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Park Bo Gum 박보검 ♥ 朴寶劍 ♥ パク・ボゴム | Upcoming Drama 2024: When Life Gives You Tangerines | Upcoming Drama 2024: Good Boy


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21 minutes ago, mellinadear said:

@sara2908 that's torture, knowing fully well I won't be able to attend the fansign..huhuhu..:tears:

Actually most of the overseas fans are not able to make it.  The lucky fans will only be announced on the 17th. If you need visa to go to korea, then definitely won't be able to do it.  And the methods to participate is a disadvantage to us.  Unless the fans are already in Korea and they can always ask the koreans to help them with it.  For myself, it's quite impossible due to work.  

But i won't feel sad or angry, because i think the Korean viewers need to be rewarded for supporting this drama and make it No.1. :wub: 

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@mellinadearHugs. Even SK fans will have a hard time to get the tickets. Only 100 winners against maybe thousands applicants.:sweatingbullets:The fansign place will be havoc. Even fansign for Reply 1988 before it was so crowded more so for a drama loved by the 20% ratings. We will have so many good photos on that day from media and Bogum's site master. I wish I was in Korea to catch a glimpse of Bogum.

 There seem some  articles related   to Bogum on Naver today. Actually everyday lots of articles on Bogum




Park Kyung Lim, "The most memorable movie event", Park Bogum rookie days


Bogum mentioned on Happy together again?


This look like a good writeup on Bogum


Google translate give me gibberish. Just general idea

Rewatching Youth Over Flowers. Missing clueless and mukbang Bogum. Him missed the plane still makes me laugh. Have been in his situation but never to actually miss one. "Can I have more shampoo."

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2 hours ago, mai5116 said:

Here goes my rants..

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Okay, here's my thoughts on recent issues regarding "shippers" and the rating drop of MDBC.

Personally, i like both pairing of PBG + Hyeri and PBG + KYJ and even though i did not watch Music Bank that frequent but i can see he and Irene makes a good pair too. In other words, Bogum has such a good chemistry with any of his co-stars so far. It's not wrong to be a shipper or to ship Bogum with whomever you like but the problem here is most of the shippers become emotionally and they are no longer thinking rationally. It's not wrong for Bogum to call Hyeri "wifey", in fact both of them were husband and wife in R88. And, all of us know (either you want to acknowledge or not the bond and friendship of R88 casts continues even after the drama ended and that's including Hyeri and Bogum). Actually, i don't really like when fans claimed that he's doing that because of fans service. As for me, if Bogum feels like to do it or if he really means it by calling Hyeri "wifey", let's be it. We have no right or whatsoever to control how Bogum should feel or not. Let's say after this, he decided to call KYJ "my person" or "my princess", are we again going to have a fans war because of that? Bogum is only 23, he has a long way to go in this industry and he will be pair with other actresses as well. The shippers should understand this. I did visit the shippers thread but very sad to see all this fans war and the way they dictated with whom Bogum should be with. It's very wrong for them to bash Bogum calling Hyeri "wifey" while wearing MDBC costume. We all know that he's saying that as Choi Taek and Choi Taek's character came first before Lee Yeong. Maybe if it's not because of Taek, we won't get the chance to watch Lee Yeong today.

They also should ask themselves either they are really a true fans of Bogum or otherwise. As a true fans, we always wants the best for Bogum and always give him our full support no matter what. We also must respect his privacy and his decision especially when it comes to his personal life. No matter how much we love Bogum as a fan, we also must remember that we do not own him. I really hope all the shippers realize this fact.

And for blaming Bogum is the main cause for the rating drop just because of the "wifey" thingy, it's totally ridiculous. Many fans doesn't like sad storyline, they prefer more lovey dovey scenes. And we know that there's a baseball game which is also a big thing in Korea. They should know that MDBC remains on the top spot with average percentage of 17% to 18% except for their first 2 episodes. But like all of you chingus mentioned here, with the increase of his popularity, there will comes along ANTI's. So, we could not shut their mouth since they will keep on talking and spreading bad rumors about our Bogum. As a Bogummers, we need to stand behind Bogum and support him all the way and that i will do to bring down those haters/nayers!

