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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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...and go back and watch it all again...  Watch the progression...  and then take note:  When they do all this stuff at the end of this Busan trip, unless they are dating/seeing each other outside of WGM, they've spent an entirety of 8 days in their entire lives together.... ONLY 8 DAYS... 1 DAY OVER 1 WEEK... THAT'S IT.  Ponder that for a moment....  Seriously ponder that...  Then take a deep breath and chill.  This couple isn't going anywhere unless it's with each other. You don't get from where they started to where they have come.... in a manner of a week, with cameras in your face forcing you to "HOLD BACK" an immense amount of what you'd really like to say or do unless it's a fated match that very, very, very FEW humans ever encounter in their lifetime.  People don't give that up easily.  Even at their age, they KNOW how special that kind of a connection is and how hard it would to replace it.

As far as JH, he leads with his words but holds back with his actions.  He has told us all numerous times that he is holding it all back out of respect for the situation.  Remember how he wanted to hug her at the airport when she arrived in Japan, but thought, PDA right there would have many consequences.  What consequences with PDA in an airport would he be worried about??? His fans, of course!  He had to hold a white board in front of his *mushy* board because his fans were right there in his face taking pictures of him waiting. He may not care about his own image, but from day one he has thought respectful about hers.  Without a doubt he would wait for her to give him the authorization to do anything but be 100% respectful.  He spoke to her formally until she said it was okay not to... she's younger than him and not as high up in the industry, if he wanted to put down the formality he could.  I didn't see it as him *distancing* himself from her, he didn't do that to Yewon even though she pushed it. My take on it all from the beginning is that he is very serious about showing her complete respect and only do those things with her that he knows she is comfortable with... and these kinds of thoughts you only have for someone you truly care about.  People have pointed this out many times.  The amount of effort both of them put into each other is way over-the-top for a WGM couple.  1-2 times doing something special in the form of buying some sponsored gift here and there, maybe...  but song dedications, writing a song, buying flowers, spending your own money to decorate your "virtual" home?...  That's a lot of investment.  WGM doesn't have that kind of money to be spending on its couples. ..and then you find out that SY *spends* time alone doing things in that home he paid to decorate.  I mean, seriously, what is that???



Cutting your post a bit, dear because otherwise mine will just add to it and make it longer...

Before I say anything... let me just do this


That was just such a thoughtful and well expressed post. And a massive eye opener! You know its only when you pointed out that they have spent just "days" together as opposed to the weeks and months we have swooned over them that it struck me. I have always felt and said that this sort of familiarity doesn't build up via just WGM filming dates unless plenty has been happening behind the scenes; that is, they have been in contact outside WGM. But just seeing you spell it out like that. 8 dates...maybe 10...but they behave like a couple that has been together for months...just as we imagine because we've seen this over the course of months. And more irony, these 8 dates were all over a month ago. We STILL DON'T KNOW how they behave around each other today...right this moment. This week. At their most recent filming date. Aaaaah! So we are swooning over them but its not current. Can you just imagine how close they must be now? My head spins just thinking about it. @amastris Its like you just gave us a little peek behind the veil or something just now. Coz this was yet another "aha" moment that you've given us...as someone mentioned a few pages back (I think it was @Choco1Luv ?)

