inside jokes. She is comfortable being with him. Of course the romantic aspect in the side of DS remains to be seen but if anything the Reply series always focused on the friendship between their otp. The romance is always grounded on that special bond the otp have together. 


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Preview looks promising..At least for now. J/k..

*Some of my brooding and pondering below. Me still hang-up with JH confession. Miahne.

JH hesitating to go forward with what he feels (I believe he would have confessed to DS on that missed-by-a-second concert late appearance if he got there b4 TaEk did) and JH making his real-not-real confession like a joke was not intentional but it turned out like it was.

He was pretty sure that Taek would have done the same at the concert -confess his feelings -that's why TaEk showed up too..even forfeiting a Baduk game. At least I think that's what JHs pov was at that time he was brooding and crying in the jeep... Though I don't believe Taek confessed to DS at all that particular time.  But that's a separate matter.

Anyways.. Back to my point..  I think JH have always had this uneasy feel.. Of DS's feelings for TaEk.. It was obvious from way before that JH gets bothered whenever DS does something for TaEk (helping him on his food and smiling and acknowledging TaEk happily every time they hang out) JH might have been Jealous -maybe.. But I think it’s more of having a thought that DS would have liked TaEk more if she is to choose between them two … not considering the fact the bro-code per se. Coz JH would have never made a move either way knowing that TaEk liked her and has declared to them bros what he feels for DS.

DS was never sweet to him, not as obvious to JH I mean. as I’ve posted before, JH never assumed that DS could like him romantically becoz of the way he bickered with her all the time. But JHs reservations were confirmed imo not until he saw DS feeling a bit anxious looking at the door after he asked SW about TaEk.. and I think he was trying to read DSs’ reaction too with that question. JH had this smirky smile after DS looked at the door right after SW replied to him. From his pov, DS was indeed waiting for TaEk to arrive. Maybe she was or maybe not. I'm gonna say that JH has already given up on DS after that observation. In fact.. I think he's made up his mind of finally letting her go that night that he even had the ring with him. Just that he needed a bit more confirmation of that uneasy feeling. So when the issue about the ring came up, he took his chance to finally say what he fears the most of saying to her. THAT very BeAuTiFuL and sincere confession that JH has been bottling for so long flawlessly coming out of his innocent loving heart.

But aFTERwards... The SiLeNcE... That pause after the confession was deafening even to me. Imagine what JH was feeling after he got no response at all from DS after that few seconds of silence (to JH that would have felt like an eternity of waiting I suppose). So he took the easier way out of further pain and sorrow -the rejection his dreaded to hear all those years. His heart had been broken a million pieces already on that night when he realized that it was all he's doing -this pain he's going through -it wasn't TaEk nor his loyalty to the friendship. But his choices that lead to it. In his mind.. He has lost the battle.. So he tried ending it all on one shot... by turning to DR and making the whole thing seem absurd.. Coz that's exactly the reaction he got from SW and DR anyways. "Best way to not have your heart broken, is to pretend you don't have one." `~CS



Though for me, JH letting go of DS meant that he's accepted his fate of not being with her -but JH moving on doesn't mean that he's loving her less.

"If you have nothing to lose you have nothing to fear. The deeper love grows, and the more you don't want to lose it, the more your fear grows. Love feeds on fear" -this is an excerpt from R94 ..

And I think from JHs pov - seeing her again after all those years of longing for her. He realized that His love for DS has grown into a deeper kind of love (he literally  said "I LoVe YoU" -and from a man of few words -that's a lot from him.. actually a lot of Courage and guts to put it out in the open) He even called DS by her name (and I literally can't remember when he has called her Deok Sun!!) and I think he's already tired of having that thought of losing her when he hasn't even confessed.. And so he did.



DR even said during their drinking night out at his bros resto before that JH would die without ever telling anyone how he feels inside.  And mentioned it again during that night of confession –that JH would probably die first before he can confess to the girl he likes. Reality bites. Coz In JHs world -this is exactly true. His heart stopped beating that night he cried his heart out for her. We rarely see an emotion coming out of him. So to see JH go through all that pain and frustration was just unimaginable. The confession after the heartbreak was JHs eulogy for the love that will never be (for him at that time at least)



Side note: The movie Forest Gump actually started with a white feather floating around.. the feather symbolizing fate and dumb blind luck for the infamous innocent hero. With him telling his life story like a box of chocolate..  “you just never know what you're going to get.."

-Writer is so definitive in using it as a reference. With the chocolate earlier in the epi -that DS was supposed to give to his crush... And the feather floating from the steps of JH/DS’s gate and then fluttering up outside of JH’s window. Its final landing destination still unknown. I’m guessing that a scene from their childhood will show up telling us how JH became so endeared to DS from the very beginning. Coz the bantering and name calling started since their elementary days (according to DR) And that same feather would have been there too.

