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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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Woah,you ladies are good..like really good with body languages.I enjoy reading your analysis and "CSI-ing". Are you guys sure you ain't detectives?hmmm..if u ain't,do consider it. Lol 

 I love this thread so much. We all drown in d delulu pool but we still find a way to snap back to reality(well I do). No matter how I try not to get too deep,I find myself being drawn back.is this normal?

Recently,I was talking to my bestie at work about healer and the chemistry between them.And everytime,she would roll her eyes at me and tell me to snap out of it.Last week I was watching healer(she came around for d weekend) and she joined me to watch it(twas episode 15),all of a sudden she was like "are u kidding me?are these guys acting or making use of their relationship in this scene?"I was like "huh?" she then said and I quote,"The relationship between this two is explosive.she's so lucky to have a bf like him.Who gave the rules for actors in a relationship to act together huh?this isn't normal."I was dumbstruck and I told her healer is d 1st show where they met for d 1st time And they havnt met before. She scoffed,gave me d evil eye and said,"don't believe everything u read in d media.These two are totally in a relationship".I couldnt argue anymore.how could I explain it to her.she wouldn't believe me BUT I was screaming internally cuz she noticed d chemistry at 1st glance.

Oh Changmin,pls be REAL.if u already are,I wish u all the happiness from my heart.

I'm gonna show her the kbs clips and see if she can notice anything.will share with you guys.

Sorry for d long post.hehehe.


​Oh dear, yes please share her thoughts with us, thats what I love, people who doesn't know them, thinking these two are an item :wub: as for drowning in delulu pool, I was much saner before getting so much clues from these two, and reading their body language!, I didn't know I can read people before , Lol, I love to observe and analyse but didn't know I had this in me, wanting to read every single thing they do :phew:

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LOL @ReemKanabta I think there is a VERY high chance for them to leave the awards together - but its to return to the film set, because they are still busy filming. While I would love for them to go for supper together, I don't think their schedule allows for that - we can continue to fantasize though.

Yes when you are free to let me know the sequence of the exact KBS events (when did they receive their own awards, couple awards, when was JCW interviewed, etc.....) That would definitely be helpful in constructing a narrative. :wub:


Edited by tehlimau
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​Oh dear, yes please share her thoughts with us, thats what I love, people who doesn't know them, thinking these two are an item :wub: as for drowning in delulu pool, I was much saner before getting so much clues from these two, and reading their body language!, I didn't know I can read people before , Lol, I love to observe and analyse but didn't know I had this in me, wanting to read every single thing they do :phew:

Trust me,I will.it was quite surprising the way she said it.Shes not a kdrama fan  .she dint even watch d whole episode with me,she just said what she wanted to say and "dropped the Mic".lol twill be a lil hard to make her analyse d awards but I will still show her cuz an opinion from sum1 who doesn't watch dramas is very honest(we are both biologists but I still find time for fun lol).

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@tehlimau I already have an idea about the awards sequence, and I will let you know for sure when I confirm it, but to return to the film set would be torture it was after 1 am for God's sake, they might just go home for a couple of hours to sleep, unless they would be sleeping on set, then by all means, go for it :D, and I know about the chances of supper are minimum, but they can grab a bite to go on their way, from one of the many stalls in Seoul, they can eat in their moving vans, just imagine them seated there together :rolleyes: I heard celebrity date in their vans sometimes, kekekeke

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Annyeong @All !!!   Been trying to sneak in just to read updates from time to time when I had chances (sorry work mtngs is taking my ample time ... :(

Nice to read all of your povs and so relieving to watch all the gifs and vids shared by everyone...

Maybe a penny from my thoughts to @All ? 

1.) KBS Awards -  wae o wae ...  they didn't get to walk TOGETHER ...?  I am picturing how they'll be walking, their reactions... but alas!  all blurry :(   maybe, it was meant to be coz their 'exploding chemistry'  is still being pruned stronger by Destiny?