I love how JH has always been forward but I know some folks might have wondered why he held back on so many occasions. Even the MC's comment and joke about how he teases her about kissing her but hasn't kissed her on the lips yet. I always felt like he wanted to do it so many times but the cameras meant that their first real kiss would be stolen from them in a way. That instead of being intimate and private, it would be for all to see and he wasn't sure if he or she was comfortable with this. Heck I wonder if he just kissed her behind the scenes somewhere along the lines...after the events we've seen. Or if the kiss comes along in the wedding episode. He might tease but that's usually to test the waters and see how comfortable she is. This time they were both so vulnerable. In the car, outside when they were cuddling and talking. There were countless times when it looked like he wanted to and was just a hair's breath away from just bending down and kissing her good and proper...but he held back. That was so obvious. The MCs might joke that he's threatening and not carrying out...they have it wrong. He's not going to put his girl in an odd spot. Unless he's sure she's ok with it. For all you know he asked her about it privately. But I digress...those moments in the car and outside were a clear indication that the attraction is there, the rush of tenderness when each of them was surprised by the other-you just cannot fake that...its not some little infatuation. Its getting really serious and he was feeling the weight of it. I feel like SY has let go of her fears and doubts completely (as at ep 278) and she was basically ready or almost there. If he tells her he likes her/loves her she is going to just glow. If he kisses her that little girlie is going to kiss him back and this boy won't know what hit him! (I am twirling around gleefully at the thought) ;)  

There's this thing some of us say in fandom. That guys relax and don't worry too much about what they say and do around a girl that they aren't as interested in. She's just not someone they want to impress. But a girl that a man is serious about. He takes extra care. Even if he was the school's Casanova or is a reformed bad boy...the girl he loves or is very serious about is treated very differently. He's gentle with her. Its like a package marked: "handle with care". He won't treat her the same as that girl he was chasing coz he thought she was cute. This girl is just too precious to him. And JH displays that around SY. We see it in the way he holds back and takes time with her, letting her get comfortable with him, their skinship and even their flirting and conversations. Their car chat this time was so so intimate. Not only because of what they said but the tones of their voices, the physical contact and affection and all those looks they gave each other. I swear if you hadn't told me this was WGM I'd have thought someone was spying on a real couple who were in the process of confessing their love for one another.

And I've said it before. JH's acting in Orange Marmalade is a massive improvement from his past roles. So noticeable that reviewers keep commenting. But he's not a pro and he's got a long way to go. So what he displays in WGM is not a performance worthy of an award. Its a man falling head over heels for a woman and knowing he has no control over it anymore...he's in too deep.

Oh gosh...I think I need a hanky now... *sniffs* :wub:

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Guest goguma07

Just watched the subbed ep....OMG guys! It's official! They're in love!

Can't wait to see how they progress from here. I'm actually really curious as to how their relationship will develop from now on... They had an instantaneous connection, what people usually call "love at first sight" but (if it's real and not just chemistry and attraction) is actually a feeling of knowing that the person in front of you is special and important to your life. I really think this is what they felt. They just knew that the person they met was good, good for them and that they were both good for each other. The way they were so in tune with each other only shortly after they first met is proof of their connection, lets just call it fate, destiny, karma, divine intervention or whatever you want but they are lucky to find it.

Where will it go from here? Can they be even more intense? Will they settle into quiet domesticity? How will they react at the very end when they're told they must leave the show? All these questions are running through my mind as I consider that episode I just watched. What I do know is that they have found something special and genuine with each other and I hope that those around them, their families and friends, advise them not to throw it away for silly things like fame and fortune and fans. Yes, it'll be difficult to deal with fan backlash if their relationship is discovered. Yes, it will be difficult to spend so much time away from each other due to tours and drama filming schedules and everything else. But if they really have found true love, I hope they have the support they'll need to brave the storm.



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@happy2bhere & @choco1luv - I'm not sure what 'aha' moment you are looking for?   'Aha' moment for who? Me, JH or SY?  Are you asking about when I felt the sexual tension ramp up between them?  I'll name a few that stand out for me.......

First, SY talking about his 'sexy back' and broad shoulders during the bike ride!

Second, in the ryokan, first night in Japan JH makes sure to mention that the robe would be too sexy without the belt.  What kind of picture did that put in SY's mind?  In everyone's mind?  She waves him off with a laugh and a hand, but it had to make her think "oh man, I've got a hot boy here, I need to watch out!"

