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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2015] The Journey of Flower 花千骨


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Guest kashie19

I'm also obsessed! Before this drama I was already a rabid-Wallace fan, so you can only imagine my level of craziness now. Journey of Flower fills my thoughts from morning to night. It's worrisome, but I don't want to stop. If this is wrong, then let us all be wrong together LoL 

btw I've been reading elsewhere that the BZH in the drama is more likable than he is in the novel. Ppl described him in the novel as someone who is selfish and undeserving of HQG's love. But even from reading summaries, I can sense that he is just trying to please everyone and in the end the one who suffers the most is himself. Like you girls have already mentioned he has to take care of so much, and there is no one to take care of him in the end. He did what he could for HQG while still trying to keep the peace for the 6 Realms. I don't think HQG would have loved him as much as she did if he was someone willing to throw everything away and forsake everything for her, although, in a way he sort of did from the start by not killing her and putting himself in unavoidable danger. Oh, please pass the tissue box my way...


@IMOmusings I finally got the chance to read through the lyrics and if a song could kill, this part killed me :

"This yearning from dawn to dusk, always makes my face wet
Your eyes, your tears, easily cause me to recollect memories of our past in a blink of an eye.
Jade zither, flute, peach blossoms and mountain creeks, I stroll with my lord and heard horses neighing by my ears." :tears:

I could already imagine ZiHua yearning to see his QianGu and missing her peach blossom soup. 

@mangoberrie thank you for the clarification, it seem it gets stricter and more emotionless once you go higher up in the hierarchy. Because although the mean ChangLiu leader was angry at Lang GeGe for declaring his love for HQG, he didn't forbid him. The same for HQG when she told BZH she has fallen for DF, he didn't forbid her, or even discourage her. 


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Guest evori

@carmolita I'm not sure how they're going to choose to do the poison scene but you can see that Zi Xun probably said something to Qian Gu that upset her causing her to lift her sword to stab her. Also I did not read the trap in cauldron part! What, Qian Gu transform into her true form for a bit to save her master!!!!!!!! OMO....Is that how he finds out about her identity???! :o They better have that in the drama!!! Excited now! Might be one of my favorite scene too!

I like how you mention the blood drinking scene. BZH refuses to drink Qian Gu's blood, but his thirst causes him to anyways.  Because BZH refuses her blood, Qian Gu learned dark magic from this book about erasing memories. BZH would have night craving and would go to her room and suck her blood then she would erase his memories so that he doesn't remember what he had done to her the night before.

@kashie19 I agree that the BZH in the drama is much more likable. The drama shows his perspective and bits of his thinking while the novel was all in Qian Gu's. In the novel, BZH's actions true meaning were analysed by other characters and told to Qian Gu while in the drama you get to see what BZH is thinking bits of the time. 

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@evori   She didn't transform on purpose ..:rolleyes:She was caught of guard because

 when she realized that BZH was going to sacrifice his life to save her it was too late.  He choose to die to save her because he didn't have the energy to save them both and their was no cure for the poison.  So she was doing everything she could to stay with him, even if she died with him she wanted to be with him  and he wanted her to live a full life...But she became so distressed and overwhelmed with emotion when she saw him disappearing/fading away  and she was moving further away from him that she couldn't control herself and screamed releasing her power. She didn't know what it was.. (and she was also injured from fighting) the book just said that her true form could be seen for just a moment/an instant and then it was gone but it didn't  say if he saw it.  I got the impression that he didn't see it and it didn't even say what her true form was.   That part of the story  always stuck with me because QG went crazy being ripped from her lovers arms :wub:

 **  like a young child be ripped from a mothers arms is the impression that I got  **

Edited by carmolita
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I just rewatch episode 18 ( viki version ),  the wrist check part, I can't stop thinking and connecting

the confession that QG made by saying she love DF and the look on BZH's face after hearing this.

