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[OFFICIAL] Song Jae Rim ❤ Kim So Eun - LTE Couple [WGM]: PART 2


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Okay, these are my theories...

  1. He didn't wear his panty... Well, some guys didn't wear it.. So what?
  2. He wore one size smaller.. Sometimes guy just want to make ensure that his butt look chubby, hahahahaha
  3. He wore G-string, HAHAHAHAHAHA... WOW! I love it! So daring, dude!


HAHAHAHA... Don't blame it for being a little bit pervy but he put his hand inside his pant, hahahahaha... Maybe some parts are itchy... Well, it's normal to have itchy parts in our body right? hahahahaha... Then Coconut Tree come with argument that he wore smallest panty, the caused of itchy parts, hahahahahaha...

Someone need to scratch for him??????????????????????? I'm volunteer MYSELF!

Jae rim-ssi.... I'm coming to you...


Okaaaay you said G-String i got MEMBOOOONG image.gif

HAHAHAHHAHA Jeballl Jae Rim never mention that you have G-String Collection in your interview hhahahhahahabut.gif

My head is spinning thinking all of your men....You're right they got to be rich to buy all your fancy clothes so you can look hot for them....I haven't been watching Criminal Minds lately so I don't know about Spencer new hairdo....He is your sexy man and whatever his hair looks like you will drool when you watch the show.

I thought when he was helping Soeun wash the sheet he wasn't not wearing any....All honeybees witness it...I miss him:wub: and his hospital gown and kendo uniform....Less is always better than more...If you know what I mean...


HHAHAHAHA me also confused why there is so many man who attractive in my eyes, hahahah i just whatever its a feast for my eyes unnie XD

hahhaha you still remember that Scene ? when Jae Rim sat on So Eun Shoulder? hahhahaha i wonder what it felt hhahahha

oppsss... i am innocent


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@Niel2804 @‌crazyasian73


To be frank... I'm okay with a guy and G-string, hahahahaha... But I sincerely hope that Jae Rim didn't choose bumblebee G-string, HAHAHAHAHA.... Aigooooo, my stomach... Please anyone Do Not imagine it! Otherwise I can't take any responsible for anything happened in future to all of you, hahahahaha...


I don't see any of them... So I guess I'm in comfy zone to breakaway, hahahahaha... To spread SoLim 200M prevy jokes, hahahahaha... Or, maybe they will come back later just to show how care toward this LTE forum and scold me upside and down for being so bold in 19+jokes, hahahahaha.... That's SO PREDICTABLE, hahahahaha...

Anyway... Enough with Song Jae Rim's itchy parts, hahahahahaha... Which is sometimes not itchy, hahahaha...

Reminded me to "Dangerous SoLim touching,"

Jae Rim's reactions..


My reactions...


Let's re-watch it together, hahahahahaha...


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@Niel2804 @‌crazyasian73

To be frank... I'm okay with a guy and G-string, hahahahaha... But I sincerely hope that Jae Rim didn't choose bumblebee G-string, HAHAHAHAHA.... Aigooooo, my stomach... Please anyone Do Not imagine it! Otherwise I can't take any responsible for anything happened in future to all of you, hahahahaha...


I don't see any of them... So I guess I'm in comfy zone to breakaway, hahahahaha... To spread SoLim 200M prevy jokes, hahahahaha... Or, maybe they will come back later just to show how care toward this LTE forum and scold me upside and down for being so bold in 19+jokes, hahahahaha.... That's SO PREDICTABLE, hahahahaha...

Anyway... Enough with Song Jae Rim's itchy parts, hahahahahaha... Which is sometimes not itchy, hahahaha...

Reminded me to "Dangerous SoLim touching,"

Jae Rim's reactions..

My reactions...

Let's re-watch it together, hahahahahaha...

@innasalvatore for me as long he not bragging his G-String collection in public its all okay, HAHAHAHAHA, if he want to brag to So Eun its Double Okay hahhahahhaa.....

