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10 hours ago, 4evgbogummy said:
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Feeling sentimental after seeing Bogummy's official schedule tweeted by snorants and so will put down my reflections here. Bogummy missed being present to receive his APAN best new actor award for his role in R88. If he was awarded an acting award at the upcoming TVN 10th anniversary and had to miss it again, I'd feel really sad. 

For many of us, R88 was an unforgettable drama which introduced Bogummy to us. This is the case not just for me but most of his Chinese fans. And because of Taek in R88, many of us including myself became a first time fan of an actor. After R88, we angst over fanwars, voted furiously for him and SunTaek. Some of us even played games for the first time in our lives to win points to vote for him for Baeksang. 

If not for R88, I would not have watched MDBC even if it had good reviews. His popularity has reached new heights through MDBC but it was R88 that paved the way and made him known to many of us. As he has always wanted to be recognized for his acting, it will be a great irony if his fans could not see him physically receiving such an award for the role that made us come to love and support him. I know he will receive KBS awards at the end of this year. But for me, this will not be half as meaningful. 

After MDBC I will forget Lee Young. But Taek will always remain.


 Some biased and personal thoughts about Bogummy's schedule for this week. 


I feel you. I would be sad too if he's going to miss that event. Since MDBC's filming is nearing the end, his schedule would be really tight. Honestly, I, and I'm sure most of us, don't mind if they postpone broadcasting the next MDBC episodes. I just want him to a have a good rest and attend the TVN anniversary. He looked so pale in episode 14...

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Some thoughts on R88 vs MDBC parallels and Taek vs LY


I see these parallels :

snow scene vs rain scene

dream kiss vs sleep kiss

Taek carrying injured foot DS vs LY carrying injured foot RO

Taek thinking of mom vs LY thinking of mom

Taek claiming his love in Ep 19 vs LY claiming his love in Ep 14

.....In all these parallels, ....(I'd refrain from saying more..you know where I stand).

But the parallel that I find hardest to accept is Taek after finding that his friend loves his girl vs LY finding his used-to-be friend loving his girl. 

PDnim, how can you make LY so cold towards JY (and CSB) character when he, of all people, should know how painful loving a person can be? You have made it hard for me to fall in love with LY.

PDnim, I know you are a R88 lover and have studied its success formula, but you are hurting some R88 and Taek lovers like me as I am reminded of my love all over again.

PDnim, I can see that like me, you are also obsessed with our Bogummy and his beautifully sculpted face. This is one part you have done better. Okay, on this count alone, I forgive you for the hurt you have caused. Do, however, accept my apology that unlike R88, if I do rewatch MDBC after this bout of MDBC binging, I'll only be doing my Bogummy cuts only.



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Naver's topmost comments on MDBC Ep 14 - still on Bogummy's acting. The scene where CP visited the cell - the eye acting from anticipation to anxiety (looking at girl's back)  to relief that girl is not RO. No words, only his eyes. And the last scene of longing and pain before he uttered, "how can I forgive you?"

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There's an interview of PD Kim Sung Yoon on Naver published today. Translation below is from the Chinese translation.

PD Kim attributed a huge part of the success of MDBC which, to him is a drama with little plot line and a tried and simple romance story, to the current Bogummy craze. He said he still finds it hard to believe the level of success MDBC has achieved.

According to PD Kim, they had decided from the beginning that Bogummy will be the CP. There was no other actor in their minds. Because they wanted Bogummy, they had little difficulty getting funding investment and screening slots. To be frank, he had his doubts and anxiety as a director. He wondered if the Taek in R88 could be transformed into CP. 

Now that the truth has been shown, he is happy he had worried for nothing. Not only has Bogummy successfully turned into CP, he has also created a new Park Bogum craze. PD Kim said the next 4 episodes will be very interesting and he asks audience to anticipate it (at this point I understood the timing for the interview haha.., yes PDnim, don't worry, we fans will continue to support MDBC because of Bogummy and we are here to stay for his sake alone.)