In the earlier episode, Lang Gege did ask QG is she not over Mo Bing yet, and BZH also hear this question, and also the conversation between QG and BZH when QG just being accepted as Chang Liu disciple and then mistaken BZH as Mo Bing, BZH must realize already, back then, that Mo Bing really is one of the most important person in her heart, and he should also aware that eventually QG's feeling for Mo Bing might turn to love if she ever encounter Mo Bing again and spend time with him, or is he that naive in love matter because he ditached every emotions for that many years. And then back to

the confession from BZH that he really is Mo Bing. Is he not aware that by him confessing that he is Mo Bing, QG might turn her supposed love for DF to him instead? Or is he not find this as forbidden love? ( I also curious what he gonna do if QG do confess that the one she like is him, is he gonna banish QG right away? Put distance to her? Or he just told QG to cultivate more to supress the feeling? ) . Or is he that desparately can't see QG gonna bury the memory of Mo Bing and just go to that extreme by finally exposing he is Mo Bing? Or is he becoming more and more jealous of the men around QG, especially after he got such high hopes that QG gonna confess that the one she love is him being he already got used that QG always remember Mo Bing?


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@jolin_chan  Oh. he knew of her deep feeling for Mo Bing before that .. since episode 2 when she was calling out for him in her sleep and when she mistook him for Mo Bing after coming to chang liu because she confessed to him what he meant to her. I think that if it wasn't for her emotional suffering or sense of loneliness he wouldn't of confessed. But he had to confess not only to alleviate his guilt but so that she knows that she didn't loose everyone who cared about her.   Since the drama is different from the book I wonder when they are going to have her confess?  That's why I'm trying hard not to read anymore novel because I don't want to be disappointed and be surprised but ..I am so glad that the author who wrote the book is the screen writer because the story can be complex ~ the author did a really good job writing the script without loosing the story and it's even better in a lot of ways I think~ considering the time they have to shoot it. 


The drama is starting to change from the novel - in the drama he left chang liu to find the 2  missing deity devices before some members of  the 7 murders sect.  In the novel he was traveling with QG and she had already been his disciple for 6/7 years at that point ....Remember he sees far so he knew that at some point their good time was coming to an end, she had already learned almost everything from him  so he was content and he had her fighting monsters alone so that she could get more experience to defend herself. But he wanted her to fight stronger monsters but they  wouldn't come when he was with her because of his aura so he made her do it alone because they are attracted to her sent.  And then he got word that something was happening with a deity device.   and traveled to the mountain that was filled with snow.  and my favorite part was their flight there   --** I really hope they put their sword  flight in the drama**

:wub:   During their flight she was on his sword and she was on hers and the closer they went to the top  the colder it became.   QG said," sifu are you cold?"  because she was freezing  and he said, "I'm immotal. Why would I be cold."  He saw that she was beginning to lose consciousness and was going to fall, because she was starting to wobble and knew they couldn't stop and rest because their was no time they needed to save people .. So he moved his sword closer to hers and used his light to make her warm and brushed the snowflakes off of her body... but it didn't help she was still struggling and so he let her put her sword away and get on his and then she held onto him from behind and fell asleep on his back.

BHZ had already for seen what was going to happen and had a premonition of the dangers on that mountain but he didn't want to be parted from QG. but after the poisoning incident QG realized that if she never went with him and he realized that if he never took her to that mountain because he could of handled it alone.  Then none of it would of happened....  Imagine he is so crazy in love  with her that even though he knew the outcome he was willing to die for her then be parted:tears::wub: But of course she didn't know his feelings at that time

Edited by carmolita
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OMG, why did Viki not release episode 20???! Does anyone know why? :tears: I come home from work and immediately search for episode 20, but nothing.. 

