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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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14 minutes ago, aoikarin said:

OMG! Where are all @packmule3 posts?? I was about to re-read them! Personally, her posts are very interesting. She points out what I miss in the show. She opens my eyes, told me how the scenario works from the camera angles, and those meta jokes.. I miss all of them..  I thought this is the main ship that open for everyone to post and read others. when I don't agree with some of opinion, I think it's just fine and pass through their post. Well *sigh*.. such a great lost to have her posts deleted.


While I don't believe questioning the intelligence of the readership is the best rhetorical device, and claiming the obscure as obvious is not a way of winning friends and influencing people, but I even when I did not full agree, I did find Packmule3 post to be very insightful, though perhaps provocative.

I regret that her hard work seems to have disappeared into the ether . 


wouldn't want to second guess the hard working moderators.  But I wish they were put under the spoilers eye than taken down. 

I also hope she got a personal warning before such aggressive actions were taken. :(


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Guest ajengau

I replayed the confession scene like tens of time now but no matter how much I look at it, I just feel that JH never really said it was a joke or he was just kidding. All DR asked him was to confess to someone so that he wouldn't be frustratingly living alone forever, and he did it. He did the confession so that he wouldn't end up living alone forever.

He never said it was a joke. Even when DR and SW said "I thought it was real" which means they thought it was not real, he didn't confirm anything and just kept going with the smile and drink. 

And he did notice how DS earnestly turned her head towards the ringing door, which was obvious that she was waiting for someone to come. And his bitter smile was gone and he drank which implied the fact that he was sad or worried over something.

I just think that the content of his confession was too much real to be fake. And I think DS felt the same way, looking at her expression, her bitter smile, her teary eyes.

What I'm trying to say here is that I just don't think JH was saying goodbye to his first love through this confession. In my eyes, he's more like making a move, a bigger one. Or if he was, I just can't accept that.

Let's be patient and keep fingers-crossed for tomorrow!:wub:

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@blue_angel_1004 you do not get to take the hair from me okay. That gloriously parted hair has been my one salvation (along with Junghwan being a huge LMH fanboy and the present wife being played by LMH. Yes forget the story, the writing, the production, and your explanations. The hair is where it's at :P) through this whole thing. They can't have it :P Junghwan was born that way. No lie, dude came out his momma's womb that way. He came out with his hair perfectly parted. Tis a lie you say, anyone can do their hair like that *shouts to her peasant* release the banner...you see there and there and there he is never without that part, It's been 20,000 years and he still has that part (legit why do kdrama character never really change their style? like even take's part is just slight and still a bit bowl-ish though i do like the kind of side swept layered look to it) I rest my case. Okay my Jungbong wrap up the banner and let's bounce (yes he is my "peasant"). *Leaves with her head held high and her dignity while others wonder "really, the hair?"...continues walking like the flawless queen she pretends to be. We hear one solo clap* Thank you Oppa-ya, real recognize real. I knew it was good to root for you the last time. *comes out of own imagination*

*clap, clap* lovely analysis. two episodes, two days and we'll it's over, final curtain call. everyone take a bow and reveal the frakking husband already so fandom can have peace again (LOL please. Having experienced R94 and fandoms everywhere. It ain't gonna end with the last episode. It'll be ore like a new beginning.) Seriously, give me the hair! I want the hair!  *an angry boom* You can't handle the hair!!! 

Wait does SunBora wedding meaning I shall see princess Jinjoo as a teen :D Will I ever get see Joey Wang but most importantly WHERE IS THE KIM'S DOG!!! You guys may think LOL crazy old Mrs.SoJiSub (I even call myself this in real life. I also answer to Jungbong's #1 and Junghwan's side piece. I have no regrets ;)) is joking, but I am not. I love that never seen little cutie so where is her or he!!! That is the big and true reveal we have all been waiting for. REVEAL THE DOG!!!

