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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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can someone translate this post http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=married&no=1047787&page=1 please ~

thanks in advance

something about recording today??? I don't I just google translate all comments :D 

i don't know but i'm a bit worried about that post~ @Rowina can you help us to translate that dc post?  

I think they talked about today is Sixteen final day, they will announce Twice memebers and asked if Seungyeon has any schedule today if not she can go to cheer Jungyeon again.

Ok... I see... I think Jungyeon will debut, JYP really likes her... :) 

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can someone translate this post http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=married&no=1047787&page=1 please ~

thanks in advance


something about recording today??? I don't I just google translate all comments :D 

Reading the Google translated post/comments about voting, wondering if SY will be cheering/attending, and how this is the last day, it seems to be about SY's sister and Sixteen, as today is the final vote for the new girl group. 

Some links about the Sixteen finale:

Hidden Content

ahh i see~ thanks a lot @pre ^^

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Guest Rowina


I think that today is the day for the shooting day of announcement of TWICE members.

Do you think that SY will come to the shooting for supporting her sister?

There is no mention about that in Gallery and no mention on Insta as well... so She might not come...

I've voted a lot but failed to get the ticket for the shooting.... ㅠㅠ  if SY has a plan to come to the shooting...then,,,I will try to go.!

//// about the comment... the shooting that SY joined was the last shooting for the Sixteen so they don't think that SY will go !  one of them said... Sixteen show accepted audience again...so people were curious about it.

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Guest cassiejon

@chasthing Hi fellow Philippine Brownie. :) Welcome aboard! Awwe~ You're in the right place! Let's all have fun and enjoy! Hahahahahahahaha.

Kabayan! Welcome to BE couple thread!!!

Hi fellow Brownies esp. those from the Philippines! I'm done being a lurker! This is my first post. Been watching WGM since Yongseo, Khuntoria days and had been a fan of CNBLUE since from the start. I was soooo excited for Johnghyun when he finally signed for WGM. And was even more happy when he met Seungyeon. They are match made in heaven. Seriously, they exceeded all expectations I have of a typical WGM couple. If they are not real...I don't know what to say and think anymore. They make my Saturday more bearable because of Graduate School duties. I love the interaction of the Brownies/HoneyBees...so detailed ...so engaging. Shout out to the BEST! You ROCK!

Honey Bee couple - Your LOVE STORY will be LEGENDARY!

PS: Did somebody post something of SY leaving a comment on JH instagram re: JY Instagram post about his appa. Can somebody translate that comment please!

As we watch the subbed episode 277, the topic of JH's obliviousness or lack of conscientiousness has come up a few times.

Quick collection of SY's most critical remarks, in regards to the "scarecrow" game, defending her soup with mother-in-law, and the judo lesson --


As folks have mentioned, it could very well be that the WGM staff was doing some heavy editing here. The interviewers very well could have been asking leading questions like "So when JH completely ignored your efforts at skinship during the game, which was clearly your goal, did you feel disappointed?" or "So when JH directly contradicted his mother to praise your soup, did it feel like JH lacked sense?" We have no way of knowing what WGM producers were doing -- maybe they saw the footage before the interview and thought, "Let's try to create a narrative of conflict between SY and JH, the viewers will find it entertaining!", so intentionally came up with these leading questions to arrive at these choice responses...

At the same time, I think it's perfectly reasonable to assume there's some truth to these remarks by SY, that is to say, JH probably could have handled at least the dinner/soup situation a bit better, just from the footage that we've seen. But just thinking back, JH's actions are very consistent with how he has behaved all along -- there have been quite a few situations that were potentially mishandled or missed along the way --

  • Recall how JH was engrossed in the calligraphy and his seriousness likely prevented some skinship opportunities.
  • At the airport, SY greeted JH warmly after a month apart and provided ample opportunity for their first hug with her hands completely free -- just as Misun gestures, this would have been the perfect chance.
  • JH surely understands the importance of dates and anniversaries, and could have probably remembered something as significant as when he met (and fell for) SY -- even if he's "bad" at remembering such things.
  • And finally, JH probably should have responded with "I love you" -- maybe he's waiting for that special occasion, proposal/wedding, etc, but it doesn't diminish the value of these magical words to say it here and then repeat it later. Women appreciate reciprocation :wub: 


Anyhow, I'm just sharing these as examples of situations JH might have handled better for the sake of SY and their relationship. Obviously we love Jongyeon and we know how much JH cares for SY. It's evident in virtually every scene just from the words that he utters, and more importantly, the body language that JH exhibits and actions that he takes. We enjoy his sometimes cheesy compliments, but as a man of action, his behavior towards SY speak volumes for how much he values her.