It's a so hard to resist from reading the spoilers you guys have posted. I really want to know what happens next but I am afraid that if i do read spoilers, I would go crazy from the hype!!! AHHH!! :vicx: The struggle!!! Like when my friends come over to hang out and I see that the subs are anywhere between 90-95% completed, I'd turn it on and immediately tell everyone to be quiet while I watch my drama!  LOL

Thank you guys for sharing the new OST here! I like Zhang Bichen's Annual Ring. My favorite song would have to be Bu Ke Shuo 不可说. Wallace and Zanilia's duet is just beautiful. The song and MV is sooooooo effing sad.. Every single time I watch the MV, I end up feeling sad. Poor HQG.. She is the kindest most innocent character in the series and judging from the 15 min trailer, her life will end tragically. I want to like BZH b/c i love Wallace, but if he mistreats or betray HQG, I can't.. I just CANT!! :angry:

The recent episode where HQG got drunk and displayed awesome skills in herbs/scent was too cute! (Episode 18 I think)  I have never seen a drunk girl behave like that! LOL She showed that other lady (forgot her name). DF joked about how she's not so smart, but if you ask me, she is pretty freaking smart to be able to surpass that lady. 


There are a lot of scenes from the MV that's already happened. I cannot wait until the following two scenes air!!

#1: When HQG hugs her master while on her knees. Awww.. She must have done something wrong and was begging for forgiveness from her master?? DONT TELL ME. I CANNOT BE SPOILED!! T__T

Screen%20Shot%202015-07-10%20at%202.05.1#2: Is of course the infamous TRAGIC BLOODY KISS! OMG OMG OMG!! This is going to drain up a lot of my tears. I feel teary while reading some comments from everyone about the tragic future. 


Oh and this one too. BZH is drinking HQG's blood like a vampire! So intense!!!


Let us drama addicts gather up some energy and tears and patiently wait for the next episode to air cause who knows, maybe the coming episode will be CRAY CRAY. LOL 

Edited by myden
Wrong image upload.
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Okay so I finally watched up to ep 19! I don't know why there isn't ep 20 on Viki yet!

Episode 18:

When BZH interfered the Emperor from kissing QG forehead. Maybe he did it under the pretence of a shifu looking out for his student, but I like to think otherwise - that he did't like the thought of Emperor touching or even putting his lips on his QG.


I love this scene! The CGI wasn't cringe worthy and it was actually pretty! 

zSJxIPE.png vDT4nGe.png

vlDVS6K.png mxScUYf.png

wZ1EPir.png v9PIX0l.png

fb7gCNQ.png p4Laf1r.png

n1MwZww.png 5rmaAKX.png

jP0UYNt.png Io5tEjz.png

YLG1Cqr.png xKs95qg.png

mUVi6Fd.png ncGYWeA.png

hzxbWFh.png iIZl2xx.png

LWdY1Ft.png YpCuq7c.png

j0XaAFN.png EWtYp5w.png

y5at5CX.png zkGlq6n.png


Credit: Viki

@miaka fy gave us a really good analysis of this scene as well in her previous post!

Though the Purple Fairy is annoying me. I actually felt sorry for her in this scene. She really loves BZH and wants to protect him from his fated calamity. 

OLe13p3.png 64a8nHf.png

VL5KOny.png kjPJfzF.png

XsZ5Ggd.png purEGie.png

gemKWBH.png tuO6Ha0.png

O6w7KNc.png 4N1lKA7.png

qPD9KVi.png xqjSBb8.png

zfI6VPu.png 1bsv4w5.png

rmNBZtM.png IaS2bPR.png

eXQQpA6.png clpbVIh.png


Credit: Viki


Episode 19:

I seriously ship Senior Shi Yi and TB. Their freaking adorable!

ePPp7Is.png Ah3zAdd.png

e1KV0dw.png 88LiI3h.png

RGpk6LQ.png 3vw6fox.png

ldNpKJS.png UxnPEmR.png

DJVolQR.png grJg8Yz.png

sz0mVd7.png WFSgdVZ.png

QhmM0ru.png tqE2IbA.png

Cq6FLrq.png V6RvAAI.png

FhuYFR1.png ERuHQIo.png

ZNz6bNz.png OAkc5fX.png


Credit: Viki


QG couldn't hide her feelings for Shifu. I loved it when he asked her for his hands and she confessed that she is in love but lied saying it's DF. 

r39op0c.png jycBxoz.png

6ZNymTD.png 9bY0USD.png

Ndxw33j.png KF4H0jc.png

4f1kyuT.png rkffb8J.png


pd1BIDa.png 5C03TxN.png



His incredulous expression, lol you guys were right he was disappointed that it wasn't him!