OMG Bumblebee G-String HAHAHAHHAHHAA..... my fingers itchy to do googling it, do they really sell one ? hhahahhahaha

Hahahahahaha i havent see them for a long time XD whatever hhahaha..



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He did bragging his panties to So Eun in their first night in their home-sweet-home... I forgot which episode... Is it Episode 2..? When they show off their suitcase, So Eun pick up one case asked about the inside. Jae Rim told her to zipper out and then KABOOM! His panties...


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@crazyasian73 im always lurking here,dont worry...i never forget this 2 beautiful creatures...always watching them...


in fact, i always watching them everyday before sleep...its almost 3 month ++ , but i cant never move on from them...hehe

omo @renvic~~~your lump sum r rated ending,makes me squeeze and blushing..


after read your fanfic, when im seeing or picturing an ice cream,it will never be the same again~~~






for your i WONDER @luvsushi, for this legendary scene,where we know jaerim dont wear "it", and we know the condition,hahahaha....


i wonder what soeun felt,hehehe...VaYWA9C.jpgor thats why she like it, and always tease it???I think we already have the answer....this sly loose mouth princess~~~kekekeke... 


me????my reaction???


*gif credit to the owner....

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"Solim First Time Ever" series

64.  Gift electric bidet

When they returned to the apartment, Jaerim wanted to change into some more cozy clothes.


Well prepared Soeun asked him to change in the bathroom.


She has got something prepared inside the bathroom.


Soeun: "Do you see it?"  Jaerim: "What's that?"


Of course it was Jaerim's favorite... a brand new electric bidet seat was installed there.


There was even a bouquet of roses on the top!


This was what Jaerim was asking for since Day 1.


And it was the first gift that Soeun gave Jaerim.


Soeun: "I think oppa would like this."



Of course Jaerim liked this gift very much.  But the most interesting thing was when Jaerim hugged Soeun as a token of thanks, the caption was "Routine hugging".  Haha, the caption team was very observant to note that hugging has become routine between Solim.  :D

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Okay, I'm crazy... But I just couldn't help editing the photo!

Original one: https://twitter.com/obedientsong/status/649421713571102720/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw

omo! you're daebak. Can I post it on my Ig?lol. I'll credit it to you. I'm too lazy to learn how to edit photos, and I think I'll end up editing their photos become byeontae ones.. Hoho.. NO won't do.. IT'll ruin their images.. EKke

same hat from 1st ep and hosptal ep

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Okay, I'm crazy... But I just couldn't help editing the photo!

Original one: https://twitter.com/obedientsong/status/649421713571102720/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw

omo! you're daebak. Can I post it on my Ig?lol. I'll credit it to you. I'm too lazy to learn how to edit photos, and I think I'll end up editing their photos become byeontae ones.. Hoho.. NO won't do.. IT'll ruin their images.. EKke

same hat from 1st ep and hosptal ep

Yes, feel free to post it! Let's spread my craziness to the world! Kekeke

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Hello all my chingus:wub:

I can't believe what seem like an innocent pic of our Jaerim on site on his new web drama....

To something so pervy from capt and her sidekick Niel....I can't help to join in their conversation...To be honest it was a good LOL and hope we didn't scared how crazy our minds can unleased...:wub:

@Niel2804 Yes I can remember all their byuntae scenes...Jaerim sat on Soeun's shoulder...she definitely felt his "IT"..Question is did she loves the feeling of his sensitive part rubbing her head..:w00t: I did Google if there is bumblebee G-string....

My question for you are you going to buy it for your man to try it on..:lol:Or you are going to buy one too and you two will do a show and tell..:wub: Capt. should you go and buy one for your oppa Eric to promote Solim brand..:lol:.I should buy one for my hubby too but he rather goes nude then put it on..:w00t: Me I like either way..:wub:


Did you get to watch Criminal Minds and your man new hairdo...I think his crazy wavy hair is more sexy for him..Don't you agree?