I'm sorry for my long rants, Chingus. Became a bit emotional reading those comments regarding the two issues. I'm lucky that i have all of you lovely ladies here to share my thoughts. Cheongmal kumawo!

Hello. I may not know what's going on, what this fan wars is all about but I have to agree with you. There is nothing wrong really to what PBG did during tvn's awards night. Its not a betrayal of sort to KYJ. Hay. We will never understand how people would find ways to bash this young lad when he did nothing wrong. Lets just continue loving our dear Taekkie/Crown Prince. Hihi. I hope this wont affect him. :)

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51 minutes ago, mai5116 said:
I thought of sharing it here since i believe most of us here wants to grab a copy of it.

I'm personally wants it because of Bogum's "Nae Saram" :wub:

I have not bought drama OST for a very long long time...haha.. But after getting hooked on MDBC and the release of the songs 1 by 1, i'm waiting for it to be release too.  With Park Bo Gum:heart: joining the list, the more i MUST/HAVE to get it.  Hope the pre-ordering on international website like yesasia will be up soon.  At this moment, i did not see it on their website yet.  

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7 minutes ago, chocolatepie said:

I have not bought drama OST for a very long long time...haha.. But after getting hooked on MDBC and the release of the songs 1 by 1, i'm waiting for it to be release too.  With Park Bo Gum:heart: joining the list, the more i MUST/HAVE to get it.  Hope the pre-ordering on international website like yesasia will be up soon.  At this moment, i did not see it on their website yet.  

Yes, same here. It's been quite a long time. Me too, i'm hoping i can purchase it through YesAsia since that's where i used to purchase most of my Korean stuffs. Please do share here if the pre-ordering has already up in the website, just in case i miss it :blush:. This OST, like you've said, IS A MUST HAVE  for us the Bogummers!

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As I have a bit of free time, I will attempt to give you my translation of this special feature of our Bogummy


N : narrator

MD : Person at recording studio

L : Lady Interviewee


N :

This is a special feature dedicated to our favorite top star, PBG who of late has captured the hearts of all females. Let's find out why he's so popular as to have singlehandedly raised drama ratings, become top choice for branding and come up top on all music charts. What's the secret behind him doing so well?

Is it all written on his face (referring to his good looks)? 

Let's first look at his OST topping the music charts and go behind the scenes to hear from people from the music industry.

MD :

At one MDBC production meeting we heard that he sings well. I thought to myself, he does have a honeyed and melodious vocals. I also know his voice is able to express many emotions well and has got an infectious quality about it. It is a voice that moves people and leaves a deep impression on people. 

Scene cuts to 17 year old Bogummy recording his 2AM song at home.

N :

He can sing, dance and act. He is a star of many talents. Before his debut, he had dreamed of becoming a singer.

MD :

When he stepped into the recording studio, he was like a happy and excited child in an amusement park (scene cuts to his Lotte World CF hehe). I saw the look of content and excitement on his face and I felt very happy for him. 

N :

Is it because he has fulfilled his dream to be a singer?

MD :

As soon as we started, he revealed his greediness. He wanted to sing the whole song at one go and wanted it recorded that way. This is not how we usually record songs. He sang from beginning to end a few times. The effect turned out to be better and I was pleasantly surprised. I joked with him saying you have caused me to break the convention!

Coinlocker Girl Director 

He has a very expressive face. Even if he does not talk, his face can itself tell a story. Whether he acts as a psychopath or a very kind person, he looks very attractive. He has a gentle, kind and warm demeanor that makes him irresistibly attractive. 

L :

He has a face that exudes a babe-like quality. This sort of face is a rarity; his face is quite like that of Bae Suzy, Son Ye JIN (thanks to @chocolatepie). This kind of face will make him likeable wherever he goes and whatever he does. 

N :

What similarly does his face have with other top stars?

