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[Official] Lee Hongki and Fujii Mina (Global We Got Married Couple) Thread Part 2


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@maruw00t20 Thanks for posting those pics from Skullhong12 ig via colorful clouds.

cr skullhong12

11373628_707077382751684_1811506599_n.jp CGp4pY9UcAA6OI-.jpg11312365_936347463091831_849702548_n.jpg

As you stated, the body language and images they projected are very similar to these





As everyone will agreed , HK is a  deep thinker and his inner thoughts and emotions run deep. Which is why in seeing the similarity @maruw00t20 pointed out,  I  looked deeper and  took note of  the fact  that these were pictures taken at  a public event with the media and the actress was Baek Jin Hee,.  I had to ask why a public event and why with actress Baek Jin Hee?  It’s like @maruw00t20 said it came out of no where – and the event is  over . If you will recall,  there was another pubic event with Baek Jin Hee, his Passonate Goodbye press conference. During that conference   Mina presented him with a bouquet of  flowers,and  he announced to the press (the public)  that she was his wife.  That was the first time he  publicly announced  to the world that Mina was his wife. And so  these pics not only project the Hongki Mina skinship but also represents the event  where he  told the public that Mina was his wife.  And so it is  with these thoughts in mind.  I’m going to agreed with @maruw00t20 and say that these pics are the sign that he is honoring the first anniversary of “I haven’t seen my wife …… and announcing to the public “This is my wife”……..  again. 

Happy Anniversary Hong chan and Mina san.  May the sun and the star shine forever brightly  upon us, the daramji dels 



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You're sooo right @MsKahili. the message is clear that he wanted to remind us the special event that was posted in June 5, 2014( who knows if it was late posting)... The 3 pics he posted in June 4, 2015 were photo shoots that replayed  his pose with Mina. So obvious!! 

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You're sooo right @MsKahili. the message is clear that he wanted to remind us that special event that was posted in June 5, 2014( who knows if it was late posting)... The 3 pics he posted in June 4, 2015 was a photo shoot that replayed  his pose with Mina. So obvious!! 

​I agree with both of you Hongki is a deep one and symbols are so apart of his life.  yes happy anniversary Hongki and Mina

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Happy hundred pages at June 5th, 2015 guys.:lol::lol:

Last year would be the best day ever for Daramjidels because of the picture. I hope there is another pictures from them. Miss them so much.. Sometimes i wish there is a REUNION for all WGM/GWGM members. I wish i can see beautiful Mina in  weeding dress beside charming Hongki in Tuxedo. But well...too good to be true unless they really get married one day :wub::wub:.


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Happy 100 pages and let's all remember why we are here.  It's all about the shining star and the beautiful bright sun.  May they remember this day with joy  and may the days ahead find them well and happy and successful.

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Happy Anniversary daramji-dels!! I'm so glad I got to be apart of the thread, Life has been hectic for me, and now I learned I have to be away for a few days yet again. My ISP has to rewire by new house and the next available date is the 11th.  I won't be gone long, But I just found time to be here again!..

I re-made this video, as I lost the first one. Enjoy it!!


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