Then, from that first soft, silky, sensual stare after they got done organizing their pictures in the ryokan in Japan.  When SY was going to ask what to do next and JH laid that stare on her that wiped away her smile.....that was the first time I thought there was something stirring beneath the purely external physical attraction of them just being cute and pretty to each other.  That stare made the MCs, the caption writer and the world go "what was THAT!?"  I remember watching the first raw of that scene kind of laid back in my chair and that scene made me sit straight up and go "waaaiiitttt a minute here! there's something happenin' here!"  That sensual heat being passed between these two with only a stare!  Up to that point they were being normal WGM cute and flirty.  But that one stare, after I watched it over and over again in slomo said paragraphs about what was stirring in their hearts.

Her back massage - again, she wanted to experience what his back felt like.  And then he reciprocated and wanted to turn the cameras off!

His relentless hinting about "crossing the line" at the ryokan.

SY removing her towel in the indoor hot springs to show her bare shoulders above the water.  JH can't stand to look at her!

SY's attempt for skinship when doing the Chinese writing with the brush.

SY wanting to feel the warmth of his hand instead of his glove when they first held hands.  Sensual, really, sensual.  

JY saying he already knew she had sexy legs at arishiyama(sp.) - how did he know?  Where did he see, or notice, her sexy legs?      

SY's 'white shirt' obsession.   It's not the shirt, it's what she can see underneath it that gets her interest.   This also came up as point of interest for her while doing the Judo and her noticing he had nothing on under his Judo robe.

When JH is cleaning her hair after painting and says her hair is pretty.   She asks what isn't pretty (on me)?   He replies he will look for it, but it may take some time....so seriously sexy  

The unreleased scene where SY wants to put the PAS on his shoulders after painting their house.  She asks him where he hurts, he says, "everywhere."  Hinting he wants the PAS applied, "everywhere."   She responds by playfully trying to apply it to his mouth!  

Endless hand holding with fingers interlocked, stroking of fingers, hand sniffing and hand kissing.

Her suddenly wanting to see his white skin under his shirt.  She looked there and thought about it for a good long couple of seconds before quietly asking "let's see!"   

Even though JH has been talking about kissing since Japan, she has led with all the kissing.  Hand kiss, shirt kiss, cheek kiss.   JH only started the head/hair kiss at Busan.

Do you see a pattern here?   JH talks it up, SY makes it happen.  At her own pace.   She has never backed down from any skinship from him except a lip kiss.   She may squeal or squeak when he does these things to her, but in the long run she is usually hoping for it and anticipating it.  And the lip kiss (my personal opinion) he could have done any 'romantic' time after the Ceci shoot.  when they finally do, I fully expect her to say she's been waiting for it since....Japan, Ceci shoot, Busan, whenever.  Every time he has cornered her she looks at his face to see if he is serious.   Most of the time he is laughing his pabo laugh and grinning like a fool.  If he swooped in and then looked her in the eye like he did at the Ceci shoot, during a romantic moment, she would comply.  There's no doubt in my mind. 

There are more....I'm sure many here can name their favorites!  



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@burningwithlove Wow.  We're on a roll here!  Your post has even more insights than mine. Your paragraph about a boy who cares for a woman is so spot on.  To be frank, I was thinking about this but hadn't really formed a complete thought around it.  But now that you've wrote ^^^ this here's my thoughts on this:

When JH & his family were talking about boy/girl relationships, attitudes, and romance behavior in general, I found it a pretty powerful statement about JH's beliefs when it comes to a guy that is interested in a girl.  He didn't really talk about "wooing" her, did he?  He said that a guy would, in essence, act cool or treat her harshly.  This brings up 2 thoughts for me that go along with the previous discussion many pages back about whether JH is "experienced" in dating or not.  First honestly, I believe he is.  I believe he's dated but I also believe there is a reason why he acts clueless or innocent regarding dating sometimes.  I live in SoCal and growing up, I've experienced this kind of man numerous times.  I've even dated musicians before that actually "debutted" who dumped me right afterward.  Here's what I'm going to say about it.  They have the great "pick-up lines", they have the charisma, and they have the "interesting" goals for their lives.  They rely on that to impress the girl and once they have the girl, because they are simply so attractive to the opposite sex, they never really have to put out any effort to maintain a relationship.  The girl will be completely enamored of him and he never has to work at it.  Because he doesn't have to work at it, he truly never gets to learn anything about how to treat and date a woman properly.  He tends to be selfish and inconsiderate and expects her to meet his quirks, because, obviously if she doesn't, it's just as easy for him to find another one waiting on the sidelines.  NOW, before everyone gets all upset, I'm not saying JH is to this extent, but, based on his statement at the family dinner table, that's pretty much what he's saying is what guys do with girls.  So, I think he's an inexperienced experienced guy if you get my meaning.

Second, what JH is describing is a boys crush or adoration.  A man's love is different.  I'll use my own father as an example.  My dad was born in 1933, and he told me when he was a young boy he used to put the ponytails of the girls he liked in the inkwell on his desk.  Of course, the girls never found it pleasant and certainly didn't believe that my dad actually "liked" them.  It had the opposite affect.  But this is a little boys way to show his love.  Then when he grows up and becomes a man, something happens like with my dad.  He had saw her at a restaurant weeks before, knew my grandmother and found out the relationship, and, thus, found a way to approach her with my grandmother at a piano bar.  My dad "knew" she was the woman he was going to marry from the moment he laid eyes on her, and he made efforts to pursue her and get her interested in him.  My dad was known as a playboy, so my mother didn't give her heart to him right away.  My dad had to work hard to convince her she was the only one.  Once they were married "Wife Is King" was the motto of my home.  A man who truly loves a woman does everything for her, works for her and provided the paycheck, and supports all her desires, hobbies, and interests, and will, in fact, start to become interested in those things as well and may even join her in her activities, because seriously, he just wants to be with her as much as he can.  It's at this point that the woman can do no wrong.

Flash forward to when this couple has children, and "Wife Is King", and you'll understand better what it meant for JH to say, "boys, when they like girls they treat them harsh" at one moment, then immediately say, "I cannot do that with her. I cannot find a fault."  If my mother had made a decision about my childhood, being as verbal as I am, if I didn't agree my mother and I would argue.  However, EVEN IF MY DAD AGREED SHE WAS WRONG, he would always take her side.  I had many a family "discussion" with him regarding this matter.  Unlike how he treated women before, when it came to my mom, he sided with her no matter what because "SHE IS MY WOMAN", end of story.  It was pointless when he'd say that to argue with him further.  You would get no where with him.  That's the difference between a girl you play with, a girl you date, and a girl you marry.


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Sorry @Ishi-chan doesn't try to press u all. In fact, i'm just worried that you all guys worked to hard and don't have enough rest. Thats why i'm asking. Take your time my dear BEST, we waiting patiently.

Ps : i'm sleep as soon i post that, so can reply you faster.

Don't worry I didn't take your comment as trying to press at all:) I was just informing you that @chagushu was alive and well (Even thought sometimes she loose it from all the cheesines hahaha, don't worry Shu I'll give you moral support) I wrote that about how we work so that you guys have a little more insight about what goes on in the subbing team and why sometimes it takes more time than others ^^

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@happy2bhere & @choco1luv - I'm not sure what 'aha' moment you are looking for?   'Aha' moment for who? Me, JH or SY?  Are you asking about when I felt the sexual tension ramp up between them?  I'll name a few that stand out for me.......

First, SY talking about his 'sexy back' and broad shoulders during the bike ride!

Second, in the ryokan, first night in Japan JH makes sure to mention that the robe would be too sexy without the belt.  What kind of picture did that put in SY's mind?  In everyone's mind?  She waves him off with a laugh and a hand, but it had to make her think "oh man, I've got a hot boy here, I need to watch out!"

