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[Drama 2015] ◇∞ Ex-Girlfriends' Club ❤ 구여친클럽 ∞◆


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Guest raeara

Yeessssss.....now shipping sailing....hermmmm i ship jo geon and soo jin for sure....ya i know he just second lead male....and soo jin falls for myung soo...but i hope pD nim give a chance soo jin and jo geon romantic parts...and i like myung soo tooo....ahhhh on dilemma...just dont care soo jin end up with who....

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​Sorry for late reply. Yes, I'm the one. Viki already got translation for the scene you asked for. I'll check out the thread quite often from next week onwards for brief translations. :)

Yey! Thank you !!!! Lets put our tent here! Hahaha. 


I already watch with sub 92% by loose lips team. Omoooo, myung soo looks so sad when he say that our movie is end? And our fake date will end too... myung soo yah, u need to grab soo jin hand before another hottie come!!! Which is too late now. But u know u still get an opportunity. Myung soo- soo jin fighting!

btw, i wonder... already 6 eps but no kiss. :(  give us kiss scene dear pd nim and director nimmmmmm!!!! A lot of kisses start next week pleaseeeee

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Yey! Thank you !!!! Lets put our tent here! Hahaha. 


I already watch with sub 92% by loose lips team. Omoooo, myung soo looks so sad when he say that our movie is end? And our fake date will end too... myung soo yah, u need to grab soo jin hand before another hottie come!!! Which is too late now. But u know u still get an opportunity. Myung soo- soo jin fighting!

btw, i wonder... already 6 eps but no kiss. :(  give us kiss scene dear pd nim and director nimmmmmm!!!! A lot of kisses start next week pleaseeeee

 hahaha, we are so smitten by this drama. we basically watch each episode AT LEAST THRICE. we watch it at raw. then we watch it with incomplete subs and finally, we watch it again with complete subs. lol. :)

 anyway, MS should better act and resolve his emotions and thoughts soon. his indecisiveness will put him in a lot of trouble. awww. maybe MS is too scared to enter in a relationship with SJ because he values her a lot. i think he wants to play safe with her. friendship easily lasts forever. but, being in a relationship with someone has more and greater risks. maybe he loves and genuinely cares for and values her a lot thus, if they enter into that kind of relationship and then fails, it would be a massive heartbreak for him. maybe for MS, the less risky way to be with SJ forever, is stay friends. what do you think guys? :) 

i love the director so much too. he is direct and honest. when he wants something, he goes for it instantly without much restraint. MS should learn from him a thing or two. as i mentioned earlier im leaning with JG-SJ ship. i think they would really be a dynamic couple. however, obviously this would end with MS-SJ together (which im not against with also), hope the writers will be able to thread it smoothly to prevent the fans from shipping the JG-SJ tandem. i mean, apparently, JG is not that hard to love. :)

i really love the actors in this drama. you can really identify the characterization of the actors (really a perfect score in casting) and they interact and blend with each other well too. the drama is so much fun and entertaining but even so, in between that they manage to struck a chord of our heart in some scenes. it might be a light drama but as of now it shines by being such in the viewers. an almost perfect balance of emotions. it is comedic and fun but not to the point of exaggeration. it breaks your heart sometimes but viewers can easily recover. hopefully, they will be able to continue this until the end of the drama. :) the only downfall however (well, not for them) is that we are getting addicted for it.  hahahaha. 

what are we going to do for the next few days guys? lol

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EP 6 rating 0.881%

(cr. dcinside)

​wow, it went up! it really went up! oh please, hope it will start going up now. the actors, whole crew and staff deserve this. i mean you can really see how everyone was so invested in this drama. realllly... 

thanks by the way! ;)

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Guest KDIK

I''m probably one of the few who doesn't get the appeal of Jo Gun lol. His traits are the reason why I always face-palm at every lead man that exists in Kdrama land, the arrogant rich snob who ends up changing because of the girl or underneath all that bravado is an actual nice guy - his character is so cliched in that sense. If he didn't like Soojin's work would he even consider being nice to her or would be have continued being that up in the air director.

