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Park Bo Gum 박보검 ♥ 朴寶劍 ♥ パク・ボゴム | Upcoming Drama 2024: When Life Gives You Tangerines | Upcoming Drama 2024: Good Boy


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Ah...could not resist taking a short break from work. And baam, I'm now completely drunk in our Bogummy's vocals. I'm ready with my Melon pass!!! And cute Bogummy photos overload! 

Okay, I seriously must stop dropping by this thread and weibo in the day. I need to work!!!

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Another translation of Bogum's Acceptance Speech

161009 ✧ tvn10 festival and awards
park bogum accepting his ‘tvn asia award’ via video call

(from 2:13)
Thank you so much.
Hello, I’m Park Bogum.
It’s such a shame I wasn’t able to attend such a meaningful and precious event due to my drama filming, and I’m very sorry.
It’s an honor to receive a precious award like the 'tvn asia star award’ on a proud day like 'Hangul Day’, and I would like to give all the glory to God.
Firstly, I think I was given this award because of 'Reply 1988’, so I would like to say a word of thanks to director Shin Wonho, and scriptwriter Lee Woojung who enabled me to meet the blessing like production that was 'Reply 1988’.
Deoksun-ah, where are you? Jeonghwan-ah, Sunwoo-yah, Jaehong hyung, Jeongbong hyung, Dongryong hyung - I miss you all.
And Noeul hyung.. is in a situation where he’s working hard for his health, so I will pray earnestly so that I can greet you with a better side (of himself) along with Noeul hyung later on.
I think a lot of international fans picked me for the 'tvn asia star award’ - I would like to give a sincere thank you to everyone for choosing and loving and supporting me.
I’m really sorry for not being able to attend tonight, and a sincere thank you to Jinjoo PD-nim and our staff for giving up their precious time to enable me to do this video call.


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I'm gonna Rant here.


I'm getting a little Ticked off after visiting shipping thread. "If ratings go down, its bogum's fault" What? "Bogum should be feeling sorry over what he did" excuse me? "If he's already dating and is being chumny with so and so then he's not a good BF". OMG!!!!

First and foremost, intl fans do not contribute to the ratings no matter how much we want to. We can't even help in the online ratings because we are limited by KBS so we watch on illegal sites. Even if ratings take a dip(it won't, I have faith) it will be because of Baseball or maybe because people don't want a sad storyline(like we saw with d ratings last week). It will never be because of shipping.

2nd, Bogum feeling sorry because he called hyeri wifey? Huh?why would he feel sorry? It's all fan service.

Borene is fan service.

Gumri/suntaek is fanservice

BoYoo is fan service.

One group will be happy, another will not. It will always rotate.

We are allowed to go a little delulu But once we go deep into it, we lose sight of the purpose of shipping in the first place. BL

Bogum is a private person. He might be dating someone now who we don't know or isn't in the Ent-industry but are we gonna get angry because of that? No!

As a PBG fan, his happiness is Top priority.

Actors are allowed to have chemistry with their co-stars and the only way to do that is to be comfortable with each other that way, the audience will be sold(and also make us delulu). 

I have been reading a lot of posts and it's ticking me off.

Word of Advice: Don't ship Bogum with his costars in reality. You "might" get your heart broken.

There will be other ships in the future and it's gonna be more headache with defending him(the blame might be placed on him if their ships don't work out). 

Lastly: BOGUM BELONGS TO NO ONE(till he says otherwise).



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13 minutes ago, mellinadear said:

I'm gonna Rant here.

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I'm getting a little Ticked off after visiting shipping thread. "If ratings go down, its bogum's fault" What? "Bogum should be feeling sorry over what he did" excuse me? "If he's already dating and is being chumny with so and so then he's not a good BF". OMG!!!!

First and foremost, intl fans do not contribute to the ratings no matter how much we want to. We can't even help in the online ratings because we are limited by KBS so we watch on illegal sites. Even if ratings take a dip(it won't, I have faith) it will be because of Baseball or maybe because people don't want a sad storyline(like we saw with d ratings last week). It will never be because of shipping.

2nd, Bogum feeling sorry because he called hyeri wifey? Huh?why would he feel sorry? It's all fan service.

Borene is fan service.

Gumri/suntaek is fanservice

BoYoo is fan service.

One group will be happy, another will not. It will always rotate.

We are allowed to go a little delulu But once we go deep into it, we lose sight of the purpose of shipping in the first place. BL

Bogum is a private person. He might be dating someone now who we don't know or isn't in the Ent-industry but are we gonna get angry because of that? No!

As a PBG fan, his happiness is Top priority.

Actors are allowed to have chemistry with their co-stars and the only way to do that is to be comfortable with each other that way, the audience will be sold(and also make us delulu). 

I have been reading a lot of posts and it's ticking me off.

Word of Advice: Don't ship Bogum with his costars in reality. You "might" get your heart broken.