Then, from that first soft, silky, sensual stare after they got done organizing their pictures in the ryokan in Japan.  When SY was going to ask what to do next and JH laid that stare on her that wiped away her smile.....that was the first time I thought there was something stirring beneath the purely external physical attraction of them just being cute and pretty to each other.  That stare made the MCs, the caption writer and the world go "what was THAT!?"  I remember watching the first raw of that scene kind of laid back in my chair and that scene made me sit straight up and go "waaaiiitttt a minute here! there's something happenin' here!"  That sensual heat being passed between these two with only a stare!  Up to that point they were being normal WGM cute and flirty.  But that one stare, after I watched it over and over again in slomo said paragraphs about what was stirring in their hearts.

Her back massage - again, she wanted to experience what his back felt like.  And then he reciprocated and wanted to turn the cameras off!

His relentless hinting about "crossing the line" at the ryokan.

SY removing her towel in the indoor hot springs to show her bare shoulders above the water.  JH can't stand to look at her!

SY's attempt for skinship when doing the Chinese writing with the brush.

SY wanting to feel the warmth of his hand instead of his glove when they first held hands.  Sensual, really, sensual.  

JY saying he already knew she had sexy legs at arishiyama(sp.) - how did he know?  Where did he see, or notice, her sexy legs?      

SY's 'white shirt' obsession.   It's not the shirt, it's what she can see underneath it that gets her interest.   This also came up as point of interest for her while doing the Judo and her noticing he had noting under his Judo robe.

When JH is cleaning her hair after painting and says her hair is pretty.   She asks what isn't pretty (on me)?   He replies he will look for it, but it may take some time....so seriously sexy  

The unreleased scene where SY wants to put the PAS on his shoulders after painting their house.  She asks him where he hurts, he says, "everywhere."  Hinting he wants the PAS applied, "everywhere."   She responds by playfully trying to apply it to his mouth!  

Endless hand holding with fingers interlocked, stroking of fingers, hand sniffing and hand kissing.

Her suddenly wanting to see his white skin under his shirt.  She looked there and thought about it for a good long couple of seconds before quietly asking "let's see!"   

Even though JH has been talking about kissing since Japan, she has led with all the kissing.  Hand kiss, shirt kiss, cheek kiss.   JH only started the head/hair kiss at Busan.

Do you see a pattern here?   JH talks it up, SY makes it happen.  At her own pace.   She has never backed down from any skinship from him except a lip kiss.   She may squeal or squeak when he does these things to her, but in the long run she is usually hoping for it and anticipating it.  And the lip kiss (my personal opinion) he could have done any 'romantic' time after the Ceci shoot.  when they finally do, I fully expect her to say she's been waiting for it since....Japan, Ceci shoot, Busan, whenever.  Every time he has cornered her she looks at his face to see if he is serious.   Most of the time he is laughing his pabo laugh and grinning like a fool.  If he swooped in and then looked her in the eye like he did at the Ceci shoot, during a romantic moment, she would comply.  There's no doubt in my mind. 

There are more....I'm sure many here can name their favorites!  



and the latest one i.e the gaze when JH said "you're MSG type of woman.." and the part SY said "make me into a dust..." the gaze they shared each other after that ...totally like giving a signal now thy r ready for it....hehehe

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@amastris Your posts are really worth reading. Tear jerking posts huhuhu. A very wonderful eye opener to all the fangirls in the globe. Huhu. Can they just let their biases live a normal life? Your posts deserve a standing ovation. I really kinda feel teary while reading your post. It penetrates to the deepest part of my heart. You nailed it. Thank you!