Credit: Viki

When QG finally realised her feelings for shifu, and tried to distance herself! I felt so bad for Shifu who had no idea what was happening.

wu8zGlk.png LdAMICk.png

Sroc4Hs.png dvvHz9m.png


Credit: Viki

He definitely wasn't alright! 



I think the wide shot deliberately included the table where they would have shared dinner together.

Poor BZH, brooding without even realising it!



Credit: Viki

And his reaction when QG came requesting permission to stay below with DF.

29qNQrY.png 0OlV7o6.png

qGNs7CQ.png iTlr6i3.png

geVW52j.png FE5xwbl.png

nWcdD9Y.png UPc0uDt.png

jMYBfnh.png N3t6xbA.png

Credit: Viki

LOL forget about cultivating, BZH is definitely not happy about that! :lol:


Credit: Viki

EDIT: I forgot to add these scenes!

I love love love that Jei Jei and QG relationship has mended! It was such a sad and poignant scene! Finally SQM can let go of his sister!


Credit: Viki


Also LOL at how QG thought she was stealing the harp, when BZH as someone in this thread said was just making it seem hard for her to get the harp, when instead he gave it to her with open hands.

2JBpuVJ.png sEZqCUT.png

dA13tIh.png 3FQnNff.png


Credit: Viki

Someone please give the Pavilion Master sidekick some eyebrows!


Credit: Viki


Edited by xXMzSmilesXx
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Viki is subbing the uncut version, not the hunantv version. When it comes out, it'll be subbed pretty quickly though. Lots of people are working on it. :) 

I don't know how you guys can hold off, when I watch kdrama, I watch it live, even if I can only understand 10% of what is happening. LOL. I wish Sunday came earlier!



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@carmolita I hope they gonna show that scene in the drama. I also try not to read the novel ( with zero success so far :sweatingbullets: ) because now my mind got mix up with the novel and the drama :sweatingbullets: but I think I wouldn't be able to suppress the urge to read the novel, I need to know everything about this couple in the novel and the drama.

@xXMzSmilesXx thank you for the pics, love them :wub:.

Remember when SQM meet BZH and said to BZH, "Are you jealous of my eyebrows?", wonder what SQM gonna said when he meet the Pavillion Master sidekick and see her not so exist eyebrows LOL :D

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@IMOmusings ahhhh.. That's why! Thank you for clarifying!

@xXMzSmilesXxI skimmed through @miaka fy's post about HQG's dream so i didn't get the three days dream at first. Thanks for the screencaps of the three days dream. I have not read the book nor do I know how the story goes, but I kind of see that it does made sense. The dream kind of foreshadows or symbolizes her life. :tears: 

She was a rock = living a life with no friends nor family (except father). She wasn't happy because she lived a lonely and boring life. The bird in the sky with wings = BZH. She liked him when he came down to Earth and saved her. Then she enters Chang Liu to reunite with BZH. The sun = HQG becoming the Demon Goddess? I've seen some pictures of her in red, looking very unorthodox. 1432281139395.jpg

This is my assumption. I am probably wrong here. I can't sleep and I still have the energy to analyze this series. hehehe :wub:


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 @myden Whenever you see something that BHZ does that maybe terrible always remember that  he sees far :rolleyes: 