If JH deeply cares for SY, why has he, seemingly, mishandled several such situations...situations that could have potentially been special? Situations that, to borrow the Jongyeon term, could have been heart-fluttering? JH's certainly not lacking in sincerity, so as I think about JH's personality through the WGM lens, I suspect his "obliviousness" might be explained by his lack of dating/romantic experience.

Just think back to the earliest episodes --

  • What type of person declares his affection for someone within minutes of meeting that person? Early on, dating is largely about gauging reactions, figuring out whether you're interested in the other person, and, just as importantly, figuring out if the other person is interested in you. Revealing your feelings this early on is bound to leave you vulnerable...
  • What type of person intentionally sacrifices his own dislikes to appease the other person, especially if he has just met the person? Once you do this, you relinquish all power and risk disinterest...
  • Similarly, what type of person directly announces he's going to change himself to conform to the likes and desires of the other person, this soon, this explicitly? 
  • And finally, what type of person plays his trump card during the very first date? Who digs deep into his arsenal of romance (music and puppies) on the first date? Executed properly, it can do wonders, but there's great risk such earnestness can be interpreted as desperation...


To me, a person who behaves like this suggests he's a novice in the game of dating and romance. To put himself in such a vulnerable position, to relinquish all mystery of whether he's interested, to reveal his secret weapon... Clearly everything worked out well for JH, as SY received these acts/words so well, but such actions could have easily been disastrous. It all suggests, to me, that JH is probably inexperienced in the arena of dating and romance.  

If this is the case, it could very much explain why JH seems to have behaved the way he has in episode 277 and earlier situations -- he just doesn't yet have the wisdom and experience to be "better" :) Maybe to the cynics, this ignorance is just an excuse for mishandling the various situations, but it also suggests that with more time (spent with SY), JH could very well improve how he responds to such situations and opportunities in the future. Who knows, maybe after watching this episode and SY's comments, JH will have some sort of "aha" moment and realize how he could have done better, to learn and grow... Just recall JH's motto --



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Guest vreiya

^^Speaking of DC Gall, would anyone recall in which episode SY conducted this BRI? Someone posted these pictures on DC Gall and SY's look of earnestness, seemingly on the verge of tears, is really moving -- I'd love to re-watch the scene for context to see what prompted this reaction :)

Just browsed through all the episodes, but alas, have yet to find it...

I was curious enough to find which episode was it because I remembered her wearing that beautiful dress. I browsed my archive and couldn't find it either. Turns out it was cut out on gummy's vid. It was the introduction in the first episode



I think that today is the day for the shooting day of announcement of TWICE members.

Do you think that SY will come to the shooting for supporting her sister?

There is no mention about that in Gallery and no mention on Insta as well... so She might not come...

I've voted a lot but failed to get the ticket for the shooting.... ㅠㅠ  if SY has a plan to come to the shooting...then,,,I will try to go.!

//// about the comment... the shooting that SY joined was the last shooting for the Sixteen so they don't think that SY will go !  one of them said... Sixteen show accepted audience again...so people were curious about it.

