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[Official] Lee Hongki and Fujii Mina (Global We Got Married Couple) Thread Part 2


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It’s been awhile since I have posted anything of substance because I had internet issues and couldn't log on but this thread has been on my mind and I have tried to keep up with all that is going on.  During this time I watched some of the reality show that FT Island did and that show has stirred so many thoughts In my mind that I felt the need to comment on it so here is my commentary.

Will the real Lee Hongki please stand up.  Many years ago there was a game show on american television that let a panel of stars try and guess the real identity of three people who are all pretending to be the same person by asking questions.  At the end of the show the host would say “Will the real ( insert name) please stand up" and the person who everyone was talking about would stand up.  Often people would guess wrong and pick someone who was not the real person.  After watching all the shows about Hongki I want to do the same thing I want to ask will the real Lee Hongki please stand up.  I am saying this because after watching 2 episodes of F.T. Island’s reality show and all the interviews Hongki did during the come back I see a trend that is just a different spin on the image control that has always be a part of the public face that is put forth about Hongki.  Now don’t get me wrong I know that stars and their management company need to control a stars image.  After all the entertainment field is a business and a part of what a star has to sell is their image but  come on why did the reality show have to start with making Hongki into a stereotype of an american hard drinking rock star.  I know that Hongki is under a lot of pressure and he is a grown man so the fact that he can drink and party is no surprize to me.  We all know that after a concert he likes to let off steam and has been known to hold his liquor but I think they went a little too far by making it out that he drinks all the time and is so irresponsible as to perform drunk.  It was like in the opening of the show they assigned role to each member and Hongki’s role was that of the carefree hard drinking party boy who is a little out of control.  While that maybe the image they push on him time and time again, ( they also did that for FNC’s reality show) when we see more of the private conversations between the members I believe we see the real man.  This Hongki while fun loving, free spirited, and brutally honest, has a side that is also serious, deeply loyal, hard working and dedicated to FT Island and making music.  This Hongki carries a lot of responsibility and knows where his duty lays.  He would never be careless when it comes to his music or his responsibilities to his brothers in the band.  This Lee Hongki is a man who can be deeply hurt by rumors and speculation that he is in anyway disloyal to FT Island.  He just wants to make their music their way and there is nothing wrong in that, after all that is what truly talented musicians do.   This Lee Hongki understands that as the front man and lead vocalist he had to shoulder a lot of responsibility to the fans that support the band.  Sometimes that means he has to do dramas, reality shows and interviews to keep interest in FT Island high.  He has to be discreet about his private life and project an image that fans can accept.  He has to work even when he doesn't feel 100%.  He has to stand up for himself, his brothers and the their music weather that is against FNC, anti fans, or anyone who would hurt them.  This does not sound like a careless, hard drinking, no clue rocker to me.  This type of man is foremost a talent artist loyal to his music and his brothers in the band.  In the last few months lots of people have said things about Hongki but if you look past the stereotyped image and see the real man you will see the person I got to know during GWGM.  If you take the time to really listen to what he says when he is in a real conversation or interview then you will see the real Lee Hongki. I am a big fan of the real “Lee Hongki”.  I believe in him and his talent.  My only wish is that we could drop the clueless party boy rocker image in favor of who the real man is.  That image is that of a dedicated, mature, fun loving. loyal and yes just a little bit crazy talented rock star of the first order.  Let’s let the real Lee Hongki stand up.

@lindas55  Your posting voiced my sentiments entirely as well as being very thought provoking; that’s why it took me so long to post this follow up.  I did a lot of thinking, processing my thought and feelings on this. We all recognize that the K Pop industry is highly competitive and the fans appetite is ferocious.  The people that work in this industry must be strong, courageous, and fearless in order to survive; and I’m not talking about just the stars/idols but the industry leaders.  Because, let’s face it, it’s all about making money, getting the biggest monetary return on its investment - an idol band.  To do that the idol bands are groomed to sell an image that will garnered fan loyalty who will support them with concert/event attendances and product purchases.  In the case of HK, he was given the role of the “bad boy” image.  It wasn’t that hard to do given his troubling teenage years. And like any rebellious teenager, he probably embraced that role.. The only problem is that he grew up; he isn’t a teenager anymore.  And because he went through the school of hard knocks during his tutelage under FNC and endured the growing pains of not only his own youth but also those of FNC’s startup, he became wise in the ways of the world, especially the entertainment industry. Not only is he a talented artist with a golden voice but he has a strong grasp of the entertainment industry as proven with the release of their I Will album. And like FNC, I’m sure he is aware of the fact that the “bad boy” image appeals to a lot of females fans  because it’s considered the forbidden fruit, it has an aura of mystery and excitement that can easily make a female heart aflutter.  In the US here, we had James Dean (Rebel Without A Cause), Marlon Brandon (The Wild One) and Elvis Presley (King of Rock).  Currently he is pigeonholed into that role because it is a proven moneymaker. But how long can he continue to play it?  Just like he and the band members got tired of being K Pop idols   he’ll eventually  get  tire of the  “bad boy” image if not already.

The problem lies with CHANGE.  and the impact and ramifications it will have on not only  is his career  but on all his band members too. Fans are a very selfish lot because they want their idols to be frozen in time; like statues. Only in reality idols are not statues but flesh and blood that age and change before our eyes not just physically but also emotionally and mentally.



Instead of the question: Will the real Hong Ki please stand up?  we should beg the question: Will we ever give HK permission to be who he really is? ......... and accept and love him on his terms and not on our terms?

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colourful247 ig

1 day ago

Yesterday, after the event in Xi An was canceled, apparently Hongki went back to the venue to take a look when the rain had stopped. He must have been worried about Pris who were there and decided to go back to check.

What happened yesterday was that when it was announced that the event had to be canceled, many Pris were so sad that they started crying and kept chanting "FTISLAND", refusing to leave. However, they were eventually chased away by the security guards.

If the producer and emcee of the event (高杰) hadn't commented on Hongki's Weibo, revealing that Hongki had gone back to the venue after the rain had stopped, no one would have known what Hongki had done.

Such a warm gesture by a sweet boy, checking the venue to see whether any Pris were still there and maybe to comfort them?

When Pris who were there yesterday knew about this, they couldn't help crying again, who wouldn't? I was teary-eyed too after learning this.

Thank you, Hongki, for always being so nice, your care and concern for Pris really touched our hearts

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Morning guys. Yesterday Mina was on Radio in Japan. She is promoting her stage perfomance and will perform a role of Peer Gynt :wub::wub:. Through this program, Mina also explained what is HongMina means (*but she didnt tell about Hongki so much ....as usual).:phew::phew:


For detail, please search for 'Minachi Radio HongMinaCommunity' or Dailymotion.com/video/x2sb3si


Thanks to @greenfingeredrosy  for this info. She's a member of HongMina Community ^^:D:D

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