He said MDBC's popularity is now unstoppable. Bogummy's eye acting has captured the hearts of all female audience. PD Kim said a huge part of the MDBC success (80%) is due to Bogummy alone, so much so that people are now calling MDBC 'Bogum's drama' and not a Sageuk drama or a romance drama.

However it was not all smooth sailing right from the beginning. Initially, Bogummy struggled as the compatibility between the real person and CP did not immediately appear. PD Kim got Bogummy to practise the script and to get guidance from sunbaenim (I think it was the finance minister in MDBC, I can't be sure). Sunbaenim Kim felt that Bogummy lacked self confidence and had to build up his confidence. Thankfully, Bogummy's acting took off 2 months later and the transformation became complete. From that point onwards, Bogummy became fully CP. As episodes 1 and 2 had already been filmed and PD Kim felt he should put in more Bogummy's part, they re-filmed the two episodes and this was during the Olympics period. As a result, we audience could see the full brilliance of our Bogummy's acting.

PD Kim then went on to talk about KYJ and how he and she also had to struggle with the transformation of a child actor into an adult role capable of exhibiting romance. ( won't fully translate this part)

PD Kim then ended off by saying that MDBC was able to achieve a 20% rating because they have on board actors who are willing to take up the challenges and to work hard and better themselves in order that the audience can enjoy their performance. 

(Incidentally, I just found out that this same PD directed School 2015 which had a good start but ended rather off color due to various reasons.)


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1 hour ago, 4evgbogummy said:

There's an interview of PD Kim Sung Yoon on Naver published today. Translation below is from the Chinese translation.

PD Kim attributed a huge part of the success of MDBC which, to him is a drama with little plot line and a tried and simple romance story, to the current Bogummy craze. He said he still finds it hard to believe the level of success MDBC has achieved.

According to PD Kim, they had decided from the beginning that Bogummy will be the CP. There was no other actor in their minds. Because they wanted Bogummy, they had little difficulty getting funding investment and screening slots. To be frank, he had his doubts and anxiety as a director. He wondered if the Taek in R88 could be transformed into CP. 

Now that the truth has been shown, he is happy he had worried for nothing. Not only has Bogummy successfully turned into CP, he has also created a new Park Bogum craze. PD Kim said the next 4 episodes will be very interesting and he asks audience to anticipate it (at this point I understood the timing for the interview haha.., yes PDnim, don't worry, we fans will continue to support MDBC because of Bogummy and we are here to stay for his sake alone.)

He said MDBC's popularity is now unstoppable. Bogummy's eye acting has captured the hearts of all female audience. PD Kim said a huge part of the MDBC success (80%) is due to Bogummy alone, so much so that people are now calling MDBC 'Bogum's drama' and not a Sageuk drama or a romance drama.

However it was not all smooth sailing right from the beginning. Initially, Bogummy struggled as the compatibility between the real person and CP did not immediately appear. PD Kim got Bogummy to practise the script and to get guidance from sunbaenim (I think it was the finance minister in MDBC, I can't be sure). Sunbaenim Kim felt that Bogummy lacked self confidence and had to build up his confidence. Thankfully, Bogummy's acting took off 2 months later and the transformation became complete. From that point onwards, Bogummy became fully CP. As episodes 1 and 2 had already been filmed and PD Kim felt he should put in more Bogummy's part, they re-filmed the two episodes and this was during the Olympics period. As a result, we audience could see the full brilliance of our Bogummy's acting.

PD Kim then went on to talk about KYJ and how he and she also had to struggle with the transformation of a child actor into an adult role capable of exhibiting romance. ( won't fully translate this part)

PD Kim then ended off by saying that MDBC was able to achieve a 20% rating because they have on board actors who are willing to take up the challenges and to work hard and better themselves in order that the audience can enjoy their performance. 

(Incidentally, I just found out that this same PD directed School 2015 which had a good start but ended rather off color due to various reasons.)