There will be other ships in the future and it's gonna be more headache with defending him(the blame might be placed on him if their ships don't work out). 




speechless for those who think like that....... And we get more and more ppl like that since Bo Gum is getting very famous now. 

Let's enjoy Bo Gum's acting in MDBC and hope he can get a good rest after 18th Oct. Since he will join 21st Oct trip to Philippines, hope he will eat, sleep and play well there. 


5 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:




only have 1 more week to go.... i cannot believe it....... omona


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Rant away @mellinadear. Everyone wants a piece of Bogum. I am not too caught up with this shipping business unless it is in the drama characters. Of course we are happy when a couple we support have an interaction but first and foremost they are a real person with their own private feelings. Unless they openly dating and confirm it we just want to be happy shipping them not dictate what they should do. At least that is for me as a Bogum fan first. I will be happy with whomever he chooses because that is his life and we are just a spectator.

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@mellinadear About shippers, I want to join you. 


Thank you for giving me this outlet to join you in my ranting on this. I have said before, I can't stand this K ENT shipper industry nonsense. Never knew there was such a thing till I got interested in our Bogummy. I liked Suntaek because of R88. Then the shipper war between TeamJunghwan and TeamTaek when people started saying that Hyeri had more chemistry with RJY in real life and started looking for evidence to prove their point just got me so so cheesed off because they miss the whole point! Get this into your head, the couple is created just for the drama! Don't drag the real persons in! This is none of our business. Then Borene shippers who made judgments against both Hyeri and our Bogummy or insist that our Bogummy is in a relationship with Irene caused me to completely swear off this shipping nonsense altogether. 

Give our Bogummy a break! He's entitled to love someone and be loved by someone in real life. Whoever that is , this is none of our business and stop speculating. And as a fan who cares about his happiness, I do hope for him to have a special someone in real life but that is private and out of bounds unless he announces it. Even then, after that, it's still his private life which should not be talked about in public. As a professional, it will and should not affect his acting.

Bogummy will continue to act with many female co-stars. And of course, he needs to have chemistry with all his co-stars for the sake of the drama. And come on, having chemistry takes two. The degree of chemistry can vary but it has nothing to do with just him!!!

I have very strong views on this and had given a hint of it in one previous post. I simply resent hearing fanatic shippers say he looks so good with so and so, he should really be dating so and so or blame him for any lack of chemistry with a co-star. 

So pardon me if you don't find me supporting any Bogummy ship even if it is a drama couple ship or participating in any shipper thread. The only ship I had ever boarded was the SunTaek ship and that is only because I boarded it before the permanent damage was done.


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1 hour ago, mellinadear said:

I'm gonna Rant here.

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I'm getting a little Ticked off after visiting shipping thread. "If ratings go down, its bogum's fault" What? "Bogum should be feeling sorry over what he did" excuse me? "If he's already dating and is being chumny with so and so then he's not a good BF". OMG!!!!

First and foremost, intl fans do not contribute to the ratings no matter how much we want to. We can't even help in the online ratings because we are limited by KBS so we watch on illegal sites. Even if ratings take a dip(it won't, I have faith) it will be because of Baseball or maybe because people don't want a sad storyline(like we saw with d ratings last week). It will never be because of shipping.

2nd, Bogum feeling sorry because he called hyeri wifey? Huh?why would he feel sorry? It's all fan service.

Borene is fan service.

Gumri/suntaek is fanservice

BoYoo is fan service.

One group will be happy, another will not. It will always rotate.

We are allowed to go a little delulu But once we go deep into it, we lose sight of the purpose of shipping in the first place. BL

Bogum is a private person. He might be dating someone now who we don't know or isn't in the Ent-industry but are we gonna get angry because of that? No!

As a PBG fan, his happiness is Top priority.

Actors are allowed to have chemistry with their co-stars and the only way to do that is to be comfortable with each other that way, the audience will be sold(and also make us delulu). 

I have been reading a lot of posts and it's ticking me off.

Word of Advice: Don't ship Bogum with his costars in reality. You "might" get your heart broken.

There will be other ships in the future and it's gonna be more headache with defending him(the blame might be placed on him if their ships don't work out). 

Lastly: BOGUM BELONGS TO NO ONE(till he says otherwise).



@mellindear: It's ok to let your steam off in this thread. We're Bogum's family, right?


Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, Bogum is a "chemistry fairy". Because of his amazing chemistry with his female leads, viewers tend to blur the REEL from the REAL and "delude"---sorry for the strong word---into thinking that the REAL has happened. Female fans of the OTP can become overly possessive of the actor being shipped as is what is happening now.

I love Taek and Deok Sun. I ship the characters but not the actors. One of the reasons I post in the SunTaek thread is because of the admirable, lively, intellectual context-based analysis of the drama.  The MT was like a minefield because of the shipping wars.

My only prayer for Bogum is to meet an equally good-hearted woman, one whose soul matches his. I wish him a true, faithful, wise and beautiful love which he totally deserves.



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