L :

JIS, SJK, Kang Dong Won (thanks to @chocolatepie)  all have one common feature - a very pretty sharp nose. If this is coupled with a kind-looking face like that of SJK, then it would be even more special. 

N :

People have been using the term 'Golden Bogum' to describe him. What other characteristics make up the golden standard?

L :

PBG's facial features have some similarity to SJK's. Both of them look kind and gentle. In this day and age, people face daily struggles and they want to see such a face that makes your heart warm and relaxed. They want to see this kind of cheerful and warm disposition. 

N :

PBG has all the top star qualities from birth. Now, let's talk about female actors who will be compatible with him and the pairing will cause him to shine even more.

L :

A lively, cheerful and pretty actor like Go Ara (yey, I like Go Ara! In fact, I was telling my sister and a good friend of mine just the other day that I hope to see Bogummy pairing with her haha...maybe my wish will come true soon?..) will match and complement him very well. Together, they will really make a very lovely couple and she can cause him to shine even more.

N :

We all cannot help ourselves but be caught in this Bogum Magic. 

Scene cuts to Bogummy at his Coinlocker Girl press conference.

PBG : This character allows me to discover aspects of myself that I am not aware of. (I think purpose of this is to tell us that there will be more things to discover about Bogummy and that this Bogum Magic is not just all that has been revealed already).

N :

All that talk about looking kind, let's see his kindness in action!

Scene cuts to YoF Africa press conference.


He sacrificed himself so that we can all see the animals and enjoy ourselves. He drove for 5 hours straight and was not able to see the animals as he was driving.

Min's uncle in IRY :

I'm deeply impressed with him. His kindness shines through in all that he does and this brings much hope and happiness to those around him. 

N :

He's so kind and considerate that even PDs have nothing but praise for him.

Blind PD :

It's been quite a while since we last worked together but he still sends me text messages to ask after me and wishes me well. He's a person who remembers people around him and makes that conscious effort to stay in touch and shows care for them.

Though I know this is not yet the end, for some reason, the video abruptly stops here and I can't play forward. Even on replay, it still stops here. 

So yes, this is what I have for you. Hope you find this enjoyable.


Your fellow Bogummer.


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@bogumminion Since I have done the translation, you need not do. But if you can add the subtitles directly to the clip, that will really be great! I don't have any teachnical or creative skills whatsoever. Also it would be great if you can download the video clip and send us the links to it, that will also be much appreciated as some of our chingus here seem to have difficulty accessing the weibo links that I had sent previously. Khamsahamida!

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Talking about the fan sign event at Gyeongbokgung Palace, I really hope a number of Bogummy's photography master-nim fans like Falcon Crest, Heart for B, TZnim, The Day Haru and many more of such fans can go (I hear some like Wonder Gum have gone off for further studies and is no longer around to take pics). I really really miss their beautiful pics of our Bogummy. They take much nicer pics than the press and media photographers. I hope Blossom will reserve some tickets for these master nims and that it won't just strictly be by balloting.

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@4evgbogummy, thanks for tagging me in your previous post.  There were only 2 names mentioned together with PBG (Suzy and Son Ye Jin), i did not see or hear another name after that.  and i think you tag the wrong person.  The other one about Kang Dong Won, you have tagged correctly.  (Actually, it doesn't matter if you did not mention my name, we like and love Bo Gum, that is the most important thing):blush:

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I think it's night time for most of you so sweet dream, Bogummers!

Here's the sub news. Have fun watching :).


Translation credit to @4evgbogummy, @chocolatepie and me

Edit: I really like that coffee shop owner at Bo Gum's school. Because Bo Gum usually orders Grain Latte, he changed that Grain Latte name into Bo Gum Latte and I find it adorable. Bo Gum Latte, I want to try it too!


For the sake of my future, I'll have to cut off contact with soompi for the next 2 weeks or else I'll fail all those midterm exams coming up... Yikes! Can't even watch the last 2 episodes of MDBC *cry*.

So yeah, see you guys in 2 weeks!


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