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@blue_angel_1004 Love your post.Completely agree that the husband has been decided from the start and the story is being told in Junghwan's perspective is the reason most of us believe that Junghwan is the husband. I do the same for present day clues and believe that the most obvious clue is that the story is told in Junghwan's perspective(but ep18 still make me :blink:). 


'I, in no way mean to imply that somehow Taek’s love for Deoksun was any greater or less than Junghwan’s love for Deoksun in the story. I am saying, though, that the production chose to portray and showcase Junghwan’s love story linearly, whereas Taek’s was told in spurts throughout the series.'

I maybe a firm JH-DS shipper but I have never doubt TK's love for DS. The difference is the way this drama is showing JH and TK love for DS. The journey of JH's love for DS feels a lot more completed than TK's love for DS. 

As a JH-DS shipper, the part on respondent and interview makes me feel a lot more confident that JH is the husband :D


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i re-watched the preview for ep 19. And DS lip did not move when DS voicing "we're friend" in front of TK. Also, TK not crying. it some sort of eyes fatigue where your eyes get red when we lack of sleep. It is maybe in one scene like in a lobby hotel where TK and DS talking about something and then TK shock when he hear about what DS saying

PS : gid you gaess notice that the preview not fully misleading us viewer. Like the scene where JH-DS sleep next to each other and the JH hesitate to comfort DS. Its is happen just like in the preview

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3 hours ago, blue_angel_1004 said:

Blue's (LONG) Analysis on the Husband Hunt

I admit that I have a precise agenda in writing this post. It is my attempt to prove that the Reply 1988 production has always had a set ending in mind, and despite any appearance of being otherwise, they are sticking to their original plan.

Of course, as I had previously shared here on this thread, I do believe that the husband will be revealed to be Junghwan in Episode 20, as it was already decided in Episode 1.

I have no intention here of discussing about which man (between Taek or Junghwan) is the better “catch,” whether as a personal preference for myself or for the fictional Deoksun character. Again, that preference is just your and my prerogative.

Instead, I set out to show the intention of the production as I see it here. As had happened in the previous installment (R1994), I was baffled to see so many people accuse the production to have misled them.  And I can already imagine many people feeling or accusing of the same at the conclusion of this series. Hence, my decision was to write this posting to defend the production if indeed, my interpretation is correct.

If, however, my interpretation turns out to be completely off at the conclusion of the series, I take the blame and have no intention of accusing the production for how I misread the series. It wouldn't change the fact that I enjoyed this series so much and would cherish this time of utter obsession.  With that introduction, let’s now begin…

  Reveal hidden contents

1. The “revelation”

First, I must confess. When the casting was first announced and as I started watching the first episode, I was in fact rooting for Sunwoo’s character played by Go Kyung Pyo. Indeed, like many other viewers, before the series had begun, I expected the two husband candidates to be Go Kyung Pyo and Park Bo Gum, with Sunwoo proving to be the final “victor.”

However, as I watched the first episode and as I waited for that “aha” moment for Sunwoo, I sensed that something was going awry from how I originally imagined this series to play out. Call it a K-drama instinct from having grown up watching Korean dramas all my life. But I quickly realized that his character, despite how much I personally loved it, wasn’t created to have the “spice,” that “kick” to drive the husband hunt for 20 episodes. Instead, I found it strange, albeit a bit annoying at that time, that the production seemed to be highlighting an unexpected character, that of Junghwan played by this completely unknown actor.

And then it happened. As the camera zoomed in on Junghwan’s face as he secretly smiled watching Deoksun walk in the Olympics, I got the confirmation that indeed, his was the character that the production was showcasing to be the main protagonist. This is a technique used in many other dramas, most notably in Reply 1994, where the camera grabs the actor at a pivotal moment to show that this character is more than meets the eye. (Shin PD used this same technique as well in Episode 2 of Reply 1994 when the camera slid from his shoes and upwards to finally reveal Trash’s face when he visited Najeong at the hospital.)