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I watch WGM beginning since 2 season. I watch many couple and I don't remember that any of them have that fast progress in relationship...They really unique.:D And they have soo strong chemistry. Thats no joke! Best couple up till now for me with good progress was Solim couple. And they have some good chemistry but when they back from Turcky I notice that chemistry gone. They have fun with each other, they become good friend but... something missing. And other couple: Adam couple, Youngseo, Khuntoria, Taemin etc... I like them very much, but always watch with diffrent expectation. Adam couple - from the start they were like siblings, so of course I don't expect anything and I just enjoy watch them. Youngseo- I always feel that was about friendship, that in end of the road they become trully friends and she become more comfortable with boys. I have really fun when I watch them but I  ALWAYS feel that something missing... THAT thing BE couple have. They have fun with each other, they understand each other without words, they support each other, they atracctive each other........And she always back to his open arms like magnet- i notice that when I watch them in the beach... I become have high expectation with them and I wish for them all the best.

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@burningwithlove Wow.  We're on a roll here!  You're post has even more insights than mine. Your paragraph about a boy who cares for a woman is so spot on.  To be frank, I was thinking about this but hadn't really formed a complete thought around it.  But now that you've wrote ^^^ this here's my thoughts on this:

When JH & his family were talking about boy/girl relationships, attitudes, and romance behavior in general, I found it a pretty powerful statement about JH's beliefs when it comes to a guy that is interested in a girl.  He didn't really talk about "wooing" her, did he?  He said that a guy would, in essence, act cool or treat her harshly.  This brings up 2 thoughts for me that go along with the previous discussion many pages back about whether JH is "experienced" in dating or not.  First honestly, I believe he is.  I believe he's dated but I also believe there is a reason why he acts clueless or innocent regarding dating sometimes.  I live in SoCal and growing up, I've experienced this kind of man numerous times.  I've even dated musicians before they actually "debutted" who dumped me right afterward.  Here's what I'm going to say about it.  They have the great "pick-up lines", they have they charisma, and they have the "interesting" goals for their lives.  They rely on that to impress the girl and once they have the girl, because they are simply so attractive to the opposite sex, they never really have to put out any effort to maintain a relationship.  The girl will be completely enamored of him and he never has to work at it.  Because he doesn't have to work at it, he truly never gets to learn anything about how to treat and date a woman properly.  He tends to be selfish and inconsiderate and expects her to meet his quirks, because, obviously if she doesn't, it's just as easy for him to find another one waiting on the sidelines.  NOW, before everyone gets all upset, I'm not saying JH is to this extent, but, based on his statement at the family dinner table, that's pretty much what he's saying is what guys do with girls.  So, I think he's an inexperienced experienced guy if you get my meaning.

Second, what JH is describing is a boys crush or adoration.  A man's love is different.  I'll use my own father as an example.  My dad was born in 1933, and he told me when he was a young boy he used to put the ponytails of the girls he liked in the inkwell on his desk.  Of course, the girls never found it pleasant and certainly didn't believe that my dad actually "liked" them.  It had the opposite affect.  But this is a little boys way to show his love.  Then when he grows up and becomes and man, something happens like with my dad.  He had saw her at a restaurant weeks before, knew my grandmother and found out the relationship, and, thus, found a way to approach her with my grandmother at a piano bar.  My dad "knew" she was the woman he was going to marry for the moment he laid eyes on her, and he made efforts to pursue her and get her interested in him.  My dad was known as a playboy, so my mother didn't give her heart to him right away.  My dad had to work hard to convince her she was the only one.  Once they were married "Wife Is King" was the motto of my home.  A man who truly loves a woman does everything for her, works for her and provided the paycheck, and supports all her desires, hobbies, and interests, and will, in fact, start to become interested in those things as well and may even join her in her activities, because seriously, he just wants to be with her as much as he can.  It's at this point that the woman can do no wrong.

Flash forward to when this couple has children, and "Wife Is King", and you'll understand better what it meant for JH to say, "boys, when they like girls they treat them harsh" at one moment, then immediately say, "I cannot do that with her. I cannot find a fault."  If my mother had made a decision about my childhood, being as verbal as I am, if I didn't agree my mother and I would argue.  However, EVEN IF MY DAD AGREED SHE WAS WRONG, he would always take her side.  I had many a family "discussion" with him regarding this matter.  Unlike how he treated women before, when it came to my mom, he sided with her no matter what because "SHE IS MY WOMAN", end of story.  It was pointless when he'd say that to argue with him further.  You would get no where with him.  That's difference between a girl love play with, a girl you date, and a girl you marry.