His 'smiles' and facial expressions didn't hide anything from anyone who knows how to read people...  same with pmy's

'body languages' ?  I will isolate just one... "meeting and he held her waist (is it?) and she held his arm...  NO ONE would ever think by just looking at it,  these two are definitely  'in to each other'  ... (Wookie and Minyoung sshi,  when you get to read this... I know and am pretty sure,  you'll only both smile, right?  Why?  coz even seeing that from another couple,  you both know... there's more to it than just holding each other.  And why oh Wookie?  did you whisper something without looking at her?  I wonder... such closeness did already exist ... 

2.)  All the looks and glances of JCW towards PMY,  are 'full of adoration' ..

I'll stop at that for now... got to go back doing work...

Wait!  please tell me, chinggus...  when was wookie's face like worried after that trip ...?  before the 'not to be namedsss'' occurred?  (I really have something I strongly felt during those times....just remember I've said that statement... one day when everything is more clear,  God willing, I'll share that intuitive thought I had that very moment...)

Take care @All !  and praying everyone is good and healthy... :) 


Wookie!  Minyoung sshi!  May 20 and June 20 ....  even in travel skeds, you are same? :):):)  Missing you much, ChangMin :(:(:(

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Chinggus!  I forgot this... 

End of June, the dvds will be out... God willing no more delays... but on the other hand, I believe it's blessing in disguise? :) 

Before the year ends,  Healer drama would have been viewed in different countries thru tv telecasts and houses thru our dvds and blu rays... do I foresee an 'explosive' increase of ChangMin shippers ?  What yah think chinggus and unnies?

Think about it,  we're almost half of the year and yet,  the intensity of our desire to see the realization of ChangMin as a real couple gets even stronger and stronger... for others,  they'll only see it yet once they've watched it.. but for us, we are treading the same timeline as ChangMin although, we are only seeing  the 'what we have the right to see'  but don't you feel it?  ChangMin appreciates our being there, right Wookie? Minyoung sshi?

Goodness,  what am I saying... my delulu... ok..ok... really will go now... ciao @All ! 

Weekend posts... Wookie? Minyoung sshi?  anything?  #teasingyouboth is my way of showing my :wub:

Edited by luvspartace
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Hello everyone ...

I just wanna share my thoughts about them. 

PMY updated his IG wearing pink sunglasses about 6weeks from now .. 


JCW wearing the same brand about April 2015

If you count its almost 6weeks ago also. 

 Thats my IG acc. If you want to follow me. Lol

Have a great day changmin shippers

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I don't know if you already know this, but for you who don't:


It was also revealed that viewership ratings for the awards ceremony was at its highest at 16.5% when Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young made their acceptance speech for the Best Couple award, making it the best 1-minute of the show that was watched by the most number of people. (Source)

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@ReemKanabta  thanks, I’ve seen that gif in the past but I was never settled about where the hand went. Last night, I watched the actual video, watched it several times in normal speed, then set it at the slowest speed so I can watch it in slow-mo, pausing it in milliseconds just to make sure I see everything happening. Hahaha I just really want to make sure my eyes aren’t playing tricks on me because as you and @amy and @eileen all pointed out, that’s something you just don’t do with your colleagues, acquaintances, maybe even your closest friends from the opposite sex don’t do that unless its really comfortable for both, but boyfriends…yes, of course. So there. But, I don’t know about actors, particularly actors currently filming a romantic film/drama… do they do that because they just want improve the synergy?? J  just trying to exhaust all possibilities here...

@dandelionjd yes! He was saying something even when he was already starting to walk past her and has broken eye contact. It was quite suspicious, really. “Over here” – what would that mean? could the sentence have been cut when he was being covered by SIG?

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@nourelqamar25  that wish for wookies’ mom to join her DIL… love it. Wishing with you too. 

@Ahpheng  i'm a fan. i think i've never expressed it before. you're like the healerites' own Master of Memes. and yes, in that position, its like he’s asking for a butt kick. Wonder why he’s on the floor? Does it help make his drawings better? Reminds me of my 7-yr old son who likes to draw in that position too, now and when he was younger.