@innasalvatore I don't think anyone is going to complain about our 19+ jokes...Because they too shy to share their thoughts with us...:wub: I'm so happy to see how comfy you are with us and I love to see more of us being this way...Playful is one of Solim's trait..I hope we are being funny women who is have fun with 19+jokes..Capt you are just being you and we are following your lead. BRING IT ON..:wub: 

My hubby ask me if I know any female who are the attacker(aggressive when she is horny)..I thought oh yeah that are plenty of them...Say some of my old college friends..Then I also thought of you, when you brought up itchy topic..Should oppa Eric be afraid of your aggressive..Or would he like it...:wub: 


Waiting all your 19+jokes..Even if I'm innocent..:w00t:

@hyuklover_eida You know I can't stay innocent too long without bring something byuntae to the thread...You too are in the same boat..:D Sometimes, I scare to see potatoes being throw at me for being too pervy...It's hard to stay clean with capt and Niel who keep feeding my brain with their byuntae...@luvsushi goes on with her I wonder....so I start to wonder too..Solim have done so many of their byuntae touching and riding that I wonder what they were thinking for being so pervy on the WGM. I miss them.:wub: I don't watch their eps regularly like u...I know some people deal with the void of Solim in their own way...I think you are more addictive than me. Maybe little of me want to move forward so I don't feel the emptiness without them. Please continue to do whatever make you happy...

large.gifCr all gif owners

@chiyako92‌ You are very good with your editing...Definitely continue to edit any of Solim pic...Even some funny byuntae is ok with me...:wub:

HAVE A GREAT DAY :wub: Capt if I don't spazz tonight then goes act crazy with your sidekick...:wub:



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@ suekasih
How are you my dear? They call me here as unnie Rosey and crazyasian73 gave that name to me. To what have you said I think the writer of Kdrama Pretty was also a fan of Solim couple coz he/she wrote the scene related to them.

@ luvsushi
I love you Sushi my dear. I wonder also what was written on Soeun's card that she gave to Jaerim during their honeymoon in Turkey. I wonder also why the 2am happened when they both love each other. I wonder why Soeun said  definitely / positively they will not become real. But that was happened in the past and those questions of mine i answered it in my mind. But the only think all honeybees wonder was the card. Still wondering what she wrote.
About Jaerim he said he cleared all his appointment so I am not wondering if he visit her mother coz I think after eating they went to the hospital to visit Soeun's mother. 

@ crazyasian73 
My friendly sister. Yes i have an idea about the drama i want them to make. What you have said It is nice if they fight first in the beginning of the story. Little by little they will fall in love. Or like what Soeun once said she likes action. She can act as a martial art expert who will protect Jaerim [ as a CEO of a big company ] to those who wants to kill him. And vice versa they will protecting each other.
 About his stylist again if i have a chance i will talk to her to bring back my Jaerim as Kwon Shi-Kyung in Surplus Princess. I really fall in love w/ him and I think Boa fall for his charm too but Jaerim have no feelings for her so she end up w/ On Joo Wan in real life.

@ Niel2804
Hi my dear, you said what was the feelings of Soeun when Jaerim sat on her shoulder? How about what was the feelings of Jaerim when Soeun sat on his shoulder? Remember Soeun make it 3X. 

@ chiyako92
My dear just call me unnie Rosey. I really like it and i want it to happen not only in real life but also onscreen. They will film in one ep. of their drama that they will kiss passionately because the main reason is, it is the first time we will see Soeun kissing her leading man w/ strong feelings. But it should be Jaerim only and no other men are allowed to kiss her.

@ dhilamd
Love & thank you dhilamd for posting his latest interview. You make us all honeybees very happy.

@ blacklilie
Dear thank you also for re-posting their pictures in Turkey.