Judging by how important it is, i'm sure she will go but the fact that she already went to the previous recording decrease the chance she will go again. But the fanservice she gave out to her fans during the prev rec day are awesome ... I envy those who met her that day T.T

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Some thinky thoughts from me... :D 

I think the cheek kiss and the MC's observation of JH being disappointed, plus our own take on it might be subjective for a while...at least until JH or SY clarify it in a BRI or in their conversations to come in upcoming episodes. Don't get me wrong, brownies...all of our theories (whether we think he was thrilled or disappointed) all make sense and I am so happy to see so many points of view coz it makes us all wonder about it. :) 

One thing I kept thinking about was JH's face and body just before the kiss. He was facing forwards, towards the front of the car and the camera, and it was his cheek that was facing SY. He did use the breath freshner twice (big, big hint indeed) but he faced forwards. Now, just humour me for a moment here...if he had expected her to actually kiss his lips at that moment he might have just turned his face and his body towards her and closed his eyes. See pic below for reference...


RAWR...sorry, got sidetracked by the awesomeness of that kiss and that show. Ignore the fact that Ji Hyun Woo is also taking the lead in the pic (his hands over hers)...just take it out of context for a moment. What I kept thinking is, if JH wanted a lip kiss he might have made it more obvious. Turn towards her, close his eyes, still smile like a pabo (lol) and chuckle and she might have even gone: "oppa!" when she realized what kind of kiss he wanted. But instead it was like he offered his cheek (or didn't coerce her to kiss his lips) because he figured she would go the cheek route for now...He might have wanted a kiss on the lips (because, hello...its obvious he does) but at that particular moment he might have known that a cheek kiss was what she could do on camera. Also, imagine how she'd have to twist her body and move her head in that car to be able to plant a kiss on his lips when he was facing forward? ;)  But then again, maybe JH was in true pabo mode and couldn't think straight, lol. And that's why he didn't think to turn towards her! Hey! I bet it happens! :P 

Like I said, this can be taken so many ways and if these two bring it up sooner or later in their future eps then it will just clarify things for us. In the meantime, speculating is loads of fun isn't it? ;)

I'm curious to see if it will come up. JH tends to brings things up like saying he had hoped she'd give him a back hug while he cooked (ep 271 when they sat down for dinner). And SY gave him just that a short while later when they took that adorable selfie. So if he tells her: "when you kissed me, I got all excited that you were going to kiss my lips..." and leaves it hanging there, SY might go "aaah." And if she's caught on to things (which I am sure she has!) she can always say: "Oppa, I was kinda hoping you would kiss me that way...I was letting you know you could..."
LOL, that might be all the incentive our hungry wolf needs to go for it right then and there! :D 

About her wiping off her lipstick...I had a few more thinky thoughts...lol. I agree with folks who said that she tends to be self conscious in bold colours. Remember when she tested those lip colours on for JH to see and she asked if it was too bold? She was conscious then and still is. Of course the wolf was totally ok with those colours on his wife's pretty lips. ;) 
So she might have wiped it off because (1) she wasn't used to bold colours apart from her cfs...in real life she preferred nudes and neutrals. (2) that lipstick at that moment was really about leaving a very obvious lip imprint on her hubby's cheek. Something for him to remember her by...all night. RAWR.  Hehe, foxy little thing, isn't she? :D 
(3) it was late and she was tired and she just wanted that lipstick off...coz I think lots of us girls have been there.
(4) And this is one I have thought before in situations like this...I recall a time when I was out to dinner with this guy and I was kinda hoping he'd kiss me goodnight. He did. On my cheek...dun dun. But the point is, I was expecting a bit more. And I was conscious about what I was wearing on my lips coz it was lipgloss and it would transfer. Don't guys sometimes think twice about kissing a girl when she's got something super glossy or bright on her lips and it looks like it will transfer onto his lips? Even now, if I was in her situation I'd think beforehand about either wearing something kiss proof like a matte lipstick or if my lipstick had come off over dinner and I wanted the guy to kiss me, I just wouldn't reapply my colour. Sneaky, eh? ;) 

Now I cannot say for sure if she wiped it off because she wanted him to take the hint and kiss her on the lips. But its a possibility. Because later on when they were outside, cuddling she looked up at him more than once (when they joked about the lipstick on her own cheek and when he kissed her forehead). She basically left her lips exposed and held that pose for a bit, allowing him ample opportunity to kiss her if he wanted too. Maybe she was just looking at him and holding his gaze. Maybe. But each time she did it I felt myself standing there in her shoes and thinking: "gosh she wants him to kiss her!" I kept thinking she was telling him he could and showing him that he could.