Although this highlight hinted that Junghwan character will turn out to be an important one in the series and the one to watch out for, I admit that this alone is not enough to prove that he will also be successfully made Deoksun’s husband at the end. As had been pointed out by many TK-DS shippers, perhaps the production will distinguish itself from the previous installments by showcasing this time how this protagonist, Junghwan, experiences and loses his first love. But is this what the production really have in mind? Let’s take a closer look…

2. The narrative structure

Just as I had predicted it would happen based on that one scene in Episode 1, the story started developing with that of Junghwan’s blossoming and deepening love for Deoksun. The viewers were led to watch the love story unfold from his perspective, from his mistaken assumption that Sunwoo liked Deoksun, his heartache as he watched this, his joy at discovering that Deoksun was in fact “available” again, and then finally, his awkward pursuit for his first love.  

Even at the scene when Taek confesses in front of his friends that he likes Deoksun as a woman, the production did not make that scene solely be about Taek. He was smiling shyly at his confession in front of his friends which was a joyous/special occasion for him, but the background music was an ominous one coming from Junghwan’s perspective.

Finally, in Episode 18 when Junghwan learns that he was too late to Lee Seung Hwan’s concert, not because of fate or timing, but because of his many hesitations, the camera focuses not on Taek and Deoksun for whom fate, timing, and most importantly, Taek’s decisiveness, finally brought about a date… what would typically be a major event for the main couple of any drama. But instead, the camera chose to capture Junghwan looking dejected as he walks away.

I, in no way mean to imply that somehow Taek’s love for Deoksun was any greater or less than Junghwan’s love for Deoksun in the story. I am saying, though, that the production chose to portray and showcase Junghwan’s love story linearly, whereas Taek’s was told in spurts throughout the series.

Here, I will pause. If you disagree with me that the narrative structure of Reply 1988 has so far been told linearly from Junghwan’s perspective and if you find that to be a broad misstatement coming from a biased shipper, I guess I have nothing more to say to convince you otherwise. However, if you’re still with me at this time, let’s continue.

3. Thematic identity of the Reply franchise

Reply 1988 stands on its own, apart from its predecessors Reply 1997 and Reply 1994. But nevertheless, it is part of the same franchise and so I think it is worthy to examine the thematic identity that may unite all three series together.

In Reply 1997, the love story unfolded linearly from the perspective of the male lead, Yoonje. It started with Yoonje experiencing his first love for a close childhood friend, with their closeness and familiarity in the name of “friendship” hindering his love interest, Siwon, from perceiving him back as a potential lover. It ended with his first love, Siwon, finally “responding” to his love call/confession.

In Reply 1994, the love story unfolded linearly from the perspective of the female lead, Najeong. Once again, it started with Najeong experiencing her first love for a family friend oppa, Trash, with their closeness and familiarity in the name of “family” hindering her love interest, Trash, from perceiving her back as a potential lover. Eventually her first love, Trash, “responds” to her love call/confession. However, what hindered them in the past continues to haunt them in their relationship as they were still not equals under the pretense of Oppa and Dongseng. Finally, her first love, Trash, “responds” by breaking away this barrier and showing his vulnerability to Najeong, standing in front of her not as an Oppa but as a man who loves her. (Okay, that was such a cheesy line…)

I ask you, what is the thematic identity of Reply 1988 then?

This time, the love story seems to unfold linearly from Junghwan’s perspective from the get-go, showing how he experiences his first love for a close childhood friend, Deoksun. He watches in jealousy as Deoksun wanders in her love for Sunwoo and then gets stopped completely upon learning that his friend, Taek, also likes Deoksun. Will Deoksun ever respond to his love call/confession? Can this be the thematic identity of Reply 1988?

Or will the story of Taek’s love for Deoksun, told in spurts, prove to be too great and too powerful for Junghwan to overcome?