Mmmhmm. Yes, yes, yes!


OMG this in insanely good fun @amastris. I just loved your response so much! Ooh and you brought up that JH comment about "how guys treat girls" and then the "but I cannot do that with her." *happy dance here* :D Coz SY is that special girl to him. She's the girl who could be "the one". Or at least the girl who stands out a mile from all the girls he's met and he's making every effort and taking a lot of risks to let her know how he feels...damn the consequences. I'm sure he is thinking of the consequences, but his feelings for SY are winning this battle. How they deal with it as a couple in the public eye is a different thing. But in private, when its just them or them on WGM (coz lets face it, this is no longer just virtual for them), SY is the one for him. I don't think he was kidding when he said "there's only SY for me" in the ep from 2 weeks ago in his BRI. Baby boy has it bad. And its not infatuation...

"So, I think he's an inexperienced experienced guy if you get my meaning."

Ahahaha! Love it! You hit the nail on the head, right there! I remember writing in a post a week or so ago that he might have dated a few girls before but that doesn't mean he's experienced and extremely knowledgeable on the subject. It just means he's dated. Period. People sometimes say this means he's experienced. Not really. He liked a girl in middle school. He might have liked a girl when he was in his late teens. He might have liked a girl before debut. Somewhere along the line this boy matured into the man he is now and he's still growing in maturity and SY is helping, unconsciously. The man he is now is feeling things differently. I think he can compare this experience to his past experiences. This woman is not like any other woman he has liked or dated or kissed or held... in his life. The feelings he's experiencing are just throwing him. She's sweet and romantic and thoughtful. But she's also sexy and coy and so many things wrapped up in this gorgeous brown eyed package. 

And the young boy will tease and taunt the girl he likes. That's his way of showing affection. A playground style tactic. He just doesn't know how. The mature man will express himself in a way that gets to a woman. That woos her. That's what JH has been doing with SY from minute one. He decided when he met SY that this girl was different and whatever experiences he's had before won't help him here. He need to approach her differently. And boy is making the effort. I love that. And she's more than meeting him halfway. Precious creature that she is. She has as at ep 278 laid her cards on the table. I think he was reeling and prob trying to catch his breath thru that ep. Bear SY is something else! :D 

His dad jokingly asking his mum "are you sure this is your son?" is another indication that his parents see a huge change in how he's approaching this situation. When he hugged SY at the dinner table his parents looked on, happy that their son seems so happy. They could just see it on his face. Need I mention that that sort of affection is not common at a first time family gathering like that. But JH wasn't thinking about that and SY didn't mind. JH is terrible at hiding how he feels. And the way he looked at her thru the whole ep...it just turned me into mush. He looked so touched and gosh I half expected him to kiss her so many times because he was so overcome. I'm rambling now but its just not some put on thing with him. 

Another thing-timing. JH was ready for this. When he signed up for WGM he was ready to try a proper relationship. He's very frank about such things and obviously the timing was right for both of them. Right time, right pair...its so much harder for these things to come together. They were both so ready for this. Even their mindsets. I'm honestly so excited for them because what we are seeing here feels like the real deal.

@amastris your family story and the parallels you drew from that were beautiful. It gave so much weight to this discussion. I loved it. Thank you for sharing that. You dad was wise to pursue your mum and do it the right way. It sure feels like our BE couple has similarities...now the leading man of this story needs to throw caution to the wind...and just go for it.

