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Wang Jackson & Young Ji (Tuesday/JackJi Couple) - Roommate Season 2

Guest shiningpanda

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Guest winaitip

what ya all gonna do when you have two trouble-maker who just happen to be too adorable to mad at them  in the house.
lol I understand how Sunny feel.

smiling while crying inside beause you can't do anything to them. No matter how mad you are, you just can't. lol

Poor Sunny she's been robbed. lol

It look like she's not good at trust other when it come to money. lol
I recall a time of Invincible youth 1, Hyomin and Hara also hid money form Sunny too.


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I don't know about what other shipers here think, but I got an impression that during this episode, Jackson seemed avoiding direct eye-contact with Youngji.
Not like when he talked with other casts.
I don't know...maybe its just my delu mind (again) LOL

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Guest wangandji

i noticed that too...at first i was mad because he also jokingly didnt give her a high five after their skit when they sat down and i feel like he's purposely always talking to guk ju in front of youngji but then maybe it's because she's too cute and he realizes he likes her haha (delusional minds we are)
also, it was soooo adorable when youngji (such a pretty smile) smiles/laughs in the kitchen and jackson grabs the sticks and her hand and then when he wants to share the basket (omg the feeeeeels)

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exactly! I don't know how to put it all on words...but you already explain it all!!
Jackson behaviour look like a boy who has a crush on a girl, but doesn't wanna admit or show it yet, but his actions showed otherwise (beyound his control= ex. wanna carry he basket together ) Haha
His actions shout louder than his scream! =))  =))

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btw @wangandji do you feel the same I do that Jackson didn't really like to see Youngji persuade(seduce) the butcher? short of 'come on, don't do that to other man just for a meat...instead, le me do it for ya' LOL
another delulu mind right???  =))  =))


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Guest wangandji

I know right! He was all pretend flirty with guk ju but in the end he always takes care of youngji  :x :)) so cute how it was an empty basket in the beginning too and he wanted to hold it together with her awwwww

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but this one I'm sure ALL JackJi Shippers agree, that Jackson always be the one who most enjoying Youngji's SEXY DANCE (including her amazing cover for Sunny's dance part inthe kitchen! )
Jackson's laugh showed it all!  :x

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Guest bihahnn

I know right! He was all pretend flirty with guk ju but in the end he always takes care of youngji  :x :)) so cute how it was an empty basket in the beginning too and he wanted to hold it together with her awwwww

I also think like that LOL. I notice that although he likes guk joo, he is paying more attention to youngji. And youngji seems like to be with him.. (delulu).. Like when jackson make guk joo's bed. (i don't know the right word ) he tell youngji first.. Haha


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okay @wangandji & @bihahnn_50be :
if any JackJi disagree with us, let the 3 of us be the only delulu minds here, I don't care LOL
Yup2, Jackson flirt on Gukju to hide his feeling toward Youngji, not that Gukju didn't realise it (I had a feeling so) cause she 's the one that suggest Youngji to persuade the butcher but when Jackson get a lil bit mad, then Gukju LOL seems like 'AHA! GOTCHA!'
heheee...my delulu mind

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acingz said: okay @wangandji & @bihahnn_50be :
if any JackJi disagree with us, let the 3 of us be the only delulu minds here, I don't care LOL
Yup2, Jackson flirt on Gukju to hide his feeling toward Youngji, not that Gukju didn't realise it (I had a feeling so) cause she 's the one that suggest Youngji to persuade the butcher but when Jackson get a lil bit mad, then Gukju LOL seems like 'AHA! GOTCHA!'
heheee...my delulu mind

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Guest bihahnn

@acingz‌ gotcha! How can we have same thought? Maybe the nature of jackji shipper :)) ..and i love how jackson grab youngji sticks (delulu mind- hand).. Their moments just like only they exist in this world.. Huhu.. I stay awake just for eng sub.. Please come out quickly

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bihahnn_50be said:

I know right! He was all pretend flirty with guk ju but in the end he always takes care of youngji  :x :)) so cute how it was an empty basket in the beginning too and he wanted to hold it together with her awwwww
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Guest bihahnn

btw, Gukju was the one who give example to Youngji how o persuade the butcher, but Jackson MAD AT Youngji?! HAH! HE IS SOOOO...BUSTED!