Thanks for sharing this. PD-nim's interview released at the right time. Thanks for recognizing the hard work from our Bogummy. Bogummy deserves an acting award for the CP transformation. 

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Thanks for the trans @4evgbogummyAwww..Gummy felt intimidated but at the end, he got the Hang of it. Kinda surprised they needed him for Sponsorship too LOL but it's understandable because we can see that KBS didn't really media play the show but remained on the "safe" side. On the 3rd episode (when the ratings blew up) KBS had clear eyes and all the media play started. *scoffs* I'm grateful to the cast and crew for making MDBC possible. :)

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Yonhap Interview) Park Bo-gum snapped into role 2 months into filming:


 Park Bo-gum has become South Korea's latest sweetheart through his role as the charming crown prince in "Love in the Moonlight," a period drama on KBS TV, but the transition wasn't as easy as it may look.

   "Bo-gum struggled a bit at first," Kim Sung-yoon, the drama's director, said in a phone interview with Yonhap News Agency Wednesday. "He told me he wasn't sure of the tone of his character. At first, he was so intimidated in front of Cheon Ho-jin that he couldn't act properly."

   Cheon, a veteran actor, plays the prime minister in the 18-part series, which tells the story of a Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) prince and a fictional woman disguised as a eunuch who fall in love inside the courts.

   "But all of a sudden, (Park) got the hang of it," Kim said. "I think it was when we were about two months into filming. From then on, he completely became Lee Yeong."

Park Bo-gum in "Love in the Moonlight" (Yonhap)

   Park, 23, rose to fame after playing a go prodigy in the hit series "Reply 1988" early this year. But "Love in the Moonlight" became the first drama in which he plays the protagonist, Crown Prince Lee Yeong. During the drama's promotional press conference in August, he admitted that he'd been nervous about taking on such a big responsibility.

   "When I was chosen for the role, I was really grateful but also worried that I wouldn't be able to meet expectations," Park said at the time. "Then I realized that I'm not in it alone, but working together with the writers, staff, and all the other actors, who are all protagonists."

   Perhaps it was when the actor had that realization that he began to fully embrace his subject.

   "When I saw how perfectly Bo-gum was expressing his character, I started to have regrets about the earlier shoots," said Kim. "So we filmed the first two episodes all over again. We were able to buy some time while the Olympics were on, (pushing back the drama's premiere), so Bo-gum ended up looking great right from the first episode."

   As director, Kim had his fair share of worries going into the drama's production. He wasn't sure whether Park would be able to transform himself from the nerdy go prodigy to the handsome royal punk.

   "Park Bo-gum was cast as Lee Yeong from the start. There was no choice," Kim said. "Only with Park Bo-gum could we get the investment and TV slot. But I was worried."

This image shows stills of Park Bo-gum in the drama "Love in the Moonlight." (Yonhap)

  Now, those worries have become a thing of the past. So popular is Park, especially among female viewers, that some have classified the drama not as a romance or a historical series, but simply as the "Park Bo-gum genre."

   "Of course, I'm completely satisfied," Kim said. "He's doing so well. Don't they say Park Bo-gum is a genre? There's no need for words."

  Kim's worries didn't end there. Casting 17-year-old Kim Yoo-jung for the female protagonist, Hong Ra-on, was a gamble, in a sense, because she couldn't act out the erotic love scenes contained in the original web novel "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds." But the former child actress was the best fit for the job because her character had to have a petite figure and, more importantly, look younger than Park.

Kim Yoo-jung in the drama "Love in the Moonlight" (Yonhap)

  "Yoo-jung's doing so much better than expected," the director said. "I had no idea she'd do so well."

 He was especially pleased with the actress' depth of emotion, which he said was displayed particularly well in a scene where she is held in prison and gazes deep into Lee Yeong's eyes.

 Even without explicit love scenes, the romance between the two is "sticking like glue," he added.

 For a drama that didn't start off amid high expectations, "Love in the Moonlight" has performed extremely well.


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