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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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Awwww @ReemKanabta baby looks a bit grumpy - because of the potential long separation between him and his love?

@ebullient thanks for the hearts! Colours are great and the pink for moderators are really cute too! :)

I don't know why I am so drained today - the last ff must have sapped away all my energy - LOLZ. :tears:

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LOL @ReemKanabta there's no need to feel guilty my dear, I write because I want to. It was just more challenging and there were so many things I wanted to include so it took a looooong time to write.

The only thing that can make me better is the DVD with lots of OTP goodness. :w00t::w00t::w00t:


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@ReemKanabta Haha - I was reading the Japanese subtitles - do you need me to translate?? (Basically telling them to anticipation the sale of the magazine...) At times like this, Japanese is finally useful. :) I am very sad to hear he is only going to HK, Japan and Taiwan - is he not holding his fan meet in Southeast Asia?? I'll be going to Japan in June, I'll see if I can buy the magazine! :wub:

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@ReemKanabta yes I added that supper part after you read it - cos you cannot have Wookie without food. I was thinking something was missing - then bingo. He would have been hungry after the long event, I would too. You did not miss anything out despite being sleepy. I think @CrushOnHealer was asking for a second part. If there is a "Her", there will be a "Him" - but let me take a break first and recuperate - it will come. hahaha.


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Hello everybody :-)

I'm sorry if what I'm about to talk is out of place and topic.

Just want to report that I've finished reading the first 100 pages of this thread :-) 

This is a really beautiful thread-couple-ship you have here :-)  I'm very grateful for all the things you all have shared here, beautiful vids, picts, fanarts, news with translation, and of course interpretation & thoughts.

From what I've read so far (100 pages so far), I come to understand how this beautiful couple is created. From their family, education backgrounds, past projects & experiences, they build their personalities, character, and way of thinking. Their act & perception of the script are colored  by their understanding of life. Then comes that wonderful couple  interaction which looks so real  we have watched. 

That puts together, what I can say so far about JCW-PMY, as also in SJH-CHY is that they are what Jane Austen describe in Persuasion :

"There could have been no two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison" 

come to life, they are.

A soulmate. 

Wish every one of you great time sailing :-) 

Thanks so so so much for this thread :-) 

See you again in another hundred of pages :-) (hopefully I can catch you up soon :-)) 

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So sweet @ShmilyPolaris , thank you very much, you reminded me of myself when I was catching up with both threads, enjoy your reading dear.

All Changminers are lurkers today except for a few friendly visits, I feLtd alone posting all Wookie's recent updates.

@tehlimau I read it again, LOL, the part where he hurries for the stage for the couple award is awesome he really was in a hurry comparing to when he won the popularity award with JW, they stared at eachothers then moved behind JW with no rush and no care, but with the couple awards before they even say his name, when their scenes barely finished he moved there quickly, with a big smile on his face all the way and kept looking at her until he reached her, I think she couldnt hold on to his stare as she finally looked at her cards, lol, but she was waiting for him happily when she saw him moving between the tables, and she touched his arm when he came next to her.

Is that love popping from his eyes!!!! 

20141231-kbs-ec97b0eab8b0eb8c80ec8381-1eBTW CONGRATULATIONS to Bang Chigu,  who's officially engaged now, as per Cherkell and his IG post,  I guess this is a ring, I thought it was a bracelet!! @amyR055 where are you girl!! Can you guess what it says!! I can barely decifer printed hangul letters to manage to read this, but I recognise many R/L ㄹ there, lol

Now cross fingers for our Wookie to get infected



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Guest Eileen531

Wheew, I am so pissed I had a long post and soompi just ate it.  I was only able to post a little yesterday morning since I am busy with my daughter's graduation, so there should really be a level of obsessed as I am definitely. I just can't stop checking in and trying to stay on top of all the great converstions so I won't have to read a 100 pages like @ShmilyPolaris is doing now. Welcome and enjoy the catch up. Sorry not to engage with all the good topics @ReemKanabta, I know it can be lonely. I just wanted to touch on a few things since they are always in my head too.  It is funny to talk about marriage when there isn't a confirmed dating stmt yet?  But we can't help ourselves.  I read too about Bang chi gu getting engaged but i didn't see it on his or his gf's IG but it is nice that he is getting engaged before he serves his MS.  

Okay, not sure where it started but I have heard the player bit too @ReemKanabta, I think when the 6 ex gf's bit came up you can't help but think that right away and then it's contradicted by seeing his Mr. Shy guy persona.......I am scratching my head trying to get a read on this guy (this was earlier in the ship) but it creeps in but I think in his interviews they are revealing and yes they are careful during interviews as it's their profession but he really seems sincere of nature. We can look at the people around him and believe they have an effect on him as well, they seem like positive people. He does seem the introvert who loosens up once he is in your company but he would have to connect at some level with you to be in the inner circle of friends (that is not my thought but a friend who said that) but it is so true while observing him all this time. I think it was either @tehlimau or @amyR055, who said he won't go just for the looks it takes more so he notices things deeper than the superficial. Yay, I'm impressed.    So now being more popular and always charming as @ReemKanabta, you said playful and I like that terminology but many could read that as flirty also so hopefully from the last MK rumor trap that type of attraction he receives is put in its place and it probably even makes it harder to get into that inner circle.  Didn't he say in one interview he was hearing from people he hadn't talked to in a long time, I'm sure many genuinely happy but there are always those few.....  @amyR055 or @tehlimau, not sure which one said this but I like the idea that he would be Seo Jung Hoo and only have eyes for Minyoung and know the value of a true relationship and take it seriously.  

To me I think it's a no brainer that Minyoung is a friggen catch and if you can't see that right off then you don't deserve her. I keep thinking of Eugene and Ki Tae Young and @saved2K told me that Eugene said she dated with the intention of getting married.  She too wasn't going to be in a relationship to see where it lead or to see how it played out........they put more emphasis on the value of the "end result".  Even though we heard Minyoung say she wanted a bf I just can't imagine she would put herself out there for a casual relationship, I could be wrong and you don't always know how the guy feels so would that force you to be in a "see where this goes" type of relationship.......I would hate to believe that. 

Okay so sorry for the long pov, but i love this topic and wanted to get it out as close to the original post before we are off on another topic all together.

@reemkanabta, so happy to hear your husband said, this (being married and a family) was the best choice he ever made. They get tired of being in the fast lane and crave normalcy and a partner they connect with.  Security and family becomes a priority.  

Nothing more unattractive to me then a man who is a player.  Yuck. 

Off to finish packing and getting ready as I leave for graduation tomorrow. Gonna be a long weekend. lol 

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Guest amyR055

@ReemKanabta... sorry Reem today I was really busy but thanks to your update I could catch up to the latest news about them. Keep updating because your silent lurkers  like me today really appreciate them a lot.

Woo congratulations to Bang Chigu and Reyko but why do I see lots and lots of slang swearing words in that caption. LOL

Must be really one really cool relationship between them. Can;t read it too, same like you the only thinks I can see is lots of ㄹ and ㅇ. If I'm not mistaken that is a ring on Bang Chigu's finger (방구빙구링- Banggu Binggu ring)

방구빙구링  - Actually it is literally  translated as 'Stupid' Banggu's ring. Maybe I'm wrong too.

Remember that guy  that JCW went  for evening tea at Miel - he must be one really rich dude since he owns a black American express card - bottomless spending limit with that card. He must be younger than JW too  since he called  JW as hyung.

MY is missing in action again. Looking at her close relationship with Jessica no wonder both of them unfollowed everyone from their ig on the same night.

Our namja looked really tired. He must be exhausted from all the exercising and preparing for his fan meeting. Must be feeling grumpy too since he no longer can spend as much time as he wishes with that someone who loves to travel and making their time spend together even less.

@Eileen531 Eileen lovely post you wrote and congratulation for your daughter's graduation. You must be on cloud nine right  now (but it is hard not to care about this couple even when we were really busy right.lol)

About being accused as a player, I take that the one that accused him as a player is the same type of person who accused him as a liar just because he said he was close to MY in SOHU interview.  By admitting to being close to MY,  indirectly  their  so called theory of them being awkward in BTSs no longer valid.  His confession was not accordance with their line of thinking.  To justify their theory,  they said JCW was forced to lie to promote Healer. The funny thing was healer already ended at that time.

About that scandal,  my first thought was may be just maybe JW was a bit friendly with her or maybe was a little playful   a long time ago since she was a friend of a friend . But at that time, our JW was not yet famous like nowadays so that little miss didn't really pay attention to him. If not why did she try to trap LJK using acting advice as excuses in 2012, why didn't ask JW, her friend for acting lesson if their interactions as friends were genuine. Now since he is getting famous, she thought she could use him.  If JCW is a player as some claimed he is, then why the need to crush the gossip in a blink of an eye.  He should just keep quiet to upgrade his portfolio of dating news - what is one more after that six girlfriends right? X Miss K some more.   But contrary to that, he was angry even if he tried not to show it and there was one time his face showed contempt when he was explaining about that scandal. Contempt face is when our face reactions are not symmetrical.



This is around 3:17-18 s in a split second when he was explaining about the so called couple key pendant. Contempt - one raised eyebrow, flat/thin mouth and the face expression is not symmetry. It seemed like he loathed the idea that he needed to even talk about that thing. Even if he laughed a lot when he talked about it, didn't mean that he was not angry.

So being a player really doesn't suit him. I think for accusing him as a player is a bit insulting to his mother who woke up every morning at 3 am to pray for her son happiness and health. His mother , aunts and grandmother  make an excellent job raising a very fine, a deep thinker  and considerate young man. I don't think he will intentionally disrespect anybody at all especially women.


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Guest amyR055

@Odankltha - hi...:D. I thought this a deserted island already. hahahah

opsss now I know what is the feeling soompi ate our long post.:sweatingbullets:

A little bit off topic. SIG and Sunny are dating? Even if their agencies denied it but at least there is rumor about it.

MY even SIG is dating, won't you give us a hint too. Just a picture will do just like that 5 hours drive beach - just that one picture we could interpret it in 1000 ways. No harm done right. lol


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Mianhae.. My net provider really suck in last 2 days. I cant even used my BBM and other app related to net.


Yes @ReemKanabta that was the same bracelet but I talked about the other bracelet the white one?? Was it like a pearl bracelet?? Or my eyes mistake??

@amyR055 Hi.. Hehehe.. U caught me..

My pov: lately our couple being so carefully.. U can see. Its already 2 time or more? We got ig update about uri captain from his friend not from himself. And yesterday he going to jinju?? He didnt update his ig. Before he always update whenever he had a project. 

But his mood when he sing a song.. Ommooo.. He dont want to make another rush. So he using his friend ig to express his feeling?? So suspicious..

@tehlimau another great story..

@Eileen531 Congrats for ur daughter's graduation..

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Guest Keemanjy

Boy this new thing is hard to navigate. It just keeps reloading and reloading..... That's it for me, I will comeback when it's easier, I just don't have much patience with the reloading thingy. So goodbye for now, will be back in a few months. Enjoy ladies and have a wonderful summer. 


Bye all!

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