LOL =))  =))  =))

Really!!! Kyaa!!! (fangirling mode). Oh my god.. He's being totally jealous. Not just with se ho but also with the butcher.. Chill man, youngji set her eyes only on you

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OMG chingu, so you realise it too that Jackson abit jealous to Seho?? OMG we are soooo.... CONNECTED!!!
=))  =))  =))
Yeaaa....poor Youngji she's too pure n kind, she doesn't know how or maybe also why should she hide her feeling.
Actually I kinda worry about her too.

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Hey peeps.....er forgot what I was gonna say as a Jackji/Sonji/Youngson shipper...er oh yeah....they're cute in the latest eppie also. 
First of all...let me just gush at how very unladylike Youngji could be...it's adorbs if you ask me. Girls who are too girly girl in this day and age..omg...how can I say, 
"Hello high maintenance?"
 Who would have thought Youngji and Nana would need "How to be a Lady" lessons from Gookjoo? Lol. That was a super funny cut in the bedroom. 
Props to Youngji's parents for showing their appreciation to the Roommate Household for caring for their daughter through food. Lol. As we all know,"The stomach is the way to a man's heart." Lol...though I still view Jackson as a boy. (Hey, I'm in my 30's with little cousins his age). No I don't usually ship idols this young but these two...they might not know it yet but they are on the way to a lifelong friendship. ( ie Ryohei and his Idol female friend who visited the house in episode 4.)
Jackji moments-
Talking about food...especially about the skate (hongeo)...advice for girls-Don't know what to talk about with your crush/boyfriend/guyfriend? Answer: Food! It works.Trust me. Course you'll have to take em out after but not if you know how to cook. lol. 
Going to the store-
Youngji probably asked Gookjoo to go and Jackson being Jackson didn't want to be left out...cause lets face it, everyone seems to get along as a whole but if joonhyung, gookjoo, youngji and kangjun aren't around...jackson gets a bit solemn and quiet. (ie when cucumber was taken to the vet). 