Honestly, my inclination is to believe that this thematic identity is a trademark of the Reply franchise and something that the production team would not easily give up. Hence, when people asked me for my personal opinion on who I thought will be Deoksun’s husband, I’ve always answered them with, “I’m fairly certain it’s Junghwan.”

However, as I am not a part of the production team, I always left that small percentage of chance that they will do something different this time around, whether it be for the shock value, popularity of a particular actor or character, or even, just because.

But something happened in Episode 18 that gave me that push to be 100% confident that the production will indeed stick with their original plan. Funny because this was the episode where many JH/DS shippers lost hope, and TK/DS shippers gained confidence.

4. The present-day  clues

But first, let me backtrack. Even after I wrote a similar analysis for Reply 1994 in the past, I’ve received many criticisms for seemingly ignoring all present-day clues. On the contrary, I am very mindful of all the present-day clues that the production team throws out at us.

I, however, have a different way of interpreting these clues. Many viewers look at the clues to decide whether each clue supports one or the other character as the husband. Instead, I look at each clue to decide if there may be an alternative explanation.

For example, in Reply 1994 (and I apologize for keep mentioning Reply 1994 but it is simply because I’ve already written an analysis for it in the past), there were many present-day clues that seemingly pointed to Chilbong as the husband, most notably in how he seemed to be very familiar with the apartment.  But for each clue, I tried to think of a plausible, alternative explanation for this clue. (And this goes for both ways.) In the apartment example, I threw out the hypothesis that perhaps the apartment used to belong to Najeong’s parents and so Chilbong had visited often in the past, or even that it once used to belong to Chilbong himself. Only when the clue has no other explanation can it be considered definitive. For example, in Reply 1994, I argued that that clue happened when Trash was shown to be present in their wedding photo (along with the rest of the gang), even after he had already been engaged to Najeong once. I kept arguing that that was culturally unacceptable.

Now, let’s take a closer look at all the present-day clues in Reply 1988. Has there been any definitive clue so far?

  • Husband smokes. Taek smokes. Hence, Taek is the husband.

    • Alternative explanation: Junghwan already secretly smokes, or he picks up smoking later in life.

    • Conclusion: Clue is null.

  • Deoksun and husband bicker. Deoksun and Junghwan often bickered in the past. Hence, Junghwan is the husband.

    • Alternative explanation: Deoksun and her husband have been married for many years. The married-life dynamics may be different from that of pre-marriage. Perhaps fun/teasing bickering is Deoksun and Taek’s married life dynamics. Besides, throughout the series, they showed Taek learning from his friends how to swear and pick up other bad habits.

    • Conclusion: Clue is null.

  • Present day Deoksun is being interviewed. Taek is a world renown baduk player. Hence, Taek is the husband.

    • Alternative explanation: We do not know why they are being interviewed and for what topic. Further, we do not even know what is her husband’s present job. If the husband is Junghwan, perhaps he moved up the ranks in the armed forces. Maybe he retired from the armed forces and found success again in the private sector. Or maybe they are being interviewed for a completely unrelated topic.

    • Conclusion: Clue is null.

  • Husband’s hairstyle looks like Junghwan’s. Hence, Junghwan is the husband.

    • Alternative explanation: People can change their hairstyle any old way they wish.

    • Conclusion: Clue is null.

  • Husband doesn’t like doing interviews. Taek doesn’t like doing interviews. Hence, Taek is the husband.

    • Alternative explanation: Junghwan has been portrayed as a private person who doesn’t like opening up about how he feels. Although never explicitly said whether he likes or dislikes interviews because he didn’t have the opportunity to do so in the past, it is not out of his character to dislike doing interviews.

    • Conclusion: Clue is null.

  • Husband supposedly dated around before getting married.

    • Umm… both Taek and Junghwan have gone on blind dates that did not last long. Based on Deoksun’s perception (or exaggeration), that may be enough to show that the husband had dated around before finally settling down with her.

    • Conclusion: Clue is null.