You just don't know what he's seen...so their is a reason for everything he does, it's just that you don't know why  he did the things he's done until  it happens.  A good example is when SQM first met QG, after he saved her she retrieved the sword of abstain thoughts  and SQM asked her why did she have BHZ sword/the sword of abstain thoughts  ( because he knew it well, and  was surprised that BHZ gave it to her when  BHZ gave him so much trouble when he tried to borrow *can't remember the item he lent SQM*) and she said that BHZ gave it to her for protection and then she explained the situation to him, SQM  was surprised and said, " he's seen that far!",   so I think that they have some sort of history and they know each other well~ because in the most recent episodes  BHZ had no problem lending SQM the flow of light harp he just didn't trust his underlings.  In the upcoming episodes BHZ has already known what was going to happen and foretold of  these events when the current emperor left chang liu.. it's no coincidence that he is, where he's at now, at this point and time.  :D

And don't be too sad because ultimately the story has a happy ending.....hopefully they found a way around the regulations to show it .... But I believe in the screen writer, after all, it is her novel and she said that she wants a happy ending :wub:


Edited by carmolita
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@jolin_chan Screenshotting and uploading them took awhile but it's worth it if someone appreciates it! So thank you chingu! :wub:

LMAO if SQM saw the Pavilion Master sidekick, I think he would look at the girl with shock and say how can a girl not have eyebrows. And I can imagine him hiding his vision with his peacock feathers. girlmakeup.gif :lol:

@myden You actually got what @miaka fy was saying in her post! crazy-monkey-emoticon-037.gif

Also nicely summarised and thanks for the pic of demon QG! :D

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Guys im also very worried why ep 20 even the raw one is not yet in viki.. as usually the waiting not this long.

I just got time to watch after busy week of working and now on ep 19 but ep 20 not ready :tears::tears:

As I mentioned before, the version that Viki uploads only released 19 episodes so far (it's the DVD version). If you check on iQiyi, there are two versions available, one that has 20 eps released and another that has 19.

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@carmolita I do see that BZH can foresee a lot of things that most people can't. Like how he was always suspicious of DF since day one.. Naturally, he would understand 's personality as well has his underlinings. It's just that I am afraid he would forsake HQG for the sake of Chang Liu or to remain an immortal. He's always so black and white and fails to see the grey in most situations. I just hope it won't break my heart that's all. Thanks for reassuring me that this will be a happy ending. I think I might start reading the book version once this series is over. I want to get a better understanding as well as see things in a different angle. 

@xXMzSmilesXx You're welcome! Wow, really? I didn't expect to guess it right!!

I follow Zanilia Zhao on Weibo so I came across the photo. She reposts a lot of info about Hua Qian Gu.. Does anyone else follow her account? 

I thought this picture look pretty cool. Zanilia looks really evil, unlike her usual characters. 


More gorgeous photos of  HQG





Yun Yin and HQG.. It's disappointing that he doesn't love HQG as well! Everyone else does, mind as well jump on the same ship. haha271168-53f4b1e265319.jpg

Edited by myden
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Just rewatch episode 1, and make me thinking, BZH really can see far like @carmolita said, with the exception of QG. When he gonna leaving QG to become sect leader, he said to himself that they won't meet each other again, which we all know that is not happening. Fate interfering so much with the two of them. So maybe if it happen like in the novel

the snow scene and BZH taking QG there, maybe in his premonition it will go smooth, but fate just interfering

and there is nothing BZH can do to prevent it. Like when ZX

confront BZH about QG life stone. BZH also said the same thing, that fate just push QG to be closer to him no matter what

so, is their love also meant to be doom from the start? :tears:

Thankfully Fresh Guo Guo is the scriptwriter too, or we gonna have bunch of tears all the way until the end of the series :sweatingbullets:

Less than 24 hours you guys, and we can watch the newest episodes :w00t:

On the viki don't aired ep 20 yet. Myasiantv got the episode mix up, their ep 19 is the one that viki aired, but their ep 20 is the one that HunanTV aired :sweatingbullets:


I become more and more confused, so it's the fated calamity is actually your red string of fate? In BZH case, QG is his fated calamity and the only one that he love. Has anyone reading the novel know what about the other that met their fated calamity, were they all were also their true love? Do the novel explain about this fated calamity thing further?

Edited by jolin_chan
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