Also, I've taken the liberty of breaking "Girls, Girls, Girls" into three categories with Jackson in mind. I'm not saying it is him to the T, but from what I've seen and reviewing his actions and interactions thus far...ya'll don't have to take my words for it.
Girl Group 1: Celebrity/Icon status 
Girls such as Nana and Gayeon. For this group of girls Jackson is just a normal berserk-er fanboy. We've been fanboys and girls before...we know the feeling of being tongue tied and nervous to the extreme if given the chance to meet or see people we've admired forever. When we do, we freak the hell out and have to have a moment or two of privacy to compose ourselves. 
Nana is not just member of an idol group. She's all runway and pictorial material. Many guys can only imagine meeting her in person and lets face it, most girls with Nana's looks etc etc aren't so nice. 
Before taking on the Idol World, like Gayeon, Jackson was an athlete of a sort himself. Athletes make no qualms about admiring other athletes. It comes naturally. If Jackson wanted an athletic and pretty/tanned girl for half his teenage years, yes my girl Gayeon would indeed fit the role had she not decided to focus on her passions in life and not just the limelight of celebrism. 
Girl Group 2:
Girls who make him feel safe ie Gookjoo. It's not even her physical aspects or herself personally, that I'm referring to. It's that Jackson feels safe lavishing his care and attention toward her. Point blank, there aren't expectations. There's nothing to lose. He's doing what he feels is right by her not to mention he is doing what he could potentially do for a girlfriend under his care without consequences.
Girl Group 3: 
Girls with the potential ie Youngji. Potential to what? Potential to capture firstly his interest, then his attention and then possibly his heart. 
Let's face it, Youngji obviously caught his attention since the self introductions. It wasn't so much her looks as there are certainly some attractive and cute qualities about her physically but she's not blow your mind stunning like Nana or the sort to capture your attention as soon as she walks into a room. It was that she shared some of his common interests and characteristics. Sports/Numbers/determination.  At first sight, seeing and hearing Jackson as an Idol, he looks like a rash sort and he is definitely loud...
Being a former athlete though...he probably meditates on discipline and relishes challenges. Same could be said about Youngji if any of the un-shown clips of Jackson teaching her how to tumble/acrobats is a clue. (do ya'll even know how much discipline goes into inline rollerblading? Competitively? Geez I want to watch an eppie of her taking on that hobby on Roommates so bad). 
He seems the sort also, to fall for looks right away but I think that he's really the type to bid his time and learn about a person before deducting whether or not they are compatible....ie...how they react to him being his loud ghetto/ blunt self. Perhaps that is why he asks for her presence when he's doing something for another person , or mistakes Yoona for Taeyeon or states that he and Youngji should both just carry one basket together. (I'm giving him a couple more years to come to this realization.) I mean come on, how can you be jealous over a guy calling 'your comfort' zone  one moment and then almost forget or make her feel like a third wheeler the next. Lol. 
I think Jackson as complicated as he is, will be the first to personally acknowledge it. Youngji to me on the other hand is more poker-faced. She's just her natural self around him and so it's harder to read if her feelings will develop into something more than friendship. She definitely doesn't oppose being around him and she loves that she's learning so much from him and about him. Very accepting, even of his antics...though that might have taken some getting used to. She probably hardly ever blushes in front of him....and so if there are going to be romantic feelings for Jackson in the long run...perhaps she'll be the kind of tomboyish girl who needs someone else to point it out to make her realize...that "OMG. I'm head over heels for him." All in all, through all this bickering and challenging one another, (Speaking from experience) feelings do eventually come forth/develop and if they do...All the best!!! :D
-Youngji using Aegyo at the store. OBVIOUSLY someone really didn't pay attention to how Nana and Bom used Aegyo to bargain for a discount when they went food shopping with Mama Shin...:P lol. They got it too.
-Fighting over the chopsticks...both had a goal of setting the table. Jackson with the forks and spoons and Youngji with the chopsticks but Jackson took them away from her, wanting her to warm Sunny up since the $$$ ordeal. 
-Jackson totally ruined "Romeo and Juliet" for me cause in my slowness I forgot what Jackson was like. Lol. At the end of it, it wasn't that he was ignoring her high five. He intentionally didn't want to give her a high five. She was telling him he did a good job and tried to high five him but he knew he sucked and refused it. Lol. It was sweet to see them sitting near one another and giggling together at Joon though...that man was FUNNIEST.

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@tress thank you for your long explanation about them, and I love it, If I can I want to give you many awesome.

Yeah..sometimes I wondered about Jackson behavior toward girl, seriously, he flirting with almost every girls. I thought he got many experience before. :-/

I don't know where his heart for,lol, or he tries to ambiguous it, like Gookju said, he brings your heart up and down. That's why Gookju tends to take his attention for her as a joke and keeps questioned it.

And for Youngji, he treats her different, more likely comfortable friends and he relays many things with her, maybe because their in one ship, partner in crime, and being maknae. That's why he tends to doing things together with her, carry one basket together, feed her food, those come out without his realization, spontaneous, without thinking.

I'm quite poor for Youngji innocent heart, she must deal with the most antics boy in the world with one billion unpredictable action. Or like Tress said, she is a tomboy-ish girl, she doesn't realize her own feeling to him.

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RinN said: I have to log in for this thread. This is gold.
Anyone thinks Youngji is awkward and a little jealous when Jackson flirts with GukJoo in the car? 

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