@GongLeeAddict aww. You called me unnie. :wub: That's so sweet, hon. Happy to be of service. You all add so much enthusiasm and fun to this threat...I'm sure @luvtokki and @amastris would agree that discussing things like this are a pleasure for us. So happy you enjoy it. :) 

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Guest Choco1Luv

BRAVO :w00t: thank you so much @amastris  Omma  @luvtokki  Appa and @burningwithlove Unnie.. :wub:

it's almost midnight here in the UK.. I could dream Honey Bee now.. without worries..:D

*group hug brownies

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BRAVO :w00t: thank you so much @amastris  Omma  @luvtokki  Appa and @burningwithlove Unnie.. :wub:

it's almost midnight here in the UK.. I could dream Honey Bee now.. without worries..:D

*group hug brownies

*HUGGLES* back atcha, hon. ♥ :D Honestly, this thread is a wonderful place and fellow brownies are just so amazing to be around. :wub: And my goodness its late here and I have work tomorrow. I will catch up with all of your lovely posts in the morning when I have a tea break at work. Till then have a wonderful day/night brownies and sweet honey bee dreams to you all! 

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Dear Brownies,

uri @AireenYH just now asked me if I could pass on a message for her.

Since we have quite a lot of long (and definitely awesome) posts on this thread it might be best to only quote the exact lines we want to refer to. Otherwise the whole page will be filled with the posts we just read before and it can slow down the flow. We can always go back and look for more details if we are interested in older comments anyway.

Happy spazzing! :lol:

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Do you see a pattern here?   JH talks it up, SY makes it happen.  At her own pace.   She has never backed down from any skinship from him except a lip kiss.   She may squeal or squeak when he does these things to her, but in the long run she is usually hoping for it and anticipating it.  And the lip kiss (my personal opinion) he could have done any 'romantic' time after the Ceci shoot.  when they finally do, I fully expect her to say she's been waiting for it since....Japan, Ceci shoot, Busan, whenever.  Every time he has cornered her she looks at his face to see if he is serious.   Most of the time he is laughing his pabo laugh and grinning like a fool.  If he swooped in and then looked her in the eye like he did at the Ceci shoot, during a romantic moment, she would comply.  There's no doubt in my mind. 

LOL...we are on the same wavelength ...I said that a few pages ago :D "He will suggest the direction to go next until she is comfortable, when she is ready, she takes action on it :D 

About what you were saying and they she would comply...I agree with you. I think he is very careful not to pressure because he knows how much trust she honestly gives him. When he says "follow me" ...she will if he's serious. He does not abuse his power and ...I think it may at times burden him to know he has this much power. If he makes a wrong decision on how to progress and she follows, he would feel terrible. 

She is waiting for a lot of things. I believe she knows he will not kiss her on the lips until she is ready, that is why she can be so comfortable with him. He won't surprise kiss her like say JaeRim did with things. He won't spring anything physical on he like that. He could have quite easily kissed her on the lips in this episode...very easily...and she would have allowed it to happen. The question is...why didn't he? We all know why, but the fact he so obviously wanted to plant one on her (and she wanted to receive it)  shows how much he must be holding back because those reasons for holding back could change their career landscape. 

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I usually only post when I am at my computer and inspired but I'm on my iPhone cause I got inspired and had to share!

I'm sitting in the waiting room of the dentist waiting for my son and it has windowed walls so I can see the parking lot. A car pulls up and a young very good looking Asian guy gets out of the car and walks around to open the passenger door. I notice there's a long-haired beauty sitting there tilting her head up at this guy with her lips pursed for a kiss. The guy looks down at her, pauses, then bends down and kisses her, gives her his hand and pulls her up out of the car. Next door is a ColdStone Ice Cream Store that he is taking her to get ice cream.

My son says, "geez, they shouldn't be doing that in public." I say: now this girl knows her stuff!!! That's what SY needs to do the next time JH wants to stop for ice cream. Perch in the car seat until JH gives her a kiss or NO ice cream!!! 

This is my life! Seeing JongYeon in other young couples! BWHAHAHA.....

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