Gump's life on the movie was all about the fairness and unfairness of the world... him and the people around him still having important choices and decision to make in spite of the fate that they were given of, and that those choices gave their lives real meaning. Despite of everything, Gump loved just one woman in his life. The main point of the story is 'To take life as it happens to you'. Life is random. None of us can control fate, but we make our own destiny by the ways in which we respond to it. You don't know what's going to happen until it actually happens. You never know where a certain path will take you. Is life predestined or is it just a series of random events.

Our destiny is only defined by how we deal with the chance elements to our life and that’s kind of the embodiment of the feather as it comes. ~tom hanks

The movie depicts life..  All the individual families of our group and JH's situation right there..  with the families each having their turns of misfortunes, and struggles… and we saw how they responded to each of those hardships. And I’m very glad to have taken a part watching everything unfolds like they did no matter what.


DS indeed looked away afterwards (not right after JHs confession though beCoz she even had time to pass the menu to SW and the group even bantered around the foolishness of the confession itself) but I sincerely think that she did so because she probably felt like crying and directing her face somewhere else –which is toward the doors side was the only option she could take (with JH in front of her, SW on the 45deg angle and DR beside her – I don’t think there’s anywhere else she could have turned) I noticed too that JH was looking at her intently when she looked away while he was drinking his beer.

In JHs pov -the confession and getting no response by it was merely his proof that DS doesn't like him the way he likes her. From his observation -Just like SW and DR, DS would have heard it like its the most absurd thing in the world.  (which I highly doubt of course -she smiled at one point and that was as good as a sign for me.)

this brings me to my point. Wow. There's a point in this long rant.. Yes.. Hee.

DS described JH in the first epi as "not yet human"... And I think he just turned into one -a human I mean - after that night of his confession. Hurting and showing signs of being heartbroken are being human. He's probably gonna start avoiding her and their group meet-ups. And maybe then will DS realize that she misses him, that the confession was for real... and that her feelings for him are real too. Not just an imagination or her heart wildly fluttering for just mere moments of crushing over a boy from your childhood.



Gump's movie was one of the most romantic ones I've seen. The film ended the way it began. "With the white feather floating away from Gump, leaving viewers to wonder what fate will bring to the next generation of smarter Gumps, and how they too will respond to circumstances they cannot see " -interpretation of movie theme are excerpts from philosophy.org

And here's hoping that 'same white feather floating around JHs window would show up on our OTPs -DS and JHs' doorsteps.. after they’ve made peace that they are destined for each other... and the feather continually fluttering around landing in the middle of some kids playing around (our groups’ kids hopefully..) building their own little circle of friends like their parents did.


Add edit. In the movie. Forrest asked Jenny to marry him. She didn't exactly said no, but she didn't said yes either and then left the next day. But after a few years of separation, she saw him by chance on tv and invited him over to her place.  She eventually asked Forrest to marry her and he simply said 'okay'. 

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1 hour ago, tanaqvi said:

Just now talked to my husband,  he is troling me cruelly )))

Said I promised myself too many times to stop watching ongoing dramas. 

Waiting for tomorrow ep, time goes slllllloooooowwwwly, drives me mad.

Anyone else in same condition?

meee... hahahha.. 

my husband asking. reply series again?!

waiting patiently for the final episode. Friday please come fast

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I was making snapshots of scenes and came across this. I couldn't help but laugh. 

No.50 and 51 are keepers. I thought 51 was for Sun Woo - It is true (that) he is young, but he is very wise. 

No 50. For many shippers - Come what may, I am prepared for the worst. 


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3 hours ago, NRGchick said:

I was making snapshots of scenes and came across this. I couldn't help but laugh. 

No.50 and 51 are keepers. I thought 51 was for Sun Woo - It is true (that) he is young, but he is very wise. 

No 50. For many shippers - Come what may, I am prepared for the worst. 



(Referring to the snapshot of the book) Is this for english subject? Are these idioms? Metaphors? Poetry? I cant recall being thought sentences like these in school. Hahahahaha

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Hi all,

I've been reading this thread wholeheartedly and was a silent reader until I finally feel the urgency that I have to let my thoughts out. Without disregarding both DS-JH and DS-TK shippers, as somebody who has watched all the Reply series from 97, 94, to 88, I believe that the writer and the production team has already decided who the husband is. And considering the odds, I think the husband is Jung Hwan. 

I write this not because I'm a Jung Hwan shipper. I'm only trying to be logical by analysing the sequence and plot of these 3 remarkable dramas. One point I would like to say is that in the Reply series, first love always thrive. Like Yoon Yoon Jae who had been harbouring his love for Shi Won since their first day of high school. Like Na Jeong who had loved her Trash Oppa since, probably, forever. And in the 1988 version, like Jung Hwan.