Do you see a pattern here? Although I am not going to bother listing all the other “clues,” most of the present-day clues cannot be really considered conclusive to support one or the other as the husband.  Except one…

The interview itself.

In the present day, Deoksun and her husband are being interviewed. And for yet unknown reason, they are narrating their past story of what happened to them in 1988, 1989, and in 1994 to the interviewer for the interview (and to us, the viewers in what is the series itself). Hence, what happened in the past has to be knowledge that is known to either Deoksun or to the husband.

As many others have pointed out, this is one reason why Bora is portrayed so roughly in earlier episodes because this is likely how teenage Deoksun perceived her sister. And if so, returning back to the narrative structure of Reply 1988, it would make sense why it would be told so linearly from Junghwan’s (and for Deoksun’s) perspective if they are the husband and the wife narrating their own story in the past!

Likewise, this would also explain why Taek’s love story is told in spurts because his story has to be what has been perceived by others (Junghwan and Deoksun), and not himself. If you’ve noticed, Taek’s story is always told in his relations to others, whether it be any of the friends or his family.

(By the way, this is another reason why I’m inclined to believe that Taek and Deoksun’s kiss in Episode 17 was real, and not just Taek’s dream. It had to be something Deoksun experienced herself.)

5. Episode 18

And now, we’ve come full circle to Episode 18 and why when so many viewers “jumped ship,” I became fully convinced that it was the production team’s intention to make Junghwan the husband.

Two things happened in Episode 18.

First, Junghwan’s narration on timing and fate happened. At first glance, it appears to be Junghwan acknowledging his mistake on why he failed at his first love and him finally saying goodbye to his first love. But if this story was truly that of the past told by Taek and Deoksun as husband and wife in the present, it no longer seems to make sense why and how they would know so well the inner thoughts of another man or better yet, why they would even bother telling this story in so much depth when they could be narrating their own story. What would be the point of that? To rub salt on the wound of a love rival to show why his mistake cost him his love, and brought Taek and Deoksun together? Instead, it would only make sense if Junghwan was the husband in the present-day narrating how he once thought he lost it all.

In fact, so important is this that if it had been Taek who had narrated on missed chances from timing and fate in Episode 18, I may have been convinced that the pendulum had indeed swung in Taek’s favor.

Second, Junghwan’s confession happened. At first glance, it may appear that the confession was the production’s way to show Junghwan the exit from the love triangle. He did it all, he lost, and he learned his lesson for when his next love comes to him.

But that confession was not a clean exit confession. There was a hole in that confession… an opening if you will, leaving room for Deoksun to finally respond (see #3 for thematic identity of the Reply franchise).  

Throughout watching the earlier episodes, I had two questions concerning Junghwan’s love for Deoksun that remained unanswered.

  1. When did Junghwan first start experiencing love for Deoksun?

  2. At the time that Junghwan started closing himself off from Deoksun and she was opening herself up to him (asking Junghwan to go to Lee Mun Se’s concert with her, waking up early to go to school with him, giving him the pink shirt on his birthday), did Junghwan know that he may have a chance with Deoksun if he confessed to her there and then?

During Junghwan’s confession to Deoksun in Episode 18, he said something interesting. He mentioned he was so happy he thought he was going to go crazy when they accidentally met on the bus. As viewers, we are aware that that was no accident. Deoksun woke up early at the break of dawn to make it to the bus with him.

All this time, I thought Junghwan may have suspected and knew this about Deoksun, and despite so, he chose to not pursue her any further because of Taek. But his confession revealed otherwise. By calling it an accident, it shows that he really was clueless back then!

Hence, this is why I don’t call this confession a clean slate confession. It leaves a nasty taste in mouth to just leave it at that with Junghwan forever living with that misunderstanding of how close he was and still lost.

I’m inclined the author wrote in the words for Junghwan’s confession exactly as it is in order to leave the room/opening for Deoksun to respond. And at that time, she will respond about how much she also liked him back then, how the things she did were not mere accident or coincidence either, and how long she had waited to hear those words from Junghwan.