What I love about these two is that somewhere along the line they discuss things that have happened and what they want to do. So this is bound to come up-either on the show or privately. So I don't have any fear that any lack of communication or confusion will get stretched out too long. They deal with it quickly. Its like an ideal partnership.


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I think that today is the day for the shooting day of announcement of TWICE members.

Do you think that SY will come to the shooting for supporting her sister?

There is no mention about that in Gallery and no mention on Insta as well... so She might not come...

I've voted a lot but failed to get the ticket for the shooting.... ㅠㅠ  if SY has a plan to come to the shooting...then,,,I will try to go.!

//// about the comment... the shooting that SY joined was the last shooting for the Sixteen so they don't think that SY will go !  one of them said... Sixteen show accepted audience again...so people were curious about it.

thanks a lot Rowina ~~ 

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I think she wiped off the lipstick simply because after the DEEP cheek kiss, the lipstick might gone out of her lips line and she need to tidy up the "mess". and JH replied with that 'pause' face like why you wipe your mouth after the kiss?.. that's because he had not realised she'd actually applied lipstick and 'cleaning up the mess of lipstick' . After he realised, he turned his face and watched it from the car mirror, with that excited pabo laugh ^^... huhu... 

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I think she wiped off the lipstick simply because after the DEEP cheek kiss, the lipstick might gone out of her lips line and she need to tidy up the "mess". huhu... 

LOL, and it could have just been this! I think we are all having a whale of a time theorising and its good fun too. It could have just been something simple. What I love is how much these two get us thinking! :D 

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Guest vreiya


LOL i wonder if JH suddenly started a new trend in every SK household hihihihi


I can see that happening XD

even @luvtokki had already applied JY's massage moment :lol:

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Guest diechan

@@happy2bhere: I saw that too. Jonghyun kind off bumped her left arm which made her lose her balance.. Jonghyun-nah.. you almost almost made her your lovely wife "disappear"  like dust/powder that night.. teehee:sweatingbullets:

Imagine it when they have a kids and Jonghyun tell the story to their kids, "Kids, in the day when I proposed your mother, I almost killed her by accidentally pushed her with my hand. Lucky I can catch and help her before your mother rolling down from the hill." :D

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Guest chagushu


Presented to you by B.E.S.T

Translators: Ishi-chanyuiivip13lacknightfreelyruth

Timers: ohhotdeymbokyo28prefeignedrealitypanda101sf, chagushu,

Proofreaders: moritafanayvahRowina, chagushu





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I'm on behalf of B.E.S.T, thank you for your supporting. 122.gif 

Special thanks to our translators,  timers, proofreaders who spent their time and passion on this episode. I greatly appreciated your hard working.

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Guest diechan


Presented to you by B.E.S.T

Translators: Ishi-chanyuiivip13lacknight, freelyruth

Timers: ohhotdeymbokyo28prefeignedrealitypanda101sf, chagushu,

Proofreader: moritafanayvah, Rowina, chagushu


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I'm on behalf of B.E.S.T, thank you for your supporting.  

Special thanks to our translators,  timers, proofreaders who spent their time and passion on this episode. I greatly appreciated your hard working.

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Thank you very much, B.E.S.T Team you all are Jjang. Daebak :wub:

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Presented to you by B.E.S.T

Translators: Ishi-chanyuiivip13lacknight, freelyruth

Timers: ohhotdeymbokyo28prefeignedrealitypanda101sf, chagushu,

Proofreader: moritafanayvah, Rowina, chagushu

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I'm on behalf of B.E.S.T, thank you for your supporting. 122.gif 

Special thanks to our translators,  timers, proofreaders who spent their time and passion on this episode. I greatly appreciated your hard working.

As usual... click on

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  • 4th picture for Vimeo.

If you have any suggestions/complaints/asking permission, PM me please. I don't answer any questions about download or online link.



Daebak!! A MAJOR THANKS to all our B.E.S.T. Brownies! :wub:

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