I am not the kind of person who pay attention to details. So I never really follow the colour theory and the likes. My comment on this is only based on the flow of the story that seems to always be used by the production team. Boy-girl family-like friendship + 1 boy and 1 girl who always bicker + 1 of them fell in love with the other, harder than they supposed to + a competitor who is in their close proximity.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Also, about JH's confession in Ep 18, it has the same familiarity with what Yoon Jae did to Shi Won in the noraebang. The only difference is, Yoon Jae was filled with rage and emotion, JH was calm. But the trigger of their action is the same, they were letting go of the one they loved the most. This also happened to Na Jeong and Trash Oppa at the coffee shop, in the winter, after Na Jeong was back from Australia. She let him go. Only to find herself missing and thinking about him more in the process. No matter how hard she tried to forget.

In my opinion, Ep 18 is the pivotal point of how the series would turn out at the end. The emphasize is on JH's confession. He confessed not because he wanted DS to be his girlfriend, but because he realised that TK is not his competition, not when DS seems like she also has feelings for TK. So JH let her go. 

In the case of Yoon Jae-Shi Won, after Yoon Jae confessed and let her go, and after years being separated, they both ended up in Seoul and Shi Won finally realised her feelings for Yoon Jae. Shi Won was the one who ask Yoon Jae to be with her. 

While for Na Jeong and Trash Oppa, after she told him that they were just not meant to be, and she let him go, it was Trash Oppa who called her and finally had the courage to say 'I love you'.

Considering this, I think it is JH that is going to be the husband at the end. It is this particular pattern which makes me come to this conclusion. 

But regardless, it is merely a commentary on the series and I am not trying to cause a war here. I have nothing against Taek and DS-TK shippers. I love Taek as much as I love the other gang members. And then again, it is only a fictional drama. It is enough to see that all of them are good friends in real life (I was exceptionally happy to see the BTS episode 2 weeks ago, which showed how close GKP and RHY really is :D:D:D)

Last, I would like to say, may DS be happy with whomever her heart choose.



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Maybe, it was much attention on JH's feeling during series,  so the depth of his love is known and shown to us this way. 

TK was shown as very-very much important character bit later for big purpose - after story about SW (they kept us thinking for 3 episodes SW could be in husband game, hehehe).

So both members of teamDS are here. I can bet anything it was planned by wtiter-nim from the beginning.

TeamDS hwiting! Please be gorgeous in eps 19_20 as you are!

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most people now are just blinded by their ship. i hate this so much.

why can't you just enjoy this beautiful, tear-jerking, wonderful drama? 

just because your ship didn't sail doesn't mean you can instantly bring down, mock, insult and discriminate the other ship.

the husband has been decided since the very first; with all those clues laid out perfectly in each episode. why can't you just accept that? 

and even if you feel sad and bitter that your ship didn't sail, don't go around hating and insulting the other ship and the character. shipping is supposed to be fun.

thank you, and have a good day!


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4 hours ago, Naila Taher said:


Im talking about 1988. It's pretty obvious from the start that the husband is JungHwan

If JungHwan is the husband than the writer just threw us in for a loop with episode 18.

if it's Taek the writer definitely was swayed by public opinion. With JungHwan being a mere extra the last like 5-6 episodes before 18 and Taek's character growing I can see why the writer would want to make Taek the husband. 


I am sorry before.. No offense @Naila Taher.. The majority of public opinion pointed out that JH is the hubby not TK.. If the writer swayed by public opinion then TK wouldn't be the hubby..

Please don't blame the writer or the pdnim.. the story still wonderful and great whoever the hubby is.. Can u find another kdrama that can mixed up our emotion about husband hunt, make us crazy until the end without not even sure about who is the one? This is the only one so far.. Not even once they've failed (R97, R94, R88).. THE REPLY SERIES beyoooond every kdrama romance that i've been watched..

Respect others pov and trying so hard not blaming writer, pdnim or even the script if the end not going like what we desperately hope.. Frankly, I know its hard because it will hard for me too.. i will definitely desperate and cryiiiiiiiiiiingggggg so BADLY also if my ship is sinking in the end..

'Let's enjoy the show.. whoever the hubby is reply series stillllllllll THE BEST.. 

#sorry i don't mean to start argument @Naila Taher.. Have a nice day btw..

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Let's all stop speculating who the husband is and acknowledge this fact for a moment "this is the last Thursday we will be wondering abt who the husband is.Our last thursday anticipating for the reply 1988 episodes " *sobs* 

I will miss this show dearly and all the characters

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