I'm so excited to see Myung Soo FINALLY  take that step and actively pursue Soojin,  at the same time I want it to be mutual because they were both passive and responsible to how their friendship/some relationship ended. 

I'm a sucker for friends-turned-lovers trope in Kdramas (if you can't tell by my siggie lol)

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@meh2222 wahahahha. Same with u. 3 times. Raw, incompleted sub, and complete sub. Oh, and partial clip fr broadcast account. hahahaha. 

Oh dear, i have been in that situation. Some. grrrr... sometimes i want to kick his richard simmons for make me looks like a fool but still miss hIm. Hahaha. Thx God its over now. Friend is more suitable for us. 

Btw when soo jin talks with myung soo in their beer time, she said that she kept that feeling... liking man from long time ago and still like him when she met him again. #le me: myung soo yah! It was a signal!!! Where is your antenna? 

@KDIK me too, not really2 like jg's character. But i like his smile and quirky act. Hahahha. I think soo jin will like him too, becos he give her a status  aka girlfriend.

I think the writer nim need to watch sensory couple... see how they change the friendship zone into dating zone.. it happen sooo smoothly (pardon me for loving their chemistry there). 

Ohhh cant wait how the movie will finished.... happy sunday all!!!


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I'm loving this drama! And I'm 100% on the main couple's ship. Director Geon who? I'm really loving the exploration of Myeong Soo's feelings this week and can't wait for more. I really wish this drama had already completed so that I could marathon it this weekend. It's such a sweet and cute drama 

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Guest yawnisa

I also feel weird why i ship SJ n JG so hard. I mean a usually ditch main lead likeJG to second lead.

But as i observe, he might seems like typical drama lead. He is brutally honest and he is full of sense. He goes for what he wants. 

As for MS i undertand his circumstance and the way he behave. And i root for him too. 

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I don't ship Jo Geun Soojin but the show used him interestingly this episode to hold a mirror to three of the ladies. Especially Soojin. She is a very passionate, a very driven person. It is what attracts all the boys. But for whatever reason (probably pride), she does not like showing it unless she is pushed to a corner. She thinks putting her head down and doing what is asked of her well will be enough, whether it is work or love. She is learning to put it all out there for her movie. But, she is even more scared now of letting Myeung Soo know how deeply she cared/still cares for him.

I don't think Myeung Soo knows how to take the lead in a relationship. All his former relationships are framed as she seduced me, she decided things, she dumped me. A lot of his scenes with Soojin this week consisted of him following her. So, I get why he completely missed all the signs back then. And he is still missing it, all these years later. He still wants it spelled out to him. And he is not going to get that reassurance from her, especially not now, when she is scared of reading too much into their relationship again.

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I don't think Myeung Soo knows how to take the lead in a relationship. All his former relationships are framed as she seduced me, she decided things, she dumped me. A lot of his scenes with Soojin this week consisted of him following her. So, I get why he completely missed all the signs back then. And he is still missing it, all these years later. He still wants it spelled out to himAnd he is not going to get that reassurance from her, especially not now, when she is scared of reading too much into their relationship again.

​wow. you are right. i just realized now that you pointed it out. things are going to get more interesting in the next episodes. can't wait!

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Hi Guys!! 

been a fan of SJH for a  long time and been waiting for her next project after Emergency Couple and it finally came and on tvn!!

been watching the last 4 episodes in a row and i'm hooked!!


after reading the written preview it looks like next events will be hard on MS.. i just hope that all those misunderstandings won't keep those two apart too long.

all i can do is hope that when the kisses between them come, that SJH will open her lips and show us a real kiss..

ohh... i sound like a pervert.. but i think you guys will understand me right??? 

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Guest raeara

Hi Guys!! 

been a fan of SJH for a  long time and been waiting for her next project after Emergency Couple and it finally came and on tvn!!

been watching the last 4 episodes in a row and i'm hooked!!


after reading the written preview it looks like next events will be hard on MS.. i just hope that all those misunderstandings won't keep those two apart too long.

all i can do is hope that when the kisses between them come, that SJH will open her lips and show us a real kiss..

ohh... i sound like a pervert.. but i think you guys will understand me right??? 

Ya i understand you....i watch emergency couple scene ji hyo and choi jin hyuk kiss...she likes not comfortable....she like doesnt want to open her mouth and kiss him...but choi jin hyuk try to kiss her so bad....

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Ya i understand you....i watch emergency couple scene ji hyo and choi jin hyuk kiss...she likes not comfortable....she like doesnt want to open her mouth and kiss him...but choi jin hyuk try to kiss her so bad....

​let's hope this time we'll see some passionate smooching this time.. SJH & BYH do have chemistry together...

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I feel so bad for SJ for being in the middle of all of these ex-girlfriends issues. Poor girl just wanna continue living! MS needs to man up and settle all the misunderstandings because everything started from him. If he won't do it, it will all going to hurt SJ because obviously they were both have feelings for each other and I'm pretty sure they'll all get in the way which I totally don't understand. I know they have the right to meddle with the movie making because it was their story but to get in between MS and SJ? It isn't any of their business anymore. Especially JA. MS definitely needs to clear everything between them if he's going to start something with SJ. I can't understand if she still wants him or just the thought of having him like the old times that makes her act like this.

 If you look through these exes' personality, they were all on the aggressive side and MS seems like isn't used to be the one who take the lead. That's why he's totally clueless what to do with SJ because she's more on the softer side. Do something MS! SJ is just probably waiting for his signal because the last time she interpreted things between them on her own, it just all end up embarrassing her. 

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I am not sure what MS is doing in a few scenes.:huh: Take for example the scene where MS and SJ are drinking beer after returning from the workshop, they are discussing about having feelings for an old flame. Is he trying to indirectly tell SJ that currently he has no feelings of love for any of his friends ? Is he trying to find out if she still likes him ? SJ seems absolutely clueless though :sweatingbullets:

Another time is when he is texting her and later waiting for her outside her house. Was he doing that because he likes her and is trying to engage her in meaningless chatting or was he waiting for news about the situation with Director Jo?

Eitherways, he doesn't seem like he is willing to take the lead and is waiting for SooJin to make a move or afraid hat if he made a move he might risk disturbing their friendship

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Guest mywebfoot

Wow, what happened? Between eps 4 and 5, the drama went from relatively shallow to heart-tuggingly real. What I love about this show is that they manage to make all the motivations grounded in reality. That makes it so much easier for me to understand what could have been an incredibly complex web of lies. I know very clearly what each person wants, and how their usual way of getting what they want is. Therefore, I will also know how the current situation is making it hard for all of them. I can practically draw the excel chart in my head! :D

By ep 6 I have hit my personal indicator of commitment to a drama - I refuse to be spoilt in advance. I don't read the forum, I don't look at the raw, I don't look at the promo videos, until I have had a chance to watch the drama for myself. So I finally got through Ep 6 today and I was GLUED TO THE SCREEN. Flutters, squees, omo-omos. I had them all. I am HAPPY.

EDIT: I just realized that was a horribly abstract squee. But you guys have all said what I wanted, which had me handing out Likes left and right. My version - Myung Soo - cutie, Jo Gun - smartie, Soo Jin - sweetie, Jin Ah - ouchie, Rara - oooh, Hwa Young - OI. There. Short and sharp.

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@sanika i want give u insightful voteeeeeè! 

In the beer scene, as far as i remember, the one who ask first is soo jin, after that he ask same question, looks like want to know soo jin more... but i dont think he got soo jin signal. Myeee. 

His meaningless text. Ahahaha. Obviously he want to chat with her like a boy who like a girl. And ihiy he use oppa there. Hahaha. 

I believe that he already miss soo jin now... kyaaaaaa

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