@ Capt. innasalvatore
To my lovely capt. truly Jaerim has no undies when he said it to Soeun, the hospital rules. Because of Soeun curiosity she touch his birdy but she denied it. Jaerim feel her touch, it was unexpected touch that surprise him. After that Soeun said " let us cause trouble oppa ". If Soeun has a guts to make trouble i want her to do it now. Visit him to the filming location and cause trouble to her husband for it will becomes his vitamins. It will make him strong and full of energy. But i don't know if he can act properly coz he will keep on smiling.

@ Icgan
My sweet friend how are you? i forgot to vote to my son, I skip one day. Please help me again to reminds all honeybees to vote.

@ lovely_alain
Dear your fanfic really makes us happy.

@ renvic
My pure renvic hahaha I will try to send a message to you but don't expect too much coz sometimes i don't know what to say. I will not make promises coz promises are made to be broken. But I really loves your works. Make it wild for us to tremble hahaha.

@ Imlov  @ XXXlatebloomerXXX & @ bluffky12
Thank you my dear w/ gorgeous mind I love you for translating their interview and to you my dear bluffky12 for re-posting their translation.

@ _sofie_
Thank you dear for posting Soeun's interview in Youtube. Now her video has a clear translation HD

@ hyuklover_eida
My dear sorry for not remembering your quotes but I always see you quoting in the previous page the only thing is i can't remember it.

To all honeybees thank you for liking all honeybees quotes;
@ my sweety peace79 @ foxysnap @ ana_syahda @ jollymeh143 @ my dear cruncyroll @ Lilysyam @ magicmione @my dear ariadna90 @ qilajue @ ollakuni @ omgirly @ Yeodongsaeng80 @ syazasAKZ @ jenniferigaya @ udangRebus I also remember you @ Binnies @ Nur_Yana @ skyserth @ LovelyBlue @gracej17 @ mktb I also know you my dear take care @ lovelydarah @ rufabernas & last but not the least our @ NitePanda love you dear.
To those I cannot mention sorry but I tried my best to write down all the names i just saw . Thanks again Solim Honeybees Colony.


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I watched Happy Together last night.. two of the guests are Lee Honggi and Fujii Mina who did WGM as a couple few years ago.. Hopefully Solim will be invited too in the future

Like Adam's couple too

their part is actually make me sad cause it revealed how they got confused between affection and attachment because of the show.. How they couldn't date for real while filming because they might ruin the flow of the show.. Sigh

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I guess it's true. I'm happy that our couple working very hard and enjoying their work.:wub:

Calling for our amazing translator chingu @XXXlatebloomerXXX to help translate this article from naver. Kamsahamnida :wub:


[단독] 엑소 시우민·김소은, '도전에 반하다' 남녀주인공 낙점

[TV리포트=황긍지 기자] 엑소 시우민과 배우 김소은이 웹드라마 '도전에 반하다'의 남녀 주인공으로 낙점됐다.

2일 복수의 방송 관계자에 따르면 엑소 시우민과 김소은은 '도전에 반하다'에 출연을 확정하고 첫 촬영을 기다리는 중이다. 두 사람은 최근 대본리딩까지 마쳤다.

'도전에 반하다'는 동아리 '하나 더하기'를 통해 청춘남녀가 가까워지며 꿈에 다가서는 모습을 그린 작품. 시우민은 극 중 사람들을 웃게 하는 것에 행복함을 느껴 삐에로 아르바이트를 하는 나도전 역을 맡았다. 김소은은 동아리 '하나 더하기' 폐쇄를 막으려 노력하며 푸드 트럭 창업을 꿈꾸는 반하나로 분한다.

시우민은 최근 영화 '김선달' 촬영을 끝냈으며 김소은은 지난달 종영한 MBC 드라마 '밤을 걷는 선비'에서 1인 2역을 맡아 열연을 펼친 바 있다. 처음으로 호흡을 맞추는 두 사람이 어떤 풋풋한 로맨스를 선보일지 기대감이 쏠린다.

한편 '도전에 반하다'는 다음 주 본격적인 촬영에 돌입할 예정이다.

황긍지 기자 pride@tvreport.co.kr/ 사진=TV리포트 DB

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