THis is the best reasoned argument I've read against my prefered outcome.

It is always important to know whose story it is to get a sense of why what is know and what is unknown.

I hope you are wrong but I see no flaw in your reasoning.

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I like that they kept the guess the husband detail throughout because it's been their popular staple that even now is entertaining. I hope they feature everyone in the finale though. I'd like to see the ending show the family aspect again because that was essentially what this series was driven on, more compared to the previous ones. I respect the characters of the parents especially the mothers in this drama. They're the quiet heroes to me in the series. Even with the obstacles for each member of the family, they continued to show meals and accommodation. They always did well in representing home life.

This cast also portrayed such a tight knit group. For me, the Kim family was my favorite one to watch especially JB. DS was a likable lead too. I'm glad whenever she got the chance to show she wanted to get better at her studies because I knew at some point they were going to have to show she got past her trials in school. They touch on it briefly, but I guess cram school really helped her get a stable career.

Also this is a long drama in terms of episode length. Worth watching, but to anyone starting it, this Reply version in particular is the longest, almost 2 hours each. Maybe that contributed to the ratings.

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It is fascinating how the exact same scene can take on entirely different meanings depending on your shipper goggles, and how much people let their shipping lens affect their opinions.


Obviously from my username and icon, I am not entirely objective by any means. Not naming names, but to the person who accused me of 'pretending to be objective  when I'm clearly a rabid Taeksun shipper', I just want to say, yes, I am a Taeksun shipper and I made no point to hide it. But it doesn't mean I don't appreciate Junghwan or your ship, because the reason why this love triangle works SO well is because it's so evenly matched and both boys tug at our heartstrings.


You stated that "clearly" Junghwan's bright smile and laugh in the preview means he's happy that Taek is finally stepping aside and that DS even said she sees TK only as a friend. I acknowledge that whilst it is plausible that despite his beautiful, heartfelt confession - I don't think DS viewed it as a joke at all; she felt his sincerity like we did - Junghwan can still want to pursue DS. However, it goes entirely against his character and everything we know about him, to think he would react that way. He loves DS, but he loves Taek as well, and that's been the heart of the dilemma since 1988. To think that he would react that way to Taek bowing out and essentially getting his heart broken, is an insult to his character to be quite honest. Plus, previews are always misleading and we shouldn't get too caught up without having even watched the episode, right?


Even if it doesn't pan out the way you want for your ship - whichever ship that may be - I would prefer for both boys, and shippers on both sides, to be gracious. Baduk etiquette, everyone :P Let's be cool and awesome till the end, like Dongryong in his 90s fashion haha.


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17 hours ago, trashoppaya said:

Hi, when was she swayed by public opinion? In all the reply series imo it is quite clear who the husband is. 


Im talking about 1988. It's pretty obvious from the start that the husband is JungHwan

If JungHwan is the husband than the writer just threw us in for a loop with episode 18.

if it's Taek the writer definitely was swayed by public opinion. With JungHwan being a mere extra the last like 5-6 episodes before 18 and Taek's character growing I can see why the writer would want to make Taek the husband. 

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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@blue_angel_1004 you do not get to take the hair from me okay. That gloriously parted hair has been my one salvation (along with Junghwan being a huge LMH fanboy and the present wife being played by LMH. Yes forget the story, the writing, the production, and your explanations. The hair is where it's at :P) through this whole thing. They can't have it :P Junghwan was born that way. No lie, dude came out his momma's womb that way. He came out with his hair perfectly parted. Tis a lie you say, anyone can do their hair like that *shouts to her peasant* release the banner...you see there and there and there he is never without that part, It's been 20,000 years and he still has that part (legit why do kdrama character never really change their style? like even take's part is just slight and still a bit bowl-ish though i do like the kind of side swept layered look to it) I rest my case. Okay my Jungbong wrap up the banner and let's bounce (yes he is my "peasant"). *Leaves with her head held high and her dignity while others wonder "really, the hair?"...continues walking like the flawless queen she pretends to be. We hear one solo clap* Thank you Oppa-ya, real recognize real. I knew it was good to root for you the last time. *comes out of own imagination*

*clap, clap* lovely analysis. two episodes, two days and we'll it's over, final curtain call. everyone take a bow and reveal the frakking husband already so fandom can have peace again (LOL please. Having experienced R94 and fandoms everywhere. It ain't gonna end with the last episode. It'll be ore like a new beginning.) Seriously, give me the hair! I want the hair!  *an angry boom* You can't handle the hair!!! 

Wait does SunBora wedding meaning I shall see princess Jinjoo as a teen :D Will I ever get see Joey Wang but most importantly WHERE IS THE KIM'S DOG!!! You guys may think LOL crazy old Mrs.SoJiSub (I even call myself this in real life. I also answer to Jungbong #1 and Junghwan's side piece. I have no regrets ;)) is joking, but I am not. I love that never seen little cutie so where is her or he!!! That is the big and true reveal we have all been waiting for. REVEAL THE DOG!!!

I had the same question, a few weeks back. I thought it was going to be a running gag (running gags, love 'em) feeding a never-been-seen-but-heard dog haha. I found the answer marathoning the series over the holidays. The dog can be seen on EP 01 right around 46:43 mark. Hope this helps  :w00t: #CSISkillsFTW





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Just now talked to my husband,  he is troling me cruelly )))

Said I promised myself too many times to stop watching ongoing dramas. 

Waiting for tomorrow ep, time goes slllllloooooowwwwly, drives me mad.

Anyone else in same condition?

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2 hours ago, ainipang said:

 an add on the funny scene

when the gang having drinks at DR brother place, DS wearing a hat(?) DR said to DR why are you wearing that hat? do you want to do some painting.:D i dunno 80s fashion, but they sure like to wearing that hat.


Man Ok's hat and blonde hair is kinda funny too. She's kinda like coming out from Japanese manga instead of coming from USA. She reminds me of Giant's sister in Doraemon. 

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18 minutes ago, Naila Taher said:


Im talking about 1988. It's pretty obvious from the start that the husband is JungHwan

If JungHwan is the husband than the writer just threw us in for a loop with episode 18.

if it's Taek the writer definitely was swayed by public opinion. With JungHwan being a mere extra the last like 5-6 episodes before 18 and Taek's character growing I can see why the writer would want to make Taek the husband. 


I think it's this kind of attitude that we should avoid altogether. It's okay if you strongly believe one guy to be the husband, but it's not okay if you start saying the writer is swayed by public opinion just because the other guy ends up to be the husband.

Ship all you want, but i think every drama already has their script overview (the beginning and the end) completed even before the drama begin shooting. It's pretty obvious from the start that the husband is whoever the writer choose when she start writing. There is the correct statement. 

You should consider all possibility instead of accusing the writer/production team of 'changing their script middleway'.

Just enjoy the process that leads to it instead of throwing conspiracy theories. :)

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2 hours ago, smoua said:


Ditto. I love the bromance. I'm fine if none of them end up together - they just need to remain friends. <3


Definitely my friend, definitely. I just want everybody to be happy. 

Let us avoid the angst! For once!

please...? Dramagods hear my plea!

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36 minutes ago, Naila Taher said:


Im talking about 1988. It's pretty obvious from the start that the husband is JungHwan

If JungHwan is the husband than the writer just threw us in for a loop with episode 18.

if it's Taek the writer definitely was swayed by public opinion. With JungHwan being a mere extra the last like 5-6 episodes before 18 and Taek's character growing I can see why the writer would want to make Taek the husband. 


The only thing obvious of Reply series - is that they are all seasons true awesome. 

Please, can you make just suggestions/questionable predictions, not statements? Your simpaties are clear to us, and we respect them even if don't agree. You have to respect us too.

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