@shiela mae Hubahib hi! You’re @she1090 on twitter, right? Thanks for bringing the info here. So she’s leaving on may 20. then her event it seems would be on the 21st. that's great because we'd get to see her again. always missing her when she goes all quiet.

@tehlimau I’d be happy with any topic that tickles your imagination but my suggestion would be a bit difficult because there’s not a photo available of it. And that’s exactly why it must be done! J  It’s when MY watched “the days” in October (?) i mean this is one of the greatest mysteries… J  YJT watched and he had photos. The leading lady watched, and there was none. Wae??? Were they keeping it under wraps, but MY herself talked about it in an interview. Did she go to improve synergy but not ok with using it as promo??  Did she go ninja and nobody saw her? Why??  Sure wish we’d get some answers… even in fiction. J

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Ho ho ho, look what I found, at the end of the awards, everyone was saying their hellos and goodbyes, look at Wookie he come into the frame looking up (where she was standing) searching for SOMEONE!!, but somebody stopped him from doing so to greet him, I just love his 90 degrees bow, so respectful our Wookie, I think it was after the waist holding moment, because that was after the group picture which was before this!!! if somebody can help @amyR055 !! I'll repost once I confirm

EDIT: I think it's before the picture, so my guess this was before the waist holding


Edited by ReemKanabta
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@ReemKanabta arghhh that photo from JCWkitchen - it kills me, how beautiful they look together. They should just start making beautiful babies together and populate the world - LOL, To hell with netizens, just come out and declare your love my darlings!!! 

seems like 16.5% of Korean population also wondering if they are together - either ChangMiners or haters who hate every single thing.

That last gif! ARGHHH #$%#^@^&

@Mauve yes the time when she watched The Days - a mystery, don't you think? Think Reem said it was around November - think about it, they haven't even had their first press con and were already so careful - why? Too much bursting chemistry? A sexual attraction they cannot hide? WHY hide?? Although I hesitate to say for sure they were together by KBS awards - they were already seriously very very comfortable with each other, like old lovers.....but when we saw the slightly awkward BTS in Epi 14 after that hot kiss, it said they weren't together yet - sooooooo... I am of the view they were highly attracted, maybe half in love, but have not confirmed it to themselves yet, even though their body language said otherwise, how they desire to be close to each other. I could be very wrong, that maybe by KBS awards, they were already tumbling together in WHITE SHEETS! LOLZ.

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Oh @tehlimau what a beautiful thing to imagine, them tumbling in white sheets, hahahah, maybe at the awards, they knew it, Wookie seemed like he did just confirmed it with himself recently, with first snow kiss, his jealousy, pouting, wanted to be just closer to her, look at this, its not a new finding, but a mere confirmation everyone on stage was on a side, and they were on their own side, she even made space for him to come closer to the group but he just followed, glued to the hips that Wookie , tsk tsk tsk, 


And that line about them making beautiful babies, kekekeke, I concur :lol::wub:, ya she attended the days at NOV, it was mentioned on the main thread and on the 

other ship, who were doing the CSI for us at the beginning, kekekeke

but Soompi is so messed up right now, I can't go back to check 


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Guest adniRose


this part is just pure gold! that tension though..

if only PMY didnt pull back and they keep staring with close proximity like that for more than 5 seconds, we might get an adlib kiss.. too bad too bad.. lol:P

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this part is just pure gold! that tension though..

if only PMY didnt pull back and they keep staring with close proximity like that for more than 5 seconds, we might get an adlib kiss.. too bad too bad.. lol:P

​I'm rolling on the floor right now, laughing hard that my stomach started to hurt, an ADLIB KISS, here here, if only :lol::lol:



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Guest charliew


this part is just pure gold! that tension though..

if only PMY didnt pull back and they keep staring with close proximity like that for more than 5 seconds, we might get an adlib kiss.. too bad too bad.. lol:P

​I WANT MY ADLIB KISS NOWWWWWW!!!! :tears: Wookie, Miyoung... can you hear me??? ***hey maybe we will have